Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2018

LeAnn Rimes" Stepsons Call Ivanka Trump an Idiot Over Presidential Aspirations

LeAnn Rimes took the fifth when our photog asked about Ivanka Trump’s alleged aspirations to become the first female president … while her stepsons unleashed their own brand of fire and fury. We got LeAnn, hubby Eddie…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Trump vs. JFK: Presidential Artwork Up for Auction

Donald Trump is going head-to-head with one of the most famous presidents in U.S. history … in an art auction showdown. Both Trump and John F. Kennedy will have original artwork on display and up for grabs Dec. 2 at Heritage Auctions’…


Monday, October 30, 2017

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Seriously Considering 2020 Presidential Run

Eric Garcetti, the enormously popular Mayor of Los Angeles, is “seriously considering” throwing his hat in the ring for the 2020 Presidential race … multiple sources connected to Garcetti tell TMZ. Garcetti just announced he’s not going to run for…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Barack Obama Gives Trump Presidential Tips in Parting Letter

Barack Obama had some written words of wisdom for President Trump on the day of his Inauguration … mostly on how to keep the country running smoothly in his absence. Obama’s penned parting letter has just been revealed … the one he wrote on his…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Hillary Clinton, Here"s Why I Lost Presidential Election to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton says there are 4 reasons that substantiate why she lost her bid for the White House to Donald Trump. Clinton, who called the loss devastating, was interviewed at the Women in the World summit in NYC. Her reasons for the defeat: –…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Snoop Dogg Mocks Presidential Assassination (VIDEO)

Snoop Dogg takes a fake gun to a caricature of Donald Trump and shoots him in a music video. The rapper goes in hard on the prez in the vid for “Lavender” … depicting him as nothing but a clown who deserves to be chained up and assassinated…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Donald Trump Address to Congress: That Was ... Presidential?

President Donald J. Trump declared Tuesday in an address to Congress that a “new chapter of American greatness is now beginning.”

For the most part, he traded his usual contentious and aggressive tones for loftier – some might even say more presidential – rhetoric. 

Making economic revival the centerpiece of his first address to Congress, Trump also delved into something he rarely does – specifics.

He issued a call to “restart the engine" of the economy through tax cuts, trade deals, immigration enforcement and $ 1 trillion in infrastructure.  

Trump also called on Congress to replace the “imploding ObamaCare disaster” with legislation that lowers costs and expands access.

The 45th president focused largely on priorities at home, more than abroad, over his hour-long, decidedly upbeat and optimistic speech.

Those who witnessed Trump"s foreboding inauguration address likely were hoping for something more like this. Better late than never?

“Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every problem can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing, and hope,” Trump said.

Urging lawmakers to "join forces" to deliver, he declared “the time for small thinking is over,” and said to “believe, once more, in America.”

“A new chapter of American greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our nation,” Trump told legislators.

“And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp," he said during his “message of unity and strength.”

The generally well-received speech could mark an opportunity for Trump to reset his young presidency after a rocky start since January 20.

Clashes with the media and staffing controversies at times overshadowed action on the jobs front … and pretty much every other front.

In perhaps the most memorable moment, the audience broke out into extended applause as Trump acted like a true Commander in Chief. 

Introducing the widow of William "Ryan" Owens, the Navy SEAL killed in a raid in Yemen last month, he paid tribute to the fallen service member. 

Carryn Owens sobbed as lawmakers gave her a standing ovation as Donald Trump said the raid he participated in yielded vital intelligence.

His “legacy is etched into eternity,” Trump said.

Watch his full speech below. 

Donald trump address to congress that was presidential

Friday, January 20, 2017

Presidential First Kids: "Memba Them?!

There’s a new First Family moving into the White House and calling the historic house a home … take a walk down memory lane and look at the presidential kids then and what they look like now.


Presidential First Kids: "Memba Them?!

