Showing posts with label SLAMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SLAMS. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


David Eason SLAMS MTV For Hiring Lindsay Lohan: She"s Worse Than Farrah!

It’s been almost six months since David Eason was fired by MTV, but apparently, Jenelle Evans’ repugnant husband is still pissed about being unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

In fact, pretty much every time the network makes a major personnel decision, Eason takes to social media to throw a public temper tantrum.

When Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom OG, David whined on Facebook in embarrassing fashion.

So it should come as no surprise that he has much to say about MTV’s decision to partner up with one of the most infamous “actresses” on the planet.

In case you haven’t heard, Lindsay Lohan is set to star in a new reality show about her nightclub in Mykonos, Greece.

Sources say the series was inspired by Vanderpump Rules, and Lindsay will preside over the proceedings in the fashion of that show’s titular star.

Of course, Lisa Vanderpump is a successful businesswoman with decades of experience as a club owner, and Lindsay Lohan is what would happen if you injected a bloated liver with a newly-discovered strain of super-herpes, but we digress.

Anyway, David is not happy about his former home network’s decision to work with Lindsay.

“WOW! Lindsay Lohan,” David wrote on Facebook.

“MTV sure does love the drama. Great way to get some views, put the craziest person you can find on her own program!”

He went on to rag on Lindsay for her past substance abuse issues and compare her to one of the network’s most notorious former stars:

“I’m such a bad person but you go hire Lindsay??? WTF, that girl is gonna run off with your gear and sell it for cocaine!” Eason wrote.

“I mean everyone has their ups and downs in life but that’s more downs than ups! She will be MTVs new Farrah, only worse!”

Well, David would know all about a life that’s “more downs than ups.”

His own prodigious list of deep valleys includes such ignominious low-lights as marrying Jenelle Evans, doing drugs with her while she was pregnant, and having CPS called to his home 20 times in a single year.

Oh, and let’s not forget Eason’s homophobic tirade that got him fired from Teen Mom 2.

But please, David, tell us more about how Lindsay Lohan is the worst.

Compared to you, she’s an upstanding pillar of the global community.

If it weren’t sad to the point of being tragic, it would actually be impressive that you’ve managed to make Lindsay freakin’ Lohan look good.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Whoopi and "The View" for Mistreating Her

Judge Jeanine Pirro doesn’t say she regrets going on “The View” — even though it ended in a shouting match — but it doesn’t seem like she’s in a hurry to go back either. We got the Fox News star in NYC Thursday and asked about her highly…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Younes Bendjima SLAMS Her Over Thong Photo!

Is there trouble in paradise?

Kourtney Kardashian took to Instagram to share a jaw-dropping photo of her plentiful peach in a thong bikini.

But boy-toy turned boyfriend Younes Bendjima took to the comments and slammed her over the pic. Yikes!

As with all of her sisters, Kourtney’s body is closely tied to her brand.

Though she may be the eldest of Kris Jenner’s brood, she has a flawless figure that makes her one of the world’s most irresistible MILFs.

(Even if Maxim thinks that Sofia Richie is hotter)

But when she shared this tantalizing pic on Instagram, Younes left a shocking comment.

“Thats what you need to show to get likes?” Younes wrote. Wow.

Now, that comment has since been deleted, but if it’s an indicator of romantic problems … those are harder to delete than a few words.

Fortunately, there may be some good news.

A source tells Us Weekly that Younes Bendjima’s comment was made in jest.

That leads us to believe that he was making an inside joke — perhaps a reference to rude, trolling comments that she frequently receives.

Which probably also means that he deleted it when he realized that other people would think that it was a genuine criticism.

That makes a lot more sense than Younes putting his hot cougar sex with Kourtney at risk just to say a few nasty words on Instagram.

Besides, the odds are pretty good that Younes is the one who snapped that photo.

Also, he’s a model himself. That’s his whole thing.

If anyone can understand the modeling world, it’s a guy whose job is to look attractive.

Instagram makes it clear that Younes doesn’t have any qualms about showing his skin — or appearing alongside Kourtney while she’s flaunting her assets.

It would be very hypocritical of Younes to suddenly demand that Kourtney cover up or to try to genuinely shame her on social media.

