Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Khabib Will End Conor McGregor"s Life In 2nd Round, Says Fabricio Werdum

Fabricio Werdum is doubling down on his prediction that Khabib will MURDER Conor in the Octagon … and now the ex-UFC heavyweight champ is calling the round it’ll happen!! “Khabib, I think, will kill him for sure,” Werdum said at LAX ……


Bill Cosby: A Look at His Life Behind Bars

Bill Cosby is a convicted rapist and a ward of Pennsylvania.

The disgraced comedian was found guilty in April 2018 of drugging and assaulting a woman named Andrea Constand and then sentenced to three to 10 years behind bars in September of 2018.

"Nobody is above the law because of where they live, who they are, wealth, fame, celebrity or even philanthropy," said the judge said during Cosby"s hearing while delivering Cosby"s sentence.

"Any lesser sentence would take away from the seriousness of the crime," he added.

Overall, Cosby has been accused of rape by over 60 women.

He deserves to be behind bars — and we have a look below for you at exactly what life is like for him there.

Will the former sitcom star ever live freely again?

1. Good Riddance, Bill

Good riddance bill

Bill Cosby is officially an inmate. The convicted rapist poses here for his final mug/booking shot prior to entering prison.

2. His Other Booking Photo

Bill cosby booking pic

This snapshot was taken very shortly after Cosby learned of his sentencing and was escorted out of the courtroom in handcuffs.

3. A History of Predatory Behavior

Bill cosby pre sentencing

“Your time has come,” said Judge Steven T. O’Neill in court after labeling him a “violent sexual predator” and requiring Cosby’s name to be on a permanent sex-offender registry, which is sent to neighbors and schools.

4. Take Him Away!

Bill cosby handcuffed

Cosby is in handcuffs in this photo. He’s being hauled off to Pennsylvania’s State Correctional Institute at Phoenix, which is located about 30 miles northwest of Philadelphia.

5. What Kind of Institution is This?

Bill cosby in a courtroom

It is a maximum security state prison. Cosby is officially inmate NN7687 and has been sentenced to “total confinement.” He will need to take a sex offenders program inside the facility.

6. About the Facility…

About the facility

The prison was put into operation just this July and it houses 3,830 beds as well as classrooms, a barber shop and gym. The jail offers various vocational classes and rehabilitation programs. It includes inmates who have been sentenced to death.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jessa Duggar: Mom-Shamed For Endangering Her Son"s Life!

Sometimes it seems that not a week goes without Jessa Duggar getting mom-shamed.

Don’t get us wrong, there have been many cases in which the criticism was justified.

Take, for example, the time Jessa made her toddlers walk several miles for Chick-Fil-A.

On the other hand, there are instances like the one in which Jessa was slammed for living too close to a freeway and allegedly endangering her children’s lives as a result.

In that situation, we were inclined to side with Jessa.

We’ll leave it up to you to determine which category this latest controversy falls into.

Earlier this week, Jessa posted a video in which she gives her 1-year-old son Henry his very first haircut.

“Henry’s first haircut! Ha!” Jessa captioned the clip.

“So hard to keep a toddler sitting still for 15 min, but with daddy’s help, plenty of snacks, and a cartoon with brother, we managed to pull it off.

For the most part, the comments were positive, but a surprising number of fans were critical of Jessa’s technique.

“Always cut on top of your fingers, not below,” wrote one fan.

“You risk cutting yourself or your client (or child) if you go below. Your fingers should always be between the scissors and the scalp.”

“I’ve never seen somebody cut hair like that,” remarked another.

“I always cut from off the top of the fingers.”

A third commenter not-so-subtly suggested that Jessa might not be up to the task of cutting her kids’ hair:

“Sometimes it’s good to pay a professional,” the fan wrote.

“With proper training.”

Generally, the Duggars don’t respond to criticism from fans, but this situation must have really gotten under Jessa’s skin, because she promptly clapped back.

“I always cut on top of my finger unless they’re not wearing a cape,” she replied.

“With longer cuts on babies and toddler’s hair, I cut under my fingers instead so that I’m holding onto all the cut hair and can drop it straight into the trash.

