Showing posts with label Album. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Album. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Jackie Evancho Album Sales Are Doing the Opposite of What Donald Trump Claims

As previously noted, Donald Trump has failed to attract any big names to perform at his Presidential inauguration on January 20.

He claims A-Listers want to appear at the event, but he’s been turning down their requests because they did “NOTHING” for Hillary Clinton are are not “real PEOPLE.”

Trump has managed to secure Jackie Evancho for the inauguration, however, giving a major platform to the former America’s Got Talent runner-up and significantly increasing the Google search frequency of the following question:

Who the heck is Jackie Evancho?!?

She’s someone who is on the rise, Trump claims.

She’s a singer with a bright future whose decision to make herself front and center for The Donald’s big day this month is paying off, Trump argues.

Bigly, he seems to think.

On Wednesday night, Trump once again focused on something very important via his Twitter account, touting Evancho’s impressive album sales ever since she announced her inauguration participation.

“Jackie Evancho’s album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance,” the President-Elect wrote, adding:

“Some people just don’t understand the “Movement.”

djt tweet

We guess not.

But other people just don’t understand basic math.

Which could maybe be forgiven or ignored if one of these people was not going to become the 45th President of the United States in just a few weeks.

Because Jackie Evancho’s album sales have not skyrocketed. They’ve done the complete opposite of skyrocket.

They’ve plummeted. In bigly fashion.

To be specific, Evancho has fallen 41 spots on the Billboard 200 in just a week:

jackie sales

Now, we don’t mean to heap criticism on a 16-year old or to highlight her failure. Really, we don’t.

We can understand the bind she was in, unsure how to propel her career to the next level and figuring that a prominent spot at a Presidential inauguration was too tempting to pass up.

That’s fine. We get it.

And it’s far more disturbing to the safety of the United States when Trump is lying about Russian hacking and CIA intelligence briefings than when he’s lying about the success or failure of a particular artist.

But still.

Come on!

Is Trump unaware that Billboard and other outlets actually track album sales? That this was such a ridiculously blatant misleading of the public because it was so easy to fact-check?

We’ve spent far too long trying to get inside Donald Trump’s brain already here, haven’t we?

At this point, it should be clear that anyone trying to make sense out of anything Trump does is wasting is or her time.

As actual successful singer Bruce Springsteen recently said, we should be spending far more time being afraid of what Trump may do and take whatever steps we can to prevent it.

Call your Congressman. Attend a rally. Get out and vote in the mid-term elections next year.

Reporters, slam Trump as a liar every single time he lies.

And Jackie Evancho? Just keep your head down and sing your heart out. 

We feel for you. But this is not going to help your career, no matter what Trump seems to believe.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cher Sued for Stealing Font on Album Cover

A graphic designer is suing Cher claiming she jacked his famous typeface and slapped it all over her 2013 album, “Closer to the Truth.” Moshik Nadev says he created the font, which he calls Paris Logo, back in 2011 … which earned him praise on a…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Taylor Swift to Blast Exes on Hip Hop Album?!

There’s nothing about Taylor Swift that brings to mind the world of hip hop.

Even when she’s proclaiming her own beats “sick” in a pseudo-rap-like cadence, she’s still about as hip hop as a Canadian soap opera star.

Which may explain why, when she decided to produce an album of “edgier hip-hop and R&B sounds,” she recruited none other than Mr. Aubrey Drake Graham to assist.

Taylor and Drake have been spending a lot of time together, which initially led to reports that they were dating.

There were even rumors of Taylor being pregnant with Drake’s baby which is a notion as ridiculous as a reality show host becoming president.

Now, however, it’s being reported that Drake is helping lay down the cold barz that will be rattling the speakers of sensible minivans and Kia Sorrentos all over the country this summer.

Granted the report that Taylor is about to morph into Tay-Swizzle comes from UK tabloid The Sun, so it should be taken with all the grains of salt, but given how many scores she has to settle these days, we could imagine her taking a page from Biggie’s playbook and rolling a fat-ass blunt with it.

