Showing posts with label Perfect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perfect. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Anthony Bourdain -- Bites Back at Dog Meat Heckler with Perfect Comeback (VIDEOS)

Anthony Bourdain shut down a protester accusing him of eating dog meat in the most Bourdain way possible. Anthony was in the middle of his live show, “The Hunger,” earlier this week in San Francisco when the woman charged the stage. AB was just…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Mel Gibson: I Am a Perfect Human Being!

There once was a time, as hard as it may be to recall, when Mel Gibson was a lovable, talented heartthrob.

We know, we know, that doesn’t sound right at all, but it’s true.

But then in 2006, Mel ruined his reputation forever when he did a little bit of drunk driving.

As legend (and the police report) has it, he called a female officer “sugar tits,” and he said to another “F-cking Jews … The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”

It should go without saying, but those are not things that a good person says.

But still, Mel thinks you ought to just forget about the whole damn thing.

He did a little interview on a Variety podcast yesterday, and he let everyone know exactly how he feels about the “sugar tits” scandal.

“Ten years have gone by,” he said. “I’m feeling good, I’m sober, all that kind of stuff, and for me it’s a dim thing in the past.”

“But others bring it up, which kind of I find annoying, because I don’t understand why after ten years it’s any kind of issue.”

It’s an issue because you said nasty, sexist, anti-Semitic garbage, Mel, and people don’t tend to forget that kind of thing. It’s really not a mystery.

Mel hilariously added “Surely if I was really what they say I was, some kind of hater, there’d be evidence of actions somewhere. There never has been.”

“I’ve never discriminated against anyone or done anything that sort of supports that reputation.”

“And for one episode in the back of a police car on eight double tequilas to sort of dictate all the work, life’s work and beliefs and everything else that I have and maintain for my life is really unfair.”

… Is he serious with this?

There are just so, so many issues with everything he’s saying here.

He says that if he was “some kind of hater,” that “there’d be evidence of actions somewhere.”

This very thing Mel is talking about, his 2006 DUI and all the details of his behavior during his arrest? That’s evidence.

Also, did he just straight up forget 2010?

That was the year a series of tapes were leaked in which he could be heard making racist, sexist, and extremely violent remarks to his then-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva.

Mel told Oksana that she looked “like a f-cking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n—–s, it will be your fault.”

He called her a whore, a slut, and worse, and he repeatedly ordered her to “blow” him.

And we can’t forget that in 2012, screenwriter Joe Eszterhas accused Mel of spouting off some anti-Semitic remarks while they were working on their failed film project, The Maccabees.

Eszterhas claimed that Mel called Jews “Hebes,” “oven-dodgers,” and “Jewboys,” and that he even said that the Holocaust was “mostly a lot of horsesh-t.”

Just last year, Mel was accused of violently shoving a woman and yelling at her at a Jewish film festival.

Basically, there’s tons of evidence that Mel is, in fact, “some kind of hater.”

The fact that he thinks it’s “annoying” and “unfair” that people keep calling him out on it just serves as further proof of that.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Man Responds in Perfect, Precious Fashion to Pregnancy Reveal

During a time when one Presidential candidate has talked openly about grabbing the genitalia of any woman he wants, and another has possibly discussed classified information over email, it’s important to remember:

There’s still good in the world.

There’s still reason to sign online and smile, even if you are afraid of what you’ll see Donald Trump has said or done now.

Because videos such as the one below still do exist:

The footage was posted to Facebook by a woman named Tania Gutierrez.

She wanted to capture her husband Ronald’s reaction when she told him she was pregnant.

Therefore, Gutierrez went ahead and set up a camera, laying out the positive pregnancy test on a table along with a copy of her ultrasound. 

She then called Ronald into the room.

And it took him very little time to understand what was going on.

As you can see in the above video, Ronald can scarcely contain his excitement. He can’t even stand still.

