Showing posts with label Hernandez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hernandez. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Lawyers Talking to NFL Agents About Contract Situation (VIDEO)

Aaron Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, says his legal team is in talks with the NFL player’s former agents to see how the abatement of his murder conviction will affect his contract with the Patriots.  There are theories that with the murder…


Aaron Hernandez Murder Conviction Officially Dismissed

Aaron Hernandez’s conviction for the murder of Odin Lloyd has officially been dismissed by a judge. The case went before the court in Massachusetts early Tuesday morning where Hernandez’s team argued that the conviction cannot stand because he had…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Aaron Hernandez: Suicide Note to Fiancee Revealed

Last month, the world was shocked to learn that former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez had been found dead in his prison cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.

Though Hernandez was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for the murder of Odin Lloyd, the suicide raised questions about his motive and even the possibility of foul play due to some very unusual timing.

Conspiracy theorists were quick to note that Hernandez had recently been acquitted of double murder charges in a second, related trial, a development that offered hops for his pending appeal of the Lloyd conviction.

But now it seems Hernandez may have waited out his second trial in order to ensure that he was acquitted simply so that he could provide for his family by exploiting an arcane legal loophole.

Moments ago, TMZ and several other outlets published the contents of Hernandez’s suicide note addressed to his fiancee, Shaynna Jenkins:

The message reads:

Shay, You have always been my soul-mate and I want you to love life and know I’m always with you. I told you what was coming indirectly! I love you so much and know you are an angel – literally! We split into two to come change the world! Your characteristics is that of a true angel and the definition of God’s love! Tell my story fully but never think anything besides how much I love you. This was the Supreme’s, the Almighty’s plan, not mine! I love you! Let (redacted) know how much I love her! Look after (redacted) and (redacted) for me – they are my boys (you’re rich). I knew I loved you = Savage Garden

The note – particularly the part about Jenkins getting “rich” – seems to shed new light on Hernandez’s possible motives in taking his own life.

According to investigators, in the weeks before Hernandez was found dead, he was heard telling a friend that “if an inmate has an open appeal on his case and dies in prison, he is acquitted of his charge and will be deemed not guilty.”

It seems that Hernandez was under the impression that as long as he had a pending appeal in the courts, he would be deemed not guilty post-mortem.

That may seem like a meaningless technicality, but for Hernandez’s loved ones, the distinction could be worth millions.

The New England Patriots terminated Hernandez’s contract as a result of his conviction, a move which allowed them to withhold the $ 6 million he was owed at the time of his arrest.

Now that Hernandez has died an “innocent” man, there’s a possibility that the team will be forced to pay that amount over to the beneficiaries of Hernandez’s will.

But as with all matters involving the legal system and large sums of cash, the matter is complex, and the Patriots organization will likely fight any decision that forces them to issue a payment to Hernandez’s estate.

Investigators say they found three notes in Hernandez’s cell.

One was addressed to his 4-year-old daughter, and there are conflicting reports about the recipients of the third letter.

(Some say the missive was addressed to Hernandez’s gay prison lover, while his lawyers claim the note was written to them.)

It will likely be quite some time before all the details of this case are sorted out, but one thing is for certain – the strange life and death of Aaron Hernandez won’t be fading from the headlines any time soon.


Aaron Hernandez Suicide Note to Fiancee Released, "You"re Rich!" (PHOTO)

TMZ Sports has obtained the suicide note Aaron Hernandez wrote to his fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez — in which he tells her she will be RICH after he kills himself. It’s not hard to connect the dots. In Massachusetts, when someone dies after…


Aaron Hernandez Prison Nicknames Revealed, "Boom, Rokk Boy, Big Nose," Etc.

Aaron Hernandez went by a slew of nicknames during his time behind bars — including “AA,” “Chico,” and “Big Nose” … this according to official prison documents obtained by TMZ Sports.  Among the nicknames…  — Boom — Rokk Boy –…


Aaron Hernandez Suicide: Stunning New Details Revealed

According to a newly-released Massachusetts State Police report, Aaron Hernandez tried to make like Jesus Christ upon killing himself behind prison bars on April 19.

