Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017

Aaron Carter Has No Fear of Terrorism at L.A. Pride Concert (VIDEO)

Aaron Carter doesn’t want fans worrying about terrorism at his shows — like his L.A. Pride gig this weekend — and has a warning for anyone thinking about targeting him: He’s a big 2nd Amendment guy. Aaron will hit the stage Saturday in L.A.,…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Scooter Braun Show No Fear at Manchester Concert (PHOTOS)

Justin Bieber showed everyone fear would not blind him … as he strolled the streets of Manchester after the hugely successful One Love Manchester concert. Justin and a pal hit up the Australasia Restaurant and Bar after he arguably stole the show…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cher Strikes Fear in Billboard Producers Who Worry She"ll Attack Trump

Cher can’t resist going after Donald Trump Meryl Streep-style, at least that’s the worry of Billboard producers who worry her acceptance speech could become super vulgar. Production sources tell TMZ … they’re dealing with what they believe is…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Mo"Nique Has No Fear of Oprah or Lee Daniels, Insists Rant Was "the Truth" (VIDEO)

Mo’Nique won’t be issuing apologies to Lee Daniels, Oprah or Tyler Perry and she’s not afraid of any further backlash she gets for simply saying what’s true … in her eyes. Mo’ and her husband, Sidney Hicks, told us they…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

DMX Cancels Tour Dates Due to "Medical Emergency," Friends Fear Relapse

DMX is pulling the plug on several tour dates, and his people say it’s because of an unspecified medical issue. X was supposed to do a show Tuesday night in Santa Ana, CA … but the venue informed ticket holders the show had been cancelled due to a…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Fetty Wap Has No Fear About Going Home, "I Come From Violence!" (VIDEO)

Fetty Wap’s still chilling on the West Coast, but vows he’s going back to his Jersey hometown with no fear after his recent bloody shootout with a rival. We got Fetty doing the least gangsta thing possible — dinner at Catch in WeHo — and asked if…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Fetty Wap Shows No Fear ... Blinged Out After Jewelry Robbery (VIDEO)

Fetty Wap’s still rolling deep — in gold chains and dough just days after he was straight-up jacked by one of his rivals … a robbery that led to a bloody shootout. Fetty was flanked by a massive entourage Tuesday night in WeHo as he headed for a…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Angelina Jolie Says No Refugee Problem in U.S., Trump "Acting Out of Fear"

Angelina Jolie is weighing in on President Trump’s immigration ban and accusing him of ignoring facts about how refugees get into the the U.S. Angelina says “It is simply not true that our borders are overrun or that refugees are admitted to…


Angelina Jolie Says No Refugee Problem in U.S., Trump "Acting Out of Fear"

Angelina Jolie is weighing in on President Trump’s immigration ban and accusing him of ignoring facts about how refugees get into the the U.S. Angelina says “It is simply not true that our borders are overrun or that refugees are admitted to…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Leave It To Stevie Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Fear Itself

Was Stevie J acting too protective over Savannah? 

She certainly seemed to think so on Leave It To Stevie Season 1 Episode 6 when her father seemed to get in between her new relationship with Vante. 

As the episode got underway, Stevie, Scrappy and Yung Joc went out to try and get rid of their fears, but Yung Joc seemed to want to make fun of his friends. 

They were not amused as they tried to get rid of their fear of heights. 

Stevie then went to meet up with Sade and Savannah for lunch and Sade dropped the bomb that Savannah had a thing for a guy named Vante and she was meeting with him. 

After asking Stevie for money, Savannah was annoyed to learn that Stevie would be accompanying her on a date with Vante. They went on trampolines.

Yeah, you would never believe that Savannah was nearly eighteen-years-old. Vante was shocked when Stevie showed up because he apparently had no idea that he was Savannah’s father. 

Stevie kept getting in the middle of them so that they could not get closer, so they made an escape to the sidelines for a chat. 

Steve caught them and got in between them again. This did not sit well with Savannah, who grilled her father about it later on. 

She felt that she was being treated like a child and that Stevie should take a step back because he would not have a say in her life when she went off to college. 

