Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Josh Allen Apologizes for Racist Tweets, "Young and Dumb"

Josh Allen — one of the top QBs in the NFL Draft — is apologizing for dropping the n-word on Twitter years ago … saying he was “young and dumb.” The tweets surfaced Wednesday night … one day before the draft — and Allen had posted them to his…


"RHOA" Star Marlo Hampton Says Kim Zolciak Is Racist

‘RHOA’ star Marlo Hampton is calling BS on Kim Zolciak, saying she is 100 percent racist for saying NeNe Leakes lives in a “roach nest,” even if Kim denies it. We spoke to Marlo after Sunday’s ‘RHOA’ reunion show, where…


"RHOA" Star Marlo Hampton Says Kim Zolciak Is Racist

‘RHOA’ star Marlo Hampton is calling BS on Kim Zolciak, saying she is 100 percent racist for saying NeNe Leakes lives in a “roach nest,” even if Kim denies it. We spoke to Marlo after Sunday’s ‘RHOA’ reunion show, where…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rachel Lindsay: Bachelor Fans Are Too Racist to Have Another Black Bachelorette

Rachel Lindsay was The Bachelorette‘s first black leading lady. A lot of people were troubled that it took until Season 13 for that to happen.

Now, Rachel is engaged, but she’s not optimistic about the chances of seeing another black Bachelorette in the near future.

Why? Because, well, the viewers are racist.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Rachel Lindsay shares her doubts about the next black Bachelorette lead.

“I don’t think Bachelor Nation is ready for the diversity of a lead … an African American lead.”

That is … so heartbreaking to hear.

Rachel does clarify that she thinks that there will be leads of color in the future, but she says:

“I think there’ll be an [African American] man before there’ll be another woman.”

That is, unfortunately, what happens in a culture where white (among other things) is treated as “default.”

Her fiancee, Bryan Abasolo, adds:

“I think there definitely needs to be more diversity on the show.”

That is something that a number of fans have called four.

The surplus of Laurens on the last season of The Bachelor really illustrated how homogenous the casts can be.

Bryan says: “Whether America is ready for it, that’s yet to be seen.”

Rachel interjects, saying that she has more concerns about the franchise’s fanbase than she does about overall American culture.

“It’s not America; it’s Bachelor Nation.”

Rachel explains that, even if Arie’s brutal breakup had never happened, whoever would have been the lead in Becca Kufrin’s stead would not have been black.

“I don’t think that there would have been two black Bachelorettes in a row.”

And she can point to exactly why.

“I just don’t think the nation … I mean look at the ratings from the season.”

Her season’s ratings, she says, were “significantly lower than Jojo’s.”

That is heartbreaking.

Rachel says that she didn’t see racist trolling against her on social media … which is totally believable, if she has never once checked her mentions from people she doesn’t already follow.

Bryan admits that he “definitely saw it.”

“There was a lot of backlash in terms of race for her, and I think she handled herself with such grace and elegance and pride.”

Remember, there was even a racist guy on her season — though not for long.

“I think she represented the African American community beautifully.”

That she did.

Racial representation is not and has never been a strong suit of The Bachelor.

Are so many members of the Bachelor Nation truly so very racist that they just won’t tune in to watch a black woman find love?

We’d love to believe that there’s another culprit.

But Rachel brings up a great point. And something has to change.

For that matter, many in the Bachelor Nation have wanted diversity in other ways. A Bachelor or Bachelorette. A trans Bachelor or Bachelorette.

And let’s not forget that racial diversity isn’t limited to the African American community.

Representation is important.


Friday, April 20, 2018

NY Gym Apologizes to Jermell Charlo, Insists They"re Not Racist

Jermell Charlo has gotten an apology from the upscale NY gym he was kicked out of on Thursday night — but the gym insists he was NOT racially profiled.  As we previously reported, Charlo — a world champion boxer — was turned away from Life…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Professor Celebrates Death of "Racist" Barbara Bush

Former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away on Tuesday. She was 92.

A Fresno State professor tweeted out some accusations about the First Lady, and more or less danced on her grave.

The backlash was intense. The personal consequences may be more so.

A lot of people indulge the impulse to express delight when a famous person dies.

Often, they deserve it. But most people agree that Barbara Bush’s death does not need to be celebrated.

Professor Randa Jarrar, however, is not most people.

She tweeted:

“Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F–k outta here with your nice words.”

She received thousands of replies and even spent a few hours debating people. She has since made her Twitter account private.

Free speech does not mean freedom from consequences, however.

