Showing posts with label Isn't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isn't. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Javi Marroquin Confirms New Romance, Admits He Still Isn"t Over Briana DeJesus

Over the past few days, nearly every member of the Teen Mom 2 cast hasn’t had to worry about getting a sunburn.

This is because they’ve had shade hurled at them from practically every direction.

Kailyn Lowry is feuding with Briana DeJesus. Chelsea Houska is storming off reunion sets. Jenelle Evans isn’t showing up for tapings.

Even by the scandalous standards of this MTV series, it’s been quite a wild week.

But not for Javi Marroquin!

Lowry’s baby daddy and Briana’s ex-boyfriend has been pretty darn quiet while chaos breaks out all around him, despite the fact that Kailyn and Briana are basically at odds over him.

(For the record: Javi got divorced from Kailyn in 2016. He then dated DeJesus for a few months toward the end of 2017.

Sources now claim that Lowry admitted at this past weekend’s Teen Mom 2 reunion that she and Javi hooked up shortly after his romance with Briana ended.)

Indeed, while most of the women on Teen Mom 2 are at each other’s throats right now, Javi has been sort of sitting back and staying out of it.

Until, that is, he sat down with MTV on Monday night as part of the Teen Mom 2 after-show.

He was asked in this Q&A about yet another romance, his latest, the one that started with yet another ex-girlfriend just a couple months ago.

Is he really back together with Lauren Comeau?


For the first time in public, Marroquin has acknowledged this relationship.

“Me and Lauren dated last summer, but it was just bad timing and we both had a lot going on,” Marroquin revealed, adding:

“And then we just rekindled, she texted me, and we were talking for a little bit. Then we hung out and the chemistry was still there, and now we’re together.”

Why would Comeau take Javi back, following chatter last year that he cheated on her?

We can’t say. But he says it won’t happen again.

When the MTV host mentioned last night that Marroquin moves quickly from relationship to relationship, the reality star didn’t dispute this assessment.

“I’m trying to get over the ex,” he said rather candidly.

We assume this was a reference to DeJesus, only because he and Lowry split such a long time ago.

It was seen as a pretty big deal back when Briana and Javi started dating, but the romance didn’t last long.

It concluded in January; not on the worst terms of all-time, but not on the most amicable, either.

“Javi and I are not together anymore,” DeJesus told Blasting News at the time, adding:

“Our future just doesn’t line up. He doesn’t want me to get my surgery for a breast lift, lipo, and tummy tuck because it’ll look bad on his name at work.

“Also, I don’t plan on moving in with him in the summer and for these reasons, he broke up with me.”

Added Marroquin several weeks ago, following this Briana break-up:

“Unfortunately it didn’t work out for us. Bri is an amazing person with the biggest heart I’ve ever got to hold. Everything she goes through and she’s still selfless and does her best to please others.

“She’s got a bright future and she’ll make any guy feel special.”

Wow, huh?

Should Lauren be a little jealous here?

Maybe. But things appear pretty serious between Javi and Comeau, considering they actually went on vacation with the former’s son.

Will they actually get married and buy a house together, as Briana claims Javi wanted to do with her?

Only time will tell.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

TMZ Live: Kylie Jenner"s Bodyguard Isn"t Her Baby Daddy!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Taylor Swift Goes After Kim Kardashian Cardi B Talks Met Gala Beatdown Kanye West: Violent Gang Threat Lifted Offset: $ 150k Chain Stolen! 


Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Silverman Says Trump"s Real "Golden Showers" Worry Isn"t About Melania

Sarah Silverman has her own theory on why she thinks President Trump is so worried about the golden showers dossier referenced in James Comey’s new book … and it’s got nothing to do with Melania. We got Sarah leaving Craig’s…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jenelle Evans Isn"t Filming Teen Mom 2; Is She Fired Yet?

David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 after, entirely of his own accord, he launched into a very public, bigoted rant against the LGBT+ community.

Jenelle"s response has been nothing if not puzzling. She"s even gone so far as to say that she should have been fired before David

It"s very weird, and there have been a number of signs that have led fans to believe that she and MTV are going their separate ways.

Sources tell RadarOnline that Jenelle won"t be filming again any time soon, and that she also hasn"t filmed for a while.

But is Jenelle actually fired?

Costar Briana DeJesus is weighing in. Remember, folks — Briana is an actual friend of Jenelle"s.

And she has a lot to say about the whole situation.

Briana also teases that, given everything that"s been going on, this reunion will be bonkers. As in, even more explosive and meltdown-laden than usual. Which is saying something.

So … is Jenelle fired or what?

1. The story begins with a Twitter rant

Jenelle eason david eason photo

David Eason went on a massive anti-gay, anti-trans rant, and was promptly fired from MTV’s Teen Mom 2. But where does that leave his wife, Jenelle?

