Showing posts with label Bookout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookout. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Maci Bookout Gives Update on Ryan Edwards: How"s He Doing After Rehab?!

Ryan Edwards … he’s had an eventful month, huh?

First, the whole world learned about his worsening drug addiction, thanks to a tearful confession from Maci Bookout on Teen Mom OG.

We not only learned that he was doing drugs, but that things had recently taken a turn for the worse.

Things were so bad that Maci was scared she’d wake up one morning to the news that he’d died.

Then, a few days after that episode aired, we learned that Ryan had gone off to rehab to work on his addiction.

But just before he left, he married Mackenzie Standifer.

Oh, and Mackenzie may or may not be losing custody of her three-year-old son thanks to the revelation of Ryan’s drug use.

It’s a lot, right?

Over the weekend, after roughly a month in rehab, Ryan resurfaced in some Instagram photos — he attended a music festival in Chattanooga with Mackenzie and a friend.

So it would seem like he’s completed rehab.

It would also seem like he’s still a jackass, since one of the first social media posts he made after his release was a meme slamming Maci.

You remember, the super classy, not at all offensive Martin Luther King photo, along with text that read “I have a dream that one day my psycho baby’s mama will shut the f-ck up.”

But despite that unnecessary, uncalled for move, Maci says in a new interview that Ryan is doing well these days.

“We’re all just taking it one day at a time, one step at a time,” she tells Life & Style.

“Ryan is doing good. He’s doing what he needs to do and that’s all any of us can ask right now. We’re just trying to make sure he stays focused on himself.”

She adds that he doesn’t have to worry about staying clean on his own, because “he’s got me.”

He’s also got his brand new wife and his parents, but sure, it’s also good that he has his “psycho baby’s mama” on his side, too.

Maci tells the magazine that these past few months have “definitely been a roller coaster,” but she’s determined to help Ryan for Bentley’s sake.

“In times like these,” she explains, “if you feel like you are running out of strength, you just have to keep digging deeper.”

She also had some words for her admittedly amazing husband, Taylor McKinney, who she’s said has been her rock during this tough time.

“He’s my best friend and knows everything about me,” she gushes.

“It’s definitely nice to have him there with me and to listen to me or to give me advice or to just be present. He is a great, great guy.”

It really sounds like it.

It also sounds like Ryan has a good support system, so hopefully rehab will take for him this time.


Maci Bookout to Ryan Edwards: Stay Away From Our Son Until You"re Sober!

If you watch Teen Mom online, then by now, you’re probably well aware of the escalating tensions between Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards.

The problems arise from the fact that Edwards has been coping with substance abuse issues, and he only recently agreed to seek treatment at an in-patient rehab facility.

It was a step in the right direction, but unfotunately it was only the beginning of the issues between Ryan and Maci.

Edwards left rehab earlier this week, and he immediately attacked Maci on social media.

It’s still not entirely clear why Edwards was so angry with Bookout, but it may have had something to do with the events of the most recent episode of Teen Mom: OG.

In the episode, Maci can be seen consulting with a drug counselor, who advises her to take a tough love approach to convincing Ryan to seek treatment.

This includes canceling planned visitations between Ryan and his son, Bentley.

Because the visits take place in the home of Edwards’ parents, Jen and Larry, she would essentially be keeping the boy from that side of the family entirely, a fact she acknowledged in comments to the counselor:

“Bentley’s going to be mad at me. He’s going to want to go to Jen and Larry’s [his grandparents] and I won’t be able to let him.” Maci said at one point.

If the scene outraged Edwards, he’s certainly not alone.

Numerous fans lashed out at Maci online for punishing her son and his grandparents for matters over which they have no control:

“So she is going to take it out on Ryan’s parents? Wonderful loving supportive grandparents since the start. SO WRONG!!” wrote one fan on social media.

Another cries hypocrisy, citing Bookout’s recent revelation that she and husband Taylor McKinney often fight with one another while drunk.

“Didn’t she admit this season that her and her husband get drunk and go at one another. Maybe Bentley should be with his grandparents since both parents have issues with substances,” the fan remarked.

