Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Teresa Giudice: PREGNANT With Fifth Child?!

Back in December, Teresa Giuidice was released from prison after serving nearly a full year for bankruptcy fraud.

Her husband, Joe Giudice, recently began serving 41-months for similar charges, but for a few glorious weeks between sentences, the Giudices were both free and living as man and wife. And it looks like they may have taken full advantage of their time together.

Several sources are now claiming that Teresa is pregnant with her fifth child – a kid that may be readying for preschool by the time Joe is released from prison.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that Joe has expressed his desire for a son (He and Teresa currently have four daughters.) several times over the years.

Teresa will be in her late 40s by the time Joe is released from prison, so it’s possible the couple saw this as their last opportunity to try for a male offspring.

One insider tells Star magazine that Teresa appeared to be knocked up during a recent event to promote her new memoir.

“I immediately thought she looked pregnant. I mean, she’s showing. She’s probably just around three months,” the source said.

Others who are close with the couple, however, have expressed skepticism.

After all, Teresa and Joe are both in their 40s, and their youngest child was reportedly conceived via IVF.

So if the Giudices really did manage to get pregnant after just a few weeks together, it would be something of a miraculous conception.

Whatever the case, the road ahead is sure to be rocky for a number of reasons.

Joe and Teresa remain deeply in debt, and there’s been talk that the upcoming season of RHONJ could be the final one, which would eliminate the family’s primary source of income.

Add to that the fact that Joe may be deported after his sentence is over (He was born in Italy and never became an American citizen.) and you realize that the Giudices would have to be a bit off to want to bring a baby into the mix.

Of course, they’ve never been the most stable couple on Bravo, so we’re not ruling anything out.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Teresa Giudice Goes to Prison, Pays Husband "Emotional" Visit

Teresa Giudice returned to prison this weekend.

This time, however, she was not forced to wear an orange jumpsuit or walk around in shower slippers.

According to People Magazine, Teresa paid a visit to her husband in jail for the very first time on Friday, stopping by Fort Dix in New Jersey.

“She was so happy to see him,” the insider tells the magazine. “It was a very emotional visit.”

Following Teresa’s stint behind bars (which concluded in late 2015) for her role in multiple financial fraud schemes, Joe stared serving a 41-month prison sentence last month after being convicted of bankruptcy fraud in October 2014.

Her visitation approval was complicated/delayed due to the rules of her supervised release.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member was released from the Federal Correctional Institution on December 23, but was under house arrest until February 5.

“Joe is doing well, but really misses Teresa and [his four daughters],” adds the source. 

A previous report had claimed that Joe actually showed up to jail drunk and faced punishment as soon as his stint got underway.

We cannot confirm or deny this rumor, but we can say that Giudice is set to star on another season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Expect her to talk about her missing husband a lot during the new season… and for it to take all of our willpower not to hurl our televisions out the window as a result.

We despise these people.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Prison Inmates Planning TELL-ALL Book to Expose Her!

Teresa Giudice has been out of prison for a few months now, but her legacy in the big house promises to live on.

The inmates at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut are allegedly planning to write a tell-all book about the Real Housewife, and it’s gonna be juicy.

“Teresa’s former inmates are threatening to write a book about Teresa’s lies and want to expose all of them,” a source told Radar Online. 

The inmates are reportedly enraged with the way they were portrayed in Teresa’s book, Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again, which revealed some of her shocking experiences while in the slammer.

“She basically ratted on her inmates in the book about them having sex and doing other stuff they shouldn’t be doing,” the source explained. “The inmates are saying Teresa lied in her book.” 

But the best part? 

The inmates have sought out the help of Teresa’s Real Housewife of New Jersey co-star and frenemy Jacqueline Laurita, who they believe can help make the book a reality.

Jacqueline promptly let all the other Housewives know that the inmates had contacted her, which led Teresa to a meltdown.

“This is why Teresa lost it on Friday during filming,” the source said. “Basically Jacqueline told the other cast members that the inmates have been contacting her and this caused Teresa to freak out.” 

Of course, a chipped nail causes Teresa to freak out, so it’s really not saying much.

Truthfully, this all smells like a bunch of cooked-up drama for some high-octane RHONJ scenes, but if the book ever gets written, we’ll download it on Kindle.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Joe Giudice: Punished For Reporting to Prison Drunk, Insiders Claim

It’s only been two weeks since Joe Giudice reported to prison, but it looks as though Juicy Joe has already figured out a way to royally piss off prison officials.

