Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

O.J. Simpson, Confesses Murders to Book Publisher Judith Regan

O.J. Simpson had his lawyer call Judith Regan, the woman who published his book, ‘If I Did It,’ and said flat-out Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman … this according to Regan herself. This is the most damning part of the…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Florida Shooting Student Survivors Eyeing Book Deals to Push Gun Message

Some of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High are planning on using their newfound star power to get their gun control message out … through a good page-turner. Sources tell TMZ that at least two of the outspoken survivors have been in…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Patty Hearst Movie Based on "American Heiress" Book Cancelled by FOX

Patty Hearst’s scathing criticism of the upcoming film and TV projects about her life wasn’t taken lightly … FOX just pulled the plug on its film project. 20th Century Fox Film announced Thursday afternoon it’s cancelling its planned biopic about…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Book, Donald Trump told Hope Hicks She was "Greatest Piece of Tail" Lewandowski Ever Got

The new book ‘Fire and Fury’ is loaded with explosive allegations involving Donald Trump and company, including one in which candidate Trump allegedly told his current Communications Director Hope Hicks that she was the “greatest piece of tail”…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

E-40 Sues Author of "Captain Save a Hoe" Book

Look up in the sky — it’s a bird, it’s a plane … oh wait, it’s E-40 suing someone over Captain Save a Hoe, mayne! 40 Water just filed suit against author Erika Kane and her publishers for a book she recently started selling, which is titled…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Hillary Clinton Dodges Manafort Indictment Questions, Opts to Peddle New Book

Hillary Clinton’s going full Kardashians by passing on questions about the big story of the day – Paul Manafort’s indictment — and instead choosing to plug the hell out of her new book. Asked about today’s indictments during book…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Grandma Buys X-Rated Book for 6-Year Old, Twitter Erupts

They say you should never judge a book by its cover.

And the following story is living, hilarious proof of that classic saying.

Earlier this week, a Twitter user with the handle “@Tiffany1985B” explained that her mother purchased a book for her six-year old granddaughter titled “If Animals Could Talk.” 

Sounds adorable, right?

As you"re about to find out below, not quite…

1. Ah, Grandmas!

Ah grandmas

You’ve gotta love them, right? This one obviously meant well here.

2. Non. Stop. Laughter.

Non stop laughter

Thankfully, the mother had a great response and the right attitude to this misguided gift.

3. And How Can She Not?

And how can she not

When this is the first page!

4. Obviously Meant for Adults

Obviously meant for adults

Just like the classic “Go The F*ck To Sleep,” this book is hilariously diguised as a children’s book, but isn’t exactly appropriate for anyone under the age of 13.

5. LOL!


This is our new favorite book.

6. Hard Drugs and Harsh Language

Hard drugs and harsh language

Seriously, how is this not a New York Times bestseller?

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Jackson Roloff Adorably Advertises Matt Roloff"s Children"s Book!

Recently, the FTC has been cracking down on Instagram ads and the reality stars who post them without including the #ad tag. 

But surely they’ll make an exception when the Instagram post is a baby holding his own grandfather’s children’s book.

Especially when that baby is as adorable as Jackson Roloff.

Don’t worry — we’re kidding about the FTC involvement.

We’re pretty sure that their policy on ads is for paid sponsorships. They want people to disclose that they’re being paid, so that you don’t think that, like, Brielle Biermann is just obsessed with her UV tooth-whitening light that almost certainly isn’t responsible for her white teeth.

(I mean, I don’t know what kind she uses and I’m no orthodontist, but apparently experts tend to doubt the effectiveness of that kind of device)

Anyway, Tori Roloff shared an image of her adorable, precious baby — the first Roloff grandbaby — posing with Matt Roloff’s book.

Little Lucy, Big Race is a children’s book that is ostensibly about dogs but clearly about little people navigating hurdles in life due to their size but nonetheless accomplishing the same things as everybody else.

A lot of disabilities have children’s books, but there aren’t all that many. Every new one is welcome.

Books like this can be an empowering and relatable educational tool for preschool-aged children who are little people.

Books like this can also be incredibly useful for other children to read in order to empathize with and understand little people.

Most importantly of all, though, look at how adorable Jackson is in this photo:

He’s so cute! And it’s not even the first photo of Jackson Roloff showing off something.

Tori Roloff shared the photo of her precious baby and included this caption:

“Baby J just has no idea how lucky he is… grandpa Roloff dedicated his first book to Jackson!”

