Showing posts with label Threatens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Threatens. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ryan Edwards Threatens to MURDER Maci Bookout"s Husband?!

Ryan Edwards … what can we say, the guy is an absolute mess right now.

Between his recent arrest, his problems with wife Mackenzie Standifer, and what many people think is a relapse, things aren"t as good as they could be, that"s for sure.

And with the orders of protection Maci Bookout recently filed against him for herself and her family, he"s falling even further in his downward spiral.

We"ve heard a few details of the kinds of things Ryan"s been doing that made Maci feel the need to take the matter to court, but this latest little tidbit of information?

It"s easy to see why Maci is taking action.

1. Where to Start?

Ryan edwards mug shot

So, uh, yeah, it’s not the greatest time to be Ryan Edwards right now, huh?

2. What a Mess

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Things have been unravelling very very quickly for him since last week, when we heard the news that he’d been arrested for violating the terms of his probation.

3. … Probation?

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Right, because apparently he was arrested last year for having heroin in his possession and somehow, some way, nobody heard about it. He was on probation for that, and he did something last week to mess it up, so he was arrested again.

4. Come On, Mack

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie claims that the arrest was no big deal, that it was one of the terms of his probation that he’d have to be booked, but that doesn’t make sense. Why would he be handcuffed at his home a year after the original arrest, taken down to the police station, and held there for several hours until his family bailed him out if it was just some formality?

5. What’s the Truth?

Ryan edwards sad

Some reports have said that Ryan violated his probation by missing a mandatory drug test, but again, that doesn’t make sense — a big issue he’s had with Maci for a while now is that she wants him to take a drug test before he sees their son but he doesn’t want to do it. Why would it even need to be an argument if he was already taking the tests for his probation?

6. Hmmm …

Ryan edwards holds water bottle pic

We don’t have all the details yet, but he was on probation, he messed it up somehow, and now his whole entire life is falling apart.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

TMZ Live: Lil Wayne Threatens To Shoot Crowd

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kanye West: Secret Escape To The Mountains Tim McGraw Speaks On Scary Collapse  O.J. Simpson Defense Lawyer: He Didn’t Confess! Charles Manson: Fight For Murderer’s Body


Lil Wayne Threatens Rowdy Concertgoers with Guns

Lil Wayne scared the crap out of concertgoers when he threatened them with guns after someone threw a water bottle onstage. Then he took the high road. We got video of Weezy performing at the Jumanji Festival in Sydney over the weekend, where…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Tom Brady Threatens Radio Station After Host Slams QB"s Daughter

Tom Brady says he’s considering ENDING his weekly appearance on WEEI radio in Boston after one of the station’s hosts called his daughter an “annoying little pissant.”  WEEI has suspended the radio host … but Brady’s still pissed. …


Thursday, January 25, 2018

90 Day Fiance: Luis Lashes Out, Threatens to Sue TLC!

Oh, boy.

This past season of 90 Day Fiance had its ups and downs for all of the relationships, but one of the new 90 Day Fiance stars is so unhappy that he’s publicly ranting against TLC and the show’s producers.

And he’s also announced his intention to sue.

Molly Hopkins is 41 years old. She’s an American — specifically from Georgia.

26-year-old Luis Mendez is Dominican.

He and Molly met and fell for each other outside of the US, when she was on a trip and when he was working in a bar.

The two of them decided to not only pursue their relationship, but to go on 90 Day Fiance so that the rest of the world could watch the highs and lows of their relationship.

Oh, and so that they could make a little cash.

And one of the big concerns that Molly had was seeing how good of a stepfather the more-than-slightly younger Luis would be to her daughters, one of whom is 7 and the other of whom is 16.

In addition to the all-important test of whether or not Luis would fit in with Molly’s family …

(After all, your kids should always take precedence over your romantic pursuits)

… The couple had a few hurdles to cross. Molly Hopkins has a shady criminal history that mostly involves what we’ll delicately describe as reasons why you don’t want to ride in a car with her.

Also, Luis would have to get along well with more than just Molly’s family. His romance with Molly needed to click when they were living together.

