Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Maybe Prison Will Make Joe a Better Husband!

After almost a year behind bars, Teresa Giudice will be released from prison later this week. Of course, that won’t be the end of her family’s struggles.

Joe Giudice has been sentenced to 41 months in jail for his role in the same bankruptcy fraud scheme that brought Teresa down.

Joe will begin serving his sentence some time after Teresa finishes her time in a halfway house, and while we’re sure she’s not looking forward to raising four young girls on her own, Teresa isn’t as upset about life without Joe as you might think.

Several times in the past year, rumors about Joe cheating on Teresa have circulated online, and Teresa has reportedly ignored them each time, even as it became more and more apparent that her husband was being unfaithful.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Teresa will not divorce Joe when she gets out of prison, but she is hoping that the federal prison system will make him a better husband and father.

“She will never file for divorce,” an insider tells the website. “They’ll never get divorced.

“She knows that he is not perfect. She’s not perfect either — she says nobody is perfect — but her hope is that even though he is going away, there is a silver lining that he will have some time like she did to reflect on the mistakes they’ve made and to work on himself to become a better person.”

According to the insider, Teresa is hoping that Joe’s sentence “will really give him time to work on himself like she worked on herself, so that hopefully with the children and with her, going through all of that with them together as a family, it will make them stronger. She’s coming out with a new perspective on life and her hope is so will he.”

Yes, Teresa’s marriage has reached the point where prison time for her husband has become last, best hope. And you thought sleeping on the couch was bad!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Teresa Giudice: One Week Left in Prison!

It’s been almost a year since Teresa Giudice reported to prison to begin serving a 5-month sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

Against all odds, Tre kept to herself and served her time without incident. For the first time in her life, Teresa Giudice made the “nice” list, and now, thanks to her good behavior, she’ll be out of jail in time for the holidays!

As we reported last week, Teresa will he home and on house arrest by Christmas, and now, insiders say prison authorities have finally set a release date.

Yes, Teresa will walk out Danbury Correctional on December 23. 

It’s been suggested that officials selected a date so close to Christmas for a reason.

If Teresa messes up in any way (like, say, having a Bravo camera crew document her release), she can be tossed back behind bars, thus ensuring that she won’t get to spend a final Christmas with her family before Joe Giudice begins his 41-month sentence sometime in early 2016.

“Teresa just wants to be reunited with her family, and get out of there with as little fanfare as possible,” says one insider.

“There will no doubt be photographers present, but Teresa won’t be lingering around. She just wants to get to her house and then she will really believe it’s over.”

We already know that Teresa is returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and that her readjustment to life on the outside will be a major storyline on the show’s new season, but it looks as though her release will not be documented by producers.

Andy Cohen and company have been warned not to film Teresa’s first moments as a free woman, but don’t worry – we’ll be here with all the details and hopefully plenty of pics.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive Tre’s fall from grace.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Teresa Giudice: I"ll Home (and on House Arrest) for Christmas!

It’s been almost a year since Teresa Giudice reported to prison to begin serving a 15 month sentence on bankruptcy fraud charges.

Now – barring a table-flipping cafeteria fight in the next few days – Teresa is set for an early release due to her good behavior, which means the entire Giudice family could be under one roof for the holidays!

Sadly, it’ll be the last time they can all celebrate Christmas together for a very long time.

“Christmas has always been very special for the Giudices, but it’s even more so this year,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

“This is going to be the last Christmas Teresa and Joe have together for four years once he goes away to prison. But they aren’t going to discuss it, and will instead focus on their time together.”

Yes, Joe Giudice will begin his 41-month sentence shortly after Teresa’s release, but fortunately, he and Teresa will have no choice but to spend a lot of time together in the meantime:

“Teresa won’t be allowed to leave the house once she’s home because she will be under house arrest until February,” says the insider.

“But it’s all the better for bonding with her family. The girls are so excited that their mom is finally coming home and are calling it a real Christmas miracle.”

