Showing posts with label Female. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Female. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Audrey Roloff: The Future is THIS Kind of Female! I Hope!

Audrey Roloff is going to welcome her first child into the world later this summer.

And it’s going to be a girl.

And this now seems to be very appropriate, based on an emotional Instagram post the Little People, Big World star has shared.

Fresh off attending sister Molly’s wedding, Roloff said this week on her popular social media account that she wants to share some “thoughts on beauty.”

She then addressed an open letter to all her “girls out there” and it started as follows:

“Your beauty is not defined by your physical appearance!!!! If you’ve run in Christian circles (or really any sort of uplifting women encouragement circles,) for any length of time, this is probably not new news to you.”

No, probably not.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to just shrug your shoulder each time you step on a scale or ignore your stretch marks.

“Honestly, sometimes I get a little frustrated by the constant, “You are beautiful” slogans, blogs, books and advertisements,” Audrey wrote, adding:

“I think we need to let the truth of this statement sink in deeper than a quick feel-good reminder that “oh yeah, I’m beautiful, got it.”

“We need to really dig into who defines our beauty, what defines our beauty, and how we can become even MORE beautiful.”

What, exactly, does Roloff mean by this?

How can she shed light on the concept of beauty, the same way she recently shed light on her concept of a successful marriage?

“The Scriptures teach us that inward beauty is true and lasting. Inward beauty cannot be covered up with concealer, or photoshoped to be one size smaller… Inward beauty is eternal,” she explained, concluding as follows:

“The more we invest in our inward beauty, the more beautiful we will become in the eyes of the Lord.

“As mamma always said, ‘It’s God’s eyes that count."”

That’s a lot to digest.

It’s pretty intense and profound stuff.

But it mostly boils down to this:

Love yourself for who you are, not for what you see in the mirror.

The latter may change based on a number of factors; but the former can stay the same throughout your life as long as you value the right things and have your priorities in order.

What a great message to send to one’s daughter, right?

We can’t wait to meet Audrey and Jeremy’s child when she arrives in just a few weeks.

Until then, click through the following baby bumps photos in order to relive Roloff’s pregnancy journey:


Friday, July 28, 2017

Rick Ross: I Can"t Sign Female Rappers! I Would F--k Them!

Having your own business is a good thing. It gives you a lot of control over several things to do with said business. 

For people like Rick Ross, it gives him the ability to have creative control over his music. 

But that’s not all.

It also allows him to pick and choose who he does business with, and in a new interview, it’s clear he has to be picky, or he runs the risk of being on the receiving end of some lawsuits. 

The rapper is appearing on VH1’s reality series, Signed, and he opened up about what you have to be like to snag a lucrative recording contract with him. 

“When I’m looking for artists, I’m really just looking for something that I’ve never seen, first and foremost,” he said.

“If it’s something that’s unique, that’s something that’s in demand. After that, I want to see that hunger. I just need to see that hunger, you know what I mean?”

“Because I’ve seen artists that have maybe less talent but more drive make it to the top first, you know what I mean? To me, that’s extremely important. Once you show me something unique, and you show me that hunger, Double-M G is ready to rock.”

Basically, it’s the category people would fall into if they were looking for a record deal, host, Angela Yee noticed that the label had signed a grand total of zero females, and Rick had the most horrible response to her perfectly valid question. 

“You know, I never did it because I always thought, like, I would end up f–king the female rapper and f–king the business up. I’m so focused on my business. I gotta be honest with you,” the record executive said while trying to keep a straight face.

Surely, if he was “so focused” on the business, he would be able to keep things strictly professional. 

“She’s lookin’ good, I’m spending so much money on her photo shoots—I gotta f–k a couple times.”

We’re all for honesty here, but that has got to be the most bizarre and downright terrible reason for not letting females have a contract with him. 

He went one step further and essentially told Angela that he would hit bone town with her if she were to be lucky enough to wind up with him. 

“Like, if I signed you or something, I would have to…,” he said.

“Shut up,” Yee said with a laugh, but she was clearly frustrated by the lack of female presence at the label and rightfully so. 

Yee then said that he had a good working relationship with fellow rapper, Trina, in the past. 