“Taylor is always looking at ways to grow as an artist and really wants to try something different and unexpected for the next album,” says one insider.

“She’s not afraid of experimenting so is working with a lot of different faces to see if she suits a new sound.”

The source adds:

“The remix of her song ‘Bad Blood’ had a less pop vibe — especially once Kendrick Lamar featured on it — and was a big hit, so she thinks her fans will like her going in this direction.”

Yes, if what The Sun says is true (a big if) Taylor had Kendrick Lamar on a track, so she now believes she can rap.

We’re not saying with absolute certainty that she’s wrong, but we’ve only heard her rap one verse so far, and she not only rhymed “man” with “friend,” she also included the phrase “hella good hair.”

So yeah, not the most promising start.

As for the content of Taylor’s verses, naturally the press has her recording a scathing breakup song about Tom Hiddleston.

And a few tracks about Calvin Harris.

And then probably a couple about Eddie Redmayne and Tom Hardy, since she’ll probably date them next.

Yeah, we know they’re married, and we don’t care, dammit!

Swift Money can’t be stopped, fam.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Martin Shkreli Celebrates Trump Victory By Streaming $2 Million Wu Tang Album

So barring a revelation that he hasn’t revealed his tax returns because he’s been raking in the rubles on Putin’s payroll, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America in January.

You may be considering shaving your head, taking a vow of silence and moving into a Tibetan monastery in the Himalayas.

But before you get fitted for your Dalai Lama robes, you might want to spend some time in the temples of Shaolin – even it means gazing upon the obnoxious smirk of the world’s most punchable face:

Allow us to explain:

The douche in the photo above is Martin Shkreli.

Yes, you couldn’t pick a more apt name for for this human shart stain. 

It’s like he was lovingly hand-sculpted by the DaVinci of douches.  

Anyway, you might remember that mug from earlier this year, when Marty went viral after jacking up the price on a life-saving medication frequently prescribed to AIDS and cancer patients during his brief time as a pharmaceutical CEO.

Now, Shkreli didn’t raise the price by a few cents to increase profit margins.

No, he turned his greed machine up to 12 and hiked up the price of Daraprim from $ 13.50 a pill to $ 750 a pill.

We’ll save you the math: That’s a 5,455% increase.

Most people wouldn’t care for their names being attached to one of the most nauseating news stories of the year, but apparently Marty was starved for attention as a kid, because he ate that sh-t right up.

Whether it was harassing female journalists on Twitter or pretending that he broke his hand punching a wall over something Bernie Sanders tweeted, Marty did everything he could build himself a sizable social media following.

Martin Shkreli

One of his most memorable stunts involved the purchase of a $ 2 million Wu Tang Clan album that the group bafflingly only made one copy of.

The douche-bait worked, and Shkreli shelled out for the album, but instead of making available to others as the rappers assumed he would, he kept it to himself, because “NEVER SHARE ANYTHING, EVER!!!” is the first rule of Penis Wrinkle Club.

In recent months, Shkreli became a huge Donald Trump supporter, even though Trump – like just about everyone else on the planet – condemned Shkreli’s douche-tastic actions and basically said he’d like to shove the dweeb into his locker.

Shkreli’s love for President-Elect Trump (*has convulsive 30-minute seizure, comes back*) is so profound that he promised his supporters he would stream the album online if Trump won the election.

As you know, Trump won the election (*has longer, more intense seizure, crawls back to laptop*), and now Marty is making good on his promise.

Martin Shkreli Pic

The only problem is, it’s still hard to find, because the Internet is in the process of slowly giving Shkreli the Uncle Phil-DJ Jazzy Jeff treatment:

“More music comes out when OkCupid, Twitch and Youtube unban me,” Shkreli tweeted today.

“Trump won, sorry, don’t take it out on me.

Getting banned from OK Cupid is no easy feat, so it’s safe to assume that Marty takes a lot of cues from his hero Donnie when it comes to interacting with women.

We’re not about to link to Shkreli’s Twitter page, but you can find pieces of the album on there.

Sadly, he’s no longer auctioning off the right to punch him in the face.

