Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Designer Kate Spade Dead at 55, Suicide by Hanging

Iconic fashion designer Kate Spade was found dead Tuesday morning in her NYC apartment … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources confirm she was found at 10:20 AM ET, and had hanged herself in her Park Avenue home. She was pronounced dead on…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kate Gosselin: I Demand Every CENT of Jon Gosselin"s Money!!

In case there was ever any doubt, yes, Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin still hate each other.

And now it’s more than just personal — they’re facing each other in court.

This time, it’s about more than just their long-running custody battle. It’s about money. Is Kate trying to bleed him dry?

RadarOnline reports that Kate Gosselin is demanding a major payday from her ex, Jon Gosselin, according to court records that the tabloid obtained.

How much money? To the tune of about $ 132,000.

She apparently filed this lawsuit in March, but Jon isn’t going down without a fight.

“He’s contesting it.”

But a $ 132,000 dispute isn’t something that you work out over coffee. This is a civil dispute.

“They’re fighting it out in court.”

It sounds like this battle has been waging for about two months.

Their research indicates that Jon Gosselin was personally served with a complaint by a shariff on April 5.

On April 6, Jon issued his response — in the form of a petition to strike. He has lawyered up.

As to why Jon would wage this legal battle with Kate in the first place, the answer is pretty simple.

“It’s a lot of money.”

Six figures is no laughing matter, especially when, like Jon, you’ve struggled as a famous person without a reality series to keep you afloat.

“Both parties are contesting it.”

And the insider suggests that this court battle could drag on for ages.

“It’s not over yet.”

It’s clear that they’re willing to fight.

So far, this has only cost Kate an estimated $ 300 and Jon an estimated $ 200.

But court battles usually include attorneys and other expenses that can cost more than a few hundred dollars.

And, of course, whoever wins, at least one of them will be losing out on a sizable chunk of cash.

It is not immediately clear, RadarOnline notes, why Kate is demanding this cash or in this amount.

Back in 2012, in simpler times when people feared that the world would end for mystical reasons rather than through unstable despots with nuclear stockpiles, Kate said that Jon owed her child support.

Specifically, she said that he owed her $ 3,500 in child support. That’s not a lot to have, but that can be a lot to owe, you know?

Back then, Jon told her frankly that he could not afford to pay it. Kate voluntarily waived it at the time. Which seems … uncharacteristically nice of her.

This lawsuit seems more like the Kate with whom viewers are familiar.

But … what is her angle?

Online estimates put Kate’s net worth at about $ 200,000. They put Jon’s net worth at about $ 10,000.

We don’t really know what Kate expects to get out of this. We don’t even know why Kate believes that she is entitled to this money. Is it child support or something else?

We’re glad that Jon Gosselin and his daughter spent some quality time together in recent weeks.

We hope that he gets to spend time with all of his children, even during this court battle.

It’s all sure to be a mess.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jon Gosselin: Glad I Could Get My Daughter Away from Kate For a While!

Earlier this month, Jon Gosselin shared a rare photo of Collin. These are extremely unusual these days, ever since Kate shipped her son off to parts unknown.

But while fans are pleased to see Collin alive — though they still have plenty of questions — Jon has been posting more photos.

These are with his daughter, Hannah — and only with Hannah. This is raising even more questions, honestly.

Obviously, it is wonderful to see Jon Gosselin, who has long complained that he hasn’t gotten to spend much time with his children over the years, spend some one-on-one quality time with his daughter.

And it looks like it’s really nice for Hannah, too.

They seem to have spent over a week together, including going on a road trip and visiting Collin.

During that time, they’ve posted plenty of precious new father-daughter photos.

They did not take a photo at every opportunity — they were too busy enjoying each other’s company.

But they posted plenty. And they shared messages with fans.

Jon Gosselin even shared a message with fans, prefacing the video with:

“Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic.”

Totally understandable. Like we said, they were enjoying each other’s company.

“She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!!”

It is always sweet to see family supporting each other on social media.

“Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let’s get summer started!!!! Thanks again!”

That was a good preface.

During Jon Gosselin’s actual post, he says:

“I’d like to thank everyone for their love and support during this week.”

Fans were, of course, absolutely overjoyed to see so many happy photos of father-daughter time.

“Obviously, you know the situation.”

He refers, of course, to his very complicated and unhappy custody situation with his absolute nightmare of an ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

“If you don’t know the situation you should get together with a friend or anyone who understands the situation.”

