Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Parents Freaked Out Over New Gun Threat

A student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School made threats with a gun and ammunition against another student, and parents want to know if more danger lurks on campus … yet the school has gone radio silent. A student at the school posted these…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar Confesses: My Parents" Religion Is Too Strict!

Back in May of 2017, Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth.

Just nine months later, Joy welcomed her first child.

Needless to say, at just 20 years old, Joy is already eagerly following in the footsteps of her mother and older sisters by devoting her life to marriage and motherhood in accordance with her family’s religious views.

But it seems she wasn’t always thrilled with the prospect of keeping the faith.

In a newly released preview of tonight’s episode of Counting On, Joy is seen giving a heartfelt speech the rehearsal dinner for Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding.

It seems Joy and Joe share a special bond, and he helped through an extraordinarily difficult period in her youth.

As she reveals in her speech, Joy had some serious doubts about the religious beliefs that shaped her upbringing, and Joe was both a guiding light and a source of love and support during this uncertain time.

“I can’t speak and cry. It’s terrible. First of all I want to say that Joe, I’m so thankful for you,” Joy says in her speech.

“You really did change my life.”

Joy goes on to reveal that her crisis of faith made her feel like an outsider at times, and Joe was always quick to remind her that she still belongs:

“Just through my teen years, I think I was having a hard time taking my parents’ faith as my own and you really befriended me as an older brother, and [were] the first in the morning to say ‘I love you’ and ‘What are you going to do today?’ and stuff like that,” she says.

“It just really meant a lot to me.”

It doesn’t sound like Joy ever fully abandoned her parents’ belief system or explored other faiths, but this is the first time that one of Michelle and Jim Bob’s children has admitted to harboring doubts about the beliefs that dominate all aspects of life in the Duggar home.

It’s a reminder that Joy once seemed to be the Duggar most likely “break away” and pursue a life far from her parents’ home that looked very different from the environment she was raised in.

A tomboy who seemed more interested in sports and the outdoors than marriage and family, Joy seemed to have little interest in pursuing the life that had been assigned to her at birth.

Needless to say, these days she’s given up the struggle and seems happy in her pious, domestic life she’s built for herself.

Her parents are likely thrilled – but it’s a disappointing turn of events for many Duggar fans.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Breaking Courtship Rules In Front of his Parents?!

Last week, we learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

Obviously, this means another Duggar wedding is on the way.

But for the young couple, it might mean something even more immediate and important

You see, according to Duggar courtship rules, Josiah and Lauren are allowed a bit more physical contact know that they’re engaged.

In other words, the couple went from barely being able to touch at all to holding hands for brief periods and engaging in “side-hugs.”

What they are not allowed to do, however, is paw at each other like lustful wildebeests in heat!

And from the way fans are reacting to a new video of the couple, you’d think that’s exactly what they’re doing:

The clip below appeared on the Duggars’ website earlier this week:

“I know Josiah feels very honored that you have accepted him as your fiancé,” Michelle tells an obviously nervous and reticent Lauren.

“I’m really looking forward to marrying you,” Josiah says at one point.

“And starting a new life and a new journey together with you along that path with me.”

Lauren continues to smile sheepishly, and at one point manages to remark that she’s “speechless.”

Then she saves herself by blurting out “God is good” at the end of the video.

Needless to say, even at a scant 90 seconds, it’s a pretty boring clip.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that Josiah and Marjorie maintain physical contact the whole time, which has caused some Duggar fans to lose their freakin’ minds.

As you can see, Lauren has her hands on Josiah’s arm throughout the clip.

Since this is the Duggars we’re talking about, that was sufficient to whip some fans into a frenzy:


“I can feel the sexual tension between these 2 from here! They wanna do it, ASAP,” wrote another.

Yes, a little thumb-on-arm action is all it takes to get Duggar fans envisioning the wedding night.

It’s an extreme read on a very innocuous video, but in a sense, the Duggars invite this sort of fixation by talking so much about their premarital restrictions.

So are Josiah and Lauren breaking the rules of courtship here?

Not exactly, but they’re probably going a bit further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Though come to think of it, just by being in the same room, they’re going further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Watch Counting On online for a refresher course on the Duggar Rules For Sexual Frustration. 