Now, THAT we would link to.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Britney Spears Announces New Album: Find Out All the Details Now!

Britney Spears is finally releasing her new album. 

After what feels like an eternity, the singer will follow up 2013’s “Britney Jean” with “Glory.”

It’s been a long time coming and the title of the album is actually pretty good. 

Let’s hope this one actually lives up to the hype. 

Britney Jean struggled with critics and in the sales department. 

Might this be the Spears’ last attempt to get back to where she was all those years ago?

The title wasn’t the only detail about the album that Spears spoke about on Twitter. 

She also lifted the lid on the album cover and it’s pretty darn great. 

Britney is glowing. It looks completely different to the art for her last album.

Britney New Album

When Britney released the name and cover on Twitter, she also noted that this will be a new era. 

Does that mean she’s ditching the direction she went on her last album and going back to basics?

That would be a wise choice. 

Spears recently released her first track from the album. 

She collaborated with G-Eazy on it and it was named, “Make Me…,” but was it a return to form?

Yes. If that song is any indication about how the new album will go, it should be more well received than her last effort.

“Glory” will release on Apple Music on August 26, 2016. 

What do you think about the new details?

Hit the comments!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Releasing A New Album?

Lindsay Lohan might be making a return to the music industry. 

Lindsay said as much when she took part in a live video chat with her Mean Girls co-star, Rajiv Surendra. 

She revealed that she still HAS to release another album for Universal Motown. 

“And I will,” she added

There is no definite release date for the album as of yet, but it appears that it all depends on what her sister, Ali Lohan’s career.

“My sister is signed with EMI and she is recording a record, and out of respect for her and her true career choice, which is all she wants to do is make music,” she said, referring to her younger sister Ali.

“Her voice is like Etta James meets Adele. I want to respect her in that lane.”

There are a LOT of celebrity families that have more than one person with the same profession, so it’s a very odd thing to say. 

It’s sweet and all, but it doesn’t seem like we’re getting the full story here. 

There’s no denying that Lohan has had her ups and downs, but she seems to have turned a corner in recent years. 

Her acting career never quite recovered from her hiatus due to what was going on with her. 

A move back to the music industry would be a good step, but there’s a good chance that her hiatus from singing would probably make it difficult for her to achieve much in the way of chart success. 

It’s not like the star is doing much else at the moment. 

There was word recently that she could be marrying Egor Tarabasov without a prenup in place.

Obviously it’s a crazy decision, but it’s not like Tarabasov isn’t worth a decent chunk of money. 

The fact of the matter is that Lindsay shouldn’t be passing up opportunities that could better her financial situation. 

Releasing another album might not make her much, but it would be something. 

Her fans are not going to be rooting for a new album forever. Her last single was released in 2008!

What do you think about all of this? Should Lindsay just move on and release her next album?

Friday, June 17, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Accused of STEALING Song For Her Comeback Album!

The news hasn’t made the sort of waves she was likely hoping for, but you may have heard that LeAnn Rimes is plotting a career comeback.

Unfortunately, thus far, it’s going about as well as LeAnn’s efforts to make everyone forget she stole Brandi Glanville’s husband.

Earlier this week, LeAnn was slammed for using the Orlando nightclub shooting to promote her new album.

Now, she’s grappling with a much less severe controversy that could nonetheless seriously damage her sales and what’s left of her reputation.

The first single from the LeAnn’s 11th studio release is entitled “The Story,” which is also the name of the album itself.

Needless to say, it’s an important song for LeAnn, and she’s passing it off as sort of the signature number of her adult years.

So it’s very strange that she’s made no mention of the artist who originally recorded it.

As several media outlets have pointed out, “The Story” was first released by Brandi Carlile in 2007.

In her constant promotion of the song, LeAnn seems to have not mentioned Brandi by name once.

In fact, the only mention of Ms. Carlile from anyone in LeAnn’s camp came when her frequent co-writer and producer Darrell Brown was pressed for details by a fan.

“‘The Story’ is a song written by #PhilHanesworth and originally recorded by the fantastic #BrandiCarlile,” Brown tweeted when asked about the song’s origins.