In other words, he’s not going to say that she’s the worst because he wants to keep things publicly amicable so that he can see his kids.

But if you ask a friend, they’ll tell you what’s up.

“But I want to say Happy Memorial Day, good luck to everyone and have a safe and happy weekend.”

We’re sure that he has been treasuring his moments with his daughter.

As was mentioned, Hannah did share her own video on social media … though it is not currently present on her Instagram page.

“Hey daddy, I just wanted to say I had so much fun this week posting all the pictures.”

That is so sweet of her. She’s 14 and giving her dad a shoutout on social media.

Plenty of teens would not do the same, to be honest. (That’s okay, though)

“And I wanted to thank everyone for the love and support.”

Which means that she saw some of those comments, too. Or at least heard about them.

“So go watch my dad’s video!”


We don’t know the exact parameters of their extended visits with each other, save that it involved a road trip and, of course, seeing Collin.

We know, of course, that Jon isn’t going to win any Father of the Year awards any time soon.

But considering that Kate is the alternative, we’re sure that Hannah very much enjoyed her daddy-daughter time.

Fans enjoyed these precious pics, and we hope to see more like them in the near future.

Perhaps Jon will get to spend some time with his six other children?

For his sake, but also for the sake of the kids. They deserve a break.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Dad Sucks!

In less than 24 hours, Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry, thus becoming the newest member of the British Royal Family.

Obviously, planning a wedding is always hectic, and planning a royal wedding is stressful in a way that few of us could ever imagine.

And Meghan has to deal with the additional drama of watching her own family members do their damnedest to ruin the biggest day of her life.

Meghan’s siblings have been denigrating her to anyone who will listen.

Her father decided not to attend the wedding, seemingly because he was embarrassed by a minor “scandal” involving the sale of paparazzi photos to tabloid media outlets.

Needless to say, it’s not a great situation.

Fortunately, for the former actress, her soon-to-be-in-laws are as supportive as her family is obnoxious.

An insider tells Hollywood Life that Meghan has had difficulty keeping it together over the past few days but has benefited tremendously from her close relationship with Kate Middleton.

“Meghan is doing her best to keep it together with the help of Harry and her future sister-in-law,” the source says

“Kate has stepped up to calm down Meghan as last-minute wedding changes are turning her into a nervous wreck. Kate has taken Meghan by the hand to help guide her through her final days leading to the wedding.”

Yes, Meghan has reportedly stepped in as the official fixer of the Royal Wedding 2.0.

“From helping with family issues, to royal duties and obligations, Meghan has been leaning on Kate who has been through it all and is a rock of support,” the insider adds.

“Meghan feels like Kate is the only one whom she can really relate to during her wedding crisis because she can understand what she is going through. Meghan is grateful for Kate’s support.”

Apparently, Kate’s influence is paying off.

Not only is the bride-to-be more at ease, her siblings seem to have taken note of the fact that most of the world is very much Team Meg.

“Give her a chance! I’ve always been vocal about the things I admire about her and the public has taking [sic] this too far,” Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Grant, tweeted this week.

She then shifted the blame to one of her other siblings, writing:

“My brother needs to stop the alcoholism and lies.”

Oh, man. “Publicly trash-talking your siblings is bad! Just ask my drunk-ass loser brother over here!”

Never change, Sam.


Grumpy Girl from Kate & William"s Royal Wedding "Memba Her?!

Grace van Cutsem stole the show when she was photographed covering her ears and scowling during Kate Middleton and Prince William’s iconic kiss on the Buckingham Palace balcony back in 2011. Guess what she looks like now at age 10!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

Kate and Jon Gosselin: Yup, They STILL Hate Each Other!

According to an old adage, time heals all wounds.

According to Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin, however, well…

… the other person just sucks so very much that the wounds of their failed marriage and their doomed relationship will only grow worse and worse as time goes on.

The ex-couple got divorced WAY back in 2009, yet going their separate ways did little to each the tension between these parents of eight.

As recently as this past November, we documented how the stage may be set for an explosive custody battle between the D-Listers, just a few months after they engaged in a very ugly actual fight.

In August of 2017, Kate and Jon got into a heated argument over who would drive their daughter home from the orthodontist, with poor Hannah literally stuck in between.

At the time, In Touch Weekly wrote that the teenager “screamed, sobbed, and violently resisted” while Kate grabbed a hold of her arm and tried to force her out of the vehicle.

How awful, right?

