Showing posts with label Lahren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lahren. Show all posts

Friday, September 29, 2017

Tomi Lahren to Megyn Kelly: Haters Gonna Hate Because You"re Still Conservative

Tomi Lahren subscribes to this theory — you can take Megyn Kelly out of FOX News but you can’t take the conservative out of Megyn … and that’s why she’s struggling at NBC. We got Tomi out in NYC and asked her why she thinks…


Tomi Lahren to Megyn Kelly: Haters Gonna Hate Because You"re Still Conservative

Tomi Lahren subscribes to this theory — you can take Megyn Kelly out of FOX News but you can’t take the conservative out of Megyn … and that’s why she’s struggling at NBC. We got Tomi out in NYC and asked her why she thinks…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Tomi Lahren Claims Victory Over Chelsea Handler at Politicon

Tomi Lahren 1, Chelsea Handler 0 — at least that’s how Tomi had her liberal-conservative showdown scored. We got Tomi leaving Politicon in Pasadena, and asked her if the debate — really more of spirited convo — moved her ever so…


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tomi Lahren & Chelsea Handler"s Healthcare "Debate" at Politicon

Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren’s debate wasn’t as contentious or bitchy as most had hoped — but it did reveal Tomi hasn’t fully fled her parents’ nest. The liberal-conservative showdown Saturday afternoon at Politicon was less debate, and more…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Tomi Lahren Says Trump Supporters Will Get Revenge on Sen. John McCain

Tomi Lahren says the big payback is already in the works for Sen. John McCain … courtesy of President Trump’s supporters. The conservative firebrand warmed up for her Politicon showdown with Chelsea Handler when we got her Friday night at…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Tomi Lahren Settles Legal War with Glenn Beck, The Blaze

Tomi Lahren has settled her wrongful termination lawsuit against Glenn Beck, and she’s leaving with millions … of social media followers.  Tomi sued Beck and TheBlaze after she was suspended. She claimed she was only benched for saying she…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Glenn Beck Fires Back at Tomi Lahren in Countersuit, She Wasn"t Fired, She Was Just Bad at Her Job

As far as Glenn Beck is concerned, Tomi Lahren is still an employee at his network, TheBlaze, and she’s the one who breached her contract. Beck and TheBlaze filed a countersuit against its former personality, Lahren. She had sued them claiming she…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tomi Lahren on Getting Fired: Glenn Beck Betrayed Me!

It"s been a rough few weeks for people who like their political news delivered in the most ear-piercingly shrill fashion possible.

Two of the most strident stalwarts in the world  of far-right cable news have been silenced this month, but for very different reasons.

Bill O"Reilly appears to have left the No Spin Zone following revelations that the longtime Fox News personality shelled out more than $ 13 million to silence numerous women who accused him of sexual harassment in the workplace.

As more accusers continue to come forward, it"s unclear if O"Reilly has been fired or simply suspended by the network.

Similarly murky is the future of The Blaze news-shouter Tomi Lahren.

Lahren says she"s been fired by her network"s weepy CEO, Glenn Beck, but she"s still drawing a paycheck, and Beck claims she"s simply on leave … indefinitely.

The disciplinary action comes after dared to express an opinion that doesn"t perfectly jibe with Beck"s ideology, by stating on The View that she"s pro-choice.

Lahren clearly has no patience for Beck"s equivocation, and in a new Nightline interview, she chews out her (former?) boss for taking the "decisive" out of decisive action:

“This is not about politics,” she says.

“This is about someone who had an opposing viewpoint that has been silenced and sidelined and thrown away.”

Lahren adds:

“I"m a human being at the end of the day and something has been stripped from me and that"s my ability to work, that’s my ability to have a voice."

“That"s been taken from me wrongfully. So I’m upset by it, and I’m hurt by it and I feel betrayed by it.”

She concludes with a blistering "final thought" that no doubt has the tears welling up in Beck"s eyes at this very moment:

“I"m not the kind of girl that sits in the corner and cries about things. And that"s another message I really want to get across,” Lahren said.

“I don"t consider myself a feminist but boy I will not lay down and play dead ever.”

Check out Lahren"s full interview below.

It"s even better if you picture Beck sobbing into a pint of Ben & Jerry"s while he watches it:

Tomi lahren on getting fired glenn beck betrayed me

Friday, April 7, 2017

Tomi Lahren Sues Glenn Beck Claiming He Fired and Smeared Her for Being Pro-Choice

Tomi Lahren says her personal opinions became the trigger for a vendetta by the folks at TheBlaze where they literally put an X on her dressing room door and launched a public smear campaign against her, and that’s why she just filed a lawsuit…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tomi Lahren: Fired From The Blaze, Still Hot on Instagram!

Tomi Lahren – whether you love her or hate her or the very sound of her voice causes you to jam the nearest sharp object into your ear until your vision starts to go all blobby and colorful, you"ve got to admit one thing:

She is very much a thing that exists, and at the tender age of 24, she"ll almost certainly continue to exist for quite some time.

