Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Britney Spears: PISSED at Kevin Federline For Demanding More Child Support!

Our younger readers may not be familiar with the velour track suit come to life that is Kevin Federline, so let us fill you in the saga of the ultimate baby daddy:

Federline married Britney Spears back in 2004, and she’s been paying for that mistake ever since.

While the marriage lasted only a couple years, Federline fathered two children with Spears, which means he’s pretty much hitched his wagon to her star for life.

(Or at least until little Sean and Jayden turn eighteen.)

And these days, K-Fed – as he was known in the dark days of the early ’00s – seems hell-bent on getting the most out of this arrangement.

It seems Federline wants more child support money from Spears, and sources say he’s willing to take her to court if he has to.

And according to US Weekly, Brit is downright fuming over her ex’s audacity:

“She’s angry Kevin is asking for more money because she pays for everything,” says an insider, who describes Britney and Kevin’s relationship as “strained.” 

“Those boys are her world. She is an amazing mother.”

Child support beefs amongst rich people are always a little hilarious since it’s not like anyone is struggling to pay for groceries here.

It’s more like Kevin takes the kids to Disneyland he just pays for admission, while Brit rents out the entire park and has it closed to the public so there are no lines for the rides.

There are numerous reasons why it’s tempting to side with Brit, not the least of which is that if it weren’t for her financial support, Kevin would probably be popping and locking on a street corner somewhere.

But it’s important to remember that their situation is more complex than that of most celebrity exes.

As you may recall, Brit has had her share of problems over the years.

The consequences of Spears’ 2007 meltdown are still a daily reality for the singer, who is still, in some ways, under the thumb of her father and financial advisor, Jamie Spears.

There were several times in the past decade when it would have been easy to fight for sole custody of the kids, but K-Fed mostly did right by his ex:

“Kevin has always allowed for very liberal visitation,” says the insider. “He has been supportive of her recovery.”

It may have been quite some time ago, but it’s something Brit should probably keep in mind if she plans to square off with Kevin in court.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Courtney Stodden Wants Clean Divorce with No Spousal Support

Courtney Stodden surprisingly wants no spousal support from her estranged hubby, Doug Hutchison. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Courtney cites irreconcilable differences for the reason they’re splitting. She lists September 1, 2017 as the…


Courtney Stodden Wants Clean Divorce with No Spousal Support

Courtney Stodden surprisingly wants no spousal support from her estranged hubby, Doug Hutchison. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Courtney cites irreconcilable differences for the reason they’re splitting. She lists September 1, 2017 2017 as…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jeremy Meeks Strikes Divorce Deal, Agrees to Pay Child Support

Jeremy Meeks will be a little lighter in the pockets … because he’s agreed to pay child support. Jeremy struck a deal in his divorce case and will pay his estranged wife, Melissa, $ 1,000 a month, and that’s retroactive to November 1, 2017 ……


Monday, March 5, 2018

Stevie J To Get Prison Time for Failure to Pay Child Support

Stevie J wouldn’t put up in his child support case … so he’s getting locked up. The U.S. Attorney Southern District of NY, tells TMZ … the ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star will have to turn himself in to authorities April 10 for failure to pay…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ghanaian Olympian: Africa Can Take Over Winter Games, But We Need Support!

A history-making Ghanaian Olympian says Africans can do BIG things at the Winter Games … but only if their countries step up and give ‘em what they need. We spoke to Akwasi Frimpong — the first ever Skeleton athlete for Ghana — after the…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kevin Federline: Britney Spears Should Gimme More Child Support

Britney Spears has brought countless gifts in the world. While most of those are in the form of her music, she also gave birth to her sons, Sean Preston Federline and Jayden James Federline.

And while their mother is one of the most famous and talented people on the planet, at the moment, it’s their father who’s making waves.

According to this report, Kevin Federline is attempting to get more child support money out of Britney.

Britney Spears is an absolute legend who walks among us.

