Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2018

Josh Duggar Returns to Social Media, Gets Torn Apart By Fans

Over the weekend, Josh Duggar’s son Marcus celebrated his fifth birthday.

Normally, Josh keeps a pretty low profile on social media, but he decided to make an appearance on Facebook in order to celebrate Marcus’ big day.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

The above photo appeared on the Duggars’ official Facebook page on Saturday, along with the following caption:

“Happy birthday to our sweet grandson, Marcus!” Josh’s parents wrote.

“We love your sweet, precious spirit, Marcus! You are growing up so fast and learning new things each and everyday! We love you and love watching you grow in the knowledge of the Lord.”

Josh made a tentative return to social media last week, but it seems his intention then was to quietly steal money from fans.

This is the first time in quite a long time that fans have seen a new photo of Josh.

It’s also the first confirmation in several months that — despite rumors of Anna leaving Josh — the family of seven is very much intact.

Some Duggar followers didn’t take the news so well:

“Josh should be castrated!” wrote one fan, adding:

“Those poor little girls are at risk for being prey to their own father! The plot to cover for this monster was a very Christian thing to do!”

“Ugh that josh tho,” commented another Facebook user.

Those sentiments were widely echoed, and the memory of Josh’s sexual misconduct clearly remains fresh for many.

And those folks remain thoroughly disgusted by his actions.

But as In Touch Weekly points out, a surprising number of fans are calling for forgiveness for Josh:

“A story of God’s love and restoration. Too bad others have such a difficult time forgiving. God bless this family,” one fan wrote.

“It’s so nice to see a photo of Anna, Josh and their beautiful family. Anna doesn’t post too often on Instagram,” remarked another.

Yes, it may be hard to believe, but there are folks out there who are fervently Team Josh.

We don’t know what’s more bizarre — that some people are so quick to forgive such shocking abuse, or that they’re eager to advertise their loyalty to Josh on Facebook.

In either case, it seems the eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle won’t be going away anytime soon.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Brian McKnight Says Fans Shouldn"t Let George Hill Off the Hook For Cavs Loss

Brian McKnight is reminding the world that J.R. Smith isn’t traveling alone on the screw-up train … telling TMZ Sports George Hill deserves just as much blame for the Cavs’ loss. You already know the play by now … but McKnight says Hill’s…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Bachelor Party Details Leave Fans STUNNED!

It’s not unusual for the Duggar family to go to great lengths to keep the details of an upcoming wedding under wraps.

After all, there are tens of thousands of obsessive fans who would probably love to crash the party, and with 900 or so guests in attendance, it might be quite some time before anyone noticed the interloper in their midst.

But the level of secrecy surrounding Josiah Duggar’s upcoming nuptials hasn’t been seen before — and fans are beginning to wonder what the young couple has to hide.

Josiah got engaged to Lauren Swanson back in March, and the couple was originally scheduled for a June wedding.

As we’ve learned from Josiah’s older siblings, Duggar courtships generally move very fast, 

After all, in the Duggars’ world, time that’s not spent procreating is time that’s been wasted.

The planning process was underway and Josiah and Lauren were reportedly very eager to tie the knot.

Then something very unexpected happened …

Josiah and Lauren postponed their wedding, pushing it all the way back to New Year’s Eve.

Yes, without warning or explanation, the couple decided to delay the wedding by six months.

For context, Duggar couples usually meet, court, and get married in less than six months.

The situation has fans particularly concerned, as unlike his siblings, Josiah has courted before.

The 21-year-old was briefly in a relationship with Marjorie Jackson, but they quietly went their separate ways, making Josiah the first Duggar of his generation to enter a courtship that didn’t end in marriage.

Is this a case of history repeating itself, or did Josiah and Lauren mutually decide to push their wedding date back?

At this point, it seems to be the latter, as pre-wedding festivities that were planned before the postponement are currently underway.

Yes, as In Touch Weekly reports, Josiah’s bachelor party took place last week, and the event was not what fans expected.

For one thing, a Duggar was permitted to have a bachelor party, proving once again that Josiah is the family rebel.

On top of that, the party was a massive affair, complete with some of the Duggar’s famous friends in attendance.

Lawson Bates hung out with Anna Duggar, and fans suspect the rest of the Bates family was there, as well.

Needless to say, this wasn’t your typical bachelor party.

Children were in attendance, and it was a very family-friendly affair — but that should go without saying when you’re talking about the Duggar clan.

