Showing posts with label Casey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casey. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Casey Affleck"s Wife Files for Divorce

Casey Affleck’s wife of 9 years, Summer Phoenix, is filing for divorce, and according to her the split’s been a longtime coming. Summer filed the divorce petition Monday in Los Angeles … citing irreconcilable differences. The couple has 2 sons –…


Monday, July 24, 2017

"People v. O.J." Star Keesha Sharp Compares O.J. Simpson to Casey Anthony

O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony are NOT really free even though they’re free … according to Keesha Sharp. Keesha — who played Johnnie Cochran’s wife on ‘People v. O.J.’ — was at Bristol Farms Sunday in L.A. where we got her take…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Casey Anthony"s Attorney Claims She Blacked Out Caylee"s Death

Tragically, it’s time once again to talk about one of our least favorite people in the world: Casey Anthony.

Not that we like anyone who empathizes with O.J. Simpson, but Casey Anthony … well, she’s almost universally reviled, and for good reason.

And now one of her former attorneys is speaking out with a theory of what happened. We don’t imagine that she’d be happy to hear it, but we also don’t care about her feelings.

Most people don’t so much spin theories about what happened as talk about what they wish had happened at trial.

It’s probably fair to say that most of the American public has a pretty good idea of what 3-year-old Caylee Anthony’s final moments were.

It’s pretty likely that those people have definite opinions about what Casey Anthony’s fate should have been.

But Cheney Mason, who was one of Casey Anthony’s attorney’s during the trial, has his own statements to make.

In fact, Casey Anthony’s former attorney says that she “blacked out” Caylee’s death.

“I believe that Casey’s mind, in some dimension, I guess the common word would say ‘snapped."”

There aren’t parallel universes inside of people’s brains, unless I missed that Psych course, but please, continue.

“She didn’t go sniveling crazy by any means, but blackout — completely a blackout — of what went on and what happened.”

Usually people black out from drinking or extreme sleepiness or from trauma, but the trauma is something being done to them.

Unless experts can find some explanation, it’s hard to see how Casey could have blacked out and committed a murder and then gotten rid of evidence.

“She didn’t know what she was doing or what she was saying.”

This is so complicated, because we get the feeling that he might actually believe this.

And he had even more to add.

Cheney Mason goes on to suggest that he doesn’t believe that Casey Anthony even fully realized that her child was dead until after the trial.

That’s interesting, since Casey was of course analyzed by psychiatrists.

While one noted that she was “surprisingly cheerful.”

Another noted that she seemed “stripped of all emotion.”

But apparently their conclusion was that she had no sign of mental illness.

An inability to grasp that a crime has been committed or to notice other aspects of reality …

(Like that your child is not alive but is in fact dead)

… Usually qualifies as a sign of mental illness.

It’s the sort of thing that usually precludes somebody from even standing trial.

(Or it’s supposed to, anyway)

That said, his statement reinforces what she’s said herself.

Remember how Casey Anthony said that she has no clue how Caylee died?

That would work with her former attorney’s “theory.”

But it’s more than a little suspect.

Let’s say that, hypothetically, Casey Anthony blacked out and murdered her daughter.

Horrifying, right?

Well … that wouldn’t explain the searches for “chloroform” and “neck-breaking” on Casey Anthony’s computer.

It especially wouldn’t explain how those searches had been deleted.

Even drunken blackouts don’t usually feature people doing things that they wouldn’t at least potentially done sober.

So we feel like a “blackout” doesn’t really explain away much of anything.

(Except maybe it’s an explanation that he came up with to explain why she came across as so cold and unfeeling)

(Like, maybe he needed an explanation so that he can sleep at night, because he can’t wrap his head around the mind of a monster and needed to explain it away)

In fact, it mostly just stirs up old anger at yet another verdict that horrified the nation.

That resentment doesn’t go away when you remember that Casey Anthony is apparently bored by her freedom.

She’s bored by a life that Caylee will never get to experience.

You know what?

This whole thing reminds us of that terrible Casey Anthony-inspired episode of Law & Order: SVU.

All that we really remember about the episode was that Hilary Duff guest starred and that the twist was that she didn’t do it.