There’s a new First Family moving into the White House and calling the historic house a home … take a walk down memory lane and look at the presidential kids then and what they look like now.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Donald Trump Signed His Presidential Oath Before Election Day (PHOTO)

Donald Trump will be repeating himself when he takes his presidential oath this week, because he already did it … long ago. Trump slapped his autograph on a faux Presidential Oath of Office doc — with the full text — back in November of 2015…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Donald Trump -- Strictly Presidential Business from Now On (PHOTO)

Donald Trump got down to business with Mitt Romney Tuesday night at around the same time he announced he’s personally going out of business. Trump again bypassed the ever-incredulous media and tweeted, “I will be leaving my great business in total…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump -- This is What a Presidential Motorcade Looks Like

Donald Trump had a motorcade fit for a president last night. It was only a short distance, but getting the future president from here to there is a traffic stopper for sure, especially in the Big Apple. Our sources say Trump has already said he’ll…


Taylor Swift Reveals Presidential Preference with Sweater

Taylor Swift is the queen of passive aggressive fashion.

Late last month, the singer wore a choker during a performance in Austin, stirring talk that she’s coming out with a new album because fans said Swift always debuts a new look when fresh music is on the way.

And she had never worn a choker on stage before.

Flimsy evidence? Perhaps.

But the Internet is now convinced it knows who Swift is voting for based on the top she wore to go vote today.

The artist shared the above photo on Instagram this morning, simply writing as a caption “Today is the day. Go out and VOTE.”

Pretty simple and harmless, right? Inspiring even.

Not all that different from the many other pictures posted by celebrities today of themselves at their local polling locale.

Except that astute Swift fans took note of the sweater Swift is wearing.

They say this garment isn’t something Taylor just tossed on after waking up from a night of partying with Lorde.

Someone named Kaitlyn Tiffany was the first to point out on Twitter that Swift’s shoulder-less top is a nod to an Instagram photo shared a few days ago by occasional squad member Lena Dunham. 

Swift explanation

What the heck is she talking about?!?

Over the weekend, Dunham shared a composite of herself and Hillary Clinton wearing the same style of sweater as Swift is rocking above, even referencing the piece of attire in her caption.

“Headed to Denver to meet some of my favorite Nasty Women in support of @hillaryclinton!” wrote Dunham, adding:

“Let’s do all we can in the days that remain. RN I’m paying tribute in my @lpathelabel cold shoulder sweater.”

A-ha! SEE!!!!!!

By wearing her own version of this sweater on Election Day, some might argue that Swift is totally being Taylor Swift.

She’s expressing an opinion, but she’s doing it in a subtle manner in order to not anger any fans of hers who may support Donald Trump.

Swift has gotten in trouble for this sort of thing in the past, getting called out by Demi Lovato, for instance, because she talks about being a feminist… yet doesn’t really act like one.

Some might argue that Swift never really takes a stand; that she cares too much about her image.

She also has an unusual connection to Trump, in that close friend Karlie Kloss is dating Joshua Kushner, brother of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner.

So could it be possible that Swift is sending a message here about voting for Hillary Clinton, while doing it in such a manner as to not upset Kloss and other Trump fans?

It’s possible.

Or it’s possible we’re reading too much into her sweater.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Election Results 2016: Who Will Win?!

November 8, 2016. 

A campaign that spanned the better part of two years all came down to Tuesday evening, with the 45th occupant of the Oval Office to be determined.

Will Hillary Clinton eke this one out? Will Donald Trump pull off an upset? Soon enough, we will know who will be president come January.

We’ve had months to digest what each candidate brings to the table, their strengths and flaws, in what has become a political bloodbath.

You’ve had months to profess your not-actually-profound views on Facebook in hopes of influencing people who blocked you weeks ago.

Now it’s time to get it done. Go exercise your civic duty. If you’re on the west coast and wondering where do I vote, there’s still time. 

Go make it happen. Then sit back and watch the results roll in as this insane roller coaster takes its final turn toward the finish line.

Either way, history will be made in a presidential election like no other … and either way, the deluge of absurd ads will be over at least. 

Earlier this morning in Chappaqua, N.Y., Hillary Clinton became the first woman to cast a presidential vote for herself as a major party candidate.

She’s all but certain to win the Empire State’s 29 Electoral Votes against Donald J. Trump, who also voted for himself today in Manhattan.