While we can all take a moment each day to be thankful that, of all of the years of human history, we were lucky enough to live in the same time period as Britney Spears, the vast majority were not actually married to her.

But Kevin Federline was, from 2004 until 2007.

Though their union was clearly not meant to last, they’ll forever be linked by their precious sons — Sean Preston and Jayden James.

And, of course, by the accompanying child support payments.

As one can imagine, it’s Britney who pays Kevin and not the other way around.

Apparently, she currently sends baby daddy Kevin $ 20,000 per month for child-support.

For normal people, that’s a huge amount of money. Even if Sean Preston and Jayden spent every single day with their father, and they do not, it’s unlikely that the two of them would be costing $ 666 dollars every single day.

(Of course, for celebrities, there are concerns like security and often private schools and transportation, so we can see how the added expenses add up … even to nearly a quarter of a million dollars per year)

However, that payout was determined a decade ago, when the couple split. At the time, Britney was dealing with personal mental health issues and wasn’t really performing full-time.

Compare that and how her finances must have looked to now, when she just finished her Vegas residency and is about to go on tour.

And now a report from The Blast claims that Kevin Federline is requesting more money in the form of child support.

Apparently, an attorney acting on Kevin’s behalf filed papers to that effect.

Though there’s no actual mention of how much money he’s looking for, he wants, well, more.

In part, people may assume that this is a money-grab.

At the same time, child support is determined in part, not just by how much time the children spend with each parent, but also based upon a percentage of the parent’s income.

Considering that Britney reportedly made something in the neighborhood of $ 15 million per year during her Vegas residency (and nearly twice what she pays Kevin Federline annually at each individual show), some would say that Kevin Federline is due for an upgrade.

Apparently, he’s not looking for a nasty public battle or even a drawn out one.

And it’s possible that, if his requests are reasonable, he’ll get what he’s asking for.

Britney Spears famously adores her sons.

Years ago, she knew that she didn’t want to repeat the mistakes that her own parents made, and resolved to be the best possible mother to her boys.

(She took match classes herself so that she could help her sons with their homework — most parents would have just hired a tutor for the boys)

Britney is a woman with one of the most powerful social media platforms on the planet.

Do you know what she uses it for? Often, to praise her sons. Recently, she’s been showcasing their Dragon Ball Z art and praising their technique.

(They’re genuinely skilled young artists who are really getting the hang of things like perspective)

It wouldn’t be surprising if Kevin Federline gets what he’s asking for, largely because it could mean that her sons can live in more opulence when they’re spending time with their father.

But we’ll see how all of this pans out. There could be a lot going on that isn’t public knowledge.



Kevin Smith Suffers "Massive Heart Attack," Receives Support From Fans

Scary news from one of Hollywood’s most beloved filmmakers.

Kevin Smith revealed to fans last night that he’s been hospitalized after suffering a near-fatal heart attack.

“After the first show this evening, I had a massive heart attack,” Smith tweeted, along with the image above.

“The Doctor who saved my life told me I had 100% blockage of my LAD artery (aka “the Widow-Maker”). If I hadn’t canceled show 2 to go to the hospital, I would’ve died tonight. But for now, I’m still above ground!”

Smith was filming a standup comedy special at Alex Theatre in Glendale, California the night of the incident.

His cardiac event apparently took place sometime between the 6 pm and 9 pm shows.

Sources say Smith “felt ill” following his early show and was taken to a nearby hospital.

Smith got his start in the industry with the influential, self-financed cult comedy Clerks in 1994.

He’s worked non-stop in the decades since, most recently helming the feature Yoga Hosers and an episode of the CW series The Flash.

A new season of Smith’s reality series, Comic Book Men, premiered on AMC last night.

Back in 2015, Smith lost 85 pounds and stated that he believed he was in the best shape of his life.

News of Smith’s heart attack quickly made him a trending topic on Twitter, where fans and a legion of famous friends pid tribute:

“Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer. Can you please pray with me people!?” tweeted Chris Pratt.