Needless to say, many Teen Mom: OG fans remain firmly Team Ryan.

It’s unclear at the moment if Edwards completed his course of treatment, or if he left the facility ahead of schedule.

But it seems clear that as far as his issues with his baby mama go, Ryan is far from out of the woods.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the many ups and downs of Ryan and Maci’s relationship.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Maci Bookout on Ryan Edwards: I"m Afraid He"ll Go Back on Drugs!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, you know that much of the hour was devoted to growing concerns over the health and wellness of Ryan Edwards.

Edwards’ drug use has brought his loved ones to their breaking point, and on this week’s TM:OG, Maci Bookout revealed a plan to withhold custody and visitation rights unless the father of her first child gets sober.

It’s a drastic move, but it could prove necessary to saving Edwards’ life.

Unfortunately, Maci was faced with a conundrum:

In order to ensure that Edwards seeks treatment, she needs to apply pressure.

But she fears that applying pressure might lead him into a potentially fatal binge,

“He is my oldest son’s father,” she told a counselor who’s aiding Edwards’ inner circle in their efforts to get him clean.

“I’m not sure what he’s using. But sometimes he’ll fall asleep when you’re trying to have a conversation with him or is extremely wide-eyed. He doesn’t look right.”

Asked if she’s willing to keep Edwards’ child from him if he refuses to seek treatment, Maci reluctantly affirms that she’ll do whatever it takes:

“Yeah, I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point, but that would be the ultimatum,” she said.

“The other aspect is if I’m limiting access to him, I’m also going to have to do that with his parents because they are the sole caregivers of his son when he’s with his dad.”

But though she seemed stalwart in her decision to help her ex no matter the cost, she remained stymied by a very real concern:

“What happens in the time we talk and the time he goes to get help?” she asked her husband, Taylor McKinney.

“I feel like he’s going to use or do something in that time period. What if it’s too much? I’m scared, but I’m more scared of not doing it.”

It’s a problem that many families have faced, and there’s no easy answer to be offered.

Ultimately, Maci made the right decision, but it hasn’t come without a cost.

Earlier this week, Edwards left rehab and promptly slammed Bookout on social media.

The damage to their relationship may well prove irreversible, but Maci can console herself with the knowledge that she did the right thing.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Ryan and Maci’s rocky relationship.


Teen Mom OG Recap: Maci Bookout Fears Ryan Edwards Will Overdose and Die

Monday night on Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 12, things took a turn for the worse again between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier.

Meanwhile, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra found their dream home, while Farrah Abraham clashed with her mother … as usual.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online this week, though, what will likely stand out the most is the increasing fear for Ryan Edwards’ life.

Yes, it has really gotten that bad.

Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 12 began with Maci Bookout gearing up to confront her ex about his erratic behavior. It wasn’t easy.

“I haven’t talked to Ryan in a while and the thought of confronting him over his drug use feels really overwhelming,” she said.

Maci told husband Taylor McKinney that she fears Ryan’s fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, may pack up and leave over this too.

Which, she said, would be all the more disastrous, because “I just don’t know if [his sobriety] is gonna last if she’s not there.”

Maci then called a substance abuse counselor to get some advice, with the goal of staging a successful intervention for Ryan Edwards.

Bookout told the counselor as the cameras rolled:

“I’m not really sure what exactly it is that he’s using. Sometimes he’ll fall asleep when you’re trying to have a conversation with him.”

“He’s really wide eyed and he doesn’t look right.”

Maci said she has been reluctant to use their son Bentley as leverage legally, as making this a custody issue would impact his family:

“I [would also] have to do that with his parents because they’re pretty much the sole caregivers of our son when he’s with his father.”

“He’s not gonna be able to see Bentley,” she said.

“Neither will his parents. Bentley’s gonna be mad at me. He’s gonna wanna go to Jen and Larry’s and I’m not gonna be able to let him.”

This, Maci said, is not something she takes lightly.

