Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018

Kate Middleton Baby Update: New Details, Arrangements Confirmed!

Let’s just get this out of the way up front:

Kate Middleton has not yet had her baby.

We know, we know: What is she waiting for, right?!?

Her water breaking and some other stuff happening inside of her womb, we think.

But in the absence of a new Royal Child to gush over and ogle at, fans can at least take solace in the following update.

Kensington Palace released a few new details on Monday morning in regard to the impending major birth.

FIRST, Unnamed Baby Number-Three for Kate and Prince William will be born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London… in the same wing as the beloved pair’s two previous children.

There has been some talk that Middleton would give birth at home, but we never really bought into it.

Because, come on now. That’s just crazy.

SECOND, the medical team in charge of this momentous event will be led by Alan Farthing and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, who delivered the Duchess’ second child, Charlotte.

She’s happy, healthy and totally adorable, so these doctors clearly know what they’re doing.

THIRD, a handful of barriers and parking restriction signs have been put in place outside the private Lindo Wing in preparation for the arrival of the baby and of the hordes of media members who will be on hand.

It’s safe to therefore assume that this is where the child will make his or her public debut.

It looks like this area will be safely guarded and kept as free as possible through April 30:

parking restirct

Neither Middleton nor anyone associated with The Royal Family has confirmed an actual due date.

But we know it will be very soon and we know the world will basically stop spinning once Kate and William’s third child enters the world.

The baby’s gender is also a secret, not just to the general public, but also to the Royal Twosome itself, who sources have said have decided NOT to learn the sex this time around.

The young man or woman will be fifth in line to the throne (behind big sister Charlotte), bumping William’s younger brother Harry one place notch in the line of succession.

(Yes, this is fairly new: A change in the law after William and Kate were married in 2011 gave women the same rights of accession to the throne as men. About time, right?!?)

Middleton, meanwhile, suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum, which can cause severe levels of nausea and vomiting during the early stages of her pregnancy.

Such a diagnosis caused her to basically disappear from public view during her first two pregnancies, but the effects have not been as significant during this latest experience.

Heck, Kate has continued to perform Royal duties even in her third trimester.

She is a real trooper.

Most recently, for example, Middleton visited a community center in East London with William, helping to whip up some meals with staff members there.

We continue to wish Kate the best health and the most happiness during these final few days of her pregnancy.

And we can’t wait to meet her third baby!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Shannen Doherty Cancer Update: Has the Disease Returned?

As previously reported and celebrated, Shannen Doherty is done with chemotherapy.

But is the actress done with cancer?

As Doherty herself explained last October, the short and simple answer is unfortunately no.

Not really. Not ever.

“Those who have experienced it know that even after you’ve kicked it’s ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad,” Doherty said last fall, adding in her inspirational message:

“You still go thru the roller coaster of emotions. You still need support and love. And you can still grasp life and live, live live.”

The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star really has shown such strength and grace throughout this challenging battle.

It will always continue in some way, Doherty has made clear in the past, but will Shannen need to truly take on cancer again in the near future?

Has the disease returned?

Doherty addressed this topic in her latest Instagram post, giving followers an update late Tuesday night.

“Test and results,” she wrote to open this caption, preparing fans for the latest news.

It’s not bad, per se, but sounds like it could be better:

“One Tumor marker test came back good. Other… elevated,” she wrote, explaining in more detail:

“Just means I get monitored and another test. But even after that call, I’m staying positive and taking stock of my life. It certainly helps put things in perspective and reminds you of what you learned thru the cancer journey.

“And I sometimes, need a refresher.”

Shannen Doherty has been open and brave throughout each step of her cancer diagnosis, as you can see above.

Doherty concluded her update with an emphasis on how cancer is never truly behind someone it has victimized.

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t plan on remaining strong in the face of this illness.

“As I’ve said before, cancer changes your life in ways no one could ever imagine…..btw, the elevation can be from all sorts of things. Oh and vitamin D… need more of that too.”

She concluded her post with our new favorite hashtag:


We love it.

We continue to wish the very best to Doherty and to other stars who have been diagnosed with this awful illness.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Zay Jones" Dad Gives Update After Nude, Bloody Arrest

Buffalo Bills wide receiver Zay Jones is home with his parents and going to be okay after the penthouse meltdown that led to his arrest Monday night … this according to Jones’ dad.  We broke the story … Jones was busted for felony vandalism…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shares Pregnancy Update; Fans Go Wild!