Of course, the odd timing and the massive guest list have left fans wondering if this was really a bachelor party … or something else entirely.

After all, who holds a bachelor party seven whole months before the wedding?

Rumors are already circulating that Josiah and Lauren used the occasion to announce to their assembled family and friends that they’ve decided not to get married, but that seems like a stretch.

Josiah may be the family rebel — but there’s only so much Jim Bob will tolerate.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

David Arquette Is Coming Back To Wrestling To Get Fans" Respect

David Arquette is fed up with you damn haters, and tells TMZ Sports he’s coming back to pro wrestling to shut up everyone who’s been dissing his foray into the squared circle 20 years ago. You might not remember … but David was once WCW…


Josh Duggar: Using Fake Names to Scam Fans Out of Money?!

Back in 2015, news of the Josh Duggar sex scandals shook fans to their core and threatened to bring an end to the Duggar family’s media empire.

Remarkably, three years later, life has pretty much returned to normal for the Duggars — with the notable exception of Josh, of course.

While his parents and siblings made a rather smooth transition back to the spotlight, Josh remains exiled from both fans and his family.

Currently, Josh works on a used car lot owned by his father, and he lives several miles away from the neighborhood in Tontitown, Arkansas that most of them call home.

Of course, the clearest indicator of the rift between the former lobbyist and the rest of his family might be that Josh no longer worships at the Duggar family church.

Josh is reportedly in dire financial straits, as he attempts to raise five children on a car lot attendant’s salary and with little financial help from his wealthy family.

But that’s just one of the reasons that fans are wary of Josh’s latest “fundraising” efforts.

Josh returned to Facebook this week with little fanfare, and he’s apparently on a mission.

Thus far, Josh’s activity on the site has been extremely limited:

As In Touch Weekly points out, he changed his profile picture to a photo of his son Matthew — and he announced that he’ll be raising money for two family friends who were involved in a car accident.

Of course, this is Josh Duggar we’re talking about, so it wasn’t long before fans noticed something deeply suspicious about his philanthropic efforts.

As one Facebook user quickly pointed out, the fundraiser that Josh is encouraging fans to contribute to was apparently started by someone named Janie Williams.

The only problem there is the fact that Janie doesn’t appear to be a real person.

“Both names are listed on the GoFundMe as running the campaign,” the fan wrote on Facebook. 

“When I click on Janie’s name, it led me to Josh’s profile,” she continued.

“I can see Josh using the common [names] Janie/Joe and common last [names] Williams/Smith to try [and] hide. I [don’t see] a Janie Williams listed as a friend on Josh’s page.”

Yes, it appears that Josh has constructed yet another alias for himself.

In the past, he’s been caught using the name Joe Smithson on social media.

And of course, there was the fake Ashley Madison profile that Josh used to try and cheat on his wife.

So what exactly is going on here?

Well, it’s tough to say, but the Duggars have a long history of begging fans for money under suspicious pretenses.

Now, it looks like Josh is attempting to supplement his meager income with a little light fraud.

All in a day’s work for one of the shadiest figures west of the Mississippi.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Says Yankee Fans Booed Him Cause They Love Him

Rudy Giuliani says his feelings aren’t at all hurt he got BOOED ON HIS BIRTHDAY in Yankee stadium … telling TMZ Sports the boo birds are a sign of affection in the Big Apple. “I know Yankee fans … they boo you when they love you,” the former…


Kenya Moore Deletes Baby Bump Photo as Fans Question Her Pregnancy

As much as Kenya Moore has slammed divorce speculation, some fans still think that Kenya is faking her marriage and her pregnancy.

These ridiculous rumors are clearly getting under Kenya’s skin.

In fact, the RHOA star was apparently so upset that she deleted a sweet photo of her and her husband … possibly because he wasn’t wearing his ring.

The photo that we have for you below looks totally innocuous.

But Kendra has deleted it from her Instagram page without warning or explanation.

In it, she and husband Marc Daly are enjoying a relaxing evening of golf.

Some fans noted that Kenya appears to be showing a bit of a baby bump. Others noted that she appears to be concealing it.

There was some whining in the comments about Marc’s wedding ring being off of his finger — he removed it to play golf, folks.

There is nothing in this image that should lead to it being deleted from social media, and yet … it is gone.

On Friday, Kenya addressed the conspiracy theorists who seemed to believe that she was fabricating her pregnancy or even her marriage.

