Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Susanna Keller, Sister of Anna Duggar, Engaged to Matt Davis!

Looks like another Duggar family member is getting ready to walk down the aisle after a long courtship, but it’s not who you might think.

Jinger recently married Jeremy Vuolo, and Jinger Duggar is courting Austin Forsyth (and allegedly having premarital sex with him).

But it’s the engagement of Anna Duggar’s sister Susanna – with whom the family has an interesting past – that’s taking them by storm.

A family source revealed that Susanna Keller, got engaged this past Saturday to her boyfriend of over two years, Matt Davis.

The romantic moment happened while the couple (pictured) was out to dinner in the great state of Florida, where they live.

In fact, he proposed on their two-year anniversary!

Those who watch Counting On online (or its predecessor 19 Kids & Counting) may recall Susanna’s history with the Duggars.

According to the family insider, the Duggar family – and the Keller family – adhere to strict religious beliefs that are at odds with hers.

How has Susanna chosen to live her life so differently?

Well, the once-beloved younger sister of Josh Duggar’s wife never fully embraced either family’s fundamentalist Christian practices.

The final, and most obvious straw came when Susanna Keller got pregnant. Oh yes. She gave birth to a baby girl out of wedlock in 2013.

That, combined with the fact that she declined to marry her baby’s father, resulted in a de facto ban from Duggar circles indefinitely.

Ironic to see a young woman worthy of being Anna and Josh’s courting chaperone before they tied the knot get shunned so blatantly.

She was frozen out almost completely, and immediately.

So icy were the familial relations due to the pregnancy that midwife-in-training Jill Duggar was forbidden from helping her give birth.

As for the wedding, will Josh and Anna attend?

“Anna called Susanna to tell her she is happy for her,” an insider told Radar, but that and going to the ceremony are different things. 

“Everyone has said they’re happy for her, but it doesn’t seem like Susanna’s parents, or Anna, will actually come to the wedding.”

The fact that Susanna begged Anna to leave cheating Josh after he was exposed on Ashley Madison certainly didn’t help matters.

Their problems run much deeper than that, though.

“Susanna’s dad sent her a letter detailing what she needs to do in order for him to be in attendance,” the source close to her claimed.

Instead of a letter, though, “It read like a check list!’

The most important order of business for Susanna to make things right? “Stop fornicating and ask God for forgiveness was at the top!”

Stop fornicating. You cannot make this stuff up.

If the Kellers support Anna’s decision to stay with Josh (which is debatable), can they really judge Susanna for how she lives her life? 

It’s a complicated question, morally and personally, to say the least, and we’re sure they have struggled with it many times.

One could say that they’re in no position to judge, but we’re not here to cast judgment ourselves on anyone’s beliefs or belief system.

All we can say is that we wish the couple the best.

Everyone deserves to be happy, and we hope that despite this history, they’re able to mend fences with the Kellers at some point soon.

Life is too short to carry grudges against family, no matter how much you might dislike some of the choices they’ve made in the past.

Surely the Duggars, especially Anna, believe that.

At least on some level, they must, if they’ve forgiven Josh for his own transgressions and welcomed him back into the fold at all. Right?


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jackie Evancho"s Transgender Sister Undergoing Reassignment (VIDEO)

Jackie Evancho’s transgender sister will undergo surgery to begin reassignment the same week Jackie belts out the national anthem at Donald Trump’s inauguration … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the Evancho family tell us Jackie’s sister,…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 8 Recap: Question Time

Following Mariah Brown’s announcement about her sexuality, her family continued to show off just how much they supported her on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 8

The whole family was hanging out at Christine’s house and Christine had this idea that they could all ask questions about each other to see just how well they knew one another. 

Now, you would think that a family as big as the Browns would no one another very well, but apparently not.

Her twist on it was that it would be to find out how well the each couple knew one another. 

The younger couples seemed against it, but they knew there was no way in a million years that they could have gotten out of playing it. 

The kids then dropped the bomb that Kody and his four wives should play.

That made sense because it would increase the drama.

Would Meri be able to make it through the game without sulking?

Apyn and Mariah asked the wives about their first kiss with Kody, but Janelle was apparently the only one who had no idea when her first kiss with Kody was. 

Kody then chimed in revealing that it was inside the car. Very romantic. Right?