While N.Y. State is not up for grabs, plenty of other states are, and national polls show a very tight race, with a modest Clinton advantage.

Are the polls right? We’re about to find out.

We’ll be updating this post with the numbers as they become available. For now, and throughout the day/night, sound off on this historic event!

Tell us in the comments: Who will prevail, and who are you voting for? Is the system rigged? Will she (or he) be an effective president?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Monday, October 10, 2016

Ken Bone Was True Winner of Second Presidential Debate

It’s the question you will be hearing all day on Monday, and very likely throughout the upcoming week:

Who won the second Presidential Debate?

Did Hillary Clinton remain calm under pressure and make it clear why she’s the most qualified candidate for the highest office in the world?

Did Donald Trump successfully shoot down all criticism of his “locker room” talk in the most notorious video to ever be part of a Presidential campaign?

We give readers a chance to respond to those questions and to voice their opinion on the debate victor in a poll below.

But let’s face it: we all know the identity of the debate’s true winner.

It was Kenneth Bone.

Nearly 90 minutes after Anderson Cooper pressed Trump on his strategy of sexually assaulting beautiful women and Clinton tried to compare herself to Abraham Lincoln, Bone was handed a microphone.

He was one of the undecided voters chosen by Gallop to sit in on this town hall and ask the candidates a question.

Dressed in a bright red sweater and khakis, Bone calmly inquired of Trump and Clinton just how the nominees would address the country’s energy needs … while keeping jobs and the environment in mind.

And he immediately became an Internet sensation in the process.

Perhaps you can understand why:

Many compared Bone to Zach Galifianakis, wondering if the St. Louis resident was the actor’s long-lost cousin.

And when Bone was spotted after the debate snapping pictures with a disposable camera, well… the Internet pretty much lost its mind.

“I think we can all agree that Ken Bone has brought Americans a little closer. Thank you #kenbone,” one viewer Tweeted.

“Don’t let Ken Bone fool you. He knew he was going viral tonight,” another wrote. “You don’t go white tie and disposable camera unless you know it’s your time.” 

That may end up being the most intriguing question to come out of the debate:

Just how real is Ken Bone? Did he plan this nerdy outfit just to become semi-famous for 15 minutes? Do people like him really exist in the world?

The answers to these questions are far more pressing than what Donald Trump would do in Syria. (Answer: Donald Trump isn’t sure whqere Syria is.)

A parody account of Kennenth Bone quickly popped up on Twitter and had garnered nearly 2,000 followers shortly after the debate ended.

The first tweet? “I’m Kenneth Bone. Welcome to the Bone Zone.”

It’s also worth noting that a parody Facebook account now exists.

“This is an official fan page for Kenneth Bone,” it reads in its description, adding that Bone is “a wonderful man who asked a question in the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on October 9, 2016.

“Just look at that stache.”

Heck, even CNN wrote an article last night that was titled “And the winner of the presidential debate is… Ken Bone.”

Between the red cardigan, the white tie and the black-rimmed glasses, it’s hard to argue against this statement, isn’t it?

Thank goodness Bone rocked such an amazing look; between his ensemble and the pussy-bow worn by Melania Trump, debate viewers found a couple reasons to smile on Sunday.

Because the candidates themselves gave us plenty of reasons to vomit for most of the evening.

“Was so sad and ashamed throughout the entire spectacle but then KEN BONE rose like a Phoenix from America’s ashes and there’s laughter again,” wrote another Twitter user.

Yet another speculated that all women should want a husband like Ken Bone, writing:

“I bet Ken Bone brings roses to his wife randomly. Just because. What a gem.”

Indeed, you could learn a lot from Ken Bone, Donald Trump.

Okay, though. With this fun out of the way, it’s time to ask what we are obligated to ask:

Which candidate won the second Presidential Debate?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »


Presidential Debate, Town Hall Style: Who Won?!?

Well, this sure was interesting, wasn’t it?

There were no shortage of hot button topics for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to delve into during their second Presidential debate of 2016, which was held on Sunday night and hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

It was conducted in the style of a town hall, with the candidates surrounded by supposedly undecided voters, each of whom lobbed questions at either Trump or Clinton.