“Fans of Kevin Smith please take comfort he is in a good hospital with great doctors but if he needs 2nd or 3rd opinions from the worlds finest cardiologists we’ve got him covered too,” wrote Tom Arnold.

Sources close to Smith say that the filmmaker is resting comfortably and eager to begin the long recovery process.

Our thoughts go out to Smith and his family during this difficult time.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

"Teen Mom 2" Star Adam Lind Wanted for Failure to Pay Child Support

“Teen Mom 2” star Adam Lind’s still got some growing up to do … because he’s a wanted man for all the wrong reasons.  The Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Department in South Dakota tells TMZ … there’s an active warrant for Adam’s arrest for…


Friday, February 23, 2018

"Martin" Star Tisha Campbell-Martin Asks for Spousal Support in Divorce

“Martin” star Tisha Campbell-Martin wants her husband to pay up in their divorce. Tisha filed divorce docs Thursday in L.A. stating she and Duane Martin separated in December of 2016 after 20 years of marriage. The two have two sons together, 8 and…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Aldon Smith: I Can"t Afford Child Support Payments Without NFL Job

NFL superstar Aldon Smith is begging a judge to drastically reduce his child support obligations immediately … claiming he can’t keep up the high payments while suspended by the league.  28-year-old Smith hasn’t played a snap in the NFL since…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Student Claims Airline Forced Her to Flush Emotional Support Hamster Down Toilet

A Florida college student says she was left in tears late last year after a Spirit Airlines employee said she wasn’t permitted to bring her emotional support hamster on board a flight.

Yes, her emotional support hamster.

Before you laugh at this story, however, keep reading down below. It’s actually pretty sad…

this is pebbles

According to The Miami Herald, Belen Aldecosea, a 21-year old from South Florida, was flying home from college due to an urgent medical issue in November.

She says she checked with Spirit on multiple occasions prior to the day of her flight and was assured that the hamster, Pebbles, would be allowed on the plane.

(Yes, Belen also says, a doctor certified the hamster as an emotional support companion. We assume this means she had a note from the physician.)

However, upon arriving at the Baltimore airport, Aldecosea was told the opposite.

She was told that Pebbles could not accompany her on her trip.

With no friends or family members anywhere in the area, and being too young to rent a car, Aldecosea says she was at a loss about how to proceed.

college student

She claims an airline employee suggested she flush Pebbles down a toilet.

“One of the representatives started giving me little tips like, ‘Oh you should just leave her, or flush her down the toilet,’” Aldecosea told The Herald.

She didn’t want to murder little Pebbles, but Aldecosea explained to the newspaper that she didn’t have “any other options.”

Therefore, crying uncontrollably, she went through with the recommended act, figuring it was more humane than releasing Pebbles outside, only for him to eventually get hit by a car.

“She was scared. I was scared,” Aldecosea told the publication. “It was horrifying trying to put her in the toilet.”

We can only imagine.

hamster near wheel

Aldecosea has hired an attorney and is considering filing a lawsuit against Spirit Airlines for the conflicting information that she says led her to flush her emotional support pet.

In response to Aldecosea’s allegation, Spirit released the following statement on Thursday:

After researching this incident, we can say confidently that at no point did any of our agents suggest this Guest (or any other for that matter) should flush or otherwise injure an animal. It is incredibly disheartening to hear this Guest reportedly decided to end her own pet’s life.

Our reservation representative, unfortunately, did misinform the Guest that a hamster was permitted to fly as an emotional support animal on Spirit Airlines.

When the Guest appeared with the hamster at the airport, our agents offered and the Guest accepted an opportunity to take a later flight, so she had time to find other accommodations for the animal.

Our records indicate she was scheduled to take the 10:39 am flight on Nov. 21, but ended up taking the 7:42 pm flight that day.

