Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rachel Lindsay to DeMario Jackson: STFU! You Don’t Know Me!

If you were to ask Rachel Lindsay, DeMario Jackson has a lot in common with Jon Snow.

Because he came back from the dead? Because he may be the Prince That Was Promised?


Because, according to Lindsay, Jackson knows nothing.

Appearing on The E&G Podcast yesterday, Jackson touched on his brief stint as a suitor on The Bachelorette this past season, one in which Lindsay gave him the boot after learning DeMario had a girlfriend.

“I was only there for the two weeks in the house,” Jackson said, prior to delving into controversial territory:

“From the beginning you knew that she was attracted to white men. You knew that. No disrespect, you just knew. She had that vibe.

“From night one, we all set down, all the guys and I said, ‘They’re going to have a black representative, either myself or Eric, and they’re going to have Dean, Peter, and Brian as the final four.’

“We all caught that.”

In the end, Lindsay selected Bryan Abasolo over Peter Kraus on the show’s finale.

Both men are white, but that’s nothing more than a coincidence, Lindsay says.

Commenting on a photo from the podcast’s official Instagram page that was promoting Jackson’s appearance on E&G, she wrote the following on Tuesday:

“Says the guy that dated Lexi [a white woman]. Demario never knew me and still doesn’t.”

DeMario, of course, has become more famous for the controversy that engulfed him and Corinne Olympios on Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise than for his time on The Bachelorette.

Production on that spinoff was halted for a couple weeks while Warner Bros. conducted an internal investigation that eventually cleared DeMario of all sexual misconduct charges.

He appeared on the show last night, sat down opposite Chris Harrison and discussed all he’s been through.

“I know who I am. I know I’m not that monster they’re trying to portray on TV,” Jackson said.

“Like Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, you go high.’ It was hard to go high, but I had to do it because I train and mentor children, and I can’t tell them to be something that I’m not.

“That’s what kept me going. And great family, friends, school teachers, people at the gym. It was crazy to see the response from them… There was just so much love. I was extremely humbled.” 

Olympios will speak on air to Harrison next week.

Asked about his one-time sexual partner turned quasi nemesis, DeMario had only kind things to say.

“I felt bad for her ‘cause she was being slut-shamed,” he said.

“I love my mother and I love the women in my family more than anything in this world, and it hurt me knowing she was going through the same thing I was, but a little bit more aggressive and intense.”


Monday, August 21, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Celebrates Engagement Party with Her Fiance and Exes

Rachel Lindsay musta been one helluva ‘Bachelorette’ – ‘cause she can be with her fiance and her exes from the show in one room … sans any awkwardness. Rachel and her hubby-to-be, Bryan Abasolo, celebrated their engagement in Miami Beach…


Bryan Abasolo: My Grandma LOVES Rachel Lindsay!

Rachel Lindsay’s final choice on The Bachelorette was not exactly popular within the Bachelor Nation.

Though Rachel and Bryan Abasolo are still together and engaged, a lot of fans didn’t approve of the union, thinking that, basically, Bryan Abasolo just says whatever Rachel wants to hear and wondering how long that could last.

The couple found one very important person who approves of their union, however: Bryan Abasolo’s grandmother. And this photo of the three of them together is worth seeing.

Rachel Lindsay must really love Bryan Abasolo.

Not only because she chose him over Peter Kraus and not only because they’re still engaged, months after they wrapped filming on The Bachelorette.

But Rachel loves Bryan so much that she’s willing to spend time celebrating their engagement down in Miami, Florida.

In August.

You know how I sometimes refer to L.A. as a “desert hellscape” because that is an accurate description of the American southwest?

Well, Florida is worse.

Large areas of the southeastern US are hot and humid during the summer, because life is full of suffering.

But Florida takes that to a whole other level, with summers filled with short, daily rainstorms that leave you only slightly more damp than the humid air itself.

Rachel Lindsay is from Texas, where it’s all kinds of hot, but while all heat is a source of absolute misery for non-reptiles, a dry heat is always, always preferable.

On the positive side, Bryan Abasolo’s grandma lives in Miami and Rachel got to meet her and pass the all-important grandma test.

Look at that grandma!

She’s so cute!

Bryan captioned the photo:

“Grandma’s approval is always important…of course she passed the test w/ flying colors. #Miami #familytime #grandmaslove”

(She meaning Rachel Lindsay, of course)

It’s no surprise that Rachel Lindsay would win Grandma’s approval.

She’s gorgeous and charming, which is why she became the Bachelorette in the first place.

