Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2017

"RHONY" Star Sonja Morgan Lists Her NYC Townhouse, Take SEVEN! (PHOTO GALLERY)

Sonja Morgan isn’t giving up on selling her NYC home, ‘cause if it at first you don’t succeed … get that sucker back on the market! Real estate sources tell TMZ the ‘RHONY’ star just privately listed her notorious 5 story Manhattan home and is…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

J.K. Rowling OWNS Piers Morgan in Greatest Subtweet Ever

We’re very sorry to report that Piers Morgan is dead.

Not really, of course.

The British television personality is still breathing.

But he’s just been eviscerated to such an extent by J.K. Rowling that we might as well hold a funeral for the public persona of Piers Morgan. 

He has proved himself to be utterly useless.

It all started last Friday when Morgan was a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday and went to extremes in his passionate defense of Donald Trump and the President’s controversial immigration ban.

Fellow guest Jim Jeffries simply couldn’t handle it any longer, blowing up at Morgan with two simple words:


Actually, he said a bit more at the time.

“You say ‘He hasn’t done this, he hasn’t done that, he’s not going to do all these things,"” the comedian continued, addressing Morgan while imitating him. “Give him a f-cking chance, mate.”

Because, as Jeffries added, “Hitler didn’t kill the Jews on the first day – he worked up to it.”

Watch the fiery and awkward (and awesome!) exchange below:

Rowling was one of the many celebrities who applauded Jeffries and slammed Morgan, leading to an epic feud between the British stars.

After Rowling Tweeted that it was “satisfying” to watch Morgan get cursed off on Real Time, Morgan replied as follows:

“This is why I’ve never read a single word of Harry Potter.”

To which Rowling perfectly fired back:

“Because you had a premonition that one day the author would roar with laughter at seeing you called out for your bullshit on live TV?”

Much to the pleasure of everyone who wanted to see Morgan get his pompous rear end handed to him, the feud went back and forth from there:

rowling vs. Morgan

“.@piersmorgan If only you’d read Harry Potter, you’d know the downside of sucking up to the biggest bully in school is getting burned alive,” wrote Rowling at one point.

“No bigger bullies right now than the shrieking, hysterical anti-Trump celebrity brigade. You lost, so suck it up Dolores,” replied Morgan.

It was all very entertaining – and we got distracted from it for a few moments after Morgan went after Beyonce – but now it’s become tragic.

We almost feel bad for Morgan, considering the exchange that went down this morning on social media.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Rowling shared a screenshot of a passage someone wrote about her.

The passage praised the author as someone who “definitely matters” because she encourages “children to read, feel inspired and be creative” and therefore has had a “great impact” on the world at large.

“Just been sent this! Could the writer let me know who he is? I’d love to thank him!” Rowling wrote as a caption.

rowling subtweet

And then Piers Morgan… that silly, ignorant, oblivious, idiotic Piers Morgan… went ahead and took the bait.

“Priceless #humblebrag BS. Nobody plays the celebrity game more abusively or ruthlessly than you, Ms ‘Intensely Private Billionaire’,” wrote Morgan in response.

But here’s the thing:


Back in 2010, Morgan gushed over Rowling, listing her as the 97th most important British celebrity – but acknowledging in the above passage that she would be higher if played the “celebrity game.”

As you might expect, Twitter users could scarcely contain their glee over this subTweet and Morgan’s perfect reply to it:

rowling reaction

Three hours his self-inflicted burn went live, Morgan claimed that he was well aware that he wrote those words about Rowling six-plus years ago.

“Relax, quarter-wit, I knew what it was. Just surprised I put her as high as 97th,” he wrote to a critic.

Yeah. We aren’t buying that. Not for a nanosecond.

If anyone would ever tailor made for House Slytherian, it would be Piers Morgan.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Piers Morgan Disses Beyonce, Awaits Wrath of Bey Hive

Piers Morgan is one of the great jackasses in the history of civilization, and the world has collectively regretted granting him a modicum of fame for at least the past five years.

But even by the standards of an angry potato whose best known for lip-locking with Donald Trump’s anus like it’s Ryan Gosling in that rain scene from the notebook, Piers had a truly horrendous weekend in terms of PR.