“@bet @celebrity_insider_org @theinquisitr shame on you for constantly regurgitating the slanderous fake news from #radaronline.”

She then lists some of the stories that have gotten under her skin.

“Fake Husband, Fake Pregnancy, Fake Boyfriends, Fake Storyline, FIred, Fake Divorce.”

She hates false stories and she hates seeing them recycled.

“At least be effing original with your hateful lies.”

She says that she understands being a subject of speculation, but that she wants her family left out of it.

“I’m used to you all making up stories to get clicks off my name but LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE.”

She signed off, writing:

“#thatamrsdaly2you #blacklove”

Forget the conspiracy theories. Kenya is pregnant, folks.

Some fans weren’t sure if she was really pregnant when she made the announcement at the reunion.

“We will definitely be welcoming a boy or girl in late this year.”

When Andy asked about her due date, Kenya grew a little shy.

“Well, I don’t want to talk about the details because I’m just still — I’m just still very nervous about everything.”

This will be her first child. Notably, Kenya is 47 years old.

“And I just want to get past a safe place.”

Very understandable.

Fans have been on the lookout for Kenya’s baby bump for a while, without much luck — she’s been, well, a little shy.

This has led to all sorts of speculation, including the idea that perhaps she is using a surrogate.

Kenya saw that and responded on Twitter.

“No surrogate but maybe my next one.”

Surrogates — or probably a gestational carrier, in this case — are a smart, though expensive, choice for people whose pregnancies may be particularly risky.

When fans asked why she is being so shy, Kenya wrote on Instagram:

“I was not planning on speaking about my pregnancy this early as due to my age I’m high risk.”

She hastily deleted the comment.

Does Kenya deleting the golfing photo mean that there’s trouble in her marriage or with her pregnancy?

We can’t rule it out, but … there may be a simpler explanation.

Maybe she got tired of seeing all of the hateful comments and the spiteful speculation about her husband and her pregnancy — two major sources of happiness in her life.

She may be a public figure and a reality star, but that doesn’t mean that she has to listen to people’s chatter about her on her own Instagram page.

Right now, Kenya has to do what’s best for her health and for her baby. She can delete whatever she wants.


NOFX Makes Tasteless Joke About Vegas Massacre and Country Fans

NOFX crossed the line in a big way Sunday in Vegas, when they made a crack about the Vegas shooting, saying the silver lining was that the people killed were country fans and not punk fans. The band was playing the Punk Rock Bowling & Music…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Duggar Family: Response to Arkansas Abortion Law Stuns Fans

Earlier today, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion law to go into effect.

The justices declined to hear an appeal against the Arkansas law, which would severely limit the ability of doctors to provide medication-induced abortions to their patients.

The law has been the subject of intense debate on social media, and many are wondering what the state’s most famous abortion opponents have to say.

But surprisingly, thus far, the Duggars have been silent on the matter.

Yes, despite previously comparing abortion to the Holocaust and spearheading fundraising efforts for anti-choice protesters, not one of the Duggars has commented on today’s developments.

The silence, of course, speaks volumes, and both fans and critics alike are wondering when and how the family will finally make a statement.

The Duggars have a long history of political engagement, and they’ve gone on record as saying they won’t be satisfied until abortion is prohibited on a federal level.

So while they likely don’t view today’s ruling as a total victory, they almost certainly see it as a major step in the right direction.

Most surprising of all is the fact that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, has not yet spoken out on the matter.

Dillard’s controversial political views have made him a divisive figure in recent months.

In November of 2017, Dillard was fired from the Duggar’s reality show, Counting On, after making statements that many construed as transphobic on Twitter.

Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and Derick’s views have lurched even more to the far-right in the time since his business relationship with TLC came to an abrupt end.

It was widely expected that Derick would have much to say about today’s events, but thus far, he’s keeping his views to himself.

In the meantime, others are making their voices heard on the matter.

“Arkansas is now shamefully responsible for being the first state to ban medication abortion,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement issued this afternoon.

“This dangerous law also immediately ends access to safe, legal abortion at all but one health center in the state. If that’s not an undue burden, what is?” she added.

“This law cannot and must not stand. We will not stop fighting for every person’s right to access safe, legal abortion.”

Laguens points out that if the law is permitted to take effect, two of the three facilities that perform abortions in Arkansas would likely be forced to close.

On the other side of the political spectrum is Family Council Executive Director Jerry Cox, who issued a statement in support of the law:

“This is very good news for people who care about the safety of women in Arkansas,” Cox said adding:

“This is a pro-life victory not only for the women of Arkansas, but for women across the nation. I’m sure other states will be looking at Arkansas and considering following our example.”