Still, it may just come to that. Bookout lamented:

“What happens in between the time we talk and the time he goes to get help? Obviously I feel like he’s gonna use. … What if it’s too much?”

We can all say a prayer that it never comes to this … and with reports of Ryan Edwards in rehab, we have at least a little bit of optimism.

Meanwhile, viewers watched as Amber Portwood confronted rumors that Matt Baier may have cheated on her more than a year ago.

“There’s, like, fake f–king text messages, supposedly,” Amber told her producer. “They do look fake but I’m just sick and tired of this.”

Remember, this alleged text exchange took place a year and a half ago, but when it comes to Matt Baier, past is prologue and all that.

“I just told him in the car that we need to have a break because this is getting too much,” she said. “It just keeps making me doubt everything.”

“I need to figure out what’s going on with this s–t.”

It’s been an eventful couple of months for the couple, as reports of Amber completely ending things with Matt have been a dime a dozen.

And yet, the MTV star insists that’s NOT the case!

“We’re working things out. We’re working on our issues,” Amber said in a statement to E! News recently. “That’s all that needs to be said.”

The couple’s wedding is on hold for a variety of reasons as they are “working on their relationship,” but amazingly, it’s not over. We think.

At least there wasn’t all that much drama with Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, who put an offer in on an 1800s farm house in Michigan.

Farrah Abraham wasn’t interested in playing house (so to speak) with her mom and her fiance, Dr. David Mertz. Farrah is not a fan.

On a family vacation together in Key West, Abraham said, “I don’t wanna talk to him. He bothers me so much … He seems like a creep.”

Not to put too fine a point on it.

Tensions grew as Farrah invited Simon Saran to come over, saying, “He had a bachelor party in South Beach … it’s a s–t show anyways.”

Simon, as Simon often does, stirred the pot, telling her: “I don’t wanna hurt your feelings but [David] doesn’t like you. He actually he hates you.”

Truth bomb? Detonated.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Ryan Edwards Leaves Rehab, Promptly Slams Maci Bookout

Ryan Edwards has shown some concerning behavior for … well, for a very, very long time now.

He’s nodded off on camera in a number of Teen Mom OG episodes, sometimes his eyes are wide enough that we worry they’ll fall out of his head.

His family has said that he’ll leave to run errands and come back hours later, and Maci Bookout, the mother of his son, Bentley, has said that he’s constantly late for everything.

Recently we learned that there’s an explanation for all of that: Ryan is on drugs.

Maci dropped the news in a recent episode of Teen Mom: she said that Ryan’s problem is worse than she ever imagined, and she even said she’s afraid he’ll die from his addiction.

He’d go to rehab, she theorized, but his family enables him instead of getting him the help he needs.

Since the episode aired though, we learned that Ryan did go to rehab.

Sometime around mid-May, he got married to his girlfriend, Mackenzie Standifer, then checked into a treatment center.

Great news, right?

More great news: he’s out of rehab and back with his family.

We know that because a friend posted this photo of herself with Ryan and Mackenzie on Instagram.

The group went to a music festival together, and it looks like they’re on a boat here.

And while Ryan doesn’t look too interested in the company, at least he doesn’t look as bad as he usually does on Teen Mom, so that’s something.

It’s worth pointing out that someone placed an emoji over Ryan’s hand, which is a little suspicious. Are they trying to hide something?

It’s also odd that Mackenzie is pointing at an unaware Ryan like she just spotted a Backstreet Boy and not her husband.

But other than that, Ryan is looking good, and we hope that rehab helped him with his issues.

His drug issues, at least — he made it pretty clear that he’s still a jerk with this post he made on his own account.

It’s a Martin Luther King meme, because that’s fine, right?

And, as you can see, it reads “I have a dream that one day my psycho baby’s mama will shut the f-ck up.”

Ryan only has one kid, which means he only has one “baby’s mama,” which means this has to be directed at Maci.

And that’s disappointing.

On the show, we see that Maci deeply cares about Ryan, and that she’s been trying her best for at least the past few months to get him help while his family pretends things are fine.