Sadly, some people don’t get along with their in-laws. Ever.

(And based on what we saw on the show, Rachel Lindsay’s family doesn’t care for Bryan Abasolo)

Rachel seems very happy with her choice.

As much as people can’t understand why Rachel would turn down someone like Peter Kraus, let’s look at it from Rachel’s perspective:

Rachel Lindsay wants a larger-than-life romance straight out of a fairytale.

To Rachel, Bryan Abasolo’s willingness to get married and declare his love immediately was even more important than Peter Kraus’ abs.

Many fans pointed out that Peter’s statement that he wasn’t sure that he’d be ready to propose at the end of the season was affirming how seriously he takes relationships and his desire to get to know Rachel off-camera.

To Rachel, however, it came across as a red flag about commitment issues.

Calling Peter Kraus a manipulator, Rachel described sensing an emotional “push and pull” from Peter. 

Honestly, that may just have more to do with Rachel’s relationship history and the baggage from it than it does with Peter.

And you know what?

Maybe Bryan Abasolo and Rachel Lindsay really are perfectly suited for each other.

We may have to accept that Peter Kraus might not be the next Bachelor, because life is defined by suffering we guess.

We would love to see him find a partner whose views about love and romance and relationships really mesh with his.

Plus, you know, Peter charmed audiences and has a lot of fans, so that’s a huge bonus.

But let’s prepare ourselves for alternatives, okay?

The Bachelor may star Dean Unglert for all that we know, which would also be amazing.

We have to wonder if Rachel Lindsay will watch a season if it stars one of her exes.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo: Yup, We"re Still Together!

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo hate to disappoint the critics.

But they have news for anyone who thought their Bachelorette-inspired love was nothing but a reality show creation:

Suck it up! We’re still together! And happier than ever!

The couple, who met on the aforementioned ABC series and who then agreed to marry on last Monday’s emotional finale, celebrated their engagement in Dallas over the weekend.

They did so by making a few promotional appearances and also by partying with their friends and loved ones.

“My world,” the 37-year old chiropractor wrote as a caption to the above image, directing his message to his fiancee and adding:

“@therachlindsay #brachel #engagementparty #dallas #bachelorette #bachelornation.”

Lindsay, who lives in Dallas, selected Abasolo over runner-up Peter Kraus to wrap up the season 13 finale of The Bachelorette, which aired just seven days ago.

The couple is considering a wedding in late 2018, and is also considering a family.

But they aren’t sure when they should procreate.

“We definitely want to get married first and enjoy each other,” Lindsay said last week during a conference call with reporters. “But, you know, sooner than later. It’s hard to say.”

Adds Abasolo on the topic of kids:

“She wants four with the fourth being an accident down the line and I want three.

“And she’ll probably win in the end and we’ll have four.”

Rachel made it clear at the outset of her Bachelorette journey that she had focused on work for too long, rising high in her Texas law firm at the expense of finding love.

But now she’s apparently found it with Abasolo, over whom she’s been openly gushing on social media.

Addressing her soulmate last week, Lindsay wrote the following:

You have shown me a love that I’ve never had before.

You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined.

This road was not easy but you have been my rock and still are my rock through it all.

We found love in such a public way but the depths of our love is something that only we will know and will have between each other forever.

I would do it all over again if it led me back to you. You are my better half and thank you for being just who you are and never changing for anyone.

Very sweet words.

Very beautiful words.

Very romantic words.

But very believable words?

Some are not so certain.

Based on the history of couples that got together on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, the odds are against these two ever making it down the aisle.

What do YOU think?

Will Lindsay and Abasolo get married?


Friday, August 11, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: Peter Kraus is a MANIPULATOR!

Peter Kraus may not have won this season of The Bachelorette, but based on how fans have reacted to him, it looks like he might be on track to be the next Bachelor. If he chooses to accept the position.

It looks like Rachel Lindsay really doesn"t want Peter to be the Bachelor, though. 

Because not only is Rachel saying that Peter wasn"t the man for her (which is fine) but it sounds like she"s saying that Peter wouldn"t be good for anyone, because she"s calling him out as a "manipulator."

Rachel lindsay in green

Entertainment Tonight got an exclusive interview with Rachel Lindsay and the man she chose, Bryan Abasolo.

We have the video for you below.

And Rachel Lindsay accuses Peter Kraus of being manipulative, which is … a lot.

As we said, it"s one thing to decide that he"s not the man for you, even if the entire viewing audience thinks that you"re nuts for picking Bryan Abasolo.

