Showing posts with label Ivanka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ivanka. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ellen Pompeo to Ivanka Trump: You Actually F-ck Jared Kushner?!?

Ellen Pompeo may play a doctor who saves lives on television…

… but she just played a very different role on Twitter:

The server of total and complete Ivanka Trump shade.

And Jared Kushner, we should add.

On Monday, the President’s son-in-law – who has amassed an unusual amount of White House power for someone with no political or foreign policy experience whatsoever – gave a speech at a technology roundtable.

Despite Kushner having often been in the news since Donald Trump was elected, and despite the many responsibilities he’s been given by this administration, this marked one of the few times the public has heard him talk.

Did he blow everyone away?

Was it obvious from the get-go why President Trump has entrusted Kushner with an array of domestic and international tasks and duties?

Not to Pompeo.

“Ok ok this… omg @IvankaTrump you have sex with this guy??? I can’t aahhhhhaaaa,” Pompeo Tweeted along with a link to Kushner’s speech.

The veteran Grey’s Anatomy really couldn’t believe it.

She had to jump back online and repeat herself shortly after making her initial comment.

“Wait wait one more time aaahhhhaaaa,” Pompeo added.

Aside from once wondering who needs a penis to get things done, Pompeo isn’t exactly the type of celebrity to make outrageous statements.

She isn’t Sarah Silverman. Or even Katy Perry.

She doesn’t usually make waves on social media or step into the political fray, which is what makes this Tweet both so noteworthy and so hilarious.

pompeo tweets

It was as if Pompeo truly could not help herself.

She was so taken aback and so turned off by Kushner’s speech that she literally couldn’t comprehend how anyone could have sex with him.

And yet… Ivanka has had sex with Jared Kushner.

At least three times by our count, considering the couple has three children, two sons and a daughter.

The replies on Pompeo’s page were mostly congratulatory after she slammed Kushner, with one following even welcoming the actress to the “blocked by Donald Trump club.”

Alas, the Commander-in-Chief is yet to take this step when it comes to Pompeo.

Another user replied: “ELLEN UR A SAVAGE OMG.”

And another paid homage to the most famous Meredith Grey quote in Grey’s Anatomy quotes history by writing:

“Can someone help me be friends with @EllenPompeo? Choose me. Pick me. Love me!”

Mad props to this person. We’d totally understand why someone would have sex with him or her.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Magazine Cover Gets the Meme Treatment from Twitter

The Trump family might not be making too many people happy these days, but they sure are providing the internet with a lot of entertainment.

This time, it"s Ivanka who"s spawning Twitter memes.

In an almost comical ploy for sympathy and brand distance, Ivanka Trump appeared on the cover of Us Weekly with 

The headline, "Ivanka Takes A Stand: Why I Disagree With My Dad," was a beautifully giftwrapped present that Twitter opened with great alacrity.

Sure, some people just mocked the headline, referring to it as "Daddy, You"re Hurting My Brand!" But others got a little more creative with it.

From reimagined versions of the cover to references to popular culture — particularly when it comes to parent-child conflicts — Twitter had no shortage of fun parodies of Ivanka"s headline.

But first, the original magazine cover.


1. Nice Try, Ivanka

Ivanka us weekly cover

More like “Why My Brand Needs Distance From My Dad,” right?

2. Spot The Difference …

Ivanka us weekly memes 01

This one’s almost the same, but just a bit more honest.

3. Star Wars Reference Number One

Ivanka us weekly memes 02

What’s more quintessentially Star Wars than disagreeing with your dad? And don’t say lightsabers …

4. If She Doesn’t Get What She Wants …

Ivanka us weekly memes 03

This one might actually be TOO accurate. Ugh.

5. Nice Game of Thrones Reference

Ivanka us weekly memes 04

Does this one technically qualify as “potty humor?”

6. Star Wars Reference Number Two

Ivanka us weekly memes 05

A second dose of Star Wars dad-disagreements; this time with Carrie Fisher feels.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bill Maher SLAMMED for Ivanka Trump Incest Joke

Bill Maher is never afraid to say what’s on his mind.