Several other Teen Mom dads might have some reason to refer to their “psycho baby’s mama,” but Ryan is not one of them. Maci is arguably the best mom in the entire franchise.

And of course Ryan has no room to talk — if it wasn’t for his parents, he’d be the biggest deadbeat dad in all of Chattanooga.

We want the best for him, especially now that he’s fresh out of rehab, but he sure isn’t making it easy.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Maci Bookout Reveals Tragic New Details of Ryan Edwards" Drug Use

Every time we hear something new about Ryan Edwards and his newly revealed drug use, things just get worse and worse.

Guess that’s one of the downsides to being high all the time, huh?

Rumors have been circulating for months now that Ryan was using — there aren’t many other explanations for his bugged-out eyes and spacy behavior — but Maci Bookout recently confirmed things on an episode of Teen Mom OG.

In the episode, Maci broke down to Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell while on vacation in Puerto Rico.

She cried, saying that she’s the only person in Ryan’s life who cares about getting him clean — his parents and his then-fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, weren’t pushing him to get help.

She also expressed a fear that Ryan would die from his drug use, so you know the situation is dire.

Shortly after the episode aired, Ryan did check into rehab, and as far as we know, he’s still there.

Perhaps we’ll receive another update after Monday night’s episode, because Maci is getting real about the matter once again.

In a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode, Maci calls a counselor to get some tips on how to deal with Ryan.

“I’m not really sure exactly what it is that he’s using,” she admits, “but sometimes he’ll fall asleep while you’re trying to have a conversation with him.”

She also says that other times he’s “extremely wide-eyed, and he doesn’t look right.”

So we still don’t know exactly what Ryan’s in rehab for this time around, though his ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, has claimed that he went to rehab in 2012 for abusing prescription pain killers.

Maci tells the counselor that she hasn’t spoken to Ryan directly about things, but that she does want to get him help.

The counselor then asks her if she’d be willing to issue some sort of ultimatum to him — the suggestion he makes is legal action regarding the custody of their son, Bentley.

“I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point,” she says, “but that would be the ultimatum.”

Maci’s always tried to push Ryan to be a more active father to Bentley, so if she’s willing to go this route, it’s clear that she believes things are very, very bad.

But, she acknowledges, “The other aspect of that too would be that if I’m limiting access to him, then I’m also going to have to do that with his parents, because they’re pretty much the sole caregivers of our son when he’s with his dad.”

The counselor says that it sounds like Ryan’s parents enable his bad behavior, and Maci readily agrees.

And so does everyone who’s ever watched an episode of Teen Mom.

He also says that it sounds like she’s got an uphill battle ahead of her, and again, everyone agrees.

Poor Maci …


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Forget Ryan Edwards, Maci Bookout is an Alcoholic!

Farrah Abraham doesn’t exactly get along with the other girls on Teen Mom OG.

But then again, if you have eyes and ears and have found yourself on parts of the internet that discuss Farrah Abraham, you already know this.

She and Amber Portwood used to be friends, but they became enemies after Farrah dared to point out that Matt Baier is a giant, good-for-nothing creep.

Amber didn’t appreciate it, and she even tried to throw a swing at Farrah over it.

She and Catelynn Lowell haven’t been getting along either, and Catelynn takes every possible opportunity to slam her somehow.

But, if you can believe it, the feud between Farrah and Maci Bookout predates all of these spats.

Remember, when Teen Mom first returned to our televisions, Farrah wasn’t involved. When producers brought her back mid-season, Maci threatened to quit the show.

The issue, she said, was that she didn’t want her son to share screen time with a porn star — which, hey, that’s her prerogative.

Though Maci eventually gave in, she and Farrah have been catty towards each other ever since.

To this day, really.

During one of her many birthday parties, Farrah was approached by In Touch, and she was asked about Ryan Edwards’ newly revealed drug issues.

Specifically, she was asked about the Teen Mom OG scene in which Maci tearfully revealed to Amber and Catelynn that Ryan’s drug use had gotten out of hand.