If you’re a fan of her family, then by now, you’ve probably heard the news that Jinger Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

You probably also know that when it come to starting a family, Jinger has opted for a decidedly different approach than the one taken by her sisters.

Whereas most Duggar women are pregnant within a few weeks of tying the knot, Jinger was married to Jeremy Vuolo for over a year before she announced she was expecting.

Many believed that Jinger would continue to buck tradition by keeping a low profile during her pregnancy.

Now that the big news has been confirmed, however, Jinger has been eagerly updating fans every step of the way.

Jinger’s baby bump photos are highly anticipated by her Instagram followers these days, and the mom-to-be seems happy to give the people what they want.

Here’s the latest straight from the source:

Yes, Jinger is already 22 weeks along.

Her baby is roughly the size of a papaya, and frankly, we can’t help but wonder why Jinger couldn’t have used some less esoteric analogous produce.

Isn’t a papaya roughly the same size as, say, an avocado?

Plus, millions of New Yorkers probably think Jinger is trying to say her baby is the size of a hot dog.

(We kid. The Duggars are popular across several demographics, but we’re guessing they’re not particularly huge in Manhattan.)

But while Jinger has been happy to keep fans up to speed on the baby’s development, there are certain details that she and Jeremy seem intent on keeping to themselves.

Yes, the baby’s gender remains a mystery, and the Duggar faithful are very keen on finding out whether Jinger is having a boy roa girl.

Thus far, none of Jinger’s sisters have delivered daughters.

Josh Duggar has given his parents granddaughters, but boys currently out-number girls in the next generation of Duggars by a very wide margin.

It’s unclear if Jinger is keeping the gender to herself for privacy reasons, or if she’s chosen to be surprised on the day of delivery.

Whatever the case, the mystery has piqued the interest of fans:

“Will you two announce the gender?” one of Jinger’s followers asked this week.

“I’m hoping you have a girl!” commented another.

“It’s a boy, look at the blue ‘baby,"” remarked one amateur sleuth.

Needless to say, it doesn’t look as though the speculation will be letting up any time soon – and the Duggars probably wouldn’t have it any other way.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tommy Lee"s Son Brandon Was Defending Pam Anderson When Lee Attacked (UPDATE)

7:30 AM PT — Police confirm with TMZ when they took the initial crime report they were told Brandon and Tommy Lee were arguing over a social media post. They say as of now Tommy has not backed down … he’s pressing charges against Brandon. The…


Jinger Duggar Posts Baby Bump Pic, Pregnancy Update

Fans may feel like they awaited news of a Jinger Duggar pregnancy for a decade or so, but really, it was only about a year between her wedding to Jeremy Vuolo and her announcement that she’s expecting.

Regardless, this is the most highly-anticipated new addition to the Duggar clan in quite some time, so it stands to reason that the family’s most obsesive followers are clamoring for updates.

Fortunately for them, Jinger is happy to give the people what they want.

That’s a photo posted to the expectant mom’s Instagram page earlier this week.

She captioned the image, “[Baby emoji] Vuolo #20weeks”

As you can see from the blackboard behind Jinger, Baby Vuolo is roughly the sizr of an artichoke these days.

You may be thinking to yourself, Well, that’s nice and all, but what’s a good produce analogy for the fetus’ size at 18 weeks? At 15 weeks?

Well, you’re in luck!

Jinger has been updating fans for several weeks and each post also works as a lesson in gestational development, as well as inspiration about what to get in your salad at lunch.

At 15 weeks, Baby V was roughly the size of an apple.

Three weeks later, she could’ve hidden behind a bell pepper.

Okay, so it’s not as thrilling as when Jinger wears pants on Instagram, but these are the posts that some Duggar fans live for.

And they’re especially poignant coming from Jinger.

Typically, Duggar women announce their first pregnancy within a few months of getting hitched.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to get down to the business of starting a family on their honeymoons. 

However, Jinger was married to Jeremy for over a year before she offered fans any sort of baby-making news, thus prompting all sorts of deeply offensive speculation about what might be taking her so long.

But Jinger has earned her spot as the family rebel, and she wasn’t about to start popping out little ones just because the fans demanded it of her.