It really does seem far more likely that he would be joking, as the insider says.

That said … if there really is trouble between Kourtney and Younes, we imagine that those closest to them would be eager to dismiss any hints of their squabbles that might get out.

We have recently heard that Younes is tired of being Kourtney’s boy toy and wants to focus on his modeling career, which has been an alleged source of tension.

But that is not confirmed. And we can’t see how an Instagram outburst would help him with any of his goals.

Younes’ now-deleted comment is a great reminder to folks on the internet: your tone rarely translates to text.

If you’re chatting with someone and end your statement with a period, it looks like you hate them.

And if you tweet or post an inside joke to social media — especially one that seems hostile or seems to refer to something terrible — other people will see it. 

Random strangers are not in on inside jokes, which is why they’re not just called jokes.

If you don’t want people making assumptions, keep your inside jokes, well, inside your social circle.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Slams Prez Trump for Selling Out USA to Vladimir Putin

Arnold Schwarzenegger is slamming President Trump for sucking up to Vladimir Putin and selling out the U.S. intelligence community in front of the whole world. Arnold called 45’s joint news conference with the Russian Prez…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Noah Brown SLAMS 15-Year-Old Sister Rain Brown as Childish, Immature

As Ami Brown’s cancer battle resumes, Alaskan Bush People fans and her family worry for her health but hope for the best.

Noah Brown has his own priorities — he’s about to get married.

So why, fans wonder, did he write a lengthy post slamming Rain Brown, his 15-year-old sister?

“My birthday is the 18th of July and it really has been making me think a lot about everything,” Noah wrote on Instagram.

He is in a contemplative mood, which is fine. 

“I am turning 26 and the following month I am getting married to the girl of my dreams,” Noah continues. “Rhain Merrill (soon to be Rhain Brown)”

Noah writes: “We will soon be our own Family, and although there are trials and tribulations and a tone of stress I could not be happier with the way my adult life is turning out.”

Feeling hyped about marriage is also fine.

“I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my adulthood and reminiscing of childhood.”

Reminiscing is fine. What’s not fine is what he has to say about his youngest sibling.

“Like a kid would say I am a ‘grown-up,"” Noah says. “And I cannot help but admire my littlest sister Kathryn Raindrop’s youthful innocence of a pre-teen.”

Obviously, Rain is not a preteen. She’s 15, dude. But that’s just the tip of the awkward iceberg.

“When you are a child like little Raindrop, you do not have to think about what you are going to eat for dinner or worry about paying bills,” Noah writes.

That’s a super condescending way to talk about his sister.

Noah explains: “because your parents do everything for you and you cannot yet take care of yourself.”

That’s arguably true, but then it gets worse.

“Young Raindrop spends her days cuddling Bunnies and playing with her dolls not knowing about the stressful lives of the adults around her,” Noah claims.

That is quite the characterization.

“Oh the metabolism of a pre-teen like little Raindrop,” Noah says. “She can eat whatever she wants and never gain a pound, she just stays her tiny self (that I am envious of).”

Pro-tip for being on the internet: unless you are her doctor, please don’t talk about any 15-year-old girl’s body. Uh, especially your sister’s.

Also, for the record, Rain Brown exercises to keep her figure. She’s not just coasting on her metabolism.

“I am an adult now I am getting married in 46 days and my parents do not make my dinner or give me a place to live,” Noah says.

While having a place to live is nice, it would be weirder if Noah’s parents were making him dinner. Even if he lived with them, which he does not.

“I am the head of my own household,” Noah says, which is also creepy. “And the family that Rhain and I are starting will look to me for advice and guidance.”

“My first priority will now always be my new family and my loyalty is to my soon to be wife and my future children,” Noah writes.

See, talking about being a responsible parent is great! He should have gone right to that and skipped the weird stuff about metabolisms and preteens.

“it is my job to take care of my new family and it will be an honor to do my best for them,” Noah says.

Good for him.

“I am unbelievably ecstatic with where I am in my life,” Noah says. “But Rainy girl stay small and please do not rush to grow up enjoy your childhood as long as you can.”

