Showing posts with label Ivanka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ivanka. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ivanka Trump"s Fashion Brand Applies For Underwear Trademark

Ivanka Trump’s fashion company wants to slap her name on bras, panties and other forms of underwear … even though Ivanka herself won’t be in on the deal. Ivanka Trump Marks LLC just filed legal docs to expand its product line to almost anything…


Friday, December 23, 2016

George Lopez Says Ivanka Trump Deserved Respect On JetBlue Flight (VIDEO)

George Lopez is no Trump supporter, but he thinks it’s BS that Ivanka was harassed on JetBlue. We got the comedian Thursday at LAX, where he threw shade at the passenger who went ham on the First Daughter at JFK Thursday and got kicked off the…


Ivanka Trump Harasser Mum On JetBlue Confrontation (VIDEO)

The guy who verbally attacked Ivanka Trump on a JetBlue flight had nothing to say about the incident when he landed in San Fran. Dan Goldstein — a New York attorney with husband Matthew Lasner and toddler in tow — were radio silent about the…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ivanka Trump Trades JetBlue for Private Jet (PHOTOS)

Ivanka Trump just landed in San Francisco and this time around there will be no crazy passengers harassing her … because she’s upgraded to a private jet. A slew of Secret Service escorted Ivanka, hubby Jared, their 3 kids and various other…


Ivanka Trump "Attacked" Aboard Flight, Apparently Flies Jet Blue

You can’t help who your parents are, but you do have a say in who you help get elected president, which may be why the sight of Donald Trump’s children elicits such a visceral reaction of disgust from so many Americans.

Ivanka Trump may not be looked down upon with the sort of disdain reserved for noted Patrick Bateman lookalikes Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump, but she’s not exactly beloved at the moment.

So while it’s not all that surprising that Ivanka got an earful when she deigned to fly commercial this morning.

Several media outlets are claiming that Ivanka was “attacked” aboard a Jet Blue flight from 

Now, before you get too upset, you should know that this was a “verbal attack” and later reports clarified that Ivanka was “harassed” by an “out of control passenger.”

Still decidedly not cool, especially since Ivanka was with her kids, and everything is approximately 800 times scarier aboard an airplane.

But obviously, no as severe as we were initially led to believe.

The passenger was removed from the plane, but not before giving Ivanka an unwelcome piece of his mind.

And what did the guy have to say?

Well, nothing Ivanka hasn’t heard before.

He followed that (valid) observation with another solid point, asking:

“Why is she on our flight? She should be riding private.:

Yeah – why is Ivanka on a Jet Blue flight?

Like, no offense to JB – we dig the seat-back TVs and the on-brand blue tortilla chips – but did Ivanka forget her last name when she booked this flight?

Not only does Donald Trump own a private jet and talk it about freakin’ constantly, one of his first duties as president would be to brag about his insider knowledge of the air travel industry.

So the news that his daughter and her kids are sipping Dunkin’ Donuts coffee aboard a discount airline flight is more surprising than the news that other passengers aren’t crazy about Ivanka.

Interestingly, this isn’t even the first Trump-related midair kerfuffle since the election.

Last month Delta banned a Trump supporter for life after he was caught on video berating female passengers for voting for Hillary Clinton.

Fortunately, Ivanka is moving to Washington, D.C., despite her earlier promise to remain in New York City, so she won’t have to do get harassed by airborne plebes every time she wants to participate in the upcoming 4-year sh-tshow of a presidency.


Ivanka Trump Accosted by Passenger on JetBlue Flight (PHOTO + UPDATE)

Ivanka Trump just had a bumpy start to her Xmas holiday … an out-of-control passenger on her flight began verbally berating her and “jeering” at her 3 kids. Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ivanka Trump"s Accused Stalker Nabbed by Secret Service Near Trump Tower

Ivanka Trump’s alleged stalker was only a block away from her family’s home base, Trump Tower, when Secret Service swooped in and apprehended him … TMZ has learned. Justin Massler — who did 6 months for aggravated harassment of Donald Trump’s…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ivanka Trump"s Husband Jared Kushner Sued -- Your Magazine"s Creating a Bad "Scene"

One of Jared Kushner’s publications is stepping on the toes, and name, of a competitor in NYC … according to a lawsuit. Ivanka Trump’s husband famously owns New York Observer, but also has a company called New York Luxury Publishing. According to…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Donald Trump: Sex Brings Me and Ivanka Together!