She has since revealed:

“Currently on leave from Fresno State. This is my private account and represents my opinions.”

Fresno State, in the mean time, has put out a statement reading:

“On behalf of Fresno State, I extend my deepest condolences to the Bush family on the loss of our former First Lady, Barbara Bush.”

That’s an appropriate way to start.

“We share the deep concerns expressed by others over the personal comments made today by Professor Randa Jarrar, a professor in the English Department at Fresno State.”

They emphasize something that is very important, however.

“Her statements were made as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State.”

That won’t prevent certain anti-education opportunists from trying to frame her as a typical “university elite” or whatever.

“Professor Jarrar’s expressed personal views and commentary are obviously contrary to the core values of our University, which include respect and empathy for individuals with divergent points of view, and a sincere commitment to mutual understanding and progress.”

It’s difficult to prove that Barbara Bush was or was not a racist, so let’s look at the other “accusation” leveled against her — regarding who one of her sons grew up to be.

Was the US Invasion of Iraq perpetrated under pretenses that were later revealed to be false, deceiving the international community and the American public?


Did the Bush Administration commit acts that many consider to be war crimes during that extended conflict and during the global “War on Terror,” including torturing enemy soldiers and also some people who were found to be innocent?

Also yes.

But while he may have had the literacy level of a child, George W. Bush was a grown man. Like, in his fifties. Also, he was the President of the United States.

And while it’s unlikely that he’ll ever be held accountable — unless you believe in Hell — for the atrocities committed during his Presidency, that doesn’t mean that we shift the blame to his mom.

What is important to remember about Barbara Bush is that she was widely considered to be George H. W. Bush’s better half.

For example, she supported the Equal Rights Amendment and was vocally pro-choice, unlike most of the Republican establishment in recent decades.

She avoided commenting on her political views during her husband’s candidacy out of fear that she would alienate his voter base.

But even if she had not been as good as she was, she was never President herself, nor was she a monster.

With that in mind, don’t her grandchildren and great-grandchildren deserve consideration?

Say what you will about actual Presidents, but it seems unethical to express this kind of glee simply because you disliked her husband and son.

Personally, I’m not an advocate for pretending that someone was better than they actually were just because they died.

But I certainly don’t support pretending that they were worse, either.

Celebrate the deaths of bad people if you want to, but don’t target their relatives in your zeal.

Randa Jarrar exercised her right to free speech. But that right does not exempt her from consequences of her words, personally or professionally.

Now … does it make sense for her to be placed on leave for that simple tweet (and the tweetstorm that followed)? It might.

This doesn’t seem like something that should get her fired, however.

She’s not advocating violence or a violent ideology anywhere that we’ve seen.

It seems that she’s just being unkind on her own personal social media.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Roger Mason Says BIG3 Is Hostile & Racist, BIG3 Calls BS

Roger Mason is firing back at the BIG3 basketball league after he was fired as commissioner — claiming the work environment has been “hostile and racist.”  But BIG3 & Ice Cube say he’s full of crap.  TMZ Sports broke the story ……


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jemele Hill: I Clashed with Chris Berman But No Racist Voicemail

Jemele Hill says Chris Berman NEVER left her a racist voicemail — despite allegations in a lawsuit — but admits she did have a “personal conflict” with the ESPN legend.  As we previously reported, ex-ESPN legal analyst Adrienne Lawrence is…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Jill Duggar SLAMMED For Racist Social Media Comment!

Jill Duggar is in hot water yet again.

Although at this point, she’s probably used to the temperature, as it’s where she spends most of her time.

As you may have heard, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after harassing a fellow network star on Twitter.

Derick did not appear in Monday’s Countong On season premiere, and many fans took note of the fact that Jill was absent from the episode as well.

So it appears that Jill is either sitting this one out, or she was axed alongside her husband.

Either way, if she had hoped the scrutiny of her personal life would diminish now that she’s stepped away from the spotlight, she’s got another thing coming.

The latest mini-scandal has to do with a comment that Jill posted on her sister Joy-Anna’s Instagram page.

As you may have heard, Joy welcomed her first child this month, and the photo above is the first pic of little Gideon to appear online. 

“We are so blessed by the arrival of our son, Gideon Martyn Forsyth! He was born on 02/23/18 @ 3:39pm, weighing 10lbs. 3oz. and was 22 inches long!” Joy captioned the image.

Jill remarked:

“Congrats @austinandjoyforsyth on baby Gideon! We are so happy for y’all! #anotherbuddyinourteam #favoritetia.”

