Showing posts with label Bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bowl. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Amy Schumer Claims War On Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show ... Is Working!

Breaking News
Amy Schumer says her call for performers to boycott the Super Bowl LIII halftime show over the mistreatment of players like Colin Kaepernick is working … saying, “No one is stepping up to perform.”
Back in October, Amy declared she wouldn’t do any Super...
Amy Schumer Claims War On Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show ... Is Working!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 Recap: One Bloody Bastard Bowl

Well, we all expected last night’s episode of Game of Thrones to focus on one big, bloody battle.

But we didn’t expect it to start in Meereen.

If you were one of the one of the fans who griped that the last two episodes were a bit slow, you certainly weren’t alone … fortunately showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss burned those complaints to the ground with dragons and fire bombs in the opening minutes of “Battle of the Bastards.”

Props to the show’s effects team for making the show’s most bonkers dragon action to date seem entirely believable.

And props to the writers for catching us off guard with the whole thing.

An elaborate con took place this week, as even the promotional material from this week’s episode only featured pics from the titular throwdown at Winterfell:

After some truly epic badassery from Daenerys and Tyrion, we move northwest to see if fans’ third favorite character can save his little half-bro and reclaim his boyhood home from the sadistic Ramsay Bolton.

Ramsay is just as ball-bustingly awful in his first meeting with Jon as you would guess, but Jon’s clash with Sansa in the war room is genuinely surprising.

We might feel confident that the good guys will prevail, but Sansa is clearly (and rightfully) less assured.

Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that Melisandre refuses Jon’s request to leave him dead this time.

The scene is effective in planting a seed of doubt in the viewers’ mind:

We were convinced that Jon Snow couldn’t be killed again for reasons of narrative repetition, but now that there’s more at stake, all bets are off.

Following a heart-wrenching scene that reminds us both of Davos’ affection for Stannis’ daughter and the disaster that ensued the last time he assisted a military campaign against Ramsay Bolton, the action makes a sudden shift back to Meereen.

The Greyjoys have arrived at the seat of Daenerys’ power, and both she and Tyrion are less than thrilled to see them.

(Tyrion’s callback to season 1 is the latest example of the writers bringing things full circle in preparation for the end.)

The agreement between House Targaryen and House Greyjoy represents a major plot development, but just as interestingly Daenerys outlines her vision for a better world in a speech that underscores the fact that the gap between good and evil is wider than ever in the world of GoT.

Another reminder that the show’s moral gray areas are beginning to take on tones of black and white comes in the next scene when Ramsay offs Rickon Stark in brutal fashion after teasing him (and his onlooking brother and sister) with the prospect of escape.

And with that, the long-awaited Bastard Bowl begins.

Right off the bat it’s as epic and bloody as we expected (Hand-to-hand combat on top of piles of dead bodies, anyone?).

What we didn’t expect is that the macabre sense of humor that the show brought to one of its grisliest battles to date.

Jon is often left awkwardly standing around with nothing to do; Ramsay stands back and watches the action like Little Lord Sadistic Fauntleroy; Wun Wun the giant awesomely takes out a headless horseman.

The visual gags come to an abrupt end, however, when the Bolton forces circle the Stark army in a well-shielded and rapidly closing phalanx.

Remember what we said earlier about the show drawing clear lines in the sand between good and evil?

Well, the most morally ambiguous man in Westeros has finally come down squarely on the side of good, as on Littlefinger’s command, the the army of the Vale swoops in to take out Ramsay’s troops just as they’re closing in on the Stark forces,

(Good thing Lord Baelish and company didn’t stop for coffee on the way, right?)

Ramsay acts every bit like the coward we always knew he was, fleeing from combat with Jon and then frantically loosing arrows when it seems he’s left with no choice.

Jon whups his ass, but lets Sansa finish the job in what may be the show’s most satisfying villain death to date.

And with the snarl of some dogs and the tearing of some human gristle, Sansa’s transformation into full-blown badass an Queen in the North is complete.

Long may she reign.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for the season six finale.

It may not be as pulse-pounding as this week’s installment, but it’ll be interesting to see how Weiss and Benioff wrap up all this season’s loose ends.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton: A Bastard Bowl Tale of the Tape

As longtime Game of Thrones fans know, the penultimate episode of any season can usually be counted on to deliver in the dramatic fireworks department, and Sunday night"s installment promises to be no different.

