Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racist. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Conor McGregor Doubles Down on Racist Taunt, Mocks Rob Kardashian

For the second day in a row, Conor McGregor has told Floyd Mayweather to “Dance for me, boy.” Conor was met with outrage when he first hurled the taunt at Floyd in L.A. on Tuesday — since referring to a black man as “boy” in America is an insult…


Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Arrest, Racist Comments, Says He"s An Addict Who"s Hit Bottom

Shia LaBeouf just apologized for the events leading to his arrest and the racist rant at the police station, saying he believes he’s hit bottom and is taking steps to get his addiction under control. Shia says, “I am deeply ashamed of my behavior…


Conor McGregor"s "Dance, Boy" Comments Weren"t Racist, Says Floyd Mayweather Sr.

Floyd Mayweather Sr. says he doesn’t see anything racist about Conor McGregor telling his son to “dance for me, boy” during the news conference … despite outrage on social media.  “Racist? I don’t know what that got to do with race,” Floyd…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

DeMario Jackson Says Screw Oklahoma "Racist Assholes," Glad I Did "BIP"

DeMario Jackson doesn’t care that some people think he committed sexual assault on “Bachelor in Paradise” — despite being cleared — and he seems to target the haters as racists from Oklahoma. DeMario was at a WeHo spa this week, when he told…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Damon Wayans Jr. Ignites Controversy with "Racist" July Fourth Tweet

Damon Wayans Jr. made us laugh pretty hard during his run as Coach on New Girl.

But the actor has elicited a very different reaction from a number of Internet users in response to his sarcastic Fourth of July Tweet on Tuesday.

In celebration of the holiday (or in “celebration,” perhaps we should write, with the quotation marks added and emphasized), the former Fox sitcom star Tweeted the following yesterday morning:

Happy white people proud of their racist ancestors day.

Wayans, of course, is making a joke here about how so many Americans essentially bow down at the feet of the country’s Forefathers, especially on July Fourth…

… despite the fact that so many of these founders owned slaves.

Heck, Thomas Jefferson even impregnated at least one of his slaves.

Was this joke funny or foul, however?

Over 1,100 people Liked the tweet, while more than 1,200 replied to it.

And many of these responses didn’t think Wayans was in the right for using such a patriotic occasion to play the race card in this kind of manner. 

“Just another example of Hollywood talking down to Americans. They hate this country & their fans. #FabricatedRacism sadly returns @wayansjr,” wrote user @ViperNTheTemple.

The actor actually replied to this critique, stating that he was making a joke and some people just took it personally and that’s okay because “jokes aren’t illegal.”

This is true.

It’s also irrelevant, of course.

Whether or not you agree with Wayans’ stance, no one is saying he ought to go to prison for expressing it.

“Not illegal, but offensive & hateful,” wrote user @WTPatty, making this same point online.

Others, meanwhile, pointed to the men and women in the armed forces who have died for our independence and freedom and remarked that they should be the focus of all July Fourth Tweets.

This day isn’t really about George Washington, they argue.

It’s about the thousands of people who aren’t grilling with their families because they are on the frontlines of major danger overseas.

This is the best, most rational argument against Wayans’ quip.

But not many users made it. They went straight for the personal jugular instead.

“Enjoy what’s left of your already s–tty career that your dad created for you,” wrote user @JasonSMoonen, to which Damon shot back:

“Thanks Jason 🙂 . Will do :).”

Wayans starred as Coach on New Girl from 2011 through 2016.

He also played a key role on ABC’s criminally underrated Happy Endings and in the movie Let’s Be Cops.

He concluded his back and forth with critics here by writing:

“It was a joke. But feel free to be offended by it.”


Friday, June 23, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Farrah Abraham is Going DOWN After Racist Insults!

Admittedly, conflict on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars – Family Edition between Farrah Abraham and Kendra Wilkinson gets into, like, Alien vs Predator territory — because no matter which one of them wins, the rest of us lose.

Except for the show’s producers, because that kind of feud makes great television.

So naturally, even with Farrah Abraham under fire for yelling vile, racist things on the show, the aftermath of that conflict is going to be back on tonight’s episode.

