Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Duggar Family: Did One Member Just Come Out in Favor of LGBT Rights?!

Being in the Duggar fertility cult means following a host of deeply fundamentalist beliefs espoused by Jim Bob Duggar, setting men back by decades and women back by a couple of centuries at least.

But the best-laid plans of domineering patriarchs don’t always work out, and it seems almost inevitable that some of the Duggars will break free of their family’s oppression and form their own ideas.

Well one members of the Duggar family is shocking fans — and appears to be warming to the idea of LGBT rights.

Derick Dillard isn’t a Duggar in name or by birth, but he’s undeniably part of the Duggar clan.

As far as that group goes, Derick can come across as almost likable — despite having cut his hair — though his likability may just come from being compared to the likes of Josh Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar.

It’s easy for anyone to look good in that context, you know? But he seems to be an okay guy.

Derick and Jill have been dedicated to their missionary work — which was controversial even among people who think that missionary work is an acceptable thing to do.

Derick and Jill also dedicated parents and generally part of a very conservative subculture.

Which is why this apparent deviatin on Derick’s part sent shockwaves through fans of Counting On.

Richard Grenell, a long-serving spokesman for the United States at the UN, tweeted.

“No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian. We should be able to work through these issues.”

He’s absolutely right, of course.

Don’t get us wrong, because Grenell tweets a lot of absolute nonsense (honestly he tweeted praise about Trump making a “fast and bold move” on foreign policy and it’s like reading something from a parallel universe where Trump isn’t an evil living trashcan fire).

But “No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian,” is a pair of statements with which most people should be able to agree.

Of course, one of those is a real thing that happens all of the time with zero legal reprocussions in many states. The other is so rare that it’s weird that he’d bring it up.

(It’s kind of like hearing a news report about a series of car thefts and tweeting: “Those monsters shouldn’t steal people’s cars! Also, graverobbing is awful.” Maybe he was just trying to appeal to his followers who might hesitate about his first sentence)

One person who liked that tweet, which acknowledged gay rights (admittedly just about the bare minimum in terms of anti-discrimination, but still), was Derick Dillard.

To say that some people were surprised was an understatement.

While it’s not unusual for Ben Seewald to clash with Jim Bob Duggar over theology, you don’t usually think of Derick as being a “radical” by Duggar standards.

And yes, for these folks, acknowledging even basic human rights for LGBT folks is considered radical.

So “liking” that tweet might be a big deal.

(And yes, likes and favorites are publicly visible on almost every social media platform)

Some fans still don’t think that Derick is necessarily deviating from fundamentalist beliefs or supporting LGBT rights.

There were three sentences in that tweet, and Derick may have been focusing on the second.

“And no one should be fired for being a Christian.”

That’s not exactly an epidemic, and anti-discrimination laws tend to include religion already, but we have to remember that for some conservative Christians and especially for fundamentalists, there’s an emphasis on “persecution” and the need to believe that they’re oppressed.

(For the record, there are absolutely places where Christians are oppressed, but in the US they are 70% of the population and hold majorities in every branch of government at every level, and their God is literally mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance)

So there’s a chance that Derick was not only glossing over the first sentence, but expressing his religiously conservative beliefs.

Still, plenty of conservatives — including Richard Grenell, the man who wrote that tweet — are warming to the idea that gay people exist and might even be treated like people.

Derick Dillard is relatively young and has traveled beyond the isolation of Arkansas.

It’s probably easy for the LGBT community to seem frightening to people who don’t watch television or ever meet people who don’t share their exact same views.

Maybe Derick has seen enough of the world to know better.

One way or the other, it would be nice to see him address the subject of that tweet.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Teen Vogue SLAMMED by Women"s Rights Org for Publishing Anal Sex Guide?!

Teen Vogue has been coming out with a lot of really great material lately, acting as a top-notch resource for its teenage readers. And, quite frankly, their sharp political posts over the past year have been enjoyable for all ages.

They post about all sorts of things, including celebrities and fashion. But they also post about health, relationships, sex, and life — and their recent anal sex guide is earning the magazine a lot of praise … and a lot of controversy.

Some critics are claiming that “women’s rights organizations” are slamming the guide … but a closer look reveals that things aren’t quite what they seem.

This article, a simple beginner’s guide to anal sex, seeks to help their readers — teens.