Monday, March 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott Cuddle Up On Parents Date without Stormi

For the first time in about a month … Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott got to relax and enjoy the sounds of the ocean — instead of a screaming baby — on a parents-only date in Miami.  The two found a sitter for Stormi (Grandma Kris? Auntie…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Elsa May Be a Lesbian, Much to the Chagrin of These Parents

Conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know/Well now they know/Let it go, let it go/Can’t hold it back anymore.

When Queen Elsa sang these words in Frozen, she may have been belting out lyrics about her super scary ice powers…

… or she may have been coming out of the closet as a lesbian.

There are movie goers who believe the latter, and who have been pushing for Disney to give Elsa a girlfriend in the upcoming Frozen sequel.

Might this actually happen?

Writer and co-director Jennifer Lee has chimed in on these rumors, which has prompted quite the outcry on Twitter.

Scroll down for the full story…

1. Is Elsa Actually Gay?!?


Lee won’t say, but she’s aware of the chatter and told The Huffington Post the following: “Where we’re going with it, we have tons of conversations about it, and we’re really conscientious about these things. For me … Elsa’s every day telling me where she needs to go, and she’ll continue to tell us. I always write from character-out, and where Elsa is and what Elsa’s doing in her life, she’s telling me every day. We’ll see where we go.”

2. #GiveElsaAGirlfriend


Long before Lee even made this comment, there was a viral movement to give Elsa a girlfriend in Frozen 2. This is one strong reason why.

3. Fire and Ice?

Gf please

See, some fans have a very clear idea of exactly how they want this same-sex hookup to go.

4. On the Other, Less Tolerant Hand…

No gf

… some folks out there are simply NOT having this idea. They’ve made some pretty strong statements against it.

5. Well, on This Hand…


… and on THAT hand. As you can see, the possibility of a lesbian Elsa has many parents very confused how to react.

6. Do It, Disney!

Great idea

Thankfully, many parents out there believe this move would serve as inspiration to many young people out there, those who are struggling with certain LGBT-related questions.

View Slideshow

Monday, February 19, 2018

Jacob Roloff Talks Family Feud: Does He Hate His Parents or What?!?

Jacob Roloff has come a very long way in two years.

It wasn’t THAT long after all, when the Little People, Big World personality chose to remove himself from his family’s narrative.

Sick over the way his loved ones were choosing to be portrayed on their reality TV show, Jacob didn’t merely walk away in July of 2016.

He walked away from the series while also slamming the production in the process, exposing his parents and siblings for the type of liars they had become.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” Roloff wrote at the time, taking the very unusual step of outing his own show as scripted and fake.

He added:

“The family that is filmed is not my family.

“They are the Roloff Characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself.”

Pretty harsh and to the point, huh?

With that, Jacob faded away from the spotlight for several months, taking road trips with his girlfriend and dogs around the Pacific Northwest and scarcely posting on social media.

But now a few things have changed.

For starters, Isabel Rock is no longer Jacob’s girlfriend… she’s his fiancee!!!!!!!!!!!

Moreover, Jacob is on strong terms once again with his family, as his Instagram page is filled with photos of himself, his nephew, his siblings and, yes, his parents.

For whatever reason, however, some Internet trolls refuse to believe that Jacob and his relatives are getting along so well.

They continue to perpetuate talk of a feud, so much so that Jacob has finally taken to social media in order to respond to this chatter.

“You know that feeling of dread when someone is scrutinizing you and you think, “hey, this might be true about me,” until they slip up and say something totally bonkers and wrong, and you sigh with relief because they are *so* off base?” Roloff asked as a caption to the throwback photo below.

He then continued:

“I feel this every. single. time. I see a headline regarding ‘rifts’ in my family. It is just so simply and surely untrue!

“This is a good picture of a pure, early, easy, fun time in my life.”

Jacob proceeded to share an excerpt from his upcoming memoir about Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff.

It reads as follows:

My parents have always been pretty amazing. They both succeeded in life, had a family and provided for and gave their kids all that they wanted, within disciplined reason.

My dad taught me practical, mindful things like chess, how to build a fire, and other sorts of exercises in basic critical thinking to a degree that I still carry the lessons with me today.