2016 was a cursed year (let’s all agree on that and just move on), but Farrah and Marriage Boot Camp costar Paula (Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s mom) were apparently determined to let it go out with a bang at what was supposed to be the show’s New Years celebration.

And by bang, we definitely mean a huge explosive conflict.

At first, it just looked like Paula being all kinds of obnoxious and ranting for the “benefit” of her fellow costars.

You could see Kendra, like, staying very still and refusing to move or make eye contact.

Sorry, but Jurassic Park was wrong — deranged ranting moms can still see you even if you don’t move.

And that would have been that … if Farrah hadn’t exploded right back at Paula.

Complete with calling her a “f-cking disgusting black piece of sh-t.”

And while that kind of vicious racist attack might not lose you too many voters in Trump’s America, it sure got a rise out of Kendra Wilkinson.

In general, white people should stand up to other white people when they’re being racist.

But that’s obviously even more of a big deal for Kendra.

Hank Baskett is black, and so is their son.

“This b-tch didn’t just offend Paula,” Kendra says in tonight’s episode. “She offended my husband, and my kid, me — you’re going f-ckin’ down, dude.”

So it’s personal (though, again, combating bigotry should be personal for everyone).

When one of the show’s psychiatrists talks about how they “shut things down” — sending Paula to cool off in a hotel for the night — he talks about how the situation had grown unsafe.

He also talks about how one of the things that the show doesn’t tolerate is “racially insensitive or intolerant comments.”

Farrah gets wildly defensive — because he’s clearly talking about her — and starts flipping the frick-frack out.

And then Kendra moves up to speak and is allowed to address the whole group.

That’s when the preview ends, so we don’t know what Kendra will say.

We do know that Kendra has a history of getting super mad super fast.

Sure, the world isn’t surprised that Farrah said something racist.

Farrah Abraham has a history of racism, after all.

And it’s not just one incident of racism, either.

But it seems clear that Kendra wasn’t expecting it.

She looks about as cool and collected as Kendra can be.

(So, not very much — Kendra Wilkinson is generally just mad at the world)

But there’s a decent chance that she might fly off the handle and damage her message in the process.

What’s even more likely is that Farrah Abraham will have a response that will make her come across even worse.

It’s gonna be a mess, is what we’re saying.

It looks like, in terms of public opinion, Kendra’s winning.

You might even say that Kendra’s coming out on top.


But based on Farrah’s recent retweets, it doesn’t sound like she’s learned her lesson or even realizes that she was in the wrong.

Like, Paula seems more than a little nuts, but you don’t fight fire with fire.

(Unless we’re talking literally and you’re a firefighter who knows what you’re doing).

And you certainly don’t inflame the situation by taking an already nasty conflict and sprinkling some racism into the mix.

It’ll be interesting to see how that gets addressed fully on tonight’s episode.

And, honestly, even more interesting to see how the conflict between Kendra and Farrah develops.

Because it’s already a little nuts.


Leah Block Apologizes For Racist Bachelorette Tweets After Perfect Rachel Lindsay Response

You don’t need The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that race would somehow come into play this summer on ABC’s reality dating staple.

On cue, The Bachelor contestant Leah Block is apologizing for racist comments she made about the current season this week.

If you didn’t see what she wrote on Twitter, prepare your forehead for the inevitable slap, because it’s very likely happening.

The current season features the franchise’s first African-American lead in Rachel Lindsay, and a much more diverse cast than usual. 

With that obvious context, Block tweeted Monday:

“I’m sitting here watching @BacheloretteABC and my roommate just sat down on the couch and said, ‘What is this? @LoveAndHipHop?’ DEAD”


Bachelor Nation didn’t take kindly to the reference – apparently in the pejorative – to the VH1 reality show and its entirely black cast.

One alum, Astrid Loch, asked Block if she was watching with Lee Garrett, one of Lindsay’s suitors who’s been accused of racism himself.

Lindsay then chimed in by responding to Block’s tweet directly, and referencing Garrett, writing, “Let me know if she wants to meet Lee.”

“They sound like they would have a lot in common.” 

Wow. After that response from Rachel, Block later deactivated her Twitter account altogether and set her Instagram to private.

All of this took place while topic of race became the center of discussion on Monday’s episode for the first time this season.