Once he realizes the two will soon be parents, he literally jumps for joy, hugging his wife and smiling like a kid on Christmas.

Or like a man who just learned he’s going to be a father for the first time, we guess.

“His reaction was the cutest,” Tania wrote on Facebook. “I can tell how much he loves me and how much he’s gonna love our little one before he/she is even born!”

The video has been shared over 135,000 times on social media at last check. And it’s easy to understand why.

positive test

“Daddy loves mama and mama loves him,” Tania added on Facebook, while also sharing the photo above.

So very precious!

We send our congratulations to Tania and Ronald… and to all men and women with a baby on the way.


Monday, July 18, 2016

13 Times Channing Tatum Was Basically Perfect

From his roles on films such as Step Up and She"s the Man to Dear John and Magic Mike, Channing Tatum has won the hearts of many.

He"s got the smile, the dance moves, and everything in between.

We put together a list of times Channing Tatum was pretty much perfect, both on screen and off. Check them out below!

1. That Time He Held His Baby Girl

Channing tatum baby

How sweet is this? Channing Tatum celebrates his first father’s day with his wife and his baby girl, and it’s adorable.

2. That Time He Showed Off His Best Vogue Moves

That time he showed off his best vogue moves

This guy pulled off seven classic dance movies in 30 seconds, from Vogue and the robot to the funky chicken. Because why not?

3. That Time He Was a Mama’s Boy

Channing tatum and his mom

This is a guy who loves his mom, and isn’t afraid to show it. He posted this pic on Instragram for Mother’s Day, with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” He followed that with, “She has put up with a lot over the years. Wow. Don’t know how we got to be here mama. But I know it’s cause of you. I be lovin you.”

4. That Time He Supported National Puppy Day

Channing tatum with a puppy

Channing Tatum joined other celebrities to help promote adoption for National Puppy Day by posing with this adorable puppy. Talk about cuteness overload.

5. That Time He Admitted How Much He Loves Stripping

That time he admitted how much he loves stripping

Was there anything better than the time Channing Tatum went on Saturday Night Live and admitted he loved stripping in the opening monologue?

6. That Time He Danced Like This:

That time he danced like this

I mean, seriously. Was Channing Tatum ever more perfect than when he was on Magic Mike? Yeah, we didn’t think so either.

View Slideshow

Friday, June 3, 2016

Girl with Prosthetic Leg Bawls Over Perfect Present

WARNING: The following video will make you cry.

But they will be tears of joy.

In a Facebook video that has been viewed over 11 million times, a young girl named Emma received the gift of her dreams.

Via footage shared by Courtney Fletcher Bennett, we see below that Emma opens up a present to reveal an American Girl doll.

But this is not just any American Girl doll.

The item has altered with the assistance of A Step Ahead Prosthetics. It now has a prosthetic leg … just like Emma!

Emma is seen reading a note in the video before gasping as she moves a piece of the gift box to spot the doll’s prosthetic limb.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Emma says prior to taking the doll out of the box and giving it a huge embrace.

A few moments later, we witness Emma crying tears of absolute joy as she holds her new doll up for the camera and says: “It’s got a leg like me.”

It"s okay. You can go ahead and cry yourself now. God knows we already have.

“After a few weeks of training, she is ready to go home and lead a life without limitations with you,” Emma’s mother reads from the letter.

Still bawling, Emma thanks the kind folks who made her doll.

“Thank you for making a doll like me,” she says as she holds the doll with both hands.

Girl with prosthetic leg bawls over perfect present

Girl with Prosthetic Leg Bawls Over Perfect Present

WARNING: The following video will make you cry.

But they will be tears of joy.

In a Facebook video that has been viewed over 11 million times, a young girl named Emma received the gift of her dreams.

Via footage shared by Courtney Fletcher Bennett, we see below that Emma opens up a present to reveal an American Girl doll.

But this is not just any American Girl doll.

The item has altered with the assistance of A Step Ahead Prosthetics. It now has a prosthetic leg … just like Emma!

