Showing posts with label Breaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Matt Barnes: Kobe"s "Breaking Down Barriers" for Athletes, I Got a Movie, Too!

Kobe Bryant’s Oscar win has gotten mixed reviews amid the #MeToo movement, but Matt Barnes is 100% behind his ex-NBA rival — giving Bryant mad props for paving the way for sports stars.  “I think it’s dope. He’s breaking down barriers, still…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Playboy Sued by Playmate for Breaking Promise She Wouldn"t Appear Nude

Playboy had the nerve to publish a model’s nude photo on its cover after promising a bunch of times it wouldn’t … so claims a former Playmate model in a new lawsuit. The model, filing the suit as Jane Doe, says she always wanted to appear in…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Caught Breaking Courship Rules ALREADY?!

It’s only been two weeks since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are courting, but it seems the couple is already moving awfully fast.

Like, so fast his parents are probably about to spray them with a garden hose.

As you probably know, the Duggars follow a strict set of rules when it comes to the process of courting, which they describe as “datint with a purpose.”

That “purpose,” of course, is getting married and siring a small army of fundamentalist children.

As such, all forms of pre-marital hanky-panky are strictly prohibited.

But the Duggars don’t just forbid sexual intercourse.

No, they prohibit unmarried couples from engaging in just about any form of physical contact, including hand-holding and “front-hugging.”

(Courting couples are permitted to engage in brief “side-hugs,” which have been sanctioned by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, as they don’t involve any chest-to-chest or genital-to-genital contact. Seriously.)

For obvious reasons, the Duggars have had trouble enforcing these rules in the past.

For example, despite the fact that their dates were all chaperoned, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth admitted to breaking courtship rules in the months leading up to their marriage.

We don’t know if that meant they simply held hands for too long, or dared to front-hug, or … went even further.

Whatever the case, “shotgun wedding” rumors began plaguing the Duggars shortly after Joy-Anna snnounced her pregnancy, and now it looks as though they have another courtship scandal on their hands.

Yes, it seems that just a few days after Josiah and Lauren confirmed their courtship, the couple was spotted violating the strict code of conduct set forth by his parents.

According to Radar Online, Josiah and Lauren have already been spotted, holding hands, hugging, and yes … even kissing.

The couple is currently on vacation in New Zealand, where Josiah’s family is doing a number of public appearances and speaking gigs.

At one point, the site reports, Josiah and Lauren visited a military monument with a tank that visitors are encouraged to climb into. 

Lauren apparently had trouble dismounting, and Josiah grabbed her around the waist to help her down.

That may not sound like a big deal, but as far as Josiah’s parents are concerned, he might as well have climbed into the tank with her and made a baby.

Interestingly, Josiah is unique amongst the Duggars in that this isn’t his forct courtship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship ended under mysterious circumstances, and neither party has gone into detail about why they decided to call it quits.

So perhaps the rules are different for Josiah because he’s been down this road before.

We doubt it, but that might be how the 21-year-old is justifying his more hands-on approach to dating.

We’re guessing his parents aren’t thrilled, and Lauren’s familt–who is rumored to be just as conservative–probably isn’t too crazy about it, either.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stephen Belafonte Says Mel B"s Breaking Their Divorce Deal, She Calls BS

Stephen Belafonte says Mel B is breaking the deal they struck in their divorce, and he wants a judge to drop the hammer on her … but Mel says he’s full of it. In docs, obtained by TMZ, Mel’s attorney says Stephen is finding any excuse…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Is their PDA Breaking Royal Rules?

Stories like Meghan Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry aren’t just wonderful news — they’re a welcome distraction to many from the endless horror show that is 2017’s political news.

But there’s something about their engagement that stands out among other royal engagements, and it isn’t Meghan’s race or nationality or status as a divorcee.

And, though it’s a break from tradition, it’s actually incredibly sweet.

People have noticed that MegMar and Prince Harry are affectionate in public. They hold hands.

You know which royal couple we basically never see holding hands?

William and Kate. And, for that matter, Elizabeth and Phillip show an even greater degree of restraint.

This isn’t a Duggar fertility cult scenario where royal couples are restricted to side-hugs or anything like that. 

But there is a tradition of showing a “stiff upper liff” and displaying a degree of severity when you’re a member of the British Royal Family.

To a lesser degree, British culture is relatively reserved compared to US culture when it comes to emotional displays.