Today’s development comes on the heels of attempts by Arkansas lawmakers to institute a ban on abortions after the 12-week mark of a pregnancy.

That effort was blocked by a federal appeals court.

We’ll continue to be on the lookout for the official Duggar response to today’s appeal rejection.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Her Fans: How DARE You Give Me Advice?!

Khloe Kardashian, who has been observed over the years as someone who becomes angry if others do not take her advice, does not want to hear your life advice.

She reportedly plans to stay with Tristan Thompson for one more month … but fans and others who care about her don’t think that’s soon enough.

If you’re one of the people who’s tweeted at her to dump that cheater, she wants you, personally, to f–k off.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Khloe tweeted:

“People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being.”

First of all, talk about not focusing on others sounds kind of funny coming from Khloe, whose current TV series is Revenge Body

Second of all, it does sound like she’s subtweeting at Tristan. Was he blaming his various mistresses?

But Khloe makes it clear that she’s not talking about Tristan. She’s talking about … almost everyone else.

“People these days are focused so much on someone else’s life instead of their own.”

Khloe, honey, that is exactly why you have a reality career. That’s … the entire concept of reality stars and celebrities.

Khloe continues, and speaks about unnamed persons who seem happy to give suggestionst that they themselves do not follow.

“They love to give advice but are not living the advice that they are offering.”

We have a theory about what Khloe may mean by that … we’ll get to it in a moment.

“Most of the ones giving advice are in no place to give anything at all.”

Like we said, our theory is below.

“Focus on your own world.”

She says that no one is perfect.

“I’m sure there’s cracks there that need your attention.”

She says that everyone has their own issues, which she apparently thinks that they need to fix before helping someone else.

“We all got em.”

After essentially stating that only people who are perfect are allowed to give people advice, Khloe suggest that the people giving her advice are perhaps just trying to sabotage her happiness.

“Misery loves company…”

If she’s happy being in a relationship with a serial cheater, perhaps she resents anyone who tries to talk sense into her.

“People can’t stand for someone else to flourish and be happy.”

That’s … not necessarily true.

“Nowadays people thrive off ones downfall rather than their success. Sadly.”

A downfall is more interesting than success, to be sure. But we don’t know that thrive is the right word.

Khloe continued, suggesting that everyone’s assumptions might be missing the mark.

“Wild that people assume you’re speaking about something and they run with it.”

She marvels that vague tweets seen by millions of people could somehow be misinterpreted.

“Anything and everything gets twisted into something it’s completely not.”

She then threatens to go on Twitter hiatus again.

“Lord, I’m remembering how much I loved my social media break.”

The idea of that apparently brings her a lot of amusement.


Does Khloe hate her fans?

Khloe did share a positive message on Instagram over the weekend, saying:

“If all girls were taught how to love each other fiercely instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, what a different and beautiful world we would live in.”

That’s very nice.

So, we said that we have a theory about Khloe’s line about others giving her advice but not taking it.

Khloe’s mistake right now is that she’s standing by her man even though he’s done bad things that have humiliated her.

Can we think of anyone else who is making a similar mistake right now but also believes that Khloe should leave Tristan?

Kim Kardashian is standing up for Kanye no matter what stupid things he says.

But Kim and Tristan have unfollowed each other on Instagram. It’s probably safe to say that Kim thinks that Khloe should dump Tristan’s cheating ass (or whichever cheating body part).

But Kim doesn’t have to have common sense about her own marriage to see when Khloe’s making a mistake. She, and Khloe’s fans, just want to see Khloe live her best life.

And they can’t imagine that it’s possible with Tristan holding her back from true happiness.


Taylor Swift: Interviewer Tells Her She Needs to Shower and Fans Go OFF!

Last week, Taylor Swift was dancing to her own music at the BMAs while sandwiched between Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello.

A week later, she performs in a hot, humid arena … and her interviewer immediately tells her that she needs to take a shower.

You can see that exchange in the video below. Yikes.

Taylor swift sweaty interview 01

Taylor Swift had just dazzled a crowd of 26,000 at the BBC’s Biggest Weekend in Swansea.

BBC radio deejay Greg James did not sound so impressed.

Speaking to her on camera, he said:

"It"s nice to see you. I think you need to have a shower now."

It was hot and very humid.

