Showing posts with label I'll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I'll. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Kristen Doute: Nev Schulman is a Jerk and I"ll Never Watch Catfish Again!

Despite Nev Schulman’s accuser filing a police report, they’re keeping him on Catfish, but the show is still looking for a new cohost.

Many thought that Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute would be a shoe-in for a host of reasons.

Nev laughed it off and basically called her a stalker, and Kristen is firing back.

Max Joseph is out at Catfish.

Nev Schulman, despite the sexual misconduct allegations against him, is still hosting the show.

And he’s looking for someone else. Naturally, a lot of people suggested Vanderpump Rules star Kristen Doute.

It’s not just that Kristen has been a fan of the show.

Kristen has some real detective skills, as The Ashley notes, having exposed her cheating ex-boyfriend James Kennedy and tracked down Tom Sandoval’s “Miami Girl.”

Using a common celebrity tactic, Kristen even drummed up support for the idea on Twitter, and a lot of fans loved the idea.

But when the subject came up in a recent interview, Nev Schulman shot down the possibility in a deeply insulting way.

“I’m even afraid to say her name, honestly,” Nev told Us Weekly.

He joked about her fondness for Catfish, saying: “I almost feel like I need to take a restraining order out.”

“Kristen really wants to be on the show,” Nev added. “I think she’s almost … she’s trying too hard!”

Kristen Doute appeared on co-star Stassi Schroeder’s Straight Up With Stassi to respond.

“I do not like ‘Catfish.’ I do not watch it,” Kristen shares. “I took it off my DVR.”

Kristen says: “I tweeted Nev. I’ve tweeted Max before. I’ve tweeted at ‘Catfish.’ I definitely started my own hashtag: #KristenForCatfish.”

“You know what, all of my wonderful followers on Twitter had my back and had that s–t trending real hard,” she notes.

“They know that I’m right” for the job, she says, “because I’ve taught them so many things that you, Nev, did not.”

“Everyone that I know — my team, my friends, the people who follow me — all contacted me like, ‘Kristen! He’s looking for a co-host!’” Krisen reveals.

Her interest in the show was famous, so it’s natural that she would come to mind.

“I thought it would be really fun to do one time,” Kristen explains. “I promote the s–t out of it and tell everyone to watch it.”

Stassi reassures her that she did nothing wrong by being outspoken about her hopes.

“That’s called manifesting,” Stassi notes.

Kristen laments how Nev responded: “He was a complete a–hole about it.”

If she just hadn’t gotten the role, that would be one thing. This rudeness is another matter.

“I unfollowed everything,” Kristen says of things related to Catfish. “And I don’t watch the show anymore”

She made this move “because that s–t [Nev said about me] was so beyond rude for someone who commends what you’ve done.”

“He badmouthed me because he thinks he’s too f–king cool for school,” she theorizes.

“He probably won’t even acknowledge this,” Kristen says. “But even if he wanted to say he was joking, it’s still f–king rude.”

She is absolutely right.

You can tell that Stassi is really heartbroken about this.

“It breaks my heart because you’ve talked about this show for so long,” Stassi says supportively.

“What do you want?” Kristen asks of Nv. “Do you want people to never speak about your show or be excited about it?”

She has a very valid point. If you shame fans of your show for liking it … how do you expect other fans to feel?

“It actually hurt my feelings,” Kristen admits. “And then it pissed me off.”


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Wiz Khalifa Promises Music Video and 100 Remixes of "I"ll Beat Yo Ass!"

Wiz Khalifa is so jacked up about his song with Tyron Woodley … he’s tellin’ TMZ Sports 100 different versions of it are on the way!!! We got Wiz leaving The Forum on Wednesday night when we brought up the magic words that turned him from…


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Megyn Kelly: Maybe I"ll Go Back to FOX Where I Was Appreciated!

Despite Megyn Kelly’s desperate attempts to stay relevant by defending Brett Kavanaugh of all people, her ratings are on death’s door.

NBC wants to fire her in order to rid themselves of a $ 23 million headache.

Apparently she’s been confiding in friends that she wants to go crawling back to FOX.

Megyn Kelly is said to be the most highly paid television personality at NBC.