“Way less mess,” Jessa added.

“And yes, I’m super careful.”

So is she prioritizing cleanliness over her child’s safety?

We suppose it’s no surprise that Jessa is taking this situation so personally.

From homeschooling to growing their own vegetables, the Duggars pride themselves on their DIY work ethic.

If Jessa is incapable of cutting her kids’ hair … what does that say about her ability to educate them?


Monday, September 24, 2018

Tommy Lasorda Reveals the Secret to Living a Long Life

Tommy Lasorda just turned 91 years young this weekend … and now he’s letting TMZ Sports in on his secret to living to be almost a century old!! We spoke with the Dodgers legend while he was out celebrating the big 9-1 at Rao’s in Hollywood on…


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Oscar De La Hoya Says His Life Was Threatened After Last Canelo Fight

Oscar De La Hoya says some people were so PISSED at him after the first Canelo/GGG fight ended in a draw that they THREATENED HIS LIFE because they thought ODLH rigged the outcome. The first fight was hotly contested, but most ringside…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Alaskan Bush People Sneak Peek: Gabe Brown Risks Life and Limb!

Alaskan Bush People has been destroying Keeping Up With The Kardashians" ratings, and it looks like this new episode will be no different.

In this sneak peek, Gabe Brown takes huge risks as the Browns build a new structure on their property, scaring his siblings half to death.

Noah also comes to visit in the new episode, revealing a serious health problem that required surgery.

Alaskan bush people family photo

In the video that we"ve included, viewers can see Gabe standing on a piece of construction equipment and wielding a chainsaw.

"The next step is now Gabe just needs to cut off the top of the poles," Bird Brown explains.

"He’s just going to stand in the bucket of the skid-steer," Bird describes.

She reveals who will be operating this dangerous equipment, adding: "and Rain’s going to raise him up."

It"s always reassuring to see a 15-year-old operating heavy machinery.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 01

"I’m not normally serious," Bird acknowledges. "But right now it is super serious,”

“It is actually pretty dangerous," Bird admits.

"It’s actually the most dangerous things we’ve done on the job."

Bam Bam Brown adds: "That does not look incredibly safe."

His opinion is pretty clear. As you can see in the clip, he"s standing a considerable distance away from the action.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 02

In addition to Gabe risking life and limb (and his baby sister"s mental health for the next half-century) to shorten some stilts, this weekend"s episode promises another development.

In August, Noah Brown married Rhain Alisha in a small, moving wedding ceremony.

On this weekend"s episode, Noah "returns to the pack," as they say, visiting the new family homestead in rural Washington to see his parents.

His presence is reassuring to his father, Billy Brown, who is happy to see him.

His arrival is also a tremendous comfort to Ami, who states that she feels more secure with all of her children around her.

Gabe brown defies death

Noah also makes a startling confession about his health.

During his time away from his family, his body began to become inexplicably bloated.

As it turns out, as is usually the case with a sudden change in body size, there is a medical explanation.

In Noah"s case, it was his gall bladder.

He had to have his abnormally large gall bladder removed, and his torso still bears the stretch mark from the sudden gain in weight that his endocrine system foisted upon him. 

Alaskan bush people construction gif 03

We"re sure that some parts of this coming episode of Alaskan Bush People is just theatrics for the camera. That goes with the territory on any reality show.

We have no doubts that Noah"s family knew about his gall bladder being removed before he told them on camera and showed off his scar.

And we also know for a fact that Billy Brown"s new 435 property could gain a new structure without the children risking it all to build it.

But they"re doing this personally, on camera, so that they can keep raking in that reality TV money.

And since Alaskan Bush People is creaming Keeping Up With The Kardashians, this hard work and drama is a sound investment in their family"s future.

Alaskan bush people sneak peek gabe brown risks life and limb

Thursday, September 6, 2018

"The Greatest Showman" Star Sam Humphrey Fighting for His Life with Risky Surgery

“The Greatest Showman” star Sam Humphrey, who played Tom Thumb in the film is fighting for his life and set to undergo an extremely risky surgery … TMZ has learned.  Sources tell us Humphrey has been hospitalized for several weeks in Los…


Audrey Roloff: God Has Taught Me THESE Life Lessons...