“Everyone else around him is too afraid of what it will look like more than his health,” Maci explained on the show.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the sh-t. Just being the only one that f-cking sees everything and cares.”

It was a sad scene, one of the most intense things we’ve seen on the show in a while.

But Farrah didn’t see things that way.

“Who is she to talk about someone else’s substance abuse when she’s like an alcoholic?” she wondered.

Shots fired.

There are many Teen Mom OG fans who suspect that Maci may have a drinking problem — she’s often seen with a beer in her hand in her scenes.

There was also a widespread theory that she was drinking throughout much of her pregnancy with her third child, Maverick.

The “Maci is an alcoholic” went on for so long that she even confronted the rumors in her new book.

“Folks I am an adult, over the legal drinking age, and just because I’m a mom that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a beer on a Sunday evening with my husband,” she wrote in one section.

“Newsflash: Mothers Are Human Beings. We are flawed, hard-working, well-intentioned, exhausted individuals; we do our best, we make mistakes, but above all we love our children.”

She wrote that “obviously I don’t condone excessive drinking,” but “having a beer — or even smoking the occasional cigarette — does not warrant a call to Child Services, and it does not make you a bad mother.”

So if she even bothers to respond to Farrah, it looks like we’ll be in for a fun new chapter in the never-ending saga of Farrah vs. The World.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Maci Bookout & Taylor McKinney Enter Marriage Counseling: Are They Headed For Divorce?!

It’s only been eight months since Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney got married, but it seems the Teen Mom stars’ wedded bliss has already given way to the complexities of life in a blended family under the constant glare of the media magnifying glass.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, we learned that Maci and Taylor have entered marriage counseling.

While that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re having serious relationship troubles, many fans have pointed out that there’s ample reason to believe that Maci and Taylor’s home life is less than ideal.

For starters, there’s the revelation that it’s not unusual for Maci and Taylor to engage in drunken fights off camera.

“Obviously, having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci told her friend Keelie in a scene from last night’s installment.

“Eighty-five percent of the time, we’re good to go. The rest of the 15 percent, it’s hell. It’s like all of our stress and emotion and everything … we take it out on each other.”

Bookout added:

“When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always like, literally, the smallest things.”

Maci didn’t go into specifics about what she meant by “freak out,” but the comment certainly didn’t paint a pretty picture.

Fortunately, she and Taylor followed Keelie’s advice and sought counseling.

Based on the comments she made to her therapist, it sounds like Maci allows the day-to-day pressures of her hectic life to build up , and then vents her frustrations after her tongue’s been loosened by a few Bud Lights:

“All of the little things build up because neither of us ever communicate them,” Bookout told the couple’s counselor.

“Then all of a sudden, we’re mad and we don’t even know why we’re mad.”

She added:

“To be honest with you, he could go the rest of our lives and never tell me ‘thank you’ or ‘you’re awesome.’ Just grab my ass every now and then and give me a kiss.”

We’re sure the situation isn’t helped by recent issues involving Maci’s first baby daddy.

Fans learned last week that Ryan Edwards has checked into rehab for unspecified substance abuse issues.

Sources close to Maci say she’d been frequently breaking down in tears out of concern for her ex.

So Ryan, Maci, and Taylor are all far from out of the woods, but the important thing is that they’re seeking the right kind of help, which considerably improves their chances of working through these issues.

And for that, we commend them.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that led Maci to her current situation.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Maci Bookout Confesses to Drunken Fights With Taylor McKinney

Teen Mom fans have been obsessing over the life of Maci Bookout more than usual in recent weeks, but most of the rumors and speculation have had to do with Maci’s ex, Ryan Edwards.

Maci alleges that Edwards is battling addiction and that she fears for his safety, as he seems to be surrounded by enablers.

But a preview for an upcoming episode has some fans arguing that Maci should clean up her own backyard before worrying about Ryan.

The clip shows Maci opening up about a different problem in her life, one that she’s kept hidden up to this point.

Since she married Taylor McKinney in October of last year, Maci has done a fine job of depicting her life as far more stable than those of her co-stars.

