Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lifetime"s Prince Harry & Meghan Markle "Royal Love Story" Starts Filming

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have touched down in Canada to start production on a new Lifetime movie about their love affair — or at least the actors playing them have. The actors playing the couple in “Harry & Meghan: The Royal…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"American Horror Story" Murder House Owners Have Video Proof of Fan Nightmares

The current owners of the Murder House from “American Horror Story” say these videos and photos of fans swarming around their home show exactly why they’re suing the previous owner. The videos are pretty insane — some fans climbed into a dumpster…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"American Horror Story" Murder House Owners Sue

The owners of the famed Los Angeles mansion where “American Horror Story” shot its first season say they got sold a bill of haunted goods, and now they’re suing … a ghost … so to speak. The Rosenheim mansion hosted Ryan Murphy, Connie Britton,…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Teaser for Han Solo Origin Film is Here!

Everything about Solo: A Star Wars Story — from the lead"s casting to whatever backstory they"ve given a beloved character to the fact that this story introduces yet another white brunette leading lady — is bound to be controversial.

Get excited, or angry, or nervous along with fans and watch the highly anticipated story teaser trailer below!

And check out Donald Glover"s comments about playing the iconic Lando Calrissian.

Young han solo

The IMDB synopsis of Solo: A Star Wars Story is very succinct:

"During an adventure into a dark criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his future copilot Chewbacca and encounters Lando Calrissian years before joining the Rebellion."

There"s a lot to get people excited in this film.

True, many people feel that there"s no way that anyone can live up to Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Also true, there were apparently some difficulties in the film"s production, to the point that they switched directors.

And, admittedly, as wonderful as Emilia Clarke is, we"re starting to get the impression that every woman in Star Wars is in fact a white brunette. (Rey, Jyn Erso, Leia, Padme)

Solo a star wars story

But let"s look at the positives.

It looks like there"s going to be some sort of heist, and I am all about some heist movies. Especially in a science fiction setting. (Yes, I know that Star Wars is technically science fantasy … my excitement stands)

The cast includes Donald Glover (Community, Atlanta), Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones), Woody Harrelson (I"m straight up not going to list stuff because he"s been in so many great things), and Thandie Newton (Westword, The Chronicles of Riddick).

And, from the teasers that we"ve seen so far, it looks like there"s going to be some sort of Dark Sided individual whose nature we don"t know. It doesn"t look like an Inquisitor (because he lacks a lightsaber), so … we"ll all find out together.

At the start, Han Solo is trying to enlist in the Empire in an effort to become a pilot. As we all know, life will end up taking him in a very different direction.

Solo don glover

We cannot strongly enough emphasize that everyone"s reaction to the TV spot during the Superbowl was a positive response to seeing Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian. Wearing black fur.

Seriously, the delight was almost universal.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Donald Glover reveals what little he can about his experience becoming part of Star Wars.

"I remember going on set one of the first times and [Howard] was like, ‘Yeah, I want to follow you onto the Millennium Falcon and do this.’ I was like, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen the outside go into the inside.’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, no one’s ever done that shot.""

I"d never really thought about it, but you normally only see the Millennium Falcon from the outside or from the interior. It looks like viewers will be getting a tour of what it looks like when you enter the ship.

"As a fan, I was like, ‘I’m really excited!’ For me, it was a dream."

Obviously, we"re sure that he"d have liked to share more, but he cannot.

Solo woody harrelson

Speaking to ABC, Ron Howard spoke of directing the film but refused to leak any spoilers.

"Those are challenging projects. And they take, you know, a lot of very talented people’s energy to try to live up to the legacy of Star Wars and everything that it means."

No one person can control the fate of Star Wars. There"s an entire team that makes sure that everything is consistent with established canon and lore and with future plans for the franchise before production begins.

"Of course, no spoilers coming from me but I had a great experience and I think fans are going to really enjoy it."

That"s quite a contrast. Famously, when a reporter asked George Lucas what titular "phantom menace" was before the release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Lucas simply replied "Palpatine."

Unlike George Lucas, however, Ron Howard actually has to answer to Disney.

Solo emilia clarke

A lot of fans are somewhat hesitant to become excited about Solo.