(But frankly, some adults could use this, too)

The author had noticed that most internet resources on anal sex were for sexually experienced couples looking to improve what they were already doing.

That doesn’t help a young couple so much.

Pornography, which is of course not realistic, makes for an even worse guide.

All in all, in a world where so many “sex ed” programs are still forbidden to so much as mention condoms, let alone discuss how sex acts might actually be safely carried out.

So the Teen Vogue anal sex guide, by Gigi Engel, covers a lot of important topics.

The key points of the article are:

-start slow

-lube is extremely important (we’ve seen anal without lube referred to as like going down a dry waterslide)

-tips for avoiding fecal matter (though some traces may still be present)

-ways that the act can be enjoyable for both partners

But there were complaints.

Of course there were.

Brace yourselves — we’ve got a lot of stupid to break down for you.

One of the first complaints comes from transphobes.

Okay, maybe we’re being unfair.

Maybe a few people are genuinely confused by inclusive language.

So, the article refers to “prostate-owners” and “vagina-owners.”


Well, a trans guy without a prostate is still a guy.

A trans woman with a prostate is still a woman.

Not to mention the countless people who don’t fit into the gender binary.

It’s just a way of using inclusive language and not being rude.

(After all, that “dreaded” PC culture that certain pundits like to complain about is literally just … not being rude)

Kind of like saying “with your dominant hand” in, like, knitting instructions or whatever instead of “your right hand.”

Because not everybody’s right-handed.

Speaking of how this article is LGBT-related, though.

This guide is of course extra relevant to many (though certainly not all) gay and bi couples.

But let’s not pretend for one moment that anal sex isn’t a popular choice with heterosexual, cisgender couples.

Internet access, a marginal increase in sexual liberation, and the ease of ordering supplies discretely over the internet has made sexual activities like anal intercourse much, much more common.

Generally speaking, most couples like to try new things together, especially sexual activities that they might both enjoy.

So, remember how we mentioned that people were claiming that “women’s rights organizations” were blasting the article?

It turns out that there’s no, like, Grand Council of Women that meets in a space station that orbits Venus and hands out certificates of authority to groups that advocate for women’s rights.

Any group can claim to be “women’s rights advocates.”

The Taliban could make that claim.

One socially conservative article by The Christian Post, for example, cites an organization called the “National Center of Sexual Exploitation.”

Now, you see that name and you think that maybe they work to break down sex trafficking or rescue underage girls or end child marriages or something, right?

We looked them up.

They are in fact an organization that mostly concentrates on hating porn and anything that might have to do with sexuality in mainstream culture.

They want to “combat obscenity” and enforce Judeo-Christian values upon society.

So … they don’t behead anybody, but in terms of their goals … that Taliban analogy maybe wasn’t so far off.

As for critical articles like that Christian Post one … you get eyestrain reading them.

(Because they use words like “sodomize” … and we just rolled our eyes super hard at that)

Then there’s the complaint that this post is male-centric.

(Which is, as we mentioned, super rude to trans people, though at least not as awful as James Woods’ transphobic tweet)

But let’s say that the faux women’s rights groups and the pearl-clutching social conservatives were being inclusive and meant penis-centric.

They’re still wrong.

Not only does the guide address how a recipient of anal sex who has a prostate will experience pleasure …


… The article also talks about how very close the wall of the rectum is with the vaginal wall, which is why many people with vaginas find anal sex very pleasant.

So, the post addresses different genitals and how they might be impacted.

Anyone who thinks that anal sex is solely for the penetrator’s pleasure is either grossly misinformed or doing it wrong.

And let’s see … what other nonsense did people spew …

Then there’s the complaint that Teen Vogue is somehow hypnotizing young people into having anal sex by … making sure that they can do it safely.

It’s always interesting to see the people who think that knowledge of how to do things that are perfectly fine is somehow “dangerous.”

(It reminds us of how Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix doesn’t want any students actually practicing spells)

(Actually, that bit has always seemed analogous to conservative views on sex ed)

Teenagers have sex. Not all of them, and not all of them before college.

But a large enough proportion that they absolutely need to be informed.

Besides, having knowledge doesn’t coerce people into doing anything that they didn’t already want to do.

Having knowledge will help them do things more safely, however.

But we all know that, in the end, most of these critics are just upset that we don’t live in The Handmaid’s Tale and that people can make their own sexual choices.