As previously reported, the former New England Patriots tight end was found dead in his cell early that morning, just a few days after a jury acquitted him of double murder charges.

But Hernandez was still serving a lifetime sentence (with no possibility for parole) for having been found guilty previously of murdering a man named Odin Lloyd.

On Thursday night, authorities revealed to the public further details related to the suicide.

First, Hernandez sliced upon his right middle finger and used his own blood to draw circular marks on each of his feet.

The result was consistent with images of the feet on Jesus Christ after he was hanged from the cross.

Second, while previous reports had claimed Hernandez had also used own blood to scrawl “John 3:16” on his forehead, these documents say he used red pen for that act.

This bible verse that declares eternal life for all – even the most wicked – as long as they believe God sent his son to perish for their sins.

Third: On a table inside the cell, Hernandez had left a Bible open to John 3:16, with the verse marked in blood; he also wrote “John 3:16” on the wall in blood.

(The famous verse reads as follows: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)

Fourth: a toxicology report revealed no traces of drugs in Hernandez’s system, contradicting earlier allegations that Hernandez had used synthetic marijuana in the hours before he died.

This same report concludes that Hernandez’s death was due to suicide. It requests the case be closed unless further information becomes available.

In the days following his death, associates of the former star tight end had openly wondered whether Hernandez was murdered by someone at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, Massachusetts.

They have not make similar remarks since.

However, with the state investigation now complete, Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, issued a blistering statement that condemned the way authorities handled their investigation.

He also vowed an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his late client’s death.

Said Baez in this statement:

“The total lack of professionalism exhibited by government officials and their employees during this entire process is unprecedented.

“The majority of information contained in these reports was leaked to the press during the course of the investigation. The family … learned through the numerous press reports, citing unnamed government sources or those close to the investigation, of the details of Aaron’s death.

“The family members were victims in this matter and deserved better treatment by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

“We intend to fully, completely and impartially review all of the evidence in this matter. The best investigators and forensic experts available will conduct a thorough analysis.”

Baez concludes by thanking those who have “sent their condolences,” but also issues a warning to Massachusetts authorities:

“Any official who attempts to interfere or inhibit our investigation by refusing to allow access to the evidence surrounding this matter will not be tolerated.

“We will use any and all of the legal tools at our disposal to expose and prevent any such interference.”

Hernandez was locked in his cell at 7:59 p.m. on April 18, according to this official report, just after concluding a phone call.

Correction officers last observed him during the routine 1 a.m. bed check on April 19.

They say they listed to his final three phone calls and heard no indications that he was thinking of killing himself.

At approximately 3:03 a.m., officer Gerard Breau found a sheet covering Hernandez’s cell door, preventing him from seeing inside.

Breau yelled at Hernandez to remove the sheet or at least respond.

When the did not hear back, Breau poked at the sheet until it fell to the ground… where he discovered Hernandez naked, hanging from a cut-up bed sheet tied to a bar on a window.

Hernandez had placed cardboard into the door tracks to make it more difficult to open.

He also covered the floor in shampoo to make it more challenging for officers to run and stop him if they discovered his body before he died… and also to make it more challenging for himself to prevent the suicide if his feet fell to the ground during the act.

Here is a photo of the bible found in Hernandez’s cell:


In conclusion, this report confirms Hernandez left three suicide notes, although it does not specify to whom they were addressed.

It states that Hernandez’s corpse showed marks around his neck, blood in his eyes and vomit and discharge from his mouth, each consistent with hanging.

Officers discovered no evidence of a struggle in the cell and no “trauma or violence on Hernandez’s body.”


Monday, May 1, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Prosecutors Fight To Keep Murder Conviction After Death

Prosecutors in Massachusetts don’t think Aaron Hernandez should die an innocent man and just filed a motion to stop his murder conviction from being dismissed. As we previously reported, Hernandez’s legal team asked a judge to throw out his…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Aaron Hernandez: High on Drugs at Time of Suicide?

It’s been one week since former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Massachusetts.