Remember when he compared Zayn Malik to a terrorist?

But has the comedian finally gone too far? Due to the joke he makes about Ivanka Trump in the following video, some people think so…

Speaking to New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman during a segment on his HBO series, Maher engaged his guest in a conversation about The First Daughter.

Prior to her father’s inauguration, those who opposed Donald Trump held out hope that Ivanka could maybe get through to him on certain progressive issues; that perhaps she could reel in his more immature and bitter tendencies.

But Ivanka has done little to change her dad’s mind when it comes to women’s issues or international issues.

“What do you make of Ivanka and her efforts to sort of humanize her father?” Trump asks Sherman in the clip above, adding:

“A lot of us thought, Ivanka is gonna be our saving grace. When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and – ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

Upon saying these words, Maher made a crude gesture that implied Ivanka would be jerking off her father while trying to make her case.

“Is that how you see Ivanka?” Maher asked Sherman, who replied with a “no.”

Trump himself has made a few very strange and inappropriate remarks about his own daughter.

Back in October, for example, he told Wendy Williams that the main thing he has in common with Ivanka is sex.

He also once agreed that Ivanka is a fine piece of ass.

Those who have rushed to Maher’s defense in light of this new controversy are citing Trump’s past references. To wit:

defending maher

Others, however, still think Maher crossed a line.

This is still the President of the United States he’s talking about, they argue, and that is still a wildly inappropriate gesture to make and act to imply.

Here’s a sampling of what critics have said on Twitter:

maher joke

Ivanka Trump, meanwhile, has been the subject of plenty of other sexual references in the recent past.

Late last month, for instance, Fox News reporter Jesse Waters cracked a crude joke about “the way [Ivanka] was speaking into that microphone” after airing a clip of her speaking at a women’s summit in Berlin.

This was a quip about oral sex, in case it wasn’t obvious.

See for yourself:

And then last week, Stephen Colbert was criticized for making a homophobic joke about the the President and Vladimir Putin.

It even prompted the hashtag #FireColbert to trend on Twitter, to which The Late Late Show host replied:

“I have jokes, he has the launch codes, so it’s a fair fight.”

What do YOU think of Bill Maher’s Ivanka crack?

Just an example of a comedian trying to be funny? Has the President opened his family up to these kinds of attacks with the attacks he so often engages in himself online?

Or does Maher owe The First Family an apology?


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jesse Watters: Fox Host Slammed For Ivanka Trump Oral Sex Joke

Unless you"re a regular Fox News viewer, you"re probably only familiar with Jesse Watters as the talking head whose cringe-worthy attempts at humor occasionally make him a trending topic on social media.

The last time Watters made waves, it was with a wildly racist segment about the residents of New York City"s Chinatown that aired on The O"Reilly Factor.

These days, O"Reilly has been fired, and Watters is making his way around the network as a smirking journeyman, popping up to say something snide wherever there"s an empty seat at a roundtable.

Today, Watters is under fire again (no more puns on his name; we promise), this time for a jaw-droppingly crude statement about first daughter and assistant to the president, Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka spoke at a women"s summit in Berlin this week, and Watters was asked to comment on the Fox panel discussion series The Five.

To the chagrin of many viewers, Watters took the opportunity to make a crude joke, stating that he likes “the way she was speaking into that microphone.”

The sexual innuendo was not lost on the show"s audience, many of whom took to social media to demand an apology from Watters.

Instead of dialing back his comments, however, Watters offered this explanation:

“On air I was referring to Ivanka’s voice and how it resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ,” Watters wrote on Twitter.

“This was in no way a joke about anything else.”

Yes, folks, Jesse Watters is trying to become the first man to use the phrase "smooth jazz" to save his career.

We"ll see if it works.

