Showing posts with label Nicole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Nicole Eggert Headed to L.A. to File Police Report Against Scott Baio

Nicole Eggert is on her way back to L.A. and she’s beelining it for the police department to file a sexual battery report against Scott Baio. Nicole was leaving the Peninsula Hotel in NYC Wednesday when our photog asked if she was going to pull the…


Scott Baio Lashes Out at Nicole Eggert, Sexual Abuse Allegations

Scott Baio made his voice heard on Good Morning America today.

Loudly and defiantly.

Faced with allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior by former Charles in Charge co-star Nicole Eggert, Baio sat across from Amy Robach on Wednesday and strongly defended actions.

(Eggert said last week on social media that Baio molested her back when she was 14 years old and he was 26.)

“The story seems to change quite a bit and I can’t keep up with it quite honestly,” Baio  Robach on GMA, expounding as follows:

“I don’t know if you’ve ever been on a sitcom set but on any given day… there are teachers, parents, family, crew, producers, my dad.

“So how any of this could have happened is absolutely impossible and I don’t know how anybody can believe what she’s saying when her first allegation of having sex when [she] was 17 proved to be 100 percent false.

“And her story keeps changing. She makes up new things.”

Baio quickly replied to Eggert’s allegation by admitting the co-stars had sex, but he said Eggert came on to him and he said the intercourse took place when she was 18 years old.

on charles in charge

Were there any sexual encounters when Eggert was underage?

“Absolutely nothing,” Baio said today, adding:

“And I find it interesting that the moment that her first allegation that we had sex when she was 17 – which is not true – as soon as that was proven to be 100 percent false she comes up with a new story where something happened once a week for years.”

Indeed, Eggert has said Baio molested her from the age of 14 through the age of 16, approximately.

She told Megyn Kelly this week that Baio “penetrated” her with his finger inside his garage, just before her 15th birthday.

“And that is when the sexual touching and abuse started, after that,” the actress told Kelly.

“I was very young. And it was shocking, a little. I had never experienced anything like that before, either.”

She claims Baio warned her not to tell anyone because he would go to jail and the show on which they both starred would be canceled.

But the actor denies every part of this allegation.

He says that he and Eggert only had sex once and that she was 18 at the time.

“Nicole and I were friends after our only sexual encounter,” he told GMA, continuing:

“She aggressively sought me out because she wanted me to be her first so she would be good for her boyfriend. Those are her words.”

Despite the claims and the obvious bad blood that exists now, Baio says that his time on Charles in Charge “was great” and that Eggert was a “talented girl.”

“We had a great time on the set. Everybody liked each other. Everybody got along.

Is he concerned that Eggert might go to the police with her allegations?

“No,” he replied. “Why would I have a concern over something that I didn’t do?”


Scott Baio Denies Nicole Eggert"s Sexual Abuse Claims on "Good Morning America"

Scott Baio came out swinging against Nicole Eggert Wednesday, saying he never did a single inappropriate thing to her and, in fact, he wasn’t even attracted to her. We got Scott leaving “Good Morning America” and he was still fired up, saying…


Nicole Eggert Says Dr. Oz "Sandbagged" Her in New Interview

There was a blow-up at “The Dr. Oz Show” Tuesday when Nicole Eggert came back to shoot some additional footage for the show that will air Wednesday … and TMZ has video of Nicole and her team confronting producers, claiming they were sandbagged.…


Dr. Oz to Air Nicole Eggert Show

Nicole Eggert will be featured on Wednesday’s ‘Dr. Oz Show’ … this after producers shelved the program claiming they had issues with Nicole’s timeline. We’ve learned after Nicole appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show Tuesday, Oz’s producers called…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nicole Eggert Details Scott Baio Molestation Claims to Megyn Kelly

Over the weekend, former Baywatch actress Nicole Eggert accused Scott Baio of having molested her, starting when she was 14.

As it turns out, Nicole had laid out her accusations for Dr. Oz, but Scott Baio"s team had managed to bury the episode, claiming that her story didn"t add up.

Nicole Eggert went on Megyn Kelly"s show to clear things up. You can watch that video below.

Nicole eggert and megyn kelly

Scott Baio seems to enjoy arguing that Nicole Eggert"s timeline doesn"t add up, so she starts off. She"s pretty specific, too.

"We started filming the show in September of "86, when I was 14. And he immediately took to me and befriended me and earned my trust."

That"s normally a great thing for castmates. Normally.