“Remember every great singer has to own the song to make it their own. Make sense?”

Uh, yeah … but you can “own” a song and still give credit to the non-famous artist who “owned” it first.

Otherwise, you just look shady AF.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Taylor Swift: Calvin Harris Breakup Album on the Way!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have broken up after just over one year of dating.

It was quickly revealed that Harris dumped Swift, and naturally theories as to what exactly led him to do so ran rampant on social media.

Was he jealous of Swift’s success?

Was he sick of being criticized by Swift fans for his alleged love of “happy ending” massages?

Does he insist on being the only lanky blonde bajillionaire in his relationships?

We may never know for sure, but you can expect that some details will be made public via thinly-veiled song lyrics in the very near future.

Yes, as per her M.O., Taylor is reportedly recording an album in the wake of her latest breakup.

Somewhere, Ryan Adams is salivating at the prospect of another album of mournful, stripped-down indie rock covers.

“Taylor is hanging out with her friends and keeping busy. She wants to be single for a while and have a relaxing summer,” one insider tells E! News.

“She has some plans to travel this summer. Taylor has also been writing new music.”

Obviously it’s that “new music” part that we’re most interested in.

However, if you’re looking forward to more teardrops on Ms. Swift’s guitar you may be disappointed.

The source says that while Taylor is obviously bummed that the relationship didn’t work out, she’s neither heartbroken nor pissed at Harris.

“Taylor is not sad anymore about the breakup,” the insider adds.

“She knows it was for the best. They are not on bad terms. They have communicated since the breakup, but getting back together is something that’s not in the cards for either of them.”

We look forward to “Shake It Off 2: Only Shake It Partially Off Because I’m Still Facebook Friends With Your Mom.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: SLAMMED For Using Orlando Tragedy to Promote Album!

As you’ve no doubt heard, a mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub over the weekend has been declared the deadliest in U.S. history, with 49 dead and another 53 wounded. 

Most famous figures who spoke out on the tragedy have reacted in shock and anger, sharing their grief on social media and encouraging their fans to donate blood to help save those who are still fighting for their lives in area hospitals.

Sadly, whenever a large numbers celebrities are speaking out on the same subject, it’s a safe bet that at least one of them won’t be able to suppress their ego long enough to let something not be about them for a change.

In this case, the D-lister du jour is none other than LeAnn Rimes, who recently decided to plot a career comeback after years of being best known for stealing Brandi Glanville’s husband..

Oh, and posting a lot of bikini selfies. She does that, too,

Anyway, LeAnn shared a tribute to the victims on Instagram, but for some reason that defies logic, she also thought it would be an ideal time to plug her forthcoming album:

“These are lyrics from a song that I wrote w/ @darrellbrownmusic @tobygadmusic @lindyrobbins123 a few months ago. I felt moved to share these words in support of the #lgbt community and LOVE itself.

“This was written straight out of my heart and my beliefs. LOVE IS LOVE! Everyone deserves to love who they wish and receive love in return, free of judgement.

“I hope you join me in spreading this message. I can’t wait to share more of the song with you all soon enough.”

Okay, at least she stopped just short of posting a link to buy the song on iTunes (though that might be just because it hasn’t been released yet) but, really, LeAnn – “I can’t wait to share more of the song”?

It’s a little weird to get all giddy about the next stage in your career while you’re paying tribute to 49 people who were tragically gunned down. Just sayin’.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jay Z: Working on REVENGE Album Against Beyonce??

Ever since Beyonce dropped her album “Lemonade” a week and a half ago, the work has received a tsunami of attention from the media and fans alike.

Unfortunately, the bulk of the focus has been not on the quality of the music, but on the content of lyrics, which pretty blatantly accuse her husband Jay Z of cheating on her.

Beyonce fans viciously attacked Jay Z’s suspected mistresses and recently booed the rapper in Miami.

But now Jay Z wants to launch his own album, schooling every Tom, Dick and Harry on his marital woes.

“Jay is working on an album telling his side of things,” a source close to the couple tells Us Weekly.