“The pressures that I feel being a black woman, and what that is … I don’t want to talk about it,” Lindsay told the producers.

“I get pressured from so many different ways being in this position, and I did not want to get into all of this tonight.”

“I already know what people are going to say about me and that they will judge me for all of the decisions I’m making.”

“I’m going to be the one that has to deal with that – nobody else,” she said, at her wit’s end. “And that’s a lot.”

As for Block, she apparently got the message, and addressed her controversial tweets in a letter to her Facebook Wednesday.

“I come forward honestly and openly, to extend my sincere apology for the tweet from my account on Monday, June 19,” she began.

The tweet in question stemmed, she said, “from a place that humored the failure of representation of minorities in reality TV.”

That wasn’t how it came across, she acknowledges, and instead, she simply “belittled the significance of Rachel’s presence on the show.”

“I acknowledge that entertaining this kind of humor is a passive and careless action that stifles the progress the black community has made.”

“It is vitally important to prioritize these experiences and help destroy the oppressive forces that threaten minority communities.”

“My tweet did neither of those things and I see that as a personal failure [and] in my initial Twitter responses … I was defensive.”

“The attacks directed at me felt to be responses to the epidemic of injustice we have towards individuals of marginalized identities.”

“Especially the black community. I accept responsibility for my ignorance and as I move forward I will engage in these issues.”

That way, she says, “I can become an informed ally who would never consider that tweet to be funny in the first place.”

“Our Society should have no place for hate that targets any minority group,” she concluded on an optimistic, yet concilliatory note.

“We can’t make the future better until we make ourselves better. And I’m starting now. Best of luck to Rachel and her suitors this season.”

Amen to that.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

CBS Radio Sued by Ex-Employee, Obama Shout-Outs Were Racist!

CBS Radio honchos gave an African-American employee a warm welcome by yelling, “Obama!” when she walked in the office — think Norm on “Cheers,” but more racist … according to her lawsuit, anyway. The woman was not flattered by the reference,…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Bachelorette Recap: Is Lee Garrett Racist?!

A lot has happened since The Bachelorette last aired an episode … and we’re not just talking about that Bachelorette spoilers shocker.

Incredibly, Bachelor in Paradise was shut down thanks to DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios, which totally usurped the show.

The Golden State Warriors’ NBA title-clinching win pushing back The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 4 a week was a factor, as well.

In any case, we were back in business last night, as Rachel Lindsay and the guys made their way to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Naturally, there were the usual dramatic moments – both on dates with the woman of the hour and behind the scenes between the guys.

One guy in particular seems to be thriving on drama lately.

If you watch The Bachelorette online this week, one thing (one gross thing) will stand out more than anything else, though:

Lee Garrett stirring the pot, even by this show’s standards.

He argued with Eric. Then he argued with Kenny and admitted that he’s doing what it takes to win and called both of them “angry men.”

Lee Garrett may or may not be racist, but he’s terrible.

Dean even addressed this to the cameras, saying:

“The only person I’ve seen Lee pick fights with have been not the people that he’s used to seeing on a daily basis from a cultural perspective.”

Dancing around it, yes, but pretty obvious just the same. Rachel also appeared to break down slightly over her “historic” role this year.

In any case, Lee got a rose and Diggy got sent home, which was a big disappointment as the gang headed down to Hilton Head.

How much longer will he last? The Bachelorette spoilers have plenty to say about that … but honestly even one week is too long.

Dean ended up getting the one-on-one date of the week, which featured a ride in the Goodyear blimp – a lifelong dream of Rachel’s!

Talk about taking the relationship to new heights!

At dinner, Dean (who battled hard on the blimp despite being scared of heights), discussed his mother’s death due to breast cancer.

Then the 25-year-old danced with his girl on a platform at the concert of a group we’ve already forgotten the name of. VINTAGE Bachelorette.

The group date this week was a spelling bee, where disturbingly, no one other than Josiah could spell something on a college level.

Eric spelled “facade” as “physde.” That is all.

Peter began “coitus” with “qui.” THAT is all.

Josiah ultimately won with “polyamorous,” but the real loser was the public education system in this country, because wow. Just wow.

Afterward, the cocktail party passive-aggressive weirdness resumed and tensions boiled over between a couple of the alleged gentlemen.

