Showing posts with label Kardashians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashians. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Konfessions of Some Drama Queens

The klaws kame out on the Season 15 premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as Kim and Khloe ganged up on sister Kourtney like never before.

These sisters klashed over the family’s annual Khristmas kalendar, with Kim peeved that Kourtney wasn’t making herself readily available and Kourtney irritated that Kim didn’t komprehend she has three kids for whom to kare.

So… did this feud get resolved on Sunday night’s brand new installment?

We started with Kim suggesting to her siblings that they attend some counseling in order to work through a few rather clear issues.

“We all communicate really weird and we just don’t ever express what’s really bothering us and we all walk on eggshells around each other,” Kim explained.

Kourtney objected, but this storyline was in the script, so Kim insisted:

“Well we’re all going to therapy together, so it’s happening. Because we all need to communicate with a mediator and we don’t have that mediator.”

Enter that mediator!

The sisters awkwardly sat around at Khloe’s house and tried to put everything on the table for a change, as opposed to shoving it under a rug.

Said Kourtney to the professional at one point:

“I’m the one who invented mean fighting … I’m just not wanting to fight like that anymore. … I don’t want to spend my time around people that are mean and putting me down.”

From there, revealed to the mediator that Kourtney has been insecure, adding:

“But it’s also an insecurity I’ve never seen from her before.”

(NOTE: This was all filmed many months ago, long before Kourtney split from Younes Bendjmina.)

Kim, meanwhile, was taken aback by Kourtney’s claim.

She wasn’t buying the story that Kourtney was somehow the relaxed sister; or that she had been making any effort of late to let things go.

Quite the opposite, Kim argued:

“You’re preaching that you just want this Zen life and that you’re so positive and you don’t want to fight, but then most of the time you’re arguing about stuff that’s like, ‘Again?"”

Seemingly not eventrying to be cruel, just to explain where she was coming from, Kim labeled Kourtney as “always anxious and insecure.”

Said Khloe in this emotional session:

“Kourtney and I have a really special bond, I haven’t felt that from her in the past couple months and that’s been frustrating for me.

“I do feel a major disconnect between her and I specifically, and I would like to understand what that is.”

Kourtney sat and listed and waited patiently.

But she admitted that she didn’t think her sisters were “genuinely” happy for her.

“It’s like everything is…the show’s more important, work’s more important,” an emotional Kourtney confessed. “Maybe traveling isn’t a priority to you, but it is to me.”

Kourtney has the biggest family of all three siblings and admittedly works the least, but what’s wrong with that?

Why be “resentful” of her lifestyle, as Kourtney accused Kim and Khloe of being toward her?

“We honestly want Kourtney to take her trips, we want Kourtney to live her life and do whatever she wants to do,” Kim later claimed in a confessional, adding:

“We just want her to be held accountable and be responsible that when you take a job and you’re getting paid to do something that you honor that, because all of us do.”

In the end, Kourtney simply said that work wasn’t a priority for her like it is for her sisters and she didn’t understand why they focused on such petty issues.

Conversely, Khloe and Kim said that Kourtney simply wasn’t understanding their side of the issue.

Little was resolved.

“Whatever Kourtney is going through, it’s just so much deeper than me and Khloe and until Kourtney is ready to talk about it we can’t push her or try to be aggressive,” Kim later concluded camera.

“She’s going through a lot of life changes right now and we just have to let her go through that.”

Sure, either that or Kourtney just wants to hang out with her children.

To relive this drama, and to see what sort of prank Khloe pulled off with Scott Disick, use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Catch up on all you missed!


Friday, August 10, 2018

Kylie Jenner Celebrates 21st Birthday with Kardashians, Caitlyn, Scott Disick

Kylie Jenner can legally drink — and she’s a billionaire — which are 2 good reasons why there were 2 insane parties Thursday night that not only brought out the Kardashian brood in full force but reunited Scott with Kourtney and Caitlyn with Kris…


Kylie Jenner Celebrates 21st Birthday with Kardashians, Caitlyn, Scott Disick

Kylie Jenner can legally drink — and she’s a billionaire — which are 2 good reasons why there were 2 insane parties Thursday night that not only brought out the Kardashian brood in full force but reunited Scott with Kourtney and Caitlyn with Kris…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fans Rush to Kourtney Kardashian"s Defense: She"s Hotter Than Kim!

If you have brothers or sisters, there have probably been times when you felt as though you were in competition for your parents’ affection of attention.