In fact, after two weeks of what often felt like place-setting episodes, the alliances are set, the sides have been chose, and "Battle of the Bastards" is poised to hit us with what sure to be one of the show"s most epic and game-changing clashes to date.

As usual, supposed spoilers abound in all corners of the Internet, but no one really knows what will happen when Jon Snow attempts to take back Winterfell from the demented Ramsay Bolton.

So here"s a quick rundown of what we can expect based on the books, the information released by HBO thus far, and the personal histories of two very different motherless warriors.

(As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you need to get caught up.)

We"ll start with the chief combatants:


1. Jon Snow

Jon snow battle of the bastards

The Bastard of Winterfell, the former Lord Commandor of the Night’s Watch, the Dashing Undead. His ex used to tell him he knew nothing, but after surviving battles like the ones we saw in “The Watchers on the Wall” and Hardhome” this revenant knows everything about waging war … especially on his home turf.

2. Ramsay Bolton

Ramsay bolton still awful

The Bastard of Bolton, the Flayer of Men, the Eater of Suggestive Sausages. Ramsay may not know Winterfell as well as Jon and Sansa (who grew up there), but he’s a proven military leader, and he certainly has the edge in the sadism department.

3. What Are the Odds?

Game of thrones battle scene

There’s no way both bastards are getting out of this thing alive. Vegas bookmakers are giving 1/3 odds that Ramsay will bite the dust. Jon, the clear favorite, is at 9/1. After all, this season started off with Jon as a corpse. They’re not gonna kill him off again THAT quickly.

4. How Big Are the Armies?

Wildling army

Ramsay has over 5,000 men, while Jon (with help from Sansa and Ser Davos) managed to round up a rag-tag bunch of just 2,000. But hey, we hear those 62 from Bear Island can fight like ten men!

5. What Happens if the Starks Win?

Jon snow glares

They recapture Winterfell, unseat Ramsay as Warden of the North and probably kill him. They free Rickon Stark and set set up shop in the castle Jon and Sansa grew up in as their new base of operations. We learned last week that Arya is also headed home to Winterfell, and you can that would be one tearjerker of a family reunion.

6. What’s at Stake?

Sansa stark at winterfell

Winterfeeeeeell! The Stark family home where Robert Baratheon asked Ned Stark to be the Hand of the King, and Jaime Lannister pushed Bran from a window so many years ago. Add to that the fact that Ramsay raped and tormented Sansa during their brief marriage and the fact that the Boltons are partially responsible for the Red Wedding, and you can see what sort of emotions are involved. In a way, the show has building to the Starks’ return to Winterfell ever since, so there’s definitely more than just a castle in play here.

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Donald Trump Eats Taco Bowl, Declares: I Love Hispanics!

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Just something to keep in mind as you scroll down and read about what his latest actions…

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Trump shared the above photo on Facebook last night, giving followers a look at his office in Trump Tower…

… along with a certain food item on the menu there.

“Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!” Trump wrote as a caption.

The Donald, of course, first made crazy headlines at the start of his campaign in July when he said some controversial things about Mexicans, such as how most of them are rapists and drug dealers.

But Trump likes to eat taco bowls apparently. 

So that makes everything okay!

(If you look closely at Trump’s desk, by the way, you can see a vintage photo of ex-wife Marla Maples in a bikini peeking out from a recent People Magazine story.)

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, was quick to respond to Trump’s Facebook post.

She took to Twitter and referenced an interview the billionaire real estate mogul gave to NBC News’ Lester Holt on Wednesday when the topic of undocumented immigrants came up.

HRC Response

Samantha Bee shared her own taco bowl picture and wrote in reply:

“The best taco bowls are made by immigrants who resent a rich prick calling them rapists. Love inauthentic Mexican!”

Then there was Josh Gad, who was among those who helped #Hispanics become the top trending item on Twitter Thursday afternoon.

“Now that Trump’s shown he loves #Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, I can’t wait for the inevitable Halal Cart “I love Muslims” Twitter post,” the actor and comedian Tweeted.

Also, on Instagram, George Lopez minced his feelings even less, writing to Trumo:

“After lunch you can take that thumb and shove it deep in your a– @realdonaldtrump #pelosforpresident I pray for IBS-D #ftp #mmlv #NoChillOnEarth.”