Iggy tried to throw Josiah under the bus for no reason, and Rachel talked to Lee, who told her just how vicious and aggressive Kenny is.

Kenny heard about this from Rachel, and defended himself, but left the sit-down believing that Rachel somehow believed Lee over him.

That did not sit well.

As he went to confront Lee at the bar, we got the obligatory TO BE CONTINUED again and are left to ponder our place in the universe.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian Claims She Isn"t Racist

Kim Kardashian just wants you to buy her new line of beauty products.

She really doesn’t want you to think she has a problem with African-Americans.

But the reality star now finds herself having to defend her position when it comes to race after a couple of controversial promotional photos went viral late last week.

With her Kim Kardashian Beauty line going on sale on June 21, the mother of two posted a couple images of her showing off her very own cosmetics on Twitter a few days ago.

In both the images she shared with fans, Kim’s skin appeared noticeably darker than usual.

Why, many critics wondered, was Kim disrespecting African-Americans by posing in blackface?!?

This term was first used way back in the 19th century when various white theater performers would spread racial stereotypes by painting their faces black.

Clearly aware of the controversy surrounding her new snapshots (which we were taken by Ben Hasset), Kim tells The New York Times that she was simply going for a heavily bronzed look in the scandalous photographs.

She meant no harm.

“I would obviously never want to offend anyone,” says Kardashian, whose children with Kanye West are, of course, biracial.

“I used an amazing photographer and a team of people. I was really tan when we shot the images, and it might be that the contrast was off.

“But I showed the image to many people, to many in the business. No one brought that to our attention. No one mentioned it.”

Naysayers have, of course, accused Kardashian of plenty over the years.

But having an issue with black people is not among the criticisms she’s been subject to. (Just look at her dating history!)

Concluded Kardashian in this interview:

“Of course, I have the utmost respect for why people might feel the way they did. But we made the necessary changes to that photo and the rest of the photos.

“We saw the problem, and we adapted and changed right away. Definitely I have learned from it.”

That’s a pretty strong statement right there.

We’ve had quite a few problems with Kim over the years and we’ve let that be known – but not for a second do we think she meant any disrespect in this case.

Kardashian, meanwhile, has faced criticism of a different kind for this upcoming beauty line.

Some out there believe she’s straight up copying her half-sister Kylie Jenner, which is a point that may have some legitimacy.

Kylie, of course, has seen her business profile rise considerably ever since she came out with Kylie Cosmetics. It’s taken her career in a whole new direction.

With Kim wanting to keep a lower profile ever since her robbery in Paris last fall, it makes sense that she’d want to follow similar suit here.

With a beauty brand, she can mostly remain behind the scenes and simply attach her famous name to a bunch of new products.

There’s certainly room in the makeup world for multiple types of products, so the sad truth is less than Kim is copying Kylie than that Kim and Kylie are both about to rule the beauty world.

We might as well get used to it ahead of time.


Farrah Abraham: Under Fire for Racist Comments on Marriage Boot Camp!

Farrah Abraham has never been the greatest person.

She’s actually never really been even an OK person.

She says terrible things all the time to everyone — she’s abrasive and rude and she yells and yells and yells. It’s overwhelming.

But as bad as Farrah always is, she’s rarely as bad as she was during the most recent episode of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

In the episode, Farah got into a little bit of a spat with Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s mother, Paula.

Paula, as Chad explained, was drunk, and she asked Farrah if she’d ever graduated from high school. After that, things escalated quickly.

Farrah told her that she did graduate high school, and then she went through college, “and guess what — I didn’t have to leave my kids like you did!”

Paula didn’t care for that response and called her “trailer park trash.”

Then, for some reason, Farrah told her that she’d send her a picture when she sleeps with her son.

(Over the weekend, Farrah did share some screenshots of some flirty texts between Chad and herself, and she also hinted at a new sex tape.)

Paula lost her mind over that comment and started asking Farrah to compare herself to her son — we’re not sure what exactly that means, but she sure was angry.

They yelled at each other for a while longer, then Paula called her “trailer park trash” one more time, and Farrah couldn’t take it anymore.