It’s that second hashtag that’s got everyone up in arms.

“I’m Hispanic and it feels like she is using Spanish to seem cool, hip, whatever. Sounds like cultural appropriation to me.” wrote one commenter.

“At this point, it feels like cultural appropriation. You’re not in [Central America] anymore, Jill. Derick is not papa, you are not tia,” commented another.

The second remark refers to the fact that Jill and Derick performed missionary work in El Salvador for the better part of two years.

We won’t bother to weigh in on the controversy regarding Jill’s use of “tia” except to say it seems a bit nit-picky.

Far it be it for us to defend a couple as problematic as the Dillards, but we wonder if this same people would be this upset if Jill casually tossed out an “adios,” or another word borrowed from Spanish.

Interestingly, it seems criticism of Jill and Derick has only intensified in the months since Derick was fired.

That’s partially for good reason.

After all, Derick sais some pretty abhorrent things, and it certaintly doesn’t seem he’s learned his lesson.

Still, maybe fans should be saving their outrage for occasions like the time Derick attacked the Parkland shooting survivors in an unhinged social media tirade.

We know that outrage isn’t a finite resource (especially in 2018), but it’s most effective when used judiciously.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Girl With No Job" Apologizes for Racist Tweets, Outed as Pamela Geller"s Daughter (UPDATE)

7:25 AM PT — Oath Inc. — which owns AOL — has canceled the Oshry sisters’ YouTube show, “The Morning Breath,” and is launching an investigation into the latest revelations about the family. The ‘Girl With No Job’ might soon be the Girl With…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Michael Wilbon Says NBA"s 1-And-Done Rule"s Gotta Go, But Racist?!

The NBA’s 1-and-done rule is “complicated” and objectionable” and has got to go … so says ESPN star Michael Wilbon — but he definitely stopped short of calling it “racist.” We got the “Pardon The Interruption” host leaving Craig’s in L.A. — and…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Spurs" Patty Mills Called "Jamaican Dog" by Racist Cavs Fan, Responds Like a Boss

“Hey, Jamaican dog — they want their bobsledder back! Jamaica just called, they want their bobsledder back!” That’s the racist heckling directed at Spurs baller Patty Mills Sunday at The Q … while he was at the free-throw line at…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Meghan Markle Targeted In Racist Hate Crime

From the moment the world first learned that Prince Harry was dating Meghan Markle, racist trolls have been crawling out of the woodwork to spew their hateful bile.

These days, Harry and Meghan are engaged, so naturally, the world’s worst people have ramped up their efforts to frighten and harass the couple.

The Guardian is reporting today that Scotland Yard is investigating an envelope of white powder that was mailed to Kensington Palace and addressed to Harry and Meghan.

Police are treating the incident as a racially-motivated hate crime.

Investigators suspect that the envelope contained anthrax, but they have yet to release the results of a toxicology test.

Of course, even if it turns out the powder is something far less harmful, the fact remains that the perpetrator intended to scare Harry and Meghan, to make them feel unsafe in their own home.

Sadly, this incident isn’t entirely surprising.

It’s hard to believe – especially given how beloved she is on this side of the pond – but some Brits are not happy about the idea of Harry marrying Meghan.

Some say it’s because Meghan is divorced.

Others claim it’s because she’s an actress.

And a surprising number just come right out and admit they’re racist.

We suppose their honesty would be refreshing if they’re bigotry wasn’t so nauseating.

A recent collection of comments posted on the Daily Mail‘s website in response to an article about Harry and Meghan gives you an idea of the sort of vitriol that’s at work here:

“A DIVORCEE BARELY a Z-list actress!” wrote one caps-loving psychopath.

“This is going to be a JOKEfest of a SHAM wedding!”


“An almost 40-year-old divorcee who appears used up, tongue hanging out and slapping high fives and taking selfies along her carriage route,” another basement-dweller wrote of Meghan.

You get the idea.

These people seem unaware that the Church of England literally only exists because of a divorce, but there’s no point in arguing with them, anyway.

Living well is the best revenge, and it doesn’t get much better than life as a princess.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NHL"s Devante Smith-Pelly on Racist Heckling: "Something Needs to Change"

Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly is glad the fans who heckled him for being a black hockey player were dealt with … but he says it ain’t enough. “I don’t really have all the answers, but something needs to change,” Devante…


NHL"s Devante Smith-Pelly on Racist Heckling: "Something Needs to Change"

Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly is glad the fans who heckled him for being a black hockey player were dealt with … but he says it ain’t enough. “I don’t really have all the answers, but something needs to change,” Devante…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Jeremy Lin: J.J. Redick Ain"t a Racist, Didn"t Say Chinese Slur

Jeremy Lin is going to bat for J.J. Redick after he was caught on video using a Chinese slur … saying he’s 100% convinced J.J. didn’t say mean to use the C-word in a hateful way.  Redick dropped the c-bomb in a commercial for NBA China…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Stassi Schroeder: I Swear I"m Not as Racist As I Seem!

