Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Melania Trump Defends "Be Best" Pamphlet Against Plagiarism

Melania Trump is being accused of plagiarizing material from the Obama administration, but the First Lady is firing back … saying it’s not what it seems. Melania launched her “Be Best” initiative — promoting online safety for kids — Monday…


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Melania Trump"s White Hat is a Classic, Not a Beyonce Knockoff

The white hat Melania Trump wore for French President Emmanuel Macron’s White House visit wasn’t a Beyonce knockoff … it’s your basic hat that was simply made to fit the First Lady’s head … according to its designer.  French-born…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Melania and President Trump Reach Hand-Holding Peace Treaty

Melania Trump pulled a France — appropriately before her first State dinner — and fully surrendered her right hand to President Trump. Vive la France! The First Lady and POTUS posed for pics Tuesday night before breaking baguettes with French Prez…


Monday, April 23, 2018

TMZ Live: Kellyanne Conway Melania "Superior" To Michelle Obama

ON TODAY’S SHOW Lil Wayne: My People Will Shoot At Concert Jay-Z Blesses Cardi B’s Baby Bump  Avicii’s Final Moments Rapper Viciously Attacked At Coachella 


Kellyanne Conway Says Melania is "Superior" First Lady to Michelle Obama

Kellyanne Conway says Melania Trump is a “superior” First Lady to Michelle Obama … and the country is lucky to have her.  Yep, that’s the word she used.  We spotted the White House counselor in D.C. and asked about reports that…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Silverman Says Trump"s Real "Golden Showers" Worry Isn"t About Melania

Sarah Silverman has her own theory on why she thinks President Trump is so worried about the golden showers dossier referenced in James Comey’s new book … and it’s got nothing to do with Melania. We got Sarah leaving Craig’s…


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Donald and Melania Trump Present United Front for Easter

Melania Trump may be stealing a page from Hilary Clinton’s playbook for Easter Sunday, telegraphing, “I’m with him.” Melania was flying solo in the days following Stormy Daniel’s “60 Minutes” interview last Sunday, but she was right by Donald…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Melania Trump: God, I Hate My Life

Melania Trump is reportedly unhappy in her marriage.

We know, right?!? How totally crazy and unbelievable, right?!?

What reason would the First Lady possibly have to want to trade places with pretty much any other woman in the free world?

Simply put, according to the latest issue of Us Weekly?

“She is very, very unhappy with her life. If she could, she would get away from Donald and just be with her son.”

Harsh? Some might say.

Others, however, might say that they don’t comprehend why Melania has even stuck by the President’s side this entire time.

Over the past few weeks, more attention than ever has been paid to a pair of women who claim they carried on an affair with Trump while he was married to Melania.

There’s been Stormy Daniels, of course, who opened up to 60 Minutes this week about the time she slept with Trump and the way he allegedly threatened her to remain quiet about it.

And then there’s Karen McDougal, who also opened up to CBS recently about the lengthy relationship she shared with Trump about a decade ago.

us cover

This latter romance supposedly took place just three months after Melania gave birth to the couple’s son.

Stephanie Grisham, a spokesperson for the First Lady, does not acknowledge any marital problems between Melania and Donald.

She just says the former “is focused on being a mom and is quite enjoying spring break at Mar-a-Lago while working on future projects.”

However, privately, says the tabloid’s supposedly reliable Melania source, she’s horrified that “all eyes are on her relationship with her husband. It’s not an easy time for her.”

We can’t imagine how it could be, no.

Might we see the unthinkable?

Might we see something that has never happened before in Presidential history?

Might a First Lady file to divorce a sitting Commander-in-Chief?

A few weeks ago, Trump himself joked that people around him are asking who will leave him first, advisor “Steve Miller or Melania?”

According to Spin Magazine, a break-up may not be in the cards, but we shouldn’t expect to see a smiling Melania posing alongside a smiling Trump any time soon, either.

“The first lady has a track record of abandoning traditional photo ops with her husband after reports of affairs go public,” a source tells this publication.

Again: Can anyone really blame her?

Melania has also come under fire for constantly insisting that a main tenant of her First Lady platform is to do away with cyberbullying.

She says she is strongly against those who tear down others on social media.

We can’t even think of a joke to make in this regard.