It"s quite another thing to drag a guy"s name through the mud and use your voice to hurt his chances of being the next Bachelor.

(Or of finding love at all)

If she were accusing him of being abusive, or something, we"d be paying close attention — because that is always a serious accusation.

But "manipulation" is vague as hell … and, as you"ll hear for yourself in the video below, Rachel doesn"t really describe it so well.

Peter kraus and daisy

"I felt a little bit of manipulation there."

She does try to explain:

"The lack of commitment, you telling me that you want this future with me, but you didn"t want to take the actions to have it."

She means when Peter told her that he wasn"t comfortable proposing to her right away.

That"s because, to Peter, an engagement is a commitment to marry and he takes that very seriously.

(And probably would want to continue to get to know her and to date her off camera, to know that they could truly have a healthy and successful relationship even when they"re truly alone)

But, for Rachel, that seemed like cold feet or commitment issues, and she felt haunted by the ghosts of boyfriends past.

"That"s what triggered those emotions in me."

As for the actual "manipulation," it just sounds like it has more to do with Rachel having emotions than Peter playing some sort of game with her.

"I felt like there was a lot of push and pull. I feel like he was giving me just enough to keep me and string me along, rather than being forthcoming with everything."

That"s interesting, because we were just speculating that perhaps Rachel had strung Peter along to give him more air time even though she"d already decided that Bryan Abasolo was the one for her.

"And the thing is, when I walked in [the night of the breakup], I knew what I was going to do, and I still kept getting that push and that pull. So it was hard."

Most of us would just call that mixed emotions, because she was breaking up with an incredibly handsome man for whom she had a lot of feelings.

Rachel lindsay in la

Rachel seems to want to make us believe that Peter"s on-screen personality isn"t who he really is.

"I think you saw the essence of Peter in that breakup. I think people saw a different side to him they still aren"t ready to accept."

The essence of Peter is … crying?

Because that"s what we remember about that brutal breakup.

"I mean, the man told me I was going to have a mediocre life if I wasn"t with him, and then apologized about it. And I"m not."

That"s probably the least cool thing that Peter said all season, so we don"t blame Rachel for bringing it up.

He did apologize, but a guy saying something screwed up like that is a huge red flag.

We don"t think that it necessarily embodies the whole of Peter, though.

Rachel seemed really defensive about that.

"I"m having an amazing life. These last few months have been absolutely amazing."

Peter kraus on a hot day

That defensiveness on Rachel"s part might be more about responding to how the Bachelor Nation was pretty heavy-handed about being Team Peter.

But you know, Rachel got the smooth-talking Bryan Abasolo and is already planning their wedding.

If she got everything that she wanted, what does she care what the Bachelor Nation thinks?

We think that Rachel talking about how great her life is now might be less about what Peter predicted and more about convincing herself.

That"s just our impression, anyway.

Decide for yourself as you watch the clip below:

Rachel lindsay peter kraus is a manipulator

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Ben Affleck"s Boozing Is Your Problem Now!

Back in March, Ben Affleck checked into rehab to be treated for alcohol addiction.

Just a few weeks later, Jennifer Garner filed for divorce from Affleck.

The two events may not be related, as Affleck and Garner had been separated for over a year at the time of Garner’s filing.

Still, according to insiders, Affleck’s drinking was a factor in the couple’s decision to part ways, so the timing may have been significant.

Some have speculated that Jen wanted to give Ben an opportunity to get sober before filing, so that she could work out an equitable custody arrangement with her ex and not fear for her children’s safety.

Whatever the case, Jen is likely well aware that staying sober will be a lifelong battle for Ben.

And while it seems she trusts him enough to let him spend time with their kids on his own, sources say that she’s also happy that the task of making sure Ben stays away from the bottle is no longer on her.

These days, Ben is dating Lindsay Shookus – an SNL producer he met during an appearance on the show – and Jen is reportedly happy to hand her ex’s problems off to his new flame.

“Of course Jen worries about Ben’s health because he is the father of her children, but she feels like she’s done everything she can to help him over the years,” a source close to the situation tells OK! magazine.

Unfortunately, it seems Shookus may have already given Jen reason to doubt that she’s up to the task of helping to keep Ben sober.

Last month, Ben and Lindsay were spotted leaving a liquor store together while vacationing in Maine.

“Jen is very surprised that Lindsay is drinking around Ben,” the insider says.

“But she feels that ultimately it’s up to Lindsay how she wants to handle the situation.”