(Sometimes, what’s sexy and romantic on vacation turns into an annoyance back at home, in the real world)

Finally, some wondered if the younger man who had tended bar in Santo Domingo was really interested in Molly Hopkins for romantic reasons … or if he was using her, hoping to land legal residence in the United States.

As we already told you, Molly Hopkins and Luis Mendez did get married.

But married isn’t the same thing as happily ever after, folks.

See, after the couple got married — which they apparently did without informing TLC of the event, which kind of defeats the purpose of appearing on the show in the first place — things went south.

The two separated, only reconcile before the Tell All special was filmed.

But then the husband and wife seemed to have trouble again. 

At the beginning of January, Molly told Luis that she was filing for divorce.

That is part of what has led to Luis Mendez’s dissatisfaction, we assume.

But that’s not the focus of his rant, which he posted to social media:

“TLC is a piece of s–t.”

Wow, tell us how you really feel.

“They only use the immigrant people for make million dollar, they don’t pay to us in the first 90 days and they destroy our lives with bad fame.”

That’s quite an accusation.

“But I don’t receive any money, only the American people bc we are trash for them.”

He added another message with similar points … and expressed a strong desire to take legal action.

“Immigrant people only are trash for TLC. I want to meet a lawyer in NYC to sue those bastards.”

Now, it seems that he’s complaining about money. 90 Day Fiance stars are paid for their work, but in comparison to other reality salaries, it’s not all that much.

We should point out that, although countless companies employ immigrant labor and pay them less than they deserve, that isn’t necessarily what’s behind this.

You need a work visa in order to work in the US if you are not an American citizen. It’s possible that they aren’t legally permitted to pay Luis until he gets one.

Now, if there’s been anything improper in terms of paying him, maybe Luis can get that money through a lawsuit. But our guess is that Luis just needs to have a work visa.

It sounds like he’s complaining about his portrayal on the series. That … well, he presumably signed a contract saying that he can be edited in any way that the show sees fit. Tough luck.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Jets Player Robby Anderson Arrested, Threatens to Nut in Eye of Cop"s Wife

Early Friday morning, Robby Anderson, wide receiver for the New York Jets (a football team), was arrested.

The charges include reckless driving, resisting arrest, evading police, and threatening a public servant. But those charges barely scratch the surface.

Among other things … he threatened to “nut” in a police officer’s wife’s eye. His words, not ours.

It started off on what we assume to be a pretty run-of-the-mill morning in Florida, based upon everything that we’ve heard about Florida Man over the years.

In South Florida, police detected a vehicle driving 105 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone. That’s … not great.

This time, the celebrity speeder wasn’t Justin Bieber, but Robby Anderson. Who, as we mentioned, is a professional athlete.

Maybe he was somehow not paying attention, maybe he was thinking of crossing over into another sport — race car driving. Who knows?

Whatever the reason, he was allegedly traveling more than twice the legal speed limit.

Based upon police descriptions, Robby Anderson noticed when police were trying to pull him over.

Instead of finding a safe place to pull over and slowing his vehicle, he allegedly doubled down on reckless driving, running multiple red lights.

Per police reports, he was also swerving from one lane into another while attempting to evade police.

Folks, please don’t try those sorts of maneuvers at home. Or anyone.

Eventually, Robby Anderson did stop his vehicle. But when he did, the police say that they had a new ordeal to face — Robby’s reluctance to allow them to place him in the back of a police car.

According to the police report, obtained by, Robby Anderson’s bad behavior still wasn’t over.

“While in the back of my patrol vehicle, Robert stated that when he got out he was going to find my wife, f–k her, and nut in her eye.”

He said WHAT?! 

(In case you’re unfamiliar with the term and the context doesn’t clear, nut means orgasm or, in this case, ejaculate)

“He continued to make other verbal threats toward my family.”

Vague but still not good.

“Based on his statements it was clear that he intended to sexually assault my wife.”

We imagine that Robby Anderson’s attorney may argue that Robby was simply threatening to seduce the officer’s wife.

“He also began to brag about how much money he has and how all I was doing was trying to ‘Ruin his fun."”