We expect Jay will be working on a collection of diss tracks like “Sex Addict, Can’t Help It,” “B**ch Had a Headache” and “Becky Grew Back.”

In typical fashion, since the album dropped, neither party has confirmed nor denied the alleged infidelity.

In fact, the only thing we’ve heard from Beyonce is an affirmation that she loves her husband.

“I want to dedicate this song to my beautiful husband. I love you so much,” the queen said during a concert kicking off her “Lemonade” tour in Miami.

This couple. They’re good.

While many fans have been obsessing over figuring out the identity of “Becky with the good hair,” the woman Beyonce alleges slept with her husband, some skeptics believe the power couple manufactured the entire story for publicity.

“They develop these storylines to sell albums,” a source told Page Six.

“‘Lemonade’ is a movie crafted to drive sales,” added the source. 

“Jay and Beyonce are entertainers at the top of their game. Do you think Jay would release her album on [his own] Tidal if it really was all about him? He is 100 percent behind this.”

So it appears as though once “Lemonade” fury dies down, Jay Z will continue to fuel the media sh*tstorm with “Joy Juice: It Ain’t My Fault” or some sensationalized title sure to rile up the G-force.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Taylor Swift Wins Album of the Year, Sticks It to Kanye West

Taylor Swift did it, folks.

She got the last laugh in her ongoing feud with Kanye West in the most impressive of fashions:


The superstar reacted in shock upon hearing her name called, prior to hugging good friends such as Selena Gomez and going through an elaborately awesome handshake with Jack Antonoff:

But it was Taylor’s acceptance speech that has folks talking today.

Because she took a pretty clear swipe at Kanye West while become the first woman to EVER win Album of the Year twice.

“I want to say to all the young women out there – there are going to be people along the way who are going to try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame,” Swift said at one point.

This was a clear reference to a line in Kanye’s new song in which the rapper ponders having sex with Swift and says he made her famous by interrupting her speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

West also calls Taylor a “bitch” in that same track.

Added Swift to conclude her speech on Monday night:

“If you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you’re going, you’ll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there.

“And that will be greatest feeling in the world.”

Well said, Taylor,

And very well done.

Swift, meanwhile, also won won Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Music Video for “Bad Blood.”

So you just go ahead and keep Tweeting, Kanye. Swift will go ahead and keep winning.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Martin Shkreli: Robbed of $15 Million While Attempting to Purchase Kanye West Album

When most people want to buy an album, they open up iTunes and shell out the necessary $ 9.99.

When Martin Shkreli wants to buy an album, he wants fork over more cash than most people make their entire lives so that no one else can ever listen to it.

This obnoxious habit began when the much-reviled “pharma bro” paid $ 2 million for the sole copy of a Wu Tang Clan album that had previously been stored in a vault in Morocco.

The odd arrangement was orchestrated by Wu Tang members with the idea that whoever purchased the disc would in some way distribute it to the public. 

They didn’t account for someone like Shkreli, who appears to have no plans to share the album with anyone outside of his inner circle.

Apparently, Shkreli is really relishing the title of Most-Hated Man in Hip Hop, as he attempted to pull a similar stunt last week when he offered to buy the sole rights to Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo, for $ 10 million.

Unfortunately for Shkreli, Kanye’s people saw through the offer as an obvious attempt to prevent, or at least delay, the album’s release.

Even more unfortunate for Shkreli is the fact that karma’s a bitch.

The 32-year-old former hedge fund manager – who first made headlines for jacking up the price of a life-saving medication when he was CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals – upped his offer to $ 15 million following Kanye’s star-studded release party.

With that kind of cash on the table, Shkreli was bound to generate some interest.

Hilariously, that interest came from someone who’s probably never even met Kanye.

Shkreli took to Twitter yesterday alleging that  he had been bilked of $ 15 million in Bitcoin by someone who identified himself as a friend of Kanye’s named Daquan.

Apparently, Shkreli was under the impression that Daquan would pass the money along to Kanye, who he believed had agreed to sell the rights to the album.

