Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Dimitri Hoth Welcomes Celebrities in March for Our Lives

A student who survived the Florida shooting says he’s happy George Clooney and Scooter Braun are super involved with their cause — in fact, he says the more, the merrier. Dimitri Hoth — a student survivor at Marjory Stoneman…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Florida School Shooting Survivor Calls Melania Trump a Coward

Melania Trump’s all bark and no bite, according to a Florida school shooting survivor who says the First Lady whiffed on a chance to denounce cyberbullying from her own own family member … Donald Trump Jr. Lauren Hogg tells TMZ … Melania’s…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Warns Government Leaders, Make A Change, Or Else

Lauren Hogg, a survivor of the Florida shooting, has a strong message for President Trump and lawmakers …  change, or else.  Lauren lost 4 of her friends in the attack last week and is laser-focused on putting an end to the violence.…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor David Hogg Conspiracy Theory Debunked by Yearbook

David Hogg, the Florida high school shooting survivor, is at the center of a spreading conspiracy theory … that he and other survivors are not really students, but now that’s being squarely debunked. The theory goes Hogg already graduated from a…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

"Survivor" Winner Jenna Morasca Arrested for Biting Cop After Being Revived in DUI Drug OD

‘Survivor’ winner Jenna Morasca allegedly was so whacked out on drugs she had to be revived with Narcan and, when she regained consciousness, she bit a cop. Morasca, who won a million bucks on “Survivor: The Amazon” in 2003, was observed unconscious…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

State of the Union Address, Designated Survivor Choice Tricky

President Trump’s cabinet members are yelling, “Not it!” That’s basically what happens when the Prez is naming a designated survivor before the State of the Union … according to former Chief of Staff Andy Card. We got George W. Bush’s ex…


State of the Union Address, Designated Survivor Choice Tricky

President Trump’s cabinet members are yelling, “Not it!” That’s basically what happens when the Prez is naming a designated survivor before the State of the Union … according to former Chief of Staff Andy Card. We got George W. Bush’s ex…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Former "Survivor" Winner Todd Herzog Blames "Dr. Phil" for Drunken 2013 TV Show Appearance

Todd Herzog — the winner of “Survivor: China” in 2007 who has since battled alcoholism — claims he was supplied with booze and drugs to get him loaded before he appeared on Dr. Phil’s show. In a shocking interview with STAT, Herzog says he was…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Survivor" Winner Ben Driebergen Does Shots with U.S. Marine Buddies

New “Survivor” champ Ben Driebergen gathered his inner circle of pals from the Marines and raised several tiny glasses to his $ 1 million victory. Oorah!!!  We got these pics of the retired Marine doing shots Wednesday night in…


Survivor Recap: Who Won Season 35?

It was the end of the line for the castaways on Survivor Season 35 Episode 13 as a winner was crowned. 

When the episode kicked off, Ben Driebergen, Chrissy Hofbeck, Devon Pinto, Ryan Ulrich, and Mike Zahalsky were the five castaways still in the running to take home $ 1 million.

Everyone was very much against Ben.

If you watch Survivor online, you will already know that Ben has taken on the villain role with pride this season, so it made sense that the other four knew taking him out would likely solidify them a win. 

The first immunity challenge of the night signalled an easy victory for Chrissy. It was her third solo competition win of the season, so she’s a force to be reckoned with at this stage. 

She invited Mike and Devon along with her to a dinner she won for three and left Ryan and Ben back at the camp. Earlier in the episode, Chrissy tried to build a bridge with Ben in the hope that he would take her to the end over the guys, so Ben was especially mad at being left out. 

Mike tried to find a way to rattle Ben, so he came up with a plan to say that the three from the dinner had found the idol. The only issue with the plan was that Ben had found the idol earlier in the episode. 

Ben got the last laugh at the Tribal Council when he showed off the idol in all its glory. The others looked exasperated because they thought it was time to get rid of him. 

Mike was then sent home, and he was not impressed. Would anyone be good with going home at the last hurdle? 