That is such a touching gesture!

(Though we hope that baby Ember Jean will get a book dedicated to her, too)

“We love Little lucy big race so much! And BONUS our beloved Sully makes an appearance or two! Now you guys can order your own copy!!!”


Like we said, this is an advertisement — it’s just not a paid one.

Totally within the rules of Instagram, we think.

“It’s available online (link in my bio) and at our family pumpkin patch! Get your copy before they run out!”

(Here’s the link if you’re interested in Little Lucy, Big Race, by the way. Also not an add; we just thought that we’d save you some trouble)

She also included the tags: “#babyjroloff” and “#littlelucybigrace.”

We don’t know what to think of calling him “baby J” instead of by his actual name … but whatever. Lots of babies have nicknames.

Tori Roloff also shared this photo of herself with Zach while Matt poses with the book itself.

A lot of people tend to think of writing a book as just a matter of writing it and then sending it off, wading through rejections, and then … profit?

There’s a lot more involved, especially in a deeply personal children’s book, and especially when you’re a reality star who is marketing the book yourself.

Matt Roloff wants to show the world the kind of dignity and accomplishments that are possible for little people.

This is especially important in a world where, even in 2017, too many little people on television are relegated to comic relief or to playing non-humans.

(Yes, we know about Peter Dinklage, but he’s just one guy smashing barriers and that’s on Game of Thrones, which is scripted television)

Let’s not even get into the antics and portrayals of little people on reality television, but we think that you can imagine.

Anyway, it’s a good idea for a book.

And baby Jackson is a great way to sell said book.

There’s just one thing that might have made that photo even better:

What if they’d had Jackson and Ember Jean on a bed or blanket with the book between them?

Now, we get it — the book is dedicated to Jackson who, like his father and both of his father’s parents, is a little person.

Jackson is also the first Roloff grandbaby.

But if their goal is to get attention … a photo of both babies in the same frame would work wonders.

Just saying.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED at Javi Marroquin Over Tell-All Book!

Despite the fact that they’re reality stars who tend to overshare on social media, these days, it’s very difficult to figure out what’s going on between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin.

Just weeks after Kailyn filed for a restraining order against Javi, it seems the former couple is somehow back on good terms.

In fact, rumors of Lowry and Marroquin getting back together have been circulating on social media for several days now.

Many Teen Mom 2 fans took the couple’s silence on the subject as an implicit confirmation of the rumors.

But now it seems their celebrations may have been a bit premature.

According to Radar Online, Javi is on the verge of publishing a memoir with some scathing tidbits about Kailyn.

It seems the publication date keeps getting pushed back as a result of Kailyn’s efforts to have certain excerpts removed.

Despite the obvious displeasure of his ex, however, Marroquin says he’s pushing forward with the tell-all.

“The book is coming,” Javi told Radar in a recent interview.

“There are things in there I needed Kail’s permission to say. She’s obviously not happy with some of the stuff in there. That’s the delay right now.”

Javi refused to go into specifics with regard to why Kailyn is upset about the book, but he assured fans that his debut memoir will be in stores soon.

“As soon as Kail and I can come to an equal compromise, hopefully we can keep pressing on it.”

Javi first revealed his publishing deal back in March:

“Fans can expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life,” she said at the time.

“Lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!”

Hopefully he’s hired a competent editor to help him excise those mixed metaphors.

In his latest interview, Javi told Radar that he considers it unfair that he’s forced to have Kailyn sign off on the book, as he was given no such courtesy when she published Hustle and Heart last year.

In the memoir, Kailyn describes Javi as “jealous and controlling.”

“When he did things like demanding that I unlock my phone to prove I had nothing to hide, or calling me constantly when I was enjoying time with friends to make sure I wasn’t doing anything ‘sneaky’ behind his back, it became clearer and clearer how little my husband trusted me,” reads one scathing passage.

“I had done nothing to make him doubt me. I never lied, never went behind his back and I was never unfaithful. For some reason, he was convinced otherwise.”

Yeah, we’re thinking fans might want to go ahead and give up on those recociliation hopes.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more to relive Kailyn and Javi’s rocky romance.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Teresa Giudice: My New Book Will Tell You ALL About ...

The various Real Housewives have had some troublemakers in their midsts, but most of them don’t end up behind bars. Teresa Giudice of The Real Housewives of New Jersey served her prison sentence and got out, and now she’s coming out with a book.