She’s in her adolescence, not childhood. Again, she is a minor and people should respect that, but she’s not a little kid. Don’t talk down to her like she’s 8.

“The world will wait for you,” Noah advises. “Just take your time and have fun, because being a kid is just as important as becoming an adult.”

“As the saying goes,” Noah concludes. “:You will grow up sooner then you think.”

We don’t know what spurned this aside from his looming wedding date.

Perhaps Rain was talking about a crush — Rain has spoken about love before, which is very age-appropriate.

(Some would say that your teens are the only age when it’s appropriate to be gushing vaguely online about an unnamed crush)

Did Noah hear some of this, or perhaps some of her frustrations at her limited freedoms as a teen, and panic at his little sister growing up?

Or was this an attempt to make himself sound more mature than he actually is as his wedding date looms ahead?

Either way, Rain is fifteen. She is a teenager. If you’re 11 or 12, you’re a preteen. If you’re 13 through 19, you’re a teenager. Words mean things, my dude.

Noah’s words, apparently throwing Rain under the bus to make himself sound more grown up, are a far cry from his word of warning last December.

“Some people feel the need to try and say mean, insulting, and down right hateful things to a 15 year old girl that is opening up to everyone in such a difficult time just to make them feel better about themselves,” Noah lamented late last year.

Rain has become her family’s de facto spokesperson because of her frequent social media use, but it has exposed her to some real creeps.

“So if you do not like it, then do not follow it, if you do not want see it, then do not look at it, if you do not want to hear it, then do not listen,” Noah says.

Noah instructed: “If you have nothing nice to say, then do not say anything at all.”

That’s good advice in general, if not always. But please don’t harass minors on the internet. Be nice. Be an adult.

“Recently,” Noah’s December post continued. “My little sister Rainy has gotten discouraged because of some things that some mean people have said.”

People love to target the most vulnerable people on social media just to elicit a reaction and feel powerful.

“So if you like Rainy’s Instagram then let’s show her just how many people enjoy when she posts,” Noah asks. “So please everyone flood her message box with kind and generous words of encouragement.”

Words of encouragement, fun fact, are the opposite of infantalizing your sister to make yourself sound more wizened.

Noah concluded: “And let’s show her that there are more people that love her then there are that are dislike her.”

Good advice. We wish that Noah would follow it.


Monday, July 9, 2018

90 Day Fiance: Russ Mayfield SLAMS "Benighted" Critics of Paola

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? star Russ Mayfield has had it up to here with so-called fans who want to shame his marriage.

Recently, Paola Mayfield clarified that she’s still with Russ, and she really let some followers have it for their negative takes on their relationship and on her career.

Now, Russ is following in her footsteps and telling followers exactly how he feels about their unsolicited commentary.

Russ begins: “There’s much more to me than what you see on tv.”

That is usually the case! Reality television works through intelligible, often simple, storylines.

The presence of cameras alone is going to impact a narrative, and editing does the rest.

“I’m honestly not the jealous type,” Russ insists.

He is famously uncomfortable with Pao’s modeling work.

Russ does admit: “I’d had preferred to keep my wife’s curves a mystery, especially when it comes to the lusting creeps out there.”

That last part sounds more like he’s protective of her.

Admittedly, the bit about her mysterious curves sounds more like guarding her jealously, though.

“I accept and am proud of my wife for the beautiful woman she is,” Russ continues.

Good for him. And for her.

Russ makes it clear that he has no doubts of her fidelity, saying: “And she’s all mine”

“But like most relationships,” Russ says. “We find ourselves with differing opinions at times and love costs and takes effort for it to work.”

That is why they argue. Many couples argue, unfortunately.

“I am tired of the comments from the marriage “experts” stating I deserve better, my wife doesn’t respect me, or she only loves me for my money and so on and so forth,” Russ says.

Russ goes on to remind followers that 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? cannot, by its very nature, show the whole story of his marriage.

“The mere glimpse of our lives shown doesn’t always show our best moments,” Russ writes.

What viewers see, Russ says, are “but impressions and expressions from our cultural differences and how we are coming together as an even stronger couple.”

That’s a beautiful and powerful story! It’s just not the whole story.