This definitely hit a nerve and Stevie gave her his blessing to see what was out there with Vante, but Stevie also seemed concerned at his daughter moving off for college. 

Savannah was fuming with Sade for revealing her date to Stevie, but did this mean the two siblings were going back to bickering?

Thankfully, no. 

Later, Stevie and Scrappy went out to conquer their next fear, but Stevie was under the impression they were going to a bar. Stevie revealed that he would get his “sleaze on.”

That’s a but much when you consider the fact that he was in a relationship with Faith. I mean, how the heck is she going to react when she watches the episode?

Thankfully, Scrappy was actually taking Steve to ride a horse. This was all due to Steve being so scared of them. Scrappy was being very crude with the horse when he was describing what Steve was going to do to it. 

It was pathetic, but Steve managed to get rid of another fear. It’s amazing what people will do if there’s a camera following them. Right?

Finally, Scrappy and Stevie got Yung joc in the studio to get him back. Their plan was to bring a clown in so there would be nowhere for him to run. 

Their plan worked, but Yung Joc then picked up a chair to hit the clown with and the whole thing sort of fell apart. 

What did you think of the drama?

Sound off below!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Sister Wives Star Mariah Brown: Being Gay Was My Biggest Fear!

Hey, so how about that big shocker that happened on Sister Wives Sunday night when Mariah Brown announced that she’s gay?

She sat down her parents, Kody and Meri Brown, and the other Sister Wives, Robyn, Christine and Janelle — and the cameras, of course — and came right out of that closet.

And good for her, right?

The religion she grew up in, Fundamentalist Mormonism, is strongly against homosexuality, and though her parents have spoken out in support of marriage equality in the past, it still must have been hard for her to come out.

And in a seriously heartbreaking new interview Mariah just did, she confirmed that.

“I remember being in church, and they talked about how being gay was bad,” she says. “One bishop told me gay people were selfish.”

Thankfully, she adds that “None of that came from my parents. It was from church and the people I was around.”

Poor Mariah says that things were so tough when she was younger, that “If you were to ask me my biggest fear, it would have been to be gay.”

“It was something I was so scared of in myself.”

“People say they try to ‘pray away the gay,’ but I wouldn’t even let myself think the word,” she reveals. “I just wouldn’t even go there.”

Mariah recalls that she fought her feelings so hard and tried to repress everything that she began suffering from insomnia and anxiety.

Things were like that for a long time, but then when she was a senior in college, she met a gay man while touring a college, and she had a long talk with him.

“That was sort of the start of realizing this is okay,” she says. “My whole life I tried to shut it out. I was finally letting myself be real.”

“I had this image I had to uphold, and when I started letting that go, I realized I didn’t have to be the person I thought I had to be.”

And that was true — every single one of her parents fully support her.

Her mother, Meri, says “I’m so proud of her for having the strength.”

Her father, Kody, explains that “You come from an Old Testament religion, you are not excited that your child comes out. I thought about this years ago, and I made a decision.”

“My job as a dad,” he says, “is to love and respect and not to judge.”

As for Janelle, she states that “We’re just happy she’s figured out who she is. It’s tremendous when you see a kid do that.”

Christine says that when Mariah came out, “Everyone jumped up and hugged her and congratulated her.”

“She is so radiant and just so beautiful that when she tells people I feel like most of them will be ok because she is so confident and so secure with being gay. It’s wonderful.”

And Robyn concludes with “No matter what our religion says, what my heart says is that she is our daughter and she is a person and she has a right to her truth.”

It’s enough to warm your heart, right?

Way to come through, Sister Wives. Way to be.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Singers Fear Blackballing if They Perform at Trump Inauguration

There’s a secret scare in the music world over Donald Trump’s inauguration … some singers and bands want to perform but they’re getting cold feet because they’re worried it will hurt their career. Sources in the music industry connected with…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans Confirms Pregnancy, World Cowers in Fear

Jenelle Evans has confirmed that she is pregnant.

And confirmed the gender of her impending baby. And confirmed its due date. And even confirmed its name.

Such openness is a stark contrast to Jenelle’s reaction when rumors of her pregnancy first spread across the Internet in mid-July.

At that time, Evans was involved in a car accident.