Of course, few families have known sibling rivalries as intense as the Kardashians’, as Kim and company are vying for the love of not only their mother but their millions of fickle fans, as well.

We’re sure it can be a lot of pressure at times, which may help to explain Kim’s unfortunate comments on Sunday night’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians season premiere.

In a scene that’s gained a modicum of viral infamy in the days since it first aired, Kim referred to Kourtney as “the least exciting to look at” among her siblings.

It’s a harsh comment under any circumstances, but it’s particularly cutting in the Kardashians’ world, with its constant emphasis on appearances and fashion.

Quite understandably, Kourtney did not take the comment well, and her feud with Kim spilled over onto social media as the episode aired.

To make matters worse, Kourtney recently broke up with Younes Bendjima, which means she’s more in need of support ever.

Thankfully, her fans were happy to provide it … and to roast Kim a bit for good measure.

“I thought we’d all BEEN in agreeance that Kourtney is the hottest sister?? I know I sure have,” tweeted one Kourt-supporter.

Some seethed with rage, tweeting things like:


And as you can see, B-list celebs like Devon Sawa made their feelings known as well.

This thing reached the point where folks with zero interest in the Kard clan felt the need to sounded off the issue.

“I could not give less of a shit about the Kardashians but lets get one thing straight. Kourtney is the hottest one and that’s always been the case,” wrote one irate tweeter.

Hopefully, all of this has given Kourt a bit of a self-esteem boost.

Sometimes it’s only our darkest hours that we learn who are true friends are … or at least who pervs out to out Instagram selfies.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: The Klash Over the Khristmas Card

In certain scenes from a certain sex tape, Ray J simply gives it to Kim Kardashian.

We’re talking about some good ole fashioned pounding, right in front of a camera, as the reality star lies back and takes it with pleasure.

On the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15 premiere Sunday evening, however, Kim was the one who dished it out, this time to sister Kourtney…

… but she did anything but take pleasure in the awkward experience.

As you’ve likely scene plastered around the Internet via clips shared by E! in anticipation of this return episode, the bulk of the installment centered on Kim feuding with Kourtney like never before.

But why? Over what?!?

The answer has finally been revealed.

Filmed many months ago, the premiere focused around Kim’s attempt to gather her entire family for its annual Christmas Card photo shoot.

“I moved my meetings to earlier so that we can all accommodate miss queen Kourtney and then Kylie couldn’t come,” Kim complaiend early on, criticizing her siblings and adding:

“She wanted to shoot hers privately at home. Rob’s trying to lay low right now. Kendall’s gonna make it right at the end.”

Added the former sex tape star:

“It’s just like craziness. So I thought, ‘Why not show the craziness of our family?’ We’re just gonna do candid pictures and we can post them for the 25 days of Christmas.”

That is what ended up happening, for the record.

The family released one photo per day for nearly a month until it finally unveiled the final version shared below.

We’d never have known ALL the drama that went on behind the scenes of this pictorial until last night’s intense episode.

After Kourtney refused give in on the time she’d be available for the shoot, Kim let her have sister it.

The back-and-forth was all about working at a job for a living and working as a mother of three at home.

“No one wants you in the f-cking shoot. I’m planning it. I’m planning the shoot, so we don’t want you in the shoot,” Kim screamed at one point, to which Kourtney fired back:

“Did I already say this morning, I didn’t care to do it.”

Kim’s retort?

“Maybe if you had a f-cking business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f-cking business but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about.”

Yikes, right?


2 sis

After Kourtney stormed off, Kim got even more personal in a heated discussion with Khloe and Kris Jenner.

“She’s the least exciting to look at, so she can be out,” Kim told her relatives. “She doesn’t do sh-t. She doesn’t know what it’s like to actually have f-cking work to do.”

(Editor’s Note: Kourtney is fantastic to look at. Especially when she dons a bikini.)

Kourtney later called Khloe, who of course kept her on speaker phone so that viewers could hear the totally natural and NON-scripted exchange.

“I’m not here to f-cking be mistreated by my f-cking bitch family,” Kourtney yelled, adding:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at…who even speaks like that?”

That’s a fair question. We wonder where how the writer who came up with that line though of it.

“You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do sh-t,” Kim screamed over the phone. “So be accommodating to the people that actually do sh-t.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” an emotional Kourtney shot back. “I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

As you can see here, the argument continued on Twitter after the premiere ended:

kourt tweet

During the episode, meanwhile, Kim insisted that she would not “tolerate” her sister being so rude that she would be “ten billion” times ruder in response… until Kourtney just broke down and cried.