While certain key questions about Hernandez’s suicide have been answered by the ensuing investigation, many more have arisen.

Most of those questions concern Hernandez’s mindset in the moments before he decided to hang himself hang himself with a bed sheet.

Curiously, the suicide happened just days after Hernandez was acquitted on double murder charges.

He was already serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole at the time of the verdict, but there was hope amongst Hernandez’s attorneys that the acquittal would improve his chances of being found not guilty on appeal.

Much of the speculation about Hernandez’s final days has centered around his alleged prison love affair with Kyle Kennedy, a fellow inmate at Souza-Baranowski.

Sources say Hernandez was devastated when his request to share a cell with Kennedy was denied, and in his already-fragile emotional state, the news was more than he could take.

Now, a new factor in the 27-year-old’s tragic decision may have emerged thanks to a Newsweek report that claims Hernandez was high on synthetic marijuana at the time of his death.

According to the report, medical investigators found evidence of the drug known as K2 in Hernandez’s system during a kidney fluid screen.

It may seem unlikely that marijuana would cause someone to take their own life, but in many cases, synthetic substitutes are marijuana in name only.

It’s also been speculated that Hernandez may have experienced highly unusual reactions to THC and other drugs due to the presence of CTE or other brain injuries incurred on the playing field.

At one point, his attorneys planned to argue in court that past violent incidents had been prompted by Hernandez’s marijuana use. 

Officials suspect that a liquid version of K2 was smuggled into the prison by an associate of Hernandez’s.

An investigation has been launched into how the contraband wound up in his cell.

Prison authorities say the drug is notoriously difficult to intercept, as such a small amount is needed to get high that it can be sent undetected through the mail.

Officials may never found out how the drug ended up in Hernandez’s possession or whether it played a role in his decision to commit suicide, but the fact that he was under the influence is just one more strange detail in an increasingly macabre case.


Aaron Hernandez Autopsy Shows Synthetic Marijuana, Report Says

Aaron Hernandez’s autopsy shows the ex-NFL player had traces of synthetic marijuana in his system at the time of his death, this according to reports.  Hernandez’s body tested positive for K2 during a kidney fluid screen conducted during the…


Aaron Hernandez Asked to Share Cell with Male Lover, Attorney Confirms

A new piece of information regarding the life and recent death of former NFL standout Aaron Hernandez has surfaced.

And it centers around his alleged gay lover.

As previously reported, multiple outlets have claimed that Hernandez lived somewhat of a double life over the years.

He was engaged to Shayanna Jenkins, with whom the convicted killer shared a four-year old daughter.

But he also may have been a bisexual, possibly even murdering Odin Lloyd in 2013 to keep this sexual preference a secret.

There hadn’t been any rumblings about Hernandez being attracted to both men and women during his trial for Lloyd’s murder or his subsequent trial for a double murder in 2012 (for which he was acquitted).

But a bombshell report surfaced late last week that claimed Hernandez penned three suicide notes prior to hanging himself inside a Massachusetts:

1. To Jenkins.

2. To his daughter.

3. To his prison boyfriend, a man named Kyle Kennedy.

And now a lawyer for Kennedy has spoken out about the slew of reports linking him to the one-time New England Patriots star.

Kennedy’s attorney alleges that Aaron requested to prison officials that he be placed in the same cell as his fellow inmate and purported lover.

Aaron Hernandez had requested to the prison that my client, Kyle Kennedy, be his cellmate,” said Larry Army Jr. to The Daily Mail.

Army works as the managing partner of the Boston firm Army & Roche.

The attorney added that Kennedy (pictured above) was open to the idea, telling the British newspaper:

“If he was going to be in with someone else, why not Aaron Hernandez?”

The Daily Mail writes that it has reached out to Massachusetts Corrections Department spokesman Christopher Fallon for corroboration of this request.

The office has yet to comment on this report.

Kennedy, meanwhile, was imprisoned in 2015 for using a knife to rob a Cumberland Farms store in Northbridge, Massachusetts.