That is, folks, not the way to rip a story from the headlines to make an episode.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Casey Anthony"s Parents About to Lose Family Home in Foreclosure

Casey Anthony is having a good time these days — hanging out in restaurants and bars with friends — but her parents have fallen on hard times, because we’ve learned their home is on the brink of foreclosure. Cynthia and George Anthony own a home…


Casey Anthony"s Parents About to Lose Family Home in Foreclosure

Casey Anthony is having a good time these days — hanging out in restaurants and bars with friends — but her parents have fallen on hard times, because we’ve learned their home is on the brink of foreclosure. Cynthia and George Anthony own a home…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Casey Anthony Hits Up Happy Hour at Famous Dive Bar in West Palm (PHOTO GALLERY)

Casey Anthony and a female friend hit up a famous dive bar in North Palm Beach, and the trail went cold … as in ice cold beer. The infamous former defendant and her pal arrived for happy hour at the Brass Ring Pub … renowned for its burgers and…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Casey Anthony Drowning Theory Slammed By Father: What a Bunch of Crap!

The finale of Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery raised many questions, ones all too familiar to those versed in the true crime saga.

Ever since she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old child, Caylee, on July 5, 2011, Casey has continued to fascinate the public.

If the police’s prime suspect, who was widely presumed guilty in the court of public opinion, didn’t do it, then who killed Caylee Anthony?

And regardless of the guilty party, how did she die?

George Anthony, the father of Casey and grandfather of Caylee, shared his personal theory in the final episode of the Discovery TV event.

He disputed the defense’s theory that Caylee Anthony drowned accidentally while unsupervised in the family swimming pool in 2008.

“I don’t believe (the drowning explanation). That’s a bunch of bull to me,” he explained. “That’s too easy of a story to bring up.”

“‘Cause if that would’ve happened, I think my daughter would’ve at least had the decency or common sense inside to call 911 and say something.”

“That’s a bunch of crap,” he said.

George, who was also the target of sexual allegations during the infamous trial, shared his own loosely-formed theory about her demise.

He alleged that there were occurrences when Caylee would sleep for long lengths of time – up to 13 hours – which raised his suspicions.

“I believe (Casey Anthony) gave (Caylee) something, yeah. I mean, that’s just my beliefs,” he said, claiming she had access to drugs.

Referencing Xanax in particular, when asked for the prescription drug’s street name, George – himself a former cop – replied “Zanny.”

“Zanny the Nanny” was an alias used for Zenaida Gonzalez, the name of Caylee’s alleged babysitter and abductor according to Casey.

Casey’s story was not backed by police, and she was ultimately convicted of making false statements, and released with time served.

In any event, “I believe Casey gave (Caylee) something,” George said about the little girl’s death, adding “Caylee didn’t wake up.”

Meanwhile, Casey’s mom Cindy called her daughter “the light of our lives” and says she actually agrees with the defense theory.

“I don’t know what distracted her or what happened,” she said, “but, as far as being responsible I feel like it was an accident.”

She believes that Casey’s lies to police were not justified, but on some level can be explained as a way to deal with the tragedy.

“Emotionally, something happened to her when she realized her child had died, that she couldn’t cope with that,” she said.

“And, she panicked, and I think that happens to a lot of people that sometimes you’re worried that someone’s not going to believe you.”

Because of that, “you try to make it look like something else.”

George and Cindy say they do not let the case divide them, despite being diametrically opposed in their perception of what took place.

Cindy said that she and Casey “talk from time,” but George has not kept in touch with his daughter in the aftermath of her trial and release.

“Whatever life she has, I hope she makes something positive for it. Am I ever gonna speak to my daughter again? No. We’re done.”

“I lost my daughter and my granddaughter. I lost them both.”

There is no love lost, either, at least on his end.

Lest we were at all unclear, George Anthony said that justice would have Casey “behind bars and have her suffer like Caylee suffered.”

Discovery did not receive comments from Casey – who says she sleeps well and has no clue how Caylee died – regarding the docuseries.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Casey Affleck Airs Dirty Laundy (PHOTOS)

Casey Affleck has avoided doing 2 things since winning Best Actor at the Oscars last month — trimming his beard, and doing A LOT of laundry. Paps got the younger Affleck brother Saturday on his way to a laundromat in Vancouver, where he appeared to…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Casey Anthony and O.J. Simpson: Planning a New Reality Show?!