It’s believed that Affleck is still abstaining and doesn’t feel tempted when he’s around others who are imbibing.

Ben and Lindsay’s relationship is still in the early stages, but sources close to the couple say it’s getting serious fast.

Though Shookus is reportedly still worried about meeting Affleck’s family, the couple has reportedly been discussing details of their future together.

Those who know Ben best say they’ve never seen the actor-director happier.

Hopefully, his newfound bliss will help the father of three stay off the sauce.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: TERRIFIED of Meeting Ben Affleck"s Family!

As you may have heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he met during one of his appearances on the show.

This isn’t like the many other dating rumors that have plagued Affleck in the months since his divorce from Jennifer Garner became final.

Affleck and Shookus are the real deal, and by all accounts, their relationship is getting serious.

But there’s one major milestone that the couple is apparently eager to put off as long as possible.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is “terrified” by the prospect of meeting Ben’s family, with whom the actor is said to be very close.

For starters, Lindsay reportedly fears the Afflecks will blame her for the dissolution of Ben’s marriage.

“Lindsay’s been avoiding this so far, but meeting Ben’s mom, his brother Casey and the extended family is something’s she’s going to have to face,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“She’s terrified at facing their questions on how she and Ben met and fell in love,” the insider admitted.

“But she’s starting to run out of excuses – and Ben’s family members are beginning to wonder what’s up.”

Given the rumors that Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married, we suppose it’s no wonder that she’s worried about how she’ll be perceived by the Affleck clan.

On top of all that, Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she has to meet with Ben’s family prior to the start of the NFL season, so as to avoid being mocked relentlessly.

And don’t get us started on the challenge of deciphering Casey’s mush-mouthed mumbling without the assistance of closed captioning.

We can already hear Ben’s mother asking why he can’t settle down with a nice girl, like his friend Matt.

That, of course, may prove enough to cause a transition into Sad Affleck mode, or even a wild rage, as he does anytime someone dares to suggest that DeflateGate was anything other than a simple misunderstanding.

Lindsay is in a tough spot, as she lives in New York City, and hails from upstate, which means if she tries to kiss ass by praising the Red Sox or the Pats, she’ll instantly melt like an Indiana Jones Nazi.

We wish her the best of luck.

She’d do best to focus the conversation on the superiority of New England clam chow-dah over Manhattan and the wicked pah-kin’ nightmares created by the Big Dig.

Either that, or pretend she’s the person who saw and enjoyed Gigli.


Peter Kraus: Was Rachel Lindsay Just Playing Me the Whole Time?

The Bachelorette‘s big finale was brutal and intense.

Watching Rachel make her final choice was like watching someone order mushrooms and sardines as their pizza toppings when there’s perfectly good barbecue chicken and bacon as an option.

Well, while Peter Kraus decides if he wants to be the Bachelor while nursing a wounded heart, he’s reportedly also wondering if Rachel was just stringing him along all season.

HollywoodLife reports that a Bachelor Nation insider says that Peter Kraus thinks he may have been played by Rachel Lindsay.

Understandably, like most viewers, he’s grappling to understand what happened in the finale.

“His feelings for Rachel were very real and they ran deep.”

That much was clear, well before he broke down sobbing after Rachel ended their relationship.

“Having it end so abruptly with no real closure has been a huge kick in the heart. When it first happened he couldn’t talk about it without getting tears in his eyes.”


But while time may not quite heal all wounds, time and distance can help you recover from an emotional loss.

(And time Peter spent cuddling with his dog, Daisy)

“But now he’s at a point where he’s questioning if Rachel was ever even sincere with him, he feels like he got played.”

That’s an understandable thing to wonder.

“Peter was devastated by Rachel’s decision, he wasn’t expecting it at all.”

Neither were a lot of viewers.

While we warned everyone in The Bachelorette Spoilers that Peter wouldn’t be Rachel’s final choice, some people like to go into these things blind.

But going in blind — as, of course, Peter did — leads to getting blindsided.

“Right now he’s doing damage control and trying his best to cover up how badly this hurt him but the pain is still there.”

Oh that is so sad. Though you can kind of tell that when he’s interviewed, you know?

“He was so shocked by her decision, he thinks she made a huge mistake but he doesn’t want to seem bitter so he’s trying to keep those thoughts to himself, at least publicly.”

Well, whoever is revealing this isn’t doing him any favors then.