There"s a lot that can go wrong when you"re telling a character"s backstory. Many fans already felt slighted by Han Solo"s portrayal in The Force Awakens.

And, speaking of the Sequel Trilogy, The Last Jedi was a controversial film among Star Wars fans. Many felt that there were poor decisions made with respect to characterization, pacing, continuity, and the canon of the series.

(Gotta admit that I"m one of those fans; the review that I wrote up was like 11 pages because I had a lot to say)

Those fans who felt massively disappointed by the most recent film are leery of getting themselves hyped for a new movie that no one really asked for.

That said … I know that I"m going to see it. Watch the trailer and decide if you"re going to see it, too.

Solo a star wars story story teaser for han solo origin film is

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kate Upton Wants to Tell Full Story of Accusing Guess Jeans" Paul Marciano of Sexual Abuse

Kate Upton is itching to tell everyone about what she claims was sexual abuse at the hands of Guess Jeans co-founder Paul Marciano. Our photog got Kate Wednesday arriving at LAX, and she made it clear she’s going to offer more than a Twitter…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Childlike Empress in "The NeverEnding Story" "Memba Her?!

Tami Stronach is best known for playing the sick Fantasia ruler, The Childlike Empress — opposite Barret Oliver as the Falkor-riding Bastian — in the 1984 sci-fi film ‘The NeverEnding Story.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jill Duggar Shares Heartbreaking Story About Derick Dillard

For a long, long time now, Derick Dillard has been pretty darn unlikable, right?

Really, just so extremely awful.

He keeps insisting on asking Duggar fans for money, despite the extremely negative reaction he gets every single time he does it.

Several people are convinced that he’s been cheating on Jill, and that things are so bad that they’re even headed for divorce.

And let’s not even get started on all the horrific comments he’s made about Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who also has a show on the TLC network.

Well, we say “also,” but we can’t forget that Derick’s antics got him fired from Counting On, so it looks like Jazz is the only one of the two with a show these days.

There’s just been so many bad stories about Derick lately, you know?

But now it’s time for a genuinely upsetting one.

If you’ve kept up with this family over the years, then there’s a chance you already know that Derick’s father passed away several years ago.

He doesn’t talk about it all that often, but of course the subject does come up from time to time.

Wednesday was the tenth anniversary of his father’s death, so it seemed like a pretty appropriate time to pay tribute to him.

Over on Instagram, Jill shared several old pictures of Derick’s father, and for the caption, she wrote “10 years ago tonight, my hubby lost his amazing dad.”

Derick Dillard with Dad

“Derick had just started his second semester at Oklahoma State University when his mom and brother showed up at his dorm room the morning of the 18th to tell him his dad had passed away suddenly during the night.”

“We miss you terribly ‘dad’ and look forward to seeing you one day in heaven!” she continued.

“You never know when a day may be your last or someone else’s last day on earth. Don’t wait to give your heart and life to Jesus & make sure to share his hope with others!”

Most of Jill’s followers left kind comments, and many pointed out the strong resemblance between Derick as a child and adorable little Israel.

But, as always, some people took issue with her post.

“So you can’t even do a memorial for your father in law without shoving religion down everyone’s throat!” one person wrote.

“Your parents sure brainwashed you well. Are you doing the same to your kids? Or letting them decide on faith/believing for themselves?”

Another of Jill’s followers commented with “Too bad Derick has been a sh-tty person these last cpl months maken headlines about jazz. maybe he should keep his mouth shut about others. doesnt the bible say something about not judgeing others?”

Which is a good, though poorly worded, point … but, you know, not the time.

When Derick himself shared Jill’s touching tribute, someone actually responded with “Wonder what his dad would think about his grandchildren…knowingly…being exposed to the possibility of being sexually abused…or that his own son prefers to prey upon the gullible rather than make an honest living.”

Again, solid question, but come on, people.

Derick is pretty much the worst, but this still must have been a heartbreaking loss for him.

He has our condolences during what must be a rough time of year for him.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Gianni Versace Crime Scene Less Chaotic Than Portrayed on "American Crime Story"

Gianni Versace’s crime scene wasn’t nearly as chaotic as FX’s ‘American Crime Story’ portrayed. Carlos Noriega — a former lieutenant in charge of the Violent Crimes Unit for Miami Beach PD — tells us he was the 4th person to arrive on the scene…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Jay-Z Files Trademark for "Jaybo" from "Story of O.J."