When the family was asked who would be married next, Toni seemed to think that Kody was going to find a fith wife to add to the family, while Mykelti seemed to think it would be her brother getting married next. 

Kody was also asked about which one of his wives was the worst driver. To the surprise of no one, he kept neutral and said they were all pretty terrible drivers. 

Could you imagine how Meri would have reacted if he said it was her? Something tells us she’s about ready to run off from the family. 

Her emotions just always seem to be running high and she’s worried that no one seems to keep her in the loop about things. 

Kody later revealed that that he had realized that the whole catfishing scandal had helped him understand that he needed to work on his marriage to Meri. 

He did not want it to come to an end because he was not checking everything was okay with her. Before the scandal, he said that he and Meri were always arguing and they could never really understand why. 

Kody has been paying more attention to what his wives need from him in order to keep harmony between all of them, but Meri was still kind of sulking. Seriously, why are we watching her sulk all the time?

She was playing a fun game with her family and was still complaining. It’s sad, but us viewers are totally over hearing about the catfishing. 

It’s been hanging over the show like a dark cloud for far too long now and we need to move on from it.

What big scandal will replace it?

What did you think about all of the drama? 

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Conor McGregor"s Sister Thongs Out ... (Gawk at Your Own Risk)

Conor McGregor isn’t the only member of his family with a solid physique …  The UFC superstar’s sister, Aoife, is showing off her hot Irish bod on her honeymoon in the Maldives … rockin’ a tiny thong bikini bottom.  Aoife got…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Mariah Makes an Announcement

The best thing about Sister Wives is when the family rallies round one of their own. 

That’s exactly what happened on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 7, when Mariah stunned her family with a shocking announcement. 

The whole family seemed to think she was going to reveal she was in a relationship with someone, but they did not expect her to tell them she was gay. 

The family were quickly to give her the support she sought and it was pretty amazing. Mariah was quick to point out that it was far from an easy decision to come clean to her family. 

Robyn understood that it must have taken a lot of courage to tell the family the truth because of them being a plural family. She and Janelle were quick to accept Mariah for who she was, but Meri and Kody had been completely blindsided. 

You could tell they were trying to process the revelation their daughter had just revealed to them. Surprisingly, the thing that helped Kody make sense of it was that he had entertained the possibility of one of his own being gay before. 

Kody let his daughter know that he would never like the thought of one of his children not being loved. It was then that he let Mariah know that he would love her no matter what. 

Meri claimed that she was mostly upset because she did not even suspect it. She assumed her daughter was straight and would marry a man one day. 

With Meri’s relationship with Mariah on thin ice, Robyn and Kody went to speak to Meri about her feelings because they did not want Meri to send mixed emotions Mariah’s way. 

Meri decided it was best to choose the family vacation as the best time to talk to her daughter about everything. Meri was cautious about what she was going to say. 

She feared that she made their relationship even more strained, but there was a slim chance of that. Their relationship was pretty much in tatters. 

When Meri questioned how Mariah came to the conclusion she was gay, Mariah was quick to shut it down. Her reason? It was personal. Meri tried to relay that she was confused about her feelings to Mariah, but things got tense when she said the word “weird.”

Mariah took this personally and thought her mother was calling her weird, but she really was not. There was something that seemed odd about the scene because Meri kept randomly laughing. 

This irked Mariah even more, who felt her mother was making fun of her. When Meri tried to bring up being in Mariah’s life more, Mariah shut it down. She was not ready to let her mother back in. 

Mariah did let her mother know that her time away from the family helped her come to terms with her feelings, so that’s why she enjoyed the independence. 

Later, Meri continued to try and get all the attention on her when the family went out for dinner. After a multitude of questions about Mariah’s sexuality, she revealed that she initially came out to her brother Logan. 

Meri sobbed that she wanted it to be her. Is this woman trying to cry the family a river, or something? If she really wanted to make amends with Mariah, she should just accept it and move on. 

Elsewhere, Christine was still trying to find out whether Tony was the right man for Mykelti and she got her confirmation by watching the way they were acting with one another on the vacation. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Breaks Down Over Her Gay Daughter

Just in case you missed it, Sister Wives gave us a pretty juicy story last week.

Was it juicier than Meri Brown and her catfish? Maybe not.