First, the UK’s answer to Alex Jones got roasted to a crisp when he foolishly attempted to sit at the big kids’ table on Bill Maher, and comedian Jim Jefferies told him to “f-ck off” to the delight of every single person on Earth.

Then, Piers made the mistake that he’ll likely play over and over in his mind later tonight as he’s being waterboarded ata CIA black site that’s been commandeered by the most radical fringe group the western world has ever known.

We’re talking of course … about the Beyhive.

As you may have heard, Beyonce performed at the Grammys last night, and the cries of “slay, queen!” could be heard across the land.

The Hive tends to go too far in their praise for the Queen Bey, and last night’s sparkly fertility ceremony was no exception.

“Didn’t really ‘feel’ that Beyonce performance. Seemed heavier on the narcissism than the music,” Morgan tweeted.

Because he requires hate from Internet strangers to live the same way humans need oxygen, he went on:

“Awful acceptance speech too. Looked bored as hell reading it. Come on Beyonce, you’re better than this.”

He added:

Twitter lemmings now exploding with fury that I expressed an opinion about Beyonce’s performance they all secretly agree with.”

The thing is, Piers isn’t completely wrong here, which is unusual for Piers.

The Beyhive is aptly named, as Mrs. Carter’s super-fans have a way of blindly swarming anyone who dares to suggest that Bey is anything less than an actual goddess walking among mere mortals.

The singer’s performance last night was experimental and avant garde, and it’s perfectly acceptable to say it didn’t float your particular boat.

(Or at least it should be …)

But Morgan’s career stopped being about expressing opinions long ago.

Ever since he donned the red cap of the deplorable, Piers has been all about grabbing headlines through blatant trolling, and somehow, social media hasn’t caught on yet.

It’s not easy, because the man will come to your house and scream in your face if it comes to that, but it’s important to remember that Piers doesn’t have the nuke codes.

We can safely ignore him, and there’s a limit to how much damage he can do.

His tiny-fisted sugar daddy, on the other hand …


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Piers Morgan Gets DESTROYED by Comedian Jim Jefferies: Watch!

So hey, don"t know if you heard, but Piers Morgan has been quite the douchebag lately.

See, Piers won a season of The Apprentice a few years back, so he"s friendly with Donald Trump. And, as such, he"s been feeling the need to stand up for him now that he"s destroying the entire country.

(Well, there"s that, along with the fact that Piers just seems to enjoy being terrible, but we"ll focus on the Trump connection for now.)

Last month, after the super successful Women"s March, he made some ignorant comments about how he wanted to plan a "Men"s March" so he could "protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists."

What a loon, right?

But in a new appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, he just got worse.

The topic of Trump came up, and Piers immediately got defensive. Bill began to set him straight, bringing up the Muslim Ban, and Piers said that there is no Muslim Ban.

And comedian Jim Jefferies, who was also on the panel, let out a hearty "F-ck off."

"You say "He hasn"t done this, he hasn"t done that, he"s not going to do all these things,"" Jim continued. "Give him a f-cking chance, mate."

Because, as he added, "Hitler didn"t kill the Jews on the first day — he worked up to it."

Piers attempted to jump in again, calling that kind of talk hysterical and over-the-top, but Jim cut him off by telling him that he just likes that he has "a famous friend" in Trump.

Watch the full (NSFW!) clip below:

Piers morgan gets destroyed by comedian jim jefferies watch

Friday, February 10, 2017

Morgan Freeman Says "Don"t Speak Obama!" (VIDEO)

Morgan Freeman has played a president in the past, but an older Obama may be off the table. Freeman was at Milos restaurant in NYC Thursday night when our photog posed the question … if there is an Obama role in his future, and Morgan shut it…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Piers Morgan Gets Hammered for Anti-Women"s March Tweets

Piers Morgan is standing behind his very public disdain for the Women’s March.

On Saturday, across the globe, millions of women (and many men) protested the Presidency of Donald Trump, wearing pink cat (that is, pussy) hats, holding up signs and making their voices known.

Over three-quarters of a million people turned out in Los Angeles. Over a half million in Washington D.C. The overall numbers were staggering.

But Morgan was unimpressed.

“Imagine if there were a load of men-only marches today? The feminists would go crackers,” the talk show host wrote yesterday morning, later adding:

“I’m planning a ‘Men’s March’ to protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists. Who’s with me?”

