Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Admits He"s Part of Sexual Harassment Problem, Cites Past Rape Allegation

Morgan Spurlock is coming clean about his history … regarding sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and even an accusation of rape. The famed documentary filmmaker posted a shocking list of confessions Wednesday, including a detailed description of a…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Piers Morgan Slams Emily Ratajkowski as "Global Bimbo," Gets OWNED by Model

Piers Morgan has chosen the wrong woman to go after.

And definitely the wrong time during which to do it.

To open today’s broadcast of Good Morning Britain, Piers Morgan set his sights on Emily Ratajkowski and the model’s latest risque photo shoot.

It was for Love Magazine and it featured Ratajkowski wearing more strands of spaghetti than layers of clothing.

And Morgan simply was NOT having it!

“I don’t know quite what she is. She’s a global bimbo,” Morgan said bluntly on air, adding:

“She’s posted something on Instagram about how what we are watching now is unbelievably empowering to feminists…

“For goodness sake – get some clothes on and get yourself a proper job.

On Twitter, meanwhile, Morgan shared a collage of images from the pictorial in question and wrote:

“This is Emily Ratajkowski ‘promoting feminism’. Somewhere, Emmeline Pankhurst just vomited.”

For the record, Ratajkowski never said a word about this particular shoot “promoting feminism,” as Morgan asserts.

But she has wondered in the past why there’s a double standard applied to beautiful women… versus men or more average looking women.

“When Lena Dunham takes her clothes off, she gets flak, but it’s also considered brave,” Ratajkowski previously told Harper’s Bazaar.

“When Justin Bieber takes his shirt off, he’s a grown-up. But when a woman who is sexual takes off her top, it plays into something.”

Ratajkowski seems to be missing the general critique about her: that she is only known for posing nearly naked, while the other stars she cites above rely on their talent to earn fortune and fame.

Yet Ratajkowski does not miss the mark in any way, shape or form in responding to Morgan’s harsh criticism.

She totally owns the smarmy anchor.

“Lol never said my love video was a feminist statement,” Ratajkowski Tweeted in response, elaborating perfectly as follows:

“But now it’s worth saying that telling women what to do with their bodies & sexuality is actually just classic sexism.

“I can have opinions about feminism & also do sexy photo shoots k thanks.”

Pretty great point, isn’t it?

What is more sexist, flaunting a body one is proud of… or insulting a woman for doing so?

Citing the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and really the entire #MeToo movement in general, Ratajkowski added via Twitter:

I’m tired of having to consider how I might be perceived by men if I wear the short skirt or post a sexy Instagram. I want to do what I want to do.

Feminism isn’t about adjusting, it’s about freedom and choice

Previously, addresses critics of her scantily-clad photos by saying:

“To me, female sexuality and sexiness, no matter how conditioned it may be by a patriarchal ideal, can be incredibly empowering for a woman if she feels it is empowering to her.

“The way I dress, act, flirt, dance, have sex – those are my decisions and they shouldn’t be impacted by men. Being sexy is fun and I like it.

“I should never have to apologize for that.”

Your move, Piers Morgan.

Go ahead and try to think of a comeback.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Morgan Spurlock: LeBron is Already a Hollywood Mogul

Add the entertainment industry to the list of things LeBron James is dominating … ‘cause one big-time producer says the King has already earned the title of Hollywood mogul! TMZ Sports spoke with Morgan Spurlock (the “Super Size Me” guy) about…


Morgan Spurlock Says Trump"s McDonald"s Diet Fills a "Sad Hole"

Morgan Spurlock thinks President Trump’s obsession with McDonald’s has psychological overtones … proof he’s an unhappy man looking for any form of fulfillment. We got the “Super Size Me” star at LAX, and he weighed in on Trump’s documented…


Morgan Spurlock Says Trump"s McDonald"s Diet Fills a "Sad Hole"

Morgan Spurlock thinks President Trump’s obsession with McDonald’s has psychological overtones … proof he’s an unhappy man looking for any form of fulfillment. We got the “Super Size Me” star at LAX, and he weighed in on Trump’s documented…


Monday, October 23, 2017

"Walking Dead" Star Jeffrey Dean Morgan: L.A. Dodgers Can Use "Lucille"

The Dodgers might have an even BIGGER advantage in the World Series — because “Walking Dead” star Jeffrey Dean Morgan says he’s willing to loan his beloved barbed wire bat to Kiké Hernandez. JDM — whose character Negan has been using…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Alex Morgan Disney Police Video: "I Can"t Imagine What Black People Go Through"