He was also a great storyteller, sitting all of us kids by the fire and telling stories of “dark, windy nights.”

My mom, always making sure we knew we were loved, supported all our efforts and hobbies as often as she knew about them, even coaching all of us kids in soccer in our early years.

She also instilled in us a very good sense of manners and respect that I find myself appreciating more and more everyday.

So much for this being a bitter and angry tell-all, right?

Jacob’s book will be titled “Out to See” and will be available to purchase on May 1.

To drive the point home that everything is great between himself and his mom and dad, he also included an old image of himself and his siblings on the beach via Instagram, posting along with it yet another memoir passage.

This one reads as follows:

I’m just so happy my parents believed in life enough to have four kids. My brothers, both with their own wives and a daughter and son respectively.

My sister, with her own husband and booming life in Spokane, Washington.

I, too, am now entering the open sea of life and have gotten myself engaged to a wonderful beauty of a girl, and have begun a commitment in profession.

This – the farm, our next generation of families – with its many reverberations in all of our individual lives, and those of our children, comes due to my parents and their dedication to the family, and belief in life.

Doesn’t exactly sound like someone who has anything but love and affection for his family members, does it?


Monday, February 5, 2018

Anna Faris and Boyfriend Michael Barrett Hang with Her Parents

S*** just got real for Anna Faris … her new boyfriend’s hanging with her parents. Anna, Michael Barrett, her kid and parents hit up a Super Bowl party Sunday in the Hollywood Hills. They were shuttled up to the shindig. Meeting the…


Friday, January 19, 2018

"Horror House" Parents Charged with 12 Counts of Torture, Better Be Imprisoned for Life

David and Louise Turpin – the California parents who reportedly confined, tortured and malnourished their 13 children – now face up to 94 years to life in prison, authorities announced on Thursday.

The couple was officially charged in court today with 12 counts of torture, following their arrest this week for committing allegedly heinous acts. 

As previously reported, the Turpins were discovered to have been keeping their kids captive for years, allegedly depriving them of food and keeping them chained to pieces of furniture for hours and hours at a time.

The kids ranged in age from two through 29.

A 17-year old daughter managed to escape and call the police, alerting them to the despicable conditions in which her siblings were being kept.

Bail has been set at $ 13 million for the Turpins in Riverside County, California.

Said Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin on Thursday afternoon:

“All the victims were and are severely malnourished. The 29-year-old female victim weighs 82 pounds.”

The kids were immediately sent to the hospital upon being rescued by authorities and are receiving various types of treatment.

They are receiving antibiotics, vitamins and nutrients and psychologists will soon be brought in to evaluate the victims when their physical conditions improve.

Hestrin also said that the children would “sleep all day and be up all night,” confirming reports from neighbors who have said they witnessed the kids being marched all around the home during very strange hours.

According to Hestrin, “none of the victims were allowed to shower more than once a year.”

Many were found lying in piles of their own feces this week.

“This is severe physical and emotional abuse we’re talking about,” Hestrin said. “It breaks our hearts, but we’re professionals and have to seek justice.”

He noted that the 17-year old who broke free and dialed 911 had been plotting her escape for two years.

On Wednesday, investigators served search warrants to the home, spending approximately seven hours going through evidence, and walking out with several boxes, two safes and pieces of wood that appear to have been part of bed frames.

David’s mother, Betty, told reporters after her son’s arrest that David and his wife had so many kids because God wanted them to.

“I feel they were model Christians,” she told the Southern California News Group on Wednesday, adding:

“It’s hard to believe all of this. Over the years, the Lord knows what happened.”

Adds David Macher, a public defender assigned to David Turpin:

“What we would like the public to know is that our clients are presumed to be innocent, and that’s a very important presumption.”

When asked about the number of counts and the nature of the charges, Macher said:

“It’s going to be a challenge.”

Aside from suffering severe caloric malnutrition associated with muscle wasting, several of the kids have cognitive impairment and “neuropathy, which is nerve damage, as a result of this extreme and prolonged physical abuse,” Hestrin says.

What will happen now to the victims?

The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services is seeking court authorization to provide oversight and care for the 13 siblings “to the extent that’s necessary,” says Susan von Zabern, spokeswoman for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services.

