Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2016

Bristol Palin Forces Ex Dakota Meyer To Take Paternity Test

He finally claimed his newborn daughter, Sailor Grace after months of staying silent.

Now, Dakota Meyer has filed for joint custody and child support, but in order for the case to move forward, Meyer has to take a paternity test.

“It does hurt [to have to prove paternity],” Meyer’s grandmother, Jean told the Daily Mail.

“But that’s just the way the law is – you have to get permission here and permission there.

“I really think Dakota will do the right thing and I think he has a right to that child.”

Though Meyer and Bristol Palin were engaged when she got pregnant, Meyer’s extended family doesn’t know much about Sarah Palin’s daughter.

“I’ve met her but I don’t really know her,” Jean admitted.  “But I helped raise Dakota and I do know him. He’s a strong young man and a good one.

“He will be a father to his child and he’ll be a good one he’s just got to get this girl and the law to agree.”

The Palins are livid that Meyer wants joint custody.

“For many months we have been trying to reach out to Dakota Myers [sic] and he has wanted nothing to do with either Bristol’s pregnancy or the baby,” Sarah Palin told Entertainment Tonight.

Palin believes Meyer is doing this to “save face.”

Bristol and Meyer met while filming her mom’s show, Amazing America in 2013.   The decorated marine proposed to her last March at a Rascal Flatts concert.  

Their wedding was to take place over Memorial Day weekend, but it was called off just days before.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bristol Palin Shouts Down Haters, Proves Date of Daughter"s Birth

Bristol Palin is yet to confirm the identity of her second baby’s daddy.

But the mother of two did take to Instagram this week in order to confirm the date on which she gave birth to said second baby.

The 25-year old welcomed a daughter named Sailor Grace into the world just before Christmas…

… but some folks out there seem to think the baby was born several weeks prior to that for some reason.

Enter Bristol’s latest rant against her critics, which was included along with the photo above.

“For all the people saying I gave birth 11/4/15…here is my IV that was started on 12/22/15 when I was admitted,” she wrote as a caption, adding:

“My baby girl was born 12/23/15 stop trying to create controversy where none exists, desperation is the ugliest thing.”

As you can see, the picture (which was later deleted) included a shot of Sarah Palin standing alongside her daughter and new granddaughter.

It’s unclear why anyone would question the birth date of little Sailor Grace, unless they are trying to stir up questions regarding the identity of the child’s father.

In an earlier Facebook post, Dakota Meyer (who Bristol dumped mere days before their wedding last summer) admitted that he’s the child’s dad.

Even if Bristol did give birth in November, that time frame would still fit in terms of when she and Meyer were together.

So who the heck knows.

This is Bristol Palin we’re talking about. Controversy follows her around everywhere, whether it’s due to Bristol saying dumb things or…

… okay, granted. It’s usually because Bristol says dumb things.

In this case, however, folks should probably just leave the new mother alone to bond with her baby and figure out her life.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Bristol Palin Gives Birth: See the Baby Pics!

Bristol Palin is officially a mother for the second time.

The former Dancing with the Stars contestant and daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced on Christmas Eve that she gave birth to day before.

“My sweet Sailor Grace was born yesterday, our family couldn’t be more complete,” Bristol wrote on Instagram as a caption to the photo above.

The 25-year old also included a picture of her son, Tripp, standing alongside his new sister, including as a caption:

“My heart just doubled.”

Palin called off her wedding to Dakota Meyer back in May.

A few weeks later, she reluctantly announced that she was pregnant with another child out of wedlock.

“Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one,” she wrote at the time. “When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.”

Since then, however, Bristol has tried as hard as possible to act all excited about this second child.

“Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself,” she explained in her separate blog post.

“Things didn’t go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on.”

It remains unclear who the baby’s father is, though most assume it is Meyer.

Based on a recent message from Meyer, it seems as if he is not on very good terms with his ex-fiance.

It is believed that Bristol (with help from her famous mother and a number of nannies, we’re sure) will raise Sailor on her own.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dakota Meyer Doesn"t Exactly Miss Bristol Palin

According to multiple outlets, Dakota Meyer is about to become a first-time father.