You’d think a guy who’s famous for screwing people over wouldn’t be quite so trusting.

“WHO THE F-CK HAS MY FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS??????” an increasingly irate Shkreli tweeted yesterday afternoon.


“I hope you all enjoy this stupid music SO much and the fact it has brought me so much pain and suffering. I quit rap.”

The irony of that statement is probably lost on Martin, but we’re sure there are many people who enjoy the album much more precisely for that reason.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Martin Shkreli Attempts to Purchase Sole Rights to New Kanye West Album, Remains Evil Douche

Former pharmaceutical exec and noted penis hole Martin Shkreli took his campaign to become the real-life incarnation of a Mr. Burns-like cartoonish supervillain to a new level moments ago, announcing on Twitter that he’d like to purchase the sole rights to Kanye West’s long-anticipated seventh studio album, The Life of Pablo.

Failing that, Shkreli says, he at least wants to prevent the record from being released on time. 

In an open letter to the rapper posted online moments ago, Shkreli wrote, “Instead of releasing this product for your millions of fans, I ask you to sell this recording solely to me, for the price of $ 10,000,000.

“I believe you (and your partners) will find this financial arrangement more attractive than your current course of action.”

Shkreli later tweeted, “Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors …This should delay the album by a few days.”

You may remember that Shkreli purchased the only copy of the Wu Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin back in December.

The difference there was that the Wu had always planned on selling a single copy to a wealthy super-fan, in hopes that said aficionado would eventually make the disc available to the public.

Shkreli has yet to do so, and he’s since butted heads with Ghostface Killah and other Wu Tang members as a result.

With Kanye, of course, Shkreli is taking on the hip hop world’s most famous ego, and it seems unlikely that the former hedge fund manager actually expects Yeezy to make a deal.

That said, we’re sure Mr. West will handle this elaborate act of trollery in a rational, level-headed fashion. Just kidding, ‘Ye’s about to go off on this dweeb.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kanye West FINALLY Reveals Album Title, Tracklist

Even by the lofty standards of a man whose social media presence has inspired dozens of parody accounts, it’s been an interesting week on Kanye West’s Twitter page.

First, ‘Ye bafflingly tweeted his belief that Bill Cosby is innocent, thus sending many of his 18.5 million followers into an uproar. 

Clearly, the man subscribes to the Kris Jenner “no such thing as bad publicity” school of self-promotion.

Shortly after that tweet made him a trending topic, Kanye beefed with Puma over a deal the sneaker company tried to make with his 18-year-old sister-in-law, Kylie Jenner.

Yeezy clearly wants to control all of his family’s business interests. Again, quite Kris-like.

After all that, Kanye teased fans with the initials for the title of his highly-anticipated seventh studio album, scheduled to drop tomorrow.

Anyone who could figure out what T.L.O.P. stands for would receive free tickets to West’s upcoming Madison Square Garden fashion show, as well as a pair of his signature Yeezy sneakers.

As far as we know, no one correctly guessed The Life of Pablo, which ‘Ye revealed as the title moments ago, along with the following tracklist:

As you can see, Kanye is still teasing fans with regard to which Pablo the title refers to.

The most obvious answer is Escobar, but knowing Yeezy’s relationship with the art world, it could just as easily be Picasso, or even the late Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

Whatever the case, this will hopefully be the last time Kanye changes the title, as the full album could be released at literally any moment.

Kanye has called the LP a “gospel record,” but we’re guessing there’ll be some serious anger in the lyrics.

Hey, we don’t blame him. The man has Kris Jenner for a mother-in-law.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kanye West Changes Album Title: What"s It Called Now?

Kanye West has made two important changes to his upcoming album.

First, it now has a new title.

Previously titled “So Help Me God” and then re-christened as “Swish,” the album will now be named “Waves.”

That’s the first change.

Now here is the second change: the album will totally and completely change your life.

Having previously Tweeted that this will be “the best album of all time,” Kanye took to Twitter again on Tuesday and wrote the following:

“This is not album of the year. This is album of the life.”

We’re not entirely sure what that means. But it sounds dramatic!