Based upon Robby Anderson’s social media activity from Thursday, we can infer that he was grieving a lost relationship.

(He may have just had a breakup)

If so, perhaps he was not handling his sense of loss very well. We don’t mean to suggest that he was using any illicit substances, but it’s possible that he had been too upset to go to sleep.

It’s also possible that he was just not in a great mood and that this led him to make some terrible choices.

None of that is an excuse for literally anything for which he is accused. 

But it might, at least, be an explanation.

Pro-tip: don’t do the things of which Robby Anderson is accused. Especially not making threats against a police officer’s family.

Police don’t like it. Fans don’t like it. And prosecutors, courts, and judges really don’t like it.

This isn’t Robby’s first brush with the law in Florida.

Last year, he was arrested at a Miami music festival. That time, he was also charged with resisting arrest. And also with obstruction of justice.

Robby might need to make some better choices.


Saturday, January 6, 2018

O.J. Simpson Threatens $100 Million Lawsuit Against Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

O.J. Simpson and his legal team are gearing up for a massive lawsuit against The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas for permanently booting him from the premises. Simpson’s attorney, Malcolm LaVergne, said in a letter Friday O.J. will seek at least $ 100…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cardi B Threatens Legal Action Against Offset"s Hackers

Cardi B already said you couldn’t f*** with her if you wanted to — now that applies to her fiance, Offset, who got hacked this weekend … ‘cause Cardi’s coming with legal fire. Cardi’s attorney, Scott Mason, tells TMZ that videos released over the…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Barstool Founder Threatens NFL, You Jacked Our Slogan!

Saturdays are for the boys … if you ask Barstool Sports.  Sundays are for the boys … if you ask the NFL.  And Tuesdays are for legal threats … because Barstool is now declaring war on the NFL for allegedly jacking their trademark…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Southwest Airlines Woman Smokes, Threatens to Kill Fellow Passengers

There are a lot of rules on airplanes, but most of them are fairly common sense. You know, don"t smoke, don"t shove the flight attendants, and definitely don"t threaten to murder everyone onboard.

Unfortunately, one woman apparently didn"t get the memo, as she managed to do all three in a very short amount of time.

It doesn"t sound like anybody actually got hurt, but she"s obviously in major trouble. And yes, folks. There"s video.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 1

As you"re about to see in the video below, a woman named Valerie Curbelo seemed to lose her mind on a Southwest Airlines flight.

Now, plenty of people feel like they"re "gonna lose it" on a flight.

Maybe a kid keeps kicking their seat. Maybe they"re sitting beside someone with poor boundaries or who won"t stop talking or who snores loudly.

(There are other potential complaints that one might have — airplanes are metal tubes that cram as many humans into them as possible for hours at a time)

But feeling irritated by circumstances is very, very different from what happened to Valerie.

She"s in jail, folks.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 2

Apparently, Valerie Curbelo went into the bathroom, tampered with the smoke detector, and smoked.

On an airplane.

Like it"s the 1960s or something.

That is, to be clear, absolutely inexcusable. The do-not-smoke signs are impossible to miss, and it"s been more or less understood in society for years and years that you don"t just start smoking in an enclosed public place like it"s The Purge.

As bad as that is, though, it"s what Valerie did next that got her into so much more trouble.

And that"s the part that was captured on video.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 4

Valerie can be seen irate, having apparently grabbed her belongings and even donned a hat.

Angrily, she yells:

"I have a destination for myself!"

That"s a worrisome and also very strange thing to say, let alone yell while dressed as though you"re about to try to leap out of the plane with the expectation that you"ll suddenly learn how to fly.

"I swear, if you don’t … land."

Oh boy, threats.

"I will f—ing kill everybody on this f—ing plane!"

She reportedly then shoved an airline attendant and had to be restrained for the rest of the flight.

Upon landing, she was arrested on a felony charge of making a death threat. Obviously.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 3

As you"ll also see in the video, she is now at a loss to explain her behavior on the plane, saying only that it was brought about by anxiety.