(Or are they? None of this is changing our opinion of Peter)

We suddenly find ourselves wondering if Rachel Lindsay, after realizing that Bryan Abasolo was (inexplicably) the guy for her, strung Peter along like she did with greater purpose.

Not for drama on the show or because she wanted to keep her options open with the Hunky Wisconsin native.

What if Rachel saw that Peter was absolutely perfect to be the next Bachelor, so she strung him along and left him devastated like that on television — almost making herself a villain in the process — setting him up perfectly in terms of storyline (mending his broken heart) and viewer sympathy.

He was a strong contender for The Bachelor before, but after that finale, it’s hard to imagine them announcing someone else without outrage.

(Even precious sweetheart fan favorite Dean Unglert, though we remind you that Dean himself wants Peter to be the next Bachelor)

That way, Rachel gets her happily ever after (or happily however long that lasts) with Bryan Abasolo and she sets up a sweet, handsome guy perfectly for his next role.

Rachel did say that she doesn’t want Peter to be the Bachelor, but that could either be honest or part of that elaborate scheme.

But … enough conspiracy theories.

Whatever the case, whatever was going on in Rachel Lindsay’s mind, we don’t have a way of knowing the truth for certain.

But we can understand why Peter would be agonizing over this, wondering how anyone who felt a connection like he did with Rachel could say goodbye to that.

In interviews, though, Peter is being totally cool about it — and that’s how you know that he’s a perfect fit to be the next Bachelor.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Rachel Lindsay to Bryan Abasolo: You Are My EVERYthing!

We can’t say for certain whether or not Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo will get married.

Based on the history of The Bachelorette, the odds are strongly against this lawyer and this doctor finding eternal love in each other’s arms.

But one thing we can absolutely say beyond all shadows of any doubt:

No star and no winning suitor have ever gushed so candidly about each other after revealing to the public that they’re engaged.

On an emotional Bachelorette finale this past Monday night, Lindsay saved her final rose for Abasolo, turning down fan favorite Peter Kraus in the process and excitedly accepting Bryan’s proposal before he could even finish saying all the words.

Shortly after this episode aired, the engaged couple made all the usual media stops: Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kelly Ripa, Good Morning America, etc.

They sure looked like two people in love and they sure sound that way on Instagram.

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason,” Abasolo wrote on Tuesday morning.

He concluded:

“We’ve gone through so much… the ups, the downs, the challenges…

“But in the end, what shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.”

Pretty sweet and romantic, right?

How would Lindsay possibly top it?

This is how:

“This day was a dream come true! Bryan you have shown me a love that I’ve never had before. You’ve challenged me in ways I could have never imagined,” the latest Bachelorette wrote as a caption to her own photo of the pair, adding:

“This road was not easy but you have been my rock and still are my rock through it all. We found love in such a public way but the depths of our love is something that only we will know and will have between each other forever.

“I would do it all over again if it led me back to you. You are my better half and thank you for being just who you are and never changing for anyone.”

The beautiful star ended on a gracious and uplifting note:

Thank you for always taking the high road and thank you for loving me unconditionally.

I love you with all of me @thebryanabasolo and more than I could ever define to you! I am so excited to spend forever with you.

The couple has not said much about its upcoming marriage, except that it will likely take place in the winter of 2018.

It may even be televised.

Some, however, believe that Lindsay made a poor choice and that no vows will ever be exchanged between her and Abasolo.

Are you one of those people? Sound off below and respond:

Do you think Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abaolo will get married?


Eric Bigger: Rachel Lindsay Made a Mistake by Choosing Bryan Abasolo!

Does anyone else feel like they’re still recovering from Rachel Lindsay’s decision on the Bachelorette finale? 

That final breakup was every bit as brutal as we’d been told.

We have to remember that there was another person involved: Eric Bigger. He had a much closer perspective to everything that was going on and, well, he has his own reasons for thinking that Rachel made the wrong choice.

Eric Bigger seemed to slip a lot of people’s minds towards the end of the season.

It isn’t because he isn’t handsome or charming or a great contestant on The Bachelorette.

No, it was about context and chemistry.

Peter Kraus seemed like he was such a perfect suitor for Rachel Lindsay, so he got a lot of attention.

Bryan Abasolo seemed like he was just telling Rachel what she wanted to hear — but Rachel seemed like she was eating it up.

(And, clearly, she did)

So Bryan got plenty of attention.

Who was left?


Charming, handsome Eric who made it to the final three but wasn’t nearly as polarizing.

But even if a lot of fans couldn’t really see him with Rachel, we absolutely want to hear what he has to say about Rachel’s final choice.

