Showing posts with label Hospitalized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospitalized. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Rich the Kid Hospitalized After Home Invasion

Rich the Kid was attacked and robbed at gun point in Los Angeles … and the beatdown was so severe, it landed him in the hospital. Sources close to the rapper tell us he was at his girlfriend Tori Brixx’s home Thursday night when two…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Lil Scrappy Seriously Injured, Hospitalized After Nasty Car Accident

Lil Scrappy was hospitalized this weekend after being found nearly unconscious and seriously jacked up following a horrific car accident he was involved in … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star tell us Scrappy was…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Montel Williams Hospitalized After Gym Emergency

Talk show legend Montel Williams was rushed to the hospital in NYC Wednesday after suffering a medical emergency during a workout at a local gym … TMZ has learned.  The good news … we’re told he’s doing well and expects to be discharged…


Sunday, May 27, 2018

George H.W. Bush Hospitalized For Low Blood Pressure and Fatigue

George H.W. Bush is in the hospital again … just one month after he was there following his wife’s death.  Bush Sr.’s spokesperson said Sunday the former president had been hospitalized at South Maine Health Care in Biddeford after…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Offset Hospitalized After Car Crash

Offset totally destroyed his muscle car, and got a little banged up himself in the process … TMZ has learned. The Migos rapper wrecked his green Dodge Challenger late Wednesday night in Atlanta, and had to be taken to a hospital afterward for…


Meghan Markle"s Sister: Hospitalized After Car Wreck

As the Royal Wedding looms closer, it has appeared that Meghan Markle’s awful sister will never stop saying hateful things about Meghan and, well, everything else.

But something has given Samantha Grant pause.

She has been hospitalized with multiple injuries following a car accident.

TMZ reports that Samantha Grant was hospitalized with what they say appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee.

What’s more, this comes after an alleged confrontation with the paparazzi — or at least one paparazzo.

According to Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, the two were driving in Florida near a toll booth when this happened.

it is Mark who describes this as a “paparazzi confrontation.”

Allegedly, a paparazzo veered in front of them in the hopes of getting a clear shot with his camera.

Mark says that he then swerved to the left to avoid a collision.

He was successful in avoiding the photographer … but ended up running into a concrete barrier.

Mark says that Samantha hit the windshield on impact — and then fell to the floor mat.

(We would hope that she and everyone else on the planet always wears a seatbelt, so we’d love an explanation for how that happened)

Samantha has MS, and was unable to lift herself up from the floorboard.

She says that her foot was twisted backwards. We can’t even imagine how that would look, but it sure sounds painful.

Mark says that the paparazzo fled the scene.

We have to keep in mind that, so far, we only know Mark (and, we suppose, Samantha’s) version of events.

We don’t yet know the full story of what happened.

Obviously, conspiracy theorists always like to run wild — but no, Queen Elizabeth II did not arrange this.

Outside of fictional settings like Grimm, the British royal family only wields as much power as your average millionaire dynasty who plays an anachronistic ceremonial role in government.

Though we’re sure that the Queen would do anything to make her grandson’s wedding perfect, this was not a hit.

Sometimes, accidents happen.

Especially when an alleged overeager photographer is pursuing a vehicle.

Given the way in which Prince Harry and Prince William tragically lost their mother at a heartbreakingly young age, this is something that the Royals know better than most.

Mark of course drove Samantha to the E.R. for treatment, but a broken ankle can take months of recovery.

Based upon the description of her injuries, it seems likely that she’ll have metal surgically implanted to keep her ankle break from repeating.

Ankle injuries are nasty, and once they are severely injured, conventional wisdom says that they are never the same again.

We don’t know if MS will complicate Samantha’s injuries or her recovery.

We also don’t know if she has any other, less obvious injuries from what sounds like a frightening collision.

We know that there is clearly no love lost between Samantha and Meghan.

But that doesn’t mean that Meghan is looking out a palace window somewhere like a dramatic villain, gleefully celebrating her detractor’s injury.

Obviously, Meghan is getting married in two days.

Additionally, Meghan Markle’s father’s heart attack has her concerned for his health, and has left the family scrambling to make new arrangements since he can no longer attend.

She has a lot on her plate, and honestly, this news is probably just another distraction.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Samantha Hospitalized with Possible Broken Ankle

Meghan Markle’s half sister, Samantha, is in the hospital after suffering what appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee after a confrontation with the paparazzi … TMZ has learned. Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, tells TMZ, they were…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Melania Trump Hospitalized for Kidney Surgery

Melania Trump is hospitalized, and will be for several days, after having surgery Monday morning on her kidney. The First Lady had a procedure called embolization done at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Embolization is considered a…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Johnny Manziel Hospitalized In Texas Over Rx Meds

Johnny Manziel was hospitalized Monday night in Texas, TMZ Sports has learned.  Sources connected to the QB tell us … he was admitted to a hospital in Humble, TX on Monday. He had been in the area to attend the JMBLYA concert with friends…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Amy Schumer Hospitalized, Releases Statement on Her Health

Has this week worn you out? Amy Schumer’s had it worse.