Hey, do you want to hear something truly disgusting and depressing, something that is really just a tragically horrific sign of the imminent downfall of society?

Of course you do — why else are you on the internet?

Today, the terrible news is about Casey Anthony, the woman who was tried for murdering her own daughter, and O.J. Simpson, the man who was tried for murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers.

Both had trials that made national news, both were quickly found guilty in the court of public opinion, but both were officially acquitted of those crimes.

They actually have a lot in common, right?

And that’s why, according to a new report from In touch, Casey and O.J. are currently discussing the possibility of filming a new reality show.


Bad idea, or the worst idea?

A source explains that the show “will give viewers the inside story on the aftermath of living with the horrible crimes they were ultimately acquitted of.”

You may be wondering how a reality show starring Casey and The Juice would work, considering that O.J. is about nine years into a 33-year sentence after being convicted for armed robbery, kidnapping, and other various felonies.

And the answer is simple but still so very alarming — come this October, he’s eligible for parole.

As the source says, “In October a parole board will decide if he will be released early,” but in the meantime, “he’s putting Casey on his visitor list, and is even willing to pay for her to visit.”

While the idea of a reality show starring O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony would be shameful and tragic at best — at worst, obviously, it would be the first sign of the End Times — it’s actually not as far-fetched as it sounds.

For whatever reason, people have gotten seriously interested in the O.J. case again, enough to warrant a popular mini-series and an Academy Award-winning documentary.

Since he’s such a hot topic, and since he’ll most likely be out on parole later this year, there’s been a lot of talk that he’ll be courted for some kind of television project.

As for Casey, in that widely criticized interview she did earlier this month, she mentioned O.J., saying that she could “empathize” with what happened with the Nicole Brown Simpson murder case.

Because, like O.J., “my sentence was doled out long before there was a verdict. Sentence first, and verdict afterward.”

For better or worse, many, many people have a morbid fascination with both of these people. So some shameless network somewhere could definitely take advantage of that in the form of a TV show.

What a time to be alive, right?

Or to be arrested but not convicted for murder, as it were.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"Manchester by the Sea" Star Lucas Hedges Talks Love Life, Casey Affleck Controversy (VIDEO)

The teenager Casey Affleck watched over in this year’s Oscar-nominated “Manchester by the Sea” had 2 girlfriends in the film … but uncertain if that translates to real life. We got Lucas Hedges — who was nominated for Best Supporting Actor…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Claudia Jordan, Keep Abortion Legal for Casey Anthony (VIDEO)

Claudia Jordan wants Planned Parenthood to remain alive and strong, in case Casey Anthony makes good on her veiled wish to have more kids. Claudia was leaving Catch in WeHo Thursday when she reacted quickly to Anthony’s AP cringeworthy…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

TMZ Live: Casey Anthony: Addresses the Prospect of Having More Children

ON TODAY’S SHOW Casey Anthony: I’m Open To Another Baby! Robin Thicke: The Terrified 911 Call ‘America’s Got Talent’ May Have a New Host Another Hollywood Celeb Burglarized!


Casey Anthony Is Open to Having Another Child

Casey Anthony thinks it would be a blessing if she had another child. Casey told the AP she’s confident she’s mentally fit to get pregnant again — 9 years after Caylee’s murder, and nearly 6 years after her acquittal for the crime. Casey says,…


Casey Anthony: Will She Have Another Child?

Yes, Casey Anthony has thought about it.

The accused murderer has pondered what it would be like to give birth to another child.

In new excerpts from her interview with the Associated Press, Casey explains that her late daughter, Caylee, “is still the central part of my life, the central part of my being, always will be.”

Anthony, of course, was accused of killing Caylee in 2009.

She was found not guilty of the crime in July of 2011.

Like O.J. Simpson, however, with whom Anthony said in this same interview she can empathize, Casey might as well have been convicted.

In the eyes of the public, she is responsible for her child’s death.

Anthony is aware of this perception, blaming the “media” for what people think about her… despite the fact that she lied to investigators back when Caylee was killed and had trouble accounting for her whereabouts at the time of the killing.

“I understand the reasons people feel about me,” she confesses to The AP. “I understand why people have the opinions that they do.”