"And then he started expressing his love for me … sorry, I"m emotional … and talking about marriage in the future."

That"s … creepy.

Nicole eggert

"And then I was still 14, before my 15th birthday. We were at his house, in his car, in his garage."

This is when she says that it got physical.

"And he reached over and he penetrated me with a finger."

It was, allegedly, just the beginning.

"And that is when the sexual touching and abuse started, after that."

Nicole eggert on megyn kelly

Megyn Kelly then makes it clear that the age of consent in California is 18, and that it was, even back in the 1980s.

She later acknowledges that she knows that some people don"t care about that. And it"s true that some people find that particular law unjust (particularly when it impacts high school students dating each other).

But hopefully we can all agree that a 14 or 15 year old does not need to be engaging in anything sexual with someone over a decade their senior.

Megyn brings that up as a preface to asking, not whether Nicole "consented," but about how Nicole responded at the time.

As with any time that we"re talking about a teenager who was allegedly sexually abused by an adult, it"s a complicated topic.

Scott baio image

"I was very young," Nicole Eggert describes. "And it was shocking, a little. I had never experienced anything like that before, either."

It sounds like she"s describing the very first alleged time, in that garage.

"So he was playing on not only my emotions but my hormones and all of those things."

It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual abuse to feel complicated emotions, including guilt, because some of what happens to them felt good at the time. Even victims much younger than 14 have experienced that, and it does not make anything okay.

She describes how she says that Scott pushed her to remain silent.

"And the issue with him is that he was our boss. And he also was telling me: "You can"t tell anybody. This is illegal, I"ll go to jail. The show will be over. Everybody will be sued. You"ll be out of a job. You"ll be ruining everybody"s life."

Even on top of the horrifying age gap, that sounds like a frightening power dynamic.

Nicole eggert image

Megyn Kelly asks if it happened more than 10 times. Nicole Eggert says that it absolutely did.

"That happened quite often through the age of 16. … Probably once a week. And then, on set, there was a lot of groping, a lot of fondling, a lot of pulling me on his lap."


"You know, trying to sneak kisses in the back. Which other cast members saw."

Megyn Kelly acknowledges that one of Nicole Eggert"s former cast members confirmed that to her.

Nicole says that it mostly happened at Scott Baio"s house. But though she confided this situation to a few close friends at the time, she said that their reactions discouraged her from telling anyone else.

Scott baio rnc pic

Finally, you know how Scott Baio says that her timeline doesn"t match up? He says that Nicole was 18 when they had sex.

Well, he cites Nicole"s own words for that. As you"ll see in this video below, Nicole explains that she had at the time not been ready to expose Scott for what he had allegedly done to her. 

Which, she says, is why she just had a playful interview, and only after the interview was done did she mention upsetting things to the man who had interviewed her. Things that never made it to air.

Megyn Kelly shows a statement from Nik Richie, in which he confirms that Nicole Eggert was emotionally distressed after the interview and had confided that things had been worse than she had stated.

All of that and more is here in this clip. We don"t say this often, but Megyn Kelly did a pretty good job with this interview.

Nicole eggert to megyn kelly scott baio molested me

Nicole Eggert Laid Out Scott Baio Accusations to Dr. Oz in Shelved Episode

We’ve heard Nicole Eggert’s accusations that Scott Baio molested her for years during her teens.

it turns out that Twitter wasn’t Nicole’s first choice as a platform to air her accusations — because she apparently told it all to Dr. Oz earlier this month.

There’s just one problem: Scott Baio is trying to shut down the episode, so it might never air.

Over the weekend, Nicole Eggert aired her accusation by quoting a tweet mentioning Scott Baio.

In it, she called him a “creep” and implied that he had in some way sexually mistreated her.

In subsequent tweets, as (obviously) people tweeted to her to ask exactly what she was accusing Scott Baio of doing, she accused him of having molested her, starting at the age of 14, when he digitally penetrated her.

This allegedly went on until she was 17. She says that it was at 17 when Scott Baio had sex with her.

(While 17 is a fine time for most folks to have sex, let us remind you that Scott Baio is a decade older than she is and also that we’re talking about, based upon her allegations, a situation in which he groomed and molested her for years leading up to that)

Scott Baio denies those allegations, and claims that his sexual relationship with her was consensual and happened only when she was 18. He also claims that she “seduced” him.

Part of Scott Baio’s denial itself was kind of creepy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

It turns out that it wasn’t just some social media whim that caused Nicole Eggert, the former Baywatch actress, to share her #MeToo story with the world.