That would be the irony, of course. That would be the best thing that could happen.

Morgan absolutely should organize a Men’s March to combat the creeping global emasculation of his gender by rabid feminists.

And then we can sit back and see if it attracts the same number of people as a march aimed at promoting freedom of choice… equal pay for both genders… and reproductive rights.

In response to a great deal of backlash online, Morgan said it was all for protesting and all for feminists.

But he’s also for his own freedom of speech to criticism the protests and he’s strongly against “rabid feminists,” adding in a series of Tweets:

There are far better ways to challenge Trump than marching around in pink pussy hats.

I fully support their right to protest, just as freedom of speech gives me the right to criticise the purpose of their protest.

53% of American white women voted Trump. I bet half these ‘pussy’ protestors didn’t vote at all.

Let’s be honest, ladies.. today’s Women’s March is just an anti-democratic protest at Trump winning the presidency.

One of the main reasons Hillary lost was that she & her supporters exuded air of entitlement to her becoming being 1st female president.

Morgan also took aim at Ashley Judd’s popular speech (above), specifically how she said Trump has “wet dreams” about his daughter, Ivanka.

And Morgan REALLY went off on Madonna, who did say in her speech (below) that she had thought about blowing up the White House.

“Publicly threatening to bomb the White House is a serious criminal offence. @Madonna should be arrested,” Morgan wrote, later using this as an example of how the March was hypocritical across the board:

“Bomb threats, Hitler & incest taunts, foul-mouthed rants…and this was a march to ‘End the hate’? Shameful hypocrisy.”

As you might expect, Morgan heard it from his fair share of critics on Twitter in reply to these remarks.

Some kept it simple (“Being threatened by strong women is not a good look for you.”), while others may have gone a tad overboard, such as this Tweet:

“The next time Piers Morgan is trending I hope its because he’s been crippled and impoverished. He should have to die slowly like that.”

But Morgan – who has slammed Jennifer Aniston for others judging her and spoken out passionately in favor of gun control over the years – was unfazed by the negative feedback.

Sounding a lot like Donald Trump, in fact, he pointed to his growing number of Twitter followers as proof of… well… something.

“UPDATE: I’ve attracted 10,000 new followers in 24hrs. Thanks, ladies!” Morgan wrote this morning.

Where do you stand on Morgan’s controversial takes?

He said he is “amused by all the fulminating outrage at my suggestion of a Men’s March, especially from women. Kinda proves my point…

“Just need @KimKardashian & @emrata to post bird-flipping topless selfies to support #WomensMarch for the farce to be complete.”

Morgan’s Twitter follower count may be on the rise, but is his popularity?

Does that even matter in a age where the President himself brags about Twitter followers and simply insults the heck out of anyone who doesn’t like him?

Sound off below. Then go drink a lot of alcohol.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Craig Morgan Mourns Loss of Son: His Spirit Will Endure...

Craig Morgan has spoken out for the first time since the loss of his son.

As previously and sadly reported, 19-year-old Jerry Greer was discovered dead last week after an accident took place while he was tubing with friends.

The fatal incident happened on Kentucky Lake, with few details available regarding exactly how this tragedy came about.

But all that matters in the end is that Morgan, a star in the world of country music, and his wife lost one of their four kids in horrific fashion.

Now, five days after the funeral for Greer, the artist has taken to social media to express his gratitude for the support his family has received throughout this impossible time.

“The loss of our son Jerry is the hardest thing we have ever had to endure as a family,” Morgan wrote on Instagram Wednesday night.

“Karen [Greer] and I are so grateful for all of the wonderful people who have shown us unwavering support during this difficult time.”

Morgan included the following photo along with his heartfelt message.

He continued: 

“There are too many to name here, but we are especially thankful for the Humphreys County Sheriff and Fire Departments, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and all the additional agencies and volunteers who turned out to bring our son home.

“We would also like to thank our friends, family members, and Jerry’s friends who have all shown us an immense amount of love and support.

“Additionally, we cannot thank the music and outdoor communities enough for wrapping their arms around us, as well as our industry friends, fans, and all those that loved our son.” 

Morgan ended his post by quoting scripture and by thinking of the legacy Jerry has left behind.

 “We are blessed by the outpouring of prayers and condolences from across the world. Jerry may be gone from this earth, and we will miss him every day, but his spirit will live on in our hearts.