“If I or my story bores you and creating a mocking meme or mocking comment of me and/or my wife is how you make yourself feel better about your unshared and perfect life,” he says.

To those people, Russ says: “well thank you for your benightedness as it only spices us up even more.”

Yes, Russ wrote “benightedness” unironically. His diction in the post is very goofy at times.

“So go on,” Russ says. “And keep hating and commenting to better your dull lives because your opinions are meaningless in my eyes.”

That’s an understandable point of view, but perhaps not polite. But he wasn’t really trying to be.

“But you’re only hurting yourself hiding behind your keyboard,” Russ warns. “Which proves nothing to you or me.”

That’s true for every troll.

“Especially when I have yet to meet someone to end a conversation with me with such nescience and mockery,” Russ says.

Again, his vocabulary is absolutely correct but does not quite match the intended tone of his post. The results are worth a chuckle or two.

“I am proud of where I come from,” writes the Oklahoma native. “And where I am going and that’s with the love of my life.”

That is very precious.

Russ reminds followers that Paola is his wife, “whom I love for better or for worse.”

For better, surely.

“I am not perfect,” Russ admits. “And only look for support from my followers, not hypocritical and judgmental ignorance seeking ‘like’ attention.”

If he wanted marital advise, he’d probably go elsewhere than social media.

It’s interesting that Russ singles out the people who shame Paola and think that Russ is the good guy when the couple argues.

We so often see people shaming Russ for being (seemingly, on camera) insecure about his wife’s modeling work.

But sometimes it is easier to see yourself get hate than it is to see people say negative things about someone whom you love.

That is, perhaps, why he was lashing out at those who speak ill of his beautiful and talented wife.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Slams Republicans for Banning Tampon Purchases

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is furious the powers that be notified him his office was NOT allowed to buy tampons for his staffers … and he’s blaming a bunch of Republican geezers he says are out of touch with reality.  We got the…


Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Slams Republicans for Banning Tampon Purchases

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is furious the powers that be notified him his office was NOT allowed to buy tampons for his staffers … and he’s blaming a bunch of Republican geezers he says are out of touch with reality.  We got the…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Ashley Jones Slams MTV: Being on Teen Mom Ruined My Life!

The Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant franchise has been a source of constant controversy since day one.

Some critics complained that the show glamorized teen pregnancy for an impressionable audience, while others have argued that the shows are exploitative and take advantage of young women at the most vulnerable points in their lives.

Lending credence to the latter argument is the fact that many of the moms who have appeared on the series have publicly clashed with producers, often complaining that they were villainized and intentionally misrepresented.

Jenelle Evans has lashed out at producers on social media, even going so far as to accuse them of negatively affecting the outcomes of her many custody battles.

Farrah Abraham was recently fired by MTV, and she’s since seized every opportunity to call out Teen Mom OG showrunners as manipulative opportunists.

And now, one of the franchise’s newest stars has added her voice to the chorus of outrage.

Ashley Jones was featured on the first season of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant.

And as The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Jones was very unhappy with the way she was portrayed on the series.

When the above photo of Ashley appeared on Instagram, she took to the comments section to air her frustrations:

“I love how the other girls are all smiling and happy and you choose to post none of those happy moments for me,” Ashley wrote.

“The whole season I was edited to look like a monster. Joining this show was by far the worst decision of my life.”

She added:

“All those hours of filming and all the positivity I spread and y’all didn’t show any of it.

“No trust for the producers or anyone else that works on the show and knows the kind of person that I am but says nothing to editing.”

Jones also stated that the fights between her and her boyfriend, Bar Smith, that were shown on the series were entirely scripted.

“If you want to see how me and Bar really are, on a daily basis without these edited ass scripted fights join my YouTube channel,”  she wrote.

Jones went on to allege that there was a racial component to the biased editing, writing:

“It’s funny how the black girl is always made to look mad and ignorant.”

Some fans were sympathetic, but most seemed to feel that it was Jones who made herself look bad, not the show’s editors:

“YOU made yourself look mad and ignorant,” wrote one viewer. “Has nothing to do with you being black!”