TMZ reports that Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz everything about Scott Baio earlier this month. During that session, she revealed more details about what Scott said to her during her alleged years of molestation.

So why didn’t that episode, which was filmed on January 10th, air?

Scott Baio’s team sent threatening letters to Dr. Oz, denying the accusations and claiming that Nicole’s timeline doesn’t add up. We’re sure that it was all in legalese, but that was the gist of it.

It seems like Nicole felt like she had to take matters into her own hands — specifically, her thumbs, with which she presumably types her tweets — if she wanted to get her story out there.

As for the new, grim details?

Per TMZ‘s report, Nicole accuses Scott Baio of having spoken to her as if he were going to “prepare” her to have sex with boys her own age.

Remember that this allegedly started when she was 14, when Scott would have been 24 or 25.

A lot of sexual misconduct acts under a guise of something else. We’ve heard so many #MeToo stories about “massages” and “medical treatments.”

Plenty of consensual, healthy sexual intercourse happens under a guise, too. Euphemisms like Netflix and chill exist for a reason.

But not between a 14-year-old and a man ten years her senior, folks.

Nicole Eggert’s accusations go on:

Some of these alleged conversations happened at her house, while her parents were not home.

She describes what he allegedly said to her in order to convince her to agree to sex:

“How much he loved me and, hopefully one day when I was of age, we could be together, and that he understood I needed to go be with boys my own age and it was sort of like a goodbye action.”

Some sexual predators are obsessed with the build-up to sex and then lose interest. Nicole’s allegations seem to match that description.

Scott Baio strongly denies Nicole’s claims and says that other accusations have surfaced in the past but “gone away.” He seems frustrated that this one will not.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio admitted during a 16-minute video that he made to deny the allegations.

“[For] any normal, heterosexual, red-blooded, American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

He claims that this was when she was 18, but that denial is so creepy and really speaks to Baio’s cultural mindset.

It seems that he believes that any man who would turn down an invitation of sex (as he claims that Nicole made) must be gay. Or abnormal. Or maybe he just uses those words as synonyms. Oh, and he’d have to be un-American?

It’s always worrisome when even someone’s denial of sexual allegations reveals alarming things about how they view women and sex.


Nicole Eggert Says She Lied About Scott Baio Alleged Abuse Out of Shame

Nicole Eggert just went on Megyn Kelly’s show to chronicle what she claims was years of sexual assault at the hands of Scott Baio, and explained why she lied and why her timeline was off. Nicole and her lawyer Lisa Bloom recounted abuse during…


Nicole Eggert Told Dr. Oz How Scott Baio Allegedly Lured Her Into Sex

Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz earlier this month the story of how Scott Baio allegedly got extremely physical with her when she was only 14 and had sex with her at 17 — something Baio strongly denies — and we have video from the taping. As we…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Nicole Eggert Taped "Dr. Oz" Over Scott Baio Sexual Allegations But Show Was Shelved

Nicole Eggert will make an appearance on Megyn Kelly’s show Tuesday to discuss her allegations that Scott Baio repeatedly molested her during the run of “Charles in Charge” when she was underage, but it was not the first time she taped a show…


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Nicole Eggert Accuses Scott Baio of Sexual Assault

Nicole Eggert has leveled a serious allegation against Scott Baio.

The former Baywatch actress, who appeared for years opposite Baio on the sitcom Charles in Charles, wrote on Twitter yesterday that the actor molested her back when she was a teenager,

Commenting on a Tweet that referred to Baio as a staunch Donald Trump supporter, Eggert penned the following on Saturday afternoon:

“Ask [Scott Baio] what happened in his garage at his house when I was a minor. Creep.”

It obviously doesn’t lend credence to her accusation necessarily, but she had recently linked to Halsey’s viral speech at the Women’s March from last weekend and also Tweeted:

“Always stand in ur truth it gives u strength.”

In a series of Tweets, she went on to detail how Baio digitally penetrated her, starting at the age of 14.

In a subsequent response to Twitter followers, Eggert said she was a “molested child” who “covered up” the alleged abuse for years, writing that she was “14, 15, 16 and 17” when these incidents occurred.

eggert tweet

How did Baio fight back?

Initially by referring to Eggert’s claims as “100% lies” and then by sharing a 16-minute video on Facebook.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio says into the camera at one point in this video, adding:

“[For] any normal heterosexual, red-blooded American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

Baio says this intercourse was consensual and that Eggert was of legal age at the time.