Ben knew he needed to win the final immunity challenge, but Chrissy secured yet another win. Two wins in one episode are quite the accomplishment, and the win came with a secret advantage. 

Chrissy got to choose someone to advance with her while the other two duked it out. Chrissy chose Ryan, and that meant Ben and Devon had to compete in a fire-making challenge. 

Ben beat the odds once again and advanced to the final three. See! He totally deserves to win, you guys!

The final Tribal Council was filled with choice words between the final three as they tried to get the jury to vote their way.

But who got the most votes? 

  • Ryan got one vote. 

  • Chrissy got two votes. 

  • Ben got four votes. 

That means Ben secured the win and is the victor of Survivor Season 35!

What do you think of the winner?

Was Ben worthy?

Sound off below.  


Thursday, December 7, 2017

"Survivor" Star Richard Hatch Splits from Husband of 14 Years, Divorce Looms

The guy who won the first season of “Survivor,” Richard Hatch, has split from his husband, and plans on getting divorced … TMZ has learned. Richard tells TMZ … he and his hubby of 14 years, Emiliano Cabral, are no longer together — and they’re…


Friday, November 17, 2017

David Otunga Pulls Out of WWE "Survivor Series" In Wake of Jennifer Hudson Split

David Otunga will no longer be a part of WWE’s coverage of ‘Survivor Series’ on Sunday … TMZ Sports has learned.  Otunga is a regular as a host/commentator for WWE events and he was scheduled to work the pay-per-view event Sunday … one of…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

R. Kelly Survivor Comes Forward With "Sex Cult" Horror Story!

Over the summer, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps teen girls captive in a “sex cult” in which he controls every aspect of their lives, from how they eat to how they serve him.

While these aren’t the first stomach-churning accusations about R. Kelly that we’d heard, this really shed new light on the sort of monster that he allegedly is.

It’s important to recognize that adults can be victims as well. One woman, Kitti Jones, has come forward with accusations of how R. Kelly lured her into a relationship, convinced her to quit her job, and subjected her to a two-year horror show of control and abuse.

In 1994, R. Kelly was 27 years old.

In 1994, he married Aaliyah, who was only 15 years old at the time.

That’s horrifying enough, but when you listen to people talk about their accounts of their experiences with R. Kelly, you start to see a grotesque pattern of not only sexual predation upon minors but of alleged abuse.

In the ’90s, R. Kelly settled at least three suits with women who alleged that he’d preyed upon them when they were minors, and at least one of those women alleged that he’d encouraged her to participate in group sex with him and other minor girls.

Until this summer,t he most notorious thing about R. Kelly was the video tape that surfaced in 2002 and showed a young girl calling R. Kelly “daddy” before he urinated into her mouth.

Though dozens of witnesses identified the girl as having been 14 at the time, jurors somehow acquitted R. Kelly of multiple counts of child pornography … because they “couldn’t” verify her age.

So, you know, another great example of the justice system and how it works … well, how it operates.

All of that is enough reason for you to want to hide your kids.

As it turns out, where R. Kelly is concerned, you might want to hide your wife, too.

Because we heard allegations this summer that indicate that R. Kelly is also a danger to adult women.

(Honestly, a college classmate of mine shared several years ago that a man hit on her in a bar and she assumed that he was just fishing for free drinks — and later learned that it was R. Kelly. I can’t help thinking that she really dodged a bullet)

Back in July, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps a number of young women, teenagers included, in a cult-like environment that revolves around them servicing him, sexually.

Beyond that, he is said to keep them isolated from their families and the outside world. He allegedly controls what they eat and when they eat it and even when they go to the bathroom.

According to these accusations, R. Kelly does all of this slowly, grooming them, and effectively brainwashes them into defending him when anyone expresses concern.

Most seriously of all, there were allegations of verbal and physical abuse.

R. Kelly denied these accusations, to no one’s surprise. He was similarly dismissive of the infamous underage pee-tape.

Even back in July, a sex partner of R. Kelly’s confirmed the allegations contained within the damning expose.

And then in August, another alleged sex abuse victim of R. Kelly’s came forward.