But still, it was mighty scandalous for the fundamentalist Mormon family: Mariah Brown, the only child of Meri and Kody, announced to her parents that she"s gay.

They took it well, considering that their church has some seriously sinister views on homosexuality, though the Browns have always disagreed with their church on the matter.

Meri, Kody, and the rest of the sister wives all readily accepted Mariah, and they offered her so much support and love.

It was wonderful to see, but judging by this sneak peek from the upcoming episode, it may not have been entirely genuine.

In this clip, Meri talks to Robyn and Kody about Mariah"s announcement, and she"s obviously taking it pretty hard.

She explains that she"d always envisioned Mariah bringing home a man, getting married to him and having kids, and since she was never able to have any children after Mariah, her future husband would have been like a son to her.

Robyn so sweetly — like, so sweetly it might make you tear up — points out that all that can still happen, that Mariah can still get married and have children.

But Meri is struggling. And she is struggling hard.

Check out the sad but oddly touching clip below:

Sister wives meri brown breaks down over her gay daughter

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Sister Wives Star Mariah Brown: Being Gay Was My Biggest Fear!

Hey, so how about that big shocker that happened on Sister Wives Sunday night when Mariah Brown announced that she’s gay?

She sat down her parents, Kody and Meri Brown, and the other Sister Wives, Robyn, Christine and Janelle — and the cameras, of course — and came right out of that closet.

And good for her, right?

The religion she grew up in, Fundamentalist Mormonism, is strongly against homosexuality, and though her parents have spoken out in support of marriage equality in the past, it still must have been hard for her to come out.

And in a seriously heartbreaking new interview Mariah just did, she confirmed that.

“I remember being in church, and they talked about how being gay was bad,” she says. “One bishop told me gay people were selfish.”

Thankfully, she adds that “None of that came from my parents. It was from church and the people I was around.”

Poor Mariah says that things were so tough when she was younger, that “If you were to ask me my biggest fear, it would have been to be gay.”

“It was something I was so scared of in myself.”

“People say they try to ‘pray away the gay,’ but I wouldn’t even let myself think the word,” she reveals. “I just wouldn’t even go there.”

Mariah recalls that she fought her feelings so hard and tried to repress everything that she began suffering from insomnia and anxiety.

Things were like that for a long time, but then when she was a senior in college, she met a gay man while touring a college, and she had a long talk with him.

“That was sort of the start of realizing this is okay,” she says. “My whole life I tried to shut it out. I was finally letting myself be real.”

“I had this image I had to uphold, and when I started letting that go, I realized I didn’t have to be the person I thought I had to be.”

And that was true — every single one of her parents fully support her.

Her mother, Meri, says “I’m so proud of her for having the strength.”

Her father, Kody, explains that “You come from an Old Testament religion, you are not excited that your child comes out. I thought about this years ago, and I made a decision.”

“My job as a dad,” he says, “is to love and respect and not to judge.”

As for Janelle, she states that “We’re just happy she’s figured out who she is. It’s tremendous when you see a kid do that.”

Christine says that when Mariah came out, “Everyone jumped up and hugged her and congratulated her.”

“She is so radiant and just so beautiful that when she tells people I feel like most of them will be ok because she is so confident and so secure with being gay. It’s wonderful.”

And Robyn concludes with “No matter what our religion says, what my heart says is that she is our daughter and she is a person and she has a right to her truth.”

It’s enough to warm your heart, right?

Way to come through, Sister Wives. Way to be.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sharon Tate"s Sister Says She Was Told Charles Manson Would Die Years Ago (VIDEO)

Sharon Tate’s sister, Debra, says more than a decade ago prison officials told her Charles Manson was on the verge of dying. Tate says during a parole hearing while Gray Davis was Governor of California (1999 – 2003) an official from Corcoran State…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Sister Wives Star Comes Out as Gay, Thanks Fans for Support

Someone named Mariah made huge news over the weekend.

And, no, we’re not referring to Mariah Carey, despite that singer’s humiliating New Year’s Eve Performance early Sunday morning.

Instead, we’re referring to Mariah Brown, the 21-year old daughter of Kody and Meri Brown.

She shocked both her family and Sister Wives viewers on Sunday night when she uttered two simple words in front of her parents and other loved ones:

I’m gay.