Sometimes, when men talk to women about showering, it"s creepy and overtly sexual.

This wasn"t that, thankfully.

But many believed that it was rude.

Taylor dances

Taylor, however, doesn"t seem to object.

"I agree," she says.

"And I"m not offended that you said that," she adds.

Well, Maleficent also said that she was not offended, and we all know how that ended.

Taylor explains exactly why she"s write, gesturing to her face and hair.

"There"s a lot going on, and none of it"s good, here."

She still looks great, to be honest.

Taylor swift sweaty interview 02

Fans did not take it as well as Taylor did.

They tweeted their disappointment and their outrage.

"Taylor Swift has her first recorded interview after years of not doing them and she"s told that she needs a shower … "

"I can’t not believe someone had the audacity to tell Taylor Swift to take a shower in her first interview in 2 years.THE NERVE"

Diehard Taylor fans have been sorely missing her during her absence from the spotlight after many listeners and even fans decided to forsake their admiration for her because it was no longer fashionable.

Part of that was from overexposure. Part of that was through some shadiness by Kim Kardashian.

(Of course, as Kim Kardashian"s recent feud with Rhymefest suggests, Kim will go out of her way to destroy anyone who she thinks is a threat to Kanye, even if she isn"t necessarily justified)

Fans are disappointed to see Taylor return to the spotlight to face apparent rudeness from an interviewer.

Taylor swift in phoenix

Greg James joked about the Twitter backlash, tweeting:

"If anyone’s got a video of a cow that gets excited when it sees the Queen, now would be a good time to tweet it."

In other words, he was joking that a harmlessly but viral distraction would be welcome.

However, James also suggests that things are fine between him and Taylor.

When someone tweeted about how James and Taylor go way back, a mourning fan wrote: "Hope you"re right cuz we may have to go another 2 years without another live interview."

James responded:

"She really is right. TS has a great sense of humour and we have known each other for ages and had a good catch up after the interview. It’s all cool."

They really have known each other for years.

"It was hot up there. I almost said we should both go for a shower but after this reaction I’m glad I didn’t! X"

Oh. That self-censorship was definitely the right move.

Taylor swift sweaty interview 03

It is, unfortunately, very natural to fear the worst. It"s also a good and healthy instinct to want to defend someone you admire.

Especially when that person has been besieged by haters who should really know better.

In real life, it"s not super polite to tell someone that they need a shower.

(In general, a good rule is to not comment on something that needs to be changed about someone"s appearance unless they can fix it in five minutes. Food in their teeth? Sure. Bad haircut? Not your business)

But when people know each other, there"s a different dynamic.

If Taylor were angry with Greg James, she"d probably let us all know.

Taylor swift interviewer tells her she needs to shower and fans

Friday, May 25, 2018

Jill Duggar: Dragged By Fans For Pretending Derick Dillard Has a Job!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show, Counting On.

His wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show shortly thereafter as a gesture of solidarity.

For a time, the Dillards were without a source of income, which would be a problem for anyone, but was especially daunting in this case, as the couple is raising two young sons.

Recently, Jill launched a midwife service, but business has reportedly been slow, both due to concerns about her licensure and ongoing issues with her family’s reputation.

Meanwhile, Derick seems to be devoting most of his ample free time to spewing his political opinions on Twitter.

Naturally, fans and critics alike have been quick to encourage him to get a job, but it seems that’s the one issue that Derick has no interest in arguing about with strangers.

In fact, it seems he’ll do whatever it takes to avoid the subject of his lack of employment, so you can imagine our surprise when Jill addressed the issue for him:

This week, Jill posted the above photo, taken at her local polling place — and she raised quite a few eyebrows with the caption.

“We just voted! Teaching ‘em young the privilege of letting your voice be heard…and took both boys with me since Derick was at work. lol,” she captioned the pic.

On top of the usual comments about the Josh Duggar sex scandals and concerns over whether little Samuel is the right size for his car seat, lots of fans wanted to know exactly what sort of “work” Derick was engaged in.

Last we checked, the 29-year-old was unemployed and seemed to have no interest in changing that condition.

And as Jill’s followers were quick to point out, it’s not like D-Dill is the type to keep his accomplishments to himself.

“Does he work at Twitter?” joked one fan.

“‘Work’ and an actual job may be different things at the Dillard house,” quipped another.

“Haha. ‘Derick is at work.’ That cracks me up,” remarked a third.