Her catastrophic ratings during Today‘s third hour might not warrant it, but she’s said to be pulling down about $ 23 million per year.

But we keep hearing stories that NBC wants to fire Megyn, and apparently Megyn thinks that she knows who is responsible.

RadarOnline reports that Megyn Kelly blames Savannah Guthrie for the leaks.

And during the 8 hours of live coverage that NBC provided of the Kavanaugh hearings, Megyn and Savannah’s feud reached new intensity.

“As the day went on,” an insider says. “Savannah and Megyn got nastier and nastier.”

The source goes on to say that the two were “making little digs at each other.”

“When the live broadcast ended,” the insider dishes. “The two of them exploded.”

Megyn and Savannah were reportedly “accusing each other of talking over one another and interrupting.”

While Megyn barely treads water in the ratings, Savannah and Hoda Kotb have skyrocketed in popularity in the wake of Lauer’s firing.

Megyn is said to not really be fitting in over at NBC.

Earlier this month, more than two dozen folks from NBC watched Al Roker’s Broadway debut in Waitress.

Care to guess who was reportedly not invited?

Because Megyn was not part of that group outing.

“After the show,” an insider dished. “They all went to Butter restaurant on 45th Street with Al and his wife to celebrate.”

That sounds so wonderful … for the people there.

“One staff member was overheard saying, ‘This family does everything together,’” the source said.

“But,” the insider editorialized. “Obviously that ‘family’ doesn’t include Megyn!”


At this point, there has to be more to it than the fact that Megyn came over from FOX, right?

Maybe there’s some truth to those rumors that Megyn Kelly is a nightmare diva.

She is reportedly confiding in close friends that she is in talks to leave NBC and return to FOX.

“At FOX,” the insider says. “Megyn was a princess.”

Of course — she’s attractive, mean, and she makes claims like “Santa Claus is white” as if Santa is a real life person and not a fictional character inspired by a long-dead Turkish man.

“At NBC she feels isolated and alone,” the source continues.

“She’s not happy,” the insider says. “And something has to give.”

We love roasting Megyn Kelly, but here is a genuine question: has she tried … being nice?

The best way to make friends is to be nice to people. Not just the people whom you want to befriend, but others.

If you’re losing your mind and acting entitled with the people who handle lights and makeup, it’ll get back to Hoda and Savannah.

We know that Megyn is probably still unlearning bad habits, like lying and defending terrible people, that she picked up at FOX.

A lot of this world’s problems could be solved if people were kinder to one another.


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Luke Rockhold Wants Yoel Romero Rematch, I"ll Kick His Ass at Light Heavyweight

Luke Rockhold says he’d beat the snot out of Yoel Romero at light heavyweight … telling TMZ Sports he’d be down for a rematch after UFC 230, but Romero’s gotta make weight this time. We spoke with Rockhold about his plans after his huge rematch…


Friday, October 12, 2018

Casey Anthony: I"ll Be a GREAT Mom to My Next Baby!!

Casey Anthony earned infamy after being acquitted in 2011 for the murder of her young daughter.

To the horror of millions, Casey is a free woman, even though this has destroyed her remaining family.

And now, a chilling new report says that Casey is thinking about having another child.

In Touch reports that, according to a source close to the accused killer, Casey Anthony wants to have another child.

“She’s been saying she’s ready to have a new family,” an insider claims.

Casey’s last child’s skeletal remains were found with duct tape still on them within a trash bag in the woods near Casey’s house.

Despite that, the source says, “she believes she has a bright future.”

“And,” most jarringly of all, the insider saays that Casey believes that she “can be a good mom.”

In case the current state of the world is not enough nightmare fuel for you, there’s this spine-chilling report.

Linda Bills was one of the jurors for Casey Anthony’s infamous murder trial.

Speaking to In Touch, the former Juror Number Four admits that she does not like the idea of Casey being in charge of another defenseless child.

“We did what we thought was right,” she says of the jury’s bizarre verdict.

“[But] it took some time for [the case] to get out of your mind,” Linda admits.

She shares that she has been haunted by the details, saying: “it stayed in my mind for a very long time.”

Linda Bills says that, in light of how Casey’s daughter died, she is not exactly enamored with the thought of Casey giving the late Caylee a younger sibling.