“Your words have meaning and they come from somewhere. You didn’t just make them up,” a distraught Kourtney told Kim when they finally talked about their fight. “It’s really unkind.”

“Well, I’m sorry If I said something that was hurtful,” Kim said as an apology.

Khloe tried to keep the peace, offering to her siblings:

“I think we both have to stop judging, or all of us have to stop judging each other.”

And it kind of worked, as Kim invited Kourtney to her baby shower for Chicago.

But Kourtney turned down the invitation, prompting another tongue-lashing from her sister:

“I really hoped Kourtney was gonna get over herself and just show up, but she didn’t/ So, I don’t think she’s big on family ‘cause if she was, she would be at my shower.”

All this said, Kim made it clear on social media shortly after the premiere concluded that all is good between the loved ones:










It’s almost as if this drama was concocted as a storyline by producers, right?

Season 15 is officially upon us, however, with the opening episode teasing more friction between the sisters than usual.

If you missed any of the fireworks, you can (nay, you SHOULD!) use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Do you think this fight was real or staged? Watch and determine for yourself!


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Younes Bendjima Doesn"t Want Anyone Else to See Kourtney Kardashian"s Butt!

In a bizarre display of apparent jealousy, Younes Bendjima slammed Kourtney Kardashian over a simple thong photo that she shared to Instagram.

He quickly deleted the comment, but not in time to prevent the whole world from seeing him bite the hand that feeds him.

Now, we’re learning that he wasn’t joking — as well as the reason for which he lashed out.

Kourtney looks great in this pic, right?

Too great, if you ask Younes Bendjima.

In a now-deleted Instagram comment, Younes wrote: “That’s what you need to show to get likes?”

At first, most people — including us — assumed that he was probably joking. An insider even suggested as much.

It turns out that his comment was fueled by genuine feelings of jealousy. This sounds so unhealthy.

Sources tell E! that Kourtney is frustrated with Younes’ comment.

(Keep in mind that E! is the very same network that airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians, so we’re inclined to give these words their due weight)

“Kourtney doesn’t appreciate Younes posting his feelings in a public forum and being impulsive,” the insider shares.

We would imagine not. He may be her boy toy, but he should act like a grown-up.

“She’s frustrated,” the source continues. “That he continues to get upset about it.”

And by it, the source means Kourtney having a but and showing it off.

“She isn’t going to stop doing what she’s doing,” the insider reassures the world. “And feels like he needs to understand and deal with it.”

“Younes gets jealous and can be possessive of Kourtney,” the insider explains.

Apparently, that was his motivation for commenting. Ridiculous.

“When she posts half naked pictures,” the source continues. “He gets very upset.”

Not only is modeling a huge part of her brand, but Younes also has a modeling career. He should know better.

This is such an absurd reaction to a fairly tame pic.

The insider says: “He wants her for himself and doesn’t want to share her with the world.”

Good thing for him that Kourtney is just a rich model taking photos in her bikini, and not the sex worker equivalent of Santa Claus, visiting every home on the planet in a single night.

But the source does reveal what may have been really going on with Younes to make him lash out.

“It was sad when they had to say goodbye,” the source explains. “And she returned to the States.”

So he’s not with her at the moment.

“He’s been missing her like crazy,” the insider says. “And got emotional.”

That’s not an excuse, but it might explain it.

It sounds like Younes needs some emotional hand-holding.

“Kourtney has explained its part of her job and it’s not going to change,” the source says firmly.

Good. No woman, and especially no Kardashian, should give up her career in favor of her boyfriend’s ego.

The insider admits: “but it still makes him uncomfortable and upset.”

The source does acknowledge: “He overreacted and put up a comment without thinking it through.”

“Then,” the insider says. “He realized [that] what he did made it even worse.”

Feeling bad is one thing. Embarrassing your girlfriend in front of the whole dang planet is worse.

“He was just not thinking in the moment,” the source explains. “And got emotional.”

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for men to experience possessiveness or other irrational feelings towards their partners.

This is part of why some say that men are in general too emotional to be President, but that’s beside the point.

Though some Instagram commenters engaged in gleeful slut-shaming of Kourtney for daring to have a butt, others were firmly on her side.

“Aye tbh he sayin she thirsty and other people are too,” one commenter wrote. “But I promise she ain’t thirsty bc the girl can get any guy she wants.”