Sure, Lahren is in the process of being fired by The Blaze but like a many-legged insect or a T-1000 that"s been reduced to liquid metal, she"ll pop up somewhere new in no time.

That"s bad news if, like most people with consciences and educations beyond fourth grade, you find Lahren"s politics abhorrent.

But there"s good news, too:

You see, there"s no such thing as a shrill selfie, so you can enjoy Tomi"s (mostly) apolitical selfies guilt-free!

Check out some highlights:

1. Tomi Lahren: But Her Emails!

Tomi lahren but her emails

Tomi Lahren WILL beat every Hillary joke into the ground whether you like it or not! Except she got fired from TV, so now she’ll be doing so on Facebook alongside your racist uncle.

2. Tomi Lahren and Dog

Tomi lahren and dog

Tomi Lahren poses with her dog. This is one of those pics that’s meant to convince you that she’s human. Don’t fall for it.

3. Tomi Lahren Post-Workout

Tomi lahren post workout

Tomi Lahren after a long run. She must’ve been trying to escape her own contradictory statements.

4. Tomi Lahren Topless

Tomi lahren topless

You were probably expecting a different angle on this photo. See, we caught your attention with an inflammatory headline, but failed to deliver any substantive. It’s a tactic we learned from Tomi.

5. Tomi Lahren Bikini Photo

Tomi lahren bikini photo

Tomi Lahren in a bikini. We guess those reports about her melting if she makes contact with water were exaggerated.

6. Tomi Lahren Modeling

Tomi lahren modeling

We’re sure if Tomi were slut-shaming a female celebrity, she’d make some snide comment about her lifting her skirt. We won’t do that. Hey, so THIS is what the high road looks like!

View Slideshow

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tomi Lahren Negotiating Exit From TheBlaze

Tomi Lahren and TheBlaze are finished with each other, and they’re now deep in negotiations to settle up. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, after Glenn Beck suspended Tomi over her comment on “The View” — that she was pro-choice — Tomi…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tomi Lahren Suspension ... Her Side Says Glenn Beck Was Jealous, His Says She"s a Traitor

Tomi Lahren is either a sellout who betrayed the people with whom she works or just so successful her boss is lashing out at her in envy … these are the 2 sides of the coin in Tomi’s suspension saga. TheBlaze honcho Glenn Beck benched Tomi for a…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Tomi Lahren Says "Intolerant Left Tried to Beat My Ass" At Inauguration (VIDEO)

Tomi Lahren says it’s no wonder a lot of Donald Trump supporters were no-shows at the inauguration, because she says she was attacked by a left wing mob right in the street. We got the super conservative talk show host in D.C.…


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Tomi Lahren & Charlamagne Tha God -- We Can Be Friendly But Trump Still Divides Us (VIDEO)

Tomi Lahren’s “I Have Black Friends” tour of NYC made a stop in Times Square with Charlamagne Tha God, and instead of Black Lives Matter … they focused on a different movement. The day after TheBlaze’s ultra conservative host had drinks with…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Tomi Lahren Meets with Trevor Noah, Has Slept with at Least One Black Guy

On Wednesday night, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren sat down across from Trevor Noah as a guest on The Daily Show.

The interview generated a great deal of online buzz, as Lahren and Noah battled it out over such topics as Donald Trump, the KKK (Lahren has some opinions on that group…) and whether Black Lives actually Matter.

But while most social media users quickly took sides after the interview (which we’ve posted below) aired, both Lahren and Noah did something rarely seen in this political climate:

They acted cordial to each other online.

For real!

Soon after the back-and-forth went viral, Noah Tweeted the following:

Thank you for being my guest Tomi. Our goal should be to destroy these “bubbles” not each other. You’re always welcome on my show.

Lahren then replied:

To my fans: Trevor Noah is not a douche or a jerk. To Trevor’s fans: I’m not a bitch or c*nt. We are people with opposing views. That’s it.

noah tweet

Moreover, Lahren and Noah actually met up last night at The Bowery Hotel in New York City.

In person. To talk more about their differences of opinion.

As far as we know, no drinks were thrown and voices were not raised. 

Crazy, right? A calm, rational, reasonable discussion about the issues facing this great country of ours?

TMZ caught up with Lahren after she caught up with Noah and asked for her thoughts on their discussion, prompting Lahren to say she and Noah still don’t see eye-to-eye on very much.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends.

And that doesn’t mean she blames Noah at all for how the question-and-answer segment went. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to be a guest and she seems to believe in the maxim that all publicity is good publicity.

As for the question of whether she would ever date a black man?

Or whether she has ever dated a black man, as raised by Charlamagne in THIS VIDEO?

Lahren laughed. She played coy. But she did not deny that it has happened and did not deny that it could happen in the future.