Apparently, being on a reality show about her life isn’t enough to tell her story.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether the infamous table-flipper has produced a page-turner.

Teresa Giudice’s book is titled Standing Strong.

It comes out on October 3rd, so it’s still more than a month away.

Teresa’s previous book, Turning The Tables, was a real memoir, chronicling her life up to and including prison.

Standing Strong, on the other hand, will reportedly detail her life since leaving prison.

Teresa Giudice got out of prison in late December of 2015, so this book won’t even cover two whole years.

But reportedly, Teresa’s book will focus on three things:

-Raising four daughters

-Being a single mother (while her husband is serving his lengthier prison sentence)

-The darker times in her life (that means prison, and that means the death of her mother)

Teresa teases that there will be some Housewives gossip (of course).

And then there’s the big one:

“I talk a lot about my relationship with Joe. I don’t think I have ever been more honest about my true feelings regarding my marriage. I think my honesty is going to shock some people, including my husband, but it’s how I feel.”

We’ll get to the Joe stuff in a moment, because that statement is all kinds of ambiguous.

Honestly, we’re not seeing this as the tell-all that many people seem to want to believe.

It looks more like The Real Housewife of Eat, Pray, Love, right?

She’s even doing yoga (Tree Pose, a play on the book’s title) on the cover.

From what we know so far, this books seems less about spilling secrets and more about brand management.

And probably gathering a little extra, much-needed pocket money, right?

(So long as she doesn’t hide these proceeds from the government, right?)

But, you may wonder, what does being honest about Joe mean?

Let’s dive into that topic:

Some have speculated that Teresa will use this book to slam Joe for putting her and their entire family in their predicament.

Honestly … that’s so tempting to believe, right?

Because it kind of does seem to be all his fault.

But we don’t see that happening.

(And if we’re wrong, we’re wrong — we’ll all find out in, like, a month and a half)

For the sake of her children, we feel like Teresa’s going to spin things in as positive a manner as possible and paint the picture of them all working through these tough times and coming out stronger.

That’s just … common sense.

We’re sure that she’s going to talk about anger.

(Can you even talk about Teresa Giudice without talking about anger?)

There’s a time and a place for throwing your husband under the bus.

(And we’d be totally supportive if she did, don’t get us wrong)

But we don’t see her using this book for that.

This book is an opportunity to promote her brand.

She can’t erase her prison sentence but she can tie it into the image that she wants to cultivate and use it for self-promotion and to make a little money.

That is going through tough times and using it to make yourself stronger.


Monday, July 24, 2017

O.J. Simpson Book Deal: Newly Paroled Star to Reveal ALL?!

O.J. Simpson is about to be cut loose from prison, and already, talk has begun regarding his future plans to pen a bombshell tell-all.

If the alleged murderer were to write a news memoir, Caitlyn and Kris Jenner would be scared s–tless, and they’re far from alone.

Even if you take out the ongoing speculation that O.J. Simpson is Khloe Kardashian’s father, he has a lot of history with that family.

History, and no doubt quite a bit of dirt.

The Kardashian-Jenner family is far from alone in that respect; O.J. could throw a whole lot of people close to him under the bus.

Or Hertz rental car shuttle, if you will.

Perhaps for this reason, there’s been intense interest in his rise and fall, from ESPN’s O.J.: Made in America documentary to FX’s miniseries.

Simply put, Simpson makes for great television and online gossip fodder, based on who he is, what he did and what he might do next.

This may not translate to the book world, however. Watching O.J. documentaries is one thing … paying him money for a book is another.

According to insiders, just about every major publisher is prepared to give him a major stiff-arm once O.J. gets paroled later this year.

Simpson has served nearly nine years of a sentence of 9-33 years for kidnapping and robbing people, not for the two people he killed.

ALLEGEDLY killed, sorry. Our fault there.

Anyway, hot as his “brand” is, and hilarious as stories of Simpson masturbating in prison might be, dude is basically the third rail of publishing.

In a rare display of foresight, booksellers fear the inevitable backlash, or boycott, that could doom the project and their future prospects.

It’s almost like this happened before …

By and large, Americans still believe there’s a very good chance O.J. is guilty of the 1994 double murder of his ex-wife and her friend.

While a parole board can’t think about that when weighing his release based on the crime for which he was locked up, the public will.

Keith Urbahn, president of Javelin, said, “Consumers won’t spend 20 bucks on a self-aggrandizing book about how he’s turned his life around.”