But this wasn’t your typical debate.

These weren’t your typical topics to discuss.

Yes, Trump and Clinton debated such issues as the economy and foreign policy.

But the entire world has been abuzz over the past few days with video footage of Trump talking to Billy Bush back in 2005.

Released by The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, the video featured Trump bragging to Bush (unaware he was being recorded) about how he tried to sleep with Nancy O’Dell and how he simply kisses beautiful women whenever he sees them.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said of his approach to the opposite sex at times, adding that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.

“You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump later apologized for these remarks.

But, as you can see below, he also built anticipation to Sunday’s debate by saying he would be touching on Bill Clinton’s sexual history with women and his wife’s response to it.

There was also the issue of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches to various financial institutions over the years.

Via hacked emails released Friday by Wikileaks, the world has received a look at excerpts from these speeches (which Clinton gave prior to running for President), one of which featured Clinton’s call for “open trade and open borders” in a speech to a Brazillian bank.

Trump brought up this quote during the debate.

Similar to the first debate, this one was at times entertaining…. nauseating… fascinating… hilarious… and depressing.

But who came out on top? Who helped him or herself the most with voters, considering Election Day is less than a month away?

VOTE below and let your voice be heard:

Did Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump with debate number-two?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »

You can also leave a comment below and expound on your opinion.

Trump may even mention you by name! We all know he loves to cite online polls in the hours and days after debate is held.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kanye West Talks Politics, Might Sound More Presidential Than Donald Trump

At last year’s VMAs, Kanye West announced that he plans to run for president, and we all had a good laugh.

Then we found out who our actual candidates would be, and the whole thing seemed considerably less funny.

Suddenly, the idea of a President Yeezy doesn’t seem quite so ridiculous.

Alright, fine – it still seems like the lunatic ambition of a cartoon supervillain.

But remarkably, the rapper actually made some level-headed, well-reasoned comments about the current political climate when asked about his designs on the White House in a recent interview.

Kanye says he’s given up on his political dreams (our loss, America. Our loss.), but he still has “a view on humanity, on people, on the truth.”

“If there is anything that I can do with my time and my day, to somehow make a difference while I’m alive, I’m going to try to do it,” sayeth Yeezus.

Nothing earth-shattering, but hey, at least it’s not plagiarized, right?!

Seriously, though it’s like we’re seeing a different side of Kanye these days.

Last time the rapper talked politics, he wound up just going on one of his signature rants about how “sweatshirts are the future.” Seriously.

Maybe he’s been chastened by accusations that he posted Taylor Swift revenge porn on the Internet for millions to see.

Or maybe the 39-year-old father of two is just finally starting to grow up.

Either way, we could get used to the idea of a mellower, less erratic Kanye.

Sadly, we don’t imagine it’ll last.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Mike Pence to Run with Donald Trump, Join GOP Ticket as Vice Presidential Nominee

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will be announced as presidential candidate Donald Trump’s running mate on the Republican ticket in the 2016 election.

The Indianapolis Star has confirmed that Trump plans to announce Pence as his pick for vice president, ending a weeks-long process.

Pence will drop his bid for re-election in Indiana to run with Trump, whose spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, says “a decision has not been made.”

A formal announcement is scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday in Manhattan, and while Trump could pull a fast one, all signs point to Pence.

With the addition of the governor, a social conservative with state house and Congressional experience, Trump hopes to shore up his base.

Pence also provides an experienced, at times more credible and almost certainly more disciplined counter to Trump’s unusual style.

The Republican National Convention, which starts July 18 in Cleveland, will formally nominate Trump and Pence for President and V.P.

Pence, a vocal Trump supporter since he clinched the Republican nomination, will help him take on Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

Trump appeared to have winnowed the field of vice presidential picks from about 10 people as recently as last week to a select few.

Some likened the audition process to reality show casting, but in the end, the star of the show picked a substantive, non-flashy “apprentice.”

Aside from Pence, the other favorites were thought to be former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

A couple of prospective running mates, U.S. Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Joni Ernst of Iowa, withdrew their names from consideration.