But now that she is expecting, it seems she’ll be sticking with family tradition by offering regular bump updates, and for that, we thank her.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Dean McDermott Seen Talking to Cops After Tori Spelling"s Apparent Mental Breakdown (UPDATE)

1:30 PM PT — Police have left Tori and Dean’s home. She was not arrested, and we’re told officers felt she didn’t meet the criteria to be held for mental evaluation. Police did take a domestic violence incident report. Tori Spelling’s husband…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Post-Baby Bod, and Stormi Pic (UPDATE)

Kylie Jenner’s snap back game is strong, and she’s flaunting it by revealing her body for the first time since giving birth. Stormi was born Feb 1, so exactly one month later mama Kylie posted a very brief video showing off her butt and…


"Girl With No Job" Apologizes for Racist Tweets, Outed as Pamela Geller"s Daughter (UPDATE)

7:25 AM PT — Oath Inc. — which owns AOL — has canceled the Oshry sisters’ YouTube show, “The Morning Breath,” and is launching an investigation into the latest revelations about the family. The ‘Girl With No Job’ might soon be the Girl With…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Update: How is She Doing in Rehab?

Catelynn Lowell has been back in rehab for about a month now — and good for her, right?

If you’ve been keeping up with this whole sad story, you know that she’s currently on her second rehab stay in the past three months, and her third in the past two years.

The first time she went to a treatment center, back in 2016, the issue was a pretty severe case of postpartum depression she’d been dealing with since giving birth to her daughter a year before.

The second time was in November, when she checked into the same treatment center after admitting that she’d been struggling with some suicidal thoughts.

She did check out early that time because she reportedly felt guilty at the prospect of being away from her little girl for the holidays.

But thankfully, she quickly realized that her mental health was more important than Christmas, and also that she simply wasn’t ready to be home yet.

So she went back, completed her six weeks of treatment, then went back home.

Then just a few weeks later, Catelynn made the tough decision to go back again for another six weeks, this time to work through some of her childhood trauma.

She also said she needed to get some issues with her medications sorted out.

Unlike last time, she’s been silent on social media, which is definitely for the best.

During her last stay, she was on Twitter a bit, even taking the time to make fun of Farrah Abraham, which didn’t seem like the best way for her to spend her time there.

While it’s good that she’s focusing so hard on her issues, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t wondering about how she’s been doing.

But don’t worry — Tyler’s got us covered!

Last weekend, Tyler said that he and Nova would be away all week at Catelynn’s facility, doing family therapy together — or at least he would be involved with the therapy, it wasn’t clear what exactly Nova would be getting into.

He predicted that it would be a tough week for everyone, and it’s easy to understand why.

But no matter how tough things were, Tyler’s love for Catelynn is just as strong as ever.

In one of his customary sappy, sweet Instagram posts, he shared this adorable photo of himself with Cate, and in the caption, he wrote that “Seeing this gorgeous woman & all the work she has done has given me such hope, a feeling of peace, and unconditional love that is hard to explain with words.”

“It was a very emotionally intense Family Week Program, but I know that our love & commitment towards each other will persevere through anything this life throws our way.”

“I’m so proud of you Babe,” he added, “and I can’t wait until you finally come home so I can just hug you & hold you for as long as I want.”

“You are worthy…You are strong…You are beautiful…You are loved! Thank you for not giving up on your life.”

He also threw in hashtags like “my babe,” “my wife,” and “soulmate,” just in case your heart wasn’t touched enough already.

A little while later, Tyler shared a couple more photos, this time explaining that “Marriage & relationships aren’t always sunshine & rainbows.”

“I believe love begins as a feeling, but evolves into a choice. A choice to sacrifice for that person, a choice of dedicated commitment to one another & understanding the selfless acts that are required from both to maintain serenity.”

How darling is that?

Cate shared one of the photos too, and she captioned hers “SO HAPPY I got to see you today!!! Until next time my love!”

It’s not much to go on, but she does sound happy, and in the photos she actually looks pretty radiant.

Here’s hoping that she’s getting the help she needs, and that soon she’ll be able to go home, happier and healthier than ever!


Sunday, January 21, 2018

SNL Weekend Update Skewers Trump Over Government Shutdown and Stormy Daniels

SNL took aim at Donald Trump and fired. Weekend Update hit the Prez hard on the government shutdown, but the Stormy Daniels commentary was hilarious.   Colin Firth mused that Trump’s comment to Stormy that he was afraid of sharks was…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Leonard Fournette In Maybach Car Crash, NOT Injured (UPDATE)

10:40 AM — Fournette was driving his 2017 Maybach at the time of the crash and the bumper was wrecked.  But get this … he signed the busted bumper and GAVE IT to first responders … this according to WJXT4’s Vic Micolucci.  Close call…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Tori Roloff Shares Stunning 8-Month Update on Jackson

Tori Roloff is back with a pressing update about her son.