A reality star coming out as homosexual would be a pretty big deal no matter what.

We’d write about it under almost any circumstance.

But the Browns align themselves with Fundamentalist Mormonism, a religion that does not approve of homosexuality in any shape or form.

Considering that Kody and Meri thought their only daughter would be telling them about a  courtship or engagement, or maybe a college transfer, both mother and father were stunned.

So were sister wives Janelle, Christine and Robyn, who were also in the room when Mariah revealed her sexuality.

“This feels so awkward,” Mariah said in front of her family, clearly nervous. “I’m freaking out.”

After finally telling everyone that she was gay, Mariah waited for a reply.

She got none initially from Meri or Kody, but other members of her large family asked “Are you serious?” and “Are you really?”

“Yeah,” Mariah simply said in response.

And there’s where Sunday night’s episode concluded, of course, although previews for next week’s installment make it clear that Mariah’s announcement will have a severe repercussions.

“I did not see it coming… I thought I knew my daughter, I didn’t,” cries Meri at one point.

You can watch Sister Wives online to see the entire awkward scene play out and you can view the following video for a sneak peek at it:

Back in 2013, the family sat down for a HuffPost Live interview and said that everyone should be able “structure” their family “in any way they want,” whether they are gay or straight.

This is one way in which they seem to go against their religion.

Moreover, how much can Meri really say against her daughter?

It may be hard for her to throw stones when she’s residing in her own glass house.

Rumors of a divorce from Kody continues to reverberate around the Internet, as Mariah’s news came after the Browns were rocked in October when Meri herself made headlines:

She admitted that she had been tricked into an online relationship with a woman whom she thought was a man.


Since this scandal, the reality stars have been working on repairing their family, but it hasn’t been easy.

Kody and Meri even entered therapy to deal with the emotional fallout of the latter’s catfishing incident.

Will their daughter’s announcement now bring the Browns together?

Hopefully. But hopefully in unity, not in angst or anger against their loved ones.

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 8/7c on TLC and Mariah has been fortunate enough to receive a great deal of support from her social media followers.

“wow okay y’all making me cry with your support. thank you thank you thank you thank you,” she Tweeted on Monday, adding two smiley face emojis and a picture of a rainbow flag:

mariah tweet

Let’s just pray that her parents are as supportive as total strangers have been.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Another Catfishing Scandal?

The drama on Sister Wives has always been up there with some of the best on reality television, but Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal was one of the craziest developments on TV last year. 

The drama continued on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 6, with Meri struggling to move on in the aftermath of it, but why did Kody just want to move on from it?

He did not want the perpetrator to get any more ammunition to use against the family.

While that is definitely a good reason, Meri needed some closure and that closure came in the form of causing some more drama. 

Meri decided that the best course of action would be to go meet up with a woman named Cheryl, who was targeted by the same person. She kept Kody in the dark about the whole thing until she booked her flight to Atlanta. 

As you probably know if you watch Sister Wives online, Kody Brown does not like being blindsided, but there was really not much he could do about this one.

It’s not like Meri was going to get the money back from the flight ticket. 

Robyn was very supportive of Meri.

She understood that Meri needed to close this chapter in her life and doing so would allow her to move on and not worry about it popping back up down the line. 

When Meri met up with Cheryl, both women became instant friends.

That’s sort of what happens when you realize the same person who made your life hell, did the same to someone else. 

In other words: they had much to discuss. Meri was very open about just how far Sam/Lindsey went to pull the wool over her eyes.

Meri revealed that Sam had lied about investing in the business and that she had given over some details about the family. 

Meri then lifted the lid on the big road trip fiasco. She had went on a road trip with Lindsey because she had cancer. 

Meri put all of the pieces of the puzzle together when she was in that car and there was much drama when Lindsey went crazy when Meri questioned her. 

The psychotic person even went as far as saying that Meri’s phone and house had been bugged and that eher every move was being watched.

It genuinely sounded like the most horrible experience for anyone to go through. 

It was clear that this whole meeting was a positive thing for Meri. Just being there, laughing about the person who had made her life hell made her realize that it was all in the past. 

Meri’s next plan of action with Cheryl was to visit a therapist to understand the catfisher’s motivations for being so cruel to everyone.

The therapist was quick to point out that there’s no solid reason they were targeted. 