Has she never seen her own husband’s Twitter account?!?


Friday, March 23, 2018

Karen McDougal to Melania Trump: I"m Just... So Sorry

Karen McDougal broke her silence on CNN last night.

The former Playmate of the Year sat opposite Anderson Cooper and discussed in detail her affair with Donald Trump.

As previously reported, this McDougal-Trump affair took place in 2006 and lasted about 10 months, with the pair having met at a party at the Playboy Mansion.

McDougal is now suing the company that buried her story over many years ago and which has pressured her to remain silent about her time with the current President.

In the lengthy interview with Cooper, McDougal talks openly about how she was "intimate" with Trump, describing their first night together and admitting they were in love.

She says they dropped the L-Bomb to each other on multiple occasions.

She adds that they often met up in Beverly Hills, but that she also was given a tour of The Donald"s apartment in Trump Tower at one point.

She kept notes about their romance in her diary and she told her sister all about it; the relationship wasn"t a secret nor, McDougal says, did Trump ever ask her to keep it as one.

Oh, and she says Trump tried to pay her for sex after their first go-around in bed.

"I want to share my truth because everyone else is talking about my truth," McDougal said at one point, adding:

"I need to share my story. … I"ve never talked, since the day it happened. I have refused to speak publicly, privately even.

"My friends know, my family know, but nobody else knows. I wanted to keep it quiet. But now that it"s out, I need to control it."

McDougal is one of two women at the moment, along with a porn star named Stormy Daniels, who is angling to tell the world about her sexual dalliance with Trump.

In this sit-down, she comes across as rather calm and collected, with the exception of one response.

When Cooper asks McDougal what she would like to say to Melania Trump, who had just given birth to son Barron at the time Karen starting doing her husband, McDougal gets a bit misty-eyed.

"What can you say except, I"m sorry?" McDougal responds. "I"m sorry. I wouldn"t want it done to me."

Watch this emotional segment of the interview below:

Karen mcdougal to melania trump im just so sorry

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Melania Trump: Plan to Divorce Donald Revealed?!

The world doesn’t quite know what to make of Melania Trump.

Is she a victim or an enabler? Is she complicit in her husband’s misconduct, or is she just as appalled by the allegations against him as everyone else.

Hell, the public is so conflicted on the subject of Melania that there are those who question if she even exists.

We don’t claim to have all the answers, but our best guess is that she’s a real human woman who probably doesn’t relish the task of being forced to publicly defend one of the world’s most hated men.

Melania has mostly managed to dodge questions about her husband’s policy positions, but she’s likely finding it a little more difficult to avoid speculation about his alleged infidelity.

As you’ve no doubt heard, there have been several reports of the president cheating on his wife in recent months.

In addition to the accusations leveled by Fire and Fury author Michael Wolff, there have been several scandalous revelations about Trump’s relationship with Stormy Daniels

And all of this comes on the heels of a campaign that was marred by allegations of sexual misconduct, including charges prompted by the now-infamous Billy Bush tapes.

The situation has prompted widespread speculation that Melania will eventually divorce Donald, with some media outlets going so far as to claim the former model has a plan in place to leave her husband at the appropriate time.

Now, however, a new report from Hollywood Life indicates that Melania will remain in her marriage out of concern for both her son and her husband’s political career. 

“Regardless of any animosity between the two, she will not seek any type of divorce with Donald while he is in office,” a source reportedly told the website.

“She is focused solely on Barron and his well being and will not do anything to disrupt that or get in the way of that. So something as big as divorce would be astronomical at any time, but while Donald was in office would be something even Melania wouldn’t want to take part in.”

Does Hollywood Life really know anything about what’s going on in the Trump administration?

Who knows with this wacky administration!

After all, this is the team that let a journalist from The Hollywood Reporter hang out in the White House for an entire year and sent Omarosa packing all the way to Celebrity Big Brother.

Anyway, if the reports are true, Melania may have quite a long wait ahead of her.