Emma is seen reading a note in the video before gasping as she moves a piece of the gift box to spot the doll’s prosthetic limb.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Emma says prior to taking the doll out of the box and giving it a huge embrace.

A few moments later, we witness Emma crying tears of absolute joy as she holds her new doll up for the camera and says: “It’s got a leg like me.”

It"s okay. You can go ahead and cry yourself now. God knows we already have.

“After a few weeks of training, she is ready to go home and lead a life without limitations with you,” Emma’s mother reads from the letter.

Still bawling, Emma thanks the kind folks who made her doll.

“Thank you for making a doll like me,” she says as she holds the doll with both hands.

Girl with prosthetic leg bawls over perfect present

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bella Thorne Flaunts Perfect Abs, Talks F--kboys

Bella Thorne and the word “f–kboy” are two of the Internet’s favorite things at the moment, so it’s to finally have them together in one convenient selfie:

For once, Bella is not wearing a bikini, but as you can see, she’s hardly covered up.

Demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of how she managed to accrue 11 million followers, Bella chose to focus on her phone case and not her flawless body for this post:

“I guess my f-ck boy repellent didn’t work,” she captioned. “#yougetme #whosthat #hescooltho #castmates.”

Probably would’ve been funnier without all the hashtags explaining the joke to death, but what are you gonna do?

Later that same day, Bella got back to focusing on what really matters – abs.

In fact, she took to the ‘Gram to reveal one of her secrets for staying so taut. (Hint: it’s not “being 18.”)

“Finally back at the gym !!! I’m so weak now this is awful!!!! Gotta get back on the grind..damn film”

Oh, Bella. If you think it’s tough to maintain those abs now, just you wait a few years.

Ms. Thorne has already taken flak for what appeared to be a bit of humble-bragging earlier this week when she complained about her flawless skin.

In all likelihood, she’s trying to seem down-to-earth and accessible to her fans, but it’s always gonna be difficult for the average social media user to identify with a gorgeous teenage millionaire. 

So just enjoy your superiority, Bella.

Jump into a pool of gold coins, swim around in it Scrooge McDuck style, and caption it something casual like, “ChillaxedSundayAtHome.”

It’s a practice we like to call Kardashianing.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

15 Reasons Why Adele Would Make the PERFECT Drinking Buddy

By now, you"ve probably ascertained that Adele is the perfect human in pretty much every way possible.

Sure, her singing voice is flawless, but she"s also compassionate, down-to-earth, absolutely hilarious, and she rocks winged eyeliner like nobody"s business.

In fact, we"re convinced that Adele would make the perfect drinking buddy, and we can"t think of anything we"d like to do more than get sh*tballs drunk with the woman.

Check out all the reasons why:

1. She knows the perfect way to rationalize bad decisions

Adele says be fearless

Drunk texting? Hey, I was just being fearless.

2. But if things went awry, she’d offer her infinite wisdom

Adele says sh star t happens

Doesn’t it just?

3. She’d offer no-nonsense advice on love

Adele on love

And if things don’t work out, see #2.

4. She has choice words for the bartender with a weak pour

Adeles motto

You’d better top that off, son.

5. You won’t have to worry about your drunk shenanigans winding up on social media

Adele cant use twitter


6. THIS.

Adele loves to swear

Hell yes.

View Slideshow

Monday, March 21, 2016

Selena Gomez Has "Perfect" Response to Justin Bieber Throwback Photo

Are you ready for Jelena version 2.0?

Or would that be Jelena version 79.0? It’s so hard to keep track these days.

As the entire free world knows by now, Justin Bieber took to Instagram over the weekend and shared a photo from 2011 with his millions of followers.

But it wasn’t just any old throwback photo.

It was a photo of Bieber kissing ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez and it even included a one-word caption that REALLY got fans buzzing: feels.

As in… I still have all the feels for the love of my life?