In the end, Meri returned to Kody and the pair got talking about their life together. Things are actually looking up for them. 

Elsewhere, with Maddie’s wedding out of the way, it was time for the family to start planning Mykelti’s. I mean, does this family ever stop planning weddings? 

Christine was nervous at the prospect of Mykelti getting married.

She felt that things were moving along a little quickly and she was not quite ready to hand her daughter over to Tony.

Christine was also annoyed that the pair were making out in front of the younger siblings.

She felt like she needed time with Tony to lay some ground rules and to get to know him. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Her Tell Aubree She"s Becoming a Big Sister!

We"ve known for a good long while now that Chelsea Houska, the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, is pregnant with her second child.

She announced in July that she and her massively adorable boyfriend (now husband!!!), Cole DeBoer, were expecting their first kid together, and we couldn"t be more excited about a total stranger"s pregnancy.

(Oh, and hey, it feels important to note that while this new kid will be Cole"s first biological child, he"s made it clear that he considers himself a father to Chelsea"s older daughter, Aubree, too.)

In the months since, we"ve learned that the new baby will be a little boy, and that he"s due to enter the world on Valentine"s Day, February 14th.

We"ve kept up with Chelsea"s growing bump, we"ve seen all the photos from her baby shower, and it"s all been just grand.

But next Monday, on January 2nd, the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres.

And we will get to see so much more of this magical journey.

Right now, we"ve got a brand new clip from the show, and if the rest of Chelsea"s role in this season is anything like this, it"s going to be painfully cute.

In the clip, Chelsea and Cole sit Aubree down to tell her all about the pregnancy — and about her upcoming role as a big sister!

See the seriously sweet video below:

Chelsea houska see her tell aubree shes becoming a big sister

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sister Wives Stars Shoot Down Divorce Chatter: Such Lies!

Is it really all over between Kody Brown and Robyn Brown?

It depends on who you ask.

Last week, we were among the first outlets to write that Robyn was finally getting out of this unhealthy relationship and filing for divorce from the controversial Sister Wives patriarch.

This news didn’t come as a giant shock to those who watch Sister Wives online, considering the dwindling presence of Robyn on the TLC reality series last season.

According to Radar Online, Robyn has simply grown tired of her role both on the program and in her marriage and has decided to move on.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” an anonymous source alleged to that celebrity gossip site.

Simple enough, right?

Sensible enough on her part, right? 

Especially when you consider that Radar also claims that Robyn thinks her children “aren’t being treated well.”

But while Robyn has remained silent on this rumor, both Kody Brown and Meri Brown have jumped on Twitter to deny its validity. Strongly.

First, there was Meri back on December 19.

She wrote that she simply dies of laughter every time she reads a false rumor about her family, stating simply that it’s probably a “lie” if you didn’t hear it from a member of the Browns.

meri tweet

Note the word “probably,” of course.

This isn’t the most strident denial we’ve ever read.

Kody, however, makes a more powerful case in favor of his marriage to Robyn.

On December 23, two days after we published the claim that one of his Sister Wives was leaving him, the head of this effed up family responded to a follower who wondered about his marital status.

“I can’t handle the heartbreak,” wrote @akwilson, referring to talk of Kody and Robyn splitting up and really needing to get a life if she was serious.

In response, Kody included Robyn’s Twitter handle and wrote:

“Not true! [Robyn] and I just went to dinner and shopping.”

kody tweet

Who knows what to believe at this point.

Talk of strife between Kody and Robyn is not exactly knew.

Heck, talk of strife between Kody and all of his other halves is not exactly new.

It isn’t easy being one of four women and four mothers in the same household. There’s only so much of Kody to go around, and that’s before you even consider that Kody may just suck as a human being.

Heck, back in November, the rumor mill didn’t churn around Kody and Robyn.

It churned around Kody and Meri, with insiders saying these two were breaking up in light of Meri’s crazy catfishing scandal.

Forget the Kardashians. The Browns have been at the center of the tabloid universe for a number of months, as one cover after another has screamed about fights, divorces and everything in between.

Remember this Life & Style report?

Or this Life & Style allegation?

Or this Life & Style bombshell?

Hmmm…. okay. We guess it’s really just been one tabloid that has made a recent living off Sister Wives and its many supposed controversies.