On a podcast interview, Eric Bigger reveals his thoughts about Rachel Lindsay and the big finale:

“Honestly, from watching the show last night for the first time, I don’t think she picked the right man in that moment.”

You know how sometimes things don’t come across on camera?

Like, older phones can’t take a decent picture of the moon.

Sometimes you see someone really hot but they just look “reasonably attractive” over camera.

(You can be hot without being photogenic, folks)

Not everything comes across over the screen … and from what Eric is saying, that was the case with Bryan and Rachel.

“Prior to seeing the show, I always thought Bryan was the guy for her once I left.”

We should note that Eric likes Bryan a lot, which is more than we can say for a lot of fans.

And there was more:

“I love him … but I felt bad for him. It seemed like he was a rebound.”

Well, the proposal came the day after an epic, tear-filled breakup … so that’s literally true.

“I could be wrong, but that’s what it looked like in my eyes and maybe the feelings they had for each other is different from what I see. But man, it was tough.”


Eric then offered his own analysis of Rachel and her motivations:

“Rachel put herself in a bind from saying ‘I want a proposal.’ So she held herself accountable in a place where I think it was pride.”

He explains what he means.

“Her pride wouldn’t let her not do what she wanted to do and that was she wanted a proposal and Peter didn’t want that. So if it wasn’t a proposal, then you’re out, which I get.”

She went into this to get the man and relationship that she wanted.

But she may have missed out on the man she really wanted by choosing a relationship that would fit her imagined timeline.

“Sometimes it’s hard, it’s really hard. She made her decision and she’s off to the races, but I just think if she never would’ve said, ‘I want a proposal,’ and made that the priority, she would’ve been okay.”

Don’t let your expectations box you into a corner that you can’t get out of, folks.

And speaking of people whose hasty words might force them into a corner:

You might be thinking that you can’t concentrate on The Bachelorette and its aftermath when there’s a looming threat of nuclear war. 

For us, though, we think that concentrating on the stuff that you normally care about is the key to not losing your mind when the world is frightening.

(A lesson taught by the aftermath of 9/11)

So yes, let’s keep talking about whether or not Peter Kraus should be the next Bachelor.

(He should)

Let’s talk about how how Rachel Lindsay’s planning her wedding already and hope that she gets the ceremony on camera.

Let’s keep caring about stuff like eclipses and reality shows and video games and what restaurant’s opening around the corner because that’s how we keep being people.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: ALREADY Planning her Wedding! See Who"s NOT Invited!

Last night’s season finale of The Bachelorette may have been something of an upset (or, at least, upsetting) for a lot of fans, but Rachel made her choice.

She’s engaged, but for the fairytale ending that she wants, she’ll need a wedding to match. Reportedly, Rachel Lindsay and her fiance are already planning their nuptuals.

And while we don’t know everything yet, we do have some of the details.

Life & Style reports that Rachel Lindsay is planning her wedding with Bryan Abasolo, who is currently her fiance after winning The Bachelorette.

She expects to have about 300 or so guests.

It will definitely be in Texas, but either next fall or winter so the suffering from blistering temperatures should be at a minimum.

(For Texas, anyway)

The wedding itself might very well get filmed by ABC for fans to watch:

“Rachel would be down to have her love story continue on TV.”

That’s incredibly nice of her … though perhaps not the best recipe for 

“She’s aware people think Bachelor engagements don’t last, so she wants to say ‘It did work for me!”

Two things:

One, a lot of the times, these things don’t work out because the couple didn’t get to know each other off-camera very much while they were “dating.”

Deliberate on-camera behavior aside, people’s behavior and language may just subconsciously shift when they’re off-camera.

You have to get to know someone one-on-one, not on camera.

(And not through chaperoned “courting” either, Duggars)

Not to mention that, well, a lot of engagements break off. That’s life.

Two, though, while filming the wedding is well and good.

(Plenty of people film their weddings)

Teasing the idea of Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo’s love story continuing to be filmed sounds like she might be open to a reality series.

Do we really need to remind you of what happend with Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins?

Those who thought that they were going to live happily ever after, and they got an appropriately (if, in the long run, ironically) named reality series.

The omnipresent cameras meant that, even during their engagement, they couldn’t be open with each other and communicate like a healthy couple needs to do.

Were there other factors? Absolutely. 

But putting your whole relationship on camera from the get-go is a recipe for disaster.

Rachel Lindsay doesn’t need to prove anything.