Anthony also says in this disturbing/explosive/viral interview that she’s at peace with her public image.

She knows she can’t change it. She believes she was basically convicted before the trial ever began and she’s pretty much cool with everything now.

“I don’t give a s–t about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” Anthony said. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

Okay, fine. What else is she gonna say at this point, right?

But would the Florida resident try motherhood again?

“If I am blessed enough to have another child – if I’d be dumb enough to bring another kid into this world knowing that there’d be a potential that some jackass, their little snot-nose kid would then say something mean to my kid,” Anthony says when asked about the possibility.

She adds:

“I don’t think I could live with that.”

Found guilty of lying to the police around the time of Caylee’s death, Anthony now shrugs off her misdirection. She says she’s just like everyone else in this regard.

“People lie to the cops every day,” she told The AP. “Cops lie to people every day; I’m just one of the unfortunate idiots who admitted that they lied.”

Does she have any regrets?

Does she wish she had been truthful from the start of the investigation?

“Even if I would’ve told them everything that I eventually told to the psychologist who evaluated me and the two psychologists who evaluated me over the course of three years – I hate to say this, but I firmly believe I would still have been in the same place,” she explained.

“Because cops believe other cops. Cops tend to victimize the victims. I’ve never tried to make myself a victim. I see why I was treated the way I was, even had I been completely truthful.”

Former Circuit Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided over Anthony’s 2011 trial, recently made news when he said Casey may have killed Caylee… by accident.

Evidence at the time proved that Anthony looked up chloroform online, but Perry says she may have tried to use this as a sedative for Caylee, trying to quiet her down, not end her life.

If jurors in 2011 had some to this same conclusion, Anthony would have been found guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter.

“The only person that really knows what happened was Casey … for whatever reason, people are still fascinated with Casey Anthony,” Perry concluded in his own interview.

It’s true.

That’s what happens when you get away with almost definitely murdering your young daughter.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Casey Anthony to O.J. Simpson: I Empathize with You!

Casey Anthony, in her first interview in five and a half years, says that she feels for O.J. Simpson because of the similarities in their cases.

Both were acquitted of grisly murders which became sensational national stories – and which many people believe they really committed.

Anthony was found not guilty of murder charges in the suspicious death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, in a July 2011 verdict.

In an interview with the AP, Casey Anthony says she didn’t do it, has no idea who did, and sleeps well at night, thank you very much.

The Florida resident, 30, said that there are “a lot of parallels” with O.J.’s case in that both were presumed guilty instead of innocent.

In 1995, the former NFL star, now 69, was found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman.

“I can empathize with his situation,” Anthony told the AP.

By that, Anthony says that like O.J., “my sentence was doled out long before there was a verdict. Sentence first, and verdict afterward.”

“People found me guilty long before I had my day in court,” she adds. “I don’t give a s–t about what anyone thinks about me, I never will.” 

(In 2008, Simpson was found guilty of armed robbery, kidnapping and other felonies, and is serving 33 years at a Nevada state prison.)

Anthony does not reside in prison, but in the home of Patrick McKenna, the lead investigator of the defense team that won her freedom.

Incredibly, McKenna also served as the lead investigator on Simpson’s defense team when he was accused of killing his ex and Goldman.

She may sleep well these days, nearly nine years after her toddler first disappeared, but it’s safe to say that Casey’s parents do not.

Cindy and George Anthony said, following the release of the AP interview, that their daughter is dragging them back to a tragic period.

Casey’s parents said in a statement this week:

“After years of silence, Casey Anthony has decided to complete an interview and has once again pointed to George Anthony, her father.”

George, the statement says, is implicitly being suggested as a “suspect in the disappearance and death of his granddaughter, Caylee.”

“George, who has continued to try and move forward from this tragedy and who was vindicated on multiple occasions,” can not do so.

Instead, he “is once again forced to relive the hints, rumors, lies and allegations that are being made by Casey Anthony,” they said.

As a result, “His heart hurts even more now.”

Casey’s relationship with her family is tumultuous; Anthony’s lawyers accused George of molesting her when she was eight years old.

He angrily denied that on the stand, along with claims that he covered up the fact (or theory, as it were) that Caylee accidentally drowned.