Having a hankering for a cigarette is not an excuse for anything, but … what if there"s something more?

Everyone"s brain is a little different. If this is an isolated incident, it may be that this woman"s body responds to a change in air pressure in a dramatic way that made her behavior beyond her control.

If there"s an identifiable and treatable mental illness behind this, she could go on to live a fairly normal life.

But we don"t imagine that she"ll be welcome on many airplanes in the near future.

Those No-Fly lists are not a laughing matter.

Southwest airlines woman smokes threatens to kill fellow passeng

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans Threatens Legal Action Against Her Own Mother

Jenelle Evans and David Eason sure had a busy day yesterday!

Or, to be more accurate, their lawyer had a busy day yesterday — but isn’t that always the case?

Yesterday, several of Jenelle’s fellow Teen Mom 2 cast members hopped on social media to announce that they’d received cease and desist letters from the Easons.

Kailyn Lowry tweeted “How does one get a cease & desist from someone they don’t care to talk about… & if I did, it’s my opinion.”

She added the hashtags “hi Jenelle” and “bye Jenelle,” just so there wouldn’t be any confusion.

Kailyn also pointed out that Jenelle “literally posted my phone number on Twitter last year,” so it’s pretty rich that she’s the one taking legal action.

She didn’t mention this, but it feels important to mention that Jenelle also announced that Kailyn was pregnant with her third child, Lux, before Kailyn herself announced it.

But sure, Jenelle is the one who needs to take legal action here.

Chelsea Houska also got a letter — she tweeted that “I just got a cease and desist from Jenelle and David. So there’s that lolll. #idonteventalkaboutyou.”

When someone asked her what she was supposed to cease and desist from, she said “Making false and defamatory statements. But….? I never did? So? Who knows.”

Like Kailyn, Chelsea also pointed out Jenelle’s hypocrisy with all this — she said that “A few years ago she tweeted that I was on drugs but here we are lol.”

Chelsea’s father, Randy Houska, was the next Teen Mom 2 cast member to get a cease and desist because, as he explained, “Apparently it is libelous to say that people should not fight in front of their children. Not specific people, just people.”

He’s referring to the fight that went down at the last reunion show, the one where Jenelle got into a fight with Nathan Griffith’s girlfriend backstage.

During the fight, many of the kids were around, and Randy did tweet a general statement about how it was not great to behave that way in front of children.

Hilariously, Randy added that he was just disappointed that the letter wasn’t from Dustin, Jenelle’s longtime criminal lawyer and the man who had to break it to her that she couldn’t get out of jail to attend a Kesha concert.

Honestly, who wouldn’t be disappointed at that?

Leah Messer tweeted that she hadn’t gotten a letter yet because she wasn’t home for most of yesterday, but she did say that “I was literally harassed for a week or two via text messages from Jenelle after I was home from the reunion.”

But you know who else did get a letter?

Jenelle’s own mother, Barbara Evans.

Babs made a post on Instagram, seemingly directed towards Chelsea and Kailyn, that said “Well Girls I’m joining the group!!!!!! I also got my Cease and Desist Papers today. From Mr and Mrs Eason.”

And if that wasn’t sad enough, she also gave an interview to Radar Online about the whole sorry situation.

“I got one of the letters in the mail today,” she said — and she also revealed the contents of the letter.

“It comes to our attention that false statements of accusations of drug abuse and child abuse disparaging Mr. and Mrs. Eason’s characters have been made by you,” one part of the letter read.

Another section accused Barbara of “bad language which shows no respect or good will toward the Plaintiff,” meaning Jenelle.

But, as Barbara said, “I don’t say anything that isn’t true.”

“I don’t make up stuff. I think it is comical myself.”

We definitely believe her — throughout Jenelle’s time in the spotlight, Barbara has always seemed very genuine. It’s pretty much her claim to fame.

She’s always tried to stand by her youngest daughter, even when she’s pushed her away.

Even now that Jenelle is refusing to call her “Mom,” and even though she didn’t even invite her to her wedding, she’s still been open about how much she loves her and how she hopes they can repair their relationship.