He also played an audio recording of an interview Eggert gave to, in which she described losing her virginity to Baio “way after” “Charles in Charge” was done.

“It was years later,” Eggert can be heard saying.

Eggert previous accused Baio of sexually abusing her as a minor in 2012.

“I kept my mouth shut, because usually when false claims in the past have been made about me they just go away,” Baio said late Saturday.

“But for some reason she will not let this one go away.”

He proceeds to basically challenge Eggert to “go to the police” if she really has a case, as opposed to airing dirty (in his mind, bitter) laundry on social media.

Baio, who has made headlines of late for his support of President Trump, said the Eggert’s accusations undermine real victims with “legitimate claims.”

In his view:

“The problem with almost all he said-she said cases is they’re he said-she said. Now, go prove it or disprove it,” he says toward the end of his reply.

“The real problem with this is people with legitimate claims aren’t taken seriously – and that’s too bad.”

Eggerts and Baio costarred on the aforementioned sitcom from 1984 to 1990, with Baio playing college student Charles, who looked after a group of children including Eggert’s character, Jamie.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kim Kardshian Posts Topless Pic, Compares Herself to Anna Nicole Smith

Earlier this month, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child.

You’d think someone with Kim’s wealth and influence could enjoy a few weeks off to focus on her new baby, but no!

Possibly in a bid to cement her status as the living embodiment of American values, Kim is demonstrating that she doesn’t believe in maternity leave!

Yes, that’s Kim totally topless on Instagram.

It might not be your idea of work, but when you’re a Kardashian this is what punching a clock looks like.

As usual, Kim is being shamed for posing nude by people who would apparently balk at showing of their flawless physiques in exchange for fame and fortune.

“Your a work of art but you should probably put on some clothes,” wrote one conflicted and gramatically-challenged fan.

“After 3 kids you would think she would stop posting photos like this,” commented one of the internet’s many rabid mom-shamers.

It’s the same nonsense every time Kim blesses us with a pic like this.

Fortunately, it doesn’t like she’ll be easing up on the racy selfies anytime soon.

This time, the haters even stepped their game up a notch and engaging in the truly repugnant behavior of chastising Kim for using a surrogate.

“Now I know the real reason why you hired someone to have your baby,” wrote one follower who’s clearly just the worst.

We’re not even sure what that’s supposed to mean, but we’re 100 percent sure the person who wrote it has no friends.

Anyway, this is one of the rare occasions where we actually agree with Kim’s critics on one thing.

But it has nothing to do with her appearance.

Anna Nicole Smith

Kim posted this photo today with caption reading simply, “Muse.”

For our younger readers, that’s Anna Nicole Smith, a deceased model who’s as well know for her tragic life and death as for her meteoric rise to stardom.

Unlike some of the commenters on the pic, we’re not gonna shame a dead woman who struggled mightily throughout her life, but we are somewhat side-eyeing Kim’s choice of muse.

It’s one thing when a sullen teen idolizes a self-destructive blonde who checked out early, but it’s a little weird coming from a 36-year-old mom and successful career woman like Kim.

Our culture is just now realizing it’s pretty messed up to romanticize the premature death of Marilyn Monroe; let’s not subject Anna to the same mistreatment, mmm-kay?


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Nicole Murphy Celebrates Turning 50 with Mother

Nicole Murphy is a sight to behold … a woman who’s defiance against looking old is one for the ages. We got Nicole and her mom in Bev Hills Friday night, celebrating her 50th birthday — yes, 50 — at Mastro’s steakhouse.   Even if you…


Monday, December 25, 2017

"WAGS" Star Nicole Williams Proves Christmas Does Come Early!!!

It might not snow in L.A. but bet your ass Nicole Williams still knows how to turn a beach into a winter wonderland. The ‘WAGS’ star was struttin’ her stuff on a beach in Santa Monica where she wore the hell out of a mesh one-piece…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Azan Ghosted Nicole; Have They Split?!

So, remember how it looked like Nicole had cheated on Azan again, slipping off her engagement ring to hang with a guy friend … and also lying about it?

At the time, Azan seemed to forgive her. But … suddenly, things looked bleak for the two.

Azan didn’t appear on the reunion special or even answer the phone when Nicole called him on the air. Are they over, officially?

Of all of the new 90 Day Fiance couples introduced this past season, Nicole and Azan were the least new.

In that they were not new at all, and had also been stars on Season 4.