She added on Tuesday:

“At this point, we’ll be doing a full assessment with medical professionals to better understand needs of the adults as well as the children, and we’ll be prepared to provide supportive services as well as engage other agencies in assisting these individuals to be stable.”


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

California Parents Arrested After 13 Shackled Children Found in Home

We’ve talked a lot about famous monsters, in Hollywood and in politics. But most of the irredeemable, vile people who prey upon the innocent and ruin lives are not famous at all. They’re people whose homes you pass every day without realizing that anything’s wrong.

Well, in a particularly gruesome case, a California couple has been arrested for allegedly keeping 13 people chained and padlocked, surrounded by absolute filth.

Some were adults, some were minors. Reports claim that all 13 victims were their children.

David Turpin, Louise Turpin Mugshots

In an announcement with a header reading “Torture / Child Endangerment,” the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department issued a shockingly grim explanation of why it had arrested David and Louise Turpin.

“Early Sunday morning on January 14, 2018, a 17-year old juvenile escaped from her residence situated in the 100 Block of Muir Woods Road, Perris and managed to call 911 from a cellular device she found inside the house.”

We don’t know how she managed to escape, but it was incredibly brave. And so was contacting the police. 

“The teenager claimed her 12 brothers and sisters were being held captive inside the residence by her parents and further claimed some of her siblings were bound with chains and padlocks.

Countless people who are being abused fear that no one can or will help them, or that they won’t be believed. Sometimes, they’re right. But this time, her courage paid off.

David Turpin, Louise Turpin 2

“When Police Officers from the Perris Police Department and Deputies from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department met with the juvenile, she appeared to be only 10 years old and slightly emaciated.”

Malnutrition can make people look frighteningly young, as well as doing permanent damage to their bodies.

Obviously, no one is publishing photos of this girl or any of her siblings and fellow victims, but even in photos from years ago, pictures that David and Louise saw fit to publish on social media, reveal a gaggle of alarmingly gaunt children with visibly emaciated features.

“After a brief interview with the female, they contacted 57-year old David Allen Turpin and 49-year old Louise Anna Turpin at the residence where the teenager escaped. “

Even with what the detectives had been told, it sounds like they weren’t truly prepared for what they saw.

David Turpin, Louise Turpin 3

“Further investigation revealed several children shackled to their beds with chains and padlocks in dark and foul-smelling surroundings.”

Like everyone else, investigators wondered why in the world parents would do such a thing.

“The parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner.”

Child-abuse is tragically commonplace, but the extremes of this house of horrors weren’t the only things that made the Turbin household unusual.

“Deputies located what they believed to be 12 children inside the house, but were shocked to discover that 7 of them were actually adults, ranging in age from 18 to 29.”

Like the 17-year-old who appeared to be 10, apparently chronic deprivation had stunted their physical development.

“The victims appeared to be malnourished and very dirty. Perris Station Detectives were dispatched to the residence for further investigation.”

David Turpin, Louise Turpin 4

“All 13 victims, ranging from the age of 2 to 29, were transported to the Perris Station and interviewed.”


“Both parents were detained and transported to the station for further investigation.”

Yeah, we’d imagine so.

“Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS) arrived to assist in the investigation.”

On their own, CPS workers have very little power to protect children, relying upon courts and police. But their testimony about the state of being of the children and the house could prove invaluable at trial.

“The victims were provided with food and beverages after they claimed to be starving.”

David Turpin, Louise Turpin 5

All seven children were taken to a hospital, as were the six adult children who were captives. 

“Both parents were interviewed in this matter and subsequently transported to the Robert Presley Detention Center (RPDC).”

For now, we can only imagine how that interrogation went. How does a detective keep their cool, we wonder, in the face of such evil?

“They were booked for violations of California Penal Code Section 206–Torture and Section 273a(A)–Child Endangerment.”

Are you horrified by what you’ve read about this couple? it sounds like the judge was, too.

“Bail was set at $ $ 9,000,000.00 each.”

We’re sure that more details will come out, with appropriate levels of sensitivity for the survivors. We hope that all 13 children can recover.

Physical recovery will be hard; emotional and psychological recovery may take a lifetime.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Jordyn Duggar: Did Her Parents Forget Her Birthday?!

Last month, Jordyn Duggar turned 9 years old.