Mom’s on house arrest and dad hasn’t started his sentence yet? That’s a Jersey Christmas miracle on par with Bruce Springsteen and Snooki showing up on your doorstep for some holiday fist-pumping.

Of course, before the festivities at casa de Giudice can begin, Teresa gets to enjoy one last shindig with Piper, Crazy Eyes, and the rest of her wacky band of felonious misfits:

“Before Teresa is released, there will be a Christmas party for the inmates at Danbury Correctional Facility, and she is excited to be a part of that as well,” the source says.

“Of course she is more than thrilled to be leaving, but it’s also bittersweet as she has made some very good friends with the other ladies. Leaving that sisterhood is going to be hard for Teresa, especially since many of them still have years on their sentences.”

Yeah, we’re sure Teresa met some down-ass homegirls on the inside, but we’re guessing her release will be a lot more sweet than bitter.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Bravo Special Flops! Co-Stars Pay the Price!

Did you watch Teresa Checks In when it aired on Bravo back in October? That’s okay; neither did anyone else!

Yes, Teresa’s prison special tanked with viewers, but we guess that was to be expected for a reality series in which the title star never actually appears on camera. 

Apparently, however, network execs thought they’d have a Garden State-sized hit on their hands, so when the ratings dropped lower than Teresa’s hairline, they decided to make up their money by dipping into the Real Housewives of New Jersey budget.

Yes, according to Radar Online, Bravo made major cuts to the show that made the Giudices famous, even going so far as to slash a few salaries.

But even though she’s indirectly responsible for the penny-pinching, Teresa’s contract reportedly remains untouched.

“Bravo cut the RHONJ budget in half,” a source tells the website. “They cut the budget because the ratings for Teresa’s special were so bad.

“They used to spend around $ 6 million on Jersey. Now they are spending less than $ 3 million.”

The site reports that Teresa will still receive her previously agreed-upon $ 1 million for the show’s seventh season. Yes, she’ll be paid fully one-third of the budget for the entire season. Girl better bring the post-prison drama!

Teresa’s sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga is also safe, having signed a six-figure deal just days before the network decided to reduce costs.

Unfortunately, newcomers Robyn Levy and Christina Flores weren’t quite so lucky…

“Robyn and Christina are getting $ 40,000 in total,” says the insider.

Granted, part of the reason for their relatively paltry salaries is the fact that Robyn and Christina are serving in a part-time “friends of the Housewives” capacity, but even so, the franchise’s first lesbian couple was reportedly expecting twice that much.

But hey, that’s Teresa for you. Even from behind bars, she’ll find a way to screw you over. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Joe Giudice and Apollo Nida to Serve Time in SAME Prison?!

It looks like two of the Real Housewives franchise’s most notorious husbands will soon be swapping stories of the Bravo-lebrity life behind bars.

According to Radar Online, Apollo Nida and Joe Giudice might soon be cellmates, as Apollo has reportedly been transferred from a Kentucky prison to FCI Fort Dix in New Jersey, where Joe is set to begin serving time next year.

As you may recall, Nida turned himself in in September of 2014 to begin serving an eight-year sentence for bank fraud and identity theft.

According to the Bureau of Prisons, with good behavior, Apollo can qualify for early release in 2020.

Giudice was sentenced to 41 months for bankruptcy fraud last year, but a judge allowed him to delay the start of his sentence until his wife, Teresa Giudice, finishes her own prison bid, so that their children wouldn’t need to be placed in foster care.

Nida transferred to the Jersey facility “about two weeks ago,” a source tells Radar, and he’s reportedly adjusted well to the the more relaxed atmosphere of the minimum security prison.

Interestingly, in Apollo’s first prison interview, he offered advice to the soon-to-be-incarcerated Joe, saying, “Stay humble and don’t act better than anyone; just observe your surroundings.”

Now it looks like he’ll be able to impart his words of jailhouse wisdom in person! 

If only camera crews were allowed behind prison walls. This could make one hell of a spinoff!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Teresa Giudice Wrote A Book, Not Even Out Of Jail Yet

Her release from federal prison is scheduled for December 23rd, but Teresa Giudice is already promoting her memoir, Turning The Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again (Gallery Books).