It"s been a tough season for just about everyone on Vanderpump Rules, but it"s possible that no one has had such a rough go of it as Stassi Schroeder.

We know what you"re thinking – Brittany Cartwright got cheated on, and Lala Kent got screamed at about pasta, but Stassi has been pelted with criticism for a week straight now, and it must be getting really old.

To be clear: Stassi deserves almost all of the trash-talk that"s come her way, and she"s guilty of many, many counts of being a clueless dumbass.

We"re just saying that being repeatedly roasted by thousands of strangers on Twitter is worse than having James Kennedy drunkenly shout at you about tortellini.

Schroeder"s current streak of genuinely WTF?! behavior began when she posted a photo of herself sporting a "Nazi chic" look on Instagram.

It continued when Ariana Madix called her out as a racist on a recent episode of Vanderpump.

Since then, Stassi has been running damage control, but she"s learning the hard lesson that the internet doesn"t forgive or forget anything in 2018.

Earlier this week, she appeared on Andy Cohen"s Watch What Happens Live and as a reminder that call-in shows are designed for maximum awkwardness, one viewer asked bluntly, "Why are you such a racist?"

"Obviously I"m not, and it"s a frustrating thing that I feel like I have to deal with, but no, I don"t have to deal with it, meaning I"m not a victim in any way of what I"ve said," Stassi replied.

"I say things that I don"t realize will hurt people"s feelings sometimes, but I think my actions speak louder than the stupid comments that I make sometimes. And I"m learning how to be better."

A good response – but we think Stassi still has a long way to go before she finds the forgiveness she"s seeking.

Watch the full clip below:

Stassi schroeder i swear im not as racist as i seem

Monday, February 12, 2018

Meghan Markle: Bullied With INSANELY Racist Tweet!

In just three months, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be married, and the royal family will have another new member.

In many obvious ways, of course, Meghan differs from her predecessors and future in-laws.

She’s American; she’s divorced; she’s an actress, and she’s black.

Despite the fact that we’re living in an age in which billionaires are launching cars into space for fun, the planet is still populated by troglodytes, so that last fact is throwing the global moron elite for a loop.

Speaking of troglodytes (we promise we’ll get back to Meghan momentarily), you may have heard about Cheddar Man, the oldest skeleton ever discovered in the UK, who researchers now believe had dark skin.

This reminder that human life originated in Africa had outraged some very vocal bigots, including alt-right GOP congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, who decided to put his racism on display over the weekend.

Nehlen is looking to unseat Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and it seems he thought getting permanently suspended from Twitter would be a good way to kick off his campaign.

Over the weekend, Nehlen tweeted an image in which Meghan’s face was superimposed over that of the reconstructed Cheddar Man.

Apparently, he thought this was some sort of droll commentary on race and modern Britain.

Not surprisingly, the entire planet disagreed.

Meghan’s former Suits co-star Patrick J. Adams fired off a number of scathing tweets, in which he referred to Nehlen as “a sad and sick man with no sense of shame or class.”

“Get a life,” Adams tweeted.

“And don’t go anywhere near MM – she’s got more power, strength, honour and compassion in her fingernail than you’ll ever know in this lifetime. Way above your weight class.”

It seems the head honchos at Twitter agreed with Adams’ assessment, as Nehlen has been permanently booted from the popular social media platform:

“While we normally do not comment on individual accounts, I can confirm that we have permanently suspended this account for repeated violations of our terms of service,” a statement from the site reads.

Sadly, banning one racist troll from Twitter is like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound, and Meghan probably has more of this sort of treatment in store.

This has been your Monday reminder that everything is terrible. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kian Lawley: Fired from Upcoming Film for Being Very Racist

Move over, Logan Paul.

Another talent-free YouTube star would log to steal some of your negative headlines for a few hours.

Kian Lawley, a social media sensation with over 3.3 million YouTube subscribers and over six million Twitter followers for some reason, has been fired from the upcoming film adaption of “The Hate U Give.”