According to Radar Online, Giudice was visibly intoxicated when he turned himself in to begin serving his sentence on March 23.

“He was a total mess,” reports one insider at Fort Dix Correctional Institution, adding that Giudice appeared to be “completely wasted.”

Joe reportedly spent his final morning at home knocking back drinks with his newly-sprung wife, Teresa Giudice.

Sources say by the time he showed up at the penitentiary at noon, the 43-year was three sheets to the wind, in direct violation of prison rules.

Now, two weeks later, Joe is still paying the price for his final bender.

“They couldn’t believe he made a mockery of the court by immediately breaking the rules,” says the source.

Giudice has struggled with alcoholism for years, but he may not have realized how hefty of a price he would pay for what corrections officers consider a major infraction:

Attorney Miles Feinstein, a prisoners’ rights expert, says Joe could now wind up serving his entire sentence in a maximum security setting:

“They will not show him any leniency. He doesn’t have a second chance.” Feinstein tells Radar.

“If it’s true, it shocks me. If it’s caused a maximum security designation, then it’s going to be quite different for him than being in a lower tiered level of the federal prison system.”

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to see the Giudices in happier times.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Teresa Giudice Throws Pre-Prison Farewell Party For Joe Giudice

Tomorrow, Joe Giudice will turn himself in to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence on bankruptcy charges.

While he’s behind bars Giudice plans to sober up and get in shape – two things that are pretty easy to do on the inside – but during his final days as a free man, Joe is reportedly enjoying himself to the fullest.

Over the weekend, Joe and wife Teresa Giudice enjoyed a road trip to Virginia for their final pre-prison getaway. 

And according to Radar Online, last night Teresa threw Joe a going-away party with only his nearest and dearest in attendance.

Yes, for this special occasion, Teresa even sent the Bravo camera crews packing.

“Only Joe’s closest friends and family were invited,” said one insider.

While much of Joe’s preparation for the clink will be featured on the next season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the final get-together happened off camera, with the crew returning to the Giudice residence today for Joe’s final farewell.

The next season will reportedly conclude with Teresa adjusting to life without Joe during the first days of his absence.

“Next week is the last week of filming,” the source confirms.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be the most emotional season to date.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Teresa & Joe Giudice Enjoy Pre-Prison Weekend Getaway

Later this week, Joe Giudice will report to prison to begin serving a 41-month sentence on bankruptcy fraud charges.

While it’s likely a somber time in the Giudice household, Juicy Joe and his wife Teresa are reportedly doing their best to enjoy his final days of freedom.

Last week, Teresa and Joe enjoyed a final date night before near their home in New Jersey.

Over the weekend, they left the kids and the Bravo camera crews behind for one last road trip before Joe turns himself in.

“Teresa and Joe went away to Virginia for the weekend,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

“They didn’t film over the weekend. They just made it into a special weekend especially since Joe is leaving.”

The Giudices are back home in the Garden State now, but that doesn’t mean they’re done making the most of Joe’s last days on the outside.

“Word is out there’s a goodbye party Monday night for Joe and only his closest friends will be attending,” says the source.

Not only is Joe facing nearly four years behind bars, there’s a possibility that he’ll be deported to Italy after he completes his sentence.

He reports to prison on Wednesday, so we might be in Joe’s final 48 hours as a free resident of the Jersey.

We’re sure the whole state is absolutely crushed.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Teresa & Joe Giudice Enjoy Final Pre-Prison Date Night

Next week, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence on bankruptcy fraud charges.

Joe’s struggles with alcoholism have been well-documented over the years, so it’s not surprising that Giudice has been drinking heavily in his final days of freedom. 

Fortunately (we suppose), Joe is at least including his long-suffering wife Teresa in his boozy misadventures.

According to Radar Online, the Giudices hit the town on Tuesday for what might be their final date night before Joe begins his lengthy stay at Fort Dix Correctional Institution.

The troubled couple reportedly went out to dinner in Saddle Brook, NJ before hitting an autism research fundraiser hosted by their friends (and new Real Housewives of New Jersey cast members) Robyn Levy and Christina Flores.

“Teresa and Joe showed up together,” said one witness. “But Teresa seemed more into the event than Joe.

“Joe, who is usually lively and gregarious, seemed totally unlike his regular, jovial self. He was out of sorts, quiet and didn’t seem to be mentally present.

“While he was sitting there, it seemed like he was alone with his thoughts,” the source added. “It looked like he was worried and appeared very somber, even though every one else was having a fabulous time.”