However, MSNBC host Ronan Farrow wins with his response to Trump’s taco bowl post:

Adviser: We have to talk about latinos.

Trump: Or do u mean

*holds up taco bowl*

TACO bout them?

Adviser: I need a photographer in here NOW

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Beyonce: I"m "Proud" of Super Bowl Performance

Love her or hate her, there"s no denying the impact that Beyonce had on Super Bowl 50.

If Peyton Manning received the most attention on Monday morning for winning his second Lombardi Trophy, then Beyonce received the second most.

And it was awfully close.

Beyonce, after all, performed a new song, paid homage to the Black Panthers and generally dominated a halftime show that also included Coldplay and Bruno Mars.

The routine was mostly met by VERY positive reviews, except from a certain former New York City Mayor who took major exception to Beyonce"s political motives.

But how did Beyonce herself feel about her performance?

"It [made] me proud," Beyonce tells Entertainment Tonight"s Kevin Frazier in the following video after caught up with the artist at Levi"s Stadium in Santa Clara, California on Sunday, not long after halftime ended.

The music video for Formation involved references to Hurricane Katrina and the Black Lives Matter movement.

"I wanted people to feel proud," Beyonce said of the new single. "And have love for themselves."

That"s a pretty good message, wouldn"t you say?

Check out the footage below to see how Beyonce feels about Coldplay and react: did you enjoy her halftime performance?

Beyonce im proud of super bowl performance

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl 50 Trailers: Which Blockbuster Looks Best?

Let"s face it, Super Bowl 50 featured some pretty boring football

It also featured some mostly mediocre commercials.

But it also featured some rather awesome movie trailers!

There"s the return of Jason Bourne! There"s Iron Man! And Captain America! And they"re fighting!

1. Jason Bourne Trailer

Jason bourne trailer

Jason Bourne will bring Matt Damon back as the title hero… and we cannot wait!!! Watch the official trailer now.

2. Deadpool Super Bowl Trailer

Deadpool super bowl trailer

Ryan Reynolds is ready to star as Deadpool. Take a look at the trailer tha aired during Super Bowl 50.

3. Independence Day: Resurgence Super Bowl Trailer

Independence day resurgence super bowl trailer

We can’t believe Independence Day: Resurgence is actually coming to theaters. Oh, and we can’t wait for it.

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Trailer

Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2 trailer

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back! Check out the official trailer here for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2!

5. The Jungle Book Trailer

The jungle book trailer

This is our first look at The Jungle Book. This trailer aired during Super Bowl 50.

6. Captain America: Civil War Trailer

Captain america civil war trailer

It’s safe to say we’re a tad bit excited for Captain America: Civil War. Check out the Super Bowl 50 trailer here.

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Super Bowl 50: Hot Refs, Scary Monkeys and More!

Super Bowl 50 sucked.

The Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers by compiling under 200 yards of total offense and converting one third downs all game.

It was a sloppy, boring game that didn’t feature a touchdown from farther than two yards away.

But there were at least a few things that saved the Super Bowl, as an event, from being a total letdown.

And one of those things was Clete Blakeman.

The well-chiseled referee made a variety of calls on the field, but those were nothing compared to the phone calls going around from female viewer to another, each asking the same thing:

Who is Clete Blakeman? And is he single?!?

Speaking of hot men…


Sorry. But we’re a tad bit excited. And we think you will be, too, after seeing the Jason Bourne trailer that debuted during the big game:

Prior to kickoff, of course, Lady Gaga blew us away with a national anthem that actually had people comparing it to the iconic Whitney Houston version from 1991.

How could they?

This is how they could:

Gaga was not the only superstar to take to the stage, of course.

Halftime featured Chris Martin and Coldplay, but let’s be serious: it really featured Beyonce.

She was the real winner on Sunday, honoring Michael Jackson and the Black Panthers and putting all entertainers to shame:

Not that Bruno Mars couldn’t hold his own.

Did you ever think you’d see a Bruno Mars-Beyonce dance-off? Watch the Super Bowl 50 halftime performance below and be left in awe:

Finally, Mountain Dew gave viewers more nightmares than Von Miller gave Cam Newton, introducing the world to a puppy monkey baby for some reason.

We’ll never get this image out of our heads:

What was YOUR favorite Super Bowl 50 commercial and/or musical act? Weigh in below!

Super Bowl 50 Commercials: Best of the Bunch!

