Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Meek Mill Donating 6,000 Backpacks to Philadelphia Kids

Philly better not boo this Santa … Meek Mill’s doing right by the city of Brotherly Love and spreading cheer early to a bunch of kids just in time for back to school. Meek Mill’s teaming up with Puma, sports apparel Fanatics, United…


Meek Mill Donating 6,000 Backpacks to Philadelphia Kids

Philly better not boo this Santa … Meek Mill’s doing right by the city of Brotherly Love and spreading cheer early to a bunch of kids just in time for back to school. Meek Mill’s teaming up with Puma, sports apparel Fanatics, United…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Jenelle Evans Twerks In Front of Her Kids, Remains the Worst

Jenelle Evans is no one"s idea of the perfect mom, but even she has her limits, right?

Sure, CPS has been called to Evans home 20 times in less than a year, but even she must draw the line somewhere!

There was a time when we might have thought so, but now that we"ve seen Jenelle twerk in front of her children, we"re not so sure.

Why did she think this was a good idea? Who filmed it? How have fans reacted to this cringe-worthy sight?

Join us as we attempt to answer these questions and more in the gallery below:

1. Jenelle Sells

Jenelle evans dude shirt

Like all of the Teen Moms, Jenelle’s social media pages are a huge part of her one-woman media empire. It’s on Instagram where Jenelle shills lame-ass merchandise like the “Dude” shirt pictured here.

2. Misfire

David and jenelle eason photo

And so, Jenelle goes the extra mile in her efforts to keep fans coming back for new and exclusive content. Sometimes those efforts pay off …

3. A Swing and a Miss

Jenelle evans best picture

Other times, we end up with situations like this one, in which Jenelle inexplicably decided to pull over, get out of her car by the side of the road, and bust out some racy dance moves in front of her kids.

4. Kiki Fail

Jenelle evans photoshopped ad

Jenelle was participating in something called “the Kiki Challenge” in which participants show off their best dance moves to the tune of Drake’s “In My Feelings.”

5. Children as Props

Jenelle evans and her family

Jenelle’s no stranger to treating her kids like objects, so it should come as no surprise that she had no problem involving her kids in her Kiki submission … whether they wanted to take part or not.

6. Egomania

Jenelle tongue

As a horrified nation looked on, Jenelle demonstrated her best club moves in front of her children. It’s a lot to take in, but without further ado, we give you Jenelle’s Kiki Challange …

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Kate Gosselin: Jon"s a Liar! ALL the Kids Live With Me!

She may not be anyone’s idea of the perfect mother, but for the time being at least, Kate Gosselin still has custody of all her children.

Earlier this week, Kate’s idiot ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, made the claim that daughter Hannah lives with him. Turns out, he was lying.

“She permanently lives with me,” Gosselin said in a video originally obtained by Radar Online.

You might think that even Jon Gosselin wouldn’t be dumb enough to make such an easily disprovable claim if it were false, but sadly, you would be mistaken.

It seems the reality star-turned-DJ was in fact completely full of it when he made the claim that Hannah is “free” from Kate and had made the decision to live with her father.

“[Kate] maintains full custody of all eight of her kids,” a source familiar with the situation tells People magazine.

Rumors that Hannah was living with Jon began on Father’s Day, when he posted a photo of the 14-year-old on vacation with him and his girlfriend.

She was later seen in an Instagram video featuring one of Jon’s DJ sets.

(Yes, poor Hannah is cursed with the most cringe-inducing dad on the planet.)

It’s anyone’s guess as to why Jon decided to make the claim that Hannah now lives with him full-time.

Maybe she briefly did and decided to return to her mother after remembering that her dad is a 41-year-old club DJ.

Or maybe Jon made up some total BS about one of his kids and decided to share it with the world.

Sadly, it wouldn’t be the first time.

Back in 2016, twins Mady and Cara spoke out against the sob story their father had been spinning for the press:

“He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane,” Mady told People at the time.

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.”