As she excitedly does once per month, the Little People Big World star has shared a new photo of Jackson Kyle and, along with it, has dropped some fun little nuggets about her bundle of joy.

What is he doing at eight months old?

How has he changed since he was seven months old?

Scroll down to find out!

1. Look at Him Now!

Jackson at 8 months

Roloff posted this ADORABLE photo of her only child in celebration of him turning eight months old, opening her caption as follows: “… and somehow Jackson is 8 months old..” We can’t believe it, either.

2. A Second New Photo

Jackson in a cap

Holy cuteness. We love this cap on him. “This stage is hands down my favorite (so far). He’s so happy and smiley all the time and I fall more in love with him every. Single. Day,” continues Tori.

3. A Third New Photo

A third new photo

Tori couldn’t just share one or even two. This was the third image she shared of Jackson in honor of the occasion.

4. Here’s What We’ve Been Up to This Month…

Tori roloff and jackson window blinds

And thus started Tori’s monthly update, which we SO appreciate. This was the first fact she shared: “Had our first Christmas (and all the fun that’s comes with that.) We slept through our first New Years.”

5. What Else?

Tori zach and jackson roloff

“We can sit up on our own for like 20 seconds (or until we get distracted usually by our feet).” (LOL, Tori!)

6. What About That Cute Mouth That is So Often Smiling?

Jackson tori and zach

“We have FOUR teeth,” Tori says. (Only 16 more to go, Jackson!)

View Slideshow

Monday, January 8, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Pissed at NBC Pushing Oprah for Prez (UPDATE)

7:57 AM PT — The network just released a statement about the tweet, saying, “Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference…


Donald Trump Jr. Pissed at NBC Pushing Oprah for Prez (UPDATE)

7:57 AM PT — The network just released a statement about the tweet, saying, “Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Delta Air Lines Sued by 4 Flight Attendants Alleging Rampant Anti-Semitism (UPDATE)

11:50 AM PT — A Delta spokesperson tells TMZ … “As a global airline that brings people across the world together every day, Delta values diversity in all aspects of its business and has zero tolerance for discrimination.” We’re told Delta…


Delta Air Lines Sued by 4 Flight Attendants Alleging Rampant Anti-Semitism (UPDATE)

11:50 AM PT — A Delta spokesperson tells TMZ … “As a global airline that brings people across the world together every day, Delta values diversity in all aspects of its business and has zero tolerance for discrimination.” We’re told Delta…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ami Brown Cancer Update: Is She Too Sick to Film?

Following Discovery’s Alaskan Bush People Christmas special, fans and viewers couldn’t help but wonder how Ami Brown’s cancer battle is going.

And whether that special might be the last time that they see the Brown family matriarch on their televisions.

Let’s look at what we know.

Ami Brown has been battling lung cancer.

She finished her second round of chemo before Thanksgiving and the family sounded optimistic during the Christmas special (which was also filmed before Thanksgiving).

Positivity is great, but Ami Brown was not miraculously cured of cancer. Even though we all wish that she had been.

Instead, comments that she was no longer “sick” were references to the fact that she was over her chemo treatments.

Chemo, of course, can horribly ravage the body — the idea being that it also horribly ravages the cancer and that the cancer, not being a whole person, will die but the body itself will tough it out.

Ami Brown is still fighting her cancer, of course, but she needs to take rests to recover between rounds of chemo.

And, of course, she reportedly suffered a setback.

As we mentioned, the non-fan page Alaskan Bush People Exposed shared the context of the Christmas special.

“Last night’s show was filmed before Thanksgiving and Ami was doing fairly well after finishing chemo.”

They also shared an unhappy update.

“Shortly after Thanksgiving she suffered a brief setback and was very ill.”

But there’s good news.

“She is doing better now and back on the mend. They are still in Los Angeles, and she is recuperating.”

And they offer a dose of reality for those who need it.

“There has been no miracle cure and unfortunately this will be a long battle for her. She has lost a lot of her hair, wears a hat most of the time and very frail.”

Even as a non-fan site, they’re trying to remain optimistic.