In both cultures, hand-holding is typically reserved for children and for romantic couples.

(In most places, hand-holding between adults is reserved for straight couples in particular, as there are many places where same-sex couples remain at risk of random acts of violence)

And, in appearance after appearance, Harry and Meghan seem to be almost physically inseparable.

Royal etiquette expert Myka Meier explains to People the significance of their public displays of affection.

“While Prince Harry and Meghan holding hands is atypical for royal engagements, it is a seemingly welcomed gesture to show unity and celebration of their engagement period.”

That’s a polite way of saying that perhaps Meghan Markle’s American-ness is rubbing off on Harry.

“There is no protocol that says they can not show affection on official engagements, and this gesture makes them relatable and lovable to the public.”

Relatable is a good word, there.

“Meghan and Prince Harry holding hands at a royal engagement is a refreshingly modern approach to their new role both as a couple and as representatives of the royal family.”

Many people feel that, just as British taxpayers should not be funding the royal lifestyle and security, those born to royal families should not have their entire lives predetermined by their birth.

Basically, Prince Harry holding hands is a welcome sign that the times are changing.

“It is rare to see royal couples holding hands on official outings.”


(Notice that William and Kate are friendly and cordial, but stand apart during most public appearances. Honestly, we’d never thought much of it until the contrast was pointed out, but now it’s hard to not notice)

The royal etiquette expert (we wonder how one becomes qualified for that and also how useful it is in real life, but we all have skills that you could say that about) continues:

“While we are much less likely to see The Duke and Duchess holding hands in public, we often see Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall holding hands.”

So Harry takes after his father, in that respect.

“It’s all simply a matter of preference for each couple and is also likely dependent on the nature of the event they are attending.”

That makes sense. Most of us let the event that we’re attending tell us how to dress and how much to drink, not whether we hold hands. 

But most of us aren’t in line to become monarchs.

“A more serious engagement would warrant a more serious level of professionalism, which each royal is sure to follow.”


Compared to the resurfacing of Meghan Markle’s “racy” pics or to the fact that she’s (gasp!) been divorced, a little hand-holding between engaged adults is not a big deal.

It is, however, a deviation from the norms and something that people are going to talk about.

In fact, as the royal wedding date approaches, all eyes will remain on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And you can bet that people are going to find more things on which to comment.

Remember that Harry isn’t just a royal — he’s handsome and considered so very desirable that there was once a reality competition series whose premise was that the winner would ostensibly marry him.

And Meghan Markle is a biracial, divorced, American actress. While none of those are bad things, they are different.

“Change” and “progress” aren’t usually words that people associate with monarchies. So people are going to take note when the Royals do things differently.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jinger Duggar"s Friend Speaks Out: Is She "Breaking Away" From Her Family?

Yesterday, we reported that Jinger Duggar had used secular music lyrics in an Instagram post celebrating her upcoming one-year wedding anniversary.

Like all of Jinger’s small acts of defiance, it may not seem like much to those who are unfamiliar with her family’s strict code of conduct.

But for those who are familiar with the many rules the Duggar children are forced to follow, Jinger is a regular freedom fighter.

Jinger wears pants, listens to music that isn’t about Jesus, and she even left her hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas to relocate to Laredo, Texas with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

Next thing you know, she’ll be holding down a job!

The situation is enough to make fans wonder if Jinger’s relationship with her parents has become strained over the course of the last year.

While she engaged in minor acts of disobedience as a child, it was only after she married Vuolo that Jinger really started to cut ties with her Jim Bob and Michelle’s belief system.

Some fans have expressed hopes (or fears) that Jinger will eventually “break away” from the Duggars’ restrictive lifestyle, but a longtime family friend says that’s unlikely to happen.

In a recent Reddit AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) session, an unidentified friend of the Duggars’ answered fan questions about the family’s secret life.

And fans had a lot of inquiries about Jinger and her apparently complicated relationship with her parents:

“I think Jim Bob has feelings about Jinger’s marriage. I think he feels that Jeremy wasn’t 100% upfront about his values that may differ from Jim Bob’s,” the family friend said at one point.

“But they also feel adamantly that once the girl’s are married they are under the guidance of their husband’s, so they wouldn’t intervene.”