Soccer superstar Alex Morgan was so upset when she was being kicked out of Disney World, she told officers, “You guys are lying right now. I can’t imagine what black people go through.” It was all captured on body cam footage released by the Orange…


Alex Morgan Disney Police Video: "I Can"t Imagine What Black People Go Through"

Soccer superstar Alex Morgan was so upset when she was being kicked out of Disney World, she told officers, “You guys are lying right now. I can’t imagine what black people go through.” It was all captured on body cam footage released by the Orange…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Alex Morgan Apologizes For Drunken Disney World Incident

The sobering reality has set in for Alex Morgan — and now the Team USA soccer superstar is apologizing for the drunken bender that got her kicked out of Disney World.  TMZ Sports broke the story … cops were called to EPCOT Center on Sunday…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Cops: Alex Morgan Was Super Drunk, "I Know the SWAT Team!"

Alex Morgan was “highly impaired” and yelling at Disney staffers in front of guests when she was thrown out of Epcot Center on Sunday … this according to the incident report obtained by TMZ Sports.  We broke the story, Morgan, along with…


Alex Morgan Busted for Trespassing at Disney World, Cops Confirm

Team USA soccer star Alex Morgan was cited for trespassing at Disney World in Florida on Sunday, TMZ Sports has learned.  Morgan was part of a group that included several MLS soccer stars including Giles Barnes and Donald Toia, who were also…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Morgan Freeman Pisses Off All of Russia with Anti-Putin Video ... Says Russian News

Morgan Freeman’s pissed off all of Russia and is now public enemy #1 at the Kremlin … if you’re buying what Russia’s state news is selling, anyway. Freeman is getting blasted by the media over there for starring in a Rob Reiner-produced video that…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"The Walking Dead" Star Jeffrey Dean Morgan Says Emmys 2017 Went Easy on Trump

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the guy known for bashing everything on “The Walking Dead” … thinks Emmy-night celebs did something very un-Negan — easing up on President Trump bashing. We got JDM flying out of LAX Monday and he said the Trump…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Farrah Abraham Gets Friendly Ass Grab from Frenchy Morgan at Vegas Pool

‘Teen Mom’ Farrah Abraham and ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ alum Frenchy Morgan clearly had no idea cameras where trained on them as Frenchy grabbed a piece of Farrah’s famous ass. The thirsty pair were hanging at a Vegas pool Saturday, soaking up…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Piers Morgan: President Trump Finally Has Ringmaster to Run White House

Piers Morgan thinks Donald Trump finally picked the right guy to sort out the White House’s mess of chewing up and spitting out staffers. Piers was leaving Madeo Monday night when we asked him about his take on Anthony Scaramucci,…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Piers Morgan Says Undercover Vid Shows CNN "Cutting Corners" to Bash President Trump

Piers Morgan’s not bashing CNN for going after huge ratings with stories about President Trump and Russia, but thinks their Prez-bashing is dangerous journalism … and led to embarrassment. Piers tells TMZ he’s not surprised CNN is now in…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Amber Rose and Piers Morgan: FEUDING Over Her Nude Photo!

So, you remember how Amber Rose flashed her bush to the world via Instagram?

Well now Piers Morgan is trying to feud with her because he craves negative attention doesn’t think that she’s a real feminist.

Though Instagram quickly deleted the image, everyone had of course already seen it.

Which was exactly what she wanted — because Amber’s nudity wasn’t without purpose.

In addition to just raising awareness for her SlutWalk, she had a specific and powerfully feminist message in mind:

“Amber Rose challenge anyone? Lol post your version of my picture and hashtag #amberroseslutwalk on behalf of feminism, body positivity and not conforming to society norms of how we should live, what we should wear and where we should shave.”

Piers Morgan wasn’t feeling it, and decided to express that in a super condescending way:

“Put it away, luv. Thanks.”

After Amber called him out for being an obvious misogynist, he seemed to get even angrier.

“It’s not ‘misogyny’ to think that posting nude photos in the supposed name of feminist empowerment is pathetic attention-seeking bulls**t.”

So, nothing that we haven’t heard from him before. 

When Amber questioned if he was simply off-put by her pubic hair, he clarified.

“I can handle your naked body, Amber — relax. I just can’t handle your ridiculous claim to be stripping off in the name of feminism.”

We don’t know how long it will take for him and others like him to get it through their thick skulls that a major component of feminism is doing what you want with your own body.

If you’re an adult and you want to wear a bikini or share your nudes or go topless on the beach or do anything else with your flesh prison that doesn’t hurt anybody, nobody else has ownership over you.

