Showing posts with label Kody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kody. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown FINALLY Splitting Up?!

Oh, those Sister Wives …

Those poor, pitiful Sister Wives with their never-ending woe and their near-constant drama.

Don’t you just love them?

It’s not pretty, sure, and it’s definitely nothing to be proud of, but it’s an undeniable fact of life that the vast majority of people simply cannot look away from a trainwreck.

And it doesn’t get more trainwreck-y than this family.

OK, so Kody and Meri Brown have been having issues in their marriage for a long time, right?

Even in the very first season of Sister Wives, they fought.

They fought because Meri couldn’t help but get jealous that her husband had two other wives and was getting a third, or because Kody desperately wanted to have more children with Meri but she couldn’t get pregnant and wasn’t interested in getting any medical assistance with her fertility.

As the seasons went on, things only got worse between them.

They actually ended up getting divorced, but only because, as Kody’s first wife, Meri was the only one legally married to him.

She divorced him so that he could marry Robyn and adopt the three children she had from a previous marriage.

They remained spiritually married, but soon after the divorce, Meri began talking to that infamous catfish of hers.

And that’s what really did it in for their relationship.

It’s like the last nail in the coffin of their love, but it’s a big, long, rusty nail that’s being impossibly stubborn and just won’t get in there enough to just close the damn coffin.

On Sunday’s season 11 premiere, we got to see a whole lot of that sad, awkward tension between Kody and Meri.

Kody said to Meri, “You asked me to not be around you. You invited me away. You told me to go away.”

And then later, in an interview, Kody revealed that “Meri asked me to stop staying at the house.”

As you probably know, each of the four sister wives has their own house, and Kody sort of flits in and out of those houses on a schedule.

In the past, Meri’s had an issue with how much time Kody spends at the other wives houses — since the other wives have so many children with Kody and Meri is the only one in her house, things haven’t always been exactly equal.

But for Meri to just tell him not to stay with her, that’s pretty huge.

The director asked Kody to elaborate on his situation with Meri, but he refused.

All he would say was that “I’m working very hard not to be hopeless.”

Which is admirable or whatever, but we have a bad feeling that Kody’s relationship with marriage has as much hope as we have that Kody will mature into a decent, respectable human being.

(None. We have none hope.)

After the episode aired, Kody hopped on Twitter to explain his decision to keep the details about his Meri marriage to himself.

“We are public and choose to share our lives,” he explained. “However, some things should be kept private. Things saved for my mother or bff.”

Meri got on her own Twitter to talk about the argument she had with Kody, and how Kody refused to really talk to her without their therapist present.

“I actually think the convo was safe to begin with,” she said. “We can only respond to things the other says in the best & most honest way.”

Yeah, so the official split is going to happen in the season finale, right? Please?


Monday, November 28, 2016

Sister Wives Season 8 Episode 1 Recap: Did Kody Go Too Far?

Did Kody go too far?

That concern popped up several times throughout Sister Wives Season 8 Episode 1, when the family continued their wedding planning. 

However, all of the drama from Season 7 was still hanging over them, and it made us question whether the family would ever be able to fully recover from it. 

We picked up with Maddie, who was still planning her wedding to Caleb.

The family discussed the fact that it may be the first monogamous wedding that the family had witnessed in quite some time. 

Christine was far too busy with Mykelti’s news that she wants to marry her boyfriend, Tony, but she made it clear she would consider it. 

Christine contacted Kody for advice when she realized things were getting serious with Tony. 

When they caught up, Kody was less than impressed about the news that Mykelti had the idea of getting married.

Kody wanted her to finish college before making any big decisions, but it appears like she’s doing anything but finishing college. 

Tony has dinner with Christine and Kody, to ask them if it’s okay to have Mykelti’s hand in marriage.

Kody let his concerns come to the surface. His main issue was the short time span of the relationship. 

Kody wants the pair to not be sexual with one another and to wait for marriage. Tony reluctantly agrees. 

Christine was then blindsided by the news that Kody gave consent for the marriage to go ahead and aired her thoughts on it. 

Christine and Kody then told the wives about the wedding and they were less than impressed.

They were concerned at the thought of planning two weddings. 

After that, they go to help pick out a caterer for Maddie’s wedding to Caleb. 

We then got the news we all knew was coming: Mariah is not impressed with Meri for the whole catfishing incident.

Meri then claimed she and Kodi had been having trouble in their relationship for years and that something needed to be done. 