This season, they had some of the same problems — worries about Nicole’s possible infidelities, concerns that Azan’s interview for his K-1 Visa won’t go well, and wondering if Azan could be the father that Nicole’s young daughter deserves.

(This time, in fact, Nicole brought her daughter to Morocco to see how the two bonded)

Throughout all of this, Nicole has also worked to convince her father that Azan is a worthy partner for her.

There’s been a lot on this couple’s plate, even before the revelation about Nicole’s dishonesty.

As we said, Azan said that he forgave her at the time for taking off her ring to spend time with a guy friend.

We don’t know why she had to remove her ring to hang out with him (even if she were looking to cheat … she’s literally on a TV show with the guy she wants to marry; it’s not a secret).

We don’t know why, if nothing happened, she felt the need to lie about it.

Regardless, though, Azan let it slide. He also got past her previous infidelity (to be fair, it was before she went to Morocco to meet him in the first place).

Or … did those instances weigh on him more than he initially let on?

During the 90 Day Fiance Tell All special, Nicole was accompanied by her mother but not by Azan.

You figure, okay … he hasn’t had his K-1 visa interview yet, so he’s still in Morocco and can’t come to the taping.

But you don’t need a visa to pick up a phone, now do you?

Azan basically ghosted Nicole through the Tell All, though TLC did tweet afterwards:

“Azan ended up calling Nicole back after filming concluded! #90DayFiance

Even so, it seemed to many fans that Azan was just trying to avoid getting interviewed on the special.

(Because, seriously, how do you just “forget” that the special’s happening? You’d stay up to any hour to do your part … unless you don’t want to share some bad news)

However, it looks like Azan and Nicole are still together.

We don’t know for sure, but the two have been gushing about each other on social media as recently as November.

Though a lot can change in the space of one month, our guess is that we’ll be seeing Nicole and Azan together in the US in season 6.

Assuming, of course, that Azan was able to secure his K-1 visa.

It might be odd for one couple to get three consecutive seasons of 90 Day Fiance, but hey, a lot was uncertain. Plus, they want to get paid (Nicole works at Starbucks and, even as little as 90 Day Fiance stars get paid, every little bit helps) and they have an interesting story.

That’s why 90 Day Fiance; Before the 90 Days and 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? now exist.

If all goes well, they’ll get married at the end of their 90 days (and the end of season 6), then move on to 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

But … let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Azan has to come to the US and they’ll need to tie the knot before any of that happens.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dannielynn, Larry Birkhead Honor Anna Nicole in the Bahamas

The world has been very critical of Larry Birkhead"s apparent exploitation of his daughter, Dannielynn, accusing him of Anna Nicole Smith"s life and death for goodwill. And, of course, for cash.

But we"ve seen less of him, lately. The last time he was really on our radar was, what, when he went on Hollywood Medium?

Now he and Dannielynn — who is now 11 years old — are back in a video (below) showing their adventures together as Anna Nicole"s daughter visits the land of her birth: The Bahamas.

Larry birkhead and dannielynn posing

Anna Nicole Smith was a sweet woman who died too young.

After an epic battle in which multiple men claimed paternity of her infant daughter, it was determined that Larry had fathered Dannielynn Hope Marshall Birkhead.

Larry hasn"t always been viewed as the best father. Notably, he signed Dannielynn up for modeling when she was six years old.

(In case you"ve forgotten, Anna Nicole herself was a troubled ex-model, and it"s widely believed that she"d still be alive today if she hadn"t been thrust into the spotlight as she was)

Dannielynn is 11 years old, now. (Anybody else feeling super old?)

And Larry Birkhead decided that it was high time that he take her on a trip to the Bahamas, where she was born. Whether he did it for Dannielynn or to get his face on camera again … well, that"s hard to know.

But the video"s very sweet.

Dannielynn and larry birkhead pose on the beach

In the video, Larry Birkhead does most (nearly all) of the talking to Us Weekly"s cameras as he and Dannielynn explore the Bahamas.

"This trip back for Dannielynn is kind of special because she doesn’t really know a whole lot about the place where she was born."

That sounds like a plausible reason to go.

"When Dannielynn was little and I used to bring her here, the people used to come out screaming, ‘The people’s princess Dannielynn is here,’ cause it was such a big deal about her birth here, and they embrace her and they come up and ask for pictures and stuff all the time."

Well, it"s not Dannielynn"s fault that a rich white child getting called a "princess" within the Caribbean is … awkward. Also, a couple of women did ask for a selfie.