2. She’s in career limbo

Jenelle evans gun photo

Reportedly, Jenelle has not filmed for Teen Mom 2 since February.

3. And it looks like things are going to stay that way for a while

Jenelle and david top of the mountain

According to Radar’s source, “There are no plans to film with Jenelle for at least six weeks.”

4. And it doesn’t sound like there are concrete plans to put Jenelle back on camera.

Jenelle evans pregnant again

“There is no filming schedule with her right now,” the source reveals.

5. It sounds like Jenelle’s gambling her career for David … and losing

Jenelle evans in a bikini and shades

“Jenelle has been trying to get MTV to hire David back, as well as making outrageous money demands,” the source divulges. “And they’re not backing down.”

6. You know what else is reportedly an issue?

Jenelle evans advertises her youtube channel

Jenelle keeps uploading home videos, and she’s trying to push her YouTube channel. She’s trying to prove that she doesn’t need MTV, and they are not amused.

View Slideshow

Friday, March 9, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Ryan Edwards Isn"t on Drugs! Stop the Lies!

If some random person told you that Ryan Edwards of Teen Mom OG fame had failed a drug test and was back in rehab, you’d probably believe it, right?

After all, it’s not that hard to believe.

For the past few years, tons of Teen Mom viewers suspected that he had a drug problem, what with the way his eyes often appeared to be on the verge of popping out of his head in several scenes.

If that wasn’t the issue, it was his habit of nodding off — like he notably did in the scene when he drove himself and Mackenzie Standifer to their first wedding.

That footage was filmed in May of last year, and it was alarming, to say the least.

At one point, Mackenzie even had to grab the wheel for him, and we heard her asking him if he’d been taking Xanax “again” as she turned off the cameras in the car.

Shortly after that, Ryan was sent off to rehab, and in the current season of Teen Mom OG, it was revealed that he’d been addicted to heroin.

So for the timeline, he was doing heroin for a while, went to rehab, checked out early, got absolutely wasted at his November wedding, and now here we are.

And that’s why if we heard that he’d relapsed it wouldn’t exactly be the most shocking news in the world.

Earlier this week, a story began making the rounds — a story that claimed he had, in fact, had a bit of a setback with his sobriety.

The story was originally posted in a Teen Mom group on Facebook, where a person with “inside information” alleged that Ryan had failed a court-ordered drug test last Friday.

According to this supposed insider, he had meth and “various types of pills” in his system, and because of this, he lost visitation rights with Bentley.

A hilarious detail: the rumor also claims that he tried to bring in some secret urine to pass the test, but his little plan was ruined when he dropped the container and spilled it all.

The day after that, this person says that he checked himself into rehab, and that Mackenzie is telling everyone that he’s out of town “attending a truck driving school.”

Oh, and speaking of Mackenzie, because of this mess, she allegedly lost custody of her son, and now she’s only allowed to see him once a week at Ryan’s parents’ house (???).

Finally, the post claimed that Ryan “had a $ 1500 a day habit that included not only heroin, but cocaine, meth, xanax, and klonopin.”

That’s a whole, whole lot of information, right?

And Mackenzie is not here for it.

Pretty much immediately after this story began to get some attention, she made a statement to Radar Online — and she denied everything.

“It’s not true at all,” she insisted. “He’s right here next to me.”

She also added that “it’s disgusting to say something that has absolutely no merit,” and that “if Ryan failed a court-ordered drug test he would be in jail.”

Normally we’d have a hard time believing her, because goodness knows she’s struggled with being believable in the past — remember when she tried to say that she didn’t know anything about Ryan’s drug use until their wedding day?

But this time around, we definitely think she’s telling the truth.

If Ryan had failed a court-ordered drug test and if Mackenzie had subsequently lost custody of her child, there’s no way someone in a Facebook group would be the one to break that news.

As popular as Teen Mom gossip has become, there are several sites that keep an eye out for court documents concerning any of these people. Just think of how many court-related stories we’ve heard about Adam Lind.

Besides, the reunion was filmed last weekend in New York, the same day Ryan was supposed to have checked into rehab, and several people in attendance have confirmed that he was there.

Obviously Ryan isn’t doing super well with everything — the scenes from his second wedding proved that.

But making up elaborate stories about fake urine and failed drug tests and all kinds of child custody woes?

Not cool, guys. Not cool at all.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Bekah Martinez: Arie Luyendyk Jr Isn"t Ready to Get Married

Are you ready for The Bachelor"s finale? One of the contestants thinks that Arie Luyendyk Jr. wasn"t ready to film it. Not in his heart, anyway.