“We will find peace knowing that God has a bigger plan, and that one day, we’ll be reunited with him again in Heaven. John 3:16.” 

Jerry graduated from high school this spring and was scheduled to football for Marshall University in the fall; he was laid to rest Saturday.

Since his expected death, his family members and other loved ones have established a scholarship fund in his honor, one focused on aspiring athletes, particularly ones struggling with dyslexia.

May he rest in peace.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Piers Morgan to Jennifer Aniston: It"s YOUR Fault You are Judged!

On Tuesday, Jennifer Aniston published an essay in The Huffington Post that finally addressed the endless array of pregnancy rumors about her on the Internet.

Aniston wrote that she’s “fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” noting how harshly tabloids treat females in particular.

No, the actress emphasized, she is not pregnant and she has never been pregnant.

But speculation over the state of her womb was just the symptom of a larger problem, she wrote.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing,” said Aniston, adding:

“The message that girls are not pretty unless they’re incredibly thin, that they’re not worthy of our attention unless they look like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of a magazine is something we’re all willingly buying into.”

Praise for the column has been nearly universal, with husband Justin Theroux making it clear that THIS is why Aniston is his crush.

Elsewhere, Melissa McCarthy told Entertainment Tonight that she agrees “one hundred thousand billion percent” with Anisto, while Sophia Bush said the following:

YES to this #WCW to #JenniferAniston, & her frank, smart, vulnerable article on body shaming for HuffPo… 

Judging another person’s body, assuming you are allowed to weigh in on their worth, their ‘beauty,’ or that you deserve to determine a lack of their beauty IS harmful. Not just to me, to all of us.

So there you have it.

All hail Jennifer Aniston, right?

Not quite.

In his own essay published by The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan acknowledged a few of Aniston’s points, but also somehow turned the tables and blamed the actress for having her body judged.

“My dear Jennifer, if you’re so fed up with having your body judged, stop trying to make it look so Photoshop-perfect on magazine covers,” Morgan wrote.

He continued:

“There’s another reason why the media objectify and scrutinize famous women, and why little girls get confused about beauty and body image. It’s this:

“Female stars like Jennifer Aniston deliberately perpetuate the myth of ‘perfection’ by posing for endless magazine covers which have been airbrushed so much that in some cases the celebrity is virtually unrecognizable…

“If she really wants to make a difference to this ugly process, she can start by getting a tiny bit uglier herself and letting us see what she REALLY looks like on a magazine cover.

“Then the little girls she’s so worried about can know exactly what they are aspiring to be.”

Wow. Well… okay then.

Morgan has a decent point somewhere in here.

Young women are absolutely influenced by magazine covers and the less celebrities are Photoshopped, the more people can see how everyone has imperfections, the better. For sure.

But Morgan’s point can exist alongside all of Aniston’s points. Her words don’t ring any less true just because of this Photoshop counter.

Moreover, telling a woman that she is to blame for having her body judged because she ought to make herself “uglier” is just… very, very, very uncool.

We’ll let Chrissy Teigen take it from here: 

Piers Morgan to Jennifer Aniston: It"s YOUR Fault You are Judged!

On Tuesday, Jennifer Aniston published an essay in The Huffington Post that finally addressed the endless array of pregnancy rumors about her on the Internet.

Aniston wrote that she’s “fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body-shaming that occurs daily,” noting how harshly tabloids treat females in particular.

No, the actress emphasized, she is not pregnant and she has never been pregnant.

But speculation over the state of her womb was just the symptom of a larger problem, she wrote.

“The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing,” said Aniston, adding:

“The message that girls are not pretty unless they’re incredibly thin, that they’re not worthy of our attention unless they look like a supermodel or an actress on the cover of a magazine is something we’re all willingly buying into.”

Praise for the column has been nearly universal, with husband Justin Theroux making it clear that THIS is why Aniston is his crush.

Elsewhere, Melissa McCarthy told Entertainment Tonight that she agrees “one hundred thousand billion percent” with Anisto, while Sophia Bush said the following:

YES to this #WCW to #JenniferAniston, & her frank, smart, vulnerable article on body shaming for HuffPo… 

Judging another person’s body, assuming you are allowed to weigh in on their worth, their ‘beauty,’ or that you deserve to determine a lack of their beauty IS harmful. Not just to me, to all of us.