How else did Justin think folks were going to interpret this gesture?

As for how Selena herself interpreted the gesture?

As captured in the screen shot below, it certainly appears as if the singer chimed in alongside the over 2.7 million Likes and thousands of other comments with her own take on Bieber’s flashback photo:

Perfect, huh, Selena?

Justin told GQ recently that he and Gomez are “cordial” with each other, although they don’t talk much.

He’s been in rumored relationships or flings of late with both Hailey Baldwin and Kourtney Kardashian.

But it’s clear Gomez will always hold a special place in his heart… and it’s clear Gomez feels a similar way, no matter what she has said for public record.

“I honestly am so done [talking about Bieber],” Selena told W Magazine last month. “I care about his health and well-being. But I can’t do it anymore.”

Not unless he throws it back to a happier period in the couple’s relationship and makes it evident that he still feels a lot for her, that is.

In that case, Gomez can’t help but respond.

Then again: Can you blame her?

Monday, February 29, 2016

Leah Messer: My Life Isn"t Perfect But It"s Getting Better!

For the first time in a very long time, things are looking up for Leah Messer.

Last month, Leah regained custody of her twins after a long and frequently ugly legal battle with Corey Simms.

In an even more surprising development, sources say Messer and Simms are now on good terms and peacefully co-parenting for the first time in years.

So while Leah has been accused of just pretending all is well on her social media profiles, now when she expresses her contentment and optimism about the future, we’re inclined to believe her.

“Every little piece of a puzzle doesn’t always fit perfectly,” Leah recently tweeted. “If it’s good enough for you it’s good enough for me.”

Some fans have interpreted the comment as a veiled reference to her situation with Simms.

Leah hasn’t replied to requests for elaboration, but whatever inspired the tweet, she certainly seems happier than she was this time last year.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that last year, Leah’s struggles with her prescription pill addiction and her dissolving marriage to Jeremy Calvert made for one of the show’s most depressing storylines to date.

Now, Leah is filming new episodes, and if her web presence is any indication (shockingly, Leah has made positive comments about both of her ex-husbands in recent weeks), we should be in for a much brighter season.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

11 Photos of Kate Middleton Looking Sporty and Perfect Because DUH

I"m going to go a bit Daily Mail here and declare Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sport.

Long before April 29th, 2011, the former Catherine Middleton was racing Prince William down slopes, playing worthy opponents on the court and taking charge of a dragon boat.

Britain"s royal family is a sporty one, mainly geared towards polo, horse racing, and salmon fishing (yes, that"s a sport).  The Windsors love the great outdoors, which is why Catherine fit rights in.

It"s not particularly fair that someone as graceful as she looks as comfortable in a ball gown and tiara as she does in a half-zip and moccasins.



1. "Would Anyone Like To Go Riding?"

Kate middleton in college

“We’ll have to take a car over to the stables. They’re on the other side of the castle, past the gardens.”

2. "What a Lark!"

Sporty kate middleton

“Aren’t you lot supposed to be Olympians?”

3. "Like This? In My Stuart Weitzmans?"

Kate middleton gif

“What else have you got for me?”

4. "You Want Me To Do What?"

Kate middleton prepares to absail

“I lied! Ok? I’m only the world’s 2nd greatest athlete and I have no idea how to get down from this bloody wall!”

5. "This Ball-In-The-Net Thing is Great Fun"

Kate middleton basketball

“I’m quite good at this, aren’t I?”

6. "’Yee-Haw?’ WTF Is ‘Yee-Haw?’"

Kate and william in cowboy hats

“Can we go home now?”

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Tyra Banks Baby Photo: He"s Perfect!

Tyra Banks is one of the most successful supermodels of all-time, having walked runways around the world and struck poses in every conceivable way.

But she’s never appeared in a photo quite like this before.

That’s because Banks is a first-time mother and she just gave fans their very first look at her baby boy.