But still. All does not seem especially well for these TLC stars, does it?

Do you think a Kody-Robyn divorce is imminent? Should it be? Should these women get the as far away as possible from this weird situation?

Or should they stick it out in the name of ratings, fame and wealth true love?



Monday, December 19, 2016

Derick Dillard: Jill Duggar Has the Same Feet as Her Stillborn Sister! #ProLife!

Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, is under scrutiny for the bizarre way he reacted to Jill’s recent photo of her stillborn sister Jubilee.

Derick compared the tiny corpse’s feet to those of his wife … then explicitly stated that the deeply religious family will always be pro-life. 

On Friday, Derick linked to article about Jubilee Shalom Duggar, the baby Michelle Duggar lost in 2011, that included a picture of her body.

The Duggars rarely mentions the baby, but earlier this week, Jill Duggar posted a tribute to Jubilee that included controversial photos.

Jill’s Instagram post included a touching message and was accompanied by images of the stillborn fetus’ tiny feet and hands (below).

Not surprisingly, seeing the images, which were first published in 2011, provoked a dramatic range of reactions, both good and bad.

The 25-year-old Jill wrote:

“5 years ago today my mom gave birth to my youngest little sister, Jubilee Shalom Duggar and Jesus welcomed her home to Heaven!”

“She is a testimony to every life being beautiful; at 18 weeks gestation, she was a beautiful baby with little blue eyes, 10 fingers & 10 toes!”

“She weighed 4 oz. and was 6 inches long. We miss you Jubilee and look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven!”

Long before the Duggars were as famous as they are now, Jim Bob and Michelle were accused of using Jubilee’s death for publicity.

They were also criticized for trying to have a 20th child in the first place; Michelle, now 50, was already 45 with 19 biological children.

That controversy eventually passed, however, and Jill’s post was flooded with positive responses from other mothers who have miscarried.

While the images were provocative and some people weren’t hugely supportive, by and large her fans found it inspiring and uplifting.

Derick’s more recent tweet, on the other hand?

“I never got to meet my youngest sister-in-law, but I know she has my wife’s foot. The Dillards will always be #prolife… from womb to tomb,” he wrote.

Really? Jill has the same feet as Jubilee?

Derick’s Twitter followers wondered why he was using a miscarriage his future mother-in-law suffered five years ago to promote his views.

Others called for him to focus on raising his son Israel instead of spending time on Twitter telling women what to do with their bodies.

“What does pro life have to do with miscarriage? Why use [this] to push your agenda? #lifeisnotanagenda #staahpalready,” one fan wrote.

The fan was far from alone in that viewpoint.

“Why not let her rest in peace instead of using her for cheap political propaganda? You have a beautiful child … celebrate him,” another tweeted.

Derick’s wife responded by … posting a declaration of admiration for her husband on Instagram and not mentioning any of the controversy.

Sounds about right for Jill, doesn’t it?

She called Derick “the most encouraging, sweet, Godly guy in the whole world,” and “#besthubbyever” alongside a photo of them kissing (above, top).

It’s been a controversial couple of weeks for the Dillards, who are also accused of lying to fans about a possible return to Central America.

Jill and Derick originally said that they would go back there in the fall, but now they’ve decided to stay home, at least through Christmas.

Fans are wondering if what they’re doing can truly me considered missionary work if they spend more time at the Duggar family compound.

Obviously, that’s their business, but when coupled with the fact that they routinely ask fans to help fund their efforts, it’s a little suspicious.

As for the reports that Jill is pregnant with her second child, the couple has yet to confirm or deny those exciting rumors … this week.

Give it time.


Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 5 Recap: Who Got Married?!

Last night on Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 5, the family wedding everyone was waiting for arrived at last … but were there any surprises?

Kody has always been very open with his family about his views on things, so it was pretty much a given that he would have some reservations about the wedding. 

Thankfully, his nerves stemmed from officiating the wedding rather than being completely against Caleb. Kody wanted to delegate the job to someone else, but there was really nothing Maddie or Caleb could do. 

Talk about leaving things to the last minute. Kody then turned to Caleb’s father, Mike, who was actually pretty helpful. Mike was supposed to be officiating the wedding, but it was revealed he was not in the right frame of mind after his wife dying. 