Audrey Roloff is a woman of very strong conviction.

She"s been very open about her faith and her devotion from family from the moment she came into our lives as a cast member on Little People, Big World.

She and husband Jeremy are no longer cast members on this TLC series, having announced their departure in July.

That said… Audrey is still around, still sharing posts on Instagram and still espousing her religion.

Below, for example, Roloff delves into her belief in God and into how this Higher Power has taught her a number of life lessons.

1. Audrey’s Opening Statement

Showing off bend

“Your life has PURPOSE. Whether you can clearly define that purpose or not, God wants to purpose MORE out of your life RIGHT NOW,” Roloff wrote to open this lengthy message. “Not once you graduate, not once you’re married, not once you’re a mom, not once you get this job or move to that city. No.”

2. What Does God Want?

Strong audrey

“He wants to purpose more out of your seemingly futile daily tasks, your to-do-lists, your surface level conversations, and your day-to-day. He created you for so much MORE than just living through moments.”

3. What Else, Audrey?

Audrey roloff on the water

“He wants to fulfill His purposes through every part of your life – the big moments and the small moments, the celebratory moments and the heartbreaking moments.”

4. How Can One Figure All This Out?

Audrey and jeremy roloff on insta

Writes Audrey, acknowledging this major challege: “But discovering God’s purpose for your life can seem daunting… maybe you don’t know for certain what God has purposed you to do, or who He is purposing you to be.”

5. It Can Be So Hard to Figure It All Out

Audrey and jeremy roloff on labor day

And there can be so many reasons to be confused, as Audrey also acknowledges: “Maybe you’re trying to figure it out, but you’re just not sure yet. Maybe you thought you knew, but then some life circumstance changed your course.”

6. Also, Along These Lines…

Loving daughter time

“Or maybe you have been so focused and determined in what you thought was your purpose, but now you feel like giving up because it’s still not bearing any fruit. Girl, I get you.”

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Selena Gomez: Living Her Best Life Without Justin Bieber!

While Justin Bieber’s engagement to Hailey Baldwin has been making waves, Selena Gomez has been quietly teasing her “very honest” new album.

Some feared that seeing her on-again, off-again get engaged just a few months after their breakup would be a devastating blow.

Instead, it sounds like her life is better than ever with him out of the picture.

InTouch Weekly reports that a source close to Selena says that the actress and singer is living her best life now that she’s Biebs-free.

“Selena’s on-again, off-again relationship with Justin left her a nervous wreck,” the insider shares.

We can only imagine the impact that his well-documented bad behavior and alleged substance abuse struggles had on her for years.

“Now that she’s accepted that it’s over for good,” the source reveals. “She actually feels relieved to close that chapter of her life.”

The insider continues: “For the first time in years, she feels free.”

“She’s distanced herself from her old Hollywood life,” the source divulges.

“And,” the insider continues, Selena has shifted away from “the fake friends that came with it.”

When you’re a talented, beautiful celebrity, people are going to want to cling to you on the offchance that it could one day benefit them.

Now, the source says, “She only surrounds herself with genuine people who love her for who she is.”

That is good. Your squad should always support you for who you are, not for what you can do for them.

So, in addition to working on her new album (I cannot wait!), what exactly is Selena reportedly up to now that she’s no longer exchanging bodily fluids with Justin?

The insider explains that Selena “spends most of her free time enjoying relaxing dinners or hanging by the pool with pals.”

Well, presumably she doesn’t spend all that much time with dinner. It only happens once a day.

But we get the picture.

“Selena has grown up a lot,” the source adds. “And feels so much more comfortable in her own skin.”

It fills our hearts with joy and peace to hear that Selena has finally been able to put Justin Bieber behind her in a non-sexual context.

We’re not saying that we’re jumping for joy at the idea of Hailey Baldwin, at 21 years of age, linking her life to Justin Bieber’s — potentially for decades to come.

But it is good to see that Selena has outgrown Justin and knows it.

Exes plant their hooks in your heart. Time makes it seem like the bad times weren’t so bad, until all that you remember are the good times. That’s how they get you.