Maybe they should loosen up?

We hear that Teen Vogue has some suggestions on how to do that.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lil" Kim Exercises Miranda Rights at Strip Club

Lil’ Kim has a right to remain silent … when it comes to talking about the robbery that went down at the L.A. home she intended to rent, and she did — even at a strip club. The rapper was leaving Crazy Girls early Thursday morning in L.A.…


Kate del Castillo Demands International Investigation, Mexico Violated My Human Rights

Kate del Castillo, the Mexican actress who accompanied Sean Penn in the infamous El Chapo interview, is going to the Organization of American States in Washington D.C. Thursday, demanding that they open a human rights investigation into the…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Human Rights Org Wants Dennis Rodman Axed from HOF Over N. Korea

A major human rights org is calling for the Basketball Hall of Fame to BOOT Dennis Rodman over his relationship with Kim Jong-un — saying it’s not right to publicly support a “murderer.”  The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation — a…


Human Rights Org Wants Dennis Rodman Axed from HOF Over N. Korea

A major human rights org is calling for the Basketball Hall of Fame to BOOT Dennis Rodman over his relationship with Kim Jong-un — saying it’s not right to publicly support a “murderer.”  The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation — a…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Ariel Winter: Stimulating Teenage Boys, Interest in Animal Rights With Latest Pic

Ariel Winter is a talented actress, a well-spoken young woman, and she always looks good.

This time, she’s using her stunning looks for a great cause.

She captioned the photo: 

“Put on your bunny ears to show you are #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting.”

Her hands are the bunny ears, you see.

And bunnies are so often the victims in animal testing.

It wasn’t just an empty hashtag, however, because she made her cause clear.

“Sign the petition to ban animal testing in cosmetics globally! Link in bio.”

Before you freak out, you should know that this doesn’t seem to be a PETA thing.

Because yeah, not all organizations that sound like they’re for good causes are necessarily on the level. Unfortunately.

This seems to be real, and that’s no surprise — Ariel Winter is a smart young woman.

Animal testing is an age-old and often cruel practice.

What’s a cheap and easy way to find out if your new cosmetics cause chemical burns or blindness? 

Easy — you just slap them on a bunny’s face and see what happens.

Now think about how many cosmetic products are on the shelves, and how many furry friends have suffered for so many of them.

We’re glad that Ariel Winter is using her platform to bring attention to this good cause.

Actually, you know what?

We’re glad that she’s using her boobs to do it. We said it.

Ariel Winter’s breasts received so much unwanted attention, even when she was a minor, that she had breast-reduction surgery.

It would have been more than understandable if she’d just covered herself in a sheet and hidden behind closed doors.

Instead, it looks like she’s comfortable with her body, and she’s flaunting her body in stellar photos.

Now she’s taking that a step further, and using her sex appeal — the thing that was used against her — to make the world a better place.

Ariel Winter has always been well-spoken, and it looks like she’s living her best life.

We’re just glad that she’s working for more than just her own happiness, you know?

She’s such a gift.


Monday, April 24, 2017

TMZ Live: Kylie Jenner: Accosted By Animal Rights Protesters

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mel B: Three-Way Fiasco Lady Gaga: Queen Of Coachella Kenny G: Midair Surprise  Lil Wayne Gets Drink Thrown At Him Onstage


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner Ditches Photo Op Under Pressure from Animal Rights Protest (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Kylie Jenner felt the heat from animal rights protesters, and got the hell out … cutting short a photo op in Vegas amid chants that she has the blood of innocent animals on her hands.  Kylie was attending the grand opening of Sugar…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Wants Visitation Rights for Daughter of Mel B and Eddie Murphy

Stephen Belafonte not only wants joint custody of Madison, his 5-year-old daughter with Mel B, he also wants the legal right to maintain a relationship with the daughter Mel B had with Eddie Murphy … TMZ has learned. Mel B now wants sole custody…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr."s Daughter Sarcastically Wishes Pepsi Had Solved Civil Rights Struggle

Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter, Bernice, can only wish Pepsi had stepped in to help her dad resolve issues between cops and civil rights activists back in the day. Bernice’s biting post is the latest jab at the soda company that made Kendall…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Robin Thicke Denied Supervision Rights as Custody Battle Heats Up

Remember when everyone couldn’t get enough of “Blurred Lines”, and Robin Thicke was thought to be the Next Big Thing?