Another dispensed with the humor and simply stated exactly what we’re all thinking:

“He doesn’t really work or hold a job,” the follower wrote.

“If he did, he would proudly be announcing his job all over the internet.”

That’s both tough but fair — in other words, the exact opposite of a bigoted coward like Derick.

Zing! We’ll be here all week, folks!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jill Duggar Visits a Mosque for Ramadan, Gets Blasted by Fans: Show Some RESPECT!!

Jill Duggar is going above and beyond to avoid her husband!

Just kidding — though, given Derick Dillard"s latest remarks about trans people, who would blame her?

No, Jill spent some time at a mosque for Ramadan, and fans took her to task for not covering her hair for the visit. Are they right?

Jill duggar in a mosque for ramadan

In the video that we"ve attached, Jill shows off her visit to a mosque.

"Okay where are we at?"

A hijabi woman beside her (who, we have to say, is in a wonderfully colorful outfit) answers, saying:

"We are at a mosque and we have Iraqi feast for Ramadan. We"re glad to see you here!"

As you probably know, during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast, abstaining from certain activities such as food during the daylight hours.

(People with health restrictions are exempted)

After night falls, however, there is a feast to break the fast. Jill"s companion introduces her to some traditional Iraqi dishes.

Jill duggar ramadan 01

The video"s caption reads:

"While Derick was with the men (guys and girls have separate sections), Jill enjoyed some Iraqi food with friends."

That"s great and all, but a number of fans had major concerns about Jill"s hair.

"You shouldn’t go into a mosque not covered out of respect. You also take off your shoes."

They"re not suggesting that Jill don a hijab on a permanent basis, but merely adhere to a dress code. 

"She should have had her head covered in a mosque out of respect."

Many houses of worship have dress codes.

"That right there speaks volumes about her respect."

That said, we don"t know if this particular mosque has this concern about guests.

Not all Muslims wear hijabs (or any other hair covering), and some mosques may not enforce a dress code for guests.

Jill duggar ramadan 02

There was plenty of addition commentary, including fears that Jill might be proselytizing under very inappropriate circumstances.

"I really hope you aren"t trying to convert Muslims."

That probably wasn"t the case, otherwise, Jill and Dercik would be begging fans for money like they do when they go on missionary trips.

"Of course it’s a PR stunt. Notice they only use these kind of posts when Derick has done something wrong. It absolutely can’t be taken seriously and it’s actually more offensive knowing it’s all an act."

A lot of people share the theory that this is an example of her trying to soften their image after Derick"s repeated homophobic and transphobic rants.

"it’s damage control for her all of her husbands Twitter rants lol"

Others think that it has less to do with Derick and more to do with the couple"s shared desire for attention.

"It’s all for attention to make themselves look better ! It’s all for show. They have one path only ! Have you not seen the hate he spews on his social media ??"

Jill duggar ramadan 03

Others, however, were full of compliments for Jill.

"Awesome that you love and honor others in this way."

They even defended her from some (fellow) fundamentalists who thought that Jill was consorting with "the enemy."

"People forget it is possible to show compassion without compromising your own convictions."

Others offered Jill kudos for attending the feast instead of just poting a few empty words.

"I will say, Jill put her money where her mouth is with this one and I think it’s great. The more barriers we break down the better."


"People!!! It"s between Jill & God what, where & why she was doing what she was. You don"t have to agree with someone on religion, or anything for that matter, to show a little kindness & love."


"There are a lot of things between Islam and Christianity that are quite similar. The big difference is the role of Jesus Christ. And as followers of Jesus Christ, we know that we follow the true faith. But that doesn’t mean we should judge others. It’s not our place. Have a great and blessed day!"

Jesus is considered a holy man within Islam.

Jill duggar ramadan 04

Others took Jill"s more conservative critics to task.

"Seriously? People are blasting OTHER Christians for joining in with our brothers and sisters of another Abrahamic faith? (Abrahamic faiths being Christianity, Islam, and Judaism)."

it"s true. In fact, despite the academic differences, many have wondered if Judaism, Christianity, and Islam shouldn"t be considered different branches of the same faith.

Muslims themselves appreciated the post.

"You are an amazing human being and I love that you are sharing Ramadan with us. Ramadan is a holy month full of love and charity. You are an amazing woman Jill, and as a Muslim American I love y’all & yalls show."

While many people"s concerns over Jill"s lack of hair-covering was probably genuine and came from a good place, it is important to not speak over people.

It doesn"t sound like Jill did anything wrong … in this one, particular instance.

