Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speech. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Oprah Winfrey 2020: Golden Globes Speech Prompts Presidential Run Demands!

Sunday night’s Golden Globes award ceremony had a number of big moments, but the biggest by far was Oprah Winfrey’s incredible speech. People are still talking about it.

But some people — particularly on Twitter — are talking about more than just Oprah’s speech.

They’re talking about Oprah’s potential political career. They’re talking about Oprah 2020.

Oprah Winfrey, clad in a gorgeous black dress, accepted the prestigious Cecile B. DeMille award.

The speech that she delivered touched hearts and minds. Talking about the changes and milestones that she’s seen in her lifetime, and all of the positive change that still needs to happen, 

In that speech, she speaks up for so many marginalized people who have endured similar abuses to what so many women in Hollywood have undergone, but who aren’t in any position to speak up. 

Even with the #MeToo movement and now the #TimesUp movement, some people’s jobs or lives make it impossible for them to speak up without potentially condemning their children to lose everything.

You know what some would call everyday folks in those circumstances? Voters.

Twitter’s reaction to Oprah’s evocative speech was pretty intense, with one tweet reading:

“As I sit here in tears…I have never ever seen such a speech. @Oprah, my friend. Please run for President. This world needs more of THAT. WOW.”

That was a very popular sentiment. And it still is.

The idea of Oprah running for President isn’t new. After Trump’s alarming electoral victory in 2016, a number of Democrats started to wonder if the Left needed a billionaire celebrity of their own.

Oprah is a self-made billionaire who has touched the lives of millions. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, thoughtful, compassionate, and her positive contributions to society are well-known.

On the other hand, some wonder if Oprah’s lack of any governing experience should disqualify her from the position.

Prior to 2016, Presidential candidates were usually either former members of Congress or former Governors. People need to feel confident that their candidate knows what they’re doing.

Some question whether Trump’s disastrous Presidency is simply making people desperate for any alternative whom they believe could win, rather than for the best and most qualified person for the job.

Is Oprah the answer to our nation’s problems? Or just an inspirational name that some hope will bring in the right votes and bring an end to our long national nightmare in 2020?

Some criticisms of the idea are less about Oprah and more about … other political beliefs of there.

It’s been pointed out that Oprah becoming President would mean that Oprah would be the one ordering drone strikes.

For some people, the US’ ongoing drone warfare as a counterterrorism strategy is controversial.

For some, very validly, there’s concern about collateral damage. (Though still, fewer innocents die in drone strikes than would die if the US sent in soldiers to perform the same duties)

For others, however, there’s a general objection to some of the roles that a modern Presidency fulfills. Some of these people are anarchists, others merely pacifists.

And there are plenty of folks who would hate to see Oprah committing what they believe to be “atrocities.”

Some say that you can’t fix the problems of an evil billionaire celebrity with a good billionaire celebrity.

Under no circumstances would Oprah’s candidacy mean that the Democratic Party would be “sinking to the level” of the GOP.

Oprah worked herself from nothing and became a billionaire. Trump inherited his father’s riches and, with repeated failures, is worth less today than he would have made if he’d simply invested his inheritance.

But while Oprah is an incredible human being, is she the best choice?

Would an Oprah Presidency see cabinet positions filled by unqualified charlatans? Would Doctor Oz be Surgeon General? Would Doctor Phil be … whatever cabinet position is usually filled by walruses?

Let’s wait and see what sort of campaign Oprah would run before we rush to judgment in either direction, okay?


Oprah Winfrey Delivers the Speech Everyone is Talking About

Oprah Winfrey inspired two things at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night:

  1. An entire nation.

  2. Talk that she will run for President in 2020.

The latter point may be mere conjecture and a complete fantasy.

But the former is simply a fact.

The 63-year-old icon and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award at last night"s ceremony, an honorary award bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.

It"s safe to say Oprah has made a lot of those, isn"t it?

She accepted the trophy on a night whose major focus was on the #MeToo Movement and the topic of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

“It is not lost on me that, at this moment, there is some little girl watching as I become the first Black woman to be given [this] award,” Winfrey said early on, adding:

“It is an honor and it is a privilege to share the evening with all of them.”

The crowd gave her the first of many rousing ovations after these words.

At one point, Oprah referenced Recy Taylor, an African-American woman who never received justice after being abducted and gang-raped by six white men in Alabama.

She died 10 days ago.

“I want all the girls watching to know a new day is on the horizon,” she continued.