Life & Style‘s insider had more to add about Rachel Lindsay and her plans:

“She’s frugal but wants her wedding to be the biggest day ever. Rachel has had her wedding planned since childhood. She used to play pretend and go shopping for dresses and everything.”

That’s sort of the stereotype, right?

Well, the huge wedding thing isn’t a stereotype for Millennials — if you’re going to splurge on something on that scale, you want it to be a house or something like that.

But, as far as gendered stereotypes go, most women are socialized from a young age to fantasize about their weddings.

Rachel’s kept the dream alive as she entered adulthood, however, and she’s gotten some very specific ideas.

She even know who she wants to design her dress.

“[She] used to watch Project Runway and gush about how she wanted [contestant] Michael Costello to design her dress.”

She wants the big color of the night to be red with hints of gold, black, or brown.

(Which sounds gorgeous — somewhere between the Sith and Gryffindor colors)

The bridesmaid dresses will match that scheme, of course.

It sounds like Rachel Lindsay’s wedding will have everything.

Oh … with one major exception, says the insider.

“I can’t see her inviting any of the guys she’s sent home. That would be too awkward!”

Well, nobody expected her to invite Lee Garrett, but as much as people might like to see Dean Unglert or Peter Kraus at an event like that … yikes.

We certainly can’t imagine that Bryan Abasolo would want them there.

Plenty of Bachelor Nation folks in general might make the guest list, though.


Rachel Lindsay: I Don"t Want Peter Kraus to Find Love!

Do you ever watch someone smart and likable think long and hard about an important decision … only to throw sense to the wind and make the wrong choice?

If you watched last night’s season finale of The Bachelorette, you absolutely have!

But even though she rejected him in a devastating breakup, Rachel Lindsay doesn’t want her second choice to find love!

After Rachel Lindsay ignored the world’s advice and every ounce of common sense in her body and chose Bryan Abasolo to marry, many fans consoled themselves with the thought that Peter Kraus would be great on The Bachelor.

In fact, it seems that most are in agreement that Peter Kraus should be the next Bachelor.

Everybody except Rachel Lindsay, that is.

Multiple times during the After The Rose special last night, Rachel told Peter the same thing:

“I don’t think this is for you. It’s not for you.”

So, what … crushing his heart under her heel (and her own in the process during the promised brutal breakup) wasn’t enough?

Twitter, as you can imagine, went off on Rachel for seeming to be determined to sabotage Peter’s chances of being the next Bachelor.

You have to wonder if this was a case of: “If I can’t have him, no one can!”

Rachel might not even aware of her real motives, you know?

To really think about how ridiculous this is, keep in mind that this is a woman who’s already happily engaged.

A woman who absolutely could have had Peter.

A fan favorite from the show, Dean Unglert, even thinks that Peter Kraus should be the next Bachelor.

Keep in mind that Dean should be the last one saying that, since Dean is also a fan favorite to star on The Bachelor.

(Though, of course, Dean and Peter are besties because of course they are)

In all fairness, Peter Kraus did say that he was there for Rachel, not to be the next Bachelor.

But … everybody knows that The Bachelorette is often a stepping stone for people to win over producers and viewers and become the next Bachelor.

Similarly, The Bachelor works in the same way for prospective Bachelorettes.

Plenty of people use it as a way to attract social media followers and start building their brands.

You can launch an entire reality career, within or beyond the Bachelor Nation, by starting off vying for love.

Peter said that he was on the show with the goal of winning Rachel’s hand and heart, and we should take him at his word.

But that doesn’t mean that he should be denied the chance to move on.

That also doesn’t mean that fans and viewers should be denied the chance to watch and support him through the next phase of his journey.

Whatever he does next and wherever he goes, we’re sure that Peter will have endless support from his fans.

But we certainly hope that he’ll get to appear on The Bachelor.

So many people want to watch his journey to find love after his heartbreak.

We will, however, understand if he decides against it.

He just went through a seriously devastating breakup on screen.

He might not be ready for for a whole series of breakups.

(That might be what Rachel Lindsay meant, after all)

But … that should be Peter’s decision, not a result of what Rachel says.

If you need a reminder of what fans think of Peter, just look at the warnings about Bryan that they tweeted to Rachel:


Bryan Abasolo: I Can Finally Reveal the Truth About Rachel Lindsay!

Bryan Abasolo has been waiting for this moment.

He’s been biting his tongue, remaining silent, counting down the days until August 7, 2017.

But now the doctor can finally speak his mind. He can finally tell the world what he really thinks of Rachel Lindsay.