She was totally right. 

Meri and Kody then faced off about the way things were going in the relationship and we left them at a difficult moment.

It will be addressed in next week’s episode. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Has a Booze-Fueled Freakout!

If the clips we"ve seen so far are anything to go by, this new season of Sister Wives is going to be one hell of a ride.

Yesterday, we saw a clip of Kody and Meri Brown fighting over their broken relationship and that one time that Meri got catfished.

Things got so bad that Kody didn"t even want to continue the conversation without the assistance of their therapist.

According to Kody, Meri had told him to get out of her life, and according to Meri, Kody had told her that he wasn"t willing to cross a burning bridge for her.

Honestly, we"re not sure if that was supposed to be a metaphor or not.

But Kody"s communication is a whole lot clearer in this new sneak peek from the season premiere.

In the clip, Kody, along with Janelle and Christine, accompanies his daughter, Maddie, on a meeting with a wedding planner.

The idea of serving alcohol at the wedding comes up, though really it"s more of a plan — Maddie is pretty dead set on having booze be a part of her special day.

The issue, though, is that Mormons typically aren"t down with drinking.

And Kody wants to make sure that everyone is totally aware of that.

Check out the completely bizarre footage of Kody in the video below:

Sister wives kody brown has a booze fueled freakout

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sister Wives: Kody and Meri Brown Get HEATED in New Video!

Well, this is uncomfortable.

But hey, we"re talking about Sister Wives here, what did you expect?

Last year, in a time that will surely live on forever in your trashy reality show-loving heart, Meri Brown admitted that she"d gone and gotten herself involved with a catfish.

After divorcing her husband, Kody Brown — they were the only ones legally married, so they legally divorced so he could marry Robyn, but they maintained that "spiritual marriage" he has with all the wives — Meri went through a rough time.

She began talking to a man, and then went on to have a sort of emotional affair with him, but it turned out that the man was a woman, and it was all very dramatic and unfortunate.

But all that happened over a year ago.



Since then, Kody and the other wives, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn, have all been very supportive of Meri, so they"re probably definitely back to normal now, right?


In this sneak peek from Sunday"s new episode of Sister Wives, it"s obvious that Meri and Kody"s relationship is still in a terrible place.

Are the rumors that Meri is leaving Kody true?!

Check out their sincerely awful fight in the video below:

Sister wives kody and meri brown get heated in new video

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kody Brown: Kicked Out by His Sister Wives?!?

A new season of Sister Wives kicks off on November 27.

But it must now be asked: Will this also be the final season of Sister Wives?!?

For several weeks now, there’s been talk of tension between Kody Brown and his better halves, with a recent report even alleging that Meri Brown was getting married.

Back in February of last year, you may remember, Meri got divorced from Kody so that he could marry Robyn, meaning Meri is legally single.

And Radar Online claims she’s been mingling with some dude in Hawaii.

“Meri has wanted to leave for the past year and a half,” a source close to situation claims. “She’s done.”

This same source alleges that Meri wants to have a “low-key beach” wedding with her mystery man in Hawaii.

Will this actually take place? We can’t say one way or the other.

But the first official Sister Wives trailer for new episodes teases a great deal of drama ahead, particularly between Kody and Meri.

According to the latest issue of Life & Style, however, Kody may need to focus on each one of his Sister Wives.

None appears to be very happy with him these days.

The headline of the cover story featured above says that Kody is BROKE, SICK and that he’s been KICKED OUT by his quartet of reality show co-stars.

Is he really having a “heart attack,” as the cover seems to state?

Is Robyn really getting her own show?

Is any of this drama actually real… or it just a promotional push by producers to make people tune in this winter?

Life & Style has been pushing these scandalous Sister Wives stories for months now. Just consider the VIOLENCE, CHEATING and LIES that it alleged awhile back:

And then all four wives walked out on Kody on other time, supposedly:

But that was okay because Kody was in the market for two new wives anyway:

Oh, and he wants to divorce Robyn as part of his grand plan to start a new brood:

We’re a little dubious over these claims.

When we watch Sister Wives online or on television this season, will we see Kody and his wives fighting all the time and threatening to leave each other? Probably.

But should we actually believe these storylines? Or have they been contrived by writers to garner ratings and attention?

It’s the same question we often ask of our reality show family, isn’t it?

On which side do you fall?


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sister Wives: Facing Cancellation! Robyn Threatens To Leave Kody!