President Trump revealed this week that he plans to run for office again in 2020, and as much as most Americans might prefer not to think about it, there’s a very real chance he’ll be elected to a second term in the White House.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Florida School Shooting Survivor Calls Melania Trump a Coward

Melania Trump’s all bark and no bite, according to a Florida school shooting survivor who says the First Lady whiffed on a chance to denounce cyberbullying from her own own family member … Donald Trump Jr. Lauren Hogg tells TMZ … Melania’s…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Melania Trump: DONE With Donald, Report Claims

They say if you marry for money, you’ll earn it every day of your life.

Generally that expression refers to the fact that you’ll be forced to feign attraction to some elderly monocle-rocker who won’t shut up about the time he got mustard gassed by the Red Baron, or some sh-t.

But for Melania Trump, the devil had an even more nefarious bargain in mind…

When she signed on the dotted line, it looked like Melania was in for a sweeter deal than either of the Donald’s previous wives.

After all, they eventually got traded in for younger models, whereas Melania had the good sense to hitch her wagon to an obese sundowner who’s fueled by Big Macs and rage.

There was a time when it looked like she would quietly endure a few short years of spray tan residue and uncomfortable Ivanka-related moments before collecting her winnings.

But then God and the people of Wisconsin conspired against her.

These days, Melania is the most sedate first lady since Betty Ford, and it’s not hard to see why she’s having a hard time mustering enthusiasm for the gig.

After all, not only is her husband’s administration a leaky, decommissioned Russian battleship with a constant stream of fleeing rats, her marriage is going down faster than Steve Bannon locked in a candle-lit room by himself.

The latest embarrassment comes in the form of reports that Donald had an affair with Stormy Daniels, a porn star who’s presumably harboring meteorological ambitions.

The first marriage has shown signs of strain in the past, such as when Melania swatted Donald’s hand away during an official visit to Tel Aviv last year.

But according to The New York Times, tensions between the Trumps have risen to an all-time high in the wake of the latest cheating allegations.

“Mrs. Trump and the president have had a tumultuous relationship at times over the years, but few episodes have roiled the peace as much as the news surrounding Ms. Daniels,” the paper claims.

“The reports of a payoff blindsided the first lady, who was furious with her husband, according to two people close to the couple. She has kept a low profile since.”

Melania’s shade throwing campaign has consisted of publicly snubbing her husband in a variety of ingenious ways.

At the last minute, she canceled plans to accompany him to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum, an event that Trump reportedly considered one of the most important of his presidency.

Shortly thereafter, she broke with tradition by riding to his State of the Union address in a separate vehicle.

This week, she flew with the president to Palm Beach, but reporters say the Trump’s interactions were visibly icy.

And then there was the matter of how Melania chose to mark the one-year anniversary of Donald’s inauguration:

Melania Tweet

As you can see, the Donald is nowhere to be seen, and Melania seems to be enjoying the company of a strapping young gent in uniform.

Fortunately, her husband is a self-assured man who’s entirely secure in his masculinity and possesses full control over his emotions.

There’s no way that Donald John Trump would look at a photo of his wife on the arm of a man who’s actually 6’2″, 239 lbs. and feel threatened in any way.

Obviously, Mrs. Trump is winning major points these days, but it’s a major gambit.

After all, the Donald’s not the type to stay single for long, and it seems Piers Morgan is already auditioning to take Melania’s place.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Porn Star Alana Evans Suggests Melania Trump Knows About Donald"s Trysts

Alana Evans isn’t shying away from the story about Donald Trump’s alleged tryst with fellow porn star Stormy Daniels back in 2006 … because she thinks it’s par for the course for guys like him. We got the porn Hall of Famer at the 34th AVN…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

President Trump Hogs Umbrella, Melania and Barron Fend for Themselves

President Trump’s apparently more worried about his hair than his image … fully covering his noggin with an umbrella while his fam braves the elements. 45 boarded Air Force One Monday in West Palm Beach, Florida … and trailing behind in the…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Meryl Streep Calls Out Melania & Ivanka Trump for Their Silence During #MeToo Movement

Meryl Streep’s taken a lot of heat in Hollywood for allegedly staying silent about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct, but she thinks the criticism should be aimed elsewhere … to 2 women related to Donald Trump. The famed actress tells The New…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Melania Trump: Slammed for "Disgraceful" Christmas Selfie

Donald Trump claims to have won the war on Christmas.

So now he can maybe turn his attention to the war against his wife.