The book’s release date is February 9th, 2016 comes about a month before Joe Giudice begins serving his 41-month sentence.

According to Radar Online, the press release for Giudice’s books promises a “behind-the-scenes look at life in prison, her marriage, her rise to fame, the importance of her family, and the reality TV franchise that made her a household name in her explosive and ultimately uplifting first-ever memoir.”

Giudice has kept a diary of her time in prison specifically for this reason.  Back in July, excerpts from her diary were featured in Us Weekly.

“It’s going to be about growing up from humble beginnings,” Giudice’s lawyer, James J. Leonard Jr., told the magazine about the memoir.

“She will also tell the story everyone is dying to know: what life is like behind bars.”

Giudice recorded everything about her time in prison, from the mundane (pilates, 9pm head count) to the slightly terrifying.

“There is a lady in here, she hit her roommate,” Giudice wrote in her diary.  

“The officers are up here now to evaluate the situation. She is a crazy lady who fights with everyone.”

Giudice promised fans a glimpse into the life she’s always led. 

“The world will see a new Teresa. A different Teresa.

Well, actually, the Teresa I always was.”

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Salaries Revealed: Teresa Giudice Makes HOW MUCH?!

There have been a lot of casting changes and rumors ahead of the seventh season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, but here’s what we know for sure so far:

Teresa Giudice will return following a one-year stint in prison.

She’ll be joined by Robyn Levy and Christina Flores (the Housewife franchise’s first lesbian couple), as well as professional matchmaker Siggy Flicker.

Most importantly, everyone will make an insane amount of cash just for doing what they do best – acting like they’re from Jersey.

Several sources are reporting that despite the addition of several newcomers, Teresa and Melissa Gorga will be the only full-time cast members in season 7.

The show will reportedly focus on Teresa’s struggles to adjust to life after prison and Melissa’s efforts to open a clothing boutique.

As they’re now shouldering the ratings burden themselves, it’s not surprising that both ladies are receiving big bucks for their efforts.

Insiders say Teresa will make $ 750,000 per episode, and Melissa will be doing alright for herself at $ 500,000.

No word on how much the new ladies will make, but based on what we’ve heard about Real Housewives of New Jersey salaries in the past, it’s probably not an insane sum, but still enough to totally bum you out if you read about it at work.

Hey, at least Teresa will finally be able to pay back all those creditors! (But will she actually do it?)

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to get caught up in time for the expensive seventh season. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Teresa And Joe Giudice: We Get To Keep Our House!

The Fisher Price castle is theirs!

In addition to jail sentences for conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud, making false statements on loan applications, and bankruptcy fraud, Teresa and Joe Giudice had fallen behind on the mortgage payment for their obnoxiously large Montville, New Jersey home. 

The property went into foreclosure at one point, forcing the Giudices to put it on the market for $ 2.99 million.  They later reduced the price by $ 500,000 since no one showed any interest in 10,000 sq. foot Chateau New Money.

“The house is out of foreclosure, and the unpaid money owed has been paid in full,” a source told Radar Online.  “The mortgage is now current.”

Joe currently lives in the 6 bed, 6 bath home with the couple’s four daughters, Gia, Gabriella, Milania and Audriana.  Teresa’s release date is set for December 23rd, and Joe goes away in early 2016.

Joe also faces deportation since he is not an American citizen, despite having come here with his parents as a baby.

Oh, and his license has been suspended because he tried to pull a fast one on the DMV by using his brother’s information.


“The loan hasn’t been paid off, but they are now in good standing with the loan,” the source added.  “A judge is expected to sign off on the agreement reached between the bank and the Giudices.”

Monday, November 9, 2015

23 Teresa Giudice GIFs That Prove She"s the Baddest B- in Danbury

When a cast member of Bravo"s The Real Housewives of New Jersey gets sent up the river, you might think she"s in for a world of pain.