The comedian has taken to social media to reveal that she’s spent the past five days in the hospital.

This is serious.

Beside a series of photos that show Amy in a hospital bed, she writes:

“Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. I was hospitalized for 5 days with a horrible kidney infection.”

That is not good.

“I want to give a big thank you to the doctors, the bad ass nurses, also my husband who’s name is, i want to say, Chris?”

Her husband’s name is, in fact, Chris Fischer. The two got married back in February. Famously, Amy’s vows included a promise to continue blowing him.

“And my sisters Kimby and mol who have been by my side the whole time.”

They must be very concerned for her. And of course they are — they love her.

She then speaks to her fans:

“I wanted to share this with you because this is sexy as hell.”

On a more serious note, she wants to apologize for having to cancel.

“But mostly because I was meant to go to London for the opening of I Feel Pretty and my doctors have told me that’s a no go.”

I Feel Pretty, of course, is a new film starring Amy Schumer, Emily Ratajkowski, and Michelle Williams.

“I’m really disappointed selfishly to miss this trip because I love London and Europe in general and all the great people (food) there.”

(In my experience, food in the US tends to taste better than most of what you’ll find in Europe, but … Amy has a brand to maintain)

“But I need to put my health first.”

Of course.

Amy Schumer Hospital Room Snap

She wants to express her gratitude.

“I am so grateful for all the support the movie is getting.”

She almost starts to sound a little (understandably) loopy, though it’s hard to tell if it’s just Amy Schumer being Amy Schumer or if her illness and stay in the hospital are taking its toll.

“I hope people check it out in England and everywhere else in the world.”

Is it weird that it’s kind of touching that she’s plugging her movie from her hospital bed?

“It’s sweet and fun and you will walk out feeling better.”

Naturally, we all hope that she feels better, too.

“Which is something I hope to feel soon too.”

Amy Schumer Replies of Worry

Amy immediately received an outpouring of support.

From regular fans, and from celebrities.

Andy Cohen, Amber Rose, Octavia Spencer, Tan France (from Queer Eye), Reese Witherspoon, and Busy Phillips were among the fellow stars who wish her well.

And those are, of course, just the public messages.

(Our favorite has to be Andy offering to send Sonja Morgan to sing to her)

Some especially cynical folks might be tempted to theorize that Amy is exaggerating the situation to promote her movie.

While it’s true that she does give the film a boost in her captions, she’s doing that because she can’t actually be there at the premiere.

And, you know, she stars in the movie. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.

We don’t know what kind of kidney infection it is, only that it caused her to remain in the hospital for five days.

We wish Amy Schumer a full, speedy recovery.


Amy Schumer Hospitalized with Kidney Infection

Amy Schumer’s spent the week in the hospital with a kidney infection, and she’s still in recovery mode … which means her job is taking a back seat for now. The comedian says she was supposed to travel to London for the opening of her new movie,…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

George H.W. Bush: Hospitalized 24 Hours After Wife"s Funeral

Just one day after laying his wife of 73 years to rest, George H.W. Bush is in intensive care.

A spokesman for the former President named Jim McGrath said in a statement that the 93-year, “was admitted to the Houston Methodist Hospital yesterday morning after contracting an infection that spread to his blood.”

Continues this update:

“He is responding to treatments and appears to be recovering. We will issue additional updated as events warrant.”

The troubling news of the 41st president’s hospitalization has been made public just two days after the funeral of Barbara Bush, an dvent that took place on April 21 and which was attended by members of the Bush family, Melania Trump, Barack and Michelle Obama.

President Donald Trump chose not to pay his respects in person.

The funeral took place on the grounds of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Mrs. Bush, one of the most respected First Ladies of her era, died last week at the age of 92 after being placed in hospice care.

Said her husband of over seven decades after his wife passed away:

“I always knew Barbara was the most beloved woman in the world, and in fact I used to tease her that I had a complex about that fact.

“But the truth is the outpouring of love and friendship being directed at The Enforcer is lifting us all up.

“We have faith she is in heaven, and we know life will go on – as she would have it. So cross the Bushes off your worry list.”

Barbara Bush also left behind her brother, Scott Pierce, 17 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Tweeted McGrath prior to the funeral on Saturday:

To honor his wife of 73 years and her commitment to family literacy, for which she raised over $ 110 million over the course of over 30 years, @GeorgeHWBush will be wearing a pair of socks festooned with books at today’s funeral service for former First Lady Barbara Bush.