Now, it looks like Selena has moved on. Finally, Justin has no hold on her.

With all of that said, we should say that we’re reluctant to take reports on Selena’s state of mind at face value unless they come from, you know, Selena herself.

Especially when it’s good news, like this is.

We always want to believe that our favorite celebrities are living their best lives.

We will say that we absolutely hope that this is true.

And, again, that we are really looking forward to new music from Selena.


Saturday, September 1, 2018

Demi Lovato: Losing Control of Her Life While in Rehab?!

It’s been over a month since Demi Lovato suffered a heroin overdose that nearly claimed her life.

During that time, the singer has been proactive about seeking the sort of treatment that might prevent her from coming so close to tragedy a second time.

These days, Lovato is in rehab, and sources say she’s fully devoted to the hard work of recovery.

Not only has Demi checked herself into an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona, she’s also been making regular trips to Chicago to meet with the team of therapists who helped her to get sober for the first time, six years ago.

Of course, in some respects, it’s easier for someone in Demi’s position to put everything on hold in order to focus on self-care.

After all, most addicts don’t have the luxury of taking months off work and checking into a pricey rehab center.

But in other ways, Lovato’s battle with substance abuse is complicated by her wealth and fame.

Sources close to the pop star say all the touring and performing made it easier for her to fall back in with the wrong crowd, and it was reportedly one of Demi’s backup dancers who provided her with the drugs on which she overdosed. 

Now that Demi is taking a break from presiding over a one-woman media empire in order to focus on herself, she has to trust that the people she’s hired will uphold their responsibilities in her absence.

And sadly, it seems she may have placed her trust in the wrong people.

“Her bodyguards have taken over her house,” a neighbor of Demi’s told Radar Online this week.

“They’re the same two men who are with her around-the-clock when she’s home,” the source adds.

“They have been living at her house since she was hospitalized.

The insider says not only do the men appear to be treating the property as their own, they’ve also invited multiple female guests to join the party.

“They’re there and so are two women who are possibly their girlfriends or wives,” the source adds.

“Demi must really trust them because these two men have taken over her house completely and haven’t left since she was hospitalized.”

Unfortunately, it seems there’s little that can be done about the situation, as Demi placed her trust in her bodyguards, and no one wants to alarm her with reports of their behavior.

Here’s hoping the guys don’t do too much damage to the place.

Lovato fans are a passionate lot, and you really don’t want to make them angry.


Friday, August 31, 2018

Aretha Franklin"s "Celebration of Life" Funeral Service in Detroit (LIVE STREAM)

Aretha Franklin’s star-studded funeral is underway in Detroit, with more big acts slated to perform and give the “Queen of Soul” a final, fitting send-off … and TMZ’s streaming it live at 10 AM ET. Aretha’s “Celebration of Life” is taking place…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Post Malone Enjoys Yacht Life after Jet Emergency

Post Malone made it clear to us … he “f**king hate(s) flying,” but it sure looks like he enjoys the hell out of yachts and jet skis. Post and gf Ashlen Diaz had no trouble on the high seas as they spent the day in St.-Tropez, France ……


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

50 Cent Dishes on Life After "Power" Now That His Character is Dead

50 Cent will only be showing up on “Power” from here on out in flashbacks — if at all — but don’t think that’s got the guy down … he’s still reaping what the series sows. We got Fiddy on the streets of NYC — where his own character Kanan…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Jenelle Evans: SLAMMED For Endangering Daughter"s Life!

Jenelle Evans is having a rough week — even by Jenelle Evans standards.

The Carolina Hurricane was never “mom of the year” material, but some fans believe she sank to a new low this week.

For starters, Evans Instagram followers were stunned when the Teen Mom 2 star twerked in front of her kids in a bizarre video shot by the side of a busy street.

And it seems that’s not the only time this past weekend that Jenelle made a questionable decision that may have put her children in harm’s way.

In an Instagram story that quickly attracted negative attention, Jenelle laughed as her 1-year-old daughter rode a tractor while riding in the lap of Evans’ husband, David Eason.

The child appears to be safe enough in Eason’s lap, but Jenelle takes heat for pretty much everything she does these days.