How a couple years, a reputation-damaging lawsuit, a cheating scandal, and a seriously ugly divorce can change things.

Not long after Thicke blew up as the one-hit wonder of 2013, his carefully crafted public image began to fall apart.

Thicke’s wife, Paula Patton, filed for divorce, citing the singer’s infidelity, drug use, and abusive behavior toward herself and her son.

These days, Thicke and Patton are battling for custody of 6-year-old Julian, and it seems that every time they square off in court the actress levels a shocking new allegation against her former husband.

In early January, she accused Thicke of beating her repeatedly throughout their marriage.

Later in the month, at a second hearing, she told the court that she could not allow for unsupervised visits, as she had witnessed Thicke abusing her son on more than one occasion.

Now, Thicke is fighting for the right to spend time with his son without a court-appointed monitor present.

Sources close to the case say Patton is doing everything in her power to convince the court that Thicke is a threat to young Julian’s safety.

“Robin wants to spend as much time as possible with Julian, and he was upset because the monitor was trying to cut his visit time short, so his team went and filed to change to a new monitor, which was denied,” an insider tells People magazine.

Thicke insists that there’s no need for supervised visits, telling the court “I have never done anything to harm Julian, and I never would.”

The court found in Patton’s favor, and denied Thicke’s request for unsupervised visits.

Patton’s team tells People, that she could have denied him visitation rights altogether, but chose to allow supervised visits for the sake of her son:

“Paula did not have to request that the court grant Robin court-appointed monitored visits with Julian three days a week but did so with the belief that maintaining a relationship with the father in the presence of a monitor to ensure his safety and well-being would be in Julian’s long-term best interest,” says a member of Patton’s legal team.

Thicke says his request for unsupervised visits was prompted by a recent incident in which the court’s monitor unexpectedly ended a visit between father and son a full six hours early.

Thicke says he fought the decision until the monitor “indicated that [he] really did not have a choice.”


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Read About Malia Obama to Forget Your Disappearing Rights

Before we delve into the matter of an 18-year-old attending a party where other people might have possibly been consuming alcoholic beverages, let’s do a quick run-down of the week’s top news stories, shall we?

Vital government agencies are being silenced; women are being denied life-saving services; 20 million are soon to be stripped of their healthcare; the disastrous Dakota Access Pipeline project is a go; our soon-to-be secretary of state is besties with Vladimir Putin; and our president is about to sanction discrimination on the grounds of religious beliefs.

In short, we’re all f–ked.

But anyway, we came here to talk about a real scandal: a legal adult attending a film festival in that hotbed of salacious behavior, rural Utah!

Yes, according to Radar Online Malia Obama was at Sundance this week, and all eyes were on the former first daughter for signs of a slip-up that could be used to further enrage the millions of Americans who are still pissed about her father’s blackness.

Unfortunately, she didn’t morph into Lindsay Lohan the day her family moved out of the White House, so we’ll have go right on paying attention to the fact that our current president wants to turn out southern border a $ 25 billion border wall. Bummer.

So what sort of behavior did Malia engage in in Park City that might warrant the attention of the tabloid press?

Well apparently she attended a “controversial new film,” which wouldn’t even be newsworthy if this were the world’s slowest news week and Malia weren’t interning for a prominent indie film producer.

But as it happens, Malia is currently working for Harvey Weinstein and American democracy is dying a slow painful death as we speak, which means the fact that a single tabloid editor saw this story and said, “I want 1,000 words on my desk yesterday!” is evidence that we’re living in a dystopian nightmare dreamed up by the ghosts of Orwell and Philip K. Dick.

The messed up thing is, this story will gain traction, just like it did when Malia “partied” at a club last week.

The narrative began with images of Malia “smoking pot” at Lollapalooza over the summer, and it shows no signs of letting up, 

We understand the need to distract yourself from the real, terrifying political news of the moment, but there are easier ways to get outraged over nonsense.

Just check out Trump’s Twitter page.

Last we checked, he was still bitching about the size of his inauguration crowd, because we are truly living in the darkest timeline.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Danielle Muscato: Civil Rights Activist REAMS OUT Trump in Epic Rant!