The insider says that while Jinger’s independent streak is not always well-received around the Duggar compound, there’s no real concern that her abandon her family’s core beliefs:

“Obviously everyone knows about Jinger wearing pants and such. There are little things they do once leaving the home that they are restricted from when they are younger (tv, movies, music) but no one has ‘broken away’ completely,” said the source.

However, one major beef that Jim Bob might have with his daughter’s marriage is the lack of children it’s produced thus far:

“Jim Bob is OBSESSED with how many grandchildren they will end up with. He used to be all about how many children he and Michelle would have and seemed very fixated and making it to 20,” said the insider.

“Now that they are past that point, he has turned that fixation to grandchildren. It’s like his life’s mission to have 100.

One commenter noted that JB “must hate Jinger and Jeremy right now,” but the insider didn’t reply.

Of course, the source admitted that she doesn’t know everything.

Asked point-blank about the rumors that Jinger is using birth control, she replied simply, “I have no idea, sorry!”

Some things even rebellious Jinger keeps to herself.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Selena Gomez and The Weeknd, He Did the Breaking Up

The Weeknd is the one who ended his relationship with Selena Gomez — not vice versa — and it had nothing to do with Justin Bieber … TMZ has learned. Multiple sources connected to The Weeknd and Selena tell us, their relationship had been…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell Accused of Breaking Courtship Rules!

It’s only been six weeks since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got married, but already, the newlyweds find themselves at the center of a controversy.

The latest Duggar mini-scandal has nothing to do with the Joe and Kendra’s actions since saying “I do,” however.

Instead, it seems fans are irate about something that took place before their massive wedding.

TLC recently uploaded a video taken just days before Joseph and Kendra exchanged vows.

The footage shows the young couple enjoying a picnic and discussing their plans for married life.

“I think it’s gonna be exciting to move into our first house together,” Kendra says at one point.

“And doing some of the ministry stuff again … Doing the singing and the outreach. It’ll be great to get back.”

Kendra adds:

“I think I’m also looking forward to getting back into a normal schedule. Maybe cook some meals together.”

For his part, Joe says simply:

“I’m looking forward to making more memories like this with you.”

So what’s so controversial about that?

Well, nothing really, but the outing appears to differ from Joe and Kendra’s other dates in one significant way:

In the past, Joseph and Kendra’s dates were chaperoned by members of his massive family.

In fact, the Duggars proved the lengths Joe and Kendra went to to safeguard their own chastity by posting footage of a rollerblading date on which the pair was kept in line by the presence of Joe’s younger brothers.

(Fact: no rollerblading date has ever resulted in sex.)

Fans believe the pre-wedding picnic presented in the new clip shows Joe and Kendra on an un-chaperoned date, which would put them in violation of the Duggar rules of courtship.

(No, camera crews don’t count as chaperones according to the Duggar Code of Conduct.)

Naturally, critics have been quick to attack the young couple for their alleged hypocrisy.

But we’ve gone full Zapruder film with this footage, and after hours of painstaking frame-by-frame investigation, we now believe Joe and Kendra are being unfairly criticized.

In the first several seconds of the video, an unidentified third party can be seen following close behind Joe and Kendra.

We don’t know who it is, but it’s worth noting that woman is dressed according to the Duggar rules regarding female attire.

Is it one of Joe’s sisters?

A trusted family friend, perhaps?

We don’t know, but we’re guessing it’s safe to assume Joe and Kendra didn’t give into their biological urges right there in front of the cameras.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial couple. 


Friday, October 13, 2017

Derick Dillard: Breaking the Duggars" Rules, Partying Behind Jill"s Back (Report)

Over the past few weeks, Derick Dillard has set himself apart as something of an unexpected rebel within the Duggar family.

Now, we should note that we mean Derick’s behavior is rebellious only by Duggar standards, which means he adheres to Jim Bob’s strict fundamentalist views, he just occasionally expresses them in unorthodox ways.

Most of the controversies surrounding Derick have had to do with the 28-year-old’s social media presence.

Back in August Derick attacked Jazz Jennings on social media, tweeting that his fellow TLC star, who’s also a transgender teen, is starring in a deceptive “reality show that’s based on a non-reality.”

Dillard added that “gender is ordained by God.”

Earlier this month, Dillard stirred further controversy when he tweeted about racism in America, informing his followers that it’s virtually non-existent.