In tweets and IG comments. fans slammed Jenelle for allowing her youngest child to sit on a piece of heavy machinery while it was in operation.

There seemed to be a sharp urban/rural divide among commenters, with those who have lived on farms expressing their belief that David and Jenelle’s behavior was perfectly acceptable, and those who have not slamming her for negligent parenting.

We tend to side with those who think Jenelle didn’t really do anything that bad here.

But we can understand why so many are so quick to be critical of Jenelle.

After all, this is a woman who’s had CPS called to her home 20 times in the past year.

Was Jenelle wrong to let her daughter ride on a tractor while seated in her father’s lap?

We don’t think so.

But we also don’t think it’s wrong for fans to be on the lookout for suspicious or potentially dangerous behavior when scrolling through her social media pages.

Maybe Jenelle is unfairly criticized in specific cases like this one, but she’s done much to warrant the increased scrutiny.

Just last week, Evans spoke with Dr. Drew about the famous road rage incident in which she brandished a weapon and endangered the life of her eldest son, Jace.

Jenelle stated that she didn’t concern herself with whether or not she had traumatized Jace, though she admitted that the incident had left her with PTSD.

Needless to say, it’s not hard to see why fans are so critical of Jenelle’s parenting.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"My 600-lb Life" Star LB Bonner Hung Up on 911 Before Suicide, Mom Called Too

LB Bonner called 911 before he shot himself, but the operator couldn’t help him out because she couldn’t hear him … according to the audio. The former “My 600-lb Life” star can be heard trying to give his location on the call — obtained by TMZ…


Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green"s Baby Enjoying the Yacht Life

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green’s baby boy is already living in the lap of luxury — the perks of having a billionaire grandpa. The “hot ex-felon” and the Topshop heiress were spotted on a mega yacht Tuesday, off Turkey … and we got our first good…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Gleeful Over Angelina Jolie"s Life Falling Apart!

Brad Pitt is still going through his divorce, and apparently Jennifer Aniston feels so bad for him.

That happiness reportedly stems almost entirely from schadenfreude over Angelina Jolie’s misfortune.

In fact, it sounds like Jen is gleefully dancing on the ashes of Angelina’s entire life.

The once epic love story of Brangelina has devolved into a nasty, acrimonious divorce that neither side can keep quiet.

RadarOnline has gained some insight into how Jennifer Aniston is allegedly feeling about all of this.

“Jen’s in a very positive place right now,” an insider reveals.

Apparently, Aniston’s cheerful disposition doesn’t come from spiritual enlightenment or doing yoga or loving herself.

It seems that her joyful mood comes from watching Angelina’s life in shambles.

“She’s privately ecstatic to see Angelina at rock bottom,” the source says.

As we have mentioned, Angelina filed court documents to try to prompt Brad Pitt to pay his fair share of child support.

Brad fired back that he’s given her tons of money and accused her of filing court documents as part of a “media manipulation” campaign.

Angelina replied with a statement that a loan is not child support, my good dude, but apparently Jennifer Aniston enjoyed the drama from afar.

“She never doubted Angie would self-destruct eventually,” the insider says.

Aniston was apparently confident of this “even when she was at her most smug and supposedly loved-up with Brad.”

It might sound wildly out of character for Jennifer Aniston to be cackling like a Disney villain at the very real misfortunes of a real woman with real feelings.

But the insider explains: “This is a woman Jen views as pure evil.”

That’s an odd perspective, since it’s hard to see how Angelina realistically wronged Aniston, but feelings don’t have to be rational.

“So,” the source asks. “Is she happy to see her miserable and getting the payback she deserves?”

The insider makes it clear that this is not a rhetorical question, answering: “You bet she is.”

Apparently, Aniston believes that this is justice on a cosmic, spiritual scale.

“Jen’s a huge believer in karma,” the source shares. “And she despises Angie.”

It’s often a mistake to believe that the spiritual order of the cosmos just happens to align with your personal grudges.

The insider adds: “She’s finding it hard not to smile when the (divorce) comes up.”

Well, we are all entitled to a little schadenfreude. And it’s hard to see how the former Friends star feeling this way hurts anyone.