Yeah, we guess spending the next few years of life behind bars will weigh on your mind a bit.

Shockingly, Joe didn’t rely on his usual coping mechanism, as witnesses say he barely drank!

“Maybe Joe is cutting down on his drinking?” one onlooker wondered.

We get the feeling that’ll soon be very easy for him.

Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga: Totes BFFs, Totes Ignoring Jacqueline Laurita

It’s natural for some women to become close to one another if they have a mutual disdain for another woman.

Such is the case for Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga, who are now besties because they’ve fallen out with their Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star, Jacqueline Laurita.

“Teresa and Melissa are real friends,” a source told Radar Online of the once-warring siser-inlaws

“They are getting along very well.”

On March 15th, Gorga and Giudice attended co-star Robyn Levy and wife Christina Flores‘s Autism fundraising event in Saddlebrook, New Jersey with their respective husbands.

“Melissa arrived with her husband Joe first to the event, but as soon the Giudices walked in the door, Melissa ran over and grabbed Teresa like she was excited to see her,” someone at the event recalled.

“Melissa and Teresa then hugged and chatted with their husbands and a few friends for several minutes. They were all smiles and didn’t seem to have any hate going on between them.”

After they wrapped up their pleasantries, “the Joes moved to the other side of the room while Teresa and Melissa side-by-side walked around saying hi to people.

“They seemed in good spirits and to be enjoying each other’s company.”

The event came a few weeks after Laurita and Levy fought while filming in Vermont.  Lawyers had to get involved because Levy had physically threatened Laurita.

Laurita was furious that Giudice and Gorga didn’t stand up for her, and is currently not on speaking terms with either.

“Teresa and Melissa took Robyn’s side because they thought Jacqueline provoked her, and that made Jacqueline absolutely crazy,” a source told Radar Online.

Laurita is allegedly planning to reveal a bunch of “deep, dark secrets” that Giudice and Gorga have kept over the years.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice to Divorce Joe Giudice Before Prison Sentence?

In just over one week, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud. 

Teresa Giudice already did her time on similar charges, and the judge in their case the couple to serve their sentences successively, so that their children wouldn’t have to be placed in foster care.

Unfortunately, rumors of Joe cheating on Teresa while she was locked up were all over the Internet last year, and while it initially looked like Tre planned to ignore them, she might be waiting until Juicy Joe is at his lowest point the him where it really hurts – his wallet. 

Sources tell Star magazine that Teresa has been encouraged to file for divorce before Joe starts his sentence in order to protect her assets and ensure that he won’t be able to come for her money once he’s released.

One insider believes Teresa may take that advice, as she’s said to be seriously pissed at Joe for embarrassing her while she was behind bars, and Joe won’t be able to provide her with the attention she craves when he’s 90 miles away at the Fort Dix Correctional Institution.

Sadly, we doubt that Teresa will actually pull the plug on her marriage.

If anyone deserves to be kicked while he’s down, it’s Joe Giudice, but Teresa has been doing her best to convince the world that their relationship is healthy.

She’s not about to give up on that now that she finally has him under lock and key.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Fight Erupts on Set! Was Teresa Giudice Involved?

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that group trips to exotic locales are an annual tradition, and often, the Garden State gals’ vacay proves to be the dramatic high point of the season

This year things are a little different, as Teresa Giudice’s legal troubles have resulted in travel restrictions, but while the ladies had to make due with a Vermont ski trip instead of jetting off to Punta Cana, tempers still heated up:

Radar Online is reporting that two cast members returned from the trip early and Bravo lawyers are investigating after a fight erupted at the quiet resort where the women are staying. 

“They arrived in Vermont on Monday, and had been scheduled to stay until Friday,” a source tells the website. “Bravo lawyers had to get involved. It was extremely serious, and viewers will be shocked.”

Bad news for the future of the show (there had already been rumors that RHONJ was on the chopping blick due to its difficult cast), but there’s some good news for fans of Teresa Giudice.

“[Teresa] absolutely wasn’t involved in any of the drama,” the insider says. “She has been very low key, and is still on the trip.”

Teresa is still on probation, and even the slightest altercation might have sent her back to jail, so it looks like for once, she stayed out of it.

Hey, maybe prison has changed her for the better!

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Fight Erupts on Set! Was Teresa Giudice Involved?