And how confusing and disturbing, right?

That two people who were once married and in love and who now must serve as co-parents can STILL get into this sort serious tiff all these years later?

On the occasion of their sextuplets turning 14 on Thursday, both Jon and Kate wished their kids a happy birthday.

But an insider told Entertainment Tonight that Jon and Kate are “still at odds,” nearly a decade after their legal break-up.

“They will never agree about how to raise the children,” the source explains, adding that the pair “absolutely despise one another and can’t stand to even be in the same room.”

As a result, the ex-spouses won’t be celebrating Collin, Hannah, Joel, Alexis, Leah and Aaden’s birthday together – but they each acknowledged the milestone on Instagram.

“Happy 14th Birthday to Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Joel, Aaden and Collin!!! I can’t believe it’s been this long!!!” wrote Jon, adding:

“Whew that when fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!”

Not according to his twins, Jon doesn’t.

But anyway…

14 image

Kate, who will soon start dating in front of reality TV cameras, shared the above birthday cake photo.

She included with it a lengthy caption that reads:

Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time.

I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were.

Alexis’s blonde hair, Aaden’s teeny tiny face, with alert awake eyes that didn’t miss a thing, Hannah and her adorable ‘human doll’ face, Collin looked SO big and strong at 3 entire pounds (the biggest!), Leah had the most beautiful head of dark soft hair and Joel— literally just slept peacefully like he was at the beach in the sun!

I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together……this day remains one of the best in my life…. and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible!

Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what!

It really is an awful shame that Kate and Jon cannot be remotely amicable in front of their kids.

How hard would it be to put on fake smiles and co-host a birthday party for their teenages, right?

Very hard, apparently.

The best we can hope for at this point is that each keeps his or her feelings to him or herself when around the children and doesn’t actually bad mouth Mom or Dad when alone with the children.

But knowing Kate and Jon as we sort of do, this seems like too much to ask for.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Kate Hudson Flaunts Baby Bump in Denim Outfit for Malibu Photo Shoot

Kate Hudson’s upcoming role as a mother of three has a nickname now — Denim Mom. The actress showed off her growing baby bump while wearing a Canadian Tuxedo for a photo shoot in Malibu Wednesday. Kate rocked the ripped jeans look with a hat and…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Kate Gosselin Baits Fans, Leaves Collin Out of Early Birthday Pic

Last year, Kate Gosselin wasn’t shy about the fact that five of her sextuplets celebrated their birthday without Collin.

Kate has been beyond vague about his “treatment program” for alleged “special needs” that has kept him away from his siblings for years.

Now, as her children turn 14, Collin is nowhere to be found. But Kate seems to be trying to hide that fact.

In the captions of this photo, Kate writes:

“Rainy day ice cream. … #HowAreMyBabiesTurning14?”

Kate and John’s sextuplets will turn 14 on Thursday, May 10.

“#LoveThemAll (even the ones who refused to be in the pic)”

Despite a caption that many saw as almost begging for questions about Collin Gosselin, some commenters glossed over his absence from the photo to fawn over kate.

Others just ignored all of that to make simple, positive posts.

“WOW! 14 already?! They have grown so quickly.”

A number of Kate’s harshest critics noticed Collin’s absence and spoke up.

“This lady is evil all she cares about is herself, fame and having everything her way.”

That is a common characterization of Kate.

“She did it again, wanted to get people attention and got it.”

This comment seems to refer to her highlighting Collin’s absence, which people see as a (successful) strategy for getting a lot of Instagram interactions.

“FREE COLLIN!!!!!!!!!”

Some fear the worst for the poor boy.

“Collin could be away in some dungeon for all [fans] know.”

Others expressed disgust with Kate for shipping him off.

“Sick that she as a parent wouldn’t want to learn how to deal with any issues. I did. Rather have my children where they feel loved and part of the family no matter what. Families do that.”

Others would at least like an explanation.

“She could let the public know how he is doing. The saddest thing to me is that the dad to my knowledge has no contact with Collin. I don’t understand why he cannot take legal action to get to see his son.”

Others were more charitable in their view of Kate and even spoke in her defense.

“Poor Collin.. I know he’s getting help and she’s doing what she needs to do to be a good mom. I just feel bad he can’t celebrate his birthdays with his siblings.”

One person thinks that Kate is right to be so cryptic about Collin.

“When Kate (and Collin) are ready to let fans of Kate Plus 8 know more about their situation, they’ll do so. Not before, not for the sake of your curiosity or even your concern.”