“I really don’t think she should have another child,” Linda admits.

Though she could certainly say a lot more, she is reluctant to continue discussing the subject.

“That’s all I want to say,” Linda concludes.

Some would suggest that any jurors who feel that Casey should not have another child could have made sure of that by voting to convict.

At the time, they felt that the state had not met its burden of proof.

Back in 2017, Casey herself spoke to the Associated Press.

“If I am blessed enough to have another child,” she said, filling readers with dread.

Casey then rephrased.

“If I’d be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world,” Casey said. “Knowing that there’d be a potential that some little snot-nosed kid would then say something mean to my kid.”

So her worst fear is that her child might find out the grisly fate that her other child met.

“I don’t think I could live with that,” Casey said with no hint of irony.

In 2017, Casey warned In Touch that she doesn’t intend to remain hidden from the world forever.

“Eventually people will be seeing more of me,” Casey announced.

Returning to public life could very well mean having a child, as scary as that sounds.

“I am not hiding from something I did not do,” Casey declared.

That is a statement on which most people can agree, if not in the sense that Casey means.

Of course, if you believe that she murdered Caylee, then you believe that she is hiding from something she did do.

Ultimately, people may have to accept that, like O.J. Simpson and so many members of the current government, Casey may remain free.

No matter what vicious crimes people feel extreme certainty that she committed, twelve random people decided that she gets to live her life.

Maybe that’s the way that it should be.

Or maybe that’s an indictment of our entire messy, deeply flawed “justice” system.

We’ll just hope that the report that she’s considering bringing another child into the world is from a misinformed source.

The alternative would keep too many people up at night.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Conor McGregor, "I"ll Be a Billionaire In 5 Years"

Conor McGregor just went off in his UFC 229 press conference — vowing to destroy Khabib Nurmagomedov … and claiming he’ll be a billionaire by age 35!  Conor showed up almost 30 minutes late to the event in Las Vegas — blaming crazy…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Fat-Shaming Fans: I"ll Eat Whatever I Want!

If you’re a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you may have noticed that Kim and her sisters spend a surprising amount of time eating.

We don’t mean to say they take in more food than your average person — in fact, they probably consume far fewer calories than most of us.

But the Kards almost certainly avoid carbs the way most of us try to steer clear of IRS audits or people who retweet themselves.

Combine that with the fact that they probably also stick to low-fat diets and it’s easy why they would need to munch on salads all day in order to keep from feeling like they’re wasting away.

Now, you might be thinking that we’ve spent far too much time obsessing over the food intake of a bunch reality stars and Instagram influencers — and you would be right.

But we swear we’re going somewhere with all of this.

Apparently, KUWTK viewers were appalled by the amount of time Kourtney Kardashian spent eating during Sunday night’s episode.

The situation was so bad that Kourt felt the need to defend herself on Twitter.

“I swear I just read 100 comments about me eating on tonight’s episode and some of you are very offended. Let me live,” the mother of three tweeted.

A source who spoke with People magazine claims that the idea of anyone shaming Kourtney for the amount she eats is absurd, as the 39-year-old is a known fitness fanatic.

“She works out and eats in order to try to stay around 100 lbs.,” the insider says, adding that Kourt’s problem is not with losing weight but with keeping it on.

“Yes, she eats very healthy but she wants her body to be healthy and not underweight or malnourished.”

The source adds that Kourtney’s “body type is very different from her sisters’” and it sometimes requires her to spend a large part of her day eating in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Kourtney even went so far as to outline her diet regimen, noting that she begins each day by taking a collagen supplement and always avoids refined sugars.

That’s all well and good, and Kourt deserves credit for taking care of herself, but we would have respected her more if she had just flipped off the haters and reminded everyone that it’s her body and she can do whatever the hell she wants with it.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tyler Eifert All Smiles After Ankle Surgery, "I"ll Be Back!"

Great news for Tyler Eifert — who had his ankle snapped in half on Sunday — ‘cause the Cincinnati Bengals WR is in good spirits after going under the knife … and vows to be back better than ever!! ICYMI — Eifert suffered a nasty right ankle…


Monday, October 1, 2018

Brad Pitt: I"ll Never Love Angelina Jolie Again; She Made My Life Hell!