Well, a Rolling Stone article titled “Surviving R. Kelly” details the experiences of one survivor named Kitti Jones.

She says that she was a huge fan of R. Kelly growing up — like, a superfan who would get up close to the stage at his concerts. He was her “Brad Pitt,” she says.

On the night that she first met him, they exchanged numbers and he told her to call him “daddy,” not “Rob.” This was back in 2011, and the happy beginning to Kitti’s nightmare.

They texted back and forth and she would send him risque photos. When they saw each other again, Kitti describes R. Kelly as walking into the hotel room, sitting down, and whipping out his penis.

“I was attracted to him and was just like, ‘Well, OK. Fine.’ Maybe he just has weird ways of getting off.”

Well … we guess she’s not wrong.

The two had oral sex that weekend, Kitti says, with R. Kelly saying things like “I gotta teach you how to be with me” and “I gotta train you.” So … yikes.

“He was like a drill sergeant even when he was pleasuring me,” Kitti describes. “He was telling me how to bend my back or move my leg here. I’m like, ‘Why is he directing it like this?’ It was very uncomfortable.”

But his celebrity status, her attraction to him, his months of having groomed her over the phone, and the way that he made her feel special added up to her not worrying about it too much.

At first, she says, she believed their relationship to be monogamous, despite some … warning signs.

“He said, ‘I have friends and I have girls I’ve raised.’ I didn’t know what he meant by ‘raised’ at the time. He said, ‘I eventually want you to meet them, but I want to make sure you’re mentally ready for that."”

FYI, folks, everything that Kitti just described R. Kelly as having said is a huge, huge red flag. And then it gets worse.

R. Kelly would insist that she not interact with men, even male drivers. Also, he convinced her to quit her job, promising ot pay her double her salary as a DJ.

Even before he got her to quit, though, Kitti says that he already had her feeling emotionally tethered to him, and very defensive against any criticism.

“Rob kinda makes you feel like you have to defend him. It’s like you and him against the world. If someone brought him up [in conversation], immediately a wall went up.”

Once she quit her job and moved to be with him, Kitti says that she surrendered even more control to R. Kelly. He dictated how she could dress when she went out in public and required constant check-ins, even texts like “Daddy, I need to go to the restroom.”

The first instance of alleged abuse took place less than a month after Kitti moved in with him, as a result of Kitti challenging him about the pee tape.

His response was fury, and she describes him spending a car ride berating her while striking her in the face and kicking her while she apologized.

The next day, she says, he took her shopping and neither of them addressed what had happened. She says that she considered leaving him, but that she’d have felt silly after having quit her job to be with him.

Unfortunately, as any abuse survivor could tell you, the first incident was not the last. Kitti says that there were 10 instances of R. Kelly inflicting physical abuse upon her during their first year together, and that the abuse happened more frequently the following year.

When R. Kelly went on his “Single Ladies” tour, however, he treated her “like a princess,” which dashed many of Kitti’s misgivings.

(Remember, it’s classic abuser behavior for them to play games with their victims, rewarding them and even making them second-guess how bad things had really gotten)

After the tour, R. Kelly housed Kitti alongside two of his other girlfriends, monitoring their movements with cameras and punishing them by taking away their phones — at one point, taking Kitti’s for two months.

Losing your phone sucks, but in their case, this meant that they couldn’t request food.

In fact, Kitti says that R. Kelly would also use starvation to punish his “girlfriends.” At one point, she went without food for two and a half days.

And though they were living in neighboring rooms, the three women didn’t even know each other’s real names at first, Kitti says. They were also supposed to report on each other if one of them was breaking the rules.

“If you disclose your relationship with him [to another woman] — how long you’ve known him or whatever — you can get beat. He doesn’t want in any way for one girl to feel more like, ‘Oh, we’re closer than you guys.’ Even though we knew deep down we’re all living there, we didn’t address it.”

In March of 2013, Kitti says, R. Kelly once again escalated their relationship by bringing in another young woman, naked, and having her and Kitti have sex with each other.

“He told me, ‘I raised her. I’ve trained this bitch. This is my pet."”