He pleaded down an original charge of armed and masked robbery to the lesser charge of armed robbery and received a sentence of three to five years.

Army says his client has not seen the suicide note Hernandez reportedly wrote to him.

Hernandez hanged himself in prison last Wednesday, April 19.

He had been serving a lifetime sentence behind bars, with no possibility for parole, due to his shooting of Lloyd.

Said a prison spokesman shortly after his death:

“Mr. Hernandez [hanged] himself utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. [He] was in a single cell in a general population unit.”

“Mr. Hernandez also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items,” the spokesman said.

He also scrawled Bible verse John 3:16 on himself.

The former star tight end’s body was found around 3 a.m. and he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital an hour later.

In the face of initial questions by some close to Hernandez over how he ended his once-promising life, the Worcester District Attorney’s Office has issued the following statement:

“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday.

“[Neilds] concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging.”

The office added that investigators also discovered “cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”

Despite rumors circulating that suggested Aaron was murdered – which is own attorney implied – officials reached the following conclusion:

“There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.”


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Lawyer Responds to Gay Prison Lover Reports

On April 19, former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, Massachusetts.

He was just 27 years old.

As more details emerge about the tragic life and death of Aaron Hernandez, the mystery of his decision to take his own life only deepens.

Early in the investigation it was revealed that Hernandez had scrawled a Bible passage on his forehead in blood.

Authorities later corrected that report, clarifying that what was thought to be blood was actually red ink, which was also used to create the appearance of stigmata-like wounds on Hernandez’s hands and feet.

Blood was reportedly used to create an unfinished pyramid drawing and write the word “Illuminati” in all-capital letters on the wall of Hernandez’s cell.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that Hernandez was acquitted on double murder charges just days before his suicide.

The 27-year-old was still serving a life sentence for the murder of Odin Lloyd, but the acquittal improved his odds that he would be able to successfully appeal the conviction.

For obvious reasons, the public interest in Hernandez’s bizarre death has been considerable, and one of the most obsessed-over details is the fact that Hernandez left three suicide notes for authorities to find in his cell.

One was addressed to Hernandez’s daughter, another to the the girl’s mother, and a third to a fellow inmate who is believed to be Hernandez’s gay lover.

The man has now been identified as Kyle Kennedy, but he has reportedly declined to comment on the nature of his relationship with Hernandez.

Now, Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, is speaking out on his late client’s behalf and insisting that there is no truth to the rumors of a romantic relationship between Hernandez and Kennedy.

Baez did not say who the third letter was addressed to, but in a statement issued today, he claimed that there is no truth to the rumors that Hernandez was involved in a homosexual relationship:

“Rumors of letters to a gay lover, in or out of prison, are false,” says Baez.

“These are malicious leaks used to tarnish somebody who is dead.”

Asked by TMZ Sports if he still believes foul play may have been involved in Hernandez’s death, Baez replied:

“There is still plenty we are investigating.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Aaron Hernandez Gay? Secret Sexual Life Rumored as Motive for Odin Lloyd Murder

A new report suggests a stunning new possible motive for the murder of Odin Lloyd, for which former NFL star Aaron Hernandez was convicted. 

Lloyd, a former semi-pro football player and friend of Hernandez, was killed in 2013; Hernandez was sentenced to life in prison in 2015.

Years later, the question of why Lloyd was killed remains.

Despite his conviction, prosecutors – who had sufficient evidence to prove means and opportunity – could never quite pinpoint a motive.

Hernandez’s death in prison last week has opened up a Pandora’s Box of mysteries, however, and may have finally shed light on this.

The 27-year-old, who had just been acquitted of two more (unrelated) murders a few days earlier, was found dead in his cell last week.

After his death, bombshell reports of Aaron’s alleged gay lover, to whom some believe Hernandez wrote suicide notes, have surfaced.

Now, a new report by Newsweek implies that the real reason Hernandez committed the murder may have been to hide his bisexuality.

Granted, there’s a whole lot of speculation here.

Aaron’s alleged bisexuality as a possible motive for murder implies, first and foremost, that he was even bisexual, which is unproven.