“She’s most definitely somebody I would love to have, vibe with on that level,” he said, “but she had a situation with somebody that was a big homie in my city, one of my big-time homies, one of the big homies…I’m just one of those dudes. If you rock with one of my homies, you know, cool. Imma spare you.”

With Trina, he added, “I was able to just focus on the music and the records.”  

If he wanted to garner some press for the VH1 series, he definitely accomplished that goal, but he went the complete wrong way about it. 

Instead, he’s essentially offended a lot of people, and proven that he’s a misogynistic pig. Hardly the best way to promote your series and brand, right?

We definitely think a lot less of Rick after his horrible comments, and we’re not the only ones. Rick took to Facebook to apologize for his remarks because he understood they were not the best words to use. 

“I want to address an insensitive comment I made on a very sensitive issue, especially in a minority dominated industry like hip hop,” the rapper wrote.

“My entire empire’s backbone is led by 2 of the strongest people I know and they happen to be women, my mother and sister. The operations wouldn’t run without them and I have the highest regard and respect for women in this industry. I have a daughter myself, my most cherished gift in the world.”

He continued, “My comment is not reflection of my beliefs on the issue. A mistake I regret. I hope to use my mistake, my platform and the community to create positive discussion to implement change on a very important issue. respect for the ones who stand up to say hey that isn’t right. Now it’s time to accept responsibility and all do better.”

“I look forward to continue working with & supporting female artists. my discovery process was documented by vh1 on #signed which premiered last night. Many of the most talented artists you’ll see in the running to be the next #MMG superstars are female artists. I look forward to clarifying my comments through my support.”

Ross concluded, “Thank you to everyone who’s going through the journey with me, we coming out everyday stronger.”

If you want to promote something, don’t single out a gender and say you can’t work with them because you would “f–k” them. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jodie Whittaker Announced as First-Ever Female Doctor Who; Sexist Internet Loses Its $hit

The new Doctor is in.

And the Internet is, naturally, very pissed off.

On Sunday morning, BBC and BBC America announced via video and via press release that Jodie Whittaker has been named the 13th person to be cast as the title character on Doctor Who.

It’s notable every time a new actor takes on this iconic role.

But it’s especially notable in Whittaker’s case because she’s an actress.

Yes, Jodie Whittaker is a woman. She’s the first woman to ever be cast as Doctor Who and she will officially take over for the departing Peter Capaldi on the Doctor Who Christmas special.

Said new head writer Chris Chibnall of the casting decision:

After months of lists, conversations, auditions, recalls, and a lot of secret-keeping, we’re excited to welcome Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor.

I always knew I wanted the Thirteenth Doctor to be a woman and we’re thrilled to have secured our number one choice. Her audition for The Doctor simply blew us all away.  

Jodie is an in-demand, funny, inspiring, super-smart force of nature and will bring loads of wit, strength and warmth to the role.

The Thirteenth Doctor is on her way


Whittaker, meanwhile, has the following to say:

I’m beyond excited to begin this epic journey – with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet.

It’s more than an honor to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can’t wait.

Whittaker is probably best known for having played Beth Latimer on the British crime show Broadchurch … where she co-starred opposite David Tennant, who previously played the lead role on Doctor Who.

She’s a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama and appeared in the short film Wish 143.

It centered on a 15-year-old boy with cancer and it was nominated for Best Live-Action short at the 2011 Academy Awards.

Says Capaldi of the woman to whom he will be bequeathing this highly-sought-after part:

Anyone who has seen Jodie Whittaker’s work will know that she is a wonderful actress of great individuality and charm.

She has above all the huge heart to play this most special part. She’s going to be a fantastic Doctor.

Despite the positive reaction from those associated with the series, this is the World Wide Web.

A whole bunch of idiotic trolls out there are taking issue with the casting of a woman as Doctor Who (“What will be next, Jane Bond?” one of them asked), despite the fact that this is a time-traveling, shape-shifting alien with two hearts.

If you somehow think the Doctor’s gender has any impact on his or her realism, well… just keep that sexist and ridiculous opinion to yourself, okay?

Thankfully, the excitement on Twitter over Whittaker’s casting appears to be far louder than the criticism.