But instead of focusing on that life-changing fact, the 27-year old has instead chosen to take a jab at his impending baby’s mama on Facebook.

Meyer shared a meme on his social media account last night that reads:

“I know what I bring to the table. Trust me when I say I’m not afraid to eat alone.”

Anyone who has seen Meyer’s plump face really cannot argue with this statement.

Back in May, Palin called off her wedding to Meyer just a few days before the couple were scheduled to walk down the aisle.

Sarah Palin herself confirmed the split on Facebook, writing at the time:

“Bristol and Dakota couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support of family and friends over the past months while preparing for their wedding.

“They have informed loved ones that unfortunately the announced celebration planned will not be held.”

No reason was ever given for the break-up, but Bristol then revealed her second pregnancy just a couple weeks later.

She is yet to confirm Meyer as the child’s father, but the strong assumption across the Internet is that Palin’s ex-fiance is the one who placed a bun in her oven.

Meyer, however, has deleted all photos and mentions of Bristol from March 2015 to the present.

So the two are clearly not on the same page these days. Which is a shame if they really are going to be the parents of a little girl.

Palin, of course, is already the mother of 6-year-old son Tripp with ex Levi Johnston. She plans on raising both kids on her own.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sarah Palin Mocks Tina Fey in "31 Rock" Promo

Sarah Palin is attempting to have the last laugh in her ongoing feud with Tina Fey.

Over the weekend, Fey reprised her impression of the former Vice Presidential candidate while hosting Saturday Night Live.

And now Palin has attempted to fire back by doing her own impression of the actress and starring as a Liz Lemon-type character in a fake show titled "31 Rock."

The 60-second parody finds Palin starring as Lynn Melon, “a small-town TV writer who moves to NYC in hopes of creating a hit variety show.” 

We see her trying to get through to a writer"s room full of "nerds," while elsewhere complaining about the lack of a snowflake on her Starbucks cup and pretty much just acting like Liz Lemon on the actual 30 Rock.

So it"s not entirely clear just what Palin is mocking because, first, Liz Lemon is just a character, she"s not actually Tina Fey.

Second, Palin is mostly just acting like Lemon here. Where"s the parody? And just what is Palin parodying, Fey"s key role on a long-running, critically-acclaimed sitcom?

In addition to Palin, the trailer features appearances by 30 Rock veteran Kevin Brown (reprising his role as Dot Com), as well as Palin’s former running mate John McCain.

Yes, John McCain is associating himself with Sarah Palin again for some reason.

We give up.

Just watch the supposed mockery now:

Sarah palin mocks tina fey in 31 rock promo

Friday, December 4, 2015

Sarah Palin: FIRED From Fox News For Supporting the Duggars?!

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin spoke publicly for the first time about being fired from Fox News:

“Some things happened that I haven’t talked about publicly, things like getting canned from a job I really liked, sort of out of the blue, because I called somebody out,” Palin said in an interview.

“Next morning I got word, ‘Oh, we no longer need you anymore.’ Yeah, it was a shock, but more power to Fox News. I have a great relationship with them. It was just kind of a little bit of a shocker of knowing that the haters are going to love this one.”

Well, you know what they say, haters gonna…love?

Anyway, as Sarah Palin quotes go, that one’s surprisingly coherent, and while she’s clearly not trying to burn any bridges, it seems as though Sarah is throwing some subtle shade at her former employer.

Many have noted that in her last appearance as a Fox News commentator, Palin blasted the media for its coverage of the Josh Duggar sex scandal:

In the clip above, Palin argues that the media should have ignored the scandal, as she claims Josh’s criminal records were released illegally:

“The release of these confidential records is, it’s tragic, it’s illegal, it’s unethical,” Palin says. “Why isn’t the dialogue going right now towards ‘Hey, let’s get that law enforcement official he or her who released this file’?

“It was confidential.’ You know it was [released] for political reasons.”