She picked a plate off the coffee table and raised it to throw at Paula, apparently to show her some real trailer park trash, but her father stopped her.

Farrah was led away from Paula, but before she was gone she cried out “You f-cking disgusting black piece of sh-t.”

As she disappeared into another room, she shouted it on one more time: “Black piece of sh-t!”


Many cast members were visibly shocked — especially Kendra Wilkinson, who has a black husband and biracial children.

“I’m not going to be in the same room as Farrah, after using the race card,” she told The Situation, who says that she demanded an apology from Farrah.

Later, Kendra called Farrah a “racist bitch,” and said “She didn’t just offend Paula. She offended my husband and children and me.”

“I will not be in the same room as a person who discriminates and judges people on their skin color,” she added.

“I do not accept it and that is what is wrong with the world and this is what is wrong with our country.”

Immediately after Farrah made her terrible comments, Paula flew into an absolute rage and started crying, and she told the therapists on the show that they let Farrah “get away with it,” which they denied.

They sent her to a hotel for the night to calm down, and we guess we’ll see on the next episode how everything plays out.

After the episode aired, viewers began expressing their disgust with Farrah, and Dr. Ish Major, a therapist on the show who happens to be black himself, addressed the issue.

“Guys, we spent the rest of the night after #Paula left talking to the group about race, the fight and how unacceptable it is.”

“We got on [Farrah] strong about the race issue. The ENTIRE group did, wish we would have shown you all that tonight too.”

Kendra also hopped on Twitter to share her feelings on the subject in a series of messages.

“It’s simple,” she wrote. “Really. My fam and friends are black. Camera men n producers were black around. Not going to stand around picking my nose.”

“Felt highly uncomfortable with the things were said and spoke my mind. Paula we all knew had issues and felt bad when she was picked on for a minute. Everyone should’ve just left her alone.”

“Both sides were wrong by throwing out racist sh-t,” she continued — some people thought “trailer park trash” was a racist remark, too.

“But there was one person in that situation that could’ve had self control but didn’t.”

“Do I like Farrah or even know her?” Kendra asked. “NO. But do I honestly believe Farrah is a racist? NO. She f-cked up.”

“I freaked out seeing there were 100 people n cameras on us and nobody was addressing the race card that was thrown.”

As for Farrah, she hasn’t commented directly on the controversy, but she’s retweeted comments congratulating her for “standing up to the bully.”

She also retweeted someone who wrote “Paula said a racial slur 1st ‘trailer park trash’ why was she not addressed for that?!”

Maybe because “trailer park trash” isn’t a racial slur and Farrah has a history of making racist comments?

It’s all just so, so awful. And we’re not even the least bit surprised to having this conversation about Farrah Abraham.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Andre Ward Says He"s Gonna Kick Sergey Kovalev"s Ass For Being Racist

Andre Ward says Sergey Kovalev needs to be punished for his racist antics on social media, and tells TMZ Sports he’s gonna do it with his fists when the two men meet on June 17. Kovalev’s been getting heat for a meme he posted to his social media…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Rudy Gay Is Outraged Over Racist Vandalism At LeBron"s House (VIDEO)

Add NBA star Rudy Gay to the list of people completely disgusted by the racist vandalism at LeBron James’ house … telling TMZ Sports that type of ignorance has no place in 2017. We broke the story … LeBron’s Brentwood home was vandalized early…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dave Bautista Is Seriously Pissed At the Racist Who Targeted LeBron

Dave Bautista is really, really, REALLY mad at whoever spray painted the N-word at LeBron James’ L.A. home … blasting the racist perpetrator as the “scum of the Earth.” In fact, the “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” star was getting angry even…


Lee Garrett: Read The Bachelorette Suitor"s Racist Tweets!

Several weeks ago, ABC cast Rachel Lindsay as The Bachelorette, making her the first-ever African-American star of this beloved franchise.

But while the network was praised for taking this progressive step, it now faces a new, race-related controversy just two weeks into Season 13.

And it all centers on a suitor named Lee Garrett.

On Wednesday evening, a multitude of disturbing tweets allegedly sent from Garrett’s account were leaked on social media.

These messages would be considered ignorant at generous best, and extremely racist at more honest worst. To wit:

“What’s the difference between the NAACP and the KKK? Wait for it…One has the sense of shame to cover their racist a– faces.”