The elder George Bush, meanwhile, is the oldest living former president.

He has battled a handful of health problems over recent years.

Bush was admitted to the hospital twice last year.

In January, he ended up in the ICU for an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia.

Three months later, he was hospitalized “for observation due to a persistent cough that prevented him from getting proper rest.”

Elsewhere, the ex-president’s longtime chief of staff, Jean Becker, said Bush is “broken-hearted” over the loss of his wife.

“So many of you are asking, ‘How is 41?’ He, of course, is broken-hearted to lose his beloved Barbara, his wife of 73 years,” Becker wrote in a statement on Tuesday night, adding:

“He held her hand all day today and was at her side when [she] left this good earth.

Obviously, this is a very challenging time. But it will not surprise all of you who know and love him, that he also is being stoic and strong, and is being lifted up by his large and supportive family.

“He is determined to be there for them as well. He appreciates all the well wishes and support.

Our thoughts go out to this family during this challenging time.


Monday, April 23, 2018

President George H.W. Bush Hospitalized 1 Day After Barbara"s Funeral

Former president George H.W. Bush has been hospitalized in Houston, just one day after his wife of 73 years was laid to rest. A Bush rep says he contracted an infection that spread to his blood. The 93-year-old former President has suffered a…


President George H.W. Bush Hospitalized 1 Day After Barbara"s Funeral

Former president George H.W. Bush has been hospitalized in Houston, just one day after his wife of 73 years was laid to rest. A Bush rep says he contracted an infection that spread to his blood. The 93-year-old former President has suffered a…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Verne Troyer Hospitalized for Suicidal Behavior, Alcohol Poisoning

Verne Troyer is an actor, stunt performer, and a comedian. Also, he once filmed a guy getting tasered at the airport. He’s a treat to follow on social media.

Unfortunately, he’s now been placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold after his loved ones worried that he might take his own life.

His team has released a statement.

TMZ reports that, on Monday night, police rushed to Verne Troyer’s home upon learning that the actor was allegedly suicidal.

The actor and comedian, who is known for many roles but is perhaps most recognizable for having portrayed Mini Me in Austin Powers, was reportedly also extremely upset and drunk.

His friends were concerned, and placed a call to police at 7:30 in the evening.

Troyer was taken the hospital for possible alcohol poisoning, and is under a 72-hour observation.

His team posted a message on Instagram.

Verne Troyer Message April 2018

They know that many fans keep up with the news and would eventually see the report about Troyer.

“Asking you to keep Verne in your thoughts and prayers.”

Of course.

“He’s getting the best care possible and is resting comfortably.”

That is very good to hear. This is a frightening situation.

“Appreciate the support from family, friends, and fans around the world.”

And they say that they’ll tell people more once they know more.

“We will keep you updated here.”

Sadly, as fans of Verne Troyer are all too aware, this is not the first time that he has had difficulties with his health.

It was almost exactly one year ago — on April 6th, 2017 — when he shared a grim message about his struggles with alcohol.

“I’ve been hearing from some concerned fans,” he wrote on Instagram. “So I’d like to address a very personal situation.”

And he is aware that fans are familiar with his history.

“As you know, I’ve battled alcohol addiction in the past.”

Verne Troyer Message April 2017

“While it’s not always been an easy fight, I’m willing to continue my fight day by day.”

That’s good. A willingness to wrestle with your own inner demons is a sure sign that there’s hope for your recovery.

“I’ve been receiving treatment for the last week and I am voluntarily checking into a treatment center later this week to continue to get the help that I need.”

It’s so good that he’s taking the necessary steps. Also kind of him to update his fans and followers.

“I want to thank everyone that’s reached out with their messages of support.”

Widespread support can mean a lot, even to a celebrity.

“It truly means the world to me.”

“With your support, I got this,” he concluded.

Unfortunately, not quite a year later, it sounds like he’s suffered a serious relapse.

We all wish Verne Troyer a speedy recovery — but we hope that he’s able to take the steps that he needs to make this recovery last, no matter how long it might take.

He is 49 years old, and we hope that he’s around for many more years. For his fans, but also for himself and his loved ones.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Corey Feldman: Hospitalized After Attempted Murder!

In a word?


Corey Feldman is in hospital at the moment and asking fans for prayers after he says he was the victim of an attempted homicide in Los Angeles.

The veteran actor Tweeted a photo of himself in a hospital gown – along with his concerned fiancee, Courtney Anne, by his side – earlt Thursday morning, alerting followers to the troubling situation.