Larry talks about the wonderful things that Anna Nicole did with her wealth.

"She was charitable and she did a lot of things for people that people don’t know."

She was, by all accounts, a total sweetheart.

"I’m still getting these cards from kids that she supported overseas and they didn’t know she was Anna Nicole, but they’d come to have found out later."

That is precious.

He takes Dannielynn to a pastel pink courthouse. The very courthouse where he won his paternity case.

"I remember coming out of this door right here and they said, ‘You can take Dannielynn home to Kentucky or wherever you’re gonna move.’ And I came out, I was so happy."

Larry birkhead and dannielynn wetsuits

Larry Birkhead tells the cameras about Dannielynn.

"She likes scary movies, like her mom. She likes to do roller coasters and fun things like her mom used to."

She also has a beautiful smile.

As for her current interests … they"re very age-appropriate.

"Dannielynn is more interested in wanting to be a YouTuber and make her own videos, so those are the types of things that she’s interested in."

She"s beautiful and young and famous, which describes a lot of YouTubers. (We don"t imagine that she"s a horrifying racist like certain YouTubers have turned out to be)

"I still have to warn her that, you know, your friend might have a YouTube account, but if you have a YouTube account that’s different, because people know who you are."

That is a somewhat clumsily worded version of very good advice.

Honestly, if and when Dannielynn gets her own YouTube channel (what a gift that would be), comments might need to be disabled. There are some real creeps who would love nothing more than to upset a famous tween girl.

Dannielynn and larry birkhead bahamas tour bus

Larry continues describe what it"s like being Dannielynn"s parent.

"Sometimes you feel like a bodyguard, sometimes you feel like a chauffeur."

That"s, well, that"s what parenting is like.

"It depends on what the day is. But my job is dad and I think I’ve done a pretty good job. She’s adjusted to it and she’s just a normal kid."

Dannielynn seems obsessed with her phone, which is relatable and age-appropriate.

Here"s the video in its entirety:

Dannielynn larry birkhead honor anna nicole in the bahamas

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Nicole Curtis: Rehab Addict Host Mom-Shamed for Breastfeeding Her Toddler!

Usually, you don’t want the words “rehab” or “addict” anywhere near a story about parenting, but things are a little different when you’re talking about Nicole Curtis, star of Rehab Addict.

But Nicole has stirred up controversy over breastfeeding.

Unlike many such stories, it’s not over feeding her baby in public (gasp!) … but over the fact that, well, her kid’s not really a baby anymore.

Rehab Addict is a long-running reality series about fixing up and restoring old homes, particularly when it comes to classic architecture.

Essentially, saving houses whenever possible. It’s a neat concept.

Right now, that show’s star, Nicole Curtis, is being mom-shamed.

Now, mom-shamers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Like that daddy blogger who leashed his kid, which we don’t understand but which some people blew way out of proportion.

Or like when fans flipped out and accused Chelsea Houska of “poisoning” her baby when, in reality, she had him get his vaccinations, as responsible parents do.

But breastfeeding seems to really get people’s garters in a twist.

(Probably because of our society’s bizarre love-hate fixation with women and with women’s breasts — which we call “bizarre” because … they’re just breasts. What’s not to love?)

Moms using their breasts to feed their babies seems to freak people out when it’s in public. It’s ludicrous, but it happens.

But sometimes, people do weird stuff.

Like using breastmilk to make brownies for a bake sale, weirding approximately everyone the eff out.

Or breastfeeding their baby while having sex, which is a kind of multitasking that makes people really, really uncomfortable.

Nicole Curtis’ alleged breastfeeding weirdness is a little different, however.

Her issue isn’t that she’s feeding her child in an art gallery (gasp!) or on a bench in a public park (no!), but that … he’s 30 months old.

For those of you who don’t enjoy math, that’s two-and-a-half years. 

Speaking to People, Nicole Curtis defends breastfeeding him despite his age.

“I keep saying, it’s not like he’s 7 or 8 — he’s still a baby.”

As critics are quick to point out … he’s literally not, though. Harper (for that’s his name) is a toddler.

Nicole advocates letting children decide on their own when to stop breastfeeding.

“It doesn’t force children to eat — it allows them to discover it and gradually wean at their pace.”

That is a great idea … up to a point. The question is, of course, where that line is and whether or not Nicole and Harper have crossed it.

Apparently, plenty of critics have decided that they have.

“Every single day I have to weather criticism about how my child is too old to breastfeed.”

Nicole wants Harper to make this choice for himself.