Not necessarily in this case. She"s up at Danbury Federal Correctional, nicknamed Camp Cupcake, and Tre is no cupcake herself.

These 23 Teresa Giudice GIFs prove that while prison is no picnic, she"s one of the baddest b!tches in the minimum security lockup.

1. Table Flipping Fiend

Table flipping fiend

Teresa Giudice is not gonna take any crap. Her table-flipping reputation will precede her in prison, thanks to The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 1.

2. The F–k Off Me!

The f k off me

Do not put your hands on Teresa Giudice. Step the f–k off.

3. B!tch Slap a B!tch

B tch slap a b tch

Sometimes b!tches just have a good b!tch slap coming.


Motherf ker

Teresa Giudice has to be held back in this classic Real Housewives of New Jersey Gif-able moment.

5. Bust You in the Eye With My 9mm

Bust you in the eye with my 9mm

Teresa Giudice and her associates do not mess around. Take heed.

6. Wahhh, You Threw a Table at Me

Wahhh you threw a table at me

Yes, Teresa Giudice threw a table at you, Danielle Staub. Why don’t you go cry about it.

View Slideshow

Friday, November 6, 2015

Amber Marchese SLAMS Teresa Giudice Over Spin-Off

The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Teresa Giudice might still be locked up, but her family is still the subject of Bravo’s newest spin-off, Real Housewives of New Jersey: Teresa Checks In.

Certainly, the Giudice family – who found fame and jail time through greed – are happy about the publicity.

But not everyone is supportive of the new spin-off the features Teresa’s family, including her three children.

Fellow NJ housewife Amber Marchese and her husband Jim Marchese opened up to Radar Online about the Giudice’s decision to feature the family on television while Teresa is in jail.

She claims the Giudices are “exchanging their kids’ mental health for a paycheck!”  And we have to agree.

Teresa’s children – Gia, 14, Milania, 9, Gabriella, 8, and Audriana, 3 – were the focal point on the show that Jim called “dark endorsement of criminal behavior and exploitation of children.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be drama without a volleying of insults.  Teresa isn’t there to fight back or flip tables, so Andy Cohen stepped in to augment the drama.

Cohen reminded Amber and Jim that they, too, put their children on television.

But Amber claims the situations are entirely different.

“I usually remain silent regarding all Real Housewives of New Jersey shenanigans, especially Andy and Bravo’s judgments of what makes ‘RHONJ‘ great, however he publicly criticized my decision to include my children on the show,” Amber stated.

She added, “They crossed a line and so now, they get my iron fist response!”

Amber reminded Andy Cohen that her children were only filmed during family gatherings: 

“Jim and I, as parents only had our children participate in family events, such as ginger bread house making, a fall harvest party, and a cute kid’s commercial for our family business.”

“We never had them in ‘adult situations’ or speaking about ‘adult issues.’” Like prison?” she snapped back.

“We have all had difficult times in our lives: Melissa and Joe [Gorga] moved into a rental for a while; Jackie and Chris [Laurita] spend thousands on care for their son; and Jim and I have had our challenges,” Amber empathized.  

But she reminded Cohen, “We are not having our children eat of off ‘Gucci plates,’ nor are we living in a home that the mortgage is unpaid.”

Not only did Amber slam the Giudice’s lavish and fraudulent lifestyle, she claimed Teresa and husband Joe Giudice aren’t invested in the interest of their own children.

“One of the things about Melissa, Jackie and I remains constant: we focus on our children and their best interests,” she said. 

“The same cannot be said for Teresa and Joe G. They are literally exchanging their children’s mental health for a pay check!”

Not only did she bash Teresa calling her a sh*tty mother, she also called her a sh*tty friend: “Melissa and I have been friends for about 15 years and Jacqueline and I for a year and a half or so. I have first hand witnessed how Teresa has treated her friends and family.”

She continued, “Teresa used me, pretending to be my friend, but all the while she was setting me up to take the brunt of the Victoria Ghotti scandal!”

“It was no accident that Teresa picked me to go with her to hear that disgusting rumor about the twins, and it also was not a coincident that Tre was not in Florida when it came out.”