Civil rights activist Danielle Muscato went on an absolutely epic viral Twitter rant against President-elect Donald Trump over the weekend.

Muscato was inspired to do so after Trump unloaded on Saturday Night Live"s portrayal of him for the THIRD TIME in as many months.

While Trump portrayer Alec Baldwin offered Donald a deal to ease up on the skits, Muscato was a lot less diplomatic, to put it mildly.

A self-proclaimed atheist and trans woman, Muscato was so unamused by Trump that she promptly launched into an online, viral tirade.

Let"s break it down …

1. Totally Biased!

Totally biased

Donald J. Trump, despite being elected U.S. President, gets riled up by Saturday Night Live’s mockery of him. It’s “sad” but true … and Danielle Muscato was having none of it.

2. Pick Your F–king Battles, Man!

Pick your f king battles man

Seems like good advice, no?

3. You Know What’s Sad?

You know whats sad

Everything about this situation? Pretty much …

4. It’s a Comedy Show!

Its a comedy show

Is that really what you’re thinking about?

5. This is Not a Joke!

This is not a joke

Alec Baldwin’s portrayal is full of jokes. Not Danielle’s response to Donald’s response.

6. Think of the Vets

Think of the vets

Muscato, herself a trans woman, implores Trump to think of citizens like herself, and the U.S. veterans he claims to love so much.

View Slideshow

Friday, July 22, 2016

Prince George Feeds His Dog Ice Cream, Animal Rights Group Outraged

The photo was meant to celebrate a three-year-old’s birthday, but by all means let’s accuse the parents of animal cruelty.

Kensington Palace released four photos today, taken by Matt Porteous, celebrating Prince George’s birthday.

The shoot took place earlier this month, and one of the photos shows George sharing his ice cream with the family’s cocker spaniel, Lupo.

The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals is furious with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for allowing George to feed Lupo dairy, which can cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” RSPCA stated, according to the Guardian.

“We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.

“Instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice lolly from pet-friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”

Kensington Palace has not addressed the question of whether the treat is dog-friendly or not, despite activists automatically assuming that it’s a white chocolate covered ice cream.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has both grown up with dogs, so it’s safe to assume that they would never knowingly put Lupo in danger.

The other photos in the set feature George on a swing, thought to be a wedding gift to his parents.

Though Catherine normally takes official photos of her children (she photographed Princess Charlotte ahead of her first birthday back in May), this time the royal couple hired Matt Porteous.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George,” Porteous said.

“It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

Happy Birthday, Your Royal Highness.  And best wishes to Lupo.

Prince George Feeds His Dog Ice Cream, Animal Rights Group Outraged

The photo was meant to celebrate a three-year-old’s birthday, but by all means let’s accuse the parents of animal cruelty.

Kensington Palace released four photos today, taken by Matt Porteous, celebrating Prince George’s birthday.

The shoot took place earlier this month, and one of the photos shows George sharing his ice cream with the family’s cocker spaniel, Lupo.

The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals is furious with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for allowing George to feed Lupo dairy, which can cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” RSPCA stated, according to the Guardian.

“We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.

“Instead of ice-cream we would suggest making an ice lolly from pet-friendly ingredients. Making these can be really fun for children and the end product is both safe and enjoyable for dogs.”

Kensington Palace has not addressed the question of whether the treat is dog-friendly or not, despite activists automatically assuming that it’s a white chocolate covered ice cream.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has both grown up with dogs, so it’s safe to assume that they would never knowingly put Lupo in danger.

The other photos in the set feature George on a swing, thought to be a wedding gift to his parents.

Though Catherine normally takes official photos of her children (she photographed Princess Charlotte ahead of her first birthday back in May), this time the royal couple hired Matt Porteous.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George,” Porteous said.

“It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

Happy Birthday, Your Royal Highness.  And best wishes to Lupo.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Leah Messer: Custody Rights Threatened By "Disturbing Video"?!

Back in November, Leah Messer regained custody of her eldest daughters following a lengthy legal battle with ex-husband Corey Simms. 

In the months since, Leah and Corey have been surprisingly successful as co-parents, which makes the description for an upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2 all the more puzzling.