So there you have it.

All hail Jennifer Aniston, right?

Not quite.

In his own essay published by The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan acknowledged a few of Aniston’s points, but also somehow turned the tables and blamed the actress for having her body judged.

“My dear Jennifer, if you’re so fed up with having your body judged, stop trying to make it look so Photoshop-perfect on magazine covers,” Morgan wrote.

He continued:

“There’s another reason why the media objectify and scrutinize famous women, and why little girls get confused about beauty and body image. It’s this:

“Female stars like Jennifer Aniston deliberately perpetuate the myth of ‘perfection’ by posing for endless magazine covers which have been airbrushed so much that in some cases the celebrity is virtually unrecognizable…

“If she really wants to make a difference to this ugly process, she can start by getting a tiny bit uglier herself and letting us see what she REALLY looks like on a magazine cover.

“Then the little girls she’s so worried about can know exactly what they are aspiring to be.”

Wow. Well… okay then.

Morgan has a decent point somewhere in here.

Young women are absolutely influenced by magazine covers and the less celebrities are Photoshopped, the more people can see how everyone has imperfections, the better. For sure.

But Morgan’s point can exist alongside all of Aniston’s points. Her words don’t ring any less true just because of this Photoshop counter.

Moreover, telling a woman that she is to blame for having her body judged because she ought to make herself “uglier” is just… very, very, very uncool.

We’ll let Chrissy Teigen take it from here: 

Jerry Greer, Son of Craig Morgan, Memorialized in Moving Obit

Jerry Greer, the 19-year old son of country singer Craig Morgan, has been memorialized in print.

Jerry Greer

As previously reported, Greer was found dead on Tuesday, two days after he went missing after a fatal tubing accident.

After sending out a multitude of boats to search for Greer’s body, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency confirmed it had been found in the waters of Kentucky Lake in Humphreys County, Tennessee.

A rep for Morgan released a statement soon afterward that reads in part:

The family is grateful for the outpouring of support and requests prayers at this time as they privately mourn this terrible loss.

Jerry is survived by parents Craig and Karen Greer, sister Aly Beaird and brother-in-law Ryan Beaird, brother Kyle Greer and fiancée Chelsea Rogers and brother Wyatt Greer.

Now, a moving obituary has been published in The Tennessean.

“Jerry was the smile that instantly lit up any room,” it reads, continuing as follows:

“He was a superstar without even trying. He was a natural athlete that accomplished what most spend a lifetime attempting to achieve. He was a devoted and dedicated son, brother and friend. He loved his God, his family, his friends and his country more than anything.

“His passions were football, soccer and the outdoors.

“He will be greatly missed by everyone who came in contact with him. He will be forever in our thoughts, in our words and in our hearts.”

Memorial services have been scheduled this weekend in the family’s home state of Tennessee.

Greer’s friends, family members and loved ones will gather this Friday and Saturday to pay tribute to the late country music offspring.

Greer graduated this year from Dickson County High School. He was planning on playing football for Marshall Universiy.

He survived by his parents, sister Aly Beaird and brothers Kyle and Wyatt.

We send the family our condolences during this impossible time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Jerry Greer, Son of Singer Craig Morgan, Found Dead From Tubing Accident

We have a very sad update to a story we posted yesterday regarding country singer Craig Morgan.

Jerry Greer

On Monday, word went out that Morgan’s son, Jerry Greer, could not be found after he went out tubing on the Tennessee River.

A rep for the artist confirmed that Greer was being pulled by a boat when some kind of “freak accident” took place. The rep asked for “privacy” during this difficult time for the family.

Now, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has confirmed that Greer’s body has been found in the waters of Kentucky Lake in Humphreys County, Tennessee.

He was only 19 years old at the time of his passing.

A group of emergency responders, in 20 to 30 boats, had been searching for the Green since he was reported missing on Sunday around 4 p.m.

“It is with deep sadness that I am confirming the passing of Jerry Greer, son of country music entertainer Craig Morgan and wife Karen Greer,” Morgan’s rep said in a statement to People Magazine.

Added the rep:

“The Humphreys County, Tennessee Sheriff’s Department recovered his body this evening after a search that began Sunday following a boating accident on Kentucky Lake in Tennessee.