As part of the police report, officers wrote that Evans told them she was complaining of abdominal pains … which may have been related to the fact that she was 10 weeks along with her third child.

Because the Internet reacted to this news with shock and horror, Evans did not go online to verify the pregnancy.

Instead, she lashed out at the haters, slamming them for not caring one bit about her well-being.

“Why not be concerned about my health?!” Evans wrote. “I want privacy. All of you disgust me. It’s all about gossip these days…

“Funny someone else comes out with news they are pregnant and the world is overjoyed.”

Well, yeah. 

Most of those other people have not been filmed exhibiting some rather horrible parenting traits, while also getting into epic screaming matches with their mother and taking a lot of drugs.

But anyway. That was then.

And this is now:

Evans took to Instagram on Wednesday night and captioned a photo of her and boyfriend David Eason with the aforementioned confirmation(s).

“Time to introduce the world to our baby girl soon, Ensley Jolie Eason,” she wrote. “She will be arriving Jan. 28th. We couldn’t be any happier!”

So there we have it.

Eason, who has a daughter from a previous relationship, added himself on Instagram:

“I’m so happy im bout ta cry!!. I love you so much @j_evans1219 and I can’t wait to meet our baby girl Ensley Jolie Eason!!”

He wrote this as a caption to the following picture, which depicts Eason kissing Evans and also touching her baby bump.

As those who watch Teen Mom online know all too well, this will be Jenelle’s third child with her third baby daddy.

She is already mom to six-year-old Jace (with ex Andrew Lewis) and also to two-year-old Kaiser (with ex-fiance Nathan Griffith).

Evans’ mother, Barbara, continues to have custody of Jace, as she an Jenelle have long been battling over custody of the little boy, a struggle documented on their hit MTV series.

Questions about Jenelle as a parent continue to circulate online and from anyone who has seen her in action on Teen Mom.

Case in point:

But, hey, maybe this will be a new beginning for Evans.

Maybe it will be a fresh start.

Unlike losers such as Griffith, perhaps Eason will be a steady, loving, positive influence in her life and in the life of her daughter.

“He’s financially stable and emotionally stable,” she told Us Weekly of her boyfriend in December. “And he’s a great support system for me, and I need that in my life.”

See. There’s a fresh perspective right there. There’s an example of self-awareness.

This pregnancy is happening. This child is entering the world. We might as well wish Evans and Eason the very best of luck with her.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Zac Efron: Friends Fear Drug Relapse, Source Claims

Back in 2013, reports about Zac Efron’s addictions to alcohol, cocaine and prescription painkillers sparked serious concern among the young actor’s family, friends and fans.

Fortunately, Efron checked into rehab in 2014 and has spoken about the sober life in glowing terms on several occasions since.

Even so, fears that Efron would relapse have surfaced several times in the past two years.

According to Radar Online those closest to Efron are especially worried at the moment, due to some upheaval in the 28-year-old’s personal life.

Court documents indicate that Efron’s mother, Starla Baskett, filed from divorce from his father, David Efron, last month.

Efron’s relationship with his parents has always been tense, and TMZ even reported that Efron’s “controlling mother and father” were a factor in his descent into drug abuse.

Despite past difficulties, however, Zac is reportedly close with both Baskett and Efron, and insiders say there’s concern that the divorce drama could trigger a relapse.

“He seemed to have cleaned up his act but this could be devastating for him,” one insider tells Radar.

“Friends are very concerned he’ll fall off the wagon,” claims another insider, adding that Efron “been off drugs and into leading a healthy life” since his rehab stint.

To make matters worse, there are reports that Efron recently parted ways with longtime girlfriend Sami Miro.

Efron has yet to comment on either his parents’ divorce or the fears that he’ll relapse.

Fortunately, the actor has been keeping busy with three films set to come out in the next 12 months.

Here’s hoping he’s able to stay strong and stay sober during this difficult time.

Lamar Odom to Die Within Three Months, Friends & Family Reportedly Fear

According to a shocking new tabloid report, things aren’t looking good for reality star and beleaguered former NBA star Lamar Odom.

At. All.