“But when he weans, it’s going to be his decision. I truly believe it’s the child’s choice.”

Plenty of children are allowed to decide when to be weaned. Plenty of them quit the breast earlier rather than later, as babies and toddlers like exploring and learning and experiencing the world.

Self-weaning might see a baby leaving boobs behind before they’re a year old. But Harper is clearly on the other extreme end of the spectrum.

Nicole didn’t bring this up with the world because she wants them all to know what an extra special snowflake she is, or whatever people imagine motivates minor celebrities from talking about their lives.

It’s actually a legal issue for her. A custody issue for her.

A judge has literally ruled about this. (There have been a couple of rulings, actually)

Speaking of her young son, Nicole laments a sudden change in his dietary routine:

“He had never had a bottle before, and then all of a sudden that was his only option while he was with his dad.”

That’s a rough transition for a kid to make.

“I had no idea that a judge could say, ‘You’re court-ordered to not feed your exclusively breastfed child."”

She also had trouble producing enough milk through a pump. Until then, she’d never needed to.

“It’s important that children have both of their parents. But [preventing] me from breastfeeding my child just so he can see the dad is not right.”

Nicole says that she’s sharing this story because it’s important for people to know that it can happen. And because she wants to effect change.

“I’ve always been a fighter. If something’s not right, I’m the first person to stand up.”

She hates that her divorce is impacting Harper in this way.

“And I don’t believe that my child should have to wean because of our situation.”

A judge later ruled, giving her once-a-day visits with Harper during Harper’s time with his father. (They exchange him on alternating weeks)

Honestly, in Western countries, it’s normal to wean between ages 1 and 2, right? Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later.

Worldwide, though, it’s not uncommon to see children who don’t wean until between ages 2 and 6.

That may sound bizarre — most children in the West don’t grow up with conscious memories of breastfeeding. The idea of breastfeeding when you’re old enough to read is, to many, shocking.

But Harper isn’t there yet. We’d say that, right now, he’s right on the threshold.

If he’s still breastfeeding when it’s time for preschool, then yeah, it might be time for Nicole to make that choice for him, before it hinders his social development.

Right now, though? All of that mom-shaming seems wasted when there are plenty of bad moms out there.

Also, we should note that Nicole seems to almost welcome the criticism. She told a recent critic that she’s also against infant circumcision (a view shared by many human rights advocates) in case people are looking for other things to hold against her.

Like she said, she’s a real fighter.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Nicole Murphy Pumps It Real Good at Beverly Hills Gas Station

Nicole Murphy pumps her own gas, and when she does … she makes it a premium experience. Nicole was spotted gassing up in Beverly Hills Tuesday in a sexy, form-fitting black dress and high heels … a look that probably made a few people driving by…


Monday, November 6, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Did Nicole Cheat on Azan ... AGAIN?!

Nicole and Azan aren’t new to 90 Day Fiance, but the couple has returned to season 5 because … well, things didn’t exactly get wrapped up in season 4.

But a new development has arisen, and fans are wondering if it could tear this couple apart.

Did Nicole cheat on Azan? Or, more accurately, did Nicole cheat on Azan … again?!

First, a refresher:

Nicole is from the US, while Azan is from Morocco.

The couple managed to hit things off online, but Azan wasn’t happy when he met Nicole and her body was a little larger than he’d realized.

Azan could have handled that more sensitively.

(Remember, folks — people don’t have to be attracted to someone but they do need to be nice about it)

Azan himself is extremely fit, so that contrast adds to the couple’s dynamic.

This season, Nicole is headed back to Morocco — and she’s bringing along her toddler, May, to see how Azan is with her.

That’s great, because if you already have a kid, seeing how good of a parent someone can be is quite frankly the most important thing that you can learn about them.

(When you’re a parent, your child has to come first. Always)

And let’s not forget that Nicole and Azan’s future depends on Nicole’s father’s willingness to foot the bill for Azan to come to the US and actually go through the visa process and, you know, marry Nicole.

But, last season, we saw the first wrench get thrown into the gears.

Because Nicole confessed to Azan that, before she flew out to Morocco and met him in person, she cheated on him.

Azan was able to forgive her, which is great.

But some time after she returned from meeting with Azan in Morocco, Nicole slipped off her engagement ring … ostensibly for a night out with some female friends.

That’s what Nicole told Azan.

As it turned out, though, Nicole took off her ring so that she could hang out with a male friend.

Women — engaged or married or whatever — can absolutely be friends with men, contrary to what Mike Pence might think.