“This is the Happiest Valentine’s Day of my life,” Banks wrote as a caption to the Instagram image “York, Daddy @erikasla and I send you so much love.”

As you can see above, little York Banks Asla is swaddled and nuzzled into his mother’s chest, just a few weeks after a surrogate helped Banks welcome her miracle baby into the world.

Banks and her boyfriend, Norwegian photographer Erik Asla, struggled with fertility before choosing to go the surrogate route.

The former America’s Next Top Model host managed to keep this plan a secret, only revealing that her family had expanded after the child was born.

“As I gaze into the beautiful eyes of my son, I think about all the people who struggle with fertility or carrying a child and continue to pray for them every day,” Banks said via statement at the time, adding:

“My hopes and dreams are filled with well wishes that they get to feel what my little treasure, York Banks Asla, feels like in my arms.”

What a beautiful sentiment.

And what a beautiful baby boy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

College Bruh Attempts to Snap Perfect Selfie at Basketball Game

What is it about college students at sporting events?

Are they physically incapable of just sitting back and actually enjoying the game?


We pose these questions in light of a few sorority members from Arizona State University getting rightfully roasted in October for turning a baseball stadium into their personal selfie studio.

And now we ask them again because some dude was just caught at the VCU-Davidson basketball game, clad in an open Hawaiian shirt and VERY focused on one thing and one thing only:

The perfect selfie.

Watch above as he slicks his hair back and tries to give the camera the perfect Kim Kardashian stare; serious, seductive, brooding and mysterious, all at the same time.

“Davidson selfie bruh is amazing,” captured the intrepid viewer who caught this nameless attendee on his screen and, of course, turned him into a viral sensation.

Look at that lean back!

Admire that eye brow raise!

Bask in that exposed skin!

We feel as if Kylie Jenner and most of the selfie-obessed celebrities featured below would admire the guy’s effort.

Never change, selfie bruh. Never, ever change.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Her Cleavage Want to Teach You About "Perfect Selfie Lighting"

It’s been over a month since Kim Kardashian gave birth to little Saint West.

And the reality star is clearly back to feeling like herself.

How do we know?

Because Kardashian just shared a new selfie on Facebook, one that serves to sum her up perfectly:

  1. It showcases her massive breasts.

  2. It is an ad disguised as a helpful piece of advice.

“Selfies about to be LIT! Today on my app I talk about the perfect selfie lighting! The secret to my selfies,” Kim wrote as a caption to the above image.

She also linked to the official Lumee website, which talks about how this “brilliant front-lit smartphone case is changing the way people shoot and share social media.”

We can only imagine how much Kardashian got paid simply to snap this selfie and to write two sentences on Facebook.

Kim also posted a second selfie on Facebook this week, although this one unfortunately does not feature any close-up of any cleavage whatsoever.

Sorry, fellas.

“Back to reality,” Kardashian captioned this picture.

We’re not sure what that means.

But we do know that Keeping Up with the Kardashians is in a ratings free fall.

So perhaps she’s being summoned away from her newborn and back to the reality show, doing promotional shoots or interviews or simply filming new scenes for upcoming episodes.

We’d feel sorry for her, but she probably just made six figures for simply sharing a selfie on Facebook.

So, no. We don’t actually feel sorry for Kim at all.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Farrah Abraham Defends Parents" Child Abuse: No One"s Perfect!!

What the actual f–k.

Farrah Abraham need only utter once sentence, and she’s in trouble.  

She may have found her calling in adult entertainment, but Abraham still thinks that parental speak is where she thrives.

Brandi Glanville invited Abraham on her podcast, Brandi Glanville Unfiltered, and what the Teen Mom star had to say about parenting styles and her troubled childhood is beyond inappropriate.

Glanville brought up Abraham’s abusive past, which allegedly involved her parents, Debra Danielson and Michael Abraham beating her with a belt when she misbehaved.