It seems Derick has enjoyed stirring the pot on social media lately, but one of his latest posts attracted negative attention from fans for reasons that Dillard probably didn’t anticipate:

Derick posted the above video earlier this week along with a caption reading:

“Had a blast getting to hang out with international friends at the international bonfire last night! #intlbonfire17 #internationalstudents #danceparty #southasianstyle”

It may seem innocent enough–and it is–but according to the Duggars’ mindset the most innocuous activities can hide the greatest temptations.

The Duggars are strictly opposed to all forms of dancing, believing, as Michelle Duggar once explained, that it promotes promiscuity by stirring up “sensual” feelings.

“I thought they didn’t approve of dancing? Looks pretty wild,” commented one fan.

“I didn’t know you danced. I know Jim Bob has strict opinions about dancing and defrauding. Where is Jill?” remarked another.

The video above is still live, but Derick deleted a second clip that shows students dancing to the Luis Fonsi hit “Despacito,” after his followers pointed out that the song contains sexually explicit lyrics.

Interestingly, the uproar comes on the heels of reports that Derick is cheating on Jill Duggar, a rumor that Dillard has yet to address directly.

Thus far, the father of two has responded to the speculation only by tweeting several Bible verses about the evils of adultery, a move that’s only added fuel to the fire, as many fans believe the tweets to be Derick’s way of confessing.

If there was any extramarital activity on Derick’s part, the Duggars are no doubt doing their best to sweep it under the carpet.

But if the Josh Duggar sex scandals taught us anything, it’s that there are some stories that even the Duggar PR machine can’t bury.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Danielle Bregoli: My Single is Breaking Records!

Did you guys know that Danielle Bregoli is now the youngest artist of all time to chart on the Billboard Top 100?

If we have to live with that information, then so do you. Forever.

The Cash Me Ousside girl is responding to her the news of her career milestone, and … well, it’s very on-brand. We’ll say that.

That’s right.

Danielle Bregoli’s first single, “These Heaux” dropped, as we warned you.

That’s what viral fame will do.

Maybe that’s also what talent will do (I absolutely do not know as I cannot judge certain genres like rap or country or jazz or death metal because they’re just not my type of music at all).

One way or the other, her first-ever song is number 77 on the Billboard Top 100 and she’s only 14 years old.

That’s an accomplishment, no matter how she got there.

Are you guys ready to find out what Danielle Bregoli’s response to her song’s success is?

Danielle is apparently not surprised at all about her success, because here’s what she had to say:

“Damn right. I’m a rapper, b–ch.”

She said that in an Instagram video in which she spoke so quickly that she was difficult to understand.

Danielle actually did admit some initial insecurities over whether or not her song would be accepted or get roasted, but those seem past now that her first-ever single is breaking records.

Of course, it’s impossible to tell how many people are enjoying the song versus those listening for the curious novelty of it (or just plain hate-listening).

But still … success is success.

Of course, we all remember how Danielle Bregoli first achieved viral fame.

She went on Dr. Phil for her bad behavior.

When she was displeased with the audience, she angrily said: “Cash me ousside, howbow dah?”

Translated from her own special dialect to English, she was saying “Come and meet me outside (so that we may engage in fisticuffs), okay?”

That line went viral and, well, here we are today.

She has a habit of acting as if she doesn’t care what other people think of her.

It is, of course, an act.

She’s 14. She cares what people think, but she’s terrified to show that vulnerability because she thinks that she’s an adult.

(For some of those antics, by the way, she’s now been sentenced to 5 years probation, which is actually a long-ass probation period as far as these things go)

Hopefully, between the probation sentence and her newfound fame (and the potential to make money with it), Danielle will be able to adjust her behavior and stay out of trouble.

Honestly, we think that the vast majority of the blame for Danielle’s behavior can be laid at the feet of one individual: her mother.

We all saw that disturbing video of Danielle Bregoli being hit repeatedly by her mother.

Both mother and daughter dismissed it as “play.”

Any household where that kind of violence is commonplace is going to produce adults with … issues.

We just hope that Danielle can move past that.

So, strangely, we’re rooting for her success to continue. Weird, we know.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Amber Portwood: Breaking Up with New Boyfriend Over Stalking Allegations?!

Amber Portwood sure can pick ‘em, huh?

Meaning she sure can pick out the sleaziest, sketchiest guys and convince them to fall madly, creepily in love with her.

Really, this seems to be a special skill of hers.

Considering that her entire adult life has been documented on reality television, we pretty much know her entire romantic history … and none of it is good.