“A 2016 graduate of Dickson County High School, Jerry planned to play football for Marshall University in the fall.” 

Rob Edwards, the chief deputy for the sheriff’s office, said Greer was wearing a life jacket at the time of the tragic incident.

The rep concluded as follows:

The family is grateful for the outpouring of support and requests prayers at this time as they privately mourn this terrible loss.

Jerry is survived by parents Craig and Karen Greer, sister Aly Beaird and brother-in-law Ryan Beaird, brother Kyle Greer and fiancée Chelsea Rogers and brother Wyatt Greer.

Back in June, Morgan talked to Fox News about the challenges and rewards of parenting, saying at the time:

“Every day my wife and I understand that we are building young men and women. They’re going to take over for us as citizens.

“[I tell them to] live. Enjoy your life because nothing is guaranteed and every day is a blessing.”

Morgan is an Army veteran with numerous Top 10 country hits to his name.

He is also the host of Craig Morgan: All Access Outdoors on the Outdoor Channel.

We send our condolences to his family and loved ones.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Craig Morgan: Country Star"s Son Missing Following Boating Accident

Jerry Greer, the 19-year-old son of country music star Craig Morgan, has been reported missing.

Sources say Greer was riding an inner tube that was being pulled by a boat on the Tennessee River when what’s been described as a “freak accident” occurred.

Details are scarce at this time, but Morgan and his wife, Karen Greer, have confirmed that Jerry’s whereabouts are currently unknown.

“The family is grateful for everyone’s support and prayers and requests privacy during this difficult time,” reads a statement issued by Morgan’s reps this morning.

Authorities have confirmed that two teens were tubing when the unspecified accident took place.

One of them, who has not yet been identified as Greer, never resurfaced.

All parties involved in the accident were reportedly wearing life jackets.

Helicopters and rescue boats have been combing the area since 4 pm Sunday afternoon.

Asked if they expected to find Greer alive, authorities responded that they have not “declared anything other than searching.”

Morgan and his wife have four children together, including Greer, who recently graduated from Dickson County High School.

Morgan frequently speaks of his love for his wife and kids in interviews.

“I have a wonderful family,” he told FOX411 Country last year.

“My wife is great and supportive, making sure that I’m doing the things I need to be doing at home and that I need to be doing out on the road.”

We will have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kim Kardashian: You"re Not a Feminist If You Support Kanye, Piers Morgan Argues

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye West is once again stirring the pot with the release of his “Famous” music video.

The clip features nude wax statues of several celebs lying naked in bed next to West.

Despite the deliberate provocation and further cries for attention from Kanye in the form of “somebody sue me!” tweets, most of the famous figured in the clip (who range from Rihanna to George W. Bush) have simply shrugged off West’s latest “performance art” or failed to acknowledge it at all.

The women whose lifeless figures are lying on either side of Kanye in the video, his wifr Kim Kardashian and his longtime rival Taylor Swift, have received the most scrutiny in the wake of the video’s release, which was no doubt West’s intention.

Swift was the subject of a misogynistic tirade in the lyrics of West’s song, and in a recent piece for the Daily Mail journalist Piers Morgan argues that West should face criminal prosecution for using her likeness in what basically amounts to revenge porn: 

“This is abuse, pure and simple; an older man exposing a younger woman to public sexual humiliation,” Morgan writes.

“Taylor’s said to be ‘hurt and angry’ by the video, and who can blame her?

“If it was my daughter Kanye was violating in this disgraceful way, I’d be round his house now with the L.A.P.D

“(Perhaps Taylor’s new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston will have his own way of dealing with such a revolting slur?)”

Furthemore, he argues, Kim Kardashian should have her feminist card revoked for blindly supporting her controversial husband.

“‘She’s talented at being beautiful,’ you recently claimed about Kim,” Morgan writes.

“Only none of this is beautiful. It’s ugly; very, very ugly. And it makes further mockery of Kim’s claim to be some sort of feminist icon.”

Kanye is obviously not concerned about being sued by other artists.

But by hitting him where it hurts – he and his wife’s roles as important cultural icons – Morgan may have just delivered a crushing blow to the rapper’s ego.

Kim Kardashian: You"re Not a Feminist If You Support Kanye, Piers Morgan Argues

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye West is once again stirring the pot with the release of his “Famous” music video.