Jay-Z’s lead character from his ‘Story of O.J.’ music video is getting drafted for a whole new role … in fashion and home wares. Hova’s company, S. Carter Enterprises, just filed docs to trademark the animated character, “Jaybo.” The plan is to…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Versace Family Feels Victimized by "American Crime Story" Producers

Gianni Versace’s family is livid and disgusted at everyone who contributed in the TV re-creation of the bloody murder scene. Our Versace family sources say they can’t believe the current owners of Gianni’s Miami Beach mansion — now the Villa Casa…


Monday, December 25, 2017

Schwartz in "A Christmas Story" "Memba Him?!

R.D. Robb is best known for playing the triple-dog daring Schwartz — opposite Scott Schwartz as Flick — in the 1983 holiday movie staple ‘A Christmas Story.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Monday, December 18, 2017

A Christmas Story Live: The Worst Musical Ever on TV?

A Christmas Story is perhaps the most famous and most beloved holiday movie of all-time.

A Christmas Story Live!, however, is a musical adaption that aired on Fox and which was not met by positive reviews by… well… pretty much anyone at all.

Scroll down for a look at the most memorable social media reactions…

1. Look, The Cast Was Terrific

Look the cast was terrific

Chris Diamantopoulos… Maya Rudolph… Matthew Broderick… Jane Krakowski. We don’t blame any of the stars for this debacle.

2. However, There Were Problems

However there were problems

Microphone and blocking mishaps, along with way too many musical numbers and far too much camera spinning, left viewers feeling dissatisfied.

3. Take It Away, Twitter!

Take it away twitter

You won’t believe this, but social media users had a lot to say about the production.

4. Well, Yeah

Well yeah

You could have just watched a commercial to learn this aspect of it. Come on.

5. A Dark Turn

A dark turn

Oh, wow. Okay then. This sure took a turn down a different path than we expected.

6. WTH is Going On?

Wth is going on

This was a general theme on Twitter. For over two hours of the program.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer to Tell Their Love Story in MTV Special

A typical episode Teen Mom 2 offers much to feel discouraged about and little in the way of edification.

However, the show offers the occasional break from all the bickering and bleakness when it focuses on Chelsea Houska and her happy home life.

Chelsea married Cole DeBoer last year, and together, they"ve defied the odds and formed a stable relationship that"s built to endure the dual pressures of fame and one truly psychotic ex.

Now, Chelsea and Cole will be telling their tale in a TM2 spinoff special focusing on their love story.

It"s a romantic saga that fans can"t wait to relive…

1. The Happy Couple

Cole deboer and chelsea houska lookin good

Chelsea and Cole are unique in the world of Teen Mom 2. Under the glaring spotlight of fame they’ve built a marriage based on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect.

2. Mrs. DeBoer

Chelsea houska and cole deboer wedding throwback

Chelesea and Cole tied the knot in October of 2016. They welcomed their first child together just two months later.

3. Lil Watty

Chelsea houska with baby watson deboer

Watson DeBoer entered the world in January of 2017. And with that, the DeBoers became a whole and happy family of four. Of course, there are still complications…

4. Lind-sanity

Adam lind chelsea

The DeBoers are still forced to contend with the chaos that her baby daddy Adam Lind brings to their lives, but it seems that even a meth-smoking ex isn’t capable of throwing their ship off course.

5. Fan Favorites

Cole deboer and chelsea houska one year anniversary

It should come as no surprise that Chelsea and Cole have been granted their own hourlong special. For many fans, Chelsea’s ability to find love after her disastrous relationship with Lind has made her living proof that fairytale endings are possible.

6. The Reaction Online

Chelseak houska takes a selfie with cole deboer

Fans were overjoyed when word got out that Chelsea and Cole would be the subject of the next TM2 special. Especially since many assumed the news would outrage one of the show’s most reviled stars…

View Slideshow

Warren Sapp: Big Hole In Vibrator Story

Warren Sapp’s got another problem in his sexual misconduct case … because his version about why he handed out vibrators to women at the NFL Network ain’t exactly adding up. Sapp went on the radio and claimed he has a friend who makes novelty…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Farrah Abraham: The REAL Story Behind Her Teen Mom OG Firing!