We’re pretty much all in agreement that Donald Trump is a big, stupid pig, right? 

Considering many of his insults have revolved around him calling some woman a pig – or in Khloe Kardashian’s case, a piglet – it’s pretty rich that he’s such a wine himself. 

In a 2013 interview with Wendy Williams, Trump was asked what he had in common with his racist daughter, Ivanka, and what he had to say … well, it was a little more than just your garden-variety disturbing. 

During a game segment of Fave Five, Williams asked the more mature Trump – in this case, we mean “mature” as in “old” – what he and his daughter most had in common. 

Ivanka’s answers were “real estate” and “golf.” 

Trump’s answer?


Let’s hold hands and repeat that: sex

He responded, “Well, I was going to say ‘sex,’ but I can’t relate that to her.”  

Which is … well, it’s just all sorts of ‘no.’ 

Donald Trump is a pig, has always been a pig, and will forever be a pig. 

The last thing we need in the White House is a purebred swine with a really terrible comb-over, don’t you agree?

Previously, Donald told Howard Stern that his daughter, Ivanka, had “the best body,” and that she was one of the “great beauties of the world.” 

The second part is nice – it’s a dad doting on his daughter, but the second part? 

GTFOH with this weird, incesty stuff, Trump. 


He also called her a “piece of ass,” and as if that weren’t degrading to women as it were, it’d be extra degrading to his daughter, if she weren’t such a swine herself. 

About that “piece of ass,” Trump told Howard Stern that he had his full permission to call his daughter a “piece of ass,” adding that she was “voluptuous.” 

What might be worse, however, is that Ivanka herself claimed that she’s totally okay with her father sexually objectifying her. 

When the news surfaced that he’d allowed Stern to call his daughter a “piece of ass,” Ivanka favorited a tweet blasted out by The Huffington Post which read, “It’s OK to call daughter Ivanka a piece of ass.” 

There’s so much class in this family that there’s no wonder over the abundance of ass talk. 

It’s just eking out all over the place these days, isn’t it? 


Monday, October 10, 2016

Ivanka Trump: My Dad is Allowed to Call Me a Piece of Ass!

It’s hard to imagine a more disastrous week for a presidential candidate than the seven days that Donald Trump just endured.

A succession of PR nightmares was topped off by yet another heavily criticized debate performance, and prognosticators like Nate Silver are now declaring that a Hillary Clinton victory in November is a virtual certainty.

Republicans across the country openly condemned Trump following the release of footage in which he appears to boast about acts of sexual assault, and several party leaders have called for the real estate mogul to drop out of the race for the White House.

Not surprisingly, Trump says he would never consider such a move, even as his support base continues to dwindle.

Of course, Trump famously bragged that he could shoot a man in broad daylight without alienating his key demographic, and indeed, it seems that many of his supporters will stand by him no matter how egregious his words or actions.

Naturally, that group includes Trump’s children, the eldest three of whom are in the unenviable position of attempting to explain away their father’s increasingly bizarre scandals.

While it didn’t grab as many headlines as Trump’s 2005 conversation with Billy Bush, a remark that Trump made in a 2004 interview with Howard Stern resurfaced over the weekend and caused many to shake their heads in disbelief at the fact that this man is in the running for the highest office in the land.

In response to Stern’s description of Trump’s daughter Ivanka as “a piece of ass,” the Donald replied simply, “Yeah.”

Trump’s band of apologists made the rounds on social media and the Sunday morning talk shows in an effort to justify the remark, and Ivanka herself made a subtle but downright baffling move on Twitter.