And that also means that you can wear a hijab or a burka if you’re so inclined.

It means that you can have sex with a thousand partners or with zero. Your body belongs to you.

Poor Piers doesn’t seem to get it, because he continued to defend his position.

“I just find this new trend of famous women posting nude photos & pretending it’s to ‘promote feminism’ utterly laughable.”

Well, Amber Rose was promoting SlutWalk, a transnational feminist movement to end rape culture — including slut-shaming.

And her photo was literally promoting it. There’s no ambiguity there.

Finally, Piers Morgan says something that’s actually true.

“‘The only way for a woman to succeed in life is to post nude photos of themselves to millions of strangers’ — said no true feminist ever.”

That is accurate, in that no true feminist would say something so ridiculous.

Because, again, there are countless ways for women to succeed in life, and only a few of them involve sharing their nudes with the public.

We’ll never understand Piers Morgan’s pathological obsession with controlling what women do with their bodies, but, like most people, we’ll just try our best to ignore it.

Piers Morgan seems to make a habit of feuding with famous feminist women, even daring to malign Beyonce.

Though he at least had the decency to eventually apologize to Ariana Grande

We all know why he takes aim at the likes of JK Rowling and Kim Kardashian, and it’s more than just misogyny (though clearly also that).

He just wants attention.

We don’t just say that because he’s a nasty, justifiably reviled fellow who craves attention and apparently doesn’t care if it’s negative.

He also just wants ratings, like everyone else on television.

Feuds bring attention.

Unfortunately, even within feminism — like, actual feminists, not Piers Morgan — there are those who are opposed to sex-positive feminism like Amber’s.

Why? It depends.

Some see sex-positivity among women as being more about them being appealing to men and still abiding by patriarchal beauty standards.

They forget that all sorts of women can be sex-positive, including lesbians, whose sex-positivity definitely isn’t to benefit men.

They also forget that those same patriarchal values often shame people for engaging in sex outside of certain contexts — usually marriage — so yes, having sex can absolutely be a feminist statement.

There are feminists who disagree with sex-positivity because they believe that it’s harmful to people who choose to be reserved about sex and also to asexuals.

These feminists have a point, because sex-positivity is worthless if you don’t consider all choices that women might make for themselves about sex.

Similarly, it would be hypocritical for someone to “yasss” over a topless selfie but then rail against a woman who chooses to wear a niqab.

The “my body, my choice” thing goes in every direction, every time. There are a few feminists who forget this.

But Amber Rose doesn’t — her advocacy may have a lot to do with nudity and sex, but it’s clear that her feminism includes everybody.

Admittedly, we were a little uncomfortable with her “bring back the bush” caption that she shared at one point while discussing her photo.

As Ashley Graham reminds us, personal grooming is a personal choice.

But we don’t really think that Amber Rose is pushing women to make the same choice that she does with what does or does not decorate their genitals.

She’s just pushing for a little more acceptance, because she knows that pubic hair is less fashionable these days and she wants young women to know that it’s okay to not shave or wax if you don’t want to.

Regardless of your personal tastes, you know that it’s an important message.

Like any political statement, Amber’s post was divisive on a number of levels, even if we ignore Piers Morgan’s willful ignorance.

Not everybody’s going to see eye-to-eye on everything.

One area where we can probably all agree: we haven’t seen the last of Amber Rose and her super hot photos.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Says Reality Winner"s Alleged Leaking Isn"t Treason (VIDEO)

Morgan Spurlock is applauding Reality Winner for “stepping up” to help Americans get closer to the truth … even though she’s been charged with leaking a classified NSA document. We got the “Super Size Me” filmmaker at LAX, and he…


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Piers Morgan Attacks Kim Kardashian"s Cellulite, Remains Worst Human

Kim Kardashian and Piers Morgan may not appear to have a whole lot in common, but interestingly, both of their wildly successful media careers are related their posteriors.

Kim’s butt is the most famous on the planet, of course, and her figure has helped to make her one of the most famous women on the planet.

Similarly, Piers frequently talks out of his ass, and has cemented his place as one of the ugliest polyps on the diseased colon that is Trump’s America.

Yesterday, Piers and Kim’s rear careers collided in unexpected fashion, and we were reminded that while Kim has a giant ass, Piers just is one.

Morgan thinks of himself as a political commentator but when his nose isn’t buried two inches deep in Donald Trump’s anus (Hey, more butt stuff!), he finds time for other important work, such as informing the world what a pasty, Weeble-shaped 52-year-old thinks of famous women’s bodies.