Amber took a beating on her first season of the show.  But now she is ready to stand up for herself.

“I have remained silent on this subject for so long because karma seemed to be taking a life on its own for all of the awful things she has done to people,” Amber said. 

“She is sitting in jail. But the truth of the matter is, she went to great lengths to humiliate the twins and their families; she has been cruel to Melissa, and she has been cruel to Jacqueline. That is the absolute reality of this all.”

“I always say, you cannot always tell who the anchor truly is in a family or group of friends, until they are gone,” she concluded. 

“It is no coincidence, there has been no drama in the last eight months [of Teresa’s prison stint] and all of us are still friends!”

It’s also probably not a coincidence that this drama is emerging in the final months before filming for Season 7 begins.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is slated to begin filming after Teresa is released from prison next month.  And the cameras can’t roll without the drama.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Knows Joe Giudice Cheats on Her, Doesn"t Care, Source Says

Ever since Teresa Giudice began serving her 15-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud back in January, rumors about Joe Giudice cheating on her have seemed to pop up every week.

At first, Teresa denied that Joe was cheating and refused to even entertain the possibility.

Now, sources close to the incarcerated Housewife say that she’s accepted the fact that Joe’s been satisfying his urges while she’s in prison, and while she’s not exactly cool with his infidelity, she has no plans to leave him over it.

One insider tells Life & Style that Teresa was raised to believe that women should turn a blind eye to unfaithful husbands:

“She isn’t stupid, she knows he cheats. But she won’t leave him. Teresa comes from that old-school Italian philosophy that says men have needs and appetites. She just wishes Joe were more discreet about it.”

Another source says Teresa blames herself, and believes that her imprisonment left Joe with no other choice but to sleep around.

Obviously, those justifications are ludicrous for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that, by his own admission, it’s Joe’s fault that Teresa is in prison.

“Every night when she’s in prison, Teresa is worried that Joe is with another woman,” says one source. “Joe is a total pig. I mean, he is just so out of control with his cheating, it’s amazing she’s stood by him.”

That Juicy Joe is quite a guy. Hopefully, this open marriage thing works both ways and Teresa will have free rein to get it in with whomever she pleases while he’s serving his 41-month sentence.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Mistreating Daughter Gia From Behind Bars?

Teresa Giudice is almost through serving her 15-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud. 

Of course, thanks to Bravo’s (hilariously low-rated) Teresa Checks In specials, the incarcerated Housewife has already returned to the network that made her famous…kind of.

We hear Teresa’s voice on the show (through phone calls to her family), but for obvious reasons, she never actually appears on camera.

It’s not the first time that Teresa has figured out innovative ways to remind the world of her continued existence. Back in June, a tweet from Teresa baffled fans, as prisoners are not permitted to use social media.

It turns out the tweet was posted by Teresa’s 14-year-old daughter Gia (at Teresa’s request), and if that were the only time that Gia was asked to assist with her mother’s career during her sentence, it probably would’ve been no big deal.

But as Teresa Checks In demonstrates, Gia has basically served as her mother’s proxy during the past ten months, and many fans feel that such treatment constitutes abuse on Gia’s part

“I hate that! Those kids should never be involved in grownup’s business,” tweeted one viewer.

“People usually change when they go to prison, but it’s so obvious Teresa and her husband won’t change one bit,” wrote another. 

Obviously, Teresa isn’t in a position to defend her parenting decisions, but we get the feeling she’ll have plenty to say on the matter when she’s released.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Banned From Returning to Television By Prison Officials?

Sometime in the next two months, Teresa Giudice will be released from prison.

The disgraced Housewife has been planning her return to public life since before she got locked up, but while she’ll likely be released ahead of schedule, every other part of her comeback plan is falling to pieces.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey spinoff miniseries entitled Teresa Checks In has been tanking in the ratings, and it seems viewers just aren’t as interested in Teresa and her troubles as Bravo had hoped.