Great news: someone besides Farrah Abraham has finally taken the time to comment about her current situation with Teen Mom OG!

That means that, at long last, we finally understand what’s happening.

Farrah tried, bless her heart, but with all her ramblings about hate crimes, it was hard to figure out what had happened. And with a story as juicy as this one, you know we needed to know every last detail.

First off, a quick recap: Farrah announced at the end of October that she’d been fired from Teen Mom, presumably because of those livestreams she’d been doing in which she’d masturbate for strangers on the internet.

She was very upset about it, and she accused Viacom, MTV’s parent company, of discriminating against her.

She dropped the term “hate crimes” a bunch, because Farrah is Farrah and Farrah does not understand many things.

Later, she said that she actually wasn’t fired from the show — she was “fake fired.”

She implied that she was given an ultimatum, that she could continue working on Teen Mom or continue working in the adult entertainment industry.

One thing was for sure though — she was not having any of it.

From what we can tell, she hasn’t been filming any new footage for the show, even though she wasn’t technically fired. Earlier this week, she demanded an apology from MTV, as well as payment for the rest of the season.

The whole story almost makes sense, but not quite, right?

Thankfully though, Farrah’s father, Michael Abraham, chatted with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup to clear up all this confusion.

“Farrah was never legally fired; she was never in breach of her contract and she never cancelled filming,” Michael began.

“You have MTV — the network that airs the show — and you have Viacom, which owns MTV. Then you have 11th Street Productions, the company hired to produce the show.”

“Our contracts are with MTV and Viacom, not 11th Street,” he explained. “So, basically Morgan [J. Freeman, the show’s executive producer] did not have the authority to do what he did.”

It’s all coming together now, isn’t it?

Michael also said that the production company had cancelled filming with Farrah and her family several times before eventually asking to film on a day that wasn’t scheduled — the day they fired her.

That day, he said that “they basically ambushed Farrah on-camera,” and producers “sex-shamed her on-camera and they did it purposely at a time when none of us were there.”

We saw a little bit of that day’s footage in the supertease for the season, and she did seem extremely upset.

“I was surprised that they would even attempt what they did,” Michael shared. “I was disappointed that an executive producer would interject his bias and judgment into the show.”

“It’s a show documenting these girls’ lives, and they’re trying to control and use their influence to change Farrah into what they think she should be. It was completely wrong.”

So will she still be on the show or not?!

Michael said that right now, “She’s considering her options. She has many opportunities to work in the entertainment industry. It’s completely up to the network, not Farrah.”

What a mess.

A source claimed that MTV is currently trying to figure out how to move forward — one possible option is to hire a new production company to film Farrah.

It’s nice that they’re trying to work something out, especially considering that they never fired her in the first place.

But we imagine they’re going to have to jump through some hoops to get Farrah back on their side again — she really seems pissed, and if Michael’s story is correct, then it’s easy to see why.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Corey Feldman Mum On Story that Corey Haim was Raped at 13

Corey Feldman says he made the mother of his good friend a promise not to talk about allegations Corey Haim was sexually molested when he was 13 … and he’s sticking to his promise. We got Feldman outside Tao Saturday night, and asked him a story…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Another One Bites the Dust

It was back to the 2016 Presidential Election on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 10

When the episode got underway, we picked up with a flashback that took us to the final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. 

That was the night Kai realized he wanted world domination and he was going to find a way to make it happen … even if it meant killing multiple people to get there. 

Kai went at it with one of Winter’s friends because of their differing views about Americans. He smacked the chick in the face, and that’s how he found himself in anger management.

This meeting helped connect the dots somewhat when it emerged that the coach was Bebe Babbitt. She was the woman who tried to reel the women in a few weeks back, but it was revealed she was working with Kai. 

She seemed to think that Kai needed to know his true purpose in the world was to give up his own life to help all American women have their way. 

“The women of the world are waiting for you, legs spread, on their backs,” she told him. “Impregnate them! Help them give birth to their rage!”