We did offer the Guest a voucher for the inconvenience, but we never heard back from her.

spirit pic

This story has gone viral because… well… an emotional support hamster was involved.

But also because airlines of late have been cracking down on emotional support pets in general.

For example, click around below to find out what happened when a woman wanted to bring a peacock on board a cross country flight with her…


Kelis Says Nas" Child Support Isn"t Cutting it Anymore

Nas needs to open his fat wallet a lot more now to support his kid … at least that’s what Kelis is gunning for. Kelis just filed legal docs saying $ 8k a month ain’t cuttin’ it anymore in the child support department. She says 8-year-old Knight has…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Desiigner Penis Pic Wanted by Cops To Support Exposure Case

NYPD detectives want to get their hands on footage of Desiigner’s junk as part of the investigation into a potential exposure case … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us NYPD is planning to subpoena footage from privately owned…


Desiigner Penis Pic Wanted by Cops To Support Exposure Case

NYPD detectives want to get their hands on footage of Desiigner’s junk as part of the investigation into a potential exposure case … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us NYPD is planning to subpoena footage from privately owned…


Monday, February 5, 2018

"Dukes of Hazzard" Star John Schneider Gets Reprieve From Judge Over Back Spousal Support

John Schneider got a big break from the judge presiding over his divorce war … he has a month to make good on a ton of delinquent spousal support, but the clock is ticking. John was behind more than $ 150,000 in support, and Elvira’s pissed.…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Emotional Support Peacock Gets Denied Seat on Airplane

We could all use a little emotional support at times.

But this is getting ridiculous.

As frequent travelers are likely aware, animals deemed to provide this sort of comfort to airline passengers have become more and more popular over recent years.

There"s a small dog on nearly every flight these days.

But a conceptual artist with the name "Ventiko" on Instagram recently took the program one step further: she tried to take her "emotional support" peacock, Dexter, on board a cross country flight from Newark to Los Angeles.

This is the story of that bird"s thwarted flight and the Internet"s response to it…

1. This is Dexter

This is dexter

His owner had been warned three times by United Airlines that he would not be permitted to travel with her. Nevertheless, she persisted in trying to get him on board.

2. And We Mean… PERSISTED!

And we mean persisted

She did not take no for an answer, not for awhile. Dexter has his own Instagram page and “wrote” the following as a caption to the photo above: “Spent 6 hours trying to get on my flight to LA (after following all required protocol) Tomorrow my human friends are going to drive me cross country! Keep an [eye] out for us!”

3. What? I’ll Pay for His Seat!

What ill pay for his seat

Even an offer to pay for Dexter’s seat by his owner did not earn the bird a spot on the flight.

4. The Internet Reacts!

The internet reacts

Not everyone thought the idea of an emotional support peacock was all that outlandish, not when compared to some other animals in airports.

5. Down with Dogs!

Down with dogs

Not all dogs, of course. But many users seem to prefer Dexter over the canines they’ve encountered on trips.

6. No One is Allergic to Peacocks

No one is allergic to peacocks

Think about it, airlines.

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 25, 2018

H-Town"s Solomon "Shazam" Conner Arrested for Unpaid Child Support

H-Town’s Solomon “Shazam” Conner just got arrested, and it should teach him an important lesson — if you’re gonna knock boots, you better pay for the kids you might end up having. Conner was busted Wednesday in Texas for failure to pay child…


Sunday, January 21, 2018

L.A. Women"s March: Celebrities Swarm to Support the Movement

Olivia Munn, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson and Ilana Glazer were just some of the stars who showed up for the Women’s March in L.A. Saturday to support the movement. TMZ got several celebs coming and going … who told us their reasons for…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Jesse Williams Slammed with More Child Support

Jesse Williams just got hit hard … a judge has just hike the child support he has to pay his estranged wife from $ 33k a month to $ 50k a month. Aryn Drake-Lee had gone to court to ask for the increase based on his ability to pay for their 2…