To wit:

who reaction

“The fact that there was so much interest in, quite literally, ‘Who?’ speaks volumes about the enduring power of the Doctor Who franchise around the world and for BBC AMERICA viewers,” says BBC President Sarah Barnett, concluding:

“We couldn’t be happier to welcome the remarkable Jodie Whittaker as a history making Thirteenth Doctor and look forward to the continuation of this story.”

What do YOU think of this casting choice?


Monday, July 3, 2017

LSU Linebacker Investigated for Allegedly Raping Female LSU Athlete

LSU linebacker Jacob Phillips is being investigated for rape — after a female LSU student athlete filed a report with police … TMZ Sports has learned.  Phillips has not been arrested or charged with a crime — but we’ve confirmed the Baton…


Monday, May 29, 2017

Tim McGraw Concert, Female Fan Falls Hard (VIDEO)

Tim McGraw slayed at his concert over the weekend … and one of the casualties was a chick in the audience he accidentally laid flat. Tim was making his big entrance at the Tacoma Dome in Washington Saturday night when a female fan got in his path…


Tim McGraw Concert, Female Fan Falls Hard (VIDEO)

Tim McGraw slayed at his concert over the weekend … and one of the casualties was a chick in the audience he accidentally laid flat. Tim was making his big entrance at the Tacoma Dome in Washington Saturday night when a female fan got in his path…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sheila Abdus-Salaam, First Female Muslim Judge, Found Dead in NYC

Sheila Abdus-Salaam, who became the first female Muslim judge in the United States in 1994, was found dead in New York City on Wednesday.

She was 65 years old.

Sheila Abdus-Salaam

According to CNN, police responded to a 911 call about an individual floating in the The Hudson River around 1:45 p.m. yesterday.

Upon examination, they discovered an unconscious and unresponsive woman, who was later pronounced dead and identified as Abdus-Salaam.

She been reported missing the day before.

The New York Police Department confirms that a medical examiner will soon announce the cause of death, while the case is under investigations.

It is unclear whether foul play is suspected at this time, although there were no signs of trauma at the scene.

Abdus-Salaam had been an associate justice on the New York Court of Appeals since 2013, when she was appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“I was proud to appoint her to the state’s highest court and am deeply saddened by her passing,” Cuomo said in a statement.

“As the first African-American woman to be appointed to the state’s Court of Appeals, she was a pioneer.

“Through her writings, her wisdom and her unshakable moral compass, she was a force for good whose legacy will be felt for years to come.

“On behalf of all New Yorkers, I extend my deepest sympathies to her family, loved ones and colleagues during this trying and difficult time.”

governor tweet

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also paid tribute to the justice in a tweet on Wednesday, writing of Sheila Abdus-Salaam:

“Deeply saddened by the tragic passing of Sheila Abdus-Salaam. She was a humble pioneer.”

Abdus-Salaam graduated from Barnard College and received her law degree from Columbia Law School.

She started her career as a staff attorney for East Brooklyn Legal Services and served as a judge in Manhattan state Supreme Court for 14 years, according to the state Office of Court Administration’s website.

judge tweets

Seymour W. James Jr., attorney in chief at the Legal Aid Society, said via his own statement that the judge’s shocking death had left many heartbroken.

“She leaves a lasting impact on New York — from her time as a legal services attorney fighting on behalf of low-income families, to her tenure as the first African-American woman to preside on the state’s highest court.”

Abdus-Salaam grew up in Washington as one of seven children.

As a public defender in Brooklyn, she represented people who could not afford lawyers and then served as an assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Bureau of the New York State attorney general’s office.

a judge

What a horribly sad story.

We’ll keep readers apprised if any new details break.

In the meantime, we send our condolences to the friends, family members and loved ones of Sheila Abdus-Salaam.


Monday, April 10, 2017

50 Cent PUNCHES Female Fan During Concert!!!

It"s been years since 50 Cent"s music career garnered any real attention, but the rapper has continued to make headlines with his frequent batsh-t behavior.

Some of 50"s shenanigans are funny, such as his random feud with Taraji P. Henson or the time that he got all pissed that his penis was shown on TV.