O.J. landed a book deal in 2007 for the ill-conceived If I Did It, which ultimate got Judith Regan canned from her position at HarperCollins.

In that tome, Simpson actually penned a “hypothetical” sequence of events detailing how he would’ve killed Nicole. If he did it, that is.

Pretty disgraceful, and still on the minds of people in the book world these days who aren’t willing to go down that ridiculous road.

Simpson told a Nevada parole board last week that he was simply trying to retrieve items that he believed had been stolen from him.

He maintained that it was only by sheer coincidence that he and his would-be robbery victim wound up in the same city on the same day.

“As a perfect storm we all ended up in Las Vegas, you know?” Simpson said. “I was there for a wedding and [heard] the property was there.”

O.J. often contradicted himself, offering excuses and justifications, then saying he takes “full responsibility” for the crimes almost interchangeably.

In response to allegations that he pointed a gun at the robbery victim, Simpson stated, without irony, “I would never, ever pull a weapon.”

He also claims to have led a “conflict-free life,” though he regrets being unfaithful to his wife and turning his back on his religious beliefs.


O.J. Simpson"s Book Deal Would be a Public Relations Disaster, Publishers Say

O.J. Simpson’s still untouchable in the literary world — most major publishers will NOT be scrambling to offer him a book deal after he gets out of prison. We spoke with multiple major publishers who said … despite being granted parole, and all…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Britney Spears: Writing a Tell-All Book that SLAMS Other Stars?!

It’s no secret that Britney Spears, whose art brings joy to us all and whose mere existence makes the world a better place, has had her ups and downs. But it’s clear that the biggest low points in her life are in the past.

These days, she’s a first-rate mom who still has a thriving music career and also sometimes quotes Nietzsche on Instagram. She also has a super hot boyfriend.

And now we’re hearing that she could be writing a tell-all book … one that spill exactly what she thinks of some other celebrities she’s known.

Obviously, the news that Britney Spears is writing a tell-all book is really exciting if it’s true.

But hearing that she might be throwing a surprising amount of shade at other celebrities sounds like a godsend.

“She’s always kept journals, and Britney’s decided to write a tell-all book.”

Who wouldn’t love to read those if Britney decides to share just the journals themselves, you know?

“She’s tired of hearing all these half-truths about her and wants to set the record straight about who she really is.”

We’re here for that, sure.

And, according to this report, Britney Spears will be speaking about specific stars and sharing her exact thoughts about them.

Apparently, among those named will be Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift.

“By the end of the book, everyone will know exactly how Britney feels about them.”

That sounds ominous, right?

Not for Britney or for the readers, but … for someone.

“This book is going to surprise a lot of people.”

That’s the thing, though — this would be surprising.

Not just because this news isn’t coming from Britney or her team themselves.

(Though you’d think that they’d want to float that directly, right?)

But also because Britney’s life is going so well.

Drama follows her because she’s famous, but Britney’s never really been one to seek it out.

Even in her wildest partying days — remember those? — Britney didn’t have anything like the kinds of feuding that we see with other celebrities.

And now that everything’s so perfect in her life, it’s hard to imagine that she’s stirring the pot, you know?

On the one hand, sure, she’s untouchable because she’s Britney Freaking Spears.

So she can do what she wants without taking issue with whatever, like, Katy Perry tweets about her or whatever.

But … why would she want to?

What would she have to gain?

Lately, Taylor Swift — who finds balance by being virtually synonymous with squads and with feuds — has been pretty quiet and reserved.

We’re sure that she has new music coming and that she’ll have a lot to say with it.

But at the moment, she’s backing off from fights and appearances because things got too heated and she knows how damaging overexposure can be.

Just last week, Taylor broke two months of silence on Instagram to congratulate Selena Gomez on her new song.

(That song is “Fetish” and it’s great, you guys)

Britney might not be a hardcore Slytherin like Taylor Swift (that’s not an insult), but she’s been at this game a long time.

(Even though Britney Spears is ageless so it’s difficult to forget)

If Taylor, who’s still young and relatively new to the world of pop stardom, is wise enough to know when to hold her tongue …

… It’s that much harder to picture Britney opening a big ol’ can of worms.

If she really is writing a book, we eagerly look forward to reading its every detail.

And, of course, sharing those details with you.