This is what he wrote:




Why would anyone have it out for Corey Feldman?

The actor has his theories… and a history to sort of back up those theories.

feldman tweet

The former Goonies and Lost Boys star has been outspoken of late regarding the times he was supposedly sexually molested throughout his career in Hollywood.

Even going as far back as May of 2016, Feldman said he was anxious to name various pedophiles who took advantage of him as a child actor many years ago.

In a followup tweet to the one above, Feldman said the Los Angeles Police Department is currently investigating the attack as an attempted homicide.

He believes he was targeted by those who want to silence him before he can reveal the names of his abusers.

Wrote Feldman:



corey murder?

If they did the things to Feldman and his former co-star Corey Haim that Feldman has hinted they did, the answer is simple:

They are very sick.

But while some kind of attack does seem to have taken place on Wednesday night, it sounds as though Feldman may have one very important fact wrong.

Officer Drake Madison does confirm that Feldman was approached by men while stopped at a red light at approximately 10:45 p.m.

But he wasn’t stabbed by a knife.

“An unknown suspect opened the driver’s side door of the vehicle and proceeded to make a jabbing motion with an unidentified object towards Feldman’s abdomen area,” Madison said, adding:

“‘There were no lacerations to Feldman’s abdomen or any other area of his body. There was no stabbing.”

Haim died in 2010 at age 38 of cardiac arrest, but he reportedly had various drugs in his system at the time of his passing.

Feldman has argued that Haim fell into a life of substance abuse as a result of the molestation both young stars were victims of early in their careers.

“He had more direct abuse than I did,” Feldman said in the past of his late friend, adding:

“With me, there were some molestations and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey, his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape,.”

Last November, the LAPD ended an investigation into the allegations, saying the incident was outside the statute of limitations.

In October, Feldman announced he was raising $ 10 million to make a documentary that would expose an alleged “pedophile ring” in Hollywood.

He has raised more than $ 273,000 so far for his “truth campaign,” as he has dubbed it.

Said the actor during an appearance on The Today Show last fall:

“I vow that I will release every single name that I have knowledge of, period. And nobody’s going to stop this.”

But did someone try to do so last night, in violent fashion?

It’s possible.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Rick Ross Hospitalized, Possible Pneumonia

Rick Ross is in the hospital for a serious medical condition … TMZ has learned. We’re told Rick took ill in the Miami area at his home. Someone from the home called 911 at 3:30 AM Thursday and said the person in distress was breathing heavy and…


Rick Ross Hospitalized, Possible Pneumonia

Rick Ross is in the hospital for a serious medical condition … TMZ has learned. We’re told Rick took ill in the Miami area at his home. Someone from the home called 911 at 3:30 AM Thursday and said the person in distress was breathing heavy and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tori Spelling: Hospitalized Following Nervous Breakdown?

More sad news from the turbulent life of Tori Spelling today.

According to Radar Online, police were called to the troubled actress’ home early this morning in response to what appeared to be a domestic disturbance.

When they arrived just after 7 am, they found the actress behaving erratically and in the midst of what sources are describing as “a nervous breakdown.”

Details are scarce but TMZ reports that Tori behaved “very aggressively” with police and that “multiple units” were spotted going to and from her home.

It’s believed that one of the cars rushed Tori to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The night before, Tori reportedly called the police herself, believing that an intruder was breaking into her home.

It was later revealed that the noises that aroused her suspicion were made by her husband, Dean McDermott.

While the cause of Spelling’s emotional distress remains unknown, but her marital and financial issues have been well-documented in recent years.

Several sources have confirmed that Spelling is massively in debt following years of sporadic unemployment during which her husband often didn’t work at all.

Insiders confirm that the couple’s financial woes have been weighing on them heavily in recent months, particularly after the unemployed McDermott was almost imprisoned for failing to pay child support to the mother of his eldest 

“Tori’s put up with his slothfulness for long enough, and now enough’s enough,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

The troubled couple’s public unraveling began when Dean was caught cheating on Tori back in 2015.

The years since have seen one high-profile scandal after another for the once-wealthy couple.

In March of 2017, Spelling welcomed her fifth child, and many hoped the birth would mark a new era of stability for the McDermott clan.

Alas, the downward spiral has continued unabated, with Tori and Dean being forced to downgrade to a much smaller home after being sued by several creditors.

Hopefully, Tori this latest crisis will result in Tori finally finding the help she needs.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kevin Smith Hospitalized After "Massive Heart Attack"

Director Kevin Smith– the director behind iconic flicks like “Clerks” and “Chasing Amy” — says he’s lucky to be alive after suffering a massive heart attack Sunday evening. The 47-year-old had performed the first of 2 standup comedy shows at the…