“If you would have checked out all the other [‘Teen Mom] social media accounts beforehand you would have known how to act appropriately when the cameras were around so they don’t make you look like a trashy monster,” chimed in another.

Ashley may not wish to return for another season, but she certainly proved she’s capable of carrying on a proud Teen Mom tradition by clashing with fans on social media!


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Angelina Jolie Slams "Deplorable" Leak of Divorce Negotiations

Angelina Jolie would like to borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton if she may.

The actress has a problem with some deplorables at the moment.

No, she’s not referring to any Donald Trump supporters… 

… although based on Jolie’s various comments and actions over the years, we’re guessing she isn’t exactly a hat-wearing member of the MAGA movement.

Instead, according to a spokesperson for Angelina Jolie, the movie star is aghast that details of her latest custody agreement with Brad Pitt has been made public.

It’s actually been made VERY public.

Late Tuesday night, multiple outlets quoted large swaths of a court document that states Jolie must grant more time with her six children to Brad Pitt.

While details of her previous custody agreement were not specifically known, it’s evident by this latest ruling that the actress was doing her best to keep the kids away from their father.

Based on documents obtained by The Blast, a judge in Angelina and Brad’s divorce case determined that the ex-couple’s sixtet of sons and daughters “not having a relationship with their father is harmful to them.”

This ruling adds that “it is critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship with their father and mother.”

As a result of this decision, a schedule of when Pitt can have full access to his kids has been made for the summer.

A list of dates in which Pitt will be the primary caretaker for his brood has leaked online, including a full week toward the end of July during which he will be in charge of them at his home in Los Angeles.

It’s unclear the last time Pitt was granted such free reign over his young loved ones.

Neither Jolie nor Pitt is quoted in these articles, likely because neither really wanted the world to be all up in their business.

In fact, this aforementioned spokesperson has emailed The Hollywood Gossip and asked that we run the following statement:

This misleading leak is not in the best interests of the children.

From the start, Angelina has been focused only on their health and needs, which is why it was so important that this last court hearing be conducted privately. 

It’s deplorable that someone, for their own selfish reasons, leaked selective portions of the confidential and sealed court record to create an inaccurate and unfair picture of what is really happening.

We’ve asked this spokesperson to put us in touch with Jolie so that she may clear the record herself with THG, but we have not yet received a response.

The actress and the actor filed for separation in September of 2016 and then for divorce two months later.

There are still so many fans around the world in shock that this marriage fell apart.

While both sides remain pretty quiet in terms of how they are getting along with each other and/or with their kids, Pitt did previously acknowledge a drinking problem that may have contributed to Jolie keeping said kids far from their dad.

“I was boozing too much,” Pitt told GQ last year, adding honestly:

“It’s just become a problem… I could drink a Russian under the table with his own vodka. I was a professional. I was good.

“And I’m really happy it’s been half a year now, which is bittersweet, but I’ve got my feelings in my fingertips again.”


Sunday, June 10, 2018

Trump"s Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Slams Trudeau Before N. Korea Meeting

Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser says Canadian PM Justin Trudeau screwed the U.S. ahead of an historic meeting with North Korea … so POTUS had to hit back. We got Larry Kudlow Sunday in D.C. after going on TV to slam the Prime Minister…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Journalist Slams Anthony Bourdain as "Gaping Assh-le," Gets Savaged on Twitter

The name David Leavitt might not be familiar to you, but there’s a very good chance you’ve seen his awful attempts at humor or insight clogging up your social media feeds.

Many people first became aware of Leavitt when he famously thought the correct way to respond to news of the Manchester bombing that claimed 22 lives was to make jokes at the expense of Ariana Grande.

“MULTIPLE CONFIRMED FATALITIES at Manchester Arena,” Leavitt tweeted.

“The last time I listened to Ariana Grande I almost died too.”

And folks, the rib-ticklers didn’t end there.

In response to criticism, Leavitt decided to keep his “dad-joke night in the Catskills” routine going by tweeting:

“Honestly, for over a year, I thought an Ariana Grande was something you ordered from Starbucks.”

Leavitt was swiftly and rightly roasted to a crisp on that memorable occasion, and while most people would’ve taken their licks and then happily limped back into obscurity, it seems he’s fallen in love with his new career as a professional troll.