Check out his attempt to become the conservative Andrew Dice Clay in the clip below:

Jesse watters fox host slammed for ivanka trump oral sex joke

Friday, March 24, 2017

George Lopez Has No Regrets Over Ivanka Trump Comment (VIDEO)

George Lopez doubled down on a disparaging comment he made about Ivanka Trump … that “she’s ready” to get pimped out.  George was at LAX Friday when he got into it with our photog, Charlie, who asked the comedian if he had any…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ivanka Trump: Sued Due to Kellyanne Conway Endorsement!

Remember when Kellyanne Conway abused her power and position by going on Fox News and telling Americans to buy Ivanka Trump’s products?

If your head exploded at the sight of a government official going full-QVC during a policy interview, you have our condolences.

Unfortunately, the rest of us are left to ponder the implications of such an abomination of democracy, and now some modern day John Adamses are taking the matter to court:

Modern Appealing Clothing (okay, so like, John Adams if he worked for that fashion company from Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead) is suing Ivanka over what it calls an “unfair advantage” in the marketplace.

The San Francisco-based retailer says Ivanka’s sales have been boosted by 700% due to her father’s influence as P–sy-Grabber-in-Chief.

(No word on how the company came by those figures.)

Conway’s endorsement came on the heels of Nordstrom’s decision to remove Ivanka’s clothing line from its stores.

The Trump administration (by which we mean Donald’s tweets) has argued that Ivanka’s business interests have actually suffered as a result of her father’s presidency.

However, MAC and the rest of the world is all like, “Nah, bruh.”

While Trump has proven to be an expert at losing money (USFL, we hardly knew ye.), no family has ever been made poorer by the presidency.

Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm in 1976, but in the decades since, he’s become America’s favorite kindly grandfather, and ironically, he probably has a place reserved in heaven that’s decked out with more gold than Trump Tower.

Okay, almost as much gold.

Trump’s getting the best of both worlds, as he’s become the most powerful man in the world without making good on his promise to divest from his business interests.

Can you imagine being a foreign leader traveling to D.C. and not staying at the Trump Hotel?

You can just forget about a handshake after pulling that stunt, hombre.

The reality is, we’ll probably never know how much the Trump family has enriched itself at the expense of the American people.

If only there were some sort of document that revealed how much individuals and corporations earned in a year, as well as how much they paid in taxes.

Sigh. Maybe someday …


Monday, March 20, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Company Sued Over "Unfair" Kellyanne Conway Publicity

Ivanka Trump’s company is crushing some of its competition so badly, she’s now facing a lawsuit from one of the companies on the losing end. Modern Appealing Clothing thinks President Trump’s daughter is getting an “unfair” boost in sales –…


Ivanka Trump"s Company Sued Over "Unfair" Kellyanne Conway Publicity

Ivanka Trump’s company is crushing some of its competition so badly, she’s now facing a lawsuit from one of the companies on the losing end. Modern Appealing Clothing thinks President Trump’s daughter is getting an “unfair” boost in sales –…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Ivanka Trump, Justin Trudeau Together Again ... On Broadway!!! (PHOTOS)

Ivanka Trump had a fun night with Canadian Prime Minister and bae of the True North, Justin Trudeau. Ivanka and Justin hit up “Come From Away” Wednesday night. They arrived in separate cars but in the same motorcade. We hear it’s a good show. Eyes…


Ivanka Trump, Justin Trudeau Together Again ... On Broadway!!! (PHOTOS)

Ivanka Trump had a fun night with Canadian Prime Minister and bae of the True North, Justin Trudeau. Ivanka and Justin hit up “Come From Away” Wednesday night. They arrived in separate cars but in the same motorcade. We hear it’s a good show. Eyes…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Barack Obama and Ivanka Trump"s Neighborhood Snowblower Reporting for Duty (VIDEO)

Barack, Michelle Obama and Ivanka Trump all have a neighbor who really blows … when it comes to getting rid of snow, and he’s willing to help ‘em dig out from winter Storm Stella. We got D.C. resident Mario Castillo Tuesday — who lives…


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Scarlett Johansson Channels Ivanka Trump on Saturday Night Live: Watch!