So while Tomi Lahren doesn’t think that Black Lives Matter, she seems to believe that black penises sometimes matter behind closed doors…

Did you catch her controversial appearance on The Daily Show?

Do you think Lahren got the best of Noah? Or Noah got the best of Lahren?

And should more more conservatives and liberals sit down for these kinds of conversations on TV? Would it help a divided electorate heal?

Watch the interview and then comment away below… respectfully, please!


Tomi Lahren -- Peace Summit with Trevor Noah ... As for Dating a Black Guy ... (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah and conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren held a peace summit over drinks Thursday night, and Tomi’s declaring herself the big winner after their on-air feud. We spotted Tomi and Trevor having a very peaceful…


Tomi Lahren -- Peace Summit with Trevor Noah ... As for Dating a Black Guy ... (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah and conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren held a peace summit over drinks Thursday night, and Tomi’s declaring herself the big winner after their on-air feud. We spotted Tomi and Trevor having a very peaceful…


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Charlamagne -- Do Black Penises Matter to Tomi Lahren? That"s What I Wanted to Ask (VIDEO)

Charlamagne Tha God was locked and loaded for an interview with Tomi Lahren Thursday — until the plug was pulled — and he had the question that would unlock Tomi’s true feelings toward blacks. Tomi’s camp tells us her interview with “The…


Tomi Lahren: Roasted to a Crisp By Trevor Noah on The Daily Show

Going back to the early days of Jon Stewart"s tenure on The Daily Show, the Comedy Central series has served as a venue for open dialogue between the preternaturally witty host and his usually short-tempered conservative counterparts.

Trevor Noah"s time on the show hasn"t resulted in quite as many instantly viral debates, but the comic"s half-hour interview with shrill Confederate-flag-come-to-life Tomi Lahren resulted in one of the most amusing discourses in TDS history last night.

If you"re unfamiliar with her work, Lahren is a 24-year-old pundit created in Roger Ailes" angry blonde laboratory.

We assume she"s not yet able to pass a Turing test, as instead of making millions railing against Obummer and Killary on Fox News, Lahren is desperately struggling to make a name for herself on The Blaze, which is apparently a cable network.

Lahren went toe-to-toe with Noah on last night"s TDS, and she malfunctioned so badly we assume she"ll be headed back to the workshop for Westworld-style reprogramming.

"For someone who"s not racist, you have to spend a lot of time saying you"re not racist," Noah aptly pointed out at the outset of the interview.

Lahren"s internal volume knob instantly went from 11 to 17, as she loudly declared that she "doesn"t see color," which is basically the rallying cry of people who have loudly and publicly declared that taco trucks are un-American.

She went on to prattle on about "militant actions" from Black Lives Matter supporters and otherwise brand the movement as a violent terrorist organization because it dares to speak out against the murder of black men by increasingly militarized police forces.

Noah not only held his own, but called out Lahren"s hypocrisy at every turn.

("I"m a Millennial; I don"t like labels," Lahren hilariously argued at one point, literally using a label to justify her hatred of labels.)

The whole thing is worth a cringe-watch and ought to be enough to at least temporarily quiet Noah"s critics and remind Lahren"s critics that they were so, so right from the start.

Tomi lahren roasted to a crisp on the daily show

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tomi Lahren Blames Obama for Dallas Shooting: WATCH!

Tomi Lahren, an outspoken anchor on The Blaze, has once again stirred up major controversy with her thoughts on American race relations.

Last week, Lahren Tweeted that the Black Lives Matter movement was akin to the KKK, writing the following message on her social media account:

In response, over 56,000 people have signed a petition that calls for Lahren to be ousted from her post as a member of Glenn Beck"s Web network.

That seems unlikely to happen, however, considering Lahren is bringing a great deal of attention to The Blaze.

In her “Final Thoughts” on Tuesday, for example, the 23-year old blamed President Obama (who she refers to derisively as “Barry”) and “two black attorney generals” for the country’s growing racial tensions.

“Almost eight years in office and two black attorney generals as head of the Justice Department, and where are we today?” Lahren asks in the following video.

“We are more divided now than ever before.”

Most people would agree with the latter sentence.

But not as many people would agree with where Lahren lays blame for it.

Lahren went on to give her viewers a history lesson. She states that minority communities have never trusted police… that officers have generally “dealt” with the ensuing distress… and that, at the moment, everything has been “reduced to race.”

Touching on the topic of President Obama’s speech after the Dallas shootings, Tomi Lahren denounced the “rush” to blame white officers for escalating tensions.

She also questioned the tone of the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to the controversial host, the sniper Micah Johnson did NOT just have a “troubled mind," as President Obama implied – but was inspired by the anti-cops and anti-white rhetoric of Black Lives Matter.

Watch her latest take on this hot button subject below.

This video has been viewed over 790,000 times as of this writing.

We shudder to think about the number of those viewers who agree with Tomi Lahren.

Tomi lahren likens black lives matter movement to the kkk blames