The 37-year-old athlete is out of control again, showing zero signs of turning his life around since he nearly died in a brothel last fall.

In fact, things have gotten consistently worse since his initial rescue and recovery from the overdose that nearly took his life in Nevada.

No matter what Khloe Kardashian does, or how well intentioned Lamar’s family intervention is, nothing can save him from himself it seems.

And for those in Lamar’s camp, time may be running out.

Friends fear that Odom is back on crack again, and they have good reason to worry, given his track record – near-term and long-term.

He was reportedly kicked out by Khloe after a relapse, and when she found a crack pipe inside the house that she was renting for him.

No one has seen him smoke crack, but he was recently kicked off a Delta flight for drunkenly vomiting in the cabin. He’s clearly well.

How will this saga end? Badly, and soon, friends fear.

Sources close to Odom say he has merely three months to live, though it’s entirely unclear what they’re basing that tragic estimate on.

“He’s gone back to partying, drinking and doing drugs,” a source tells In Touch, always the beacon of trusted journalism in the mid-2010s.

“His kidneys never fully recovered from the overdose, and doctors have told him that going back to his old lifestyle will guarantee his death.”

Basically. But will he get the message?

Estranged wife Khloe has reportedly begged the star to go to rehab several times, as has Liza Morales, the mother of his two children.

No dice. On the contrary, in fact.

A source adds that Lamar “stormed out” of an intervention held by Liza, whose ongoing beef with Khloe has also escalated in recent weeks.

When Liza learned that Kardashian took Lamar off her health insurance, she reportedly blew up her phone with angry calls and texts.

In Khloe’s mind, she’s done all she can, and unless he agrees to face his demons an overcome his problem, no one can help Odom.

“His body just can’t take much more of the abuse he’s putting it through,” the source lamented, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

“It’s like Lamar has a death wish.”

Monday, August 1, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12 Recap: Fear & Loathing in Cuba

Sunday on E!’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12, the family journeyed to the formerly restricted country of Cuba.

Why did they travel there specifically, and what transpired in the controversial nation so few Americans have ever laid eyes upon in person?

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you don’t need a reminder that seeing these people abroad can be a little … well …

Let’s just say that you wouldn’t necessarily pick them as ambassadors if you wanted to project the best image of America to the world.

That being said, ​Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 12 was the great mindless entertainment we’ve come to expect.

In retrospect, anyway. At the time, Kourtney Kardashian was pretty stressed about contracting the Zika virus, the scourge of the tropics.

“I don’t mess with real bug spray, but I’m not taking a chance,” she said. “We, like, doused ourselves because I don’t wanna get the Zika.”

For her part, Khloe seemed resigned to her fate, or something, saying. “I’ve already been bitten and I have Zikia or whatever the f–k it is.”

Okay then. Good to know.

Life-threatening diseases and all, Khloe had a great time in Cuba, despite her ever-present stressed-out state regarding Lamar Odom.

When this was filmed – before Lamar was back on crack and possibly homeless – he was recovering from OD’ing and dependent on her.

Khloe was especially distraught over the fact that he had asked for money, fearing that he would simply use any funds to “run away.”

Or buy crack. Either/or.

“Every time I’d leave town when we were married this would happen,” she said, which is likely why you shouldn’t marry after a month.

Malika Haqq’s advice?

“You can’t control him. You wanna try to do the best, but, honey, if he wants to run himself back into the gutter, he’s gonna do just that.”

Pretty much.

Later, Khloe talked to Kanye and Kim about how Lamar’s life started going downhill after he stopped playing for the Los Angeles Clippers.

It’s an interesting theory, as it would be the first time in recorded history that anyone’s life has gotten worse since leaving the Clippers.

In any case, Kim was worried about her sister, saying, “I wish she wouldn’t put that much weight of this whole situation on her shoulders.”

“It just breaks my heart because it’s the same cycle all over again. It just really sucks,” she added, echoing what we’re all thinking here.

On a lighter note, Kanye revealed that he has a personal cameraman to the world, a random young guy hired to film him at all times.

Best. Internship. Ever.

“Kanye always has his eye out for a young generation of really creative people,” his loyal wife Kimberly explained to the E! audience.