Maddie and Caleb got worried when Kody did not want to tell them his plans. Instead, he wanted to surprise them on the day, but that’s a tough thing to happen on your own wedding day. 

People tend to want to know how the day is going to go. There really is no room for surprises on a wedding day. Right?

When it was time for the wedding rehearsal, it was revealed that rehearsals are not traditional for the family. They tend to focus more on the religious aspect of marriage. 

Maddie did not want to go into the big day without knowing what to expect, so she made the decision to have a rehearsal. 

Maddie recruited Meri to help keep tabs on the wedding party to make sure there was nothing she was missing. Meri was there to set up the venue and get everything ready. 

She was pretty great. If you watch Sister Wives online, you probably already know that the family are less than impressed with Meri for her big scandal, but could this be the thing that saves her?


Maddie was getting sentimental and decided to write letters to all five of her parents to thank them for everything they have done for her in order to make her day a dream. 

There was a wardrobe malfunction when Maddie realized her dress did not fit the theme, so what did she do to fix it? Piled on the jewellery, of course. 

When it came to Kody reading the vows, Maddie said he was clearly a charmer and that’s part of why he managed to get four women to marry him. Everyone laughed, but it was clear Kody was uncomfortable. 

This made him forget something important. He announced them as married, but forgot to do the part about changing rings. It was a hilariously awkward scene that had everyone looking around in disbelief. 

Maybe Kody could see the future, or something. The ring did not actually fit Maddie, so he kind of dodged a bullet on that one. 

With the couple officially married, it was time for the family to come together and have a party to celebrate. Surprisingly, it was drama free. 

What did you think of the wedding?

Sound off below!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 4 Recap: What an Embarrassment

Madison’s bridal shower took place on Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 4, but rather than a cause for celebration, it was … a tad awkward.

To say there were mixed emotions about some of the gifts would be an understatement, but how specifically did the Brown family react?

If you watch Sister Wives online, you probably already knew that Janelle was getting worried about the gifts Maddie could be receiving for her bridal shower.

Thus, she decided the best way to steer clear of the situation was to pass the planning over to Mindy and Dezi. It was probably for the best. She was not comfortable with the way things were going, so she was best off doing something else. 

Being a bride, Maddie knew a lot was being asked of her so she delegated a lot of tasks she had to the sister wives. She also revealed that Kody would be writing the vows. 

Very cute. Right?

Well, she wanted it done in a timely manner, so she made it clear he would have to do so because she didn’t want him winging it at the last minute. 

Kody seemed to think things worked best for him at the last minute, but this got everyone else worried in the event that this time was different. I mean, could imagine if there were no vows to say? 

Yeah, that’s a good gift, Kody. Get practicing. 

There was a big issue with the location of the bridal shower. Being outside, the ladies did not think about a contingency plan in the event there was adverse weather conditions. 

The ladies were quick to get the double-sided tape out, and thankfully, nothing was tossed around.

The gifts did not go down a treat. 

It was evident there going to be some gifts that would ruffle a few feathers, but did anyone seriously expect Caleb to be the one dishing out THAT gift?

Camouflage lingerie was not a gift Maddie was expecting and based on her reaction, it was not one that she wanted. 

When the bridal shower was nearly over, Mykelti felt the need to muscle in and let everyone know she was planning to marry Tony within the next few months. 

Talk about stealing the spotlight. 

After the parents realized they could not speak to her like a kid anymore, they let her know they would need more time in order to get the money together for the wedding. They wanted it to be a great day for her. 

Mykelti took on another approach and agreed to push the wedding to December if Kody agreed to pay for her honeymoon. She really knows how to wheel and deal. 

The family then chatted about a connection Maddie and Caleb shared three years ago. The mothers picked up on it, but Kody revealed he did not. 

As you can probably expect, he was not impressed at being wrong. 

A mother always knows best. Right?!

What did you think of the latest developments for the family?

Sound off below!


Monday, December 5, 2016

Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 2 Recap: Who is to Blame?

Last night on TLC’s Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 2, Janelle and Meri Brown went to a therapist in an effort to mend their relationship.

Easier said than done, as you might expect.

Those who watch Sister Wives online know that while the wives have their issues, Kody Brown is at the root of all the family drama. 

How did he respond here?

We picked up with Janelle, who was planning a bridal shower for her daughter, Maddie.