Who really cared about the Carolina Panthers versus the Denver Broncos?

Super Bowl 50 pitted Heinz against Hyundai and Budweiser against Skittles, while also introducing us to this puppy monkey baby who is still haunting our dreams.

Which companies came out in top in the all-important commercial game?

Click through a handful of the best and worst and most controversial ads below and weigh in on your favorites…

1. HEINZ Ketchup Super Bowl 50 Commercial

Heinz ketchup super bowl 50 commercial

HEINZ wins! You must see this dog-based commercial it will air during Super Bowl 50.

2. Drake Super Bowl Commercial Parodies "Hotline Bling"

Drake super bowl commercial parodies hotline bling

Drake stars in this genius new ad for T-Mobile. Watch the artist mock his own “Hotline Bling” music video.

3. The Bud Light Party Super Bowl Commercial

The bud light party super bowl commercial

Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen anchor this Bud Light Super Bowl commercial. Check it out now!

4. Kevin Hart Super Bowl Commercial

Kevin hart super bowl commercial

Kevin Hart stars in this Super Bowl commercial for Hyundai. It makes it clear just what length dads will go to protect their daughters.

5. Shock Top Super Bowl Commercial

Shock top super bowl commercial

It’s time for some honest talk with T.J. Miller. He stars in this Shock Top Super Bowl commercial.

6. Budweiser Super Bowl 50 Commercial

Budweiser super bowl 50 commercial

Helen Mirren for Budweiser?!? We did not see this Super Bowl 50 commercial coming!

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11 GIFs That Prove Beyonce Won Super Bowl 50

Who runs the world? Girls!

Actually… one girl in particular.

With all due respect to the Denver Broncos, who supposedly came out on top of the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50 despite compiling fewer than 200 total yards on offense, there was one clear winner on Sunday night.

And it was not Peyton Manning. 

It was Beyonce Knowles.

Not only did she simply own the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, she managed to pay tribute to Michael Jackson during her performance and then announce a world tour immediately afterward.

Seriously, did you have more fun watching Manning hand off all night or Beyonce flip her hair while dancing around to her new single, "Formation?"

We rest of our case. And we"ll now let these Beyonce halftime GIFs speak for themselves…

1. A Tribute to Michael Jackson

A tribute to michael jackson

Check out Beyonce’s outfit at Super Bowl 50. This was a tribute to the King of Pop himself.

2. Beyonce On Fire

Beyonce on fire

Beyonce was literally on fire while performing “Formation” during halftime of Super Bowl 50. Sort of literally, that is.

3. Formation Domination

Formation domination

Just bow down to Beyonce, people. Bow all the way down, please.

4. The Queen Smiles

The queen smiles

We don’t really care what the scoreboard said. Sorry, Denver. But Beyonce won Super Bowl 50.

5. The Hair Flip

The hair flip

It’s as famous as nearly any song she sings. Check out the Beyonce hair flip here!

6. Simply the Greatest

Simply the greatest

We heard that Coldplay and Bruno Mars also performed at halftime. Who knew?!?!?!?!?

View Slideshow

Super Bowl Babies Commercial: Cute... Or REALLY Creepy?

Super Bowl 50 featured plenty of weird commercials, from a Doritos depicting a premature birth to Mountain Dew introducing viewers to a puppy monkey baby.

But the most disturbing ad may have come from the NFL itself.

It starred Seal and a bunch of kids show were supposedly created the night of the Super Bowl because fans of the winning team were so excited that they just had to have sex

Unprotected sex, that is.

Despite having just consumed gallons of beer and chicken wings over the previous four-plus hours.

The league claims it did research and determined that many babies really are born nine months after the date of the Super Bowl, but it"s hard to believe anything the NFL says these days.

Moreover, Valentine"s Day always takes place within a week or two of the big game.

So can the NFL really claim responsibility for these children and this love making over the most romantic date on the entire calendar?

Something is fishy here, and that"s before we even get to the fact that the National Football League aired a commercial that featured kids singing about their parents having sexual intercourse.

Watch it here. Compare it to to other Super Bowl 50 commercials. And then react:

Is this ad cute? Or really, really, really, REALLY creepy?

Super bowl babies commercial cute or really creepy

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show: Grade It!

Say this about Super Bowl 50: it successfully lowered the bar on our expectations for its halftime show.