Her family celebrated Jordyn’s birthday in true Duggar fashion by assembling a massive crowd of siblings to sing to her about Jesus.

They even posted photos and video of the occasion on social media for all of their fans to enjoy.

But some of those fans believe something was amiss with the celebration.

You see, Jordyn’s birthday follows closely after that of her younger sister, Josie.

With 19 children, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are obviously accustomed to back-to-back birthday celebrations, but Josie’s is more of a special occasion than most.

Born three months premature, 8-year-old Josie is often referred to as the Duggar’s “miracle baby.”

As the youngest in the family, she reportedly enjoys the lion’s share of her parents’ attention and affection. 

It’s a situation the other Duggars have reportedly come to accept, but some fans feel the Josie-worship went too far recently, and they’re accusing Jim Bob and Michelle of getting so caught up in the birthday of their youngest daughter that they forgot about Jordyn entirely.

As we pointed out earlier, the Duggars did, in fact, celebrate Jordyn’s birthday, but fans on Reddit believe they did so only after being reminded of the occasion on social media.

“It’s mid-afternoon and still no happy birthday post for Jordyn. Because something always seems to be more important than Jordyn. The story of her poor, lost life,” one fan remarked on Jordyn’s big day.

“There is just such a history of the poor girl being overshadowed by Josie. It breaks my heart and I don’t even know the kid. I want to adopt her as an ‘unofficial niece’ and spoil her with love and attention,” another commented.

Other fans pointed out that Jordyn’s birthday was further eclipsed by the announcement that Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell are expecting their first child:

“Wouldn’t whoever announced Jendra’s pregnancy have known that today is Jordyn’s birthday?” wrote one Reddit user.

“Common sense would tell them to delay announcing it for 2 days till Wednesday or the end of the week. But I guess we can wish her if her family can’t. Happy birthday Jordyn!”

When the Duggars did finally acknowledge Jordyn on social media, it was too little, too late for many fans:

“I wonder if they’ve seen comments surrounding how they ‘forgot’ her birthday because her b-day message seems longer than normal lol albeit the same generic stuff,” wrote one follower.

“They literally didn’t post it until darned near her bedtime. They probably had to edit Josie out of all her pictures,” remarked another.

With 18 siblings, we’re sure Jordyn is accustomed to not being the center of attention, but that doesn’t make the possibility that the Duggars forgot a 9-year-old’s birthday any easier to accept.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Tyron Woodley to Keaton Jones: Your Parents Are Trash, Get Away From Them

UFC champ Tyron Woodley dropped bombs on Keaton Jones’ parents in the newest episode of ”The Hollywood Beatdown” – explaining why they’re even worse for him than his bullies at school.  Woodley says Keaton’s dad…


Friday, December 1, 2017

13 Parents Who F-ckin HATE the Elf on the G-ddamn Shelf

Christmas is a time for decorating trees, buying presents and spending time with family.

And also for taking to social media in order to rail against the horror that is the Elf on the Shelf.

That"s the case for the handful of parents featured below, however, each of whom has held very little back when it comes to their feelings for this tradition.

Ready to see what we mean?

1. This is Not a Required Tradition

This is not a required tradition

Please remember this, parents everywhere.

2. This Isn’t a Joke

This isnt a joke

We mean, it is. But that dude is scary! He could come to life at any minute!

3. You’ve Made Me Into a Liar, Elf!

Youve made me into a liar elf

I hope you’re proud of yourself.

4. I Can Only Handle One of You Creatures at a Time

I can only handle one of you creatures at a time

Please take it easy on me.

5. Elf on the Shelf?

Elf on the shelf

Please. This is what all mothers and parents ought to make into a tradition.

6. It’s Not Even a Tradition

Its not even a tradition

It becomes a lifestyle. And it’s terrible.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Are They Living With Her Parents?!

It’s been five months since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and the despite their youth, the couple has wasted no time in taking on all the responsibilities of adult life.

At 19, Joy-Anna is currently pregnant with her first child, and while she has yet to reveal any solid information about her due date, some fans believe she’ll be welcoming a little bundle of joy before the year is out.

(If you crunch the numbers on that prediction, you’ll see why the rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” have gained so much traction on social media.)