But since Jenelle and David are taking things to the next level, she has no choice but to protect herself.

Babs said that she took the cease and desist letter to her lawyer, who responded to her with “What is this? Oh my God. They are crazy.”

She also dropped another bombshell — in her frustration with Jenelle’s latest move, Barbara claimed that she smoked marijuana while pregnant with Ensley and with Jace.

“You should not be smoking weed when you’re pregnant,” she said. “She was friggin’ stoned the whole time [she was pregnant with Jace].”

“I don’t care what it is,” she added. “It is illegal. She is irresponsible.”

The issue, Barbara said, is David — she’s claimed time and time again that he’s the worst guy Jenelle has ever been with, and that he’s very controlling.

“It just shows you this totally weird behavior” she said of this new trend of sending cease and desist letters.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, probably until the end of time: poor Barbara.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Andy Dick, Threatens to Lick, Grope Photog, Threatens Suicide

Andy Dick was off the rails Thursday night, threatening to grope a TMZ female photog, steadfastly refusing to apologize for allegedly sexually harassing people and talking about killing himself. Dick was clearly drunk as he told our photog he knows…


Monday, October 30, 2017

ISIS Threatens Prince George, Teases Violent Attack at School

The Islamic terrorist group known as ISIS has seemingly issued a threat against the life of four-year old Prince George.

According to The Daily Star, a picture of the Prince William and Kate Middleton’s oldest child was discovered on an encrypted instant-messaging app, Telegram.

It allegedly reads as follows:

“Even the royal family will not be left alone.”

The eerie and very disturbing snapshot depicts the toddler standing in front of his private South London school, Thomas’s Battersea, and it bears the message:

“School starts early.”

Moreover, this same website reports that the second image features Arabic words taken from a jihadi song that roughly translate to:

“When war comes with the melody of bullets, we descend on disbelief, desiring retaliation.”

Prince George just started at this school in September.

Photos of him on his first day, such as the one below, have been widely circulated online.

Insiders confirm that this threat is being treated as a legitimate security issue.

British spies and investigators are in the process of monitoring Telegram around the clock in an effort to stop potential ISIS attacks in the United Kingdom.

The Daily Star spoke to a woman who said the lack of security at George’s school was “astonishing,” after she strolled through the halls just days before the famous young man started classes a few weeks ago.

“I could have walked in with an IED and set it to go off,” Sarah Burnett-Moore told the website.

A cyber security expert named Barry Spielman also told The Daily Star that this is a big deal. He’s at least glad to see it treated as such.

“This threat to Prince George is chilling,” Spielman says, adding:

“Our intelligence suggests that these threats are to be taken seriously… Telegram is where many [terrorist plots] are being hatched as we speak.”

The Royal Family released this official portrait of Prince George on the occasion of his fourth birthday. What a cutie!

Prince George is the older brother of Princess Charlotte.

Just this fall, Prince William and Kate Middleton confirmed that the latter is pregnant with her third child.

The baby is due in April, Kensington Palace itself announced two weeks ago.

This should be a happy and exciting time for the Royal Family, but the threat detailed here as obviously muddled everyone’s mood to a significant extent.

Previously, ISIS threatened Queen Elizabeth ahead of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2015; and just last month Prince Harry was challenged to a fight via video.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Teresa Giudice"s Friend Threatens Paparazzi with Ass Beating for Mean Questions

Teresa Giudice’s posse was ready to open a can of whoop ass on our guy for asking her if she’s broke … and safe to say our guy learned his lesson. Teresa and her crew were leaving Catch Monday night in WeHo when our poor bastard faced the wrath…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Teen Mom 2" Star Jenelle Evans Threatens to Leave MTV Over Season 8 Edits

Jenelle Evans is putting MTV on notice about the way she says it’s portraying her and her fam on this season of “Teen Mom 2” … saying she’ll leave if they don’t make it right. We got Jenelle at LAX about a week after a huge blowup she and…


"Teen Mom 2" Star Jenelle Evans Threatens to Leave MTV Over Season 8 Edits

Jenelle Evans is putting MTV on notice about the way she says it’s portraying her and her fam on this season of “Teen Mom 2” … saying she’ll leave if they don’t make it right. We got Jenelle at LAX about a week after a huge blowup she and…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Quotes Jay Z, Threatens NRA in Bizarre, Rambling "Apology"

Well… this is one way to deal with sexual harassment allegations.