As you’ve likely heard by now, the world awoke today to news that beloved chef, writer, and television personality Anthony Bourdain passed away.

It’s difficult to think of an international celebrity who cultivated such an intimate relationship with his fans, and millions are mourning a death that feels more personal than the passing of most public figures.

So leave it to Leavitt to solidify his reputation as the world’s most tone-deaf dumbass by thinking today would be a good day to settle his long-simmering feud with Bourdain.

In the wake of the Manchester incident, Bourdain was one of thousands who pointed out to Leavitt that he’s the very worst kind of person.

“You, sir, are truly a steaming, gaping,” Bourdain tweeted with his trademark candor.

When Anthony Bourdain describes you as a piece of anatomy he wouldn’t eat on the Mekong Delta in front of a camera crew, you know you effed up, and it seems Leavitt really took the insult to heart.

“Selfishly taking your own life and hurting your friends and family makes you the steaming, gaping asshole Anthony Bourdain,” Leavitt tweeted this afternoon.

He then doubled down by 

“You don’t go to heaven when you kill yourself. It’s incredibly selfish. Don’t do it,” he tweeted, adding:

If you’re religious, then you believe there’s a special place in hell or purgatory for people like Anthony Bourdain who take their own lives.

Leavitt then attempted to score points on Kate Spade’s suicide, accusing the late designer of courting depression by chasing “material goods and ego boosts.”

After being ratioed within an inch of his life and losing over 1,000 followers in an hour, Leavitt attempted to backtrack and play the old “actually, I’m more affected by this tragedy than you are” card.

“A couple close friends have taken their lives,” he tweeted.

“That’s why I’m opinionated on this.”

It’s hard to know what to say when a life as big and bold as Anthony Bourdain’s ends in such a tragic fashion, so we’ll just encourage you to call the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 if you’re plagued by thoughts of self harm.

Oh, and don’t follow David Leavitt on Twitter. 

That’s just sound advice for everyone.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Rudy Giuliani Slams Stormy Daniels: Porn Stars Are Worthless!!

Rudy Giuliani has been acting as Donald Trump"s personal attorney, and it has been a wild ride.

Funnier moments include when he accidentally admitted that Trump paid Stormy $ 130,000 of hush money, contradicting previous claims.

But in a new interview, he got decidedly less funny, and implied that Stormy and porn stars in general are so worthless that it is impossible to defame them.

Stormy daniels smirks

In an explosive interview, Rudy Giuliani begins by saying that the thoroughly unhappy Melania Trump doesn"t believe that the Donald would have an affair.

"She believes in her husband, and she knows it"s not true. I don"t even think there"s a slight suspicion that it"s true."

If his claim is true, that would make her just about the only person to believe that. Trump"s conservative white evangelical base has seemed to laugh off the claims, but only rarely out of disbelief.

He then says:

"When you look — excuse me — when you look at Stormy Daniels."

What Giuliani is hoping to convince people is that Stormy, a busty blonde who is only a few years older than Ivanka, is totally not Trump"s type.

"He"s had three wives. Beautiful women. Classy women. Women of great substance. Stormy Daniels?"

Rudy giuliani is dismissive

After dismissing Stormy"s appeal while upholding Trump"s three wives as paragons of virtue and class, Giuliani starts saying things that are less absurd and more downright mean.

He starts off with what may just be sarcasm.

"Yes I respect porn stars. Don"t you respect porn stars?"

He then takes that otherwise very acceptable sentence and uses it to suggest hat porn stars are not, in fact, worthy of respect.

"Or do you think that porn stars desecrate women?"

He"s not talking about disgraced male porn stars like James Deen. He"s suggesting that women who work in porn are somehow betraying themselves and perhaps all other women.

"Do you think that porn stars don"t respect women?"

Stormy daniels selfie

Giuliani tries to pivot.

"I respect all human beings. I even respect criminals."

But he then suggests that women who appear in porn are worse than, you know, actual criminals.

"But I"m sorry, I don"t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance."

How is a porn star not a "career woman," exactly? For that matter, how are they not a "woman of substance?"