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that group trips to exotic locales are an annual tradition, and often, the Garden State gals’ vacay proves to be the dramatic high point of the season

This year things are a little different, as Teresa Giudice’s legal troubles have resulted in travel restrictions, but while the ladies had to make due with a Vermont ski trip instead of jetting off to Punta Cana, tempers still heated up:

Radar Online is reporting that two cast members returned from the trip early and Bravo lawyers are investigating after a fight erupted at the quiet resort where the women are staying. 

“They arrived in Vermont on Monday, and had been scheduled to stay until Friday,” a source tells the website. “Bravo lawyers had to get involved. It was extremely serious, and viewers will be shocked.”

Bad news for the future of the show (there had already been rumors that RHONJ was on the chopping blick due to its difficult cast), but there’s some good news for fans of Teresa Giudice.

“[Teresa] absolutely wasn’t involved in any of the drama,” the insider says. “She has been very low key, and is still on the trip.”

Teresa is still on probation, and even the slightest altercation might have sent her back to jail, so it looks like for once, she stayed out of it.

Hey, maybe prison has changed her for the better!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Joe Giudice: Boozing, Flirting With Other Women in Front of Teresa?

In just over two weeks, Joe Giudice will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Now it looks as though the 43-year-old isn’t letting anything stand in the way of him enjoying his final days of freedom – especially not his long-suffering wife, Teresa Giudice.

According to Radar Online, Juicy Joe was spotted boozing and getting friendly with some young female fans at an event over the weekend.

No surprise there, given Giudice’s history of infidelity and well-documented struggles with alcoholism.

What is surprising, however, is the fact that the event in question was a book signing for Teresa’s new memoir.

Yes, witnesses at the Mount Airy Casino in eastern Pennsylvania claim that while Teresa was preoccupied signing autographs for fans, Joe busied himself knocking back shots and chatting up young women.

Nothing came of his flirtations, as he and Teresa headed back to the same hotel room at the end of the night, but we’re sure Tre’s not loving the fact that her husband can’t even control himself when she’s in the next room.

Teresa, of course, has defended Joe against cheating allegations in the past, saying that if her husband had ever been unfaithful, it “would’ve come out by now.”

“We both want to be with each other,” she said in a recent interview. “If we didn’t want to be with each other, we wouldn’t be.”

Poor, naive Teresa. On the bright side, booze and pliant young women will soon be very tough to come by for Joe.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Joe Giudice: Final Days as a Free Man to Be Featured on Bravo Special

It’s been less than two months since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, but her family’s joy at having her back home has been short-lived.

The problem is that next month, Teresa’s husband, Joe Giudice, will turn himself over to authorities to begin serving his own 41-month sentence

The family is already bracing itself for Joe’s departure, which of course will involve a Bravo camera crew and an emotional send-off that execs are hoping will translate to big ratings.

Yes, thanks to the Giudices, pre-prison parties are the new weddings, and while the public is considerably less interested in Joe than Teresa, Real Housewives of New Jersey producers are still hoping that audiences will tune in to see Juicy Joe jet off to jail.

“Joe doesn’t want a lot of hoopla as he goes in,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online, adding that his last night as a free man will consist of “an intimate family dinner.”

“The network hopes the tender family time will result in big ratings,” says the insider.

We think they may be disappointed.

Unless Teresa decides to finally confront Joe about cheating on her while she was in jail, we don’t think Juicy’s send-off will deliver the sort of dramatic fireworks that translate to a big audience.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Trying to Get Pregnant Before Joe Goes to Jail?!

Last week, it was widely reported that Teresa Giudice is pregnant with her fifth child.

Now, it seems the tabloid media may have jumped the gun – but not by much.

Sources tell In Touch that Teresa is indeed trying to get pregnant before Joe begins his 41-month prison sentence next month.

“They are definitely trying to have a baby,” a source close to the situation tells the magazine.

And in case you weren’t clear on how that works and/or just wanted to picture Juicy Joe sweating and thrusting, the source is happy to paint a picture:

“She and Joe have been intimate since she got out of prison in December,” the insider reveals.

“She really seems to be glowing right now. She looks like she could be pregnant already,” says a different source.

Teresa’s former cellmate confirms that the reality star talked about her desire for a fifth child while she was still behind bars:

“She talked about it when we would all pass around baby photos,” says Deseree Bradshaw.

Of course, for Teresa, having another baby is about more than just continuing to pass on her genes for the world’s lowest hairline.

“Teresa knows a baby would be ratings gold, especially with her as a single mother with Joe in jail,” says one insider. “And it would be a dream for Bravo, too. Everybody wins.”