Palin was demonstrably wrong on that point, and an investigation into the matter has determined that Josh’s criminal records were released legally, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

But apparently that’s not what got her fired.

No, Palin has reportedly been telling friends that she was canned for biting the hand that fed her.

You may remember that several members of the Duggar family (including two of Josh’s molestation victims, Jill and Jessa Duggar) were  interviewed by Megyn Kelly not long after news of the Josh’s predatory past went public.

Palin’s comments about the media exploiting the situation came on the heels of Fox’s heavily-hyped exclusive sit-down, and it sounded to many as though the former Alaska governor was dissing her own network.

Palin has never revealed whether that was her intention, but based on her most recent remarks, it seems she believes she was unfairly fired for siding with the Duggars.

Oh, well. Look on the bright side, Sarah: Now you’ll have more to time to spend at home, peering at Russia through the scope of a high-powered rifle.

Someone’s gotta be vigilant, dontcha know!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bristol Palin Baby Name: Revealed!

Bristol Palin is yet to reveal the name of her baby daddy.

But she has now come out and revealed the name of her baby.

And it’s the same exact name as just chosen by another celebrity.

“When you find out Kristin Cavallari named her baby the exact name you are naming yours what a weird coincidence,” Palin wrote on Instagram Monday night.

“Congrats on your new bundle, and I do love her name…Still naming my baby girl Sailor!”

Indeed, Cavallari and husband Jay Cutler welcomed their third child into the world this week.

Sailor, meanwhile, follows a theme in the Palin household, one in which most kids are named after nounds.

Bristol itself is a city in Alaska; while Bristol Palin’s siblings are named Trig, Willow, Track and Piper.

And Bristol, of course, is the mother of Tripp.

The former Dancing with the Stars contestant announced in June that she was once again pregnant out of wedlock, sounding ashamed and embarrassed over the development at the time.

But since she’s gone on to say the baby was planned, despite Bristol’s status as a single woman and the fact that she called off her wedding mere weeks prior to expecting once again.

Either way… Bristol is due in December and Sarah Palin is very excited to meet Sailor.

Look for the baby to pull into her mother’s port in just a few weeks.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sarah Palin: So Excited for Bristol"s Baby!

The world still does not know the identity of Bristol Palin’s second baby daddy.

But we do know how Sarah Palin feels about becoming a grandparent for the second time.

“I can’t wait for about 45 more days, and I’m gonna have a little baby granddaughter,” Palin said this weekend on CBS Sunday Morning. “And I’m happy about it.”

Is she really, though?

Bristol announced her second pregnancy over the summer, coming across as clearly disappointed in herself for once again having unprotected sex outside of marriage.

The reveal came just weeks after Bristol called off her wedding to Dakota Meyer.

And Palin admits this is not the way she saw her daughter’s life playing out.

“Heck no because being a single mom is, oh my goodness, my heart goes out to the single parents,” Palin said.

“But my enormous admiration for what it is that they’re able to accomplish doing double-duty. And I watch Bristol do double-duty all the time, you know, with her little boy, Tripp.”

In sharing the baby news on her blog back in June, Bristol called it a “huge disappointment to my family” but admitted “there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side.”

She has since amended this statement to make it seem as if the pregnancy was planned.

Bristol’s mom, meanwhile, says any child is a “blessing” and has a response to critics who say two babies out of wedlock goes against all she stands for as a conservative:

“Well, the cool thing about puttin’ your faith in God is he certainly is a God of second chances, and third, and fourth and fifth chances. I screw up all the time.”

In closing, because it has to be asked, who would Sarah Palin support right now for the Republican nomination?

“I would say that fighter is Donald Trump, because he’s got nothin’ to lose,” she replied. “He doesn’t have to be bought or sold, obviously, especially when it comes to contributions. He is his own man.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bristol Palin Sounds Off on Starbucks Cup Controversy, Continues to Be Dumb

Bristol Palin has a blog, and she frequently uses it to say really dumb things about the big topics of the day. For once, however, we have to agree with her on something – the controversy surrounding Starbucks’ holiday cups is an incredibly stupid waste of time.