We"re all made of the same kind of meat, dude.

He describes the sort of woman whom he imagines is worthy of respect.

"A woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person."

Plenty of porn stars (and other sex workers!) have no shortage of self-respect.

"And isn"t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation."

Rudy giuliani speaks

Giuliani then turns this into a challenge aimed at Stormy.

"So Stormy, you want to bring a case, let me cross examine you."

Some genuinely question whether Giuliani can keep his thoughts and words coherent long enough for him to effectively cross examine someone in court.

"Because the business you"re in entitles you to no degree of giving your credibility any weight."

Porn stars may act for a living, but that"s not quite the same thing as lying for a living.

That would be more like a politician or perhaps an unscrupulous lawyer … oh, wait.

Stormy daniels smiles

Worst of all, Giuliani suggests that Stormy"s profession means that she cannot be defamed.

"And secondly, explain to me how she could be damaged. I mean, she has no reputation."

He"s essentially saying that she can"t sue Trump for defamation because she"s a sex worker.

"If you"re going to sell your body for money, you just don"t have a reputation."

We hope that we don"t have to explain to anyone that sex workers, whether they are strippers or do cam work or work in porn or engage in full service (prostitution), are not somehow less valuable than anyone else.

They have dignity and self-respect and personhood, no matter what Giuliani — or Trump — may believe.

And for the record, "selling your body" is an absurd way to try to shame a sex worker. Somebody working a coal mine is absolutely selling their body. That"s the American way.

Stormy daniels on 60 minutes

Rudy giuliani slams stormy daniels porn stars are worthless

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Stormy Daniels Slams Ex-Lawyer as a "Puppet" for Trump & Michael Cohen

Stormy Daniels just sued her former attorney … claiming he was in cahoots with President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to get her to falsely deny she had an affair with Trump. Stormy — real name Stephanie Clifford — filed…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Her Fans: How DARE You Give Me Advice?!

Khloe Kardashian, who has been observed over the years as someone who becomes angry if others do not take her advice, does not want to hear your life advice.

She reportedly plans to stay with Tristan Thompson for one more month … but fans and others who care about her don’t think that’s soon enough.

If you’re one of the people who’s tweeted at her to dump that cheater, she wants you, personally, to f–k off.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Khloe tweeted:

“People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being.”

First of all, talk about not focusing on others sounds kind of funny coming from Khloe, whose current TV series is Revenge Body

Second of all, it does sound like she’s subtweeting at Tristan. Was he blaming his various mistresses?

But Khloe makes it clear that she’s not talking about Tristan. She’s talking about … almost everyone else.

“People these days are focused so much on someone else’s life instead of their own.”

Khloe, honey, that is exactly why you have a reality career. That’s … the entire concept of reality stars and celebrities.

Khloe continues, and speaks about unnamed persons who seem happy to give suggestionst that they themselves do not follow.

“They love to give advice but are not living the advice that they are offering.”

We have a theory about what Khloe may mean by that … we’ll get to it in a moment.

“Most of the ones giving advice are in no place to give anything at all.”

Like we said, our theory is below.

“Focus on your own world.”

She says that no one is perfect.

“I’m sure there’s cracks there that need your attention.”

She says that everyone has their own issues, which she apparently thinks that they need to fix before helping someone else.

“We all got em.”

After essentially stating that only people who are perfect are allowed to give people advice, Khloe suggest that the people giving her advice are perhaps just trying to sabotage her happiness.

“Misery loves company…”

If she’s happy being in a relationship with a serial cheater, perhaps she resents anyone who tries to talk sense into her.

“People can’t stand for someone else to flourish and be happy.”

That’s … not necessarily true.

“Nowadays people thrive off ones downfall rather than their success. Sadly.”

A downfall is more interesting than success, to be sure. But we don’t know that thrive is the right word.

Khloe continued, suggesting that everyone’s assumptions might be missing the mark.

“Wild that people assume you’re speaking about something and they run with it.”

She marvels that vague tweets seen by millions of people could somehow be misinterpreted.

“Anything and everything gets twisted into something it’s completely not.”

She then threatens to go on Twitter hiatus again.