And there’s still the possibility that Joe will be deported after he’s through with his sentence, which is apparently part of why he’s eager to donate his sperm.

“He believes that if Teresa has a baby, there’s a better chance she would follow him to Italy,” says a source.

Yes, it certainly sounds like a win-win for everyone involved – except for the kid, who doesn’t even exist yet, and is already being used as a pawn by his parents.

Hey, at least he’ll get to be on TV!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Teresa Giudice: I"m Becoming a YOGA Teacher!

When you think of zen, peace and tranquility, think of Teresa Giudice.

We know that last sentence likely threw you right out of your tree pose, but that is just what The Real Housewives of New Jersey star and recent jailbird would like you to believe.

Teresa recently told People she practiced yoga every morning during her taxing year-long stint in prison and now plans to become an accredited yoga instructor.

“I want to come out with my own yoga DVD tape, my own yoga line,” she told the magazine.

“I love yoga,” she added. “It really changed my life. It really got me through this whole ordeal – it really did – being there and everything. I can’t live without it now.”

It seems like just yesterday when the bombastic Housewife was flipping over tables and screaming obscenities on television, but now the Jersey native is turning to the Universe to guide her path.

“I read a lot of inspirational books in prison, like whatever you want, you can put it out there,” she said.

And what is it she wants?

“I want to make $ 40 million this year. I hope that happens – for real, I made a vision board.”

Now THERE’S the Teresa we know and love. Because no matter what Jessie J says, it’s all about the money, money, money.

We’ll keep an eye on whether she gets there between her burgeoning yoga empire and tell-all memoir, but we’ve got a feeling she won’t be getting her prana on with the Dalai Lama anytime soon.

Check out our gif collection featuring Teresa channeling her inner zen in the slideshow below. Namaste.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Joe Giudice: Headed to Rehab Before Prison?

As you may already know, Joe Giudice has a bit of a drinking problem.

In fact, Juicy Joe loves the juice so much that he’s admitted his boozing may have led to some of the poor decisions that now have him facing a 41-month prison sentence

In an odd twist, however, the same addiction that’s got Joe headed for the clink may lead to his sentence being delayed.

According to Radar Online Giudice might be headed to rehab, despite the fact that he’s scheduled to turn himself in to authorities next month.

“He was always home. He wasn’t driving. But he drinks a lot. He’s gonna get into, God willing, the right alcohol program,” Teresa said in a recent interview.

Many felt that the sudden concern about Joe’s alcoholism was part of an effort to get his sentence pushed back. 

If that was the case, it appears the Giudices have now given up on that long shot campaign and have resigned themselves to the fact that Joe will most likely be seeking treatment from behind prison walls.

“I want him to do a program; let’s just leave it at that,” Teresa recently clarified while speaking with People magazine.

She also stated that Joe’s boozing never interfered with his duties as a husband or father, and she’s merely concerned that he’s putting his health at risk:

“He’s not abusive or anything, thank God, but he drinks every day,” Teresa said. “That’s not good. It’s not good for your liver.”

So Joe cheats on Teresa and generally acts like a lazy a-hole all the time, but it’s not because of his drinking. Good to know. 

Teresa Giudice: Pregnant With Fifth Child?!

Teresa Giudice has made it clear that sex with Joe Giudice was one of the things she missed most while she was behind bars.

It’s difficult to imagine anyone actually looking forward to being coated in a slick layer of Juicy Joe sweat, but it seems Teresa wasn’t kidding. In fact, Life & Style is already reporting that the newly-sprung Housewife is pregnant with her fifth child!

It may seem like the worst possible timing, but with Joe Giudice set to start his own 41-month prison sentence sometime in the next few weeks, this might be Joe and Teresa’s only chance to expand their family.

Teresa reportedly announced to friends that she’s “determined to conceive before Joe begins his sentence” in March.

Now friends are claiming they have reason to believe Teresa may already be knocked up: 

“She’s been acting really excited about the future, and she looks like she’s put on some weight, I think she could actually be pregnant,” says one insider.

Sources say Joe Giudice is even more psyched about the potential new addition than Teresa, as he believes a baby may be the key to saving his marriage.

As you may have heard, rumors that Joe cheated on Teresa while she was behind bars were everywhere over the past few months.

To make matters worse, there’s a chance that Joe could be deported to Italy after he’s released from prison. 