The wise commenter continues, saying: “So her bf need to chill out bc she ain’t thirsty bro she with u bc she wants you so calm down for you catch these hands.”

That was all good except for the part about catching hands. Please do not threaten violence, even in jest.

“It still isn’t appropriate to post,” another wrote of Younes’ comment. “He isn’t her boss. She is her own boss.”

She sure is.

We hope that Younes can put on his big-boy pants and accept his wildly successful girlfriend for who she is.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Boyfriend Younes Bendjima Shades Her Hot Booty Pic

So, this is a first — someone’s complaining about Kourtney Kardashian sharing a hot thong pic … and that someone is her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima. Younes took the jealous boyfriend route Monday, posting a comment on Kourt’s photo…


Kourtney Kardashian"s Boyfriend Younes Bendjima Shades Her Hot Booty Pic

So, this is a first — someone’s complaining about Kourtney Kardashian sharing a hot thong pic … and that someone is her boyfriend, Younes Bendjima. Younes took the jealous boyfriend route Monday, posting a comment on Kourt’s photo…


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Younes Bendjima Plays Dad with Kourtney Kardashian"s Son in Italy

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima are continuing their vacation overseas, and her children have joined them … so Kourt’s 24-year-old boyfriend is taking on some daddy duties. The couple was spotted out on a boat in Portofino, Italy Saturday…


Younes Bendjima Plays Dad with Kourtney Kardashian"s Son in Italy

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima are continuing their vacation overseas, and her children have joined them … so Kourt’s 24-year-old boyfriend is taking on some daddy duties. The couple was spotted out on a boat in Portofino, Italy Saturday…


Monday, June 25, 2018

16 Conspiracies About the Kardashians People Actually Believe

Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have been making headlines for years.

This is what happens when you star in a sex tape… give birth to many babies… and annoying shill for every product one can.

But Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have also been making headlines for years for stories that are less factual than the examples listed above.

That is, the Kardashians and Jenners have been at the center of more rumors, innuendo and straight-up conspiracies than any family in recent memory.

Scroll down for a list of these sorts of stories that have actually made the rounds:

1. Khloe is O.J. Simpson’s Daughter!

Oj simpson khloe kardashian split

We’ve gotta start with the very best one first. There are multiple stories out there that STILL try to argue that O.J. Simpson is Khloe’s biological dad. The “evidence” behind this? Simpson was friends with Kris Jenner and Khloe is taller than her sisters. That is pretty much it.

2. The Kris Humphries/Kim Wedding Was a Hoax

Kim kardashian and kris humphries

Not stunning people believe this, considering Kim filed for divorce after 72 days. But think about this: If it was a previously-agreed-upon hoax, why would they split after 72 days? Wouldn’t they keep the marriage intact for a longer period of time… just to make this so-called hoax seem less obvious?

3. Kylie Was Kim’s Surrogate!

Kylie jenner chicago west kim kardashian

Kim and Kanye West welcomed baby number-three via a surrogate. And she happened to arrive right about the time that Kylie was due to give birth. So, naturally, Kylie had to have been her half-sister’s surrogate, right?!? (If only photos didn’t exist of both Chicago AND Stormi, huh?)

4. Kim Was Replaced by a Lookalike in the Family’s Calvin Klein Ads

White wonders

Speaking of surrogates… we have no clue why anyone thought this, but articles went up online that questions whether Kim herself is truly posing with her siblings above.

5. Blac Chyna Got Knocked Up by Rob Kardashian on Purpose!

Rob kardashian and blac chyna christmas snap

Well, on purpose in order to exploit the last name of her then-boyfriend and profit from her connections to the Kardashian for years to come.

6. Same for Tyga!

Tyga kylie jenner blond hair yeezy season four

Tyga is the father of Chyna’s first child AND dated Kylie for many years. Did he and his ex really conspire to both go out with members of this family in order to make serious bank off the relationships down the line? Yes, some believe.

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Kill the Kardashians" Shirt Guy ID"d as Animal Lover with Disdain for the Family

The buff hottie Kendall Jenner encountered at the grocery store — wearing a shirt suggesting her family should be killed — has been ID’d … and his contempt for the Kardashians is real. TMZ has learned the guy with the jacked arms is Jason…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Spanx Founder Sara Blakely Thanks Kardashians for Pimping Them Out

Kim Kardashian and the rest of the fam might have added a few million bucks to Spanx’s revenue, and its billionaire founder, Sara Blakely, couldn’t be more grateful. We got Sara at LAX and our guy wanted to know just how much value the…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Roloffs Enter the Guinness Book of World Records, Can Now Trash Talk the Kardashians

Take this, Kardashians.