Ernst said she was focused on serving in the Senate but suggested Pence, a longtime favorite among conservatives, should get the nod.

Looks like The Donald listened. Will it matter?

Polls suggest Clinton leads nationally over the mercurial real estate mogul, but that her margin has narrowed in the previous week or so.

State polls also show her with a tangible, albeit diminishing, advantage in what will ultimately determine the electoral college majority.

Clinton has yet to name her V.P. running mate.

The extent to which Vice Presidential nominees, on either site, will influence voters is hard to define at best, and negligible at worst.

With Pence, however, Trump signals that he is shoring up his lack of political experience and his unpredictable style with a steady hand.

Combine those two factors with Pence’s popularity among a Republican base that is still resistant to Trump, and it seems like a logical pick.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below to discuss.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Shares Inspiring Photo Upon Clinching Presidential Nomination

Love Hillary Clinton or think she’s destined to lead this country into ruin, one thing cannot be denied:

June 7, 2016 will be a date that goes down in history.

That’s what happens when a major political party nominates a woman to be President for the first time in U.S. history.

Prior to speaking at a rallying Brooklyn after she clinched this nomination on Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton recognized her monumental achievement by sharing an inspiring photo on Twitter.

She didn’t focus on policy in it or even take a shot at Donald Trump in it.

Instead, she sent a message to women everywhere with it.

“To every little girl who dreams big: Yes, you can be anything you want – even president. Tonight is for you,” Clinton captioned the photo above.

As of this writing, the Tweet has garnered more than 46,000 likes and has been re-Tweeted more than 28,000 times.

While she celebrated her victory over Bernie Sanders in front of a throng of supporters, though, Clinton also made it clear she wished one person in particular could have been there to celebrate with her.

In another social media post, Clinton remembered her mother, who would have celebrated her 97th birthday over the weekend.

Bill and mom

“I wish my mom were here tonight to share this moment. She was my rock from the day I was born until the day she left us,’ Clinton wrote as a caption.

“This past Saturday would have been her 97th birthday – she was born the same day Congress passed the 19th Amendment to give women the right to vote.

“I wish she could have seen this team and your extraordinary conviction – how you never stopped fighting, no matter how tough this election got. How your voices lifted this campaign up in communities all across the country.

“How your investment in the values we share made this moment possible.”

Politics aside, pretty moving stuff, wouldn’t you say?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ted Cruz Ends Presidential Campaign, Elbows Wife in the Face

Heidi Cruz, an entire nation now feels your pain.

On Tuesday night, Ted Cruz got trounced by Donald Trump in the Indiana primary, losing that state by 16 percentage points and seeing his chances to win the White House dwindle down to nothing.

Within a couple hours of the results going public, Cruz got up on stage and announced that he was suspending his campaign for the Presidency.

He then smacked his wife in the face with an elbow. Twice.

“With a heavy heart, but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign,” Cruz told a throng of supporters in the state he just lost.

“But hear me now, I am not suspending our fight for liberty.”

Cruz’s wife stood supportively by her husband’s side throughout his concession speech, but then this happened once Cruz went in for a hug with a group that included his father:


It’s the second time in a matter of days that Cruz has been at the center of a funny viral moment while out on the campaign.

On Sunday, Carly Fiorina introduced her running mate during a rally in Indiana… only to then fall through the stage and get totally ignored by Lyin’ Hand-Shakin’ Ted:

Of course, about 70% of the county is not laughing at either of these mishaps right now.

That’s because Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.

Let us write that again, for depressing emphasis: Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for the President of the United States.

Taking the stage at his headquarters in New York City on Tuesday night after his resounding victory, Trump described Cruz as “one hell of a competitor.”

It remains to be seen, however, whether Cruz will support Trump’s bid for the Oval Office. 

And it will be fascinating to see how many Republicans in the House and the Senate respond when asked whether they support Trump as their party’s nominee over the next several weeks.

On the Democratic side of the race, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders was predicted to be the winner in Indiana, edging out former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The two will practically split delegates in the state, though, meaning Sanders’ path to an overall victory is, by his own admission, “narrow.”