Insiders close to the situation tell Life & Style that Joe believes a baby will ensure that Teresa and the rest of the kids will come with him, if he should be forced to relocate to his native Italia.

Frankly, we can’t wait for the premiere of Real Housewives of Venice!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Teresa Giudice is Voting for Donald Trump Because Of Course She Is

You’ll never guess who Teresa Giudice is voting for when it comes to President of the United States.

Actually, you’ll totally guess.

After all, one of the world’s worst reality stars is now on record as saying she’ll cast her vote for one of the world’s worst people.

“Of course I’m going to vote for Donald Trump,” Giudice tells Andy Cohen in an interview that will air tonight on Bravo. “I think he’s amazing. I think he’ll make a great president.”

We can’t make too much fun of Teresa, we suppose, because a whole lot of people (especially in New Hampshire) apparently share this same asinine opinion.

And at least Giudice has a personal connection to Trump, having been a cast member on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012.

When Teresa turned around and asked Cohen who he’ll be voting for, the Watch What Happens Live host said he wasn’t certain yet, but…

“I’m pretty sure I’m not voting for Donald Trump.”

This also might be a good time to mention that Teresa Giudice actually cannot vote for President until she completes her probation, per New Jersey law.

So there’s one fewer vote for Trump! There’s still hope, people.

Giudice was released from the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution on December 23 after serving 11 months on fraud charges; her house arrest ended last Friday.

Earlier this week, meanwhile, Bravo announced that she will be featured on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7, along with Melissa Gorga and Jacqueline Laurita.

Here’s the first teaser for new episodes of that program, which will feature cameras capturing Giudice reuniting with her family after her release from jail.

Because of course this was filmed for television, right?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Teresa Giudice Comes Home: See Her Family Reunion!

As previously announced, The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 is a go.

Bravo will air new episodes of this beloved franchise in late 2016, with Teresa Giudice, Melissa Gorga and Jacqueline Laurita all on board.

But, really, the season might as well just star Giudice and Giudice alone.

The focus will be on her release from prison, following eleven months behind bars after she pleaded guilty to charges of financial fraud.

The network has released the first trailer for Season 7 and it actually gives us a look at the first time Teresa comes home from jail and reunites with her family.

Tears flow. Hugs are broken out.

And we"re left with one of two options to consider:


  1. This was NOT actually the first time Teresa saw her husband and kids after leaving prison, meaning Bravo contrived the scene.

  2. Teresa actually agreed to have cameras present during her emotional reunion with her children!

We really have no idea which option would be worse.

But there are no other possibilities.

Check out the footage for yourself and try to help us understand. Please, we really need to understand:

Why would ANYone watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online or on television?

Why would ANYone give any sort of platform to Teresa Giudice?

Teresa giudice comes home see her family reunion

Teresa Giudice: My Husband Never Cheated on Me!

Teresa Giudice may be free from prison, but that doesn’t mean the horrific Real Housewife is free from a rumor that has dogged her relationship for months:

Did husband Joe Giudice put his penis inside another woman while Teresa was incarcerated?

In an exclusive interview with People Magazine, Teresa strongly denies all infidelity chatter, standing strongly by her man.

“No women has ever come up to me and said that my husband was having an affair with them,” Teresa tells the publication, adding:

“It’s sad that if there are any women around him, people take pictures of him and sell the photos to a magazine. I feel bad for him.”

Hmmm… who wants to tell Giudice that just because no mistress has actually outed herself to her personally does not exactly mean her husband has been loyal?

Undaunted, however, Giudice insists that the media needs to get a life.

“Every photo that I see of him with other women I know who the women are,” she says.

“He could be out with friends that are single and, you know if they’re talking to girls, that doesn’t mean that Joe is doing anything just because a girl is sitting at the same table as them.

“So I feel bad for him in a way. Because the poor guy, you know, he’s not doing that.”

Joe says he’s now stuck turning down any woman that comes up to him for a photo (we’re sure this happens A TON), while confirming his love and appreciation for his wife.

“Our marriage has always been strong,” he tells People. “We never had a problem with our marriage. But I definitely learned to appreciate her more not having her around for a year.”

Heck, he’s probably having sex with Teresa right at this very moment.

Joe Giudice, meanwhile, begins his lengthy prison sentence in March. And Teresa says she’ll be faithful.

“We’ve been married 16 years. Listen, we’re both devoted to each other, and I don’t have a collar around his neck,” she says. “If we didn’t want to be around each other we would both go our separate ways.”