Others are not so amusing, such as the time 50 threatened to murder his son on Instagram.

His latest dust-up most certainly falls into the latter category.

50 was performing with The Lox in Baltimore over the weekend when an overexcited female fan attempted to pull him off the stage.

As you can see in the video below, Fif responded to the perceived threat by throwing a punch at the woman.

Witnesses say he hit her in the chest, but fortunately, she didn"t appear to suffer any serious injuries.

Amazingly, 50 and the fan buried the hatchet almost immediately, and she later joined him onstage for some good-natured twerking.

We"re pretty sure there"s a lesson top be learned here:

As our divisive political climate threatens to tear this nation apart, perhaps we should all learn to twerk our differences away.

Of course, 50 had to commit an act of assault against a woman before the conciliatory twerking could take place, so perhaps all there is to learn from this is that Fif is certifiable.

Here"s hoping that going forward, his behavior will fall more into the "Oh, that Fiddy. Smh." category and less the "Good God, this man needs to be medicated."

50 cent punches female fan during concert

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tina Fey to White, Female Donald Trump Voters: Look at What You Did!

Tina Fey may very well be the funniest woman on the planet.

But the beloved actress was not in a joking mood on Friday night.

Speaking at the American Civil Liberties Union’s Stand for Rights benefit in New York City, the former 30 Rock star and current Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt producer couldn’t help but share her thoughts on Donald Trump.

Specifically, Fey shared her thoughts on the people who voted for Donald Trump.

Even more specifically, she shared her thoughts on one demographic in particular who voted for Donald Trump.

“A lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now would maybe like to forget about this election and go back to watching HGTV,” Fey said as part of conversation with New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman and ACLU deputy legal director Louise Melling.

The first part of that statement is a fact, as the number of educated women who cast a vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton really was astounding.

These individuals were somehow not turned off by Trump’s philosophy of just grabbing women by their pussy.

The second part of that statement, meanwhile, was a pretty harsh slam by someone such as Fey, who clearly picks and chooses her spots when it comes to getting involved in the political fray.

Go back to watching HGTV?

We love Fixer Upper as much as the next website, but that’s a clear dig at women who just sit at home, do very little during the day and don’t have any real idea of issues affecting most Americans.

Addressing this same set of females, Fey added:

“I would want to urge them … ‘You can’t look away’ because it doesn’t affect you this minute, but it’s going to affect you eventually.

“Again, open two windows. Do watch HGTV, but [don’t] turn our attention away from what is happening.”

It’s true: HGTV has some really entertaining television shows. But that really isn’t the point right now.

Earlier in the evening, ex-Saturday Night Live head writer took the stage at the fundraising event to speak out about women’s rights and to poke fun at the president and his administration.

“Did you know that women still only make one Ghostbusters movie to every two made by men?” she quipped.

“And men average Ocean’s Eleven for every Ocean’s Eight that goes to women. That is simply unacceptable.”

Just a few days ago, Vice President Mike Pence cast a tiebreaking vote in the Senate on legislation that will make it more difficult for women in rural areas to receive proper care.

“Right now it’s not just about fighting for progress,” Fey continued.

“Gains we’ve made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, [Vice President] Mike Pence isn’t allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him.

“So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears.”

That’s a pretty good joke.

It’s a reference to how the Vice President said his religion bans him from having dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife.

Sort of makes it hard for him to work with anyone of the opposite gender, doesn’t it?


Monday, March 27, 2017

Matt Barnes" Female BFF Pleads Guilty In Nightclub Brawl

The woman who allegedly fought alongside Matt Barnes in the NYC nightclub brawl back in December has pled guilty to assault … TMZ Sports has learned.  The woman is Laura Closure (aka Mae West) — one of Matt’s BFFs. Closure was with Barnes…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Female Jogger to Rapist: Not Today, Motherf-cker!

Kelly Herron for all the wins, people.

And we mean it: All… The… Wins!

As documented below, the 36-year old was out for a run in Seattle last week when she stopped to use the bathroom.

But this basic decision led to a complicated and dangerous encounter with a registered sex offender, someone who is now under arrest and someone who learned a very important lesson the hard way:

You do NOT want to mess with Kelly Herron.