When she starts in on why she feels that way, however, Bristol really lets her dumbass flag fly:

“The mainstream media and the Left love their outrage machine where they claim the world is ending because any number of tiny people have expressed hurt feelings on social media.

“So now, they’re taking a tiny fraction of people’s response and attributing it to all conservative Christians.

“Do not buy in to the media hype surrounding this story!!  It is just another attempt by the LEFT to make Christians look stupid.”

Yes, Bristol believes the controversy is dumb, not because it has millions of people stressing over the lack of decor on a freakin’ paper cup, but because it’s part of a conspiracy perpetrated by the supervillains who run the media that’s designed to make Christians look foolish.

Like we said, Bristol says a lot of dumb things, but she’s at her best when she straps on her most stylish tin foil hat and spouts off about the various ways in which Michelle Obama helped fake the moon landing. 

Not only is Bristol digging way too deep to find answers on this one, she’s totally missing the truth of the situation that’s staring her right in the face:

Obviously, the real winners here are the folks at Dunkin Donuts and the topless mermaids who are one step closer to shutting down the insidious chain that’s been using their likeness without permission for years!

We’re through the looking glass here, people.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bristol Palin Defends Kylie Jenner Again

Bristol Palin has once again come to the defense of Kylie Jenner.

A few weeks after oddly praising Kylie for using lip fillers, Palin has jumped online to defend the reality star against Halloween costume haters.

Over last holiday weekend, Jenner got dolled up in a fur-trimmed, all-white costume with a platinum wig for a Halloween party.

The 18-year-old dubbed the look “Eskimo” and “Snow Princess” on Instagram. 

(Jenner also dressed as some kind of sexy ninja for the occasion.)

Kylie didn’t receive all that much backlash for it, really, but some critics thought the outfit was inappropriate because the term “Eskimo” is generally considered a slur.

And also because the Inuit and Alaska Natives are actual people, not subjects for parody.

Bristol Palin thinks differently, however.

And she should know, the expecting mother argues.

“Well, as a person born and raised in Alaska (born on Alaska Day, no less) who is also part Yup’ik, let me say this. I’m not offended!” Palin wrote on her Patheos blog.

“In fact, I’m flattered that you think Eskimos looks [sic] this chic.

“I think “cultural appropriation” Halloween guides are a joke, I think people need to lighten up, and I think you look great!”

It is true that Palin’s father, Todd, has Yup’ik ancestry.

It’s also true that Bristol loves to butt in on seemingly random topics from time to time, such as when she went off on the IRS.

Palin, who is yet to reveal the identity of her second child’s baby daddy, is due to give birth in early 2016.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Bristol Palin Slams New Gun Documentary, is Just Not Smart

Bristol Palin has come out swinging against a new documentary about America’s “gun culture” and that culture’s purported relationship with Christianity.

Suffice it to say, she’s not happy about it … or all that well informed, for that matter, but why let that stop you from off-the-cuff, social media rants?

That’s Bristol Palin for you.

The new film Armor of Light takes a look at America’s love affair with guns and how that dovetails with an outspoken faith in Christianity for many.

In a new blog post, Bristol Palin decided to respond – presumably not having actually seen the thing, but just hearing about its premise – accordingly.

“Here’s my question. Since the number of deaths per year by gun users is dwarfed by the number of people killed through abortions,” she mused.

“Where’s the moment in the movie,” she goes on, “when he turns to Lucy and challenges HER beliefs that allow babies to get killed?”

“Oh, that’s right – because it’s produce [sic] by a pro-abortion activist.”

Oh, that’s wrong, no it’s not. The producer is actually anti-abortion.

In the point of view of the pastor who helmed the project, it’s hypocritical to endorse the rabid gun culture that’s a plague on the U.S.

How can you do so while claiming to be “pro-life,” as guns endanger many innocent lives as well, is a central question posed by the film.

Bristol, of course, is not smart enough to understand such nuances.