The official explanation is that Joy-Anna got pregnant on her honeymoon and learned she was knocked up shortly after she returned home.

Speaking of “home,” fans have recently taken an interest in the question of where exactly Joy-Anna and Austin are laying their heads these days.

If you’re a fan of Counting On, then you may remember that Austin flips houses for a living and has eagerly spoken of his desire to find the perfect home for his new family.

(In one of the series’ most random scenes, Austin was advised by his father to hold off on proposing to Joy until he’d flipped his fifth home because … that’s what Jesus would’ve done? We’re still not quite clear on the reasoning.)

Forsyth eventually decided that the perfect home didn’t exist–and thus, it was up to him to build it.

Yes, depending on who you ask, Austin and Joy-Anna’s dream home is either under construction or soon to be under construction.

Whatever the case, it’s a long way from being completed.

So where are Austin and Joy-Anna residing in the meantime?

Well, the most popular theory amongst fans seems to be that they’re living with her parents and several of her siblings at the storied Duggar compound.

What’s the big deal? you may be asking. She’s freakin’ 19 years old! The average Millennial lives with his parents until he’d 47, and that’s an absolute fact I just made up!

Here’s the thing, short-tempered hypothetical reader–we absolutely agree with you.

We firmly belueve there’s nothing wrong with a 19-year-old living at home for a while.

But by all accounts, the Duggars don’t share that belief–at least not in cases where said 19-year-old has already been married off.

The Duggars are almost as big on self-reliance and refusal of handouts as they are on the Bible and procreation.

Yes, it’s extremely ironic, considering they’ve famously begged for money from fans on numerous occasions, but the Duggars pride themselves on long hours and rugged individualism.

Which is probably why Joy-Anna’s continued residence at casa de Duggar is being treated like the family’s biggest secret.

Well, maybe like its fourth or fifth biggest secret.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Jinger Duggar to Parents: Let Me Live My Own Life!

It’s been almost one year since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, and a whole lot has changed for the 23-year-old in that time.

For starters, Jinger and Jeremy moved to Laredo, Texas, thus making her the first Duggar daughter to permanently relocate outside of Arkansas.

In addition to putting some physical distance between herself and her parents, Jinger has moved away from Jim Bob and Michelle philosophically, as well.

Though he’s also a conservative Christian, Vuolo’s belief system differs greatly from the one Jinger was raised with, and it seems she’s now adopted most of her husband’s views.

Insiders say Vuolo and Jim Bob have butted heads over matters of religious doctrine on numerous occasions.

Despite the disagreements, however, Jim Bob reportedly concedes that Jinger should fall in line with her husband’s beliefs.

The Duggars adhere to strictly patriarchal worldview, which holds that all women should be subservient to their husbands.

Thus, Jim Bob has quietly ceded power over Jinger’s life to Jeremy.

So while it would be woefully inaccurate to describe Jinger’s life as free or independent (she’s still very much under Jeremy’s thumb, after all), she does enjoy certain liberties that were strictly off-limits to her growing up.

These days, Jinger wears pants as opposed to long skirts and dresses, and she expresses her views, even when she hasn’t been asked for her opinion by a male.

“They are their own people,” a source tells Radar Online of the Vuolos.

“They aren’t just clones. They have their own set of beliefs.”

The insider adds that despite rumors to the contrary, Jinger and Jeremy have experienced little in the way of pushback from her parents.

“They aren’t attacking their family’s belief system,” the insider said.

“The family doesn’t mind at all. They are thrilled to see them push out on their own.”

As for the fans who allege that Jinger’s new lifestyle amounts to thumbing her nose at her parents, the source says she and Jeremy have simply learned to ignore the haters.

“There will always be folks that hate what they don’t understand,” the source says.

“It’s sad, but that’s life.”

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Eminem Gushes About Hailie Jade Mathers: She"s Better Than Her Parents!

Eminem has been back in the news lately for an unlikely reason.

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past week, then you now doubt caught at least a snippet of Em’s blistering anti-Trump rap that debuted at the BET Awards.

Yes, Em has always been a rabble-rouser and a trash talker, but his barbs are usually aimed at fellow musicians.

(That mop-headed dude from NSync is probably still in therapy.)