Calling someone your “pet” in roleplay is fine, but this is more severe. And Kitti says that it was the beginning of R. Kelly forcing her into group sex.

“You can’t say no because you’re going to get punished. You just become numb to what’s happening. It’s so traumatic the things that he makes you do to other people and to him.”

And she says that yes, he still enjoys urinating on women in sexual situations.

“He videotapes everything that he does, and sometimes he’ll just make you watch what he’s done to other girls or girls that he had be together. He would masturbate to that and then have you give him oral sex while he’s watching what he did with somebody else on his iPad.”

After six months of “hell” in which Kitti says that she was being punished every week — either being struck in the face or being starved or having her phone taken — Kitti was able to break free.

Fabricating a desire to take her son shopping, she went to Dallas with only a pair of suitcases. That was her escape.

In November of that year, R. Kelly showed up, ostensibly to return her possessions that she’d had to abandon. Instead, she says, he lured her onto his tour bus and inflicted more physical abuse upon her to punish her for leaving.

The two have never seen each other since.

Well, that’s all horrifying.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Survivor" Star Kat Edorsson Arrested for Hitting Boyfriend in the Face

A 2-time ‘Survivor’ contestant is facing a battery charge after getting into an argument with her boyfriend and allegedly hitting him in the face. Kat Edorsson was arrested early Saturday morning at an apartment complex by the Orlando PD after…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Amanda Nunes Gifts Belt to Young Cancer Survivor After UFC 215

Amanda Nunes fought HARD to win a new belt at UFC 215 … and immediately gave up her gold when she met a fan with an amazing story.  19-year-old cancer survivor — and UFC superfan – Angie Rose shared her story on social media ……


Amanda Nunes Gifts Belt to Young Cancer Survivor After UFC 215

Amanda Nunes fought HARD to win a new belt at UFC 215 … and immediately gave up her gold when she met a fan with an amazing story.  19-year-old cancer survivor — and UFC superfan – Angie Rose shared her story on social media ……


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Plane Crash Survivor Pays Moving Tribute to Houston on AGT

Kechi Okwuchi survived a plane crash in 2005.

She was one of only two people to walk away from a tragic accident that left over 100 people dead.

This fact on its own is astounding and inspiring enough, as Kechi said the following during a pre-taped segment on America"s Got Talent last night:

"Hopefully people can look at me and go, "This is a fellow human being. She went through this and she came out on the other side." Their injuries don"t have to define them."

But Kechi is also from Houston.

And that city was ravaged by Hurricane Harvey over the weekend, making her rendition on Tuesday of Katy Perry’s “By The Grace Of God" even more poignant.

"I"ve always felt a responsibility to the people that lost loved ones in that plane crash, and it pushes me to do all the things that I do," she said.

"I want to make them proud. I want them to see that this life that was saved that day was not saved in vain."

We think she"s succeeded in this mission.

All four judges gave Kechi a standing ovation after her song, with Heidi Klum remarking:

"It makes me so happy to sit here and watch you on that big stage and fulfill your dream.”

Mel B said the aspiring singer was “pitch-perfect” with her “amazing voice,” but “more importantly to me, you are a survivor… And for that, you must go through. You must. I have to see you again.”

And Simon Cowell?

"You came out as the person I always believed you wanted to be… You are important in these days and ages, when people need people like you as an inspiration."

Asked by host Tyra Banks if she wanted to send a message to her hometown residents, Kechi replied:

“I want to say that I pray that my performance gave them something positive to see. I’m not even sure if people in Houston can see this, [but] I hope they feel something positive and feel strength to move on."

Beautiful stuff.

Watch the performance now:

Kechi okwuchi pays moving tribute to hurricane victims on americ

Saturday, August 5, 2017

"NCIS" Star Zoe McLellan"s Ex-Hubby Claims She Kidnapped Son for "Designated Survivor" Role

Zoe McLellan gave her ex-husband, J.P. Gillain, only 2 days’ notice before she flew to Canada with their young son for a role alongside Kiefer Sutherland … but she says she had no choice. McLellan is embroiled in a custody war again…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Survivor of Livestreamed Crash Speaks Out, Mourns Girlfriend"s Death

There is no part of this story that isn’t absolutely tragic.