George was never charged with a crime.

Asked about this by the AP, Casey said, “Everyone has their theories, I don’t know … as I stand here today I can’t tell you one way or another.”

“The last time I saw my daughter,” she says, “I believed she was alive and was going to be okay, and that’s what was told to me.”

The prosecution contended that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee’s body in the woods so that she could resume a life of partying.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nancy Grace Skewers Casey Anthony, I See Why "Caylee Never Had a Chance" (AUDIO)

Nancy Grace is angry and sad about Casey Anthony’s flippant remarks about Caylee — and can’t understand how Anthony sleeps “pretty good at night.” Nancy lit into Anthony when we talked to her about the AP interview where Caylee’s…


Casey Anthony Says Caylee Would Be 12-Year-Old "Badass," But Still No Clue How She Died (PHOTO)

Casey Anthony believes her dead daughter, Caylee, would be a rock ‘n’ roll loving, sports-playing 12-year-old right now — but is also sticking to her story … she has no idea how Caylee died. Anthony says, “I don’t give a s*** about what anyone…


Casey Anthony: I Sleep Well at Night! No Clue How Caylee Died! I Don"t Give a S--t What You Think!

Casey Anthony has spoken out publicly for the first time since she was acquitted of killing her toddler daughter Caylee in July 2011.

The interview she gave to the Associated Press is not likely to help the public perception of her … not that she seems overly concerned.

Eight and a half years after her daughter died, and five and a half after she was controversially found not guilty of murder, she insists:

“I’m still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened.”

Now 30 years old, Casey says it’s not lost on her that much of the world still believes she is responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony.

“Based off what was in the media,” she says, she’s keenly aware.

The media portrayal of her was not good, but this is also a woman who could not account for a month in which her child was missing.

Moreover, she lied to investigators and her defense theory involved an accidental drowning for which there was no eyewitness testimony.

How can she expect to be a sympathetic figure after that?

“I understand the reasons people feel about me,” she admits.

“I understand why people have the opinions that they do.”

Still, she says she was convicted in the court of public opinion from the beginning, and nothing she did afterward could alter that stigma.

“The queen is proclaiming: ‘No, no, sentence first, verdict afterward,"” she said. “I sense and feel to this day that is a direct parallel to what I lived.”

“My sentence was doled out long before [the] verdict. Sentence first, verdict afterward. People found me guilty long before I had my day in court.”

“I don’t give a s–t about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” Anthony said. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

Whatever works.

Caylee’s skeletal remains were discovered back in December 2008, six months after the little girl was mysteriously reported missing.

The defense team posited that Caylee Anthony’s death was an accident and that she drowned accidentally in Casey’s parents’ pool.

George Anthony, Casey’s father and Caylee’s grandfather, found the body and helped dispose of it – according to the defense theory.

Asked about that, Casey said, “Everyone has their theories, I don’t know … as I stand here today I can’t tell you one way or another.”

“The last time I saw my daughter I believed she was alive and was going to be okay, and that’s what was told to me.”

The prosecution, conversely, claimed that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee’s body in the woods and then resumed her life of partying.

Casey eventually pleaded guilty to lying to the police, and was released after three years in jail awaiting and during her murder trial.

Asked by the AP why she lied to law enforcement, she says:

“Even if I would’ve told them everything that I told to the psychologist, I hate to say this but I firmly believe I would have been in the same place.”

“Because cops believe other cops.”

“Cops tend to victimize the victims. I understand now … I see why I was treated the way I was even had I been completely truthful.”

“Cops lie to people every day.”

“I’m just one of the unfortunate idiots who admitted they lied. My dad was a cop, you can read into that what you want to,” she laments. 

The AP reports that Casey’s bedroom walls are decorated with photos of her daughter and that she cried showing off Caylee’s artwork.

She lives at the home of South Florida home of Patrick McKenna, a private detective who was leading the investigation on her defense team.

Casey works with him, helping to investigate cases and said she would love to get her PI’s license. “I’ve lived it firsthand,” she said.

“I didn’t do what I was accused of but I fought for three years,” she says, adding that she fought “not just for me, but for my daughter.”

Anthony spends her time outside of her work taking photos of nature, hanging out with friends in bars, and thinking about her daughter.