The 34-year-old appears to have “favorited” a tweet from the Huffington Post that accused her father of claiming that “it’s OK” to refer to his daughter as “a piece of ass.”

We can only guess at what would prompt Ivanka to publicly express her approval of such a damaging article, but it’s a rare misstep from the most media savvy member of the Trump family.

Ivanka Trump Tweet

Interestingly, she’s not the only Trump daughter who’s garnered hesadlines for her strange relationship with her father in the past 24 hours.

Last night’s debate concluded with this awkward encounter between Donald and his youngest daughter, 22-year-old Tiffany Trump.

Naturally, the Internet had a field day with Trump’s affections being publicly rejected by his daughter.

But if you’re Donald Trump, such a snub doesn’t even make the top ten list for your most embarrassing moments of the week.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Ivanka Trump Pisses Social Media Off With Tweet About Unpaid Interns

Throughout her father’s campaign for the presidency, Ivanka Trump has played important roles as both organizer and mediator.

When Trump’s campaign appeared slapdash and disorderly, Ivanka reportedly spearheaded the effort to convince the real estate mogul to work with proven, experienced strategists.

When the GOP establishment wondered aloud how Trump would be able to convince women and working Americans that he understood their struggles, Ivanka stepped up to act as a go-between and interpreter of sorts, most visibly in her speech at the RNC last month:

Unfortunately, Ivanka’s days as the Trump campaign’s most valuable asset may have come to an end.

For starters, it appears that her father is no longer following her advice, hiring firebrands such as Steve Bannon and laughingstocks like Kellyanne Conway to help him close the widening poll gap between himself and Hillary Clinton.

Even worse, it appears that Ivanka has become almost as gaffe-prone as her dad.

Earlier today, Ivanka tweeted a link to an article she had posted on her website entitled “How to Survive as an Unpaid Intern.”

To accompany to the tweet, she posted this Emoji collage:

It’s one of those situations that are so problematic it’s hard to know where to begin.

But we’ll give it a go anyway:

For starters, unpaid internships have been widely criticized as a means by which the rich get richer and the poor stay oppressed.

Rich kids get ahead because they can afford to take these internships, while poor kids are forced to get paying jobs.

In addition, CEOs and business owners frequently exploit unpaid interns as sources of free labor.

But Ivanka thinks you should suck it up, stop complaining, and, in her words, find a way to “make it work.”

Especially if you’re a woman of color.

Yes, the Internet was none too pleased with the Emojis that Ivanka chose for her tweet, and they made their feelings crystal clear:

“PS: This meme of a Black Woman w/ Cash & a Light Bulb linked to a post about working 4 free is frankly BULLSHIT,” commented one Twitter user.

“What the hell do you know about being an unpaid intern? Or making it work? Why all your emojis black women??” wrote another.

Needless to say, Ivanka probably regrets this tweet, but she has yet to delete it.

We guess that’s not too surprising.

She wasn’t raised by a man who’s known for admitting his mistakes.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Jared Kushner: Who Is Ivanka Trump"s Husband?

He’s remained largely behind the scenes while his father-in-law attempts to become the next president of the United States of America.

But who, pray tell, is the man married to Ivanka Trump? 

Kushner, 35, is a real estate developer, investor and publisher of The New York Observer, which he purchased in 2006 for $ 10 million.  

He took over as CEO of his father Charles’ business, Kushner Companies in 2008 because the elder Kushner was sentence to two years in prison.

The crime?  “Tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering,” according to  

Kusher and Trump married in 2009 and have three children together – Arabella, 5, Joseph, who turns 2 in October and Theodore, born in March of this year.

And while he’s acting as an unofficial advisor to Trump (the Republican nominee), Kushner reportedly donated over $ 100,000 to Democratic Party campaigns over a period of 20+ years.

Ivanka recently praised her husband for being an exemplary family man.

“Jared is really incredibly hands on as a dad,” she told People Magazine.

“For him what’s most important is his family. So we work really hard during the week and we really prioritize weekends for just being sort of reconnecting as a family.