Go ahead and suck on it, Duggars.

Not even close, Wilkinson-Basketts!

The Roloffs now have bragging rights that no other group of relatives on reality television can match.

We mean this both literally and officially.

On Monday, Matt Roloff surprised Instagram followers by sharing two very sweet photos on his official social media account, both of which were accompanied by a caption that explained an impressive family achievement.

We’ll go ahead and let Matt explain on his loved ones’ behalf:

“The Roloff family’s very exciting news to share with you all… We have – along with all of YOU – made history,” he wrote to open this caption, adding in more detail:

“We’ve been awarded by the Guinness Book of World Records for the most family-focused reality television shows in the history of television!!

“We couldn’t have done it without all of you.

“If you have been a fan for a while, help us share the exciting news by sharing this photo on social media and mentioning how long you have been watching #LPBW.

“We appreciate you guys! @mattroloff @rolofffarms #littlepeoplebigworld #theroloffs #therolofffamily #worldrecord.”

Wow, huh?

We had no idea this even was a record one could achieve.

But Little People, Big World has been on the air since 2005.

As you can maybe see in the photo above, the series hit the 298-episode mark in January, which was apparently the figure needed to propel the Roloffs to the top.

For comparison’s sake:

Keeping Up with the Kardashians has aired 214 episodes, while 19 and Counting may have threatened this figure if TLC had not canceled the series in the wake of that Josh Duggar molestation scandal.

At the time of its axing, that family-based program had aired 227 installments.

This news comes at an interesting time for the show and for the family as a whole.

There’s been chatter among fans regarding the series’ future, based on Matt’s bombshell news that he’s moving to Arizona.

It’s unclear at the moment if this will have any impact on TLC renewing Little People, Big World for a new season.

The past few episodes of the show have also focused more than ever on tension between Matt and Amy, both of whom seem sick of working so closely together and definitely sick of living so close to each other.

This tension has been heightened of late because both Matt and Amy are involved in serious romantic relationships.

What might happen to the series if Matt marries Caryn Chandler and/or Amy marries Chris Marek?

Again, we don’t know.

But as you can see by the comparisons we made above, Little People, Big World is not in any danger of losing this record any time soon.

Its flown past the 300-episode milestone at this point and, even if it ends after this season, no other family-oriented reality show appears to be close.

So… congratulations to the Roloffs.

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching your adventures over the years and we hope there are many more to come in the years ahead.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Brody Jenner: The Kardashians Suck! And Caitlyn REALLY Sucks!

Just a few days ago, Brody Jenner officially gained a new member of his family when he married Kaitlynn Carter.

But it appears as if he unofficially lost another member of his family in the process.

Might Brody’s relationship with father Caitlyn have finally reached its true and final breaking point?

This is the strong impression we get after receiving confirmation that Caitlyn did not attend her son’s nuptials.

Jenner and Carter exchanged vows in Nihi, Sumba Island, which is a luxury island resort that’s about 250 miles east of Bali, Indonesia. It doesn’t get much more romantic than that.

But it also doesn’t get much more annoying and awkward when Brody’s supposedly close family members do not bother to make the trip.

Kylie Jenner wasn’t there. Kendall Jenner wasn’t there. And, most notably, Caitlyn Jenner wasn’t there.

“My two little sisters, we never even heard from them. They never even RSVP’d I don’t think,” Brody previously told People Magazine.

According to Radar Online, meanwhile, Caitlyn did not attend because he did not receive approval from girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

This couple is allegedly “inseparable,” a source says, and they already had plans for that weekend and Sophia just didn’t feel like going … so that was it.

“It was a big disappointment,” Brody tells People in its latest issue, adding of her famous dad: “Especially considering that she had known about the wedding for a year.”

An insider tells Life & Style, meanwhile, that “Caitlyn canceled her trip at the last minute,” without giving her son a reasonable explanation why.

“She said she had plans she couldn’t get out of and was too busy.”

As it turns out, Caitlyn showed up at Austria’s Life Ball with Hutchins, which is a charity event that supports people with HIV.

It’s a worthwhile cause, but at the expense of your own child’s wedding?