Fans with comments like this should probably remember that Collin likely won’t be free to speak his mind. That’s for another four years.

When fans say that, they should remember that four years isn’t an inconvenience — that is a massive chunk of a teenager’s life.

The Kate apologists continued to post, and some got very defensive.

“She posted a pic of her children who I believe she loves greatly. I don’t believe he was ‘kicked out’ and all I am saying is stop asking where Colin is every time she posts something.”

That person doesn’t think that people should even ask? About the whereabouts and well-being of a minor?

Other fans were weirded out by that assertion.

“I think it’s should be ok to ask where Colin is people who has watched the show from the beginning, [they] are just curious.”


“I find it sad how some of Kate’s fans are telling other Kate fans to stop talking about Collin. It’s been 3 years since he’s been gone and nothing from Kate. Now before you bring up the privacy argument,simply telling fans that hes home is not exposing details about anything.”

Many feel that such a level of privacy — where someone can just disappear for years without explanation — goes out the window when you use your children as props to become reality stars.

Other commenters decided to try to steer away from the Collin discussion, writing:

“I’m sure Kate is referring to the twins not wanting to be in the picture.”


What may be our favorite comment was this one:

“Shouldn’t be Kate +7.”

It’s hard to tell if this person is saying that Collin should be there, or if they mean shouldn’t it, suggesting that the show’s name should be changed for accuracy.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Kate Middleton and Prince William"s Baby, Prince Louis, Seen Up Close for First Time

Kensington Palace just showed off Kate Middleton and Prince William’s new bundle of joy to the whole world for the first time — and he’s royally cute. The photo of Prince Louis — full name Louis Arthur Charles — was taken by Kate on…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Prince Louis: What"s Behind William and Kate Middleton"s Baby Name?

Earlier this week, Prince William and Kate Middleton introduced their third child to the world.

But early on Friday, Prince William and Kate Middleton truly introduced their child to the world.

Because now that child has a name!

Indeed, the newborn pictured above is SO gosh darn cute!

But he’s also named Louis Arthur Charles, we can now confirm, courtesy of a Tweet today from Kensington Palace.

To be exact (and formal), he’ll be called “His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.”

It’s better than True, Stormi or Chicago, right?

But from where did this name come? Why did William and Kate go with Louis as their son’s first name?

For starters, a multitude of British royal family members have used the moniker as a middle name, including William himself (whose full name is William Arthur Philip Louis), and also big brother Prince George (whose full name is George Alexander Louis).

Louis also happens to be the middle name of Queen Elizabeth II’s youngest child, Prince Edward (otherwise known as Edward Antony Richard Louis).

In all likelihood, this is who the name is meant to honor.

Philip’s grandfather was Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg.

The name holds significant meaning to William’s own father, too, Prince Charles, whose great-uncle and mentor, Earl Louis Mountbatten, was actually killed by the IRA in 1979.

For what it’s also worth, notes CNN, Louis stems from the name Ludwig, which can be interpreted as “renowned warrior.”

That’s a pretty nice term/noun to be affiliated with, no?

“Louis is obviously a favorite name and an indirect nod to the Duke of Edinburgh and his side of the family,” Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty magazine, tells People, adding:

“I did think that Philip might have appeared in there somewhere.”

So did we. Alas.

As for Arthur and Charles?

Both names are shared by the baby’s grandfather, whose full name is Charles Philip Arthur George.

Here, once again, William shares Arthur as a middle name.

Moreover, Charles is a middle name of the child’s uncle Prince Harry, whose full name is Henry Charles Albert David.

There’s a lot to consider here, people. Many Royals across many generations come into play.

The important thing overall right now, of course, is that the baby is doing well.

Now that they are back home in Kensington Palace with their new baby boy, Prince William and Kate Middleton have started life as a family of five.

It’s all worked out so well for them.

“It completes them,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward tells People in this week’s cover story. 

Elsewhere, a friend of the couple notes that Middleton “is one of three siblings, and it’s a good family size. Boy-girl-boy is pretty cool as well.”

We agree!

Congrats to everyone involved!


Kate Middleton and Prince William Announce Name of Baby Boy

Kate Middleton and Prince William’s third child has a name fit for a king … Louis Arthur Charles! As we reported … Kate gave birth to her baby Monday at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. As is tradition, the Town Crier announced the birth from…


Kate Middleton and Prince William Announce Name of Baby Boy

Kate Middleton and Prince William’s third child has a name fit for a king … Louis Arthur Charles! As we reported … Kate gave birth to her baby Monday at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. As is tradition, the Town Crier announced the birth from…


Kate Middleton and Prince William Reveal Royal Name... Finally!