The clip features nude wax statues of several celebs lying naked in bed next to West.

Despite the deliberate provocation and further cries for attention from Kanye in the form of “somebody sue me!” tweets, most of the famous figured in the clip (who range from Rihanna to George W. Bush) have simply shrugged off West’s latest “performance art” or failed to acknowledge it at all.

The women whose lifeless figures are lying on either side of Kanye in the video, his wifr Kim Kardashian and his longtime rival Taylor Swift, have received the most scrutiny in the wake of the video’s release, which was no doubt West’s intention.

Swift was the subject of a misogynistic tirade in the lyrics of West’s song, and in a recent piece for the Daily Mail journalist Piers Morgan argues that West should face criminal prosecution for using her likeness in what basically amounts to revenge porn: 

“This is abuse, pure and simple; an older man exposing a younger woman to public sexual humiliation,” Morgan writes.

“Taylor’s said to be ‘hurt and angry’ by the video, and who can blame her?

“If it was my daughter Kanye was violating in this disgraceful way, I’d be round his house now with the L.A.P.D

“(Perhaps Taylor’s new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston will have his own way of dealing with such a revolting slur?)”

Furthemore, he argues, Kim Kardashian should have her feminist card revoked for blindly supporting her controversial husband.

“‘She’s talented at being beautiful,’ you recently claimed about Kim,” Morgan writes.

“Only none of this is beautiful. It’s ugly; very, very ugly. And it makes further mockery of Kim’s claim to be some sort of feminist icon.”

Kanye is obviously not concerned about being sued by other artists.

But by hitting him where it hurts – he and his wife’s roles as important cultural icons – Morgan may have just delivered a crushing blow to the rapper’s ego.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ann Morgan Guilbert Dies; Veteran Actress Was 87

Ann Morgan Guilbert, an actress whose impressive television career spanned The Dick Van Dyke Show all the way up through Life in Pieces, died on Tuesday after a long battle with cancer.

She was 87 years old.

The veteran star’s daughter has confirmed this sad news.

Guilbert rose to fame as Millie Helper on The Dick Van Dyke Show, portraying the wife of the Petries’ dentist neighbor, Jerry, on this beloved sitcom.

It ran from 1961 through 1966.

Following her run on that series, Guilbert made memorable appearances on The New Andy Griffith Show, The Fanelli Boys, Pickett Fences and The Nanny (as the titular Fran’s Grandma Yetta).

More recently, she stopped by HBO’s Getting On and ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, along with sitcoms Modern Family and the aforementioned Life in Pieces.

Guilbert also enjoyed an extensive theater career, including roles in the 2005 Broadway play, A Naked Girl on the Appian Way, and productions of The Matchmaker, Arsenic and Old Lace, ‘Waiting for Godot, To Kill a Mockingbird and Harvey.

The actress was a native of Minnesota who graduated from Stanford University’s Department of Speech and Drama.

She was married twice and is survived by two daughters.

We send our condolences to her friends, family members and loved ones.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bethenny Frankel on Sonja Morgan: I Pity Her

The Skinnygirl told off The Tipsy Girl on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 7.

In a confrontation for the ages, ​Bethenny Frankel told Sonja Morgan exactly what she thought about the latter trying to break into the wine business, sitting across from her on a couch and just tearing Morgan to shreds.

It was ugly and it was personal.

“I think you’re a fraud,” Frankel told Morgan upon being asked for her take on Morgan’s Tipsy Girl line of cocktails.

“You’ve come up with six fake businesses, and no one buys any of it. Nobody believes any of it.”

This critique brought Morgan to tears, with the reality star citing her reason Chapter 11 filing and explaining that she hoped this business idea would help her dire financial situation.

You can watch The Real Housewives of New York City online to relive the entire episode and click below to view this awkward exchange:

Having had some time to reflect on her destruction of Morgan, does Bethenny now have any regrets?

It doesn’t really sound like it.

“The Sonja situation was just kind of sad,” Frankel wrote on her blog today.

“Obviously, her idea can’t touch my brand. There is no product or distribution. It is a made-for-television idea, and I have over 20 varieties of wine, vodka and ready to drink.

“You can’t find a city of the Housewives where several women haven’t followed in my footsteps and attempted booze.”