Earlier this week, candid photos of Kim in a bikini made the rounds online, due mainly to the fact that the 36-year-old mother of two appeared to have a bit of cellulite.

The public body-shaming that ensued prompted Piers to emerge, Gollum-like, from his underground lair, and join in the fun, despite the fact that Morgan himself is biologically indistinguishable from a naked mole rat.

When a female co-host of Morgan’s encouraged women to celebrate their cellulite, Piers nearly spat out his mouthful of grubs and millipedes, countering:

“Celebrate is the wrong word. Why would we celebrate it? We put up with it, tolerate it, but not accept it.”  

The trash talk continued on Twitter, where Piers Morgan – who, it’s important to point out, looks like what would happen if Steve Bannon really let himself go – continued to insist that cellulite is somehow grosser than Piers Morgan:

“Nobody ‘celebrates’ cellulite, male or female,” Morgan tweeted.

“Why would anyone be excited by cellulite?” he continued.

He then turned his attention to Marie Claire, a magazine that dared to encourage Kim and other women to take pride in their bodies, cellulite and all:

“So @marieclaire wants me to ‘stop talking’ about women’s bodies … you make millions out of talking about women’s bodies – so pipe down, you ludicrous wastrels,” Piers quipped.

Sigh. This situation is a lot like the part of your chin that’s supposed to delineate where your face ends and your neck begins:

Piers is simply missing the point.

The problem isn’t that other media figures and outlets talk about women’s bodies, it’s that they generally don’t so in a fashion that doesn’t bring to mind a creepy uncle sizing up his niece’s “problem areas” at the pool.

Piers will probably comment more on this issue at some point today, but he may need some time.

The wi-fi isn’t great in the depths of Donald Trump’s lower intestines.

You can expect Piers to re-emerge shortly after the president’s next trip to Mickey D’s.


Monday, March 13, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 13 Recap: Morgan Becomes a Killer

If you were looking for some raw emotion after several weeks of filler drama, you probably did not expect the events that transpired on The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 13

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will already know it was only a matter of time before Ezekiel changed his stance on the Saviors and everything boiled over on the latest episode. 

When the episode got underway, the King and his men were on their way to delivering some goods to the scary looking people they have been dealing with all season long. The group was presented with a string of shocks along the way. 

For a start, their route was blocked off due to a shopping cart blockade. Ominously, there was a grave already dug with “Bury Me Here” plastered across a sign.  

When the group finally got to the meeting point, it became apparent there was going to be some trouble brewing. Part of this was down to the fact that one of the melons were missing. 

The unnamed dude decided that it was time to commit some murder over some missing melons. This resulted in Ben being shot. 

The group took the teenager to Carol’s house because they knew she was the best person to try to save him, but it was too late. 

He bled out on her kitchen table, and it resulted in some of the most emotionally charged scenes of the season. 

The death destroyed Morgan, who immediately thought about the death of his wife and son. After lashing out, he found the missing melon and realized Richard was the perpetrator. 

It all made sense: Richard wanted to join the fight against the Saviors weeks ago, so turning Ezekiel against the evil guys was a good move to start that war. 

Morgan went straight to Richard, who was quick to point out that he volunteered himself for the kill. 

“Someone had to die. I tried to be the one,” Richard revealed. Yeah, be careful what you wish for, Richie. 

When the group returned to the Saviors with the missing melon, Morgan shocked everyone by strangling Richard to death. It was gruesome and shocking, but it successfully raised the stakes. 

It also helped Morgan change his stance on the whole killing thing. He was now a cold-blooded killer. 

“I wanted to show you that we get it,” Morgan claimed, as he revealed the shocking depths of Richard’s deceit.

The Saviors were taken aback, but happy. It put them in a false sense of security as the group decided how best to proceed. 

After a horrible day, Morgan went to visit Carol to bring her up to speed on the events, but also to let her know what happened to Glenn, Abraham, Spencer and Olivia. 

Carol was not shocked. When you think about it, these people never get anything good in their lives, so the poor woman probably knew all along that something was not right. 

Carol went after Morgan after he stormed off and was there for him when he needed her. It was very similar to the way he was there for her earlier in the series. 

Carol then decided enough was enough and turned to Ezekiel to let him know it was ready to join the fight with Rick and his people. 

Ezekiel did not even hesitate and agreed on the spot. This was a far cry from his reaction a few weeks back. All it took was young Ben dying. 

What did you think of all the latest drama?

Are you ready for the war?

Hit the comments below!