1. Meet Kelly Herron

Meet kelly herron

At 36 years old, Kelly is training for a marathon. This would be an impressive enough feat, even before getting to the story that follows.

2. A Fateful Decision

A fateful decision

Four miles into her run in Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park last week, she stopped to use a public restroom. “As I was drying my hands, I became aware that something was wrong,” Herron told ABC News.

3. And She Was Right

And she was right

As it turns out, Gary Steiner – a registered sex offender in Arizona – was hiding in the bathroom. He tried to attack Kelly.

4. But He Chose the Wrong Victim

But he chose the wrong victim

Explained Kelly to ABC: “He immediately took me down to the ground, hit both my knees and legs, and then it was a fight on the bathroom floor and I just kept screaming, ‘Not today, Motherf-cker!"”

5. And Kelly Wants the World to Know About It

And kelly wants the world to know about it

Herron shared this collage on Instagram and wrote as a caption: “My biggest running nightmare became reality- 4 miles into my long run Sunday afternoon, I stopped to use the restroom and was assaulted by a man hiding in a stall (that is my GPS in red lines). I fought for my life screaming(“Not today, M**F**er!”), clawing his face, punching back, and desperately trying to escape his grip- never giving up. I was able to lock him in the bathroom until police arrived. Thankfully I just took a self-defense class offered at my work and utilized all of it. My face is stitched, my body is bruised, but my spirit is intact.”

6. She Told You!

She told you

Kelly managed to escape and lock the man in the bathroom until police arrived. She also posted this photo and message online.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

22 Celebrities Who Prove The Future Is Female

From Tina Fey and Alicia Keys to Emma Watson and Meryl Streep, these stars have spoken out against sexism, fought for women"s rights, and much more. 

Here"s a list of 22 celebrities who proved without a doubt that the future is female!

1. Tina Fey

Tina fey at the 2016 emmys

Tina Fey’s career in and of itself is inspiring, and she’s known for shutting down sexism in more than just her writing. At the Center for Reproductive Rights Inaugural Gala in New York City in 2012, she was quoted saying, ““And if I have to listen to one more grey-faced man with a $ 2 haircut explain to me what rape is,” Fey said, “I’m going to lose my mind!”

2. Amy Poehler

Amy poehler at the emmys

In all honesty, everything about Amy Poehler proves the future is email, but her foundation, “Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls,” is a pretty perfect example.

3. Jennifer Lawrence

A jennifer lawrence picture

Jennifer Lawrence stood up for what was right when it came ot equal pay. She published an essay in Lena Dunham’s newsletter about the issue. Later, she spoke up about the word “feminism” stating, “I don’t know why that word is so scary to people… It shouldn’t be, because it just means equality.”

4. Kerry Washington

Kerry washington at the 2015 emmys

Kerry Washington has spoken about women’s rights on several occasions, and she’s not been shy about her political views. Here’s a quote from her op-ed piece in The Daily Beast: “We, the people, especially us women, have to make sure our leaders know how we feel, what we think and what we care about. Together, we need to stand up for the kind of America we want — one where women and girls are equal, strong and proud, and where we all have a president who has our back.”

5. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett johansson hair

Scarlett Johansson is sick of inappropriate questions. “Now, were you able to wear… undergarments?” a reporter asked her about a film. Her response? “What’s going on? You’re like the fifth person to ask me that question. Since when did people start asking each other in this industry about their underwear?”

6. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift in canada

Taylor Swift has had some of the best possible responses to sexism, including the perfect comeback to someone pointing out that most of her songs are about ex-boyfriends. “I think, frankly, that’s a very sexist angle to take. No one says that about Ed Sheeran. No one says that about Bruno Mars. They’re all writing songs about their exes, their girlfriends, their love life, and no one raises a red flag there.”