This time, Mr. Mathers set his sights on a far more powerful opponent, tearing Trump down with a succession of scathing putdowns that would make no doubt rendered the Orange One as speechless as Anthony Mackie at the end of 8 Mile.

Best of all, the rapper released the acapella diss barrage with the full knowledge that many of his fans are also Trump supporters, exhorting red staters to pick a side in one of the track’s most memorable lines.

It was a pleasant for hip hop fans, as Em has reached the point in his career where he could never record another track and still be remembered as a legend of the genre.

But believe it or not, it’s not his music career that the 44-year-old emcee is most proud of.

(And no, it’s not his epic beard that somehow became a trending topic when he debuted it earlier this year.)

As Em is always happy to tell interviewers (on the rare occasion he grants interviews. Come to think of it, is he ever really happy?) his proudest achievement is raising his daughter Hailie.

(Who, as fans know, came well after he was harrassed daily by this fat kid named D’Angelo Bailey.)

Like we said, Marshall doesn’t speak to the press very often, but a source slose to the rapper says he gushes about his 21-year-old offspring every chance he gets:

“Eminem is really proud of Hailie, she’s the very best of him and Kim,” the insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Hailie is smart, popular, motivated, kind, and really down to earth. Eminem was determined that his daughter would be raised out of the spotlight, as the last thing he wanted was a ‘showbiz kid’, and he really did a good job—considering the problems that both her mom and dad have had, she’s incredibly well balanced. “

The source concludes:

“Hailie is really committed to her studies, she works really hard, and she has a great head on her shoulders.”

“Popular” might be a massive understatement, as new photos of Hailie go viral amongst Em obsessives about once a month.

We like to think they’re not being internet pervs and are just thrilled with the way she turned out, having essentially witnessed the girl’s upbringing through Em’s music.

While it’s the disses that might be most remembered by casual fans, those who have pored over the Detroit rapper’s lyrics know that family has always been one of his favorite themes.

In the early days, he argued (quite convincingly) that his lack of a healthy upbringing had left him permnanetly damaged.

These days, it seems he’s been rescues by his love for his daughter.

It’s a hell of a happy ending for a man who likely never would have predicted one for himself.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Jeff Dunham Says Kid Ventriloquist Winner of "AGT" has Great Parents, Could Be a Star

Jeff Dunham’s got high hopes for the kid ventriloquist who won season 12 of “America’s Got Talent” … because he knows her folks want what’s best for her. The famed ventriloquist and comedian tells TMZ … 12-year-old Darci Lynne Farmer’s…


Jeff Dunham Says Kid Ventriloquist Winner of "AGT" has Great Parents, Could Be a Star

Jeff Dunham’s got high hopes for the kid ventriloquist who won season 12 of “America’s Got Talent” … because he knows her folks want what’s best for her. The famed ventriloquist and comedian tells TMZ … 12-year-old Darci Lynne Farmer’s…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jim Brown Blasts Parents of 8-Year-Old Football Protesters, "Exploitation"

Jim Brown tells TMZ Sports he’s got a big problem with the 8-year-old football team that took a knee during the national anthem this week … saying, “I thought that was exploitation.” The NFL legend has previously spoken out against Colin…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

14 Sassy Parents Who Just OWNED Their Kids

Sometimes, kids are in need of tough love.

Tough, hilarious love that is left for them in note form from either mom or dad.

What do we mean, exactly?

Scroll down for a look at various messages left for sons and daughters by the people who love them most. And who also get irritated by them most…

1. Hugs, Kisses… and Cuts

Hugs kisses and cuts

Not very deep ones, but you’ll feel them!

2. They Change the Password Everyday?!?

They change the password everyday

That. Is. Genius.

3. Pray for Me

Pray for me

Also, don’t mess up the kitchen.

4. #DadFact

Number dadfact

It’s true. Eat up, kids.

5. Plug In?

Plug in

More like… butt out!

6. And Even If You Do Mind?

And even if you do mind

Well… tough!

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Live Nation Sued By Parents of Concertgoer who OD"d on Molly at Hard Fest

Live Nation put on a huge music festival knowing it would become a drug-fueled rave — caring more about money than attendee safety — and now a 22-year-old girl is dead because of it … according to a new suit. The parents of Roxanne Ngo, who…