On Thursday afternoon, The New York Times published a bombshell article in which it quoted multiple women who claimed Harvey Weinstein took advantage of them in various inappropriate ways.

According to this report, the veteran film producer has settled eight separate sexual misconduct claims over the years.

Ashley Judd is among the women who have issued complaints against Weinstein.

She’s now on record as saying Weinstein answered his hotel room door in 1997, while Judd was shooting the movie Kiss the Girls, and asked if he could either massage her or if she would watch him take a shower.

We know, right? EWWWWW.

In response to this multitude of claims against him, Weinstein basically acknowledged his many decades’ worth of lewd behavior.

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it,” he said, adding at the time:

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

Fair enough, we guess.

What else could he really say in the face of these allegations?

We now have the answer.

In a follow-up statement, clearly written without the help of a publicist, Weinstein opened by blaming the era in which he started his career for how he acted toward the opposite sex.

“I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then,” the producer said.

“I have since learned it’s not an excuse, in the office – or out of it. To anyone.”

Okay, fine. 

If Weinstein had stopped there, we wouldn’t even be writing this right now.

But he didn’t stop there.

“Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment,” he added.

“My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons. Over the last year I’ve asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me and she’s put together a team of people.

“I’ve brought on therapists and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and to deal with this issue head on. I so respect all women and regret what happened.”

For the record, Lisa Bloom is a lawyer who specializes in representing celebrities seeking some kind of payday.

She sat alongside Blac Chyna this summer, for example, during her revenge porn case against Rob Kardashian.

It’s unclear how she has been acting as a “tutor” to Weinstein.

Weinstein then wrote this:

Jay Z wrote in 4:44 “I’m not the man I thought I was and I better be that man for my children.”

The same is true for me. I want a second chance in the community but I know I’ve got work to do to earn it.

For the record: Jay Z did not rap these words.

What he did rap was this:

“And if my children knew/I don’t even know what I would do/If they ain’t look at me the same/I would prob’ly die with all the shame.”

From there, Weinstein – inspired, we suppose, by this week’s Las Vegas shooting – turned his attention to… the National Rifle Assocation?


“I’ve decided that I’m going to give the NRA my full attention. I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party.

“I’m going to do it at the same place I had my Bar Mitzvah. I’m making a movie about our President, perhaps we can make it a joint retirement party.”

Finally, after touting his progressive bona fides in this manner, Weinstein wrapped it up.

“One year ago, I began organizing a $ 5 million foundation to give scholarships to women directors at USC,” he wrote, concluding:

“While this might seem coincidental, it has been in the works for a year. It will be named after my mom and I won’t disappoint her.”

We’ve got a feeling it’s way too late for that.

Mrs. Weinstein is likely quite disappointed in her son already.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Cardi B Threatens NFL Boycott, Hire Kaepernick Or I"ll Watch Baseball!

Cardi B — who has the #1 song in the country — says NFL owners need to hire Colin Kaepernick ASAP or she’ll boycott NFL Sundays and start watching baseball instead … on whatever day baseball is on.  The “Bodak Yellow” rapper told Billboard…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Kardashian DASH Store, Machete Wielding Woman Threatens to Kill Kardashians on Video

The woman who allegedly walked into the Kardashians’ DASH store and pointed a gun at an employee returned later with a machete … and shouted violent threats about killing the family. The woman’s rant on the sidewalk outside the shop in Weho was…


Monday, August 28, 2017

"Straight Outta Compton" Star Jason Mitchell Threatens to "Smack the F*** Outta" Passenger

“Straight Outta Compton” star Jason Mitchell’s insane meltdown was ignited by an eavesdropping passenger — who was in the first class seat … Jason wanted so badly. TMZ obtained new video of the crazy scene which shows Mitchell actually sitting…