“Lord, I’m remembering how much I loved my social media break.”

The idea of that apparently brings her a lot of amusement.


Does Khloe hate her fans?

Khloe did share a positive message on Instagram over the weekend, saying:

“If all girls were taught how to love each other fiercely instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, what a different and beautiful world we would live in.”

That’s very nice.

So, we said that we have a theory about Khloe’s line about others giving her advice but not taking it.

Khloe’s mistake right now is that she’s standing by her man even though he’s done bad things that have humiliated her.

Can we think of anyone else who is making a similar mistake right now but also believes that Khloe should leave Tristan?

Kim Kardashian is standing up for Kanye no matter what stupid things he says.

But Kim and Tristan have unfollowed each other on Instagram. It’s probably safe to say that Kim thinks that Khloe should dump Tristan’s cheating ass (or whichever cheating body part).

But Kim doesn’t have to have common sense about her own marriage to see when Khloe’s making a mistake. She, and Khloe’s fans, just want to see Khloe live her best life.

And they can’t imagine that it’s possible with Tristan holding her back from true happiness.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Kenya Moore Sparks Divorce Rumors, Then SLAMS Split Speculaton

Recently, speculation has been swirling that RHOA star Kenya Moore is faking her pregnancy and her marriage.

When Kenya posted and then deleted words that made fans wonder if she regretting her wedding, the rumors only magnified.

Kenya has seen the speculation — and she’s not mincing words with her clapback.

RadarOnline reports that Kenya Moore posted this ominous message to Instagram:

“Don’t love too soon. Don’t trust too fast.”

Coming only about a year after her secret wedding to Marc Daly, some wondered if she had regrets.

“Don’t judge too soon. Don’t quit too early.”

Others wondered if this was simply good advice.

“Don’t expect too high. Don’t talk too much.”

(I’ve never been good at following that last piece of advice)

The odd thing is that there is no sign of that post on Kenya’s Instagram right now.

She reportedly deleted it, replacing it with a photo in which her wedding band is clearly visible.

Some wondered if she and Marc had been fighting.

There have been absurd rumors that she is faking her pregnancy in order to stay relevant — rumors that we have already ridiculed for their absurdity.

(Can a pregnancy be faked? Sure! But it defies reason to believe that Kenya is doing that simply because she isn’t pushing her baby bump in everyone’s faces)

Did Kenya post that after an argument with Marc and then switch it out after they made nice?

Or is it more likely that she posted some sage advice and then deleted it when people started reading way, way too much into it?

Either way, Kenya is clearly pissed about the speculation and rumors about her marriage and pregnancy, because she posted this: 


Oh boy, remember when this term was only used to apply to deliberately manufactured “news” stories in the political arena? Genuine hoaxes like Pizzagate?

“@bet @celebrity_insider_org @theinquisitr shame on you for constantly regurgitating the slanderous fake news from #radaronline.”

Well, discussing an existing story isn’t shameful. You can’t debunk something without addressing it.

“Fake Husband, Fake Pregnancy, Fake Boyfriends, Fake Storyline, FIred, Fake Divorce.”

To be fair, there were genuinely plenty of people — us included — who were truly worried that Kenya would be fired from RHOA over her marriage.

Kenya Moore slams fake news

Kenya apparently wishes that sites would totally fabricate things about her.

“At least be effing original with your hateful lies.”

This just in: Kenya Moore has to be careful to avoid mishaps, as the Illuminati cloning facility that she uses to stay young-looking has been destroyed in the Kilauea eruption.

Would that be a satisfactory fake story? (We kid, of course — everyone knows that the Illuminati Deep State Lizard people keeping their cloning facilities on the moon)

“I’m used to you all making up stories to get clicks off my name but LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE.”

Some celebrities have topics that really get under their skin. This is clearly Kenya’s.

“#thatamrsdaly2you #blacklove”

Obviously, fans want to know about Kenya’s love life. It’s only natural — you see her on television and social media.

But there are lines that we should probably avoid crossing.

We would never want to hurt anyone’s feelings, of course.

And ugly rumors can be extremely hurtful. Kenya must be feeling sensitive about this issue, and that is absolutely her right.