There have been many, many low points in the life of Jon Gosselin.

But being blasted by your own kids — who actually prefer to live with Kate Gosselin — has gotta be a new rock bottom.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jessa Duggar Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"ll Potty Train My Kids When I Want To!

If you follow any of the Duggar women on social media, you know that many of their followers enjoy pointing out their various flaws as parents.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why these people still follow the Duggars despite finding them so objectionable, but that’s the internet in 2018 for you.

Anyway, the target of choice these days seems to be Jessa Duggar.

Jessa is mom to two young boys — 2-year-old Spurgeon (feel free to pause and cringe at that name before reading any further), and 1-year-old Henry.

Like the other Duggar women, Jessa also homeschools her kids, which is one of the many reasons people enjoy closely scrutinizing her parenting.

Though the biggest reason still seems to be that the Duggars are basically a one-family cult, and there’s reason to believe some of their “strict” child-rearing practices cross the line into abusive territory.

But the mom-shamers of Instagram aren’t attacking Michelle Duggar for her “blanket training.”

No, they’re more focused on Jessa Duggar’s messy house and other perceived lapses in parenting prowess.

This time around, they’re focused on Jessa’s alleged failure to foster her kids’ development.

Specifically, they want to know why Spurgeon isn’t potty trained yet.

Jessa recently posted the above pic, along with a caption reading:

“I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers,”

“It makes his day if he gets to sit in the seat and ‘drive’ it.”

Predictably fans freaked at the sight of Lil Spurge in a diaper.

Spurgeon will be 3 years old in a manner of weeks, and it seems many of Jessa’s followers feel that’s much too old to still be rocking Huggies.

When one follower remarked that the Spurge  “should be out of diapers by now,” Jessa actually took time to respond:

“My philosophy is that if they aren’t able to do the whole thing from pulling their pants down and getting themselves on the toilet, to pulling their pants back up, and washing their hands, then they aren’t ready,” Jessa said.

“Otherwise it feels like it’s actually the parent who’s potty training and doing all the work. 

“Lol! I’ve been around kids, and I’m aware of the signs of readiness. My two-year-old is getting close, but not quite there, so we’re not rushing it.”

Yeah, she’s still a Duggar, so she responded in the fake-polite fashion her family is known for.

But hey, a clap back is a clap back.

So let that be a lesson to the rest of you mom-shamers:

There’s a very small chance that Jessa might politely disagree with your observation!


Jill Duggar Teaches Kids "God"s Plan For Sex" Education, Makes Derick Proud

Jill Duggar is under fire yet again, this time for teaching her young kids sex education, and for the material she’s chosen to do so.

Despite being fired from Counting On, Jill and husband Derick Dillard have stayed in the spotlight thanks to their social media presence.

Even Jim Bob wishes they wouldn’t.

The latest controversy involving the Family Dillard echoes, albeit less drastically, some of the views that led to TLC firing them.

As you can see below, Jill shared a picture on Instagram of the cover of a book that she’s reading to her two young children.

Her sons are 3 and 1, respectively.

Reading to little kids before they can fully comprehend the material is something we all do, but the book here is “The Story of Me.”

This publication appears to be a sex-education book designed with young children in mind … and a very Duggar one at that.

“Want to teach your kids about the [birds] and the [bees] before someone else does, but you don’t know where to start?” Jill asks.

“Someone [told us] about these books (4 book set) and we love them! Learn more on our *resources page* on our website!” 

Naturally, Jill is shilling for the book as some kind of promotional endeavor, but for once, that’s not where some fans have a problem.

The cover, which boasts the fact that it’s a Christian Book Award winner, proclaims that it will teach us “God’s Design for Sex.” 

The book’s description: “It’s never too early to begin giving your child a practical understanding of his or her unique, beautiful body.”

Nothing too polarizing there. But …

It also explains “why God designed it (your body) to be exactly the way it is.” A thinly-veiled dig at the transgender community?

Maybe not so veiled at all.

It discusses “the specialness of being made a boy or a girl” and “why God wants each baby to have a mommy and a daddy.”

Naturally, fans used to Derick’s social media rants against gay marriage and various transgender stars weren’t too surprised.

Derick has notably gone off on TLC’s Jazz Jennings, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, and the cast of Lost in Transition.

With this context, it’s no surprise that the couple’s surprising sex ed endeavors reopened old wounds with fresh criticism.

Hopefully, impressionable Israel and Sam get a lot out of the “proper names” and “realistic illustrations” of their anatomy.

It’s God’s design, after all.

The wisdom of teaching kids about intimacy at such a young age is debatable in and of itself, but these are the Dillards.

When it comes to indoctrinating the next transphobic and homophobic generation, you might as well start ‘em young?


Post Malone Says He Isn"t to Blame for Face Tattoo Trend Among Kids

Post Malone just got a few more new tats on his mug, but says he isn’t responsible for kids following suit and getting ink on their face … although there is someone at fault. We got the “Beerbongs & Bentleys” rapper Monday in NYC where he was…


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Angelina Jolie Takes Her Kids to a Movie

Angelina Jolie’s out and about with the kiddos again, and this time they’re hitting up the theater. Ang and 4 of her 6 kids – Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox — were seen in L.A. Saturday heading to see a movie together … flanked by a…


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Angelina Jolie is Making it Difficult for Brad to Have Relationship with Kids: Sources

Angelina Jolie is not blocking Brad Pitt from seeing their kids, but sources involved in the case say she continues to drive a wedge between them and Brad. Sources with knowledge of the case claim Angelina continues to exert influence over the…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Angelina Jolie Returns to L.A. With Kids as Brad Gets Custody Time

Angelina Jolie has returned to the U.S. with her kids, and the reason is simple … she was ordered to do so by the judge in her divorce case. Angelina was shopping Sunday in WeHo with 3 of her kids at Whole Foods. According to court docs, obtained…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Duggar Kids Demand Time Off: We"re Sick of Living In Front of a Camera!

Often when the fine denizens of the internet are spewing invective against reality stars in some sort of online forum the phrase “get a real job” is bandied about.

Far be it for us to defend the Kardashians and Snookis of the world — people who could buy and sell us despite never having set foot in an office in their adult lives — but life as a reality star can actually be quite demanding.

And as the Duggar family is now learning the hard way, it’s particularly tough on young people.

According to a new report from Radar Online, the Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring have essentially formed a union.

Their sole demand?

No more round-the-clock filming.

Yes, apparently, the Jana, Jill, Jessa, et al. are fed up with living their lives in the presence of a camera crew.

They don’t want to give up the gig entirely, mind you — it still beats the hell out of punching the clock at a 9 to 5, after all — they’re just sick of feeling like slaves to Counting On‘s demanding production schedule.

“The kids just don’t want to be in front of the cameras 24/7,” one insider tells Radar.

“They have a big break in between filming to carry on with their lives.”

Apparently, the driving force behind this mini-mutiny is second-eldest son John David Duggar.

John David is currently courting Abbie Burnett, and it seems he doesn’t want his first romantic relationship to be painstakingly documented by a full camera crew.

At first, it seems, he kept his relationship on the down-low, and now that it’s out in the open, he insists that he and Abbie be allowed some time away from the cameras.

“John David kept his relationship quiet and hidden so he could enjoy time without press,” says the source.

The other Duggars, apparently inspired by his example, have reportedly also demanded more private time.

But if you’re concerned about the future of Counting On, fear not.

The insider says the Duggar kids are planning to keep working for TLC for the foreseeable future.

“They will keep doing the show for a while,” the source says.

Sounds like they have at least a few more seasons left in them.

But just to be safe, you might want to watch Counting On online while you still can.


Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff: When Will They Have More Kids?!?

Look, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

We know you are very busy these days.

You have a toddler at home and a memoir set to come out and a popular blog to keep writing, but we have a quick question to which we’d love a definitive answer:

When are you having more children?!?!?

We’re kidding, of course. 

Or we’re kidding about the urgency of the answer at least.

But it is a common concern of many celebrity gossip followers to wonder when their favorite couple will have a baby… and then to wonder when this couple will have more babies… and so on and so forth.

With talk online of Audrey being pregnant already with child number-two, the Roloffs told People Magazine this week that they certainly are anxious to expand their family.

They just aren’t certain when this will happen.

“Jer and I definitely want to have more children,” Audrey tells this publication, adding:

“We’ve never really put a number on it, we want to take them one at a time.

“We’ve always envisioned a big family, that’s always been something we’ve talked about from the very beginning.”

“Enough to fill up a sprinter van,” jokes Jeremy.

It’s not difficult to envision Audrey and Jeremy as the parents to many children.

They are a faith-based twosome who seems very dedicated to themselves and to their family.

We’ve never seen a woman gush over her kid the way Audrey has gushed over daughter Ember ever since she was born in September.

Elsewhere in this same interview, Jeremy touched on another aspect of the couple’s future.

He admitted that he talks to his parents constantly about buying the family farm in Oregon.

Interesting, right?

We suppose thia makes some sense, with Matt Roloff moving to Arizona and Amy Roloff perhaps moving away to start a life with boyfriend Chris Marek.

We simply had no idea such a transfer of property was in the works.

For now, however, the main work on which Audrey and Jeremy are focusing in the rollout of their book, “A Love Letter Life: Pursue Creatively, Date Intentionally, Love Faithfully.”

It comes out in April of 2019.

“We believe everyone has a unique love story and we want people to be super stoked to press into their own love story,” Jeremy explained to People of the book’s premise.

“We want readers to prepare more for their marriage than their wedding [day].

“I think social media can paint facades, so [Audrey and I] hope that people will walk away [from the book] knowing that we aren’t perfect, our [dating] relationship wasn’t perfect.

“We learned from our struggles and we came out stronger on the other side.”

Teases Audrey on this same subject:

“I think people will be surprised at how much they don’t know about our love story.”


Brad Pitt Trying to Maintain Relationship with Kids Amid Angelina Jolie Divorce

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war in their divorce case, but the more immediate struggle is the co-parenting situation that even has a judge issuing a warning to cool it … or else. We’re told Brad has been spending the bulk of his Summer in…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Carrie Underwood: 35 Is Too Late to Have More Kids!

After suffering a nasty injury to her face, Carrie Underwood has returned to the public eye.

But her recent comments about growing her family and about adoption have stirred up controversy, even among her fans.


During an interview with Redbook for their September issue, Carrie Underwood answered a slew of question.

One of those questions was: “Do you want a big family?”

Her reply is stirring up some controversy.

“I’m 35,” Carrie begins in answer.

“So,” Carrie explains. “We may have missed our chance to have a big family.”

Carrie continued her reply.

“We always talk about adoption,” Carrie reveals about conversations with her husband, Mike Fisher. “And about doing it when our child or children are a little older.”

Carrie and her husband have one child — a boy named Isaiah.

“In the meantime,” Carrie continues. “We’re lucky to be a part of organizations that help kids.”

And those organizations are lucky to have them!

“Because,” Carrie explains. “Our focus right now in our lives is helping as many kids as possible.”

That is wonderful! But if you caught which line stirred up controversy, congratulations.

She implied that, because she is 35, she is too old to give birth to a child.

And some fans did not like that at all.

“Seriously Miss Underwood, I was 44 and my wife 42 when child number seven was born,” wrote one commenter.

“It depends on your health and your desire only,” that same commenter concluded.

“Carrie, you can still have babies at 35,” assured another fan.

That fan continued: “Women are having babies later in life than your mother Carol’s generation.”

When interacting with celebrities on social media, you do not actually need to drop trivia about them. It’s not impressive.

The fansplaining continues: “They try to establish their careers where Mom’s generation a lot of times we’re happy as housewives.”

“Nowadays,” the comment goes on. “You need two salaries to make a ‘go of it” w/ children.”

Others, however, rushed to Carrie’s defense.

“It is a medical FACT that when a woman reaches 40 she is in the HIGH risk for having a child,” one fan writes. “I have a daughter-in-law that has just gone through that with her doctor and he has said that with each year it can get worse.”

Giving birth in the United States is much more dangerous than it is in most other developed countries.

“So,” the commenter continues. “What Carrie is saying is backed up by the medical experts.”

“I do not understand the outrage the public has over Carrie’s statement on fertility,” wrote another fan. “Pregnancy is a risk no matter the age, but I see no reason to get upset over an issue like this.”

Wisely, that fan adds: “I don’t see the logic in this heat over a mere comment.”

It seems like some people felt that Carrie was being ageist … against herself.

But when they say that “all that matters is health and desire,” fans should consider that perhaps Carrie has no desire to embark upon a risky pregnancy.

And there may be things about her health of which the public is not aware. It happens. Just because she’s beautiful on the outside doesn’t mean that she has a flawless and cooperative uterus.

It might be better if fans focused upon her positive words about adoption and helping children in need.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Little Big Town"s Trailer Stolen But Thieves Only Made Off with Kids" Stuff

Little Big Town keeps getting the shaft, but in the latest case … at least the perps who jacked their stuff got a heavy dose of karma. The acclaimed country band’s trailer was stolen Tuesday night in Nashville, but instead of the thieves making…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Jennifer Garner to Lindsay Shookus: Stay Away From My Kids!

Long before Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson or Colin Jost and Scarlett Johansson, another SNL staffer entered an unexpected romance with a Hollywood A-lister.

We’re talking, of course, about Lindsay Shookus, who’s been dating Good Will Hunting screenwriter and noted awful tattoo enthusiast Ben Affleck for over a year now.

For the past several months, rumors about Affleck and Shookus getting married have been circulating non-stop.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim the only thing holding the couple back is the fact that Ben is still married to Jennifer Garner.

While that’s technically true, we’re sure the couple could iron things out and sign the papers in a hurry if need be.

After all, it’s not like they’re getting back together, and they’re both independently wealthy.

Ben was Batman, and Jen’s Capital One commercials now feature cameos from Captain Obvious himself!

Now, sources say what’s really holding up the proceedings are concerns about Affleck and Garner’s kids.

But this isn’t your typical Hollywood custody battle — sources say Ben and Jen both want to divide up time with their children as equitably as possible.

No, what’s holding up the parade is the fact that Jen reportedly doesn’t want Lindsay anywhere near her kids.

“Jen doesn’t want the kids around Lindsay or having her in their lives. She has many reasons,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“Ben understands and has honored her request.”

Needless to say, Jen’s stance complicates the situation just a bit.

We imagine it’s tough to be a good stepmom when you’re not allowed to see your stepkids.

But amazingly, it seems Ben is totally cool with his ex’s request.

“They’re good friends,” the source adds.

“She wants him to be honest and he usually is. She tends to find out about things, and Ben is very open with her. They both want what’s best for the kids and have made a commitment to see that through.”

The insider says that in all likelihood, Jen will eventually relax her anti-Shookus stance.

But one thing she’ll remain vigilant about is Affleck’s drinking.

“The one thing she’s not flexible on is sobriety,” the source tells Us.

“Jen is hesitant to sign off until she’s certain that the kids will be in the best hands at all time.”

The insider adds:

“Finalizing the divorce has been a long process because of it.”

The source was mum on the question of whether or not the fact that Ben and Lindsay have been seen drinking together has contributed to Garner’s skepticism.

But you don’t have to be the world’s greatest detective to piece that one together. 


Monday, July 23, 2018

Parents Teach Kids to Pole Dance, Defy Critics (And Decency)

You know what they say, right?

The family that pole dances together stays together.

This is what Jake Night and Lindsey Teall, residents of of St. Louis, believe, at least.

The couple has made headlines for the rather unusual workout routine it is teaching its kids.

What possible reason would a mother and a father have for raising a family full of stripping pole dancers?

It all goes back to how they met and it goes from there…

1. Their Past Served as Their Prologue


Jake and Lindsey met when both were working as exotic dancers. They have a love and a passion for this near-naked activity.

2. A Family of Five


The couple has decided to pass along this pastime to its kids: Aiden, 11, Lindsey’s son from her first marriage; and their two daughters, Alaura, 5, and 3-year-old Rosalyn.

3. Their Pole Position?


The parents have installment a stripper pole in their living room. We’d love to see how guests react to that, right?!?

4. Let’s Play, Kids!


Jake considers pole dancing a sport and told The Daily Mail: “We have dealt with a lot of negative comments, I can’t even count, thousands upon thousands upon thousands. We’ve heard some pretty horrific things, they were going to hunt us down and kill us and take our children. The naysayers, the haters and everybody like that just makes us, as parents, more protective of them.”

5. But Aren’t the Kids Just Strippers Now?


No, insists Lindsey: “”This is a legitimate sport. A lot of people, you just can’t change their opinion. We’re living our most authentic life, sometimes people don’t like that; they want you to be like everybody else… Pole dance is taking a new route, it’s evolving into a sport, into an art.”

6. A Sport?!?


There is such a thing out there as this: THE INTERNATIONAL POLE CONVENTION, also commonly known as PoleCon. Per its official website, this competition “celebrates the diversity of the pole dance/pole fitness community. Come to learn, share and grow with men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities and fitness levels then stay for the community. #poleconisforeveryone.”

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Farrah Abraham: I Wish I Could Change My Kid"s Face, Too Bad It"s Illegal!

Farrah Abraham isn"t going to be winning any Mother of the Year awards soon.

Or ever.

Farrah"s parenting was featured on TV for years on Teen Mom OG, and in all that time, we don"t think we saw one good bit of parenting on her part.

But sometimes, even though she"s so awful all the time, she really goes out of her way to be as terrible as humanly possible.

This is one of those times.

1. Poor Sophia

Farrah abraham and sophia on the red carpet

Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, is nine years old now. And since her father passed away before she was born, that means that Sophia has spent nine solid years solely in the care of Farrah and her parents. And that’s sad.

2. What a Time

Farrah and sophia abraham photo

Over the years, Sophia’s been through a lot. She took many tumbles as an infant, thanks to Farrah’s poor supervision, and who could forget the time that Farrah tried to wax her eyebrows when she was just three years old?

3. … What

Farrah abraham and sophia on valentines day

Oh, and the time that Farrah said that she and Sophia liked to spend time apart because “She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.” Sophia was four years old then.

4. Bad Ideas

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Now that Sophia is older, it seems like she only has more to lose, like her education. Yep, Farrah has pulled her out of school so she could homeschool her herself. Because that will go well.

5. Ugh

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

Farrah also allows Sophia to get on social media, to attend events usually reserved for adults, and to sit in on conversations that she’s really too young to hear, as evidenced on every episode of Teen Mom OG.

6. Oh Good

Farrah and sophia with flowers

And because all of that isn’t bad enough, now we have to worry about Farrah involving her kid in her plastic surgery obsession.

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

WWE Legend Mark Henry"s Kids Made Junior Olympics in Track & Field

Mark Henry’s a wrestling AND power lifting legend … but he ain’t even the best athlete in his own house anymore — ‘cause his 2 young kids are dominating youth sports. TMZ Sports talked to Mark about his 12-year-old son, Jacob, and 8-year-old…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Celebs Do Family Time at Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Sports Awards

Russell Wilson and Ciara are pocketing their babysitter dough tonight — no need for one when you have to attend a Hollywood event that’s actually for the kids. Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne, Michael Phelps and Nicole Phelps also showed up –…