Let’s see, she started dating Gary Shirley when she was a young teenager — he was her brother’s friend, and he knocked her up while her brother was overseas in the military.

Gary’s really grown up since he was with Amber, but their relationship was always extremely toxic and just very, very bad.

After that, she started dating that guy who’d just gotten out of prison and who told her on their first date that the day he met her at Walmart was the best day of his life.

Eventually she dumped him to get back with Gary, and again, things were remarkably unhealthy.

She may have had a few flings here and there, but basically it was all Gary until she went to prison, and shortly after she got out and saw that he’d moved on, Matt Baier weaseled his way in.

Matt manipulated her, controlled her, stole money from her … it was bad.

After what sounded like a failed stint in Marriage Boot Camp in June, she finally kicked Matt to the curb, and a few weeks later she was with her current boyfriend, Andrew Glennon.

At first, Andrew seemed like a great catch for her. He has a steady career in TV production, he was the final nail in the Mamber coffin.

But it didn’t take long for the truth about him to come out.

As it turns out, not one but two of Andrew’s former girlfriends have filed restraining orders against him.

The first ex claimed in court documents that he’d gotten extremely upset after she broke up with him, and he began harassing her.

Immediately after the breakup, he hid her keys so she couldn’t leave, and the next day he showed up at her apartment and wouldn’t leave until her father came and threatened to call the police.

He let the air out of her tires, tried to deliver flowers at her work place using a fake name, keyed a car that was parked in her parking space.

He also threw rocks at her window and laughed at her when she caught him, and he sent her creepy emails about how they “had something special that will never change.”

As for the second ex, she claimed that she got her restraining order against him because since their breakup, she’d “received hundreds of emails, phone calls, text messages and Facebook messages from him harassing me.”

“He has shown up at my work, home and the bus stops I take to and from work as well.”

He sounds like a sincerely scary guy, right?

Andrew has since denied most of these claims, saying that he “would never consider stalking nor harassing any women.”

And now, in yet another new interview, he’s revealing that the news of his restraining orders is giving Amber second thoughts about him.

“This is jeopardizing our relationship, which tears my heart,” he says. “She is still processing. Right now everything is up in the air.”

“Amber is such a beautiful soul, I love her so much, and I really want to start this relationship with nothing but honesty,” he continues.

“I feel like a total idiot for not bringing this up to her first, but it was such a difficult time in my life that I blocked it out of my mind.”

… Yikes.

So not only does this guy have two restraining orders against him, but he also let Amber find out about it on the internet instead of straight from him.

And not only that, but he’s really going on about how much he loves her, after they’ve been dating for a month?

There are too many red flags here to count, but still, Andrew throws up a few more with his next statement …

“I apologize to you, Amber, her fans, and anyone following us,” he says. “I know I can be the man she’s waiting for, I’ve been waiting for her in my life, and we both had to go through some real life experience to realize that.”

“Our love is real, and I want to see it through.”

Amber, girl, run. Run hard, run fast, and don’t look back.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Rae Sremmurd Not Breaking Up, Working On New Album

Rae Sremmurd finds rumors of their breakup amusing in a fake news sort of way … because they’ve been hard at work on their new album. We got Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi at LAX debunking the buzz going around, saying they’d be stupid to call it…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Breaking Away From Her Family"s Beliefs?!

First Jinger, now Jill.

One by one, it seems Jim Bob Duggar is losing control of his daughters to their more liberal-minded husbands.

And not surprisingly, the ultra-conservative father of 19 is less than pleased about it.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after spending the better part of the last year performing missionary work in Central America.

Jill welcomed her second child last month, and shortly thereafter, the family announced that they would not be returning to El Salvador to engage in humanitarian efforts.

(No official word on whether or not the decision was a result of uproar over the fact that Jill and Derick were never licensed missionaries.)

But that doesn’t mean Jill and Derick won’t be seeking out ways to help those who are less fortunate.

Yesterday, the Cross Church Springdale campus announced new inductees into its year-long ministry school program.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that one of the photos on the group’s Facebook page featured Jill and Derick.

“Yesterday announced our newest members to the School of Ministry!” the group wrote on its Facebook page.

“We are so excited for this group. As a church family, we will be praying for this group as they grow and learn!”

The church describes the program Jill and Derick are enrolled in as a “one-year residential program” focusing on “Gospel advancement.”