The wait is over.

The anticipation can end.

The rumors can be put to rest.

The Royal Baby? He finally has a name!

Five days after Kate Middleton and Prince William welcomed their third bundle of precious joy into the world, the world’s favorite couple has at last come out and made it possible for us to refer to their baby as something other than “that kid.”

Instead, we can now call him…


It’s not True Thompson and it’s not Stormi Webster, but it’s the name of the fifth heir to the British throne.

Isn’t that right, Kensington Palace?

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their son Louis Arthur Charles,” reads the official Tweet making this announcement.

Along with an adorable picture of Mommy, Daddy and Louis, the social media confirmation added:

“The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.”

Well, sure. But only when his parents are really angry with him and want to use his full name.

louis tweet

Louis was among the leading contenders for the Royal Baby name, as various casinos and online gambling destinations actually accepted wagers on what the moniker would be.

Prince William had tried to throw fans off the scent in a brief chat with the media on Wednesday, joking at one point that he liked the name Jerry.

He also said at the time that his son is sleeping “reasonably well” and behaving himself, while adding that his wife is “doing very well.”

The beloved couple’s latest addition was born at 11:01 a.m. local time on Monday.

Just a few hours later, the traditional ceremonial easel was placed in front of Buckingham Palace, while Kate and William debuted the boy a short time after that.

He’s pretty darn adorable, isn’t he?

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz.,” the palace tweeted for this major announcement.

It added on Monday:

“The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.

“The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.”

William and Kate, meanwhile, chose traditional names that honored their family members for their first two children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The former shares a name with six former kings of England, including Queen Elizabeth II’s late father, King George VI.

As for Charlotte? Her middle name is Diana, which is self-explanatory, right?

Middleton actually paid tribute in moving fashion to Princess Diana with the dress you see her wearing above.

In related news:

Prior to the baby’s arrival, various reports have come out that Kate’s younger sister, Pippa Middleton, is pregnant with her first child.

And then, on May 19, Prince Harry is set to marry Meghan Markle.

It’s quite a time to be a fan of the Royal Family… or a member of the Royal Family.

Welcome to the world, Louis Arthur!

You’re a cutie patootie!


Kate Middleton & Prince William New Son Already Getting Celebrity Swag

Kate Middleton and Prince William’s third child may be fifth in line to the throne, but he’s already ruling when it comes to raking in gifts from celebs and dignitaries. We’re told James Corden, Diane von Furstenberg and the First Family…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kate Middleton: How Did She Pay Tribute to Princess Diana with Third Baby Debut?

On Monday morning, Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child.

Perhaps you heard!

The baby was a boy… he entered the world at 11:01 a.m. local time… and he weighed eight pounds, seven ounces.

Oh, and he’s also adorable, as evidenced here:

Indeed, a mere seven hours (seven hours!) after becoming a mother once again, Middleton got all dolled and all made up in order to present her son to the world.

We’ve collected a fair share of these indelible images below.

But while they make clear just how happy Prince William and his lovely Duchess are to have a bundle of you to care for, there’s one important aspect to these photos that is not evident at first glance.

And that is this:

Middleton actually paid homage to Princess Diana during the memorable public appearance.

How so?

Nearly 34 years ago, when the late and great Princess Diana presented son Prince Harry to the universe, she also wore a red outfit featuring a white Peter Pan collar.

There’s just no way this was a coincidence.

The new mother’s dress – a red ensemble from Jenny Packham (who designed all three of Kate’s post-birth ensembles) – was undoubtedly a nod to the new baby’s maternal grandmother, who, of tragically, died in a car crash in 1997.

And we weren’t the only people who noticed this, either.

At least one Twitter user believes Kate paid homage to Diana with the outfits she wore for the presentation of this child and of Prince George:

tribute to di

When she gave birth to George in 2013, Middleton rocked a blue polka-dot Jenny Packham dress at his unveiling, invoking the same print that Diana herself wore to present William to the world in 1982.

Pretty cool, right?

Awfully special, no?

The Royal Couple is yet to announce the name of its third kid, but William and Kate and now at home in Kensington Place, trying to get as much sleep as possible while caring for him.