In true Sister Wives fashion, she had no idea about modern bridal showers, but that did not mean she was without help. 

Maddie’s best friend and Robyn’s sister joined in the fun as they had some great ideas that would make sure Maddie had the best bridal shower. 

When Janelle learned that some of the people were going to bring lingerie for Maddie, she made her feelings known as she believed it was not appropriate with all of the family being there. 

The plan?

Two tables. One with classy gifts and one with not so classy gifts.

It was the best way to make sure things went to plan and there was no drama. 

The sister wives were nervous at the prospect of the lewd gifts, mostly due to the fact they had all raised her at some point or another. 

Meanwhile, Kody Brown was not impressed at the prospect of Mykelti getting married so soon after Maddie because he worried about what affect the wedding would have on his finances. 

Coupled with the fact that Mykelti has barely dated Tony, Kody believed there was something not quite right about what was going on with in the relationship. 

Elsewhere, Mariah was worried about what was going to happen to her in the wake of Meri’s catfishing situation.

Surprisingly, Kody spoke to her about it in detail. 

Kody then said it would make sense for Mariah and Meri to hit therapy in order to try and hash things out.

Mariah was defiant and we got a resounding no from her, but Kody knew she would cave eventually. 

After all of that, Mykelti and Tony decided to have a longer engagement to ensure things were going to be good in their relationship before getting married. 

Janelle was worried Mykelti’s looming wedding could overshadow Maddie’s, so she was happy it was put on hold. 

When will they get married?

Sound of below on your thoughts on the episode!


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown FINALLY Splitting Up?!

Oh, those Sister Wives …

Those poor, pitiful Sister Wives with their never-ending woe and their near-constant drama.

Don’t you just love them?

It’s not pretty, sure, and it’s definitely nothing to be proud of, but it’s an undeniable fact of life that the vast majority of people simply cannot look away from a trainwreck.

And it doesn’t get more trainwreck-y than this family.

OK, so Kody and Meri Brown have been having issues in their marriage for a long time, right?

Even in the very first season of Sister Wives, they fought.

They fought because Meri couldn’t help but get jealous that her husband had two other wives and was getting a third, or because Kody desperately wanted to have more children with Meri but she couldn’t get pregnant and wasn’t interested in getting any medical assistance with her fertility.

As the seasons went on, things only got worse between them.

They actually ended up getting divorced, but only because, as Kody’s first wife, Meri was the only one legally married to him.

She divorced him so that he could marry Robyn and adopt the three children she had from a previous marriage.

They remained spiritually married, but soon after the divorce, Meri began talking to that infamous catfish of hers.

And that’s what really did it in for their relationship.

It’s like the last nail in the coffin of their love, but it’s a big, long, rusty nail that’s being impossibly stubborn and just won’t get in there enough to just close the damn coffin.

On Sunday’s season 11 premiere, we got to see a whole lot of that sad, awkward tension between Kody and Meri.

Kody said to Meri, “You asked me to not be around you. You invited me away. You told me to go away.”

And then later, in an interview, Kody revealed that “Meri asked me to stop staying at the house.”

As you probably know, each of the four sister wives has their own house, and Kody sort of flits in and out of those houses on a schedule.

In the past, Meri’s had an issue with how much time Kody spends at the other wives houses — since the other wives have so many children with Kody and Meri is the only one in her house, things haven’t always been exactly equal.

But for Meri to just tell him not to stay with her, that’s pretty huge.

The director asked Kody to elaborate on his situation with Meri, but he refused.

All he would say was that “I’m working very hard not to be hopeless.”

Which is admirable or whatever, but we have a bad feeling that Kody’s relationship with marriage has as much hope as we have that Kody will mature into a decent, respectable human being.

(None. We have none hope.)

After the episode aired, Kody hopped on Twitter to explain his decision to keep the details about his Meri marriage to himself.

“We are public and choose to share our lives,” he explained. “However, some things should be kept private. Things saved for my mother or bff.”

Meri got on her own Twitter to talk about the argument she had with Kody, and how Kody refused to really talk to her without their therapist present.

“I actually think the convo was safe to begin with,” she said. “We can only respond to things the other says in the best & most honest way.”

Yeah, so the official split is going to happen in the season finale, right? Please?