Yes, Jill and Derick will spend much of the year living amongst their fellow domestic missionaries, worshipping and studying the Bible separately from the church’s main congregation.

It may sound a little cult-ish, but based on the group’s Facebook page, it seems Jill and Derick will actually be practicing a less-strict, more mainstream form of their religion.

“Are all of the people in this school sharing the same ‘beliefs’ as the Duggars/Dillards? I see some knees showing,” commented one FB follower, referring to the Duggars’ controversial belief that women should have their legs completely covered at all times.

“It will be good for Derek and Jill to be with people with a different brand of Christianity than the Duggars. See hems above the knee and it hasn’t become a frenzied den of evil,” commented another.

But there’s more going on here than just short (by Duggar standards) skirts.

The group takes a less fundamentalist view of Christianity than the one Jill was raised with, and many fans are wondering how Jim Bob feels about her decision to become involved with the School of Ministry.

Sure, it’s not as extreme as Jinger Duggar wearing pants, but to Jim Bob the move may represent yet another lost battle in his war to maintain control of his family.

As we reported earlier, sources close to the family say Jim Bob has been clashing with his sons-in-law over matters of religious doctrine.

And it seems he’s gradually losing his daughters to more liberal belief systems.

Unfortunately, according to his own creed, married women are under the control of their husbands, not their fathers.

So it looks like for the time being at least, JB is powerless to do anything about his daughters’ views on legwear.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Giancarlo Stanton Gets Beer Shower After Breaking Marlins HR Record

Giancarlo Stanton has been on such a hot streak lately his teammates had to cool him down a bit … with an ice-cold beer shower!! The Miami Marlins star broke the team’s homer record with his 43rd dinger of the season Monday … and his teammates…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth Confess to Breaking Courtship Rules

From the time they started dating, rumors about Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth breaking courtship rules began circulating online non-stop.

Some of the claims were ridiculous (a false report that Joy-Anna was pregnant before marriage briefly made the rounds on social media), but it turns out, at least one them was legit.

In a preview for Monday night’s Counting On after-show, Joy-Anna and Austin reveal that they did, in fact, violate her family’s rules for pre-marital dating.

But it wasn’t the sort of behavior that results in a shotgun wedding.

In an interview with Daphne Oz, Austin confirms that he and Joy-Anna … front-hugged.

Yes, the Duggars allow only side-hugs before marriage, because it’s well known that Jesus wanted young people to spend their lives in a constant state of sexual frustration.

Austin opened up about his dance with the devil, saying:

“We’re humans and sometimes we don’t always abide perfectly by our rules. We try. That was a real hard try.”

A real hard try.

The real sin here is that no one jumped in and shouted, “Phrasing!”

The young couple also opened up about the moment that Austin proposed to Joy-Anna, a moment that, of course, was captured by a TLC camera crew.

Testing the gullibility of even the most naive Duggar fans, Joy-Anna claims she was so caught up in the moment she didn’t even realize she was being filmed.

“I didn’t even notice that they were there,” she explains.

“I thought it was just us there, and that was really special.”

Austin chimed in with:

“Those cameramen looked like trees.”

Quite the wit, that guy.

Look, we all suspend our disbelief when we watch reality television.

We pretend people actually start conversations with “So what’s going on with [absent cast member]?” and that guys who work in pawn shops routinely engage in wacky bets like they’re on a particularly lame ’90s sitcom.

But we don’t believe for a second that Austin’s proposal was spontaneous, and a camera crew just happened to be following him and Joy-Anna through the woods that day.

You could practically see those two reading their lines off cue cards.

Watch Counting On online for more deception from the Duggars.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Corinne Olympios Not Breaking Up with Boyfriend

Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend does not believe she cheated on him, does not believe the Warner Bros. investigation was kosher, and will not dump her. Jordan Gielchinsky has made it clear to friends … he still believes Corinne that she was in a…


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Beyonce Fans: Irate at Matthew Knowles for Breaking Baby News

Matthew Knowles has received an unexpected and unwanted present for Father’s Day:

The vitriol of the Beyhive.

Earlier this week, Beyonce gave birth to her twins, with multiple sources confirming that she and Jay Z are now the proud parents of child number-two and child number-three.

Not much else is known about the blessed event or the babies themselves, although Us Weekly alleges one is a boy and one is a girl.