Still, the Newsweek article cites “interviews with multiple law enforcement officials directly involved in the case” who support this theory.

Those sources cite three pieces of evidence, most notably that Lloyd apparently knew about the football star’s closeted gay tendencies.

Says one insider quoted by the magazine:

“Hernandez had a complicated sex life and [Lloyd] could pass that information to his girlfriend, the sister of the Patriots player’s fiancée.”

Moreover, Ernest Wallace, one of two co-defendents in Aaron’s murder trial, testified that Hernandez was a “smoocher,” a gay slur.

Wallace was also recorded calling Hernandez a “limp wrist,” another homophobic remark, in a later jailhouse visit with Aaron’s cousin.

Newsweek’s report also states that the all-star tight end was “high on hydroponic marijuana” when he murdered Lloyd in June of 2013.

The second piece of alleged evidence is that Hernandez left one of his suicide notes for an unidentified man he’d been involved with.

According to the magazine’s sources, Aaron had been part of a homosexual relationship since they were in high school in Bristol, Conn.

In addition, detectives confirm that he “moved a large amount of money into three accounts” just before he was arrested for murder.

The beneficiaries of those accounts?

1. Aaron’s fiancée Shayanna Jenkins;

2. His baby daughter with Jenkins;

3. The aforementioned “friend.”

Hernandez’s alleged homosexual tendencies became of interest to detectives only because of a possible link to the murder of Lloyd.

As for the third piece of evidence? Beyond this alleged lover, Aaron reportedly had a prison boyfriend as well (the man is also unidentified).

The prisoner is now on suicide watch as police probe the sad and almost unbelievable life of Hernandez, who was laid to rest Monday.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Gay Letter Is a False Rumor, Attorney Insists

Letters were found inside Aaron Hernandez’s cell when his body was found, but none of them were written to a gay lover. Hernandez’s lawyer, Jose Baez, tells TMZ Sports, “Rumors of letters to a gay lover, in or out of prison, are false. These are…


Aaron Hernandez: Gay Prison Lover Identified?

Last week, the world was shocked to learn that former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his prison cell after having apparently taken his own life.

As details of the 27-year-old’s final moments emerged, it became clear that the tragic incident might forever be surrounded in mystery.

Authorities confirmed that Hernandez scrawled a Bible passage on his forehead in red ink and used the same ink to create the appearance of wounds on his hands and feet in apparent reference to the crucifixion of Christ.

The Bible in his cell lay open to the chapter and verse written on his forehead, and tucked inside the pages were three separate suicide notes:

One was addressed to Hernandez’s former fiancee, another to his 4-year-old daughter, and a third to a fellow inmate.

It’s been widely reported that the inmate was Hernandez’s gay lover

Details about the convict were slow to emerge, but today, Radar Online is identifying him as Kyle Kennedy, a 22-year-old Massachusetts man serving a sentence on armed robbery charges.

The contents of the letters remain unknown, but those familiar with the situation say there’s little doubt that Hernandez and Kennedy were involved in a romantic relationship.

Insiders add that prior to his death, Hernandez transferred ownership of a $ 50,000 watch to Kennedy as a gift for when he’s released from prison.

Kennedy has reportedly been on suicide watch ever since the night when Hernandez’s body was found.

Kennedy has been in prison since January of 2015, when he was arrested after robbing a gas station cashier with a knife.

The revelation that Hernandez may have been bisexual sheds new light on the details of his murder conviction.

Throughout the trial, a Hernandez associate named Ernest Wallace claimed that Hernandez’s victim, Odin Lloyd, repeatedly taunted the athlete with gay slurs and threatened to out him.

Wallace says he believes it was Hernandez’s fear of being exposed as bisexual that motivated him to take Lloyd’s life.

We may never find out for certain what motivated Hernandez to murder Lloyd and then take his own life.

All we know now is that this unimaginably tragic situation somehow continues to get sadder by the day.