Bekah Martinez isn"t divulging any The Bachelor Spoilers, exactly, but it"s clear that she knows how things end.

In the video below, she isn"t mincing words when she tells the world exactly what Arie is really like. She doesn"t paint a pretty picture.

Bekah and arie

As we all saw in the preview for The Bachelor"s epic finale, Arie Luyendyk Jr. feels like a monster. He says so himself.

It turns out that Bekah Martinez, the notoriously young contestant who was also very briefly a "missing person," has a similar view of the man whose heart she once vied to win.

She doesn"t quite use the word "monster," but she describes a man who isn"t being honest — with the world or with himself — about what he really wants.

Bekah is forthright and charming, but even so, some might be tempted to dismiss her words as sour grapes from a woman who cried literal black tears when she was sent home.

But … listen to her words and decide their merit for yourself.

Bekah martinez tells all

Bekah isn"t revealing any spoilers about the woman Arie chooses, but she has a prediction.

"I don"t see him being with this person for the rest of his life."

Well, the world"s known for a while that Arie changes his mind after the finale and goes back to the runner-up, so … she"s not wrong.

But more to the point, she says that he"s not actually ready for marriage.

"I don"t. I just don"t think that"s what he wants right now, if he"s being honest with himself and honest with the world. I think it"s odd [that he would worry about choosing the wrong person]."

She goes on to point out that Arie"s outspoken indecisiveness is a sign that he"s not cut out for marriage just yet.

"I think that if you fear yourself making a wrong decision that much, you"re probably not very in touch with yourself."

Bekah from the bachelor

As fans await the finale, Bekah teases that it"s going to defy expectations.

"I genuinely think this is going to be the most dramatic season ever."

The most dramatic finale, at any rate. And one of the most divisive.

"I"m not just being Chris Harrison on that. I think it"s going to be very dramatic and very shocking. And I think people will have very strong emotions about the way that this season ends. That"s for sure."

She thinks that Arie"s fans are going to have some strong, potentially negative opinions about things.

Keep in mind that she has the inside scoop.

"I saw everything play out behind the scenes. You know, you are friends with the people [on the show], so you have people calling you, telling you what"s going on, and it"s rough."

Bekah martinez eliminated

Bekah is still in touch with most of the women from her season, and she says that her first response to hearing what went on after she left was … disbelief.

"At first, I was just like, "Oh, my gosh, this cannot actually be happening." And then, honestly, my reaction after was like, "Oh, well, that kind of makes sense.""

She"s such a tease, but she has to be — she is contractually prohibited from dropping the spoilers that the Bachelor Nation craves.

"I think Arie has a conflict between how he wants to present himself and what kind of woman he thinks he should be with, and what kind of woman he knows he should be with."

Plenty of guys are in that position — even plenty of guys as old as Arie. But not all of those guys star on The Bachelor.

"And then what he really wants. I mean, you just don"t change dating patterns you had for years and years at the drop of a hat because you"re on a TV show. That doesn"t just change overnight."

Basically, Bekah thinks that Arie likes to be in charge in his relationships and that he"s not prepared to be honest about that or to get married.

Is she right?

Arie luyendyk jr and his final two

She says that these last five hours (yes, it"s a two-day, five-hour finale) could change the way that Arie"s fans feel about him.

"Arie doesn"t have a huge fan base as it is, and I think the small fan base will be affected negatively [by the finale]."

So he"s not doing his brand any favors.

That said, she doesn"t think that he"s a bad person.

"He may be a misguided person, perhaps, but I think he"s a good person, and a fun person."

Honestly, Bekah might be the breakout star of this season of The Bachelor. She"s such a delight.

Watch her interview for yourself. This girl needs to be back on everybody"s televisions. Forever.

Bekah martinez arie luyendyk jr isnt ready to get married

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ed Sheeran"s "Engagement Ring" Isn"t as Flashy as His Fiancee"s Rock

Ed Sheeran is bucking tradition when it comes to who wears an engagement ring — but it’s clear who’s got on the nicer bling between him and his fiancee.  Ed and his bride-to-be, Cherry Seaborn, were spotted leaving a restaurant…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Shaun White Slammed by Sexual Harassment Accuser, Lena Zawaideh: My Case Isn"t Gossip

Shaun White’s sexual harassment accuser — his former bandmate Lena Zawaideh — is furious he referred to the case as “gossip” … and she’s carefully unloading on him, through her attorney, in a way to avoid violating the terms of her settlement.…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Kelis Says Nas" Child Support Isn"t Cutting it Anymore

Nas needs to open his fat wallet a lot more now to support his kid … at least that’s what Kelis is gunning for. Kelis just filed legal docs saying $ 8k a month ain’t cuttin’ it anymore in the child support department. She says 8-year-old Knight has…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rumer Willis Says Wage Gap Battle Isn"t Just On Mark Wahlberg

Rumer Willis isn’t exactly giving Mark Wahlberg a pass in the wage gap battle, but she thinks everyone’s missing the point by making this about his payday. Rumer and a friend were shopping Rodeo in Bev Hills Wednesday when she weighed in on the…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Kenyon Martin: Lil B"s Based God Curse Isn"t Real, "He Don"t Mean S**t!!"