“America is becoming an urban Vietnam,” reads another Tweet, from June 2016. “Practice your second amendment. It’s there for a reason.”

Is it inherently racist to encourage gun ownership or gun use? Of course not.

But Garrett also linked to an article last year that labeled the Black Lives Matter movement as a terrorist organization.

Aside from making controversial remarks on race, Garrett also makes it very clear on many occasions that he doesn’t believe in the concept of feminism.

“When is the last time YOU saw a pretty feminist? There’s a reason for this,” he Tweeted just over a year ago.

ABC has yet to comment on these offensive Tweets, which certainly appear to have been sent by Garrett.

But we cannot verify with absolute certainty whether or not this is the case.

Garrett is a 30-year-old singer/songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee.

His Twitter account is set to private, but he describes himself as “pleasantly offensive” in his bio.

How far does Garrett go this season? You can visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out, but there’s where things get tricky for ABC.

This season has already taped. All episodes are “in the can” to use television jargon.

Producers can’t just go ahead and fire Garrett, no matter what sort of backlash ensues from this discovery.

And make no mistake: there WILL be backlash.

Just consider the Tweets above and below, one of which reads “Hillary is the millennial’s version of O.J.”

Yes, he’s comparing a Presidential candidate to a very likely murderer.

No one associated with The Bachelorette has spoken out yet on Garrett’s various viewpoints.

But a journalist also landed in hot water last week after writing an article that praised Lindsay as The Bachelorette, yet also pointed to research that said black women rarely date outside their race.

No one ever said making history would be easy we guess, huh?

It will be interesting to watch The Bachelorette online or on television each week going forward in order to analyze how Garrett interacts with Rachel.

What do you think of these Tweets?

Just someone expressing some opinions and no big deal?

Or someone expressing some hateful opinions and a very big deal that makes you wonder how the messages were not discovered during basic background checks?


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Sued for "Racist" Bowling Alley Bar Rant (VIDEO)

Shia LaBeouf loudly claimed an L.A. bartender “f**ked up” by threatening him over french fries — but now the bartender’s striking back … with a lawsuit. You’ll recall, Shia exploded in a rage last month, screaming at staffers in Pinz…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Bob Beckel: Fired at Fox News for Being Way Too Racist!

Bob Beckel has been fired by Fox News Channel.


The controversial co-host of The Five was let go on Friday morning for saying something wholly inappropriate to a colleague.

No outlet appears to have a record of what Beckel actually said (the incident took place off-air), but it was enough for Fox News to issue the following statement just a short while ago:

“Bob Beckel was terminated today for making an insensitive remark to an African-American employee.”

Beckel, a veteran political consultant and former campaign manager for Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale, joined Fox News in 2000.

He was one of the original panelists on The Five back when it aired in the afternoon, but he departed in 2015 while recuperating from back surgery in a split that was seen as less an amicable.

Way less than amicable.

Consider the statement at the time from Bill Shine, the network’s Executive Vice President of Programming:

We tried to work with Bob for months, but we couldn’t hold The Five hostage to one man’s personal issues.

He took tremendous advantage of our generosity, empathy and goodwill and we simply came to the end of the road with him.

That’s a pretty scathing thing to say about someone on his way out the door, no?

And yet… Beckel was brought back this past January after a stint at CNN.

“Bob was missed by many fans of ‘The Five’ and we’re happy to welcome him back to the show,” said Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of Fox News Channel and its corporate parent, 21st Century Fox, in a prepared statement a few months ago.

On Tuesday night, however, the company’s human resource department was made aware of a complaint made by an employee over something Beckel said.

Executives conducted an internal investigation soon afterward and decided to part ways with Beckel on Friday morning.

The move comes during an especially tumultuous time for Fox News.

Just a few weeks ago, Bill O’Reilly was forced out after the network felt pressure from the public and from advertisers to drop the anchor in light of his past sexual misconduct.

Then, on Thursday, Roger Ailes died at the age of 77.

He hadn’t worked at the network for about a year after he was also forced out for his own past of sexual misconduct… but still.

There’s a been a great deal of turnover at Fox News over the past several months.