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Marshawn Lynch & Gary Barnidge Running Female TACKLE Football Camp in Finland! (VIDEO)

It’s about to go Beast Mode in Finland … where Marshawn Lynch and Gary Barnidge are gearing up to run a female tackle football camp … TMZ Sports has learned. Turns out, women’s football is EXPLODING in the Nordic country — they’ve already got…


Monday, January 16, 2017

UFC"s Amanda Nunes: I"m the Female Conor McGregor ... Maybe Better (Video)

Great video of UFC superstar Amanda Nunes … strollin’ through the airport with her 2 favorite things — her girlfriend and her CHAMPIONSHIP BELT!!!  Amanda and Nina Ansaroff landed at LAX following Nina’s big victory at “UFC Fight Night” in…


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bloody Photos from Montee Ball Female Battery Case Released (PHOTO GALLERY)

Officials have released the injury photos from one of the female battery cases involving ex-NFL running back Montee Ball … and they’re extremely disturbing. The former Denver Broncos star was arrested on Feb. 5 after allegedly attacking his…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Video Shows U. of Oklahoma"s Joe Mixon Brutalize Female Student (VIDEO)

The infamous video of University of Oklahoma star Joe Mixon punching a female student in the face has finally been released to the public … and it’s every bit as graphic as the Ray Rice tape. Mixon is seen throwing a right hook to the face of…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

10 Highest-Earning Female Artists in 2016: Who"s #1?

Forbes has once again come out with its list of the biggest money-makers in the music industry.

The publication has released financial figures for the following women from between June of 2015 and June of 2016.

Which woman earned the most? Which earned the SECOND most?

The answers may surprise you. Let"s count em down…

10. Celine Dion, $ 27 Million

Celine dion 27 dollars million

Her gig in Las Vegas pays the bills… and then some! Both her heart and her bank account will go on and on.

9. Shania Twain, $ 27.5 Million

Shania twain 275 dollars million

Another Sin City resident, another hefty payday. Err… pay year.

8. Britney Spears, $ 30.5 Million

Britney spears 305 dollars million

Britney Spears released a fragrance and a mobile app. But she is yet another singer who has a residency in Las Vegas.

7. Jennifer Lopez, $ 39.5 Million

Jennifer lopez 395 dollars million

Lopez has a deal with L’Oreal and released another perfume in 2016. And, yup, she has a residency in Vegas.

6. Katy Perry, $ 41 Million

Katy perry 41 dollars million

Her world tour wrapped up this year and she also banked a whole lot from endorsement deals with H&M, Claire’s and CoverGirl.

5. Beyonce, $ 54 Million

Beyonce 54 dollars million

Beyonce soared to #1 with the album “Lemonade” and her Formation tour grossed over $ 250 million.

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Female Veteran Fires Back at Idiotic Parking Critic on Facebook

Rebecca Landis Hayes didn’t expect to take a feminist stand this week simply because she parked her car.

But some sexist moron provided Hayes with the platform to do just that.

veteran note

Hayes was simply running errands at a shopping center in Concord, North Carolina on Monday when she pulled into a parking spot reserved for veterans.

A sign said as much.

And when Hayes returned from running said errands, she also returned to the above note on the windshield of her vehicle.

“This parking is for veterans, lady,” the anonymous message read. “Learn to read and have some respect.”

But here’s the thing: Hayes is a veteran.

We know this may be hard for some people to comprehend, but women can fight for the country they love just like men can.

Hayes served as a physician in the United States Navy for eight years.

In this instance, she was dressed in casual clothing, so a stranger figured there was no way she could be a former member of the armed forces.

Fortunately, Hayes responded to her anonymous pen pal in the best possible way in a Facebook post on Monday, which has since gone viral.

I know I parked in one of the Veteran Parking spaces today, it was hot, she began.

I had been in and out of my car several times already this afternoon, and I was only going to be a minute. Besides, the parking lot was full, so I just did it. It was the first time, and I won’t do it again.”

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry that you can’t see my eight years of service in the United Sates Navy. I’m sorry that your narrow misogynistic world view can’t conceive of the fact that there are female Veterans. I’m sorry that I have to explain myself to people like you.

Mostly, I’m sorry that we didn’t get a chance to have this conversation face to face, and that you didn’t have the integrity and intestinal fortitude to identify yourself, qualities the military emphasizes.

Which leads to one question, I served, did you?

What can we even add here?

Well played, Rebecca.