Indeed, the First Lady is under attack at the moment after sharing a rather unique selfie on Instagram with her followers.

In an attempt to celebrate this special season, the 47-year-old tweeted the picture on Monday using a Christmas-themed filter that included a Santa Claus hat and dancing golden reindeer.

It was snapped at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s self-described “winter White House” in Palm Beach, where the first family is spending the holidays.

Before we move on to the criticism Melania has received for the snapshot, take a look at the image in question below.

What do you think? Can you see what the fuss is all about?

Trump simply wrote “#MerryChristmas” as the caption.

But others had a lot more to say.

Cried one Twitter user:

Disgraceful for a First Lady, Christmas or not. You look like a model on a photo shoot for the front page of Hustler.

I’m sure the elderly and poor will appreciate this photo given how you and hubby don’t care about them, only your millionaire friends at Mar-a-Largo.

Added another critic:

Incredibly tacky and an insult to the position of First Lady. #embarrassing #trumpba

It’s not too hard to see why people are having a problem here, right?

This picture does not exactly scream “CLASSY FIRST LADY!”

Then again, is it the job of a First Lady to be chock full of class at all times?

This isn’t the first time Melania Trump has garnered backlash in relation to Christmas.

Folks on the World Wide Web were equally savage about her holiday decorations this year, as she chose a different color scheme for inside the White House than one might expect for Jesus Christ’s birthday.

To wit:

After the White House unveiled this year’s Christmas decorations – a collection titled “Time-Honored Traditions” that included 71 wreaths, 12,000 ornaments, and 18,000 feet of lights – designed by Melania herself, trolls on the Internet deemed it creepy.

Like, VERY creepy.

But while Melania has also heard it from haters for certain pieces of attire she wears and for simply stealing from Michelle Obama, America doesn’t hate her as much as it hates her husband.

According to a recent CNN poll, 44 percent of citizens hold a positive view of the First Lady.

That’s considerably more than the percentage of rational people who hold a positive view of the President.

Overall, most voters just feel bad for Melania, who reports have indicated is very miserable at the White House.

No wonder she may or may not have hired a body double to stand alongside The Donald on occasion.

Click below to see what we mean and then ask yourself;

Would you blame Melania is this were true?


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Melania Trump Hawking 2018 RNC Calendars Featuring Her Favorite Photos

Melania Trump’s reaching out to some of her husband’s supporters and offering them the first crack at a special 2018 calendar … for just a small contribution, of course. This is no ordinary calendar, either … it’s the official RNC calendar…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Melania Trump: Impersonated? The Internet Thinks So

Melania-gate? Fake Melania? Melania-a-lago?

As if the Trump Administration doesn"t have countless real scandals dogging its heels, observant internet denizens have added another to the pile.

Brought about by a video in which Melania Trump doesn"t quite look like herself, various people within the Twittersphere express doubts — some jokingly, others seriously — about the veracity of the woman standing beside her husband as he speaks.

And, well, some folks think that the Trump Administration might have trotted out a Melania impersonator instead of the real deal and just hoped that the American public wouldn"t notice.

As you"ll see in the video below, there"s something that"s definitely off. We are not saying that the theory that a stand-in filled in for her is true, but if you watch the video, you"ll see why some people were left scratching their heads.

The hair looks dry where Melania"s hair usually looks sleek, glossy, and healthy. The sunglasses are so dark and large that most of her face is completely obscured. And there"s something, maybe just lighting and makeup, distinctly different around Melania"s mouth.

Normally, the absurdity of the theory would be enough that people wouldn"t even pay attention. After all, the White House would have everything to lose and basically nothing to gain by trotting out a Fake Melania.

But, as so many people have pointed out: this is the Trump White House. It doesn"t have to make sense. This administration"s history of total fabrications make even the most ridiculous conspiracy theories sound almost plausible.

Even if we don"t quite believe that the video below shows a Fake Melania, we have to admit that the nagging doubt is probably going to keep us up at night.

Take a look at what Twitter thad to say on the subject:

1. Melania Trump … or Not?

Melania trump first lady impersonator conspiracy erupts

This was the video of Melania-or-Not-Melania that was uploaded to Twitter. Honestly, watch it enough and you might start to see where these people are coming from … even if you don’t agree with them.