That is an interesting read.

However, we do have to ask … is this really how Jennifer Aniston feels?

We would like to think that Jen doesn’t spend all day moping around her home, wondering about what life with Brad would be like if they’d never split.

Similarly, we would like to think that this source, though decidedly Team Jen, is wrong about her alleged vindictive feelings.

If anything, Jen and Angelina have a lot in common — they’re both successful actresses who have years of happy memories with Brad even though those memories are tainted by their bitter breakups.

Honestly, it sounds like they’re both amazing, talented women who gave years of their lives to a man who threw away what they had.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Ex-MLB Star Esteban Loaiza Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Charge, Faces Life In Prison

Ex-MLB All-Star pitcher Esteban Loaiza has formally pled guilty to felony cocaine possession with intent to distribute and now faces up to life in prison.  As we previously reported, the 46-year-old was arrested in San Diego back in February…


Ex-MLB Star Esteban Loaiza Pleads Guilty to Cocaine Charge, Faces Life In Prison

Ex-MLB All-Star pitcher Esteban Loaiza has formally pled guilty to felony cocaine possession with intent to distribute and now faces up to life in prison.  As we previously reported, the 46-year-old was arrested in San Diego back in February…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: My Daughter Almost Lost Her Leg ... And Her LIFE!

Even though The Real Housewives of Orange County star Vicki Gunvalson blocked her son-in-law on FaceTime over a feud back in May, she loves her family.

She especially loves her daughter, Briana Culberson, and misses her. They live on opposite coasts.

Now, Vicki is reflecting on what it was like to almost lose Briana to a dangerous infection just a few years ago. These details are chilling.

Even if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you won’t have seen this particular story.

Speaking to the Daily Dish podcast this week, Vicki Gunvalson relives the painful memory of daughter Briana Culberson’s brush with death.

“We almost lost her a couple years ago,” Vicki shares about her 31-year-old daughter.

“That was one of the biggest fears I had in my life while I was filming,” Vicki admits. And that’s no surprise — it’s every parent’s worse fear.

Vicki says: “It’s my ‘Oh, my God,’ moment.”

Vicki elaborates, revealing some of the details of her daughter’s ailment.

“She was super, super sick,” Vicki shares, explaining that Briana “got a very, very bad infectious disease from the hospital.”

Your mind might jump to a staph infection, but this was no ordinary situation, as we’ll explain in a moment.

Revealing how bad things became at one point, “They almost amputated her leg.”

We are relieved that it didn’t come to that — but Vicki and Briana herself have to be much more relieved.

“The viewers don’t know” the details, Vicki says. “But we can share it now because she survived it.”

That entire ordeal must have been scary and nightmarish.

“But it was horrible,” Vicki says, stating the obvious.

This isn’t the first time that she’s mentioned this terrifying ordeal.

Back in 2017, Vicki said that Briana contracted the infection during a surgery that she received in Oklahoma.

“It almost killed my daughter,” Vicki revealed at the time.

Vicki shared: “[The scalpel was infected] with feces from a previous surgery the day they put inside her body.”

“So, not good,” Vicki said. “She almost lost her leg.”

“I mean she almost died,” Vicki clarified. “And all this stuff.”

Briana actually works as a nurse at UNC Medical Center. The Triangle area of North Carolina is home to a number of world-class hospitals, and we’re sure that they’re lucky to have her.

“[That] is actually where she works,” Vicki gushed. “She’s an ER trauma nurse.”

Briana lives in North Carolina with her husband, Ryan Culberson, and their sons, Troy and Owen.

Briana also has lupus, a dangerous autoimmune disease.

“They’ve got a great lupus center out there,” Vicki says. “So if God brought her out there to help her get through this, that was the good thing from it.”

Vicki misses her daughter but is glad that she’s where she wants to be with her loving family and where she can receive the medical treatments that she needs.

Still, with this happening just a few years ago, we imagine that the trauma and heartbreak of that near miss are still haunting Vicki.

She is probably still processing it — and extra anxious about her family.

We are so sorry that Briana had to go through this, and so sorry for her entire family — her husband, her children, and her mother — that they had to endure that harrowing experience with her.