In making the name change announcement, the father of Saint and North shared a photo online of the same piece of paper (which included a bright red “Kylie Was Here” scrawl) from when he confirmed his track list on Sunday.

This time, however, the document had undergone a few changes of its own, with nots on it from fans and collaborators, most notably wife Kim Kardashian.

As you can see above, Kardashian wrote “Kim Never Left” in response to Kylie Jenner’s previous note.

West then concluded a busy night of Tweeting by posting the following picture of a seemingly tired Kardashian and including as a caption along with it:

“#wifey #season3.”

Monday, January 25, 2016

Kanye West Finishes "Best Album Of All Time"

Kanye West is prepared to make history.

A few weeks after revealing the release date of his next studio album (FEBRUARY 11!!!!!), the rapper has used social media to provide fans with an exciting update.

Very early Monday morning, Mr. Kim Kardashian Tweeted a handwritten list of the 10 tracks that made the cut for his seventh solo album.

The songs are titled “Nina Chop,” “Father Stretch My Hands,” “Waves,” “High Lights,” “30 Hours,” “No More Parties in L.A.,” “FML,” “Fade,” “Real Friends” and “Wolves.”

Along with these titles, West humbly wrote the following to his millions of followers:

“So happy to be finished with the best album of all time.”

Check out the list below and take note of a certain message at the bottom:


It looks like Kylie Jenner made a point to leave an impression at the album listening party hosted by Kanye on Saturday night.

A number of the singles that made this cut have been previously released, including Kanye’s recent G.O.O.D. Friday offerings “Real Friends” with Ty Dolla $ ign and “No More Parties in L.A.,” featuring Kendrick Lamar.

Also to be included on “Swish” will be “Wolves,” which West performed last year with collaborators Sia and Vic Mensa on Saturday Night Live.

But whatever.

We have a strong feeling many folks will purchase this album regardless of already having heard a number of its tracks.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Kanye West Album Release Date: REVEALED!

Kanye West used four simple words on Friday night to get the entertainment industry excited over one simple thing:


Indeed, Mr. Kim Kardashian Tweeted the following this week, prompting fans everywhere to circle a certain date on their calendar:

Swish February 11 16.

Wow. That was fast.

Apparently Kanye’s American Idol audition went so well that he’s already landed a record deal.

We kid, we kid. West has actually been dropping hints about a new album ever since the year flipped to 2016.

Still, few details are actually known about the upcoming album.

The record may include the 38-year-old star’s “Facts,” which he dropped on New Year’s Eve, as well as the two tracks he’s already previewed since then:

“Real Friends” and “No More Parties in L.A.,” the latter of which features Kendrick Lamar.

West’s very famous wife, meanwhile, announced on Thursday that the artist would be releasing new music every Friday leading up to the release of “Swish,” writing to her millions of Twitter followers:

“Friiiiiiday!!!! New music!!!! #EveryFriday #Swish #RealFriends.”

In typical Kanye fashion, the rapper Tweeted back on December 12 that he’s pouring everything he has into this new record, warning folks at the time:

“I’m finishing my album and my next collectio. No offense to anyone… I’m asking everyone DON’T ASK ME FOR ANYTHING TILL AFTER I’M FINISHED WITH MY ALBUM.”

Fair enough.

When you’re finished, though, Kanye, we’d like to ask you about rumors that you’ve been cheating on Kim Kardashian.

Just, you know, whenever you have a few free moments.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Lamar Odom LOVES Kanye"s New Album!

The recent reports about Lamar Odom"s recovery from the 12 strokes that he suffered following a drug overdose have not been very encouraging.

After miraculously emerging from his coma and effectively communicating with friends and family back in October, Lamar"s progress has slowed considerably in recent months.

Hospital insiders say Odom is having trouble walking and is still unsure of why he"s in the hospital.

To make matters worse, the 36-year-old NBA star will need to leave Cedars-Sinai soon, but currently, Lamar has no place to stay

He"s unable to live on his own, but Khloe Kardashian has declined to take him in for obvious reasons (They"ve been estranged for over a year, and she"s already done a great deal to ensure that he receives the best care.), and Lamar is not close with any of his other family members.