NFL Stars Attend Aaron Hernandez Funeral

Guests have arrived to Aaron Hernandez’s funeral in Bristol, Connecticut — including family members, friends and NFL stars.  Aaron’s close friends Mike and Maurkice Pouncey arrived earlier in the day and spent time at the funeral home before…


NFL Stars Attend Aaron Hernandez Funeral

Guests have arrived to Aaron Hernandez’s funeral in Bristol, Connecticut — including family members, friends and NFL stars.  Aaron’s close friends Mike and Maurkice Pouncey arrived earlier in the day and spent time at the funeral home before…


Aaron Hernandez Funeral in Bristol, Cops Out In Force (PHOTO)

Aaron Hernandez is set to be laid to rest in his hometown of Bristol, Connecticut on Monday — and the police are out in force to make sure things don’t get violent.  Hernandez’s body is currently at a funeral home in Bristol — where it was…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Family Pissed, Why Didn"t We Know About Suicide Notes?! (VIDEO)

Aaron Hernandez’s family did not know the ex-NFL star left suicide notes for them until it was reported in the media … and they’re furious about it. Attorney George Leontire went off in front of a judge about how officials have left the family in…


New England Patriots May Owe Aaron Hernandez $6 Mil, Victim"s Lawyer Claims (VIDEO)

The lawyer for Odin Lloyd’s family says the New England Patriots may be on the hook to pay Aaron Hernandez $ 6 MILLION from his NFL contract … but he wants the team to give the money to the victim’s family instead.  Douglas Sheff — who…


Aaron Hernandez: Cause of Death Revealed

Aaron Hernandez’s cause of death has been officially established following the former standout football player’s death in prison this week.

The one-time New England Patriots star, who was serving a life sentence for the murder of Odin Lloyd, was found dead early Wednesday.

He was only 27.

A representative for the Massachusetts Department of Corrections said in a statement at the time Hernandez’s body was found:

“Mr. Hernandez [hanged] himself utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window. [He] was in a single cell in a general population unit.”

“Mr. Hernandez also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items.”

Prison sources say that Hernandez was discovered at 3:05 a.m. and that those who came across his body tried to save his life at the time.

He was taken to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead at 4:07 a.m., with all signs pointing to him having committed suicide in his cell.

Not so fast, his attorney and inner circle insisted.

Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, who just secured an acquittal for him in an unrelated double murder this month, disputed that conclusion.

Baez said the Bristol, Conn., native’s family and legal team were “shocked and surprised” and that if nothing else, he was skeptical.

He had previously expressed optimism for getting Hernandez’s original murder conviction overturned, saying in a statement:

“There were no conversations or correspondence from Aaron to his family or legal team that would have indicated anything like this was possible.”

Aaron, Baez correctly states, was not on suicide watch, and “looking forward to an opportunity for a second chance to prove his innocence.”

So was Aaron Hernandez murdered in prison?

No. Despite the disbelief among family, friends and colleagues, Hernandez’s cause of death has been officially ruled a suicide by hanging.

The medical examiner in charge of the case and officials say they recovered three handwritten suicide notes at the scene of his death.

The Worcester District Attorney’s Office said:

“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday.”

“[Neilds] concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging.”

Investigators also found “cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”

The D.A.’s office put to rest any notion that someone else caused or assisted in his efforts to die, continuing its statement.

“There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.”

As for the suicide notes, investigators found three hand-written messages attributed to Hernandez next to a Bible in the cell.

One of the notes addressed the general public, according to reports, while the other two were written to specific people.

In another message of sorts, WBZ Boston reported earlier that Aaron was found with “John 3:16” scrawled on his forehead.

In blood.

John 3:16 is undoubtedly a reference to the oft-quoted Bible verse, possibly the most famous in the entire Bible, which reads:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

WBZ also reportd that authorities are investigating the possibility that Hernandez was high on synthetic marijuana at the time.

That will likely have to wait until further testing to be established, but there was a large amount of blood smeared on the cell walls.

In any case, now that the cause and manner of death have been determined, Aaron – like many former NFL stars – will be studied.

Officials say Hernandez’s brain will be released to Boston University’s CTE Center as Mr. Hernandez’s family wishes.