“Everyone was upset,” this tabloid source continues, delving into the history of father and son a bit and adding:

“Caitlyn was a distant dad [when Brody was growing up], and she hasn’t changed at all. She’s still the selfish father she always was.”

Brody, of course, it not very close to his step-siblings.

There’s a reason you’ve never seen him on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

“He calls them all his ‘fake-ass-family’ and thinks they’re just like what he calls ‘the Kar-trashians,"” says this same insider, adding:

“He’s so disappointed and hurt.”

This hurt goes back many years.

It was well documented at the time that Brody was unhappy when Kim Kardashian neglected to invite him to her 2015 wedding to Kanye West.  

“I don’t know why Brody is still talking about this,” Kim said on Keeping Up with the Kardashians shortly after this mini scandal went viral.

 “We were very strict about our wedding. There were less than 200 people there,” she continued.

“Everyone else respected that – it’s not a big deal. We love our stepbrothers. It just seems like they are always talking about this divide.”

They’re really not.

But Kim need not worry about this much anymore: we doubt Brody will be talking or thinking about any of the Kardashians or Jenners any time in the near future.


Kim Kardashian"s Mission to Free Alice Marie Johnson Accomplished

Kim Kardashian West’s fight to free imprisoned grandmother Alice Marie Johnson is over – President Trump has granted her clemency … TMZ has learned. Our sources tell us the Prez signed off on Wednesday, and Alice will soon be…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian"s Adorable Video of True Thompson Sneezing

There’s no denying Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson make super cute babies, because 2-month-old True could make anyone’s heart melt … although, she needs a tissue. Khloe shared a video Tuesday morning of True propped up on a…


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Blac Chyna Drops Major Kardashians Bombshell: They Threatened to Do WHAT?!?

According to Blac Chyna, the Kardashian family really had it out for her last year.

To the extemt that they were willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to make sure she was decapated completely.

Allow us to explain…

As detailed back in October, Chyna is suing the world’s most famous reality show family, alleging that Kris Jenner and company conspired in the past to ruin her career.

(Go ahead and take a few moments to laugh out loud over the concept of Chyna having a “career.” We’ll wait…)

In legal documents filed by Blac’s lawyer, the mother of two says that Kris and her daughters used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season” of Rob & Chyna.

It is true, of course, that there was no second season of Rob & Chyna.

But it’s also true that the series garnered VERY low ratings, and that was before Chyna and her baby daddy had one explosive argument after another prior to breaking up over a year ago.

So… did the Kardashian really plot to destroy Chyna’s reputation and make it hard for her to earn money, as she claims?

Or did a cable network abide by the demands of its biggest stars and shut down Rob & Chyna because it feared repercussions from Kris if it failed to do so?

The latter, Chyna and her legal team claim.

In new court papers, Chyna actually says that Kim Kardashian and her loved ones issued the ultimate threat to E! executives:

Cancel Rob & Chyna… or we’ll stop filming Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

TMZ has all the details.

This celebrity gossip website writes that scenes for Season 2 of Rob & Chyna had already been filmed when E! pulled the plug.

And why did this happen?

Chyna claims the axe fell in January of 2017 after a “key meeting” took place between E! higher-ups and the Kardashian clan.

During this meeting, Kim, Kris and everyone said they would yank the network’s highest-rated program off the air if E! didn’t say goodbye to Chyna.

Blac goes on to allege a significant factor for her show’s cancelation was because the Kardashians “falsely claimed” she was being physically abusive toward Rob.

Rob and Chyna are on decent terms these days actually.

They co-parent daughter Dream and they haven’thad a public blow-up in months, which is remarkable for these two stars.

Did the Kardashians truly blackmail E! to guarantee the end of Chyna’s reality show career on that network?

We really don’t know. We mostly doubt it.

But Chyna may have more pressing concerns to worry about these days anyway.

Such as the entire Internet thinking she sucks at oral sex…


Blac Chyna Says Kardashians Threatened to Leave E! Unless "Rob & Chyna" Was Canceled

Blac Chyna claims the Kardashian family got her show “Rob & Chyna” canceled by making secret threats to E! that they would yank “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and take it somewhere else … this according to new documents filed by Chyna. The…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Judge Shuts Down Blac Chyna"s Claim Kardashians Tanked Her Reality Show

Part of Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against the Kardashians is about to get shut down by a judge, who says she can’t blame the family for her reality show getting axed. According to docs, the judge is leaning toward tossing Chyna’s claim Kris Jenner and…