And here it is:


On The Bachelorette finale last night, Lindsay saved her final rose for Abasolo, who responded by getting down on one knee and asking for Rachel’s hand in marriage.

Non-Spoiler Alert: She said yes!

“Right here in this moment, standing with you, I see my forever and I see my future,” she actually said in full on air, telling her future husband:

“I just wanna tell you that I love you and I’m in love with you and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”

Beautiful words and a lovely sentiment, right?

Just a few hours later, Abasolo replied with his own special message on Instagram.

“Rachel my love, my rock!! It’s felt like forever, but the wait is finally over!!!” he wrote as a caption to the image above.

“No longer do I have to hide the fact that you are and always have been the one for me! No longer do I have to keep secret how in love w you I truly am from the rest of the world!”

Bryan, of course, proposed to Rachel several weeks ago.

But he and his fiancee signed a contract with ABC.

They could not tell anyone that they ended up together, lest they ruin the Season 13 conclusion.

With the exciting secret now out, however, Abasolo is free to gush over his soulmate.

“Hearing you say “yes” on the top of that castle in Spain was the greatest moment of my life!” he continued on Instagram.

“I was optimistic about what could be prior to stepping out of that limo but never in my wildest dreams could I had foreseen us building such a strong foundation and deep bond in the last 6 months.

“Every single day literally gets better and better with you and reaffirms that God placed you in my path for a reason.”

What? No. We’re not crying reading this note.

YOU’RE the one who is crying!

Concluded Abaolo in his love letter to Lindsay:

We’ve gone through so much…the ups, the downs, the challenges…but in the end, what shines above all else is the deep love, loyalty, respect and admiration we have for each other and that’s what will continue to carry us through into our future.

I can’t wait to start our new life together full of fun and adventure! I am so blessed and lucky to have you and I promise to cherish you forever! I love you baby!

As for when Rachel and Bryan will get married? It’s unclear at this time.

As for where the ceremony will take place? Probably in Texas, Lindsay’s home state.

Will it be televised? You never know.

Where are Abasolo and Lindsay right now? “On cloud 9,” the former wrote as a caption to the above snapshot of this engaged couple on board an airplane.

You gotta admit: he’s good.


Rachel Lindsay Engagement Ring: ALL the Beautiful Details!

It really did happen on Monday night:

After narrowing her field of suitors down to just one, Rachel Lindsay handed the final rose to Bryan Abasolo…

… and he took it from there!

“I am the best version of myself when I’m with you,” Abasolo said, while down on one knee in front of The Bachelorette, prior to adding:

“You are so easy and effortless to love and I just want to love you for the rest of your life. Will you be my cariña [sweetheart] forever?”

Lindsay could scarcely contain her excitement, jumping all around and giggling as soon as Bryan dropped down to propose.

So of course she said yes. She said yes with enthusiasm and excitement and then she kissed her brand new fiance on the lips.


A day after this romantic development, the Internet is abuzz over whether or not Lindsay and Abasolo will get married on television (maybe, sources say), along when the nuptials will take place (some time this winter, according to Rachel).

Fans cannot stop talking about Lindsay’s engagement ring, either.

And for good reason: it’s downright gorgeous!

The rock was designed by Neil Lane, the same man behind nearly every Bachelor and Bachelorette engagement ring.

As you can see above, it contains a pear shaped center stone that insiders tell E! News is more than three carts. That ain’t small!

The ring includes a pave border and a platinum band and it would cost over $ 100,000 if one were to purchase it like a regular human being.

(Abasolo, of course, was gifted the ring for free in exchange to Lane receiving publicity from his company’s appearance on the finale.)

“The ring is huge and she’s in love with it,” an E! source says of Lindsay, who was spotted on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, showing off her new bling:

Yeah. It’s safe to say Rachel is happy with Bryan’s selection.

And with her future husband himself.

“This love has been so mature. It’s tested me in ways that I couldn’t have even imagined,” Lindsay said in response to Abasolo’s big question on the finale.

“And I always said that I would know that the person that I’m supposed to be with is someone that I could never picture my life without.

“So right here in this moment, standing with you, I see my forever and I see my future.

“I just wanna tell you that I love you and I’m in love with you and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.”


The question now turns to whether or not Rachel and Bryan will actually make it down the aisle.

History has not always been so kind to The Bachelorette and her winners.

Will Lindsay and Abasolo break from tradition and actually get married?!?

Only time will actually tell.

But you can sound off with your best guess in the Comments section below!