NOTE: We’re not saying she’s not smart because she’s pro-guns, pro-life or any other opinion she is 100 percent entitled to and we respect.

She’s simply not smart because she’s not smart, and doesn’t understand what this film (or many things for that matter) are about. At all.

Palin misses the point and has generally no idea what she’s talking about, yet clogs the Internet with mindless drivel just the same.

It’s a fact of life. Whether she’s ranting about birth control or comparing Anna Duggar and Hillary Clinton, the nonsense never ceases.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bristol Palin Reveals Baby Gender: What"s She Having?!?!?!?

We may never know the identity of Bristol Palin’s second baby daddy.

But we do now know the gender of said second baby.

The 24-year old, who is already the mother to a six-year old named Tripp, shared a new photo on Instagram today, including with it a caption that also served as an announcement.

“7.5 months with my baby girl,” Bristol wrote to describe this picture, mentioning her child’s gender for the first time.

Last week, meanwhile, Palin ranted against birth control, taking issue with the government supplying forms of contraception to girls as young as 10 years old.

The program to which Bristol was referring is far more complicated and nuanced than that, of course.

Plus, come on now. Should anyone be listening to Bristol Palin when it comes to birth control?!?

The daughter of Sarah Palin announced her second pregnancy in June, shortly after canceling her wedding with Dakota Meyer; she is yet to name the father of this impending child.

Bristol acknowledged being disappointed at the news at first, but later tried to claim the pregnancy was planned.

“I do not regret this baby [and] never even thought of aborting this child, NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE,” she wrote in a post for the religious website Patheos.

As for welfare recipients, however

Friday, October 9, 2015

Bristol Palin Rants Against Birth Control, Remains Insane

Earlier this week, Bristol Palin said that she loves being pregnant.

Sure, she initially called her second pregnancy a “huge disappointment;” she got knocked up by cheating on her combat veteran fiance, thus bringing an end to their engagement; and she may not know who the father is.

But all those things aside, Bristol’s pregnancy has been as perfect as her mother’s public-speaking skills.

In fact, the 24-year-old single mom who’s fortunate enough to come form an absurdly wealthy family doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t start popping out kids while they’re still in their teens!

On her always-amusing Patheos blog, Bristol recently posted a piece entitled “The Government is Paying for 10 Year Olds to Get Implanted With Birth Control?!” 

As you might expect from that headline, the BS started flying fast and furious from there:

“Do you remember what it was like to be a 10 year old?  I remember being an unabashed tomboy concerned with playing outside and acing 5th grade.

“But life isn’t so innocent and carefree for some 10 years old in Washington State.  This summer a report came out claiming that some schools in Washington were giving free birth control implants to children as young as 10 years old!  

“These birth control devices are implanted in a girl’s uterus, and all of this can be done without a parent’s consent!”

Yes, the United States government is running around pumping 10-year-olds full of birth control, except no they’re not, and that’s a batsh-t thing to say.

What Bristol is referring to is a program at Chief Sealth International High School in Washington (That’s high school, like, for teenagers.) that offers students access to free and confidential reproductive health services, including birth control.

Washington is just one of 20 states in which minors can obtain birth control without their parent’s permission.

So yes, there may have been some 10-year-olds who availed themselves of these services. We guess Bristol would prefer to see a bunch of knocked up fifth graders running around.

 In any event, the program has already provided services to several hundred clients between the ages of 17 and 19. 

Think of it this way, Bristol – that’s several hundred fewer “taker” babies, who you know would just be ordering up welfare pizzas on their Obama phones.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pregnant Bristol Palin: I"m Having the Best Time!

Who says pregnancy has to be a bummer?

Oh, right. Kim Kardashian says this.

But it sounds as if Bristol Palin would beg to differ.

Standing playfully alongside son Tripp ad, we presume, her youngest brother, Palin shared a photo on Instagram on Monday, writing as a caption to the image:

““#7monthspregnant but still the best time with my boys.”

The snapshot featuresSarah Palin’s 24-year old daughter rocking a pair of shades and a black top while sporting a silly face.