TMZ, meanwhile, reports that a “minor” health issue has led to a lengthy stay for the newborns; as of this writing, they remain hospitalized.

Beyonce is also still in the hospital, but just to keep an eye over her kids, both of whom are expected to be just fine.

Her father, conversely, is in pretty rough shape at the moment, reputation-wise.

Matthew became the first member of the Knowles family to break this monumental piece of news, taking to Twitter on Sunday morning and writing the following:

“They’re here! #beyonce #twins #jayz #happybirthday.”

m. knowles tweet

Nice, right? Sweet, no? Harmless and inspired by love, correct?

Wrong, nope and incorrect, apparently.

A legion of dedicated fans have responded to Knowles’ Tweet not with messages of congratulations, but with messages of annoyance and irritation.

They’re angry that Matthew had the gall to announce this baby news before the mother herself.

“You should delete this and let Bey announce it,” Instagram user @wikimct wrote, while a fellow Internet commentator added:

“It’s not real until the queen herself reveals it.”

knowles reaction

Ouch. Harsh.

Over the years, Matthew and Beyonce have not had the best relationship, it’s true.

He was once fired as her manager, for example, and he’s divorced from her mother, Tina.

But does anyone out there really think Matthew was trying to steal Beyonce’s thunder here?

That he isn’t simply a very excited grandfather who did wait to reveal the twins’ birth until after a handful of celebrity gossip outlets had done the same?

It would be one thing of Matthew shared photos of the babies without his daughter’s consent. That would be very inappropriate.

However, he isn’t revealing anything in this Tweet that hadn’t previously been revealed by approximately 877 other websites first.

Beyonce and Jay Z have managed through the years to be perhaps the most famous and most successful couple in Hollywood… while also being one of the most private.

They’ve made a career out of controlling their images and their narratives as well as any celebrities out there, which is likely why the Beyhive is so riled up in this instance over Matthew’s actions.

But it’s Father’s Day.

Can’t we cut the guy a break and simply all celebrate together?




This is an exciting time for all of mankind. Let’s stay together and raise our collectives glasses as one, okay?

Please join us in sending best wishes to Beyonce, Jay Z and, yes, the entire Knowles family.


Friday, May 12, 2017

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Abby"s Breaking Point

Abby Lee Miller is like the laughing stock of the ALDC these days. Whenever there’s an issue, the moms seem to want to bring up her looming jail sentence and it’s getting pretty sad. 

When Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 10 got underway, Abby revealed the pyramid and Jamie was livid that Maesi was second to last. She felt like Abby had gone too far when you consider the fact that Maesi had came first in her category recently. 

The other moms were pissed when Jamie started cursing because the kids were there, but if you watch Dance Moms online, you probably already know that the other moms have did so… on several occasions. 

Stacey and Yolanda were most annoyed because they have the youngest kids on the team and they felt that Jamie saying those words in front of them was going to corrupt them, or something. 

When Elliana was put in the group routine, there seemed to be a sense of peace, which was so damn weird. That peace quickly turned to anger when it became clear that the moms were annoyed by just how long it was taking to practice. 

The minis struggled to keep together in a straight line, so Abby put tape down. The elite mothers argued that it proved the kids should not be merging to dance. 

Abby was betting big on the solos, with Kalani, Kendall and Nia getting the honor of performing them. However, there was a complete breakdown in communication and it resulted in Abby spending very little time with them to perfect their routines. 

Did this mean she felt they were seasoned enough to wing it, or was she purposefully setting them up to fail?

The mothers went with the latter and more arguing ensued. it’s definitely tiring watching everybody constantly going at it. Do we all think if the cameras were nowhere in sight these moms would be better friends?

Of course. 

The mothers thought there was something odd about the way Abby was acting, so they called her out and it was the biggest mistake. Abby than smashed glass and argued with producers. 

She wanted to get fired and did not care about how she was going to go about it. This was obviously about the court case and the fact she would be returning home. 

People would be asking about the court case, making her feel worse. The mothers were worried that Abby was not going to show up for the competition, but they quickly learned the answer when she sat in the audience. 

Surprisingly, Kalani managed to win the whole thing and it made her feel glad that she did so with little arguments. The ALDC also won for the group routine, too.

Still, it seemed like the drama was far from over. Abby snapped and basically told them they were terrible. This prompted the mothers to step in to defend their daughters. 

What did you think of all the drama on the latest episode?

Sound off below!