In court, Angelina Jolie has slammed Brad Pitt for being a deadbeat dad, and clarified publicly that a loan is not child support.

The fighting during their messy divorce has reached a turning point.

Insiders say that Brad is no longer interested in reconciliation with Angelina. He just wants his kids.

“Brad couldn’t care less about Angelina supposedly missing him or regretting filing for divorce,” an insider reveals to HollywoodLife.

“That relationship,” the source continues. “Is well and truly over as far as he’s concerned.”

The rest of us have known that since late 2016, so it’s great to hear that he’s figured it out.

“And,” the insider continues. “Brad has zero desire to revisit it, and give it a second shot.”

That sounds like it’s best for everyone involved — Brad, Angelina, and especially the children.

“The past couple of years have been a living hell for Brad,” the source shares.

“And,” the insider shares. “It’s made him question if he ever actually, truly, knew the real Angelina.”

That is curious, since the upsetting circumstances that led Angelina to file for divorce left many former fans feeling that way about him.

The source explains that it’s because “because he never imagined that the woman he fell in love with and married …”

The insider continues: “… could behave in the way she has toward him.”

“But he’s made his peace with it now,” the source adds.

“And,” the insider continues. “He’s moved on.”

Not just with Neri Oxman, but emotionally.

It sounds like he’s accepted that life is never going back to the way that it was.

Brad apparently has a new priority.

“All that he’s focused on is securing access to his kids,” the source reveals.

It is these children, the insider explains, “who are absolutely everything to Brad.”

We’re sure that Brad, like so many people, wishes that he hadn’t done whatever he did on that plane to get Angelina to report him to the FBI for child abuse.

Curiously, an inside source says that it’s now Angelina who wishes things were a little different.

“The further Angelina gets from their split,” the source claims. “The more she thinks about Brad.”

“And,” the insider continues, Angelina allegedly “misses having him in her life.”

It’s normal to occassionally wax nostalgic about past relationships, even ones that failed spectacularly and which you know you ended for the right reasons.

But this source says that Angelina finds herself thinking these thoughts “on a daily basis.”

This is so worrisome to hear.

“Lately,” the insider claims. “There are times when Angelina feels major regrets over ending things with Brad.”

Even worse, the source says that “there are days she can’t help but question if she made the right choices for her family.”

Those who have gone through difficult divorces know that sometimes, you wonder if it would have been best to just accept and ignore your situation.

“The more her anger at him fades,” the source alleges. “The more she misses him.”

We have to say that we have a hard time accepting the report about Angelina.

Oh, we’re willing to believe that Brad is angry and perhaps bitter and no longer wants to try vainly to rekindle what he and Angelina once had.

But the source claims to know Angelina’s thoughts.

We’re sure that Angelina feels a lot of conflicting emotions about her history with Brad.

But in the end, she probably knows that she did the right thing.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Tyron Woodley Rips Nick Diaz, "I"ll Beat Your Ass!"

Tyron Woodley says Nick Diaz must be out of his DAMN MIND if he really wants a piece of The Chosen One … telling TMZ Sports he’d destroy Nick if he really wants to get in the Octagon.  Remember, Nick fired some shots at Tyron on…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Olympian Kayla Harrison Calls Out Cyborg Again, I"ll Murder 6 Women & Then You!!

A two-time Olympic gold medalist is doubling down on her challenge to Cris Cyborg … telling TMZ Sports she’s ready to run through 6 chicks to get a match with the UFC star!!! Remember, Kayla Harrison — a judo gold medalist in London (2012)…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Tyron Woodley Drops Rap Single with Wiz Khalifa, "I"ll Beat Yo Ass!"

Fresh off his destruction of Darren Till, UFC champ Tyron Woodley is now targeting the rap game — dropping his first single with Wiz Khalifa … “I’ll Beat Yo Ass!!!” The Chosen One gave us a taste on ‘The Hollywood Beatdown’ — explaining how a…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jessa Duggar Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"ll Potty Train My Kids When I Want To!

If you follow any of the Duggar women on social media, you know that many of their followers enjoy pointing out their various flaws as parents.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why these people still follow the Duggars despite finding them so objectionable, but that’s the internet in 2018 for you.