Now that we"ve thoroughly depressed the hell out of you, let"s turn to some good news, shall we?

It seems that Kim Kardashian recently visited Lamar and played him some tracks from Kanye West"s new album, tentatively titled Swish.

In the clip below, Kim discusses Lamar"s rave response to the new Yeezy cuts.

It"s cool that Kanye is keeping his streak of stellar albums going, but obviously, the really great news here is that Odom is conscious enough of his surrounding that he"s able to listen to music and offer an opinion.

That"s such an encouraging sign that it even made Kanye smile. Check it out:

Kim kardashian lamar odom loves kanyes new album

Martin Shkreli Purchases $2 Million Wu-Tang Album, Remains Douchiest Man Alive

You may remember Martin Shkreli as the smirking cartoon supervillain who jacked up the price of a life-saving medication more than 5,400 percent.

But if you looked at that picture and figured Shkreli couldn’t get any more punchable, prepare to be amazed.

It turns out that in addition to being so hardcore that he pretended to break his hand in a fit of rage during a feud with Bernie “Da Boss” Sanders, Shkreli considers himself to be fully down with the streets, son.

In fact, his love of the hippity-hop runs so deep that when criticized for endangering the lives of millions of HIV patients by denying them access to a drug that helps stave off deadly infections, Shkreli responded by tweeting a bunch of Eminem lyrics.

Now, Shkreli has further demonstrated that cash rules everything around him by shelling out an astonishing $ 2 million for a single-pressing album from the Wu-Tang Clan.

Yes, the legendary hip hop group recently cemented its legacy as a bunch of guys who take themselves way too seriously by releasing a one-of-a-kind album that was sealed in a vault in Morocco before being purchased at auction last month.

It was initially reported that the buyer wanted to remain anonymous, which made sense, because who would want to be associated with such an obnoxiously extravagant purchase?

Sources later claimed that Quentin Tarantino bought the record, which also made sense, because Quentin Tarantino.

Now, Bloomberg Business is confirming that the disc was purchased by none other than the Doucheface Killah himself, Martin Shkreli.

If you’re hoping to hear the album yourself, then you may want to look into having your brain cryogenically preserved, because the Wu has insisted on an 88-year commercial ban, meaning that aside from Shkreli and his assuredly douchetastic inner circle, no one will hear Once Upon a Time in Shaolin until 2103.

Sources say Shkreli has yet to listen to the album himself, but of course, if there’s any justice in the universe, his face will immediately melt, a la an Indiana Jones Nazi, the moment he opens the packaging.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blue Ivy Carter to Make Musical Debut on Upcoming Coldplay Album!

Blue Ivy Carter may not be able to tie her own shoes, but she already leads one of the most baller existences on the planet.

Blue Ivy’s vacation photos could make Anthony Bourdain weep.

The girl gets custom-made clothes from the world’s biggest designers, then probably passes them on to her entourage when she outgrows them in a week.

She’s even got her first rap feud under her belt, thanks to Chris Brown’s claim that Royalty is the cutest of all the hip hop babies.

Obviously talent is no longer a requirement for being a celebrity (We’re looking at you, Kylie Jenner!), but Blue is making sure that she secures her spot as a future A-lister by becoming a more in-demand guest vocalist for top-selling artists than Nate Dogg was in his prime.

Okay, she’s hasn’t come that far quite yet, but Blue will be making her singing debut on Coldplay’s seventh studio album, due out next month.

Lead singer Chris Martin says it all started when the band brought in Beyonce for some cameo vocals on a track called “Hymn for the Weekend.”

Blue accompanied Bey in the studio, and naturally, the band couldn’t resist having her coo a few bars.

The album also features guest performances from Martin’s ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow, as well as his current girlfriend Annabelle Wallis, because apparently, this record is some sort of social experiment in which Chris Martin attempts to find out how awkward he can make his life.

Hey, it might’ve been weird to make, but we’re sure it’ll go multi-platinum.