“That’s some of the therapy that we share and we go through,” Abraham told Glanville, according to Fish Wrapper.  “I think there’s different parenting styles.”

Abraham has her parents – who are now divorced – watch six-year-old Sophia when she’s away on business.

When Teen Mom first aired, viewers watched as Abraham’s disastrous home life unraveled.

“At that time we really didn’t [have a relationship] because of some of the abusive things that had happened. My parents got put into jail, both my mom and my dad.

“My family and I have such a different dynamic now. We’ve talked through a lot of our abuse. Not everyone’s a perfect parent.

“We do learn and we grow from that. I’m not trying to be harsh on my family because it does make them sad to think back about how they used to be and some of their choices. . . . 

Maybe keep some things to yourself, girlfriend.  It’s great that you’re moving forward in your relationship with Debra and Michael, but let’s not classify alleged abuse as a “parenting style.”

Saturday, October 17, 2015

One Direction Debuts "Perfect," Takes Shot at Taylor Swift?

One Direction shocked fans in Dublin on Friday night by playing the track "Perfect" for the first time in a public venue.

The song will be included on the group"s upcoming album, "Made In The A.M.," and many believe it to be somewhat of a shot at Taylor Swift.

How come?

“Perfect” is similar to Swift’s “Style” both musically and lyrically, as both mention Harry Styles and Swift taking midnight drives together.

The songs actually mash-up well together, while the chorus for "Perfect" included the following lyrics:

"And if you’re looking for someone to write your breakup songs about/Baby, I’m perfect.” 

Case closed, right? Listen to the single and watch the performance now.

One direction perfect

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bindi Irwin Pays Tribute to Father, Earns Perfect 10

Bindi Irwin just earned the first perfect score of Dancing with the Stars Season 21.

And she did it in moving fashion.

On Monday"s night"s Dancing with the Stars episode, the daughter of late crocodile hunter Steve Irwin was asked by partner Derek Hough what she had in mind for the week, telling him on camera:

"What shaped me the most would probably be when my dad passed away. It"s been nine years and I"ve never really dwelled on that point. I think I"m ready to tell that story."

Cue some training and then a contemporary dance set to "Every Breath You Take," with the performance even more emotional due to the presence of Bindi"s mother and brother in the audience.

The judges gave it a 28 out of 30, with Bruno Tonioli awarding it the season"s first 10. 

"This dance is for my dad, and for my family, and for everyone back at home, but for my dad," Bindi said through tears. "This is for him."

Bindi irwin pays tribute to father earns perfect 10

Thursday, October 1, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Bad Veins Are Back With A Pitch Perfect Performance Of Dancing On TV!

We can totally hear this on the radio!

Bad Veins has been one of our favorite bands for a while now, and we’ve got yet another live performance of theirs to show off.

Last month the musical duo performed their single Don’t Run for us, and their latest single Dancing on TV is just as catchy!

Video: Check Out The Music Video For Bad Veins’ Rainbow Connection!

Plus, who doesn’t like seeing a hot guy sing into an old school telephone? LOLz!!!

And if you consider yourself a music connoisseur, you can buy their album The Mess Remade HERE!

Ch-ch-check out Bad Veins’ exclusive live performance (above)!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jennifer Lopez Proves She"s Always Been Perfect In This Throwback Shot!

She’s still Jenny From the Block!

J.Lo showed us a glimpse into her track star days in a #tbt that left us wondering

What isn’t she good at?? Seriously, you go, girl!

[ Photos: Last Year’s Best #TBT Pics ]

She took to Instagram saying:

“Mood #alwaysrunning #determined #inaracewithmyself #nevergonnagiveup #onwardandupward #alwayspushing #nocomplacency #LetsWin”

The 46-year-old singer/actress/mother of two/you-name-it has had one of the longest lasting careers in Hollywood, so we say she’s definitely already #winning.

If running track is the secret to a perfect, ageless bod — where do we sign up??

[Image via Instagram.]