Fortunately, Teresa has already reached a lucrative deal to return to the series that made her famous. Unfortunately, it looks like prison officials might prevent Teresa from filming scenes for RHONJ for at least two months after her release.

Radar Online is reporting that Teresa will be put on house arrest until February of 2016 after her release. She was reportedly okay with the arrangement until she learned recently that she may not be permitted to have reality TV cameras in her home.

“It looks like Teresa might not be able to film while she is under house arrest” says one insider. “The Bureau of Prisons has to sign off on it, and no decision has been made.”

So it looks like we may have to wait until the spring of 2016 to see Mrs. Giudice on camera.

Fortunately, Teresa fans (if such a thing exists) won’t have to wait that long for a dose of Tre. Her memoir – Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again – is set to be released on February 9.

Get it? Turning the Tables? Because she likes to flip tables? Hey, at least she hasn’t lost her sense of humor!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Cell Tossed in Late Night Prison Raid!

Teresa Giudice’s prison sentence may be nearing its end, but the good folks at Danbury Federal Correctional aren’t letting her go quietly into the night.

Nor are they giving her special treatment, despite reports to the contrary.

According to insiders, Giudice was recently strip searched during a late night prison raid because guards thought she could be hiding contraband!

It all was sparked by a tweet in May, reading, “Thank you everyone for all of the cards, letters, and kind words of support. I love, love you all xo T!”

Even though Teresa reportedly has unlimited access to e-mail, there is no Internet access available at the prison; Gia Giudice Tweeted on her behalf.

At the time, it was unclear Gia had done so, and the prison wasn’t happy.

“Prison officials descended into Teresa’s cell while she was sleeping,” a source says. “It was a full shakedown … guards believed she had a cell phone.”

“The cell was torn apart, as were the bunks of all of the other inmates.”

“It was extremely scary for Teresa and she was also subjected to a full strip search, including the dreaded bending over and coughing.”

“Teresa explained to the guards that her daughter had posted to her Twitter account and after nothing was found, the ladies were left to clean up.”

“It was extremely scary for Teresa because she had been on good behavior, and never been in the crosshairs for discipline purposes since arriving.”

“There have been other routine searches, but she was never the focus.”

“Anyone thinking Teresa is getting special treatment behind bars is absolutely wrong,” the source cautions. “She is treated just like everyone else.”

This story corroborates claims that Teresa Giudice was shaken down, as she put it, although she was not punished or set back by the experience.

We can expect to hear more about life behind bars via her Bravo special and Teresa’s tell-all book, which will touch on all facets of prison life.

Including, somewhat surprisingly, the camaraderie she feels inside:

“These women have become confidantes and sisters to Teresa, and without this sisterhood, she wouldn’t be able to get through the day.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Teresa Giudice to Pen Tell-All Prison Memoir

No one may have tuned in for Bravo’s ridiculous Teresa Giudice prison special over last weekend, but that isn’t stopping the inmate from making further plans to profit off her incarceration.

We can now confirm that Giudice is writing a book. We’ll give everyone a few minutes to go vomit profusely…

The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member was convicted of financial fraud last year and sentenced to 15 months at a federal penitentiary in Danbury, Connecticut.

She is scheduled to be released on December 23, after which her conniving husband, Joe, will begin his 43-month sentence.

And then, about six weeks later, People Magazine reports that Giudice will release “Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again.”

(Get it?!? Turning the Tables? Because Giudice is famous for flipping over tables in scripted anger on her Bravo reality show.)

The memoir will hit bookstores on February 9, 2016, chronicling Giudice’s journey, from the good/illegal times to the much harder times.

“While we’ve all watched Teresa’s life unfold on television, Turning the Tables will mark the first time we will hear all of Teresa’s incredible life story, including her recent stint in prison,” publisher Jennifer Bergstrom tells People.

Teresa and Joe really suck as human beings. They are also the parents of four daughters: Gia, 14, Gabriella, 10, Milania, 9, and Audriana, 6.