Unlike past halftime performers such as Madonna, Katy Perry and Bruno Mars, Coldplay isn’t exactly known for bringing the house down with any loud, raucous, dance-filled anthems.

So… did Chris Martin and company surprise viewers with their set of Super Bowl songs?

Or was this halftime performance more boring than the wishbone offense?

Well… Coldplay didn’t exactly blow us away. They’re a perfectly acceptable band that plays perfectly chill music. But that isn’t exactly what the Super Bowl stage is for.

But then Bruno Mars showed up! And he sang Uptown Funk! And of course it was amazing!

And then Beyonce showed up! And she sang her new song Formation!

And then she stared down Mars and the two danced together to Uptown Funk! And it was awesome!

Martin was then brought back in to sing a tribute to the previous 49 Super Bowl halftime performers, belting out a medley of their tracks while viewers watched highlights from those performances.

And that was pretty darn cool.

So this wasn’t really a Coldplay halftime show.

It was a Chris Martin, Beyonce, and Bruno Mars halftime show, with the latter two artists doing their crazy talented and entertaining thing and Martin chiming in on the piano to honor those who came before him.

And it all worked out pretty well in the end.

Do you agree? Did it seem sort of like Chris Martin had been given a wish by the Make-A-Wish Foundation to join two of the world’s best performers on the world’s grandest stage?

Chime in below.


Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Hang Out Before Super Bowl: She Loves His Friends!

Whether Justin Bieber is officially dating Hailey Baldwin or not, he sure is doing his best to make us think he is.

The pair spent some time together this weekend hanging out in San Francisco before Super Bowl 50, and the Biebs Instagrammed a pic of him and his pals hanging out with his lady friend.

“She loving the crew,” he wrote in the caption.

Now, in the relationship world, bringing your new flame around to hang with the squad is kind of a big deal. And the fact that she likes them is a very good sign for their relationship. 

Justin in particular seems to place a good deal of importance on this factor.

In the lyrics for his new hit “Love Yourself,” he goes off on an ex (who it is, he doesn’t say) for numerous reasons, one being that she didn’t get along with his buddies:

“And when you told me that you hated my friends… The only problem was with you and not them.”

Neither Justin or Hailey have confirmed a romantic relationship publicly, but the two are said to be longtime friends.

However, the two took a tropical vacation together earlier this year and the singer has been posting quite a few pics of her over the past couple months, including one of them in a lip lock on New Year’s Eve.

What’s the story, Biebs? Are you and Hailey actually a thing? Or are you just trying to make Kourtney Kardashian jealous?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lil Wayne Super Bowl Commercial: Is This Racist?

Lil Wayne and Jeff Goldblum will star in a commercial set to air during Super Bowl 50 that people are not reacting to in the same way as they are reacting to Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen promoting Bud Light.

Viewers are finding the latter ad to be funny.

But some are finding the latter to be racist.

A commercial for, the footage is set to The Jeffersons" famous theme song, "Movin on Up."

It features Goldblum as a “Silicon Valley Maverick” who is sitting on top of a grand piano as he rises higher and higher along the skyline, making his way to a deluxe apartment.

Once he reached the top of the building, Goldblum comes across George Washington and Lil Wayne, the latter of whom tells Goldblum"s character he"s "flame-broilin" some burgers" for the big game.

No big deal, right? Weird, but maybe sort of funny?

Not according to those who have labeled it as "low-key racist," per TMZ, because it implies that Lil Wayne is George Washington"s slave.

A source close to the rapper, however, tells the site that the commercial is "meant to be funny and not the least bit offensive."

In short, "people need to calm down," this insider adds.

Watch it below for yourself and then compare it to other Super Bowl 50 commercials:

Lil wayne super bowl commercial

Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen Form Bud Light Party for Super Bowl 50

Donald Trump may be entertaining the nation, but most folks aren’t enthralled at the moment with the candidates for President offered up by both Democrats and Republicans.

Fortunately, Bud Light is here to help.

Why limit yourself to being a member of one of these two parties when there’s a third party ready to welcome you with open arms?

And an ice cold beverage?

In an ad that will make its television debut this Sunday during Super Bowl 50, Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer team up to form the Bud Light Party.

They argue that this is not a country divided because everyone loves Paul Rudd (which is totally true), while telling the world that nothing brings people together such as beer.

Rogen then states:

“That’s why we’re forming the Bud Light party. Just wait until you see our caucus. We’ve got the biggest caucus in the county!”