As a result of that important mission, “Kanye’s been working with this young filmmaker who is videoing everything that Kanye is doing.”

In other ‘Ye news, he accused Kourtney of talking to him like a child … however, “that’s the way I like to be communicated with, anyway.”

The more you know.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lamar Odom: Family, Friends Fear for NBA Star"s Life

For 14 seasons in the NBA, Lamar Odom held his own with some of the top talents to ever play the game.

Now, at just 36, his addictions to drugs and alcohol have reportedly left him sick as an old man, and his friends and family are said to be deeply concerned that Odom is not long for this world.

“Everyone is really worried for his safety right now,” a source close to the situation tells E! News.

“Lamar is not in a [good] place right now, we’re really worried.”

Of course, sadly, Odom has been in harm’s way for quite some time.

So why are those closest to him more fearful than ever these days?

Well, for one, the former Laker seems to have ramped up his partying in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, Lamar was removed from a Delta Airlines flight after vomiting just before takeoff. 

Shortly thereafter, fans spotted Odom at a strip club, apparently unconcerned about the fact that he was recently deemed to drunk to be a passenger.

Compounding his friends’ fears is the fact that Lamar no longer has Khloe Kardashian in his life.

“Thank God he had Khloe near his side in the fall,” the source revealed. “If she wasn’t there, God knows what could have happened to him.

“But now that Khloe is not in the picture anymore,” the source continued, “there is no one there looking out for him with his best interests at heart.”

Though they kept the relationship platonic, Khloe had been assisting Lamar with his recovery, until she kicked him out after finding his crack pipe.

To make matters worse, a recent intervention for Odom did not go as planned, as the ex-NBA star reportedly “left the location” the moment he realized what was happening.

Here’s hoping Odom will eventually seek out the help he so clearly needs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Nathan Griffith Arrest: I Fear For My Son"s Safety!

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show, Nathan Griffith absolutely went off on Jenelle Evans.

We don’t mean he laid into her in an amusing way, ribbing her about many arrests, her lack of parenting skills, her jailbird boyfriend or, well … just about any other aspect of her life.

No, instead Nathan chose to make fun of Jenelle’s weight and past drug problems.

“I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds,” he said at one point.

He went to claim that she’s a cutter and tell the world that she sucks in bed in a tirade that was at worst a stunning display of verbal abuse, and at best the sort of casual douche-baggery we’ve come to expect from Nathan.

Unfortunately for Nathan, karma is a bitch.

Not long after the reunion special was filmed, Griffith was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Obviously, Jenelle is no stranger to run-ins with the law, but with Nathan getting pinched just days before the special aired, she was finally to get on her high horse.

And we’re happy to report that she’s taking full advantage of it.

After years of having her parenting skills questioned by others, Jenelle is finally in a position to cast doubts on someone else, and she did exactly that in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“I don’t care that Nathan got arrested,” Evans said. “I care about the safety of my child.”

Yes, she’s continuing to play the role of the cooler head and the concerned parent.

And amazingly, she’s making it work.

“His behavior concerns me and I hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to be like that around Kaiser,” she added.

We don’t even know exactly what Nathan’s behavior consisted of, but we do know that Jenelle is guilty of laying several grownup smackdowns on her infantile ex.

But for once, she won’t be getting locked up for her actions.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 7

That was quite the intense hour of television.

Did you catch Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 7 or did you miss Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 7?

You can click on the video below to watch Fear the Walking Dead online if you wish to relive what went down or if you need to see it for the first time.

On this installment of the popular series, the family faced its greatest test yet. How is THAT for an intriguing tease?

Meanwhile, Nick, Madison, Travis and others went to great lengths to keep each other close.

Like we said, click above to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out more now!

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 7

That was quite the intense hour of television.

Did you catch Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 7 or did you miss Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 7?

You can click on the video below to watch Fear the Walking Dead online if you wish to relive what went down or if you need to see it for the first time.

On this installment of the popular series, the family faced its greatest test yet. How is THAT for an intriguing tease?

Meanwhile, Nick, Madison, Travis and others went to great lengths to keep each other close.

Like we said, click above to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out more now!