Kenyon Martin wants the world to know he’s living a GREAT life despite being slapped with a curse from Lil B the Based God … telling TMZ Sports the rapper’s opinion “don’t mean sh*t.” FYI — NBA players like James Harden and Kevin Durant have…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Isn"t Dating Nikki Baby, Christmas Dinner Was Business

Mel B’s ex-husband, Stephen Belafonte, hasn’t moved on to ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Nikki Baby — even though they grabbed Xmas dinner together … TMZ has learned. A source close to Nikki tell us she and Stephen’s dinner at Mastro’s on Christmas…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Faith Evans Isn"t Surprised Tupac Murder Weapon Mysteriously Disappeared

Faith Evans has low, LOW expectations when it comes to cops solving Tupac or Notorious B.I.G.’s murders — so she’s not shocked cops found, then lost, Pac’s murder weapon. We got the R&B singer at LAX, where we broke the…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Kim Davis" Gay County Clerk Opponent Isn"t Out for Revenge

The guy running against Kim Davis – who once denied him a marriage license because he’s gay — says he’s not gunning for her job out of revenge. We spoke to David Ermold about his campaign for Rowan County Clerk in Kentucky. As we…


Mohamed Hadid Isn"t Happy Trump Recognized Jerusalem as Israel"s Capital

Mohamed Hadid isn’t happy about President Trump’s decision to recognize a new capital in Israel … and he’s hoping violence won’t be an outcome. We got Bella and Gigi Hadid’s dad — who’s Palestinian himself — shortly after Trump announced the…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Warren G Says The Eli Manning Era Isn"t Over

Warren G is telling the NY Giants exactly what they need to do about the Eli Manning situation — a situation that they totally screwed up — telling TMZ Sports the Manning era should continue. Here’s a refresher, the Giants benched their 2-time…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Tom Brady: I Hope Gronk Isn"t Suspended For Late Hit on Bills Player

Tom Brady hopes he won’t have to play without Rob Gronkowski next week … despite the superstar tight end’s controversial late hit on a defenseless Bills player on Sunday. TB12 spoke with ‘Kirk and Callahan’ on WEEI Monday morning and addressed…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Carly Fiorina Says Congress Isn"t Treating Sexual Harassment Seriously

Carly Fiorina thinks the response by Congress to sexual harassment is a joke. We got the former presidential candidate Sunday in downtown Washington D.C., and she scoffs at the current rules for reporting sexual harassment — which, among other…


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Curt Schilling Says Clayton Kershaw Blew It, Isn"t a Big-Game Pitcher

Not everyone has the clutch gene — and MLB playoffs legend Curt Schilling says that includes Clayton Kershaw, who exposed himself in this year’s World Series.  We spoke to Curt about big-game pitching after the Dodgers’…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tom Petty 911 Call: "My Husband Isn"t Breathing"

As previously reported, the music world has lost a legend.

On Monday night, Tom Petty passed away after suffering a major cardiac arrest at the age of 66.

The legendary artist was actually pronounced dead by some on the Internet prior to taking his final breath, as there was confusion for a few hours over whether he had died or was still being kept alive on a respirator.

But Petty"s manager has now confirmed the worst. 

In the wake of Petty’s passing, the 911 call made by the singer"s wife, Dana York, has been released to the public.

It was placed from the couple’s home in Malibu and it features York telling a dispatcher that her husband has stopped breathing.

The operator then tells York to kneel down and perform CPR.

At one point, an unnamed man takes the phone from York, but then she quickly takes it back.

It appears as though the CPR does produce some light breathing in Petty, who was in full cardiac arrest and unconscious when he was found by his wife.

“On behalf of the Tom Petty family, we are devastated to announce the untimely death of our father, husband, brother, leader and friend, Tom Petty,” wrote Tony Dimitriades, the longtime manager of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, in a statement this morning.

He added:

“He suffered cardiac arrest at his home in Malibu in the early hours of the morning and was taken to UCLA Medical Center but could not be revived.

""He died peacefully at 8:40pm PST surrounded by family, his bandmates, and friends."

May he rest in peace.

Listen to the full 911 call below and join us in sending your sympathies to all who were close to Tom Petty.

Tom petty 911 call released my husband isnt breathing