Back in the present, a protestor hit Kai in the face at one of his political rallies, so it was up there with the other crazy ones that have occurred this season. 

Kai then told his cult about Charles Manson, and noted that he “wasn’t thinking big enough.” Kai then took his latest propaganda to Planned Parenthood, and everyone stabbed the man working there. 

As if that was not bad enough, they wrote: “Stop the Slaughter” on the door. From then on, it became apparent to Kai that someone from the cult was about to try and take him down. 

Bebe visited him to find out what he was going to do now that he’s gone off course. 

“You really thought I was going to drown myself in female rage?” he asked.

“You thought I’d die for some dead bitch’s cause? … Women can’t run things. They’re too emotional, too irrational. … Women need to be grabbed by their p–s and led, preferably into the kitchen to make me a sandwich.”

Ally appeared with a gun and took Bebe right out of the equation. Yes, we’re still surprised at how crazy Ally has become. For Ally, her revenge plan was not over. 

She made it look like Winter was recording conversations with Kai and that meant Kai thought his sister could be the one ready to jump ship. 

Kai murdered Winter, and it solidified the fact that Kai and Ally are a match made in heaven. What will they do next?!

Hit the comments below!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Revenge

Ally has been through the mill on American Horror Story Season 7, and it was time for her to get her own back on her twisted wife. 

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 9 got underway, Ally went nuclear on Ivy for being so cold with her. 

She then went to trash Winter, and responding as follows to her apology: “For what? For f–ing my wife, for driving me crazy, or for trying to kill me?”

The ladies continued to follow Kai’s lead, and he tasked them all with doing the unthinkable: Committing suicide. They all wavered, but ultimately decided it was in their best interests to follow the leader. 

In an unsurprising move, there was no poison in the Kool-Aid and Kai had tried to assess whether the women were truly loyal to him. 

Ally and Ivy admitted it was time to run off from the cult and start a new life with their son, but Kai got to the kid first. 

That paved the way for the mother of all twists: Kai confirmed he was the kid’s father and that he wanted to act like one for him. Yeah, because that’s going to work out well. 

Kai is deluded and any spawn of his should probably be scared because they are going to be just as crazy as he is one day … that’s assuming they make it to adulthood. 

Ally then got her ultimate revenge by poisoning her wife and sticking the knife in one last time. Just when it seemed like they were getting back together, Ally poisoned Ivy. 

It was a bat$ hit crazy twist that even poor Ivy did not see coming. As her wife lay dying, Ally could not help but stick the knife in further. 

“I only want two things in this life: I want Oz all to myself, and I want to watch you die,” the scorned wife yelled at her dying former lover. 

Ally then took her deception to the fertility clinic and the receptionist confirmed Kai was most definitely not Oz’s father. So, what did she do?

She got a brand new set of documents written up to say that the villain is the father. Would he really murder his own son? 

Probably, because he’s Kai and he’s the biggest villain on scripted TV right about now. 

What did you think of all the twists and turns?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: Winter of Our Discontent

With a handful of episodes left, American Horror Story is going for the jugular as we approach the end of the season. 

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 8 got underway, the ladies were still questioning whether Kai was loyal to them now that he was getting closer to his plan for world domination. 

Winter wanted to remain with her brother because she felt like ditching family was not a good idea, and that her own brother would not stab her in the back. 

Well, this is Kai, and he’s already proven he will do whatever needs to be done to get his point across, and you can tell Evan Peters is having a lot of fun with that. 

Winter recalled Halloween in 2015 and revealed she and her blue-haired brother thought it would be fun to cause some trouble online. They were invited to an event at an old farmhouse after trolling social justice people online. 

The party was hosted by a man named Pastor Charles, and he was ready to kill three people who had apparently wronged society. Winter noted that Kai wanted to save everyone. 

He did so and swiftly murdered Pastor Charles. Winter said that Kai was never really the same after that encounter. 

“He realized that you can’t save everyone,” Winter said.

“So it’s better to burn it all down and build a new world.”

Thus, we have a method to Kai’s madness, you guys! Then, things took a turn when there was an awry threesome between Winter, Kai and the detective in the hopes of conceiving a baby. 

“As he enters you, I will enter him,” Kai explained.