Shame Jill when she deserves it, but only when she deserves it.

Jill duggar hiding a bump

Jill duggar visits a mosque for ramadan gets blasted by fans sho

Amy Roloff: Fans Accuse Her of Selfishness, "Playing the Victim"

On Tuesday night’s episode, Matt Roloff slammed Amy as “insecure” and strongly implied that she was dumb and lacked sense, both common and business.

As you can imagine, fans were quick to … condemn Amy Roloff.

Why? Well, she made a post on social media about spring cleaning, and they’re slamming her as being “selfish” and “playing the victim.” Oh boy …

Sharing a couple of photos of her in-progress work around the house, Amy writes:

“And the ‘purge’ starts up again- one room at a time. Laundry and extra pantry area.”

Though The Purge is a horror film franchise that examines America’s gun culture and its intersection with far-right nationalism, economic disparity, and conservative Christianity, Amy is simply referring to doing a little spring cleaning.

“It’s going to feel good. It’s hard to let go of some things though but in the long run it’s a good thing.”

Some people collect lots of objects until they are overwhelmed.

Amy reminds her fans and followers that unhealthy attachments can be detrimental.

“Isn’t that kind of like life- hanging on to stuff and people when it’s time to let go or the other way around.”

it sure is.

She continues, again ostensibly talking about miscellaneous household items that she has accumulated.

She then points out that sometimes we discard things that we should keep.

“Letting go when we need to hang on.”

True enough.

“Food for thought – what are we or not hanging onto?”

That’s basically a question intended for her followers to consider for their own lives.

Then, of course, Amy plugs her products.

“I think I’ll have some of Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen Berry bread and share some of the delicious cookies after this hard work.”

She even includes a link.

“Visit and get some for Memorial day weekend.”

Fans immediately began to comment.

“Are you spring cleaning or moving?”

Initially, comments were friendly in nature.

“Moving? Hope not, but food for thought!”

Other comments clearly did not come from fans of Amy.

“Your selfishness comes out more and more every week! Caryn should own the farm!”

That’s quite a claim.

“Amy has always been rude and just plain mean and nasty to Matt. Grow up and move on from your jealousy towards Caryn. Matt deserves to be as happy as you are.”

Some of the commenters were filled with rage … and accusations.

“Awlays loved [Little People, Big World] but dude your bitterness & anger is ruining the show. You sound so cruel whenever you try and paint Matt in a bad light.”

That comment continues:

“(And I can’t believe you were jealous of Caryn holding Jackson. Omg most grandmas would be happy their grandchildren have so much love around them)”

We would question if this commenter has ever met a human being with emotions before.

“The jealousy makes you ugly. Whenever Matt has an issue with [you] he at least says it in a gentle way. Stop playing the victim all the time and get therapy and some meds please!!”

This is a great example of a person who determines who the bad person in a conversation is by their tone of voice rather than by the substance of their words or actions.

Comments devolved into a heated argument among Instagram users, with plenty of Amy-bashing.

“I am sorry but Amy is very defensive…has been from the beginning…and always ragging on Matt. Matt’s disability’s are way more of a challenge than what Amy deals with.”

“(she needs a step stool big deal)”

Wow, there’s nothing like marginalizing someone’s disability to make your argument stronger! (Disability, folks, is not a contest)

“I certainly feel sad for both of them if they were treated badly for being little people…that is so unacceptable and certainly not a minor thing to experience if that did happen..”

If it did happen?

The narrative, in which Amy is perceived to be a whiner and Matt seems to be some sort of martyr, continues.

“But the things Matt has accomplished, in spite of his physical struggles and numerous surgeries, are truly an indication of what an amazing man he is.”

This commenter thinks that Matt’s rude behavior towards Amy deserves to be forgiven.

“I give him a lot of credit and cut him a little slack for being so driven and focused…I am sure that is how he has had to navigate through life to get things done that some may have thought he wouldn’t be able to do.”

And they don’t think that Amy treats him well.

“He persevered and showed them he can do more than most. If he was my husband, my dad, my son I would be so proud and would praise him on a regular basis and I certainly wouldn’t belittle him on National tv.”

This, folks, is the terrible burden of being a reality star. And, perhaps, of being a woman.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Fans to Jill Duggar: You Can"t Love Trump AND Latinos!

Jill Duggar is in a tough spot.