Anyway, the target of choice these days seems to be Jessa Duggar.

Jessa is mom to two young boys — 2-year-old Spurgeon (feel free to pause and cringe at that name before reading any further), and 1-year-old Henry.

Like the other Duggar women, Jessa also homeschools her kids, which is one of the many reasons people enjoy closely scrutinizing her parenting.

Though the biggest reason still seems to be that the Duggars are basically a one-family cult, and there’s reason to believe some of their “strict” child-rearing practices cross the line into abusive territory.

But the mom-shamers of Instagram aren’t attacking Michelle Duggar for her “blanket training.”

No, they’re more focused on Jessa Duggar’s messy house and other perceived lapses in parenting prowess.

This time around, they’re focused on Jessa’s alleged failure to foster her kids’ development.

Specifically, they want to know why Spurgeon isn’t potty trained yet.

Jessa recently posted the above pic, along with a caption reading:

“I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers,”

“It makes his day if he gets to sit in the seat and ‘drive’ it.”

Predictably fans freaked at the sight of Lil Spurge in a diaper.

Spurgeon will be 3 years old in a manner of weeks, and it seems many of Jessa’s followers feel that’s much too old to still be rocking Huggies.

When one follower remarked that the Spurge  “should be out of diapers by now,” Jessa actually took time to respond:

“My philosophy is that if they aren’t able to do the whole thing from pulling their pants down and getting themselves on the toilet, to pulling their pants back up, and washing their hands, then they aren’t ready,” Jessa said.

“Otherwise it feels like it’s actually the parent who’s potty training and doing all the work. 

“Lol! I’ve been around kids, and I’m aware of the signs of readiness. My two-year-old is getting close, but not quite there, so we’re not rushing it.”

Yeah, she’s still a Duggar, so she responded in the fake-polite fashion her family is known for.

But hey, a clap back is a clap back.

So let that be a lesson to the rest of you mom-shamers:

There’s a very small chance that Jessa might politely disagree with your observation!


Friday, August 10, 2018

Shahs of Sunset Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: It"s My Party and I"ll Make You Cry If I Want To

If you watch Shahs of Sunset online,  you know that Golnesa ‘GG’ Gharachedagh is not a Shah to be messed with. 

On Shahs of Sunset Season 7 Episode 2, she was blindsided that her friend Mercedes ‘MJ’ Javid had iced her out of her wedding. 

In a stunning move, MJ confirmed that the only one of her close friends who was going to be part of the wedding was MJ, with the rest of the help coming in the form of the people who help her work out and do her makeup. 

“Her glam squad is her bridal team,” GG complained. 

GG and Adam fumed when they realized that they had been left out and made their way to the bar to throw shade at both MJ and Reza. 

What made it worse was that Reza and MJ then shocked their friend by confirming that Shalom’s ex-wife was also in attendance at the event. 

That was enough for GG to flee the party. 

“Take me the f**k out of here,” she yelled at Shervin. 

“I don’t want to be around these people anymore. Why would they do that?,” GG fumed while in the smoking area of the party. 

Reza then told MJ that GG was annoyed about the way things went down, and we learned that they were both mad about the way GG acted on the ski trip. 

Earlier in the episode, GG ruined the surprise before everyone left the ski resort. 

“So how does Tommy feel about the maid-of-honor who had his d*** inside you?,” GG blurted out upon hearing the news.

“Do you want to be in the bridal party? You can’t be happy for me?” MJ asked her friend. 

“I have no intention of enabling friends who act like a**holes. If you do something shady, then don’t cry when something happens to you,” MJ continued. 

While GG may be against weddings for now because of her failed marriage to Shalom, MJ was unimpressed at the way her friend was acting. 

“I feel bad for GG for not being happy for us,” MJ complained in a confessional. 

Reza tried to break the ice by apologizing to GG for ambushing her. 

“I wanted to apologize, so this doesn’t become a thing,” Reza said.

“It’s a thing already,” GG responded. 

Meanwhile, MJ was trying to get in shape so that she could get married and have a baby with Tommy. 

However, she worried that her father being ill could affect her potential pregnancy. The good thing about the wedding and the freezing of the embryos is that Vida finally feels happy for her daughter. 