It turns out, that portrayal relies heavily on Taylor and Maci’s ability to keep their beer-fueled conflicts off camera.

For years now, rumors about Maci drinking heavily (even, allegedly, while pregnant) have plagued the 25-year-old.

Aside from mini-controversies over her drinking, Maci has successfully avoided the sort of interpersonal drama that makes the other Teen Moms such divisive figures.

So it’s strange that at this point, she would choose confess to boozy blowouts with her husband:

“Obviously having three kids is catching up to us,” Maci says in the clip.

“Eighty five percent of the time we’re good to go. The 15 percent is hell.”

Bookout says she and McKinney do their best to keep that other 15 percent off camera.

“All of our stress and emotions we take out on each other,” she says.

“When the cameras leave we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always literally the smallest things. It’s such small stuff but it blows up.”

Asked if she feels attending couples therapy might help alleviate some of her problems, Madi dejectedly replies:

“It’s not going to go away.”

This isn’t the first time that fans have been giving reason to believe that Maci is giving a false impression of her life.

She seems to be more skilled than her co-stars in terms of presenting her situation as far more stable than it actually is.

But even the most carefully-constructed facades tend to crumble in time.

Watch Teen Mom online and decide for yourself if Maci seems to be hiding something.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer SLAMS Maci Bookout Over Ryan Edwards Drug Accusations

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, then you were probably struck by the unexpectedly moving scene in which Maci Bookout opened up about her ongoing problems with her baby daddy, Ryan Edwards.

Ryan and Maci’s problems aren’t of the usual variety experienced by co-parenting exes.

In fact, they seem to get along surprisingly well, especially by the rather low standards of relationship functionality set by the rest of the Teen Mom cast.

But that doesn’t mean that Ryan and Maci’s problems aren’t very real – and very frightening.

These days, Maci’s main concern is Ryan’s drug use, and she opened up about the issue in surprisingly candid fashion while vacationing in Puerto Rico with Catelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood.

(Farrah Abraham wasn’t invited because, well, she’s Farrah Abraham.)

“What I’m saying is that everyone else around him is too afraid of what it will look like more than his health,” Maci told her co-stars at one point.

She went on to reveal that she believes those closest to Ryan – including his parents and fiancee – are guilty or enabling his self-destructive behavior by ignoring the problem.

Interestingly, Maci never openly stated that Ryan is on drugs, but the implication was clear.

Maci’s concern seems genuine, but not surprisingly, those in Edwards’ inner circle aren’t thrilled with her finger-pointing.

Ryan got engaged to Mackenzie Standifer last year, and while it’s still unclear how large of a role Mackenzie will play on the show going forward, she’s already making her presence known in a big way.

Already, Standifer has complained about MTV’s editing practices in lengthy social media rants, and it seems she was similarly irate last night’s episode.

This time, however, Mackenzie’s beef wasn’t with MTV, but with Maci.

Asked on Twitter if she’s “ready to spend the rest of [her] life wondering if [Ryan] is high?” Standifer responded, “Well I am ready to spend the rest of my life not worrying about ignorant comments.”

Now, to be fair, the “ignorant” remark might have been directed at the tweeting fan, and not at Maci.

But that didn’t stop a whole lot of fans from interpreting the tweet as shade thrown squarely in the direction of Ms. Bookout.

Looks like we could have a new feud in the making, which is surprising given Maci’s recent aversion to drama.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive her wild relationship with Ryan.


Maci Bookout: I"m Afraid Ryan Edwards Will Die From Drug Use

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, the “important people” on the show (read: everyone except Farrah Abraham) traveled to Puerto Rico to bond over the difficulties of MTV stardom and the joys of never having to work a real job.

It was a laid back atmosphere, but one of the moms clearly had difficulty leaving her problems on the mainland – and with good reason.

Ryan Edwards’ drug use has been a cause of deep concern for Maci Bookout in recent weeks, and she gave voice to her fears and frustrations during a candid chat with Catelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood.

Maci revealed that, far from being played up for the cameras, Ryan’s situation is actually more serious than it appears on screen.