2. The tweet that started it all

Melania 01

We feel like this was tongue-in-cheek, as one hardly has to look for secret duplicate First Ladies to find lies in the Trump Administration. There are new ones every day. It’s well-documented.

3. The conspiracy theory caught on

Melania 02

By Wednesday afternoon, “Melania” was the #1 trending topic … and not for reasons that would likely make her happy.

4. This comparison isn’t super nice.

Melania 03

Really, it’s around the mouth where she looks the most different, right? Also her hair.

5. This sort of harmless conspiracy theory can really hook you

Melania 04

Kris Jenner memes show up more than once.

6. Another less kind comparison

Melania 05

Surely we can analyze the appearance of Melania-Or-Is-She without insults. Not sure if this is an insult to MJ or MT, but either way, let’s cut it out.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ivana Trump and Melania Trump: Feuding!

Move over, Twilight. We found the world’s new worst love triangle.

Okay, well “love” might not be the operative word, here. But Trump’s third wife appears to be in a public feud with his first wife.

Like so much of what’s happened surrounding the White House this year, this feud is completely unprecedented and also … ridiculous.

Despite his flair for conflict and roots as a reality star, Donald Trump is not the source of this conflict.

His first wife, Ivana Trump, is the one kicking over sandcastles. Figuratively speaking.

While Trump was sending Mike Pence on a fool’s errand, hoping to stir the pot with a transparent political ploy, Ivana was promoting her book.

“Raising Trump” is about Ivana’s experience parenting the three eldest Trump children — Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr.

While you’d think that telling a story about raising three Horsemen of the Apocalypse would be enough, in and of itself, Ivana clearly takes after her former husband — because she decided to boast.

“I’m basically first Trump wife. OK? I’m first lady.”

And there’s more.

During part of Ivana’s promotion of her book, she bragged about having a direct line to Donald — but said that she doesn’t call him at the White House, because she politely doesn’t want to step on Melania’s toes.

“I [don’t] really want to call him there, because Melania is there. And I don’t want to cause any kind of jealousy or something like that, because I’m basically first Trump wife. OK? I’m first lady.”

It’s a pun, you see — Melania is the First Lady (because her husband is President, because we’re living in the Darkest Timeline), but since Ivana was married to him first, she’s the first lady.

Ivana also expressed her sympathy for Melania having to live in DC.

“I think for her to be in Washington must be terrible. It’s better her than me. I would hate Washington.”

Ivana made one final dig, boasting about how easily she would adjust to the White House if she were First Lady.

“Would I straighten up the White House in 14 days? Absolutely. Can I give the speech for 45 minutes without [a] teleprompter? Absolutely. Can I read a contract? Can I negotiate? Can I entertain? Absolutely. But I would not really like to be there. I like my freedom.”

Obviously, Ivana knew that all of this would ruffle some feathers. She did it on purpose.

Books sell better when people know that they exist, after all. Publishing lives and dies on publicity.

It’s not surprising that Ivana is an intelligent woman. Her daughter Ivanka is a reasonably intelligent young woman, and she had to have inherited that from one of her parents.

By process of elimination, it had to have been from Ivana.

Melania knew the ploy for what it was immediately, but she was not amused.

Melania’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, issued a statement on the matter:

“Mrs. Trump has made the White House a home for Barron and the President. She loves living in Washington, DC and is honored by her role as First Lady of the United States. She plans to use her title and role to help children, not sell books.”

Selling books — she really hit the nail right on the head. And then some:

“There is clearly no substance to this statement from an ex, this is unfortunately only attention-seeking and self-serving noise.”

Yep — that’s the idea behind publicity tours, after all.

One almost wonders if Melania was deliberately speaking up in order to drive up publicity and help Ivana sell “Raising Trump” out of some sort of solidarity.

Whether that was her intent or whether she truly was trying to bash her husband’s ex, the effect is the same — more talk means more press means more book sales.

More than anything, a lot of people feel sorry for Ivana and Melania — because of their unenviable ties to Donald Trump.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Prince Harry, Melania Trump, Justin Trudeau Celebrate Invictus Games

Prince Harry joined Melania Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Saturday to celebrate the Invictus Games. They joined forces in Toronto for the event — featuring sporting events for men and women who served in the military and suffered…