This is a radically different tone, of course, than the one struck by Bristol in late June when she referred to her second pregnancy as a “huge disappointment.”

She is yet to reveal the identity of the young man who knocked her up.

Aside from finding time to go swimming, however, Bristol has not allowed her pregnancy to slow down her blog entries and/or her vitriol for Liberals around the country.

Palin recently slammed President Obama and then compared Anna Duggar to Hillary Clinton.

Considering how tired one often feels in one’s final trimester, we can likely look forward to many more online rampages from Bristol Palin over the coming weeks as she rests up at home and prepares to be a mother again.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Bristol Palin SLAMS President Obama For Supporting The 14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested For Bringing A Clock To School — Wait, What?!

Say it ain’t so!

On Thursday, Bristol Palin criticized President Barack Obama (shocker, we know) for “egging” on racial divides by inviting a 14-year-old Texas student to the White House who was wrongfully arrested after bringing a self-made clock to school.

ICYMI: The internet came to the defense of Ahmed Mohamed earlier this week after he was accused by his teachers for making a hoax bomb. Oh no!

In fact, the ninth-grader’s since received shout-outs and invitations from various industry powerhouses, such as Google and Facebook, after the news broke that the talented youth was singled out for being Muslim.

Related: Muslim Teen Who Was Handcuffed For Bringing A Clock To School Says ‘I Was Profiled As A Terrorist’

However, the coolest praise might’ve come from POTUS himself.

The Commander-In-Chief took to Twitter and shared:


Although, it seems this nice gesture was a bit too much for Sarah Palin‘s daughter.

The Dancing With The Stars alum took to her blog and wrote:

“This is the kind of stuff Obama needs to STAY out of. This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ crowd and encourages victimhood. The police made a mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected.”

HUH?! We don’t think the President is trying to “egg” anything on — rather he’s trying to make a bright student, who was targeted for his background, feel validated and special after having something so awful happen to him.

We think Bristol’s reaching a bit on this complaint to say the least.

What do U think?! Do U agree with POTUS or Miz Palin??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Stalker Alert — Bristol Palin Gets A Restraining Order Against A Man Claiming To Be Her Baby"s Daddy After He Ships All His Belongings To Her House!

Well this is scary!

Bristol Palin has herself a stalker, and the questionable guy believes he is the father of Bristol’s baby!

[ Related: Bristol Shows Off The Baby Bump And Slams Obama! ]

This week, Michael Cummings had a box and a suitcase delivered to Bristol’s momma Sarah Palin‘s P.O. box up in Alaska — and the box was full of Michael’s belongings, as if he were ready to move into the family home!!

Michael’s done quite a bit more than this, too — including sending Bristol an engagement ring, showing up when she’s celebrating birthday parties, and even (this is horrifying) leaving a knife in her mailbox!! What???

Bristol went back to court this week and got a restraining order — she’s done this before — meaning Michael must stay 1,000 feet from her at all times. Considering how long he’s been going after her, it’s unlikely he’ll abide by that restraining order too well, but at least now the police will be able to nab him if he gets too close.

That’s awful for Bristol!! Here’s hoping she’s safe and sound.

[Image via Bauer Griffin.]

Bristol Palin -- Stalker Says, "I"m Moving In" ... And Here"s My Coffee Pot



0911-bristol-palin-getty-01Bristol Palin has a deranged suitor who believes he’s her son’s daddy and wants to do the right thing … by moving in with her.

Michael Cummings had a box and suitcase delivered to the P.O. box for Todd and Sarah Palin‘s Wasilla home, packed with his belongings, including a Keurig coffee machine.

He’s been a thorn in Bristol’s side for a long time, sending her an engagement ring, showing up at birthday parties and leaving a knife in her mailbox. She got protective orders in the past, but they’ve all expired.

So Bristol went back to court and got another one, ordering him to stay 1,000 feet clear of her and her family.

Here’s the problem … people who are mentally disturbed are the least likely to obey stay away orders. But it’s the best Bristol can do, and at least if he violates it the cops will arrest him.