Bookout says she fears that those closest to Edwards are enabling his self-destructive behavior, a mistake that could have fatal consequences.

“What I’m saying is that everyone else around him is too afraid of what it will look like more than his health,” she tells her co-stars.

Portwood and Lowell have both experienced addiction issues firsthand, and they confirmed Maci’s fears that her ex’s situation is a dire one.

“You are so in love with the drugs that you feel that if you wake up in the morning without them you want to die,” Portwood said of her own battle with substance abuse.

“So, should I die? It’s a feeling that you can never f—ing feel unless you’ve really been to the bottom. He needs to find where his bottom may be.”

Edwards recently got engaged to Mackenzie Standifer, and he maintains a close relationship with his parents, but Maci says she feels as though she’s the only one who recognizes the severity of his situation.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the s—. Just being the only one that f—ing sees everything and cares,” says a tearful Bookout.

She went on to reveal that she frequently fears for Edwards’ life:

“I talk to Taylor about it like, ‘I wonder if today’s going to be the day that Ryan does something that he can’t come back from?’” Bookout says.

She later told the camera that while her fears persist, it was helpful to share her concerns with Amber and Catelynn:

“That’s exactly what I needed was two people that have been there on both sides of it that have my back no matter what,” said Bookout.

“They were genuinely just there for me.”

Watch Teen Mom online for more of Maci’s ups and downs.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ryan Edwards" Family SLAMS Maci Bookout on Teen Mom: OG!

It appears safe to say that Ryan Edwards, his parents Jen and Larry, and his fiancee Mackenize are not huge fans of his ex Maci Bookout.

If you watched last night"s Teen Mom: OG, you saw long-simmering tensions between the two families nearly reach their boiling point.

In a contentious scene, Ryan Edwards, his fiancée, Mackenzie Standifer, and his folks sat down for a conversation about Bentley.

Or more accurately, Bentley"s mom, Maci Bookout.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you recall that on the previous episode, Mackenzie and Maci sat down for lunch to discuss matters.

The two ladies discussed ways they can help Ryan Edwards become a better dad. There"s no doubt that Maci"s intentions were pure.

Still, one of her specific concerns – or action items – was that Ryan take care of Bentley on his own, and that didn"t sit well with Larry.

To be fair, when it comes to parenting the eight-year-old child, Ryan has yielded much of the work to his own parents over the years.

In Maci"s view, it"s time for Ryan to man up more.

Seems like a reasonable stance, but when Mackenzie told the group everything Maci discussed with her, it did not go over very well.

"She [says] that Jen and Larry overstep their bounds, he [Bentley] cries, he’s so upset because he has to come over there," she recalled.

"I feel like that was just so not accurate."

Larry"s reaction to Mackenzie"s report?

“Well, first of all, I don’t need her freaking opinion. You got that,” he said, fuming. “Now I can’t make a decision for Ryan Edwards."

"I can make decisions for Bentley… And I’m 56 and she’s 25 and I don’t need all that going on there. You understand?"

As Jen tries to calm him down, he adds:

"I don’t need that. Bentley has always been our number one best interest. Period… It’s crawling up the back of my neck right now.”

In fairness, Edwards" parents have done more than they ever signed up for or is required of them to raise Bentley over the years.

Maybe he"s overreacting, but like Maci"s intentions, Larry"s surely come from a place of love for Bentley as well. It"s a tough situation.

Watch the scene in question now.

Ryan edwards family slams maci bookout on teen mom og

Friday, May 12, 2017

Maci Bookout Reveals Youngest Son"s Heartbreaking Health Issues

Maci Bookout sure has seemed like she’s had her hands full lately.

She gave birth to her daughter, Jayde, in May of 2015, and then she had little Maverick just one year later.

Throw in the Teen Mom OG filming, caring for her older son, Bentley, the stress of dealing with Ryan Edwards, running that t-shirt business, drinking all that beer

She must be exhausted constantly.