How does the successful entrepreneur feel about this competition?

“Bring it on. The more the merrier. It is a brutal business, and it may look easy, but as you see, it isn’t.”

Bethenny added Tipsy Girl is an “unoriginal name and idea” and it gives audiences a misguided impression “that you just go on TV, and poof a brand is born. That isn’t how it works.”

Frankel is mostly right in this regard.

She does work hard and she has made a ton of money off her Skinnygirl brand.

But she’s lying to herself if she thinks her reality TV career didn’t play a big role in her success.

Frankel really did make Morgan cry on the latest episode of their Bravo hit, but she says now that there’s no ill will between the castmates.

“As for Sonja, well…I have no anger towards Sonja, but I do have sympathy,” she concludes.

“I hope she can find her truth somewhere in the process.

“Ideas and names are a dime a dozen. Execution, drive, dedication and passion push it through.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

16 Reasons Why You Need a Best Friend Like Sonja Morgan

There"s something authentic about Sonja Morgan, as medicated as she may seem.  

She"s equal parts luxury and Eurotrash, will sport an impeccable chignon while talking about getting sh**faced at a club, and will tell you how many benefits/galas/cocktail parties she throws in a year.

Yes, you may have to gently push a plastic cup of water into her hand towards the end of the night for sobriety purposes, but at least she didn"t make 64 digs at you like someone we know.

Morgan is a well-traveled lady to who knows how to give a compliment.  For example, she took one look at a tented dinner organized by Luann de Lesseps in the Moroccan desert and said,  “I haven’t been a tent like this since I was invited by the King of Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War."

That"s better than the best YELP review.

1. She’s Not Just a Toaster Cook

Sonja morgan gif im an international fashion lifestyle brand

“Sonja Morgan New York is a heritage brand, because the clothing and jewelry are of such high quality they can be passed down through generations,” Morgan wrote on her blog after launching Sonja Morgan New York.

2. She Runs With A Random Crowd

Sonja morgan gif i party with john john kennedy and madonna all


3. Hang on…

Dorinda medley gif john johns dead so thats difficult

I thought that was the case, but Sonja’s got me second-guessing my Deceased Celebs list.

4. Yo, Heather

Sonja morgan gif p diddy comes on my yacht

“Sonja, you don’t have a yacht!” Luann reminded Morgan.

5. Who Wants To Go Swimming?

Sonja morgan loses her dress for a dip in the pool gif

That thing just flew right off!

6. Almost Off

Sonja morgan kicks off her dress gif

There we go.

View Slideshow

Friday, February 5, 2016

Susan Sarandon Defends Her Boobs Against Attack from Piers Morgan

Susan Sarandon and Piers Morgan are engaged in a Twitter war over the former’s boobs. 

susan vs. piers

It all started last Saturday night, when Sarandon took to the stage at the 2016 SAG Awards to pay tribute to all the stars who had passed away over the past year.

An in memoriam segment often takes place at ceremonies such as this.

But the person presenting it does not often wear the sort of revealing top that Sarandon chose to don:

Some viewers believed this was inappropriate attire for the actress to wear, considering the sad theme of her presentation.

And Piers Morgan was one of these viewers.

“Would Susan Sarandon wear this to a funeral? No. It was thus horribly inappropriate for an In Memoriam tribute,” Morgan Tweeted on February 3, along with a picture of Susan’s revealing ensemble.

It’s a pretty good point, but Sarandon clearly did not agree with it.

And she responded on Thursday in a hilarious manner.

“Today’s #TBT is dedicated to @piersmorgan,” Sarandon wrote as a caption to a throwback photo of herself in a white bra while starring in the 1975 cult movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show:

Not to be outdone, however, Morgan then shot back with the following (disturbing) image:

“Today’s #TBT is dedicated to @SusanSarandon,” he wrote alongside a Photoshopped image of himself shirtless and draped in velvet… while wearing a Burger King medallion.

This back-and-forth prompted numerous Twitter users to come to come to Sarandon’s defense by sharing online snapshots of their own cleavage.

In other words: this has become the greatest celebrity feud of all-time.

“Just for the record, @SusanSarandon, I think your cleavage is magnificent,” Morgan Tweeted later Thursday night. “I’d just keep it hidden for ‘In Memoriam’ tributes.”

We agree with both of those sentiments.