Scarlett Johansson isn"t having the greatest time in life right now — she"s just filed for divorce from her husband, Romain Dauriac, and it looks like there"s going to be quite the custody battle for their three-year-old daughter.

But even though Scarlett may be going through an inner struggle, she"s still a professional.

And right now, that means that she was still able to absolutely kill it as the host for Saturday Night Live last night.

For one of her skits, she did a little perfume ad.

But not only that … she did a perfume ad as Ivanka Trump.

"Every man knows her name," the voiceover for the ad begins. "Every woman knows her face. When she walks into a room, all eyes are on her."

"She"s Ivanka."

Cue Scarlett"s pouty-lipped, vacant-eyed impression of Ivanka. And it only gets better from there.

The perfume, as it turns out, is called Complicit. Amazing, right?

"A feminist," the voiceover continues. "An advocate. A champion for women, like … huh?"

"She"s loyal, devoted, but probably should have bounced after the whole Access Hollywood bus thing. Oh well."

"Complicit," the ad finishes. "The fragrance for the woman who could stop all of this, but won"t."

Let Scarlett make you cry with tears of laughter (and just regular tears) in the video below:

Scarlett johansson channels ivanka trump on saturday night live

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ivanka Trump Sits at Oval Office Desk, Twitter Loses Its Mind

So at this point, it"s very single day that Donald Trump, his administration, and/or his family do something awful, right?

He"s only been president for a few weeks now, but it feels like a few eternities, at least.

For the latest act of absurdity, Ivanka Trump has shared a picture of herself sitting at the desk in the Oval Office while her father and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stand beside her.

"A great discussion with two world leaders about the importance of women having a seat at the table!" — that"s what she actually wrote for the caption.

Ivanka isn"t an elected official, and she doesn"t even have an official title on Trump"s staff.

But yeah, sure, she"s in on meetings with other leaders and can sit at that desk. Why not, right?

But we don"t need to tell you why that is ridiculous. Because Twitter as a whole came together to break it down for us all.

1. The Offending Photo

The offending photo

Try not to roll your eyes too hard, we’ve still got a lot of stuff to get through and you need to be here for it.

2. The Cold, Hard Truth

The cold hard truth

I mean, this person’s not wrong.

3. #FactsOnly

Number factsonly

For real though, why was she even there?

4. Stay Home, Ivanka

Stay home ivanka

Doesn’t she have a job? A life? Literally anything else to do?

5. Solid Nordstroms Burn

Solid nordstroms burn

Ha ha, get it, because no one wants her stupid fashion line and her father and his staff has been trying to sell it?

6. Also True

Also true

Hey, when you’re right, you’re right.

View Slideshow

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ivanka Trump Joins Justin Trudeau in Women"s Fight (PHOTO GALLERY)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined forces with First Daughter Ivanka Trump to do battle on behalf of women in business. The 2 met at the White House to promote women in business. They both spoke to President Trump and female business…


Ivanka Trump Joins Justin Trudeau in Women"s Fight (PHOTO GALLERY)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined forces with First Daughter Ivanka Trump to do battle on behalf of women in business. The 2 met at the White House to promote women in business. They both spoke to President Trump and female business…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kellyanne Conway on Fox News: Go Buy Ivanka Trump"s Stuff!

Last week, high-end department store chain Nordstrom cut business ties with Ivanka Trump.

The retailer stated that it would no longer stock clothing, shoes, and accessories branded by the president"s daughter due to steadily declining sales.

Nordstrom"s response seems to be a perfectly reasonable business decision based on sales data, so naturally our level-headed and business-minded president took the diplomatic approach and wished the company success in its future endeavors.

Just kidding, he went off in a childish Twitter rant because being the western world apparently leaves plenty of time for petty social media feuds.

Fortunately, Trump has slightly less psychotic surrogates who are paid to assure the American people that the president isn"t quite as unhinged as he seems to be online.