Just 24 hours ago, Beckel wrote the following in response to Ailes passing away:

Beckel tweet

He’s yet to comment on his own ousting.

Knowing Bob Beckel, however, he won’t stay silent for very long.

UPDATE: Douglas Wigdor and Jeanne Christensen, attorneys in charge of a growing racial discrimination lawsuit filed by current and former Fox employees, said that Beckel told one of their clients, an African-America IT worker, that he was leaving the office while the employee serviced his computer …

… because the employee is black.

When the IT worker filed a complaint, Beckel attempted to intimidate him to withdraw it.

This is what led to his firing.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Bill Cosby to 58 Sexual Assault Accusers: You"re Just Racist!

Bill Cosby has broken his silence in regard to the many women who have come out and accused him of sexual assault.

The 58 women who have come out and accused him of sexual assault, to be precise.

The controversial comedian spoke on Tuesday to SiriusXM’s Michael Smerconish about the scathing allegations, most of which date back many years and almost of which center on some allegedly heinous actions by Cosby.

One supposed victim after another has gone on record with stories of how Cosby drugging her and then took advantage of her sexually.

“I can’t say anything, but there are certain things that I look at, and I apply to the situation, and there are so many tentacles,” Cosby tried to explain in some of his first public comments about the charges.

“So many different – nefarious is a great word,” he added. “And I just truly believe that some of it may very well be that.”

Cosby has maintained his innocence over the past 18 months or so.

He was arrested in December after the Philadelphia DA determined that the legendary star was NOT protected by the statute of limitations in the case of Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee who claims that Cosby attacked her in 2004.

Constand filed a lawsuit against Cosby in 2005, with sources saying the testimony given during the trial could land Cosby in prison for up to a decade.

As part of this testimony, which was unsealed late last year, Cosby confessed to having sex with a teen prostitute and to paying her extra to keep the interaction secret from his wife.

But Cosby has fought back against almost all other allegations.

He told Smerconish yesterday that the color of his skin has a lot to do with how many women have come forward to accuse him of rape.

However, the women who have filed lawsuits are black and white.

How does Cosby make sense of this diversity? 

In garbled fashion, as you’re about to find out…

“Well, let me put it to you this way: When you look at the power structure, and when you look at individuals, there are some people who can very well be motivated by whether or not they’re going to work, or whether or not they might be able to get back at someone.

“So if it’s in terms of whatever the choice is, I think that you can also examine individuals and situations and they will come out differently.

“So it’s not all, not every, but I do think that there’s some.”

Some racism at play in these accusations; that’s what Cosby is getting at here.

This line of questioning was spurred on by Cosby’s daughter, Ensa, who recently released a statement saying “racism has played a big role in all aspects of this scandal.” 

It’s unclear what basis she has for saying that.

Asked Smerconish during this interview to Cosby:

What do you say to the person who puts credence in the charges against you because of the number of women who’ve come out and said the similar thing?

In other words: 58 women have come forward! 58!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most of them are not even asking for money, they just want to see Cosby brought to justice.

“I think that the numbers came because the numbers prior to the numbers didn’t work,” the comedian explained.

“So the piling on, so to speak, is a way – and certainly an impressive, impressive way – to get public opinion to come to the other side.”

In other words again: This is a conspiracy and the “other side” needed as many people as possible to make the public believe Cosby is a rapist.

Cosby is scheduled to go on trial next month on three counts of aggravated indecent assault for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting Constand 13 years ago.

The ex-sitcom actor pleaded not guilty and adamantly denies similar sexual assault claims from 57 other women.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Ex-WWE Star Cameron Says She"s Not Racist, Just Likes White Dudes

Ex-WWE star Cameron — real name Ariane Andrew — says she’s being UNFAIRLY labeled a racist because she only dates white men … telling TMZ Sports, “We all have a preference.” Andrew — who’s black — came under fire over the weekend after…


Ex-WWE Star Cameron Says She"s Not Racist, Just Likes White Dudes

Ex-WWE star Cameron — real name Ariane Andrew — says she’s being UNFAIRLY labeled a racist because she only dates white men … telling TMZ Sports, “We all have a preference.” Andrew — who’s black — came under fire over the weekend after…