This prompts Schumer to clarify:

“But it’s not, like, too big. Like, you can handle it.”

Why do we think they aren’t actually talking about a gathering of voters here?

Anyway, the commercial is funny. That’s the point. It’s also relevant, with 2016 being an election year for President.

Check it out above and then get an early look below at other commercials set to air during Super Bowl 50:

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Lady Gaga to Sing National Anthem Before Super Bowl 50

Lady Gaga ended 2015 on quite a high note, winning rave reviews – along with a Golden Globe – for her role on American Horror Story: Hotel.

And now the singer’s 2016 is off to an impressive start as well.

She will sing the national anthem this Sunday in Santa Clara, prior to Super Bowl 50 between the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos.

Academy Award-winning actress Marlee Matlin, meanwhile, will perform in American Sign Language during this rendition of the country’s theme song.

With this honor, Lady Gaga joins an impressive rundown of artists who have opened the most-watched sporting event on the planet with a nod to their nation.

Idina Menzel did the honors in 2015, while past stars who have belted out the track at the Super Bowl have included Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson and Carrie Underwood. 

We wish, of course, that Lady Gaga was instead performing at halftime of the game.

Instead, viewers and attendees will be subjected to Coldplay, although the band is at least expected to include such guests as Beyonce in its halftime set.

Drake Mocks "Hotline Bling" in T-Mobile Super Bowl Ad

Drake and his turtleneck will both play a key role at Super Bowl 50.

T-Mobile has given fans an early look at its upcoming commercial for the big game, one that features Drake poking fun at his very own music video.

You know the one; the one for "Hotline Bling" that features Drake dancing around in a decidedly UNcool manner.

In the following footage, Drake is recreating that video, only for a T-Mobile executive to yell "Cut!" and offer up a note:

“When you say ‘call me on my cell phone," just add ‘device eligible for upgrade after 24 months,"” the man in the suit says.

"Genius!" Drake replies.

Another executive then chimes in with: "Also, you need to include that streaming music will include data charges."

“Fantastic idea!” Drake says, with a giant happy smile on his face. “These changes don’t ruin the song at all!”

We then see more of Drake"s awkward old man dancing and, we must say, this is pretty awesome all around.

It"s the perfect mix of product and spokesman, and it gives us a look at a self-deprecating, totally self-aware Drake.

Well done all around.

Allow us to go add this video to our collection of favorite Super Bowl commercials.

Drake super bowl commercial parodies hotline bling

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Coldplay to Perform at Halftime of Super Bowl 50

The NFL will celebrate an epic milestone on February 7, 2016.

And it will do so with an epically boring selection of halftime performers.

According to Us Weekly insiders, the league has chosen Coldplay to take to the stage midway through Super Bowl 50 next year.

The British rock band – which consists of Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland and Will Champion – is an unexpected choice, considering their song catalog is not exactly filled with up-tempo jams.

The magazine does add that Bruno Mars (who kicked serious booty in 2013 at the Super Bowl) will also be involved in the show in some way, shape or form; as will other “friends of the group.”

Despite previous reports, neither Maroon 5 nor Taylor Swift will take part in the show.

What do you think? Are you excited for Coldplay to perform at Super Bowl 50?

Recent Super Bowl halftime acts have included Katy Perry, Mars, Madonna, and Beyonce, who recently collaborated with Coldplay for the song “Hymn for the Weekend.”

So maybe she’ll make a cameo!

Or Gwyneth Paltrow!

A website can hope, can’t it? Anything to make this uninspired selection a little more… inspired.

Coldplay’s seventh and allegedly finale studio album, A Head Full of Dreams, just went on sale this past Friday.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Kanye West -- Rough Ride at Hollywood Bowl (VIDEO)



Kanye got a refresher course in the value of rehearsals Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, when things didn’t go according to plan.

Kanye kicked off the first of a 2-night stand at the famed venue, where he performed all his songs from “808’s and Heartbreak.”

The first half of the show was flawless, but the Gremlins burrowed their way in as the show went on. The tracks were out of sync with Kanye, and at one point (see video) Kanye orders the music to stop.

We’re told Kim’s hubby was late for rehearsal Thursday and because of noise restrictions when he finally arrived they sent him home.

Kanye made a passing reference to the problem, when he said Friday night, “This is the best dress rehearsal I’ve ever had.”