But we guess that we’ll hold out until she announces it herself.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Files $10 Million Lawsuit Against Simon & Schuster for Pulling His Book

Milo Yiannopoulos is demanding 8-figures from publishing giant Simon & Schuster … claiming it bowed to pressure from celebs like Sarah Silverman and Leslie Jones, and pulled the plug on his memoir. Milo filed his lawsuit against Simon…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Corinne Olympios Closes the Book on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal

Corinne Olympios has a few more things she would like to say.

Following the announcement that a slightly revamped Bachelor in Paradise will resume filming on Season 4, the controversial contestant at the center of the show’s latest scandal has issued a new statement.

Below, Corinne reiterates her belief that she was made into a victim, while she also makes a final declaration regarding her role on the ABC series.

“In light of the overwhelming amount of misinformation that has been spread in the media, I want to clarify a few things,” Olympios begins.

“My intent over the past few weeks has been to learn and understand what happened on June 4.”

On that date, of course, Corinne and DeMario Jackson ended up naked in a pool after downing many alcoholic drinks together.

They got very far sexually, with Jackson recently describing the raunchy hook-up in detail, only for a producer to tell executives that Olympios may have been too drunk to give DeMario consent.

Once this allegation was leveled, production was shut down and the cast sent home.

About two weeks later, an internal investigation determined no misconduct had taken place and Warner Bros. confirmed Season 4 would air this summer as originally scheduled.

In a previous statement, Olympios had described herself as a “victim,” while her attorney came out last week and implied his client may still press charges.

But it doesn’t sound as if that will be the case any longer.

“While I never filed complaints or accusations against anyone associated with Bachelor In Paradise, my team and I felt it was very important to be thorough in getting to the bottom of what occurred,” Olympios said on Thursday, adding:

“I felt victimized by the fact that others were judging me through conflicting and unsubstantiated reports, while I myself had no recollection of the events that transpired.”

We can’t say for certain what happened between Olympios and Jackson.

But DeMario has outlined how aggressive Corinne was during their hook-up, even thrusting her naked crotch directly in his face at one point and demanding oral sex.

It’s certainly possible she was blackout drunk at the time… later learned that a third party had serious questions about all that took place between her and Jackson… and then freaked out because she really had no memory of her nude actions.

Jackson even stood up for Corinne in an interview with E! News this week.

Continued Olympios in her statement:

“My team’s investigation into this matter has now been completed to my satisfaction. I am also happy about the changes that have been made to the production of Bachelor In Paradise.”

(Warner Bros. has announced that contestants will be limited to two drinks per hour and that crew members will be asked to keep a much closer eye than before on their level of sobriety.)

Concludes Corinne:

“While I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been a participant on The Bachelor, and while I was invited to return to Bachelor In Paradise when production resumed, I respectfully made the decision not to.”

So there you have it.

Olympios will not rejoin the Bachelor in Paradise cast for Season 4 and DeMario is also unlikely to do so.

Every other reality star who was sent home from Mexico earlier this month is expected back, however, with the premiere date of August 8 remaining intact.

This ought to close the book on what has been a crazy few weeks, even by the standards of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.

Considering there was a videotape of Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up, we’re not sure how things spiraled out of control to this point, considering executives could simply have viewed the material as soon as an accusation was made.

But we’re glad no one was really hurt.

We’re glad no inappropriate actions took place.

And we guess we’re glad, from a selfish point of view, that Bachelor in Paradise is coming back. It will be fun to write about this summer.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Book "Em! These Real Housewives Have Each Been Arrested

The Real Hot Messes of Prison, amiright?

Over the years, several stars from Bravo"s most successful programs have been handcuffed for various offenses including DUIs, domestic abuse and assault and battery. 

Heck, Josh Waring from The Real Housewives of Orange County, was actually charged with attempted murder, which kind of takes the cake.

Who else have run afoul of the authorities, though?

Find out below!

1. Kelly Bensimon

Kelly bensimon runs in traffic

‘The Real Housewives of New York’ star was arrested in 2009 for punching her then-boyfriend, Nick Stefanov in the eye. Stefanov, according to People, allegedly fled the apartment and ran to the nearest precinct to press charges.

2. Sonja Morgan

Sonja morgan gif lame

Morgan was arrested for driving under the influence in 2010, after partying in the Hamptons over Memorial Day Weekend. She went through a stop sign and refused to take a Breathalyzer after failing field sobriety tests, so the officer on duty handcuffed the reality star.

3. Josh Waring

Josh waring mugshot

Waring, son of former Orange County star Lauri Peterson, was arrested on seven counts in June 2016, including attempted murder.