Per Variety, this is what a Twentieth Century Fox Films spokesperson said about the decision, which comes two weeks after a video surfaced online of Lawley saying lots of racist stuff:

Due to the controversy surrounding his past comments and behavior, Kian Lawley will no longer appear in The Hate U Give.

The studio plans to recast the role of Chris and reshoot scenes as needed.

The controversy cited above centers on a 12-second bleeped video on YouTube that made the Internet rounds in January.

It features Lawley very clearly using a racist slur and making other racially-offensive remarks.

“We’re all black drinking purple Kool-Aid and eating Kentucky fried motherf-cking chicken,” he says in the clip.

Check it out here:

Lawley had been scheduled to appear in the aforementioned movie as the boyfriend of Amandla Stenberg’s character.

The film is a widely anticipated release because it’s based on a critically-acclaimed young adult novel by Angela Thomas.

It tells the story of a 16-year-old girl who feels torn between the worlds of her poor and largely black neighborhood… and the suburban prep school she attends.

She later witnesses the murder of her childhood pal at the hands of a police officer.

Such big-time names as Issa Rae, Regina Hall, Russell Hornsby, Algee Smith, Lamar Johnson and Common are also attached to the project.

Shortly after the scandalous footage went viral, Lawley apologized for the video, Tweeting:

“if u don’t learn from ur mistakes, u can never grow as a person.

“i’ve learned a lot & i am grateful to have the power to change. i never want to be who i was yesterday. we’re in a constant battle to become a better version of ourselves, use ur voice as ur weapon.”

He also now says he agrees with the studio’s decision to drop him from the film.

kian tweet

Said the young star in a statement:

“Words have power and can do damage. I own mine and I am sorry. I respect Fox’s decision to recast this role for The Hate U Give, as it is an important story, and it would not be appropriate for me to be involved considering the actions of my past.

“I understand the impact and I have grown and learned since then. From now on I plan to use my voice for positive change.”

However, just because Lawley has acknowledged his mistake and accepted his punishment, this doesn’t mean his fans have done the same.

Many have bombarded Thomas with hate in light of this recast.

“Y’all are screenshotting me and coming at my friends without knowing the details of the situation. There is so much more that you don’t know, and I’m honestly sad for you.

“But I’m unprofessional?” the author Tweeted this week.

thomas tweets

As you can see above, it looks like Thomas has faced an onslaught of misguided abuse.

She’s clearly pained about what transpired with Lawley, but she also is clearly NOT the person to blame here.

Give her a break, Kian Lawley fans, and realize that your very own hero has taken some responsibility for his awful actions here.


Jenelle Evans SLAMS Kailyn Lowry: She"s a Racist B-tch!

Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry have never quite gotten along.

And by that, we mean the Teen Mom 2 co-stars seem to actively hate one other.

The Jenelle-Kailyn feud has been raging for years, and not surprisingly, it’s Ms. Evans who typically takes the offensive.

This time, however, it was Kailyn who threw the first shade.

Staying true to form, however, Jenelle responded to her rival’s playful jab with a full-scale nuclear assault.

It all took place during the airing of last night’s Teen Mom 2 behind the scenes special.

During a scene that took place at Jenelle’s wedding to David Eason, Kailyn decided to offer a little color commentary.

“What a sh-t show of a wedding,” Kailyn tweeted during the episode.

This comment didn’t sit well with Jenelle, with proceeded to go off on Kail:

“At least I didn’t go around telling everyone at the reunion a while back that you wanted divorce Javi to have a ‘black baby,’ like wow. Classy kail… right to me and my mom’s face lmao why didn’t they show that sh-t show?”

Yes, this is Jenelle’s idea of a proportional response:

Oh, you called my sh-t show wedding a sh-t show? How about I publicly drag your entire family and belief system?

To her credit, Kailyn kept it relatively cool.

Instead of flaming Jenelle in return, she simply retweeted a fan who commented:

“Get ready for another c & d.”

The comment refers to the cease and desist letters that Jenelle sent her co-stars last year.

Mrs. Evans-Eason is apparently in the habit of taking legal action when she doesn’t like what her castmates have to say, and we wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if Kailyn receives a sternly-worded letter from Jenelle’s attorneys.

For her part, Lowry didn’t talk any direct trash to Jenelle, and it seems the rest of the special put her in a reflective mood.

“Sitting here watching the behind the scenes shit makes me really think about how weird my life is. And how differently everyone really lives,” she tweeted toward the end of the episode.

Yes, Jenelle certainly lives … differently.

That might be the understatement of the century.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more shenanigans from the Carolina Hurricane.