“Hopefully, after the holidays she will get strong enough to start filming the upcoming season.”

RadarOnline reports that Ami Brown will be heavily featured in the eighth season of Alaskan Bush People.

While those are, again, rumors, that’s welcome news.

Especially after so many of the show’s fans had feared that the family would film season 8 without Ami Brown.

Interestingly, there are conflicting reports about how much of this season of Alaskan Bush People has actually been filmed, with some suggesting that they’ve pretty much wrapped.

Considering how little time Ami Brown has spent in Colorado — where the family’s new homestead is — we have to figure that either they have more filming to do, or she won’t appear in this season that much.

No one knows what Ami Brown’s future will bring.

In a heartbreaking confession, (now) 15-year-old Rain Brown admitted that she doesn’t know if her mother will make it.

“My mom and I spent all morning making our favorite peach tea and our own mix of essential oils together (frankincense, eucalyptus, pink grapefruit, and spearmint) with coconut oil as a carrier and a touch of shimmer.”

This was during Ami’s second chemotherapy treatment.

“She is now going through her second round of chemo, sadly I can’t say how she is doing just yet, but we are all hopeful and faithfu.”

As the Brown family’s de facto spokesperson in recent months (because of her social media presence), Rain is more aware than anyone of all of the support, prayers, and well wishes that Ami and the Browns have received.

“Thank you all so much for your support and love in this harsh time.”

Ami Brown is battling lung cancer. It wasn’t caught in early screening. She and her husband have been known as serious smokers.

(Billy Brown’s been slammed by fans for not giving up smoking despite his wife’s cancer)

So, though Ami’s been getting first-rate health care and a filming schedule that revolves around her health and ability to film, prospects have looked grim from very early on.

That doesn’t mean that there’s no reason to hope for her to make a recovery, however.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Travis Scott Concert, Security Puts Fan in Vicious Chokehold (UPDATE)

4:12 PM PT — A rep for Travis tells TMZ … the guard who was choking the fan was not part of Travis’ personal security detail. A Travis Scott fan thought he was about to jump onstage, but instead got brutally choked by a security…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares Startling 7-Month Update on Jackson

Stop and look up in the air, celebrity gossip lovers.

Do you see it? Way up there? Farther away than you ever imagined was possible?

We’re referring, of course, to time … and how it’s flying way too fast for our liking when it comes to Jackson Kyle Roloff.

We swear this precious child was just born yesterday, but one glance at the calendar and one peek at his mother’s Instagram page reveals something different.

Jackson was born seven months ago.

We have no idea where all that time has gone, but Audrey Roloff has been kind enough to provide us with a new update on her adorable first-born.

Just as she did when Jackson turned six months old, the Little People, Big World has posted a new picture (above) of her son, along with news on what he’s up to these days.

To wit:

Jackson is rolling.

He has two teeth and is working on a third.

J is obsessed with his feet and will take off anything in his way of his toes.

Jackson has started eating “solid” food!

Jackson woke up this morning with his first sickness (but is still his usual happy self).

Baby J loves to babble and doesn’t like awkward silences. 

Audrey added that the family recently “got our first Christmas tree and we’re loving all of our new Christmas traditions.”

It looks like that tradition involves picking up said Christmas tree with his aunt, uncle and cousin.

Prior to sharing these fun tidbits about her child with husband Zach, Tori gushed like never before about Jackson.

She posted the image directly above and wrote as a sweet caption:

I have such FOMO when it comes to this kid. I am so obsessed with every move he makes.

His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile. He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves.

I love being this kids mom. God has blessed me in such a way. He’s made me realize things don’t matter-people do. Love you so much baby j.

FOMO is an acronym for Fear of Missing Out, in case you weren’t aware.

And we totally understand.

Just look at this little guy!

Finally, in one other social media post this week, Tori shot down an unfortunate rumor.

A few Internet users noticed a sore on Zach’s face in the image above and wondered whether he had come down with a case of oral Herpes.

Wrote Tori in response:

“For those of you asking, my husband does not have a disease on his lip. He scraped it. Kthanks.”

She added, clearly a little annoyed:

“Also my kid scratched his face because mama let his nails get too long.

“The Roloff household is a little bit of a hot mess currently but we’ll get it together. K thanksforasking.”

No rush and no worries, Tori. Don’t let these trolls get you down.

Just keep sharing cute new pictures of Jackson, please, so we can keep adding them to this gallery:
