Showing posts with label Door. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Door. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bunny Ranch Brothel Destroyed After Semitruck Plows Through Front Door (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

The famous Bunny Ranch brothel, from HBO’s ‘Cathouse,’ had a brush with death when a guy slammed a semitruck right through the front door … in full view of surveillance cams. The scary incident went down around 4 AM Thursday, and the video shows…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Celine Dion"s Billboard Music Awards Dressing Room Was a Revolving Door of Celebs (PHOTO GALLERY)

Celine Dion’s dressing room at the Billboard Music Awards was virtually a revolving door of star power … celebs simply couldn’t get enough. Sources close to the award show tell TMZ Celine had MANY famous visitors throughout Sunday night’s…


Saturday, May 20, 2017

DeAndre Jordan Literally Slams Door On Blake Griffin Trade Talk (VIDEO)

If you’re wondering how DeAndre Jordan feels about the Clippers trading Blake Griffin this off-season, TMZ Sports is gonna give you a pretty good indication that he’s not into it. We got DJ out in Malibu and peppered him with some questions about…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Peyton Manning Slams Door on Political Career (VIDEO)

Peyton Manning says he has absolutely ZERO plans to run for political office in his post-NFL life … saying he has NO IDEA where the rumors even started.  Rumors had been swirling for months that Peyton could run for senator in Tennessee in…


Friday, March 17, 2017

White House Fence Jumper Lingered Nearly 20 Minutes, Even Jiggled Door Knob

The man who jumped the White House fence last week was able to prowl around the property for nearly 20 minutes, got right up to the White House, hid behind a pillar and even jiggled a door knob trying to get in … TMZ has learned. Jonathan Tuan-Anh…


Friday, June 17, 2016

Justin Bieber Falls Through Trap Door on Stage, Internet Laughs Its Ass Off

We don"t think we need to tell you that this past week has been one of the saddest and scariest in recent memory.

Some truly horrific things happened; many are grieving and others are outraged.

Fortunately, Justin Bieber is here to provide a bit of much-needed (albeit unintentional) moment of levity.

During a concert in Saskatoon, Canada last night, the Biebs was doing one of his swaggy struts when he accidentally fell through a trap door.

It was like when Taylor Swift welcomes a celebrity to the stage, except Justin"s surprise guest was gravity.

The Biebs is unharmed, so it"s okay to laugh.

In fact he reacted to the situation with his signature blend of douchiness and swag:

"Good thing I"m like a cat and landed on my feet," Justin told the corwd. "That scared the fuck outta me!"

Oh, just own it and join everyone else in having a laugh, Justin.

No humblebrag can save your ego after that tumble.

Usually when Justin embarrasses himself, it just means that his efforts to win Selena Gomez back have once again fallen flat.

So it"s nice of Justin to provide us with a bit of comic relief that"s not also kinda depressing. 

Justin"s fans showed up for a concert and they got a freakin" comedy show on top of it.

He"s the most clumsy-ass hardest-working man in show business!

Check out the clip below to see the Biebs" fall from grace:

Justin bieber falls through trap door on stage internet laughs i

Monday, May 23, 2016

Hodor Shocker: The Internet"s Best Reactions to Game of Thrones" "Hold the Door!" Scene

If you didn"t catch last night"s episode of Game of Thrones, then proceed no further, as this article has more spoilers than the Iron Throne has sharp edges.

Come to think of it, even if you didn"t watch the scene with your own tear-clouded eyes, you"ve probably heard by now that Hodor is the latest GoT favorite to kick the bucket.

Not only was Bran"s gentle giant (presumably) torn apart by Walkers, but the tragedy was compounded by the Hodor origin story that the writers masterfully worked into the same scene.

"The interesting thing is it"s kinda left open. You don"t actually see him [die]. It"s implied," he said. "So who knows? He may come back as a White Walker, maybe he got away." 

Yeah, thanks for trying to offer some hope, dude, but the thought of Hodor as a White Walker is pure nightmare fuel.

Check out some of the Internet"s best reactions to one of GoT"s most surprising twists yet in the gallery below, and watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to have your heart broken all over again.

And remember, Hodor morghulis – all Hodors must die.


1. Hodor Hodoring

Hodor hodoring

That you did, sir. And you did it bravely, right up until the end.

2. Sarah Hyland Says It All

Sarah hyland says it all

We may burst into tears the next time someone tells us to hold the door.

3. Jordan Mourns Hodor

Jordan mourns hodor

Sometimes the sight of a crying MJ perfectly sums up our feelings.

4. One Job

One job

Yes, Hodor went out doing what he was meant to do. Some say that makes the situation less sad. The tears streaming down our face beg to differ.

5. Crying For Hodor

Crying for hodor

You nailed it, Drew at Hit Fix. Today, we weep for Hodor.

6. Hold the Door!

Hold the door

Pretty sure we’re gonna have to abolish the “hold the door” from the English language.

View Slideshow

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5 Recap: Hold the Door

Every season of Game of Thrones goes by too quickly for our liking (even though we’ll take a tight ten-episode structure over a marathon network season any day).

But Season 6 is flying by faster than most, largely because of how incredibly eventful the show has been these past five episodes.

“If you didn’t know you’re an idiot; if you did know you’re my enemy.”

“The Door” starts explosively enough, as Sansa spits those words at Littlefinger, whom she hasn’t seen since he arranged her disastrous marriage to Ramsay. 

It’s a scene in which the show demonstrates that it’s at least slightly more compassionate toward the victims of sexual abuse than past controversial rape scenes would lead us to believe.

In fact, the tense standoff in which Sansa confronts Littlefinger with the reality of what’s happened to her displayed an real awareness of the trauma that sexual abuse creates.

The show’s not gonna win any awards for its social consciousness, but it’s taking steps in the right direction.

From there, Arya gets her ass kicked (This is still GoT, after all.) as part of her anonymous assassin training.

We finally get some background on the Faceless Men, and we’re sure it’s all leading somewhere, but frankly, we still wish Arya had a less mumbo-jumbo-fueled storyline to work with this season.

There’s some payoff when Arya is given another assassin mission, but she still seems too far removed from the central action.

That said, watching her disgust over the way her father is portrayed in a comedic stage play was surprisingly moving.

We’ll leave it to the many Shakespeare scholars penning morning-after thinkpieces to point out that everyone in that play likely would’ve been imprisoned for mocking the royal family.

That may sound like an awfully nit-picky assessment of a show that regularly features freakin’ dragons, but Martin’s commitment to a faithfully portraying European culture at the time of the War of the Roses is the stuff of legend.

That said, Arya reportedly will watch a similar play in Martin’s upcoming The Winds of Winter, so the scene probably had the author’s approval.

Okay, we’re through geeking out on period details (for now). 

It was nice to see Arya return to badass form as she plots the death of some random actress, but we still wish she were a bigger part of he action this season.

Speaking of Starks involved in weird culty spiritual stuff, Bran does some more warging and discovers the origin of the White Walkers.

It’s another scene that gives us faith that GoT will connect all the dots this season so as to focus on the last battles for the Iron Throne next year. Sadly, more on that later.

Things are as bleak as ever in the Greyjoy family, as Theon and Yara battle for control of the Iron Islands with their Uncle Euron – who plans to marry Daenerys?!

Like we said, things are really starting to come together, with far-flung storylines intersecting in ways we never could’ve predicted.

Theon and Yara wisely peace out before their uncle gets to murder them, but it sounds like a tough road (or rough seas?) ahead of them.

Off in Dothraki territory, Jorah reveals both his greyscale and his love for the Khaleesi in a surprisingly touching exchange

In Meereen, Tyrion and company are still talking about Daenerys like a bunch of befuddled campaign managers.

Now they have the help of Kinvara, whose “chosen one” prophecies differ considerably from those of that other Red Priestess.

Tyrion would like to limit the number of peasants who are “purified” by Dany’s dragons, and Varys seems to think Kinvara is flat-out full of it.

But her knowledge of Varys’ castration convinces them she’s the real deal? We’ll have to see how this plays out.

Meanwhile, Bran comes face-to-face with the Night’s King and the whole thing goes terribly, terribly wrong.

We briefly head to Castle Black, where Sansa provides further proof that the Starks ain’t nothin’ to f–k with when she basically takes charge of the plan to overtake Winterfell.

She employs a bit of deception (Guess she learned something from her time with Littlefinger!); Tormund hilariously flirts with Brienne again; and like that they’re off. All hail Lord Commander Dolorous Edd.

Just when we thought this episode couldn’t pack any more plot developments into a single episode, we get the most badass Walker sequence since Hardhome, the loss of yet another direwolf…

And the origin story and courageous death of fan favorite Hodor in one of the show’s most memorable scenes to date.

What’s to be said about the loss of a fan favorite and one of the only true innocents on the show, aside from … is it just us, or is it getting dusty in here?

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get all the feels all over again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kelly Ripa to Michael Strahan: Talk to the Door!

Michael Strahan will depart Live! on Friday, bidding farewell to the show that jump started his post-football career and moving on to a full-time Good Morning America gig.

In response, Kelly Ripa is all broken up.

She’s sad. She’s despondent. She’s practically begging Strahan to stick around and opening up her arms to him every morning before work.

No… wait. We take that back.

It’s actually the exact opposite.

According to TMZ, Ripa isn’t making any attempt backstage to hide her disdain for her soon-to-be former co-host.

Prior to Ripa learning (at the last moment) that Strahan was leaving the show, and subsequently went on a mini protest of her own, the former soap opera actress would keep her makeup door open each morning, a source claims.

She would happily greet Strahan prior to each episode and the two would chat for a bit.

But not any longer.

Now, TMZ confirms that Ripa’s door is closed on a daily basis, most likely because she’s sending a message to Strahan.

And that message is pretty much this: you suck. I can’t wait for you to be gone from my life.

The tension between Ripa and Strahan has been evident on air ever since Kelly returned from her self-imposed hiatus a couple weeks ago.

There was the time she brought up her colleague’s divorce out of nowhere, much to Strahan’s chagrin:

And there the time these two awkwardly celebrated their Daytime Emmy Awards victory, despite clearly not liking each other:

Insiders also say that Strahan’s final show will be fairly low-key. There will be a few flashback segments, but nothing too sentimental.

That’s probably because Strahan and Ripa hate each other.

We’ll be tuning in for Strahan’s final show on Friday, just to see how strained the goodbye comes across on live television. Will you?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tinsley Mortimer: Arrested for Incessant Door Banging!

Tinsley Mortimer is in trouble with the law because she banged for hours in Florida over the weekend.

Banged for hours on the door of her ex-boyfriend’s house, we should say.

The television personality and socialite was arrested in Palm Beach on Saturday for trespassing, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. 

She is accused of going on to the property of a former flame, Nico Fanjul, and sitting outside “for hours” while knocking incessantly on the door.

According to the official police report, the former High Society star (really! It was a show on The CW and everything!) actually called the authorities herself in order to ask for a “civil standby” because she yearned to retrieve belongings from her ex-residence.

After being told that she was trespassing and ought to come to the police station for assistance, Mortimer allegedly responded by screaming into the phone and hanging up.

At this point, authorities were dispatched to the home.

When officers arrived, they reportedly found Mortimer crying and yelling.

She told them that Fanjul was in the house with another woman and that she simply wanted to get her purse from inside.

But Fanjul insisted to the cops that he did not have her purse… and Mortimer was placed under arrest.

“Tinsley and Nico broke up, and she cannot get over it,” an insider tells Us Weekly.

“She was frantic and very upset. Finally they called the police to get her out of there. She’s not a bad person but she was too upset to be thinking rationally.”

Hey, we’ve all been there!

Not here, necessarily. But there, you know?

Mortimer, 40, was released on her own recognizance around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, a mere two and a half hours after she was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on the misdemeanor charge.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Horny Dog Attempts to Mate, Gets Stuck in Tiny Door

Forgive the obvious pun, but:

The canine featured in the following story just put a brand new spin on the term doggy style!

Say hello to Keeta, a five-year old American Bulldog who lives in Leicester, England and whose owners say was recently in heat.

According to the BBC, Keeta was looking out the window this week when she spotted a male dog who was totally her type.

So she went to race out the tiny cat door in order to get down to boning business… only to learn the hard way that she’s too big for said cat door.

Hence the photo above.

But here’s the thing: Keeta managed to rip the door right off, allowing her potential mate to sneak through the hole and for the two dogs to STILL get it on.

Keeta’s owner then walked in during the act (awkward!), scaring the male animal off.

The owner proceeded to call the Leicestershire Fire Service and, upon their arrival, the firefighters spent 20 minutes maneuvering the plastic panel safely off Keeta’s head.

“We don’t know whether they’ve done anything or not,” Keeta’s owner told the BBC.

“The other dog was smaller, a little terrier, but you don’t know. She had that thing stuck on her head so she might not have been in a good mood.”

Or, hey, perhaps Keeta likes to role play and she was taken on the role of Doggy Damsel in Distress. Who are we to judge?!?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kendra Wilkinson SLAMS Holly Madison For Her "Absurd" Memoir — Says The Girls Next Door Weren"t Friends, They "Just F*cked The Same Man"!

We guess Kendra Wilkinson finally picked up Holly Madison‘s book — and she did NOT like what she read!

Earlier this year, the former Playboy model released her memoir Down the Rabbit Hole, which painted Kendra star in an “absurd” way, according to the reality star!

Related: Kendra Calls Out Holly For Lack Of Appreciation Of Playboy Past!

In the new Kendra On Top sneak peek, the 30-year-old sits down with a friend and reveals her thoughts on her frenemy’s tell-all book, saying:

“We were never friends. At the end of the day, what we did was we just f*cked the same man. That’s not friends.”

But they seemed so close on Girls Next Door! We guess sneaky reality TV editing is the real culprit here?

Though Miz Wilkinson-Baskett has a right to be hurt. In the book, Holly referred to Kendra as “the fakest person I’ve ever met,” to which she responded:

“Obviously, she’s trying to get the public to think different of me, which I am who I am. I’ve never faked sh*t a minute of my life.”

Sounds like the two have VERY different perceptions of what really went down in that mansion!

Check out the clip below to hear Kendra go OFF on her former housemate, and watch Kendra On Top Friday at 9pm ET on WEtv!

[Image via WEtv.]

Miley Cyrus Moves in Next Door to Kimye!

If Kim Kardashian and Kanye West ever need a marijuana hook up, they won’t need to go far very.

Sources have confirmed to Us Weekly that Miley Cyrus has moved in to a new home… right down the street from Kim and Kanye!

“Miley’s home has a 10-stall barn and a huge equestrian area,” a source tells the tabloid. “There’s also a vineyard and a chicken coop!”

Kardashian and West, however, have “dramatic renovations” going on when it comes to their mansion, so they’ll be living with Kris Jenner through the winter.

And the place clearly needs a lot of work.

The couple’s 3.5-acre property only boasts a recording studio… $ 100,000 custom window treatments from Milan… $ 150,000 worth of hinges and doorknobs… oh, and they spent $ 200,000 on a home gym.

As fans of Keeping Up With the Kardashians pair are aware, the social media maven and her rapping husband first moved into her mom’s house when Kardashian was pregnant with North West over two years ago.

It looks like they’ll be sticking around there at least through the birth of their son as well.

So Miley can go ahead and throw parties without worrying about at least one neighbor calling the cops.