Despite having been locked up for months, Giudice has managed to stay in the news via tabloid photoshoots; family interviews; and even negotiations for her return to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Oh, yes, she’ll be returning alright. Likely with a hefty raise.

Have we mentioned yet how much Teresa Giudice sucks as a human being?

Teresa Giudice Prison Special TANKS in the Ratings!

On Sunday, Bravo aired the first installment of Teresa Checks In, a Real Housewives of New Jersey miniseries spinoff focusing on the Giudice family and the difficulties they’ve faced with the head of their household behind bars.

It’s already been announced that Teresa will return to The Real Housewives of New Jersey once she’s released, and the miniseries is being used by Bravo to ease her transition back to reality TV and gauge the level of viewer interest in the incarcerated 43-year-old.

Unfortunately, it seems there’s a significant bump in Teresa’s comeback road, as Radar Online is reporting that Teresa Checks in was a ratings flop.

The premiere was watched by just 1.2 million people, which is a smaller audience than any episode of the last season of RHONJ.

That number isn’t terrible on its own, but it will likely shrink as the series continues, and the Giudices will almost certainly suffer the embarrassment of having fewer than 1 million viewers tune in for their show.

Granted, Teresa doesn’t actually appear on camera on Teresa Checks In, but she makes frequent voice cameos via telephone, and given the amount of money Teresa is being paid to return to Bravo, it’s safe to assume that Andy Cohen and company believed the hotheaded Housewife would draw a much larger audience.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Teresa Giudice to Be Locked Up Longer Than Expected?!

Just when it was looking like things were beginning to turn around for Teresa Giudice, the incarcerated reality star may have received some bad news about her shortened prison sentence.

According to Radar Online, Teresa will be released in December, as planned, but because her reduced sentence has more to do with overcrowding than with her own good behavior, Teresa may be forced to serve two months of house arrest.

“She will still be under the supervision of the Bureau of Prisons and will be required to wear an ankle bracelet while under house arrest until February 2016,” an insider told Radar.

“She will only be able to leave the house with prior permission from the B.O.P. If she attempts to leave without permission, Teresa will go back to prison.”

Teresa was sentenced to 15 months for fraud last year, and she began doing her time in early 2015.

She’ll still get away with serving slightly less than her full sentence, and ironically, the house arrest stint may end up working out in the Giudices’ favor.

Joe Giudice will start serving his 41-month sentence soon after Teresa finishes her own bid.

Teresa’s house arrest may at least give the husband and wife a couple months together before he heads off to prison himself.

In a recent interview, Joe stated that he and Teresa will have “lots of sex” once she’s released, and if you’ve seen “Juicy Joe,” you know that’s sure to make her long for the sweet solitude of her life behind bars.

House arrest might be tough for, Tre, but at least she’ll be able to return to her one true love – reality television.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Teresa Giudice "Shaken Down" in Jail; Joe Giudice Opens Up

To put it mildly, it has been a sh*tty effing year for Teresa and Joe Giudice.

As Teresa’s stint in prison is coming to an end, viewers have the chance to learn more about her time behind bars.

Teresa is staring in a three-part special titled Teresa Checks In on Bravo. Clearly, she must be starved for attention (or money) if she is willing to expose herself while behind bars.

Of course, the show won’t be without drama.  In a preview for part two of the special, Teresa discloses to her husband what happened after their daughter, Gia, tweeted about Teresa.

“I got shaken down,” 43-year-old Teresa tells Joe.

Joe sat down with E! News to elaborate about how life has been for the Giudice family since Teresa checked into jail.

With Teresa behind bars, he is busy working as a single parent.  And he admits that he has learned a lot about parenting.

He told E! News, “I’ve always been a father. I’ve always done everything but Teresa did all the driving around, running around, paying for everything and doing all this and doing all that. 

He added, “I never knew how many expenses there are just in the activities.”

Though the expenses are high raising four girls, he does enjoy making his kids happy.

“Damn, cheer’s expensive. Damn, soccer’s expensive. Everything’s expensive, but I enjoy it. It’s fun watching them and they did really good,” he said.