Casey notes that “Caylee would be 12 right now … and would be a total badass. I’d like to think she’d be listening to classic rock, playing sports.” 


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Casey Affleck Breaks Silence, Addresses Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Casey Affleck has finally spoken out about the sexual harassment charges that have plagued him for months.

For years, really, but these allegations have especially come to the forefront for the actor ever since the release (and subsequent critical acclaim) of his latest film, Manchester by the Sea.

Affleck, of course, was awarded with the Best Actor trophy for his role in this drama on Sunday night at the Oscars.

About seven years ago, however, two women who worked with Affleck on the movie I’m Still Here filed separate lawsuits, both of which accused him of “uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace.”

Affleck denied the allegations and both cases were settled out of court.

In a statement made at the time, a spokesperson for the star said the dispute had “been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties and the lawsuits are being dismissed.”

But questions have remained.

Many folks have been uncomfortable with the recognition (in the form of positive press and many awards) Affleck has received in the wake of his Manchester by the Sea performance.

Brie Larson, for example, presented Affleck with the Academy Award this week… 

… and then stood around on stage, refusing to clap for him.

Affleck has remained entirely silent on this controversial topic ever since the allegations returned to the spotlight last year.

But he finally addressed them in a post-Oscars interview with The Boston Globe.

This is what he said:

I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for any reason is unacceptable and abhorrent, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace and anywhere else.

There’s really nothing I can do about it.

Other than live my life the way I know I live it and to speak to what my own values are and how I try to live by them all the time.

The only other time Affleck addressed these charges was in a chat with The New York Times several months ago.

He made the same sort of general, mostly meaningless statement in early November, too.

“It was settled to the satisfaction of all,” he told the paper, adding:

“I was hurt and upset – I am sure all were – but I am over it. It was an unfortunate situation – mostly for the innocent bystanders of the families of those involved.”

Affleck has said that the terms of his settlement with the alleged victims prohibit him from speaking in detail about the lawsuits.

Which is fair.

But he might as well have saved himself a few words and simply released a shrug emoji as his statement in these cases.

That would have said just as much, really.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Casey Affleck Oscar Win: Slammed By Brie Larson, Twitter

There’s no contest with regard to the most memorable moment from the 2017 Academy Awards,

That title goes to the jaw-dropping “Steve Harvey moment” that ended the night, as presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly announced La La Land as Best Picture, when the award actually belonged to Moonlight.

But while that epic goof-up might be grabbing the majority of today’s headlines, it wasn’t the only controversial moment surrounding one of the night’s top prizes.

Casey Affleck took home the Best Actor Oscar for his heart-wrenching performance in Manchester By the Sea, but not everyone was thrilled to see the 41-year-old step out from under his older brother’s shadow.

The dark cloud of some heinous sexual harassment accusations loomed large over Affleck’s Oscar campaign, and many felt the actor should be removed from consideration as a result.

The alleged incidents took place in 2010, while Affleck was directing the mockumentary film I’m Still Here with his then-brother-in-law, Joaquin Phoenix.

The matter was settled out of court, but Affleck’s accusers maintain that he abused his power and persistently subjected them to harassment and other inappropriate behavior.

As is customary, Affleck’s award was presented by Brie Larson, who took home the Best Actress prize for Room at last year’s awards.

Larson played a sexual assault survivor in the film and she’s been an outspoken advocate for victims’ rights throughout her career.

Needless to say, the Academy’s decision to put her in a position where she would be presenting an award to an alleged sexual predator didn’t sit well with many viewers.

Larson’s apparent disdain for Affleck, however, was widely praised:

Many noted that Larson didn’t applaud when Affleck received his award, and it’s being widely interpreted as the actress’ way of subtly protesting the win. 

“Y’all made Brie Larson, an advocate for sexual assault survivors, present Casey Affleck, a sexual predator, with an Oscar,” tweeted one viewer.

Another wrote simply:


Affleck’s nomination sparked countless debates about where the arts community should draw the line in terms of behavior so inexcusable that it should end a career.

That debate will likely rage on following his win last night.

But at least those who were outraged by Affleck’s victory can take solace in knowing that however subtle her understated her show of disapproval may have been, Brie Larson made her feelings known on the night’s biggest stage.