“That way, you will remain pure and unsoiled.”

Okay then. We don’t even know what is going on with this show at the best of times, but this was a step too far. The detective was later killed by Winter after he tried to rape her. 

Back in the world of Ally, Vincent confided in Ally that he was Kai’s brother and everything got out of hand. Ally wasted no time in telling people about Vincent. 

She wanted revenge, and she wanted it now. Unfortunately, she was working with the cult, so Kai murdered his brother in front of the entire cult to reiterate the fact that he was in control. 

Um, okay. We get it, Kai. 

What did you think of the latest twists and turns?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

R. Kelly Survivor Comes Forward With "Sex Cult" Horror Story!

Over the summer, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps teen girls captive in a “sex cult” in which he controls every aspect of their lives, from how they eat to how they serve him.

While these aren’t the first stomach-churning accusations about R. Kelly that we’d heard, this really shed new light on the sort of monster that he allegedly is.

It’s important to recognize that adults can be victims as well. One woman, Kitti Jones, has come forward with accusations of how R. Kelly lured her into a relationship, convinced her to quit her job, and subjected her to a two-year horror show of control and abuse.

In 1994, R. Kelly was 27 years old.

In 1994, he married Aaliyah, who was only 15 years old at the time.

That’s horrifying enough, but when you listen to people talk about their accounts of their experiences with R. Kelly, you start to see a grotesque pattern of not only sexual predation upon minors but of alleged abuse.

In the ’90s, R. Kelly settled at least three suits with women who alleged that he’d preyed upon them when they were minors, and at least one of those women alleged that he’d encouraged her to participate in group sex with him and other minor girls.

Until this summer,t he most notorious thing about R. Kelly was the video tape that surfaced in 2002 and showed a young girl calling R. Kelly “daddy” before he urinated into her mouth.

Though dozens of witnesses identified the girl as having been 14 at the time, jurors somehow acquitted R. Kelly of multiple counts of child pornography … because they “couldn’t” verify her age.

So, you know, another great example of the justice system and how it works … well, how it operates.

All of that is enough reason for you to want to hide your kids.

As it turns out, where R. Kelly is concerned, you might want to hide your wife, too.

Because we heard allegations this summer that indicate that R. Kelly is also a danger to adult women.

(Honestly, a college classmate of mine shared several years ago that a man hit on her in a bar and she assumed that he was just fishing for free drinks — and later learned that it was R. Kelly. I can’t help thinking that she really dodged a bullet)

Back in July, we heard allegations that R. Kelly keeps a number of young women, teenagers included, in a cult-like environment that revolves around them servicing him, sexually.

Beyond that, he is said to keep them isolated from their families and the outside world. He allegedly controls what they eat and when they eat it and even when they go to the bathroom.

According to these accusations, R. Kelly does all of this slowly, grooming them, and effectively brainwashes them into defending him when anyone expresses concern.

Most seriously of all, there were allegations of verbal and physical abuse.

R. Kelly denied these accusations, to no one’s surprise. He was similarly dismissive of the infamous underage pee-tape.

Even back in July, a sex partner of R. Kelly’s confirmed the allegations contained within the damning expose.

And then in August, another alleged sex abuse victim of R. Kelly’s came forward.

Well, a Rolling Stone article titled “Surviving R. Kelly” details the experiences of one survivor named Kitti Jones.

She says that she was a huge fan of R. Kelly growing up — like, a superfan who would get up close to the stage at his concerts. He was her “Brad Pitt,” she says.

On the night that she first met him, they exchanged numbers and he told her to call him “daddy,” not “Rob.” This was back in 2011, and the happy beginning to Kitti’s nightmare.

They texted back and forth and she would send him risque photos. When they saw each other again, Kitti describes R. Kelly as walking into the hotel room, sitting down, and whipping out his penis.

“I was attracted to him and was just like, ‘Well, OK. Fine.’ Maybe he just has weird ways of getting off.”

Well … we guess she’s not wrong.

The two had oral sex that weekend, Kitti says, with R. Kelly saying things like “I gotta teach you how to be with me” and “I gotta train you.” So … yikes.