4. Joe Giudice

Joe giudice image

Where to begin? Giudice is currently serving time for tax fraud, but his previous arrests include a DUI and impersonating his brother in order to get a driver’s license. In 2015, he was caught driving with suspended license. Upon Giudice’s release from prison, he could face deportation, as he is not a US citizen (he was born in Italy, but moved here when he was very young).

5. Peter Thomas

Cynthia bailey with peter thomas

Cynthia Bailey’s estranged husband was arrested for simple assault on a woman in 2008. He was arrested a year later on the same charge, along with “battery with visible harm.”

6. Marysol Patton

Marysol patton miami swim week 2016

The Real Housewives of Miami star was arrested for a DUI in 2010. According to Radar, Patton was able to plead guilty to a lesser charge of Reckless Driving, having to pay only a $ 1000 fine, plus $ 581 in court fees.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Brad Pitt: I"m a Non-Suicidal Open Book!

Brad Pitt has more to say about his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Specifically, Brad Pit has more to say about what his life is like in the wake of his divorce from Angelina Jolie.

Earlier this month, the beloved actor opened way up to GQ Style about his split from Jolie, speaking in detail about the stunning break-up for the first time since it transpired in September.

After admitting that Child Protective Services was called to investigate claims of abuse against Pitt, the star said he and his estranged wife are at a decent place these days.

“Our focus is that everyone come out stronger and better people – there is no other outcome,” Pitt said at the time of he, Jolie and their six kids.

He added:

“I see it happen to friends – I see where the one spouse literally can’t tell their own part in it, and it’s still competing with the other in some way and wants to destroy them, and needs vindication by destruction, and just wasting years on that hatred.

“I don’t want to live that way.”

Now, in another revealing interview, Pitt has talked to the Associated Press about his state of being at the moment.

“I’ve got no secrets. I’ve got nothing to hide,” the 53-year old tells The AP, adding:

“We’re human and I find the human condition very interesting. If we’re not talking about it, then we’re not getting better.”

Profound words, huh?

Pitt, who has admitted to an excess of drinking and drug use over the years, offered up a lot more of them as well.

The Allied actor opened up about how he’s been spending his time “keeping the ship afloat” and “figuring out the new configuration of our family,” emphasizing that nothing else really matters.

Absolutely nothing at all.

“Kids are everything,” he says, of his six children – Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8. “Kids are your life. They’re taking all the focus, as they should anyway.

Pitt then got surprisingly dark, joking: “I’m not suicidal or something.”

Well… good? We guess?

We never really thought that was on the table.

On September 19, four days after an alleged altercation between Pitt and Maddox, Jolie filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

She asked at the time for physical custody of the couple’s children and requested that Pitt be granted visitation.

Since this time, the stars have agreed to keep the legal details of their divorce private.

Pitt is fighting for joint custody of the kids, that much we know, but it’s unclear at the moment just where things stand.

“I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids,” Pitt said in his first-post divorce statement last fall.

“I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

Thus far, the press has stayed away from the kids.

But reporters are obviously anxious to hear from Pitt and Jolie.

In this interview with the AP, Pitt simply said he is getting through the divorce as best as he can.

“There’s still much beauty in the world and a lot of love. And a lot of love to be given. It’s all right. It’s just life,” he said.

We also may see less of him as an actor moving forward.

“I feel myself as I’m older gravitating more to the producing side than being in front of the camera,” he said.

“It’s a big commitment, a film, and it does take you away from your family. I just have to balance that. It’s not less important, itself, it’s just not as important as family.”


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Barack Obama Proposed to Another Woman, Sheila Jager, Before Michelle, New Book Claims

Barack Obama proposed to a woman who rejected him not once but twice … before he met Michelle — this according to a new biography. The woman is Sheila Miyoshi Jager. David Garrow, author of the new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama,”…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Kelly Rowland Laughs Off Fur Protest at Book Signing (VIDEO)

Kelly Rowland was unfazed by the fur protest that hijacked her book signing, showing no signs she’ll change her wardrobe. Kelly landed at LAX Thursday and only chuckled when our photog asked about the animal rights protest Wednesday at a New Jersey…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kelly Rowland Book Signing Crashed By Fur Protesters (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Fur protesters snuck up on Kelly Rowland at her book signing by pretending to be fans, then did a 180 and chanted she has blood on her hands. Kelly was putting her Jane Hancock on copies of her new mom guide, ‘Whoa, Baby,’ Wednesday night at a…