Maci’s also been working hard on her second book, I Wasn’t Born Bulletproof: Lessons I’ve Learned (So You Don’t Have To), and in a new excerpt from that book, we’re learning more about her little family.

Particularly, about a heartbreaking struggle poor little Maverick has been dealing with.

“Maverick, my third, had more issues with sleeping and was diagnosed with silent reflux,” she wrote.

“It can easily be misinterpreted as fussiness because there are no visible symptoms other than inconsolable crying.”

The poor baby, it sounds like a rough thing to go through — besides the “inconsolable crying,” other issues a baby with silent reflux can experience are chronic coughing, trouble breathing, and trouble putting on weight.

According to Maci, “His pediatrician prescribed him medicine to reduce stomach acidity and help relieve the pain.”

“But every time we gave it to him he would push it out with his tongue or he would get so upset that he would throw the medicine right back up.”

She wrote that it’s “frustrating and upsetting” to watch her baby go through all that.

This is the first time Maci is getting specific about her son’s health problems, but we probably could have guessed something was up.

In this season of Teen Mom OG, she’s seemed a little more exhausted than usual, and we’ve even her and Taylor dealing with Maverick’s illness in a deleted scene.

Taylor even made the joke “We should probably give him up and get a new one that’s healthier before his trade value goes down.”

In addition to the silent reflux, fans have also noticed that Maverick often has a rash on his face, which some are speculating could be eczema.

Luckily for him though, he’s got a great mother — even if some people would say otherwise.

An a previous excerpt from her book, Maci addressed the widespread claims that she has a drinking problem — claims that first began with speculation that she was drinking while pregnant with Maverick.

“Folks, I am an adult,” she wrote, “over the legal drinking age, and just because I’m a mom that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a beer on a Sunday evening with my husband.”

“Newsflash: Mothers Are Human Beings. We are flawed, hard-working, well-intentioned, exhausted indiviuals; we do our best, we make mistakes, but above all we love our children.”

She explained that “while obviously I don’t condone excessive drinking, having a beer — or even smoking the occasional cigarette — does not warrant a call to Child Services, and it does not make you a bad mother.”

Why can’t all the Teen Moms be as wonderful as Maci?


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Maci Bookout: Why Did She Keep Ryan Edwards" Engagement a Secret From Her Son?

Teen Mom: OG viewers were treated to a double dose this week, as MTV hit fans with new episodes on consecutive nights.

On Sunday night, fans finally got to see Ryan Edwards propose to Mackenzie Standifer.

On last night’s episode, we got to see Maci Bookout’s reaction to the news that her baby daddy is soon to be married.

Obviously, the Teen Mom franchise thrives on drama, but Maci decided to go off-brand by expressing genuine happiness for her ex and his new fiancee.

It was a refreshing change of pace for a series that’s historically been lacking in anything resembling emotional maturity.

Could it be that these moms and dads are starting to grow up now that their kids are old enough to recognize crazy behavior?

That may be true for the most part, but Farrah will always be Farrah, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyway, Maci received a lot of praise for her level-headed reaction to the news, but many wondered why she kept her ex’s engagement a secret from her son and Edwards’ Bentley:

Maci addressed that question (and explained her love for Mackenzie) in a recent interview:

“[Mackenzie] called me and told me, and Bentley was going to their house the next day,” Maci told MTV News.

“And she was super-excited when she called me. She told me not to tell Bentley because they planned to tell him in person the next day. It was a tough secret to keep because I wanted to be excited with him, but obviously, it wasn’t my place to tell him.”

Maci has nothing but kind words for her ex’s wife-to-be:

“They genuinely care about each other,” she explained. “They have a very healthy relationship.”

Maci went on to say:

“I think she’s very understanding and supportive of him — she’s a really good friend to him, but she also has enough of a ‘I’m not going to put up with your s**t attitude.’ It’s the perfect balance for what Ryan needs in a partner.”

With a laugh, she added, “I like her, so it has to be easier on him.”

Could we be on the verge of two Teen Mom couples successfully so-parenting?!

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Maci and Ryan’s rocky relationship and ponder the many ways this could all go awry.