“It’s very seldom that we’ll have a commitment on a Saturday or a Sunday. It’s really about us being together.”

Earlier this month, Kushner published a piece in the Observer refuting claims that his father-in-law was anti-semitic (Ivana converted to Judaism for her husband when they married).

The difference between me and the journalists and Twitter throngs who find it so convenient to dismiss my father in law is simple. I know him and they don’t,” Kusher wrote.

“It doesn’t take a ton of courage to join a mob. It’s actually the easiest thing to do. What’s a little harder is to weigh carefully a person’s actions over the course of a long and exceptionally distinguished career,” he continued.

“The best lesson I have learned from watching this election from the front row is that we are all better off when we challenge what we believe to be truths and seek the people who disagree with us to try and understand their point of view.”

Ivanka Trump Wins RNC With Speech, Should Be Actual Candidate

During her speech at the Republican National Convention, Ivanka Trump made the case for her father, GOP nominee Donald Trump.

She argued that he would work hard in the best interests of women and working class Americans when and if he is elected president.

Whereas Donald Trump"s RNC speech, which immediately followed, was dark and Draconian, Ivanka"s was uplifting and inspirational.

One of the Republican candidate"s most trusted advisers, Ivanka made a softer appeal for a man seen by many as a hard candidate.

"He will fight for equal pay for equal work and I will fight for this too, right alongside of him," Ivanka said, regarding women in the workplace.

"American families need relief," she added. "Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties they should be the norm." 

Running against Hillary Clinton, the first female presidential nominee, Trump wants to show that he, too, supports equality for women.

To wit, Ivanka touched on issues such as equal pay, affordable child care, and ensuring that motherhood is not an obstacle to careers:

"As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place during a time in which women were not a significant part of the workforce."

President Trump, his 34-year-old daughter said, "will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all."

Beyond that, "my father values talent. He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is colorblind and gender-neutral."

"He hires the best person for the job, period."

Ivanka also sought to portray her fighter as a compassionate figure who stands for all, and who looks out for those suffering and hurting.

"Throughout my entire life, I have witnessed his empathy and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering," she said.

"It"s just his way of being in your corner when you"re down."

"My father has not only the strength and ability necessary to be our next president, but also the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader this country needs."

As for the fact that he"s been so divisive as a candidate?

Just wait and see, she says: "Politicians ask to be judged by their promises, not their results. I ask you to judge my father by his results."

"Judge his competency by the towers he"s built, the companies he"s founded and the tens of thousands of jobs he"s created," she said.

"Judge his values by those he"s instilled in his children."

Did she convince you? Watch her speech below:

Ivanka trump rnc speech

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ivanka Trump: 15 Photos of Donald"s Gorgeous Daughter!

You may not be a fan of Donald Trump"s politics, his rhetoric, his business decisions, or his physics-defying hairstyle.

But you"ve gotta admit – the man has raised some beautiful daughters.

We"ve already told you about Tiffany Trump, the 22-year-old University of Pennsylvania student who mainly keeps her distance from her dad"s political endeavors.

It"s a very different story with Ivanka Trump, who, as you probably know, has played an active role in the ongoing effort to convince Americans the Donald is White House material, despite the fact that she"s been pregnant for most of his campaign.

Ivanka gave birth to her third child last month, and she"s already back out stumping for Trump.

We thought we"d celebrate the Trump Organization VP who"s as ambitious as her pops, ten times more likable, and about 50 bajillion times easier on the eyes with a gallery of pics showing Ivanka at her MILF-iest. Enjoy!

1. Ivanka Trump on the Red Carpet

Ivanka trump on the red carpet

Ivanka at a premiere event. Regardless of your feelings on her pops, there’s no denying the mother of three looks good!

2. Ivanka Trump and Her Brothers

Ivanka trump and her brothers

Ivanka with Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump. We don’t wanna say she got all the looks in the family, but…we can’t think of another way to finish this sentence.

3. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

Ivanka trump and jared kushner

Ivanka with husband Jared Kushner. She’s been married to the businessman and investor since 2009.

4. Ivanka Stumps for Trump

Ivanka stumps for trump

Ivanka giving a speech at one of her dad’s rallies. Despite being pregnant throughout much of his campaign, she’s been very active in Donald Trump’s race for the White House.

5. Ivanka and Donald Trump

Ivanka and donald trump

Ivanka and her famous father. Somehow, she’s managed to campaign for her father without alienating the majority of the country.

6. Ivanka Trump Close-Up

Ivanka trump close up

Ivanka Trump is naturally gorgeous. Take note: When you marry supermodels, you tend to wind up with good-looking offspring.

View Slideshow

Monday, March 28, 2016

Ivanka Trump Welcomes Third Child!

BREAKING: We have news about the Trump family that is not disgusting, racist and/or a sign that America is on a path to total and complete self-annihilation.

Ivanka Trump just gave birth to her third child!

The former Celebrity Apprentice star welcomed a boy with husband Jared Kushner on Sunday, March 27, announcing the exciting news social media.

“Jared and I feel incredibly blessed to announce the arrival of Theodore James Kushner,” Trump wrote, sharing the above photo on her Facebook page and adding:

“Baby Theodore. My heart is full. xx, Ivanka #grateful”

Back in September, Trump confirmed that the impending child was on the way by having her other two children hold up numbered signs.

Although Ivanka later told People Magazine, though, that this was actually the first time the baby beans were spilled.

“Arabella [announced] to everyone I was pregnant prior to me announcing it to even my family,” she said in November. “Her whole nursery school class was congratulating me.”

Ivanka Trump, of course, is the daughter of Donald Trump.

We do not blame her for her father’s misogyny, racism or any other intolerable traits.

We simply send her and her newly-expanded family the very best of wishes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ivanka Trump Strokes Donald Trump"s Face In Creepy Throwback Pic

W. T. F.

Donald Trump has said some pretty inappropriate things about his oldest daughter, Ivanka, but this photo takes the cake.

This throwback image of dad and daughter from a 1996 Vanity Fair article is all over the internet, and it has us looking away almost immediately.

Ivanka’s outfit is straight out of Contempo Casuals (flammable pale blue skirt a la Kelly Taylor circa ’96), and the way she’s posing with the presidential hopeful is…not something a daughter would or should normally do.

I don’t know what the photographer was thinking, or if it was Donald’s idea, but NO.

Making things worse, Trump’s comments about his daughter’s beauty in the past have been complimentary, but not the kind of complimentary “She’s the best! I’m so proud!” you’d expect to hear from a parent.

It’s more like this:

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one,” Trump told Rolling Stone in a September 2015 interview.  “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father . . . ”

In 2006, When asked if he would approve of Ivanka posing for Playboy, Trump kept the creep training going:

“I would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine,” Trump said.

“I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Nope.  Nope.  Shut it down.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ivanka Trump: Pregnant with Baby #3!

A new Donald Trump supporter is set to enter the world any month now.

Fortunately, he or she won’t be old enough to vote in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Yes, this is a drawn out way of saying that Ivanka Trump is pregnant!

She announced on Facebook today that she and husband Jared Kushner are expecting their third child.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to share the news with you that I am expecting,” The Donald’s daughter wrote on her official website, saying of her son and daughter:

“Arabella and Joseph are both incredibly excited to have a new sibling on the way (of course, Arabella desperately wants a baby girl, and Joseph hopes it’s a boy!), and I wanted them to join me in making the announcement.”

Trump and Kushner have been married since 2009. Their daughter is four and their son will turn two in October.

Concludes Ivanka on her site:

“I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have a career that I am deeply passionate about, but, at the end of the day, it’s my family that is at the center of my life – and to be adding another baby to our family is a tremendous blessing.

“Jared and I are so thankful, and so excited!”

We hear that Donald Trump has already declared this child to be a “total winner,” so that bodes well for him or her.