She’s committed to both her dense husband, Derick Dillard, and the ultra-conservative values of her upbringing, but at the same time, she seems well aware that the core tenets of both often come into conflict with her compassionate tendencies and her belief in Christian charity.

Jill has attempted to live comfortably in both worlds by distancing herself from Derick’s comments, while simultaneously standing by her man.

She’s implied that she doesn’t share all of Derick’s views, but she also quit Counting On as a gesture of solidarity after he got fired from the show.

Unfortunately, it seems that Jill has struck a compromise that pleases no one.

Her more left-leaning fans remain unimpressed by her refusal to speak out against Derick more directly, while her conservative followers feel that Jill is undermining the beliefs she was raised with by suggesting she sometimes disagrees with her husband.

It’s a conflict that keeps resulting in tense debates in the comments of her Instagram page.

And Jill’s latest post has resulted in a full-blown battleground:

Jill posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Congrats to my little Aivah on her kindergarten graduation!”

She added the hashtag “#proudmadrina,” and many fans pointed out that “madrina” is Spanish for godmother.

The photo comes on the heels of a series of a post in which Derick praised Donald Trump and joked about his eldest son helping to build “the Wall” along America’s southern border.

For obvious reasons, many of Jill’s followers were struck by the sharp contrast of the spouse’s recent social media activity.

And some went so far as to call Jill out for hypocrisy:

“You’re with Latinos but you want that wall to be built… y’all funny as f–k,” wrote one follower.

“Funny how Derick taught Izzy all about the Wall to keep people out, and here you are showcasing your ‘brown’ friends. Oh the hypocrisy,” commented another.

“That whole ‘I can’t be a bigot, cause my bffs neighbors, cousins nephew is gay and I have no problem with him,’ schtick,” remarked a third, adding:

“What mixed messages poor Israel must be getting. Racism at home and facades in public.”

Of course, Jill also found some support from those who agree with her family’s more conservative views:

“Typical liberal hypocrisy, intolerant of others who don’t share their beliefs,” wrote one follower.

“We ‘brown’ people have been in their lives for years now, no hypocrisy,” commented another.

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions about everything. That’s what makes us all unique.”

Obviously, as is always the case with this sort of thing, nothing was resolved, and no one changed their mind.

And yet, the debate rages on.

We’d say Jill should just avoid posting about politics, but we’re pretty sure that’s what she’s trying to do.

Unfortunately for her, it’s 2018, and literally everything is political.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Jet Li: Frail Appearance Shocks Fans as Actor Battles Hyperthyroidism

It wasn’t all that long ago that Jet Li was one of the most recognized action stars on the planet.

We suppose that’s why so many on social media are expressing their shock over the actor and stunt specialist’s comparatively frail appearance nowadays.

That’s Li on the right, and as you can see, it’s somewhat difficult to believe that the 55-year-old was still starring in stunt spectaculars like The Expendables 3 just four short years ago.

The photo above was posted by Twitter user Simón, who captioned it:

“So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from ‘hyperthyroidism and spinal problems’ and this is him now.”

He later added:

“Jackie Chan and Jet Li were like Gods to me when I was little. It’s so sad to see Li like this.”

Li mostly keeps a low profile these days, but sources close to the actor have confirmed that he is still battling hyperthyroidism.

Jet Li Photo

According to TMZ, Li also suffered numerous “serious leg and spine injuries” during his career.

In recent years, Li’s condition has reportedly deteriorated to the point that he finds it difficult to stand for long periods of time.

Li first revealed that he’s been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism back in 2013.

“I’m in pain, but I’m not suffering. I’m happy,” Li said in an interview at the time.

Aside from his appearance in The Expendables 3 and the occasional social media post, he has apparently steered clear of the spotlight as much as possible over the past five years.

Today, fans from all over the globe are sending thoughts and prayers to Li and his family.

Jet Li Image

While the father of four has turned away from acting in recent years, he clearly still enjoys the support of a very loyal fan base.

For many, the reactions to Li’s appearance brings to mind the shock with which fans responded to photos of actor Val Kilmer looking frail after battling cancer.

Like Li, Kilmer was an icon of strength and swagger for those who came of age in the 1990s and early-2000s.

And in both cases, one gets the impression that the stars were so convincing in their portrayals of invincible heroes that any reminder of their mortality is bound to be greeted with astonishment.

These days, Kilmer s reportedly cancer-free and considering a return to acting.

Here’s hoping Li’s treatment meets with similar success.

Our thoughts go out to the action icon and his family during this difficult time.