“It completes them,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward tells People Magazine, while a friend of the tandem notes that Kate “is one of three siblings, and it’s a good family size.”

What about four-year old George and big sister Princess Charlotte, who turns 3 on May 2?

The toddler “are so excited,” says another friend, adding:

“Kate’s worried that Charlotte will feel it the hardest as the youngest, but she’s such a confident little girl and growing up so fast, Kate is hoping she will adjust.”

That’s a normal concern, of course.

There’s bound to be some jealousy when the kids see Mommy paying attention to another tiny human all of a sudden.

But it will surpass. And sleep will come again someday for the baby’s parents.

Until then, it’s just important that they savor every second they have with their newborn.

Congrats to the entire family!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Kate Middleton Baby Name: What"s the New Prince"s Royal Moniker?

As you"ve likely heard by now, Kate Middleton welcomed her third child this morning.

The newest member of the royal family already made his big media debut, but thus far, Kate and Will have kept mum with regard to his royal moniker.

But that"s not stopping the UK"s most problematic gamblers from betting their paychecks on the little lads name!

Most of the wagering took place before today"s delivery, but don"t worry – it"s not too late for you to get in on the ridiculous action!

Check out our full gambling guide in the gallery below:

1. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Checking in on kate

The royal baby has entered the building, y’all. Here’s one of the first pics of Will, Kate, and their newest arrival outside the hospital where the little prince entered the world this morning.

2. When Will the Announcement Take Place?

Oh royal baby

The bad news is, Will and Kate probably won’t announce the baby’s name until later this week. The good news is, that gives you, the degenerate gambler, plenty of time to place a bet on the royal moniker!

3. The Royal Precedent

Kate middleton baby photo

With both Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the royals waited a day or two befor announcing the name. Why, you ask? We have no idea! That’s not for peasants like us to understand!

4. No Jaden, Caden, or Braden

Kate middleton with prince george

As with their first two tykes, it’s a safe bet that Will and Kate will go the traditional route. And so, a handful of royal-sounding frontrunners have emerged as the the gamblers’ favorites.

5. No Jack City

Kate middleton and prince william together

It was briefly rumored that Will and Kate would go with the name “Jack” after one of Will’s favorite soccer players. That name quickly fell out of contention when royal-watchers determined it was much too modern.

6. Arthur: 2/1

Prince william kate middleton altazurra blue dress stewards acad

A name fit for a king! Arthur is the current front-runner with 2/1 odds. But if you’re looking to really cash in, you might want to put your pounds down on a moniker with longer odds.

View Slideshow

Kate Middleton Baby Photos: First Precious Look!

Talk about a Royal welcome!

Just seven hours after she gave birth for the third time, Kate Middleton stepped out on Monday with her husband by her side and her brand new son in arms.

As previously detailed on The Hollywood Gossip, Middleton gave birth at 11:01 a.m. British time to a boy who weighed in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces.

As of this writing, we do not know the child"s name.

But we do know he"s precious and adorable and so very loved, as Middleton appeared on the steps of the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital on Monday evening to show the bundle of joy off.

Middleton donned a lovely red dress for the occasion – but, for once, eyes were not on the Duchess" fashion choice.

Instead, they were all fixated on the tiny human being held close and guarded safely.

Check out the adorable photos now!

1. Royal Baby #3!

Royal baby number 3 at

He’s here! A mere seven hours after giving birth, Kate Middleton holds her brand new son cozy in her arms, while flanked by Prince Williams.

2. Royally Blessed

Royally blessed

What a blessing, right? For both Kate Middleton and Prince William and the entire world at large.

3. Hey, Fam!

Hey fam

William and Kate wave to an adoring throng of fans in this special picture, which features their third kid and second son.

4. All Smiles

All smiles

Kate and William have one special reason to look this happy in this photo. And that reason is resting in his mom’s arms.

5. The Royal Welcome

The royal welcome

At the time this photo was snapped, Kate and William had not yet told the world the name of their child. But he sure is cute!

6. Kate and Her Kid

Kate and her kid

Does it get any more precious than this?!? The Royal Family has given us this glimpse of Kate Middleton cradling her son.

View Slideshow

Good Bet Kate Middleton & Prince William Name Royal Baby Arthur

Kate Middleton and Prince William haven’t announced the name for their newborn son yet, but there’s already a bunch of people betting it’ll be Arthur. We reached out to Ladbrokes, a major UK betting company, who’s been taking bets on the new royal…