But if you have to take off your ring to hang out with somebody … that doesn’t sound like a friendship.

Not to us, anyway.

Nicole assured Azan that nothing of an intimate, cheating nature happened when she went ringless with a guy friend.

And Azan was, once again, able to forgive Nicole.

More than that, though, it looks like the two of them are still really getting along.

As in, in real-time, not whenever these episodes of 90 Day Fiance were filmed.

Nicole has been gushing about Azan on Instagram, and the couple has been showing off their fair share of PDA in Instagram photos.

Just last week, Nicole was positively gushing about how much her daughter, May, and Azan love each other. And about how much she loves them both.

That probably qualifies as spoilers for this season of 90 Day Fiance, but they’re really the best kind of spoilers, right?

Long-distance relationships are tough, so maybe these little slip-ups of Nicole’s won’t keep happening once the two of them have settled down together in the US.

Like, after they’re married and have a routine and are living together, a lot of conflicts should hopefully go away as the two of them put precious little May first.

Many fans will rejoice at that.

Of course, some “fans” of 90 Day Fiance are haters of Nicole, and try to body-shame on her own Instagram. That’s not an okay thing to do, folks.

It even looks like Azan is over his surprise and insensitive misgivings. How Nicole and Azan feel about her body is really all that matters.

We’re rooting for this couple, and we look forward to seeing where this relationship will take them both.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nicole Walters: Rants About "Fancy" Bus Stop Moms, Wins Our Hearts

If you haven"t yet seen this suburban mom"s viral rant about "bus stop moms," then you"re missing out an on experience.

As you can see in the video below, Nicole Walters is funny. She"s just funny. Her viral rant isn"t angry or defamatory, and countless people find it relatable.

In related news, where can we get an "Oprah Wasn"t Built In A Day" shirt?

Bus mom nicole walters 1

So, Nicole Walters went on a Facebook video rant about the "fancy" moms (her words) at her child"s bust stop.

Nicole is a married mother of three, and she and her family have only recently moved to the affluent suburban neighborhood.

Her "rant" isn"t vicious or heated as some of the "rant videos" that we"ve seen recently floating around the interwebs.

Instead, her video reads more like stand-up comedy, but set in the environment that she describes.

It"s 8am, so she hasn"t showered yet or dressed for the day. She sent her nanny to walk her child to the bus.

(The nanny bit might not be relatable to everyone, but pretty much everything else about this should resonate with anyone familiar with suburban living)

Sporting a shirt that reads: "Oprah Wasn"t Built In A Day," Nicole tells you exactly what she thinks of the other neighborhood moms.

Bus mom nicole walters 2

First, she"s very direct and honest about her outfit.

She"s wearing a bonnet, she hasn"t showered (she has washed her face though, which is more than most of us do before showering).

She"s wearing a loose-fitting, on brand tee shirt.

She also looks great, honestly. She really knows how to work a camera, and we don"t just mean operate one.

The way that Nicole emotes throughout this video is pretty fantastic.

It was, you see, her 6-year-old"s first day of kindergarten.

(Keep in mind that many kindergarten classes start two weeks later than fellow elementary schoolers)

And Nicole just could not bring herself to go out and deal with the other moms at the bus stop.

Bus mom nicole walters 3

(Nicole points her camera at the "fancy" mom and at her own nanny as they return from the bus stop after seeing the children off)

The bus stop moms are, you see, entirely too "fancy."

As she continues, you realize that it"s not exactly the case that she"s intimidated, though you"d understand it if someone did find these women intimidating.

Nicole singles out one neighborhood mom in particular.

"You don’t know how perfect she is. She’s so fancy. She’s so fancy. She’s skinny. She wears tennis clothes every day. Tennis clothes and a visor every day."

"Every day she wears that.”

Nicole says that this unnamed woman “is just so good at life. She’s just so good at life."

Rather than being intimidated, though, it seems clear that Nicole is annoyed by their superficial conversations.

Bus mom nicole walters 4

She mocks the use of vocal fry in some of the other moms" voices, but mostly her teasing seems to be in good fun.

We"ll be honest, actually turning the camera on one of the moms, even from that distance, seemed a little invasive to us, right?

The woman"s not a public figure; she"s just a mom seeing her kid off to school.

But we have no idea who she is and, quite frankly, this funny video is a gift and we"re glad to have gotten to witness it.

See it for yourself:

Nicole walters rants about fancy bus stop moms wins our hearts