The episode, entitled “Choose Your Battles,” doesn’t air until May 23, but MTV has already released the usual vague synopsis, and Leah’s storyline has led to some TM2 fans buzzing with anticipation:

“Kailyn works on her relationship with Vee; Cole takes Aubree to a father-daughter dance; Jenelle seeks help in New York for mysterious medical ailments; and Leah and Corey’s co-parenting is shattered by a disturbing video.”

What could possibly be on that “disturbing video” that would threaten the ex-couple’s current arrangement?

We’re guessing it involved Leah getting caught engaging in some sort of bad behavior, but what has she not already done on camera?

We’ve seen the girl so high on prescription painkillers that she passed out while holding a baby.

We’ve seen her texting and driving while simultaneously yelling at her kids in the backseat.

We’ve even seen her rush her daughters off to school without breakfast and yell at them when they complain that they’re hungry.

So what could this “disturbing video” possibly contain that would suddenly cause Corey to question Leah’s competency as a parent.

Aside from her attempting to sell the kids to a traveling carnival, we really can’t imagine what it might be.

On a lighter note, at least Jenelle’s mysterious medical ailment is getting some attention.

That girl’s got enough problems without adding “mystery illness” to the list.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for what sounds like a pretty epic installment.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Martin Shkreli Attempts to Purchase Sole Rights to New Kanye West Album, Remains Evil Douche

Former pharmaceutical exec and noted penis hole Martin Shkreli took his campaign to become the real-life incarnation of a Mr. Burns-like cartoonish supervillain to a new level moments ago, announcing on Twitter that he’d like to purchase the sole rights to Kanye West’s long-anticipated seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo.

Failing that, Shkreli says, he at least wants to prevent the record from being released on time. 

In an open letter to the rapper posted online moments ago, Shkreli wrote, “Instead of releasing this product for your millions of fans, I ask you to sell this recording solely to me, for the price of $ 10,000,000.

“I believe you (and your partners) will find this financial arrangement more attractive than your current course of action.”

Shkreli later tweeted, “Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors …This should delay the album by a few days.”

You may remember that Shkreli purchased the only copy of the Wu Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin back in December.

The difference there was that the Wu had always planned on selling a single copy to a wealthy super-fan, in hopes that said aficionado would eventually make the disc available to the public.

Shkreli has yet to do so, and he’s since butted heads with Ghostface Killah and other Wu Tang members as a result.

With Kanye, of course, Shkreli is taking on the hip hop world’s most famous ego, and it seems unlikely that the former hedge fund manager actually expects Yeezy to make a deal.

That said, we’re sure Mr. West will handle this elaborate act of trollery in a rational, level-headed fashion. Just kidding, ‘Ye’s about to go off on this dweeb.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kelly Rutherford Loses All Custody Rights, Can Only Visit Children in Europe

Actress Kelly Rutherford has been waging a custody battle against ex-husband Daniel Giersch for over two years now, but today, the former Gossip Girl star was dealt a crushing blow that may put an end to her campaign to have her two children returned to the US.

TMZ is reporting that the judge in Kelly’s case has granted Giersch full custody of 9-year-old Hermes and 6-year-old Helena.

While Giersch will be legally obligated to consult Rutherford on major decisions such as where the children will attend school, Kelly’s interactions with the kids will be limited to visits that must take place in either France or Monaco.

It’s an unexpectedly devastating outcome for Rutherford, whose lawyers stated that they expected their client to at least retain partial custody.

The harsh ruling may have something to do with the fact that Rutherford refused to turn her kids over to Giersch after they visited her in Los Angeles last summer.

Rutherford was accused of abducting her son and daughter, and she eventually turned them over out of fear of legal repercussions.

Kelly will likely appeal the decision, but at this point, it’s unlikely that any judge will find in her favor.

For now at least, she may want to start stockpiling frequent flier miles. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mary Wilson -- The Supremes Were Civil Rights Activists (VIDEO)



Mary Wilson, one of the original Members of The Supremes, says her legendary girl group helped bridge the gap between blacks and whites.

Mary showed up at The Whisky Friday night to see the amazing Darlene Love, and our photog asked about how she, along with Diana Ross and Florence Ballard, broke the color barrier in traditionally white nightclubs.

Billboard named The Supremes the biggest girl group in the history of music.  Wait till you hear how Mary compares her group to The Beatles.  That’s confidence.

BTW … Mary’s still performing.  She’s performing Monday night  at the Andy Williams Moon River Theatre in Branson, Missouri.