The task seems have driven White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to the brink of intestinal blockage by way of stress-gorging on cinnamon Orbitz, but fortunately for him, Kellyanne Conway lives for this sh-t.

If you thought "alternative facts" and made-up terrorist attacks were bold, just wait until you see Conway brazenly flout federal ethics laws barring the use of public office for private gain.

Conway appeared on Fox & Friends this morning, where she openly shilled for Ivanka"s fashion line:

“It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it,” Conway said.

“I fully — I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”

Considering conlifcts of interest due to the Trump family"s business ties were a top concern for many voters, you would think the president"s TV surrogate would avoid…

… Ah, we"re over expecting this administration to make sense.

And hey, it"s not every day you get to watch a democracy crumble in real time.

Kellyanne conway on fox news go buy ivanka trumps stuff

Friday, February 3, 2017

Nordstrom Drops Ivanka Trump Products From Its Stores

Throughout Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, daughter Ivanka Trump was widely praised as a lone voice of reason and sanity in a crowd of power-hungry yes men.

Now that her father has been sworn into office and kicked off his agenda of state-sanctioned bigotry, however, many who were previously singing Ivanka’s praises are now bashing the 35-year-old for what they see as helping to normalize a number of dangerous ideals.

Prior to assuming the role of de facto first lady, Ivanka successfully cashed in on her name as a model and designer.

Now, however, it seems that her business interests have collided with her political ambitions in a damaging way.

The department store chain Nordstrom announced on Thursday that it’s bringing an end to its partnership with Ivanka, and will no longer carry her products in its stores or on its website.

The store insists that the decision is a result of the poor performance of Ivanka’s signature line of footwear, and is not motivated by her controversial political affiliations.

“We’ve said all along we make buying decisions based on performance,” Nordstrom said in a statement.

“In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we’ve decided not to buy it for this season.”

Despite the denial, it’s hard to believe that politics played no part in the decision.

Throughout the 2016 election, Nordstrom was repeatedly forced to disavow any ties to the Trump campaign.

“We hope that offering a vendor’s products isn’t misunderstood as us taking a political position,” the company wrote on Twitter on Nov. 2. “We’re not.”

Many believe that the decline in sales for Ivanka’s shoes was a direct result of the #GrabYourWallet movement, which encourages those who oppose Trump to boycott businesses and organizations with ties to the president and his family.

“Big news everyone. You did this. I am in awe,” movement co-founder Shannon Coulter tweeted yesterday, along with a link to an article about Nordstrom’s decision.

So while the retailer may claim that the decision to sever ties with Ivanka had nothing to do with her father, the declining popularity of her line of products was almost certainly the result of recent developments in the political arena.

And something tells us Ivanka may be experiencing more of this type of push-back in the years to come.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ivanka Trump on Insensitive Instagram Pic: Oops! My Bad!

According to at least one supposedly reliable source, Ivanka Trump is unlike her father in a rather important and mature way:

She can admit when she’s wrong.

And this source tells Us Weekly that the First Daughter is well aware she messed up on Saturday by posting a certain image to her Instagram account.

The 35-year old came under fire over the weekend after sharing a photo of herself in a silver Carolina Herrera gown on her various social media account.

The picture was snapped while Trump was attending the annual Alfalfa Club dinner.

And while this could have typically been shrugged off as just another example of Trump flaunting her wealth, good looks and status online for all to see… well…

… Saturday was not exactly a typical day across the nation Ivanka’s dad now rules.

In response to President Trump’s Executive Order that banned refugee access to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries, thousands of protestors took to airports around the country. 

There were gatherings held in support of immigrants in Chicago, Nashville, Los Angeles and New York, to name just a few cities.

So many critics considered it rather tone-deaf of Ivanka to not only NOT mention these protests online, but to post a photo that depicted her luxurious lifestyle for all to see.

And Trump reportedly understands this viewpoint.

A source familiar with the situation told Vanity Fair today that Trump “feels terrible about the post, and does not want something like this to happen again.”