“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure they are the leaders to take us to the time where nobody has to say ‘me too’ again.”

Emphasizing the theme of female empowerment, Winfrey also said:

“This year, we became the story. But it’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry, it’s one that transcends any culture, or workplace…

"For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men — but their time is up. Their time is up!"

Cue the standing ovation after this line.

And then cue chatter over Oprah running for President in two years.

We aren"t about to speculate on that.

But we will encourage you to watch her speech below. It"s incredible…

Oprah winfrey delivers the golden globes speech everyone is talk

Oprah Delivers Powerful Golden Globes #MeToo Speech for Cecil B. DeMille Award

You know it’s a movement when Oprah rocks the house with an historically powerful speech about #MeToo at the Golden Globe Awards … which it is, ‘cause she did. Oprah delivered one hell of an acceptance speech after receiving the Cecil B. DeMille…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

A-Rod Gives Commencement Speech at U. of Miami

15 years after turning down an offer to play for the Miami Hurricanes, Alex Rodriguez is finally suiting up for the Orange and Green … as a graduation commencement speaker!! A-Rod was invited to Coral Gables to talk to the U’s Fall 2017…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Abby Wambach: "Idiots" Stole My Car, Wrote Hate Speech

Soccer legend Abby Wambach says she’s the victim of a hate crime — claiming some “idiots” stole her car for a joy ride … and then returned it with hate speech scribbled all over the inside.  “They stole valuables including a purse and…


President Trump Displays Weird Lisp During Jerusalem Speech

President Trump unveiled something new at the White House — and we don’t mean his policy on Jerusalem … instead, we’re talking about a mysterious lisp. POTUS really did make a major announcement Wednesday morning — becoming the first Prez to…


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Derick Dillard: It"s Not Bigotry, It"s Freedom of Speech!

What is wrong with Derick Dillard?!

That’s a serious question, by the way.

We’re not even talking about those mysterious health issues that some people are still convinced he has — we’re talking about the way he’s been trying to take over the title of the Worst Duggar Family Member.

He won’t be able to steal that title from Josh Duggar, obviously, but he sure is going for it.

For some reason, Derick has felt the need to bash the transgender community for the past few months now.

He kicked off his hateful campaign of transphobia by getting on Twitter and bullying Jazz Jennings, his fellow TLC reality star.

She’s also a teenage girl, so we hope Derick, who is nearly 30 years old, felt good about himself for attacking her.

After TLC tweeted a promo for Jazz’s show, he responded, writing “What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

When he started getting some backlash for his tweet, he added “I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Sure, Derick, your issue is with some words and not with a girl who is living her life in a way you don’t see fit.

A few days after that, he tweeted “It seems truth is relative these days. So glad my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! His word is always perfect! #Hebrews13.”

Which isn’t another direct attack on Jazz and/or the entire transgender community, it seems pretty pointed.

Since then, he’s gone out of his way to make it clear that he doesn’t believe in the idea of a person being transgender — even though it’s not exactly a matter of belief, and those people exist whether or not Derick likes it.

He’s even tried to get in on a Target boycott, because of that never-ending, ridiculous bathroom issue.

And now, in a new blog he posted on the Dillard family website, he’s addressing the issue again.

“There’s been a lot of talk lately about how divisive America has become,” he began. “This isn’t new in the world; divisiveness is as old as the human race.”

“It’s not new, but it is destructive.”

It’s weird, because America is pretty divisive right now, but it’s largely because of people like Derick who feel the need to be so hateful to others.

And it’s extra weird, because Derick took that opener and turned it into a discussion about the Bill of Rights.

“No other country in history has had such progress and success as America,” he wrote. “We can thank our founding fathers for constructing a constitution that’s founded on principles of freedom, protection, justice, and truth.”

“If our generation is going to, not only benefit from, but also improve our country, we’ve got to maintain those same principles. They’re not outdated, they’re timless and are proven through time.”

Can you tell where this is going yet?

Derick asked his readers to think about the constitution when considering three big points he wanted to make.

The first being “Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t mean you hate them.”

“What one thinks of someone’s idea or actions really doesn’t serve at all, to tell what they think of them personally, one way or the other,” he wrote.

“For example, I disagree with about 95% of what my son does or suggests that I do (‘Get out of the car!’ as we’re going 70mph down the highway), yet I love him dearly!”

… Seriously, he disagrees with 95% of what his son says? His two-year-old son?

That’s probably not a great sign.

“It’s not bigotry, fascism, etc… to exercise one’s right of free speech.”

Oh, that old chestnut! See, you can say whatever you want, you can be cruel and ignorant and hateful, but it’s not bigotry, it’s freedom of speech! This is America!

Of course, this argument fails to acknowledge that of course people like Derick have freedom of speech — no one is arguing that.

But being free to say the things he says doesn’t mean that he’s free from any consequences, and it doesn’t mean that we can’t call him out for being a bigot.

Because he is being a bigot.

“It’s not a problem that someone has different beliefs than you,” Derick went on, “or that they’re LGBT, or that they do anything else other than what you agree with.”

“That’s the beauty of America, that we have the freedom to make personal choices, within a civilized society of law and order. All people should be treated equally before the law, plain and simple.”

“If you do bad stuff, you should pay the consequences regardless of who you are. One’s consequences, good or bad, should be based on actions, not identity.”

… Nope, you’re still a bigot, buddy.

He also wrote that “Capitalism is great,” and “if you agree/disagree with some product/idea, you can choose not to support it or even freely encourage others to support/not support that same thing.”

And he’s right, you can do these things. For example, one could choose to boycott Target because they allow transgender people to use the appropriate bathrooms.

Again, you can do these things, but other people can then point out your bigotry.

Hilariously, he shared this blog post on his Twitter with the message “America needs unity now more than ever.”

… Why not start by not bullying teenagers then, Derick? Would that not be a unifying thing?


Monday, September 18, 2017

Sterling K. Brown Played Off Stage at Emmys, Finishes Acceptance Speech in Press Room

This Is Us star Sterling K. Brown was named Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series at the 2017 Emmys on Sunday night, a great honor.

The actor – who won Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie in 2016 for The People vs. O.J. Simpson – had a lot to say.

Too much to say, if you ask producers …

Brown, upon receiving the award, paid tribute to his fellow nominees during his acceptance speech, saying he was a fan of all of them:

“Before anything like this happened for your boy, I was a fan first, last and always a fan. So to my fellow nominees, I’m a fan. I love y’all.”

The 41-year-old was humbled by the list of people who won this same honor – some of the most iconic actors and TV characters ever.

“This joint right here, like Walter White held this joint here. Dick Whitman held this joint. I may have lost some of y’all but you know, Google it.”

“And 19 years ago Detective Frank Pembleton held this joint, as impeccably played by Andre Braugher,” he said of the Homicide star.

“I want to thank my cast,” he went on, pivoting back to the present, “Milo [Ventimiglia], Mandy [Moore], Justin [Hartley], Chrissy [Metz].”

“You are the best white TV family that a brother has ever had. Better than Mr. Drummond, better than the white folks that raised Webster.”

Unfortunately he wasn’t finished by the time the music came on and his microphone was eventually turned down. Double ouch.

This was met with boos by the audience, and justifiably so, but afterwards, in the press room, Brown got to finish his speech.

The first question he received there was from a reporter who asked if he wanted to, and Brown thankfully obliged (see above):

“I wanted to thank our writers. A show doesn’t get seven acting nominations without some impeccable, beautiful, thoughtful writing.”

“You guys are our life’s blood, so I want to thank you so much. To our producers and directors, in particular, John Requa, Glenn Ficarra.”

“And the crazy cool Ken Olin. I thank you for your guidance and friendship. And I wanted to thank Dan Fogelman.” 

“He is the Hebrew hammer with which our house was built. He makes me laugh and cry in equal parts and keeps me coming back for more.”

“And in his own little small special way. He’s not trying to make America great again, he’s trying to make it the best that it’s ever been.”

“I love him for taking me on this journey. And to my wife, I can’t believe they cut me off before I got to thank my wife, Ryan Michelle Bathe.”

“You’re everything. You make my life worth living. You gave me two of the most beautiful things that God has ever put on this planet.”

“My sons Andrew Jason Sterling Brown and Amaré Michael Ryan Christian Brown. Your daddy loves you with the strength of a thousand suns.”

“I’ll see you Monday after work.”

The actor faced stiff competition in the category as he was up against both fan favorites and screen legends, which wasn’t lost on him.

Brown’s costar Milo Ventimiglia also earned a nod, while Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) and Anthony Hopkins (Westworld) were nominated.

The Americans’ Matthew Rhys, Better Call Saul‘s Bob Odenkirk and Ray Donovan‘s Liev Schreiber rounded out the impressive category. 

Quite a win!


Michael Bennett"s Black Power Fist Is "Freedom of Speech," Says Keegan-Michael Key

Got a problem with Michael Bennett throwing up the black power fist after his sack on Sunday?  Keegan-Michael Key doesn’t … telling TMZ Sports he totally supports the Seattle Seahawks star expressing his freedom of speech on the…


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hillary Clinton Calls Trump"s Inauguration Speech a "Cry from the White Nationalist Gut"

Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump’s Inauguration speech was actually a rallying cry for white nationalists … and she blurted that out on national television.  HC was being interviewed by CBS Sunday, reflecting on her election loss (again)…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Beyonce Gives Inspiring Speech to Harvey Victims at Her Houston Church

Beyonce is in her hurricane ravaged hometown, doing what she does best — giving an inspiring performance. Bey, her mom, Tina, and daughter Blue Ivy visited St. John’s Church in Houston Friday and gave a moving speech to Hurricane Harvey…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Boston "Free Speech Rally" Overtaken by Thousands of Counterprotesters

The “Free Speech Rally” in Boston Saturday has turned into a massive demonstration by counterprotesters — thousands and thousands of them — condemning the alt-right, white nationalists, racists, fascists and neo-nazis. Exactly one week after the…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Jeff Fisher Rams Firing Video Released, Emotional Speech to Staff

Here’s video of the moment Jeff Fisher told his Rams coaching staff he was just fired — and Fisher was extremely emotional … telling his coaches, “Sorry if I let you guys down.” The footage was shot during Week 14 of the 2016 NFL season (on or…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

T.I. Gives Sentimental Speech at Daughter Deyjah"s Sweet 16 Birthday Party

T.I. grabbed the mic at his daughter’s birthday bash, but instead of dropping lines … he got sentimental talking about the “apple of my eye.” Tip threw the huge party for his 16-year-old daughter Deyjah at Bianco Ultra Lounge in Atlanta Thursday…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Hillary Clinton Commencement Speech: Was She Trolling Trump?

Well, it"s graduation time, which means there"s a good chance you"ll soon be forced to cut a check to a nephew you haven"t seen in three years and/or make an appearance at a booze-free party that"s attended mostly by snapchatting teens.

But there are good things about this time of year, too:

Primarily, the fact that you get to see various celebrities do a little cap-and-gown standup routine without actually racking up a lifetime worth of debt yourself.

Today, graduates at Wellesley College got the super-, mega-A-list treatment courtesy of former Secretary of State and noted popular vote winner Hillary Clinton, who gave her third commencement speech at the Massachusetts liberal arts school.

(Her first was as a graduate in 1969.)

Clinton did not announce that she"s running for mayor of New York City (looking more and more like a few media outlets got a bad tip on that one), but she did make headlines doing what so many of us have been doing for the past four months:

Taking dead aim at the low-hanging fruit that is the Trump administration.

After reminding those in attendance that they"re “graduating at a time when there’s a full-fledged assault on truth and reason” Clinton really went in:

"When people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society," she said at one point.

"That is not hyperbole, it is what authoritarian regimes throughout history have done. … They attempt to control reality."

In case that was too subtle, she also had this to say:

“People [are] denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theories about child-abuse rings operating out of pizza parlors, drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor, turning neighbor against neighbor and sowing division at a time when we desperately need unity.

“Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes, like the size of crowds, and then defending themselves by talking about quote-unquote "alternative facts."”

Yeah, it was basically the climactic battle rap scene in 8 Mile disguised as a commencement speech.

Watch the whole thing below:

Hillary clinton commencement speech was she trolling trump

Monday, May 22, 2017

Cher Leaves Trump Out of Billboard Music Awards Speech

Cher took home the “Icon” award at Sunday’s Billboard Music Awards — and to the surprise of viewers and show execs — she didn’t mention President Trump. TMZ broke the story, award show producers went into Sunday holding their breath for what the…


Cher Leaves Trump Out of Billboard Music Awards Speech

Cher took home the “Icon” award at Sunday’s Billboard Music Awards — and to the surprise of viewers and show execs — she didn’t mention President Trump. TMZ broke the story, award show producers went into Sunday holding their breath for what the…


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mike Pence Makes Notre Dame Graduates Walk Out on His Commencement Speech (VIDEO)

11:35 AM PT — A Notre Dame school official tells TMZ the university was aware of the walk-out, and even helped them out a bit for minimal distractions. Students asked ND heads a few days before graduation which exit they should take to cause the…