“He was like a drill sergeant even when he was pleasuring me,” Kitti describes. “He was telling me how to bend my back or move my leg here. I’m like, ‘Why is he directing it like this?’ It was very uncomfortable.”

But his celebrity status, her attraction to him, his months of having groomed her over the phone, and the way that he made her feel special added up to her not worrying about it too much.

At first, she says, she believed their relationship to be monogamous, despite some … warning signs.

“He said, ‘I have friends and I have girls I’ve raised.’ I didn’t know what he meant by ‘raised’ at the time. He said, ‘I eventually want you to meet them, but I want to make sure you’re mentally ready for that."”

FYI, folks, everything that Kitti just described R. Kelly as having said is a huge, huge red flag. And then it gets worse.

R. Kelly would insist that she not interact with men, even male drivers. Also, he convinced her to quit her job, promising ot pay her double her salary as a DJ.

Even before he got her to quit, though, Kitti says that he already had her feeling emotionally tethered to him, and very defensive against any criticism.

“Rob kinda makes you feel like you have to defend him. It’s like you and him against the world. If someone brought him up [in conversation], immediately a wall went up.”

Once she quit her job and moved to be with him, Kitti says that she surrendered even more control to R. Kelly. He dictated how she could dress when she went out in public and required constant check-ins, even texts like “Daddy, I need to go to the restroom.”

The first instance of alleged abuse took place less than a month after Kitti moved in with him, as a result of Kitti challenging him about the pee tape.

His response was fury, and she describes him spending a car ride berating her while striking her in the face and kicking her while she apologized.

The next day, she says, he took her shopping and neither of them addressed what had happened. She says that she considered leaving him, but that she’d have felt silly after having quit her job to be with him.

Unfortunately, as any abuse survivor could tell you, the first incident was not the last. Kitti says that there were 10 instances of R. Kelly inflicting physical abuse upon her during their first year together, and that the abuse happened more frequently the following year.

When R. Kelly went on his “Single Ladies” tour, however, he treated her “like a princess,” which dashed many of Kitti’s misgivings.

(Remember, it’s classic abuser behavior for them to play games with their victims, rewarding them and even making them second-guess how bad things had really gotten)

After the tour, R. Kelly housed Kitti alongside two of his other girlfriends, monitoring their movements with cameras and punishing them by taking away their phones — at one point, taking Kitti’s for two months.

Losing your phone sucks, but in their case, this meant that they couldn’t request food.

In fact, Kitti says that R. Kelly would also use starvation to punish his “girlfriends.” At one point, she went without food for two and a half days.

And though they were living in neighboring rooms, the three women didn’t even know each other’s real names at first, Kitti says. They were also supposed to report on each other if one of them was breaking the rules.

“If you disclose your relationship with him [to another woman] — how long you’ve known him or whatever — you can get beat. He doesn’t want in any way for one girl to feel more like, ‘Oh, we’re closer than you guys.’ Even though we knew deep down we’re all living there, we didn’t address it.”

In March of 2013, Kitti says, R. Kelly once again escalated their relationship by bringing in another young woman, naked, and having her and Kitti have sex with each other.

“He told me, ‘I raised her. I’ve trained this bitch. This is my pet."”

Calling someone your “pet” in roleplay is fine, but this is more severe. And Kitti says that it was the beginning of R. Kelly forcing her into group sex.

“You can’t say no because you’re going to get punished. You just become numb to what’s happening. It’s so traumatic the things that he makes you do to other people and to him.”

And she says that yes, he still enjoys urinating on women in sexual situations.

“He videotapes everything that he does, and sometimes he’ll just make you watch what he’s done to other girls or girls that he had be together. He would masturbate to that and then have you give him oral sex while he’s watching what he did with somebody else on his iPad.”

After six months of “hell” in which Kitti says that she was being punished every week — either being struck in the face or being starved or having her phone taken — Kitti was able to break free.

Fabricating a desire to take her son shopping, she went to Dallas with only a pair of suitcases. That was her escape.

In November of that year, R. Kelly showed up, ostensibly to return her possessions that she’d had to abandon. Instead, she says, he lured her onto his tour bus and inflicted more physical abuse upon her to punish her for leaving.

The two have never seen each other since.

Well, that’s all horrifying.