She has not deleted the post, but this sort of recognition is a good start.

A second insider, meanwhile, told the news outlet that although the post showed her “naiveté in not understanding her surroundings or circumstances,” Ivanka “can adjust her behavior accordingly, and she’s open to that.”

And then there’s a third source, who actually says Trump had no idea any sort of protests were even going on throughout the country.

How is this possible?

Because, according to this report, Ivanka and her husband were in the middle of observing Shabbat.

Both halve of couple are Orthodox Jews, meaning they don’t use technology or do any work between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.

Could they truly have not known about Trump’s Muslim ban and the subsequent outrage? And then Ivanka Tweeted the controversial photo above after sundown on Saturday, but before checking the news?

It’s possible, we suppose.

But we still can’t blame those who fired back with insults, quips and comments such as the one below:

Ivanka slam

Kushner is, somehow, a close advisor to President Trump.

Ivanka, conversely, does not official role in her father’s administration, but she stuck closely by his side throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and has moved her family to DC since he won the election.

She has not made a public comment about the Women’s March held on January 21 or about the protests in response to her father’s Executive Order last Friday.

A source close to the Ivanka told Us Weekly last week that her dad “looks to Ivanka for advice and consultation on almost everything.” Which is a scary prospect, if you think about.

Then again… Donald talking to Steve Bannon about almost everything is A LOT scarier.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Ivanka Trump Slammed for Sharing Insensitive Photo Amidst Protests!

In what will come as a complete and total shock to absolutely no one, Ivanka Trump has found herself in some hot water for being completely and totally insensitive and tone-deaf.

Hey, it’s basically the family business at this point, right?

Ivanka, who once sat atop her giant pile of money and advised others to take unpaid internships and “make it work,” shared this photo on Saturday night:

So that’s Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, all dressed up and ready to go to some fancy gala on Saturday night.

And that’s fine, right? Sometimes the president’s daughter will do that sort of thing.

But the issue is that she shared this photo right at the time when thousands upon thousands of people were gathering to protest Donald Trump’s now infamous Muslim Ban.

And to flaunt her wealth, her comfort, and her privilege while others were unfairly being denied entry into the country … it just didn’t sit well with a lot of people.

As always, those people took to the comments to make their outrage known.

“This is disgusting,” one person wrote. “Are you for real? Is this a joke?”

Because one of the issues with this photo, as one person points out, is that Ivanka is “Looking good in the Capitol City while others are fleeing for their lives to our great country. Only to be blocked by your father.”

“You are having fun while a five year old got detained and separated from his mother because of your crazy father,” another added. “You are not a human. You are a monster.”

Another issue, according to yet another commenter, is that “You have so much influence over your father’s decisions, yet instead of taking action, you post Instagram pics.”

“So disappointed in your insensitivity,” another wrote. “You should know better. Post pics of your amazing life all you want but not during such a heartbreaking time for so many. It makes you appear totally disconnected and even callous.”

Others (seriously, a lot of people were pissed) took issue with Ivanka’s dress. Not because it was surely stupidly expensive, but because it just doesn’t look all that great.

“Your dress is almost as tacky as you,” wrote one fashion critic, while countless others compared the dress to aluminum foil, duct tape, or garbage bags.

But while so many people had problems with the photo, several were quick to quick to compliment her.

“Beautiful — hope you enjoy a great evening out you deserve it! You are all doing a wonderful job!” wrote one clearly delusional Instagram user.

Others offered some pretty great backhanded compliments, like “Wow. You look great. You’re the spawn of a bigot.”

At the end of the day, yes, it was remarkably insensitive for Ivanka to share a photo like that during a time like this.

But she’s never going to understand that. So save your outrage, friends, for whatever the president does next.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Get Shabbat Pass for Inauguration Friday Night

Ivanka Trump and hubby Jared Kushner got special permission from a rabbi to break from Orthodox Jewish laws that ban use of technology — like cars — on the very night they’re celebrating Donald Trump’s inauguration. As you might…