Remember how an 18-year-old girl livestreamed herself appearing to lose control of her vehicle, resulting in the death of her own younger sister? There was a third person in the car who wasn’t initially identified in reports.

That third person, a girl named Manuela Seja, survived with a leg injury and is now speaking about the death of her girlfriend, Jacqueline Sanchez.

Obdulia Sanchez is 18 years old, and was driving her younger sister, Jacqueline, and Jacqueline’s girlfriend, Manuela Seja, back home to Stockton, California.

Obdulia Sanchez’s statements in the alleged recording of the incident are already pretty famous.

“I f-ing killed my sister, okay. I know I’m going to jail for life alright. I understand that. This is the last thing I wanted to happen — okay. Alright, I don’t f—ing care though — I’m-a hold it down.”

Understandably, she was and very likely is overwhelmed with feelings of grief and guilt.

(They may also end up being used against her in court)

Obdulia has been arrested on the suspicion that she was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as for the accident and death itself.

Police are investigating the vehicle and looking into the livestream video, which could potentially be used as evidence.

Precisely what caused Obdulia to lose control and ultimately for the vehicle to flip are unclear.

Initial reports suggested that Obdulia had struck a curb and overcorrected, losing control at such a high speed.

It is also possible that a tire blew out.

While she obviously should not have been livestreaming while driving, it’s important that we wait to condemn her until we find out exactly what was going on.

Jacqueline Sanchez and Manuela Seja met on Instagram and became friends.

Over time, their friendship became romantic, and Jacqueline and Manuela dated for seven months before Jacqueline’s death.

Manuela lives in Fresno and Jacqueline lived in Stockton.

130 miles is a long distance for a teenage relationship, but young love is powerful.

The girls had made a commitment to see each other every weekend.

Obdulia was helping her younger sister by driving the girls so that they’d be able to hang out and see each other.

This time, they didn’t make it — the tragic crash happened in Los Banos.

Manuela remembers Jacqueline, who was supposed to celebrate her quinceanera on Sunday.

She’ll treasure those memories for the rest of her life.

A huge part of how she describes Jacqueline is her sense of humor.

“She wasn’t like everybody else. She was just funny and she would be funny. She didn’t even need to try.”

She has a box of treasured memories with her girlfriend — a gift that Jacqueline had made for her.

“I never thought this would happen.”

No one does, but especially not a 14-year-old who has probably had very little experience with death.

Like Jacqueline father said in his own statement, Manuela doesn’t seem to be angry with Obdulia.

“Honestly, I’m not mad at anybody and I don’t blame anybody.”

The fact that this girl who lost her girlfriend of seven months and was a witness isn’t blaming Obdulia makes us hope that investigators take a good, hard look at the evidence before they move things any further.

Obdulia’s excited utterance over her sister’s body is inflammatory, but not proof that it was genuinely her fault.

Manuela has some words of wisdom after the crash.

“It’s all affected by social media. That’s what life is now. And it’s going to advance more and more. That what it’s going to be about.”

It’s not clear if she’s talking about people recording for social media when they should be driving, or if she just means people talking about blame via social media.

Either way, Manuela is right.

A teen streamed her own death on Facebook Live late last year.

Just weeks ago, a woman livestreamed her own horrific death in a car accident in which she was the passenger.

Whether technology plays a role in distracting drivers or not, streaming means that there can be dozens or millions of witnesses to someone’s death.

Sometimes without any warning whatsoever.

Very likely the only thing that will put an end to livestreamed vehicular deaths will be when autonomous cars dominate the roadways, making them much safer for everyone involved.

But until almost every car is driving itself, it looks like we’re going to see another decade or so of people recording their own deaths.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor Furious Over Misplaced Memorial ... "F**king A**holes"

Boston marathon bombing survivor Adrianne Haslet was deeply offended over a makeshift memorial that was placed at the WRONG SPOT this weekend … calling those responsible, “F**king a**holes.”