This could have been brought on by Doctor Ghadir, who said that MJ needed positivity in her life. 

“I would like for you to be positive with her because I can’t wait to give all of you good news,” he told Vida.

What are your thoughts on all the latest developments?

Hit the comments below. 

Shahs of Sunset continues Thursdays on Bravo. 


Thursday, August 9, 2018

UFC"s T.J. Dillashaw to Gervonta Davis, I"ll Beat Your Ass!

Boxing star Gervonta “Tank” Davis says he wants an MMA fight with UFC champ TJ Dillashaw — and now TJ’s responding … “BRING IT ON!” Tank has been talking about getting into the octagon for a while — previously telling TMZ Sports he truly…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Rajon Rondo Says No Beef with Lonzo, I"ll Help Him Grow!

LaVar Ball is going to love this … There will be no Lakers beef between Rajon Rondo and Lonzo Ball this season — at least when it comes to minutes — ‘cause Rajon tells TMZ Sports he’ll do whatever it takes to help Zo grow!! Of course, Rondo and…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Isaiah Thomas, I"ll Prove I"m Healthy and Take Denver to Playoffs

Isaiah Thomas tells TMZ Sports … he’s fired up to show the NBA he’s healed up and back to the superstar he was — and wants to prove in 2018 that he’s worthy of a max contract. Remember, the 2-time All-Star just signed a veteran’s minimum,…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jalen Ramsey Has a Baby, I"ll Be Late to Training Camp!

Jacksonville Jaguars training camp opens up on Thursday — but Jalen Ramsey won’t be there … because he’ll be taking care of his newborn baby!!! The 23-year-old star cornerback just broke the news … essentially telling his squad he won’t report…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Amar"e Stoudemire, I"ll Be On An NBA Roster Next Season

Amar’e Stoudemire says when the NBA season kicks off in the fall … he WILL be on an NBA roster — telling TMZ Sports he’s already been in contact with “a few teams.” We broke the story … the 35-year-old Stoudemire is gunnin’ for an NBA…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tori Roloff: I"ll Have Baby #2 on One Condition!

We may have overlooked something in our latest recap of Little People, Big World.

As has been the case over the past few weeks on this TLC favorite, most of the installment centered on the rising tension between Matt and Amy Roloff, which appears to even be placing the future of the family farm at risk.

But what about the future of Tori and Zach Roloff?

Is the couple really getting set to welcome a second child into their adorable fold?

Granted, these Roloffs have only been parents for just over a year, having said an excited hello to son Jackson Kyle last May.

But there’s been constant chatter for weeks now that Tori is pregnant again… although the evidence behind these claims has been flimsy at best.

On this past Tuesday’s episode of Little People, Big World, Tori and Zach actually addressed the possiiblity of expanding their family.

No, it doesn’t sound as though Tori is expecting at this exact moment — but her husband sort of wishes she were.

“It’s a ton of work taking care of a child, but it’s very rewarding,” Zach said at one point to the camera, adding:

“Being a dad’s been great. Jackson’s the cutest little thing. I would love to have, like, a little pack. I definitely want to have more kids.”

It’s safe to assume this will happen eventually, and maybe it will even happen fairly soon.

But Tori has one demand before she’s willing to consider a brother or sister for her firstborn:

She wants to get a dog first.

This isn’t a common demand by a parent already dealing with a one-year old, but dogs are also totally awesome, so we can see where Tori is coming from.

Zach, however, countered that that if a dog entered the picture, then the hierarchy in the house was going to push him even further down. So he wasn’t really having it.

The reality star basically shot down the idea, prompting Tori to hilariously tell her husband that “the shop is closed.”

(We don’t need to translate this for our readers, do we? Just think about it, okay…)

Zach subsequently made us laugh at well, telling Tori that shutting her legs to him in bed will be her “loss.” LOL. We really do adore these two and their dynamic.

“We fully disagree on the dog situation and what child we want next,” Tori said to conclude this segment on the episode.

Oh well.

For now, we’re certainly content with photos of Jackson and with updates on Jackson, such as how he’s taking swim lessons and bouncing back well from injury.

And if/when Tori and Zach do announce that a sibling is on the way for him?

We’ll be the first website to send our congratulations!