Joe has been regularly attending practice: “I’m like the mom—I’m like the cheer mom and whatever.”

Certainly, he has enjoyed spending time with his children, but life without Teresa has been tough. “It hasn’t been easy,” Joe said. “You’re emailing, you’re talking here and there, but it’s not like she’s here.”

There have been multiple rumors that Joe is cheating on Teresa.  But he claims he misses her “every day, every minute. I always wish she was here.”

“I’m glad I was able to keep the girls together, and do what we have to do to get by until she [Teresa] gets home.”

Joe stated that the family is “managing” the best they can.  But he says that aren’t “doing well” without her.

Once Teresa is released from prison, Joe will begin his turn in jail.  Last year, The Real Housewives of New Jersey Teresa and Joe were sentenced to serve time in jail for fraud.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Joe Giudice: I Suck! Teresa Should Not Be in Jail!

Joe Giudice sat down this week with The Today Show and opened up about his family’s seriously effed up situation.

The reality star’s famous wife is in jail… he will go behind bars as soon as she gets out… and he may even get deported as a result of his upcoming prison sentence.

And Joe Giudice says it’s all his fault.

Speaking from his family’s lavish home, Joe says Teresa Giudice should not be sitting in jail at the moment, despite her guilty plea last spring to multiple counts of financial fraud.

“I was to blame. I took full responsibility for everything, but they still put her away,” Giudice told Today co-host Tamron Hall.

“I mean, I was supposed to go away, not her. And that was part of the plea. What I thought, anyway. I don’t know what happened in the courtroom that day.”

The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars were charged with bankruptcy and mail fraud last year.

As we type, Teresa is serving 15 months at Danbury Correctional Facility in Connecticut and is expected to return home around Christmas. She really misses sex.

How did he feel after a judge sentence Teresa to prison?

“I felt like somebody just snapped my neck that day,” he says. “I felt a pain and chill going down my spine. I couldn’t believe it.”

Once Teresa finishes her sentence, Joe will begin his sentence… of 41 months!

And while Joe didn’t respond to questions about the possibility of being deported, he did respond to inquiries over whether or not he’s cheated on Teresa.

“I don’t go on dates and none of that is true,” he says.

“Listen, anybody does anything for money. So, if they feel they can make a couple bucks [selling a story], they’re going to make it. They’re going to say whatever they want to say.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Teresa Giudice to Be Home From Prison By the Holidays, Has Already Started Job Hunting

It’s been nine months since Teresa Giudice went to prison for bankruptcy fraud.

During that time, she’s managed to stay relevant (and cash in) by selling her prison photos, helping to broker a deal that allowed her husband and kids to land a Bravo special, and, of course, arranging for her return to the series that made her famous.

Of course, like all prisoners, Teresa’s been mainly concerned with doing her time and getting out as soon as possible.

Now, after a truly epic string of bad luck and worse decisions, things are finally starting to look up for Tre, as insiders say the controversial reality star will be home for the holidays.

And with the exception of parole requirements (and the fact that Joe Giudice will begin a 41-month sentence soon after Teresa’s release), she’ll be permitted to return to everyday life as a mother of four:

“Teresa won’t be required to go to a halfway house because that is typically for those that have been behind bars for a much longer term than the thirteen months Teresa will have served,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“Individuals that go to a halfway house need assistance and to be monitored as they transition back into society. Teresa wasn’t sent away long enough for that to be an issue.

“She is counting down the days until she will be reunited with the family for Christmas.”

Of course, there will be one major change: Like other parolees, Teresa will be required to get a job.

“Reality star” won’t cut it in this case, as the terms of her parole require that Teresa punch in and perform actual work every day, like the rest of us.

Hilariously, her best option at this point seems to be the boutique that her sister-in-law/rival Melissa Gorga is opening in Monclair, New Jersey:

“Teresa could absolutely work there,” the source says. “It would be a natural because both ladies will be filming for RHONJ. The show would get great footage of them working together.”

Sounds like RHONJ is about to reclaim it’s place as the most drama-packed Housewives series.