Kody Brown has outdone himself.

Not only is he reportedly searching for two new wives to add to his family, but he’s also said to be low on finances.

Naturally, this sort of thing happens when you have four wives and eighteen children.

Former family friend Kendra Pollard-Parra told Life & Style that as soon as Sister Wives season finale aired in June, Brown was on the hunt.

This infuriates his legal wife, Robyn, with whom he has two children.  

Brown’s other “spiritual” wives, Christine, Meri and Janelle, are past the point of caring, and two have allegedly already started dating.

“If he takes on new wives, she said she’ll leave,” Pollard told the tabloid. “This isn’t what she signed up for.”

It’s believed that Brown is so desperate to keep making money following the success of the TLC series.  

However, the show does not have a premiere date for season eight, which has fans thinking that if the show ends, so will Brown’s marriages.

“It’s unfortunate, but I can guarantee you that you’re going to see wives leave,” Pollard-Parra said.

“Kody’s life is flipping upside down.”

Back in April, Pollard-Parra claimed that Brown approached her to become his fifth wife.

“The first time he met me he said, ‘You’re so pretty. I’m looking for another wife!’ Robyn was laughing, but I was like, ‘Eww!’” she told Life & Style.

Pollard-Parra believes that Brown will swap out one of his spiritual ball-and-chains for a newbie.

“He’ll most likely drop one of the other wives,” she claimed.

This, combined with the show’s popularity and Meri’s catfish scandal have created a rift between everyone.

“It’s worse than ever. The family is arguing constantly,” Pollard-Parra said.

“They pretend to be happy for the show, but the family is a mess.” 

Brown doesn’t seem to care that his wives are unhappy.  

“Kody’s main goal is to keep the series going and to make money. He’s a snake,” Pollard-Parra added.

And perhaps to keep ratings up, Brown’s hunt for a pretty young thing is worse than ever.

He’s “definitely seeking another wife right now,” Pollard-Parra revealed.

“He wants a younger female, basically what Robyn used to be.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Kody Brown: On the Market for TWO New Wives!

We appear to have written too soon a few weeks ago.

Unlike previously reported, Kody Brown is NOT on the lookout for a fifth wife. That would be crazy, right?

Instead, he’s on the lookout for a fifth wife AND a sixth wife!

If a new tabloid cover story is to be believed for some reason.

According to Life & Style sources (which we can only assume are a pair of bunnies in the office), Brown has actually kicked out Robyn Brown, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown and Christine.

He appears to be restarting his entire brood, which may not come as a huge shock to those who watch Sister Wives online or on television each week.

That Meri Brown catfishing scandal really does seem to have had a major impact on Kody and his family.

There’s so much drama every Sunday night on TLC with this family, you’d almost think it was scripted by producers or something.

The latest cover story claims that the wives are “disgusted with each other” and can’t “fake it anymore.”

It comes on the heels of the same tabloid claiming that all four better halves walked out on Kody earlier this year:

And THAT story comes on the heels of Life & Style also writing that Brown was dumped by three of his wives prior to tying the knot for a fourth time last year.

See what we mean here:

Does Brown have two women in mind to become his new brides?


The magazine previously wrote that Brown has “set his sights” on Mindy Jessop, a cute blonde who works as the nanny of his youngest son Solomon.

She also happens to be the step-niece of Brown’s fourth/most recent spouse Robyn. It’s all very confusing. And sort of gross.

“The problem is when Kody gets tired of you, he’s done,” a source has said of Brown’s lifestyle. “He just kind of moves onto the next thing.”

That is a problem with Kody, it’s true.

Another problem with Kody is his whole propensity to marry multiple wives thing.

But we’re guessing TLC executives aren’t complaining about that.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kody Brown: I"m Totes Gonna Have Five Sister Wives!

Sister Wives star Kody Brown recently dropped a bombshell on his big polygamous, reality TV crew – he is so on the market for bride #5!

Embroiled in turmoil since wife #1 Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal, the famous family has been left reeling and searching for answers.

Or in Kody’s case, more wives.

Yes, instead of digging in and getting down to business fixing problems within his already-huge family, he has his eye on a new prize.

Oh, and it gets crazier still:

Brown has “set his sights” on Mindy Jessop, a pretty blonde who works as the nanny of his youngest son Solomon, Life & Style reports.

So yeah, Kody totally wants to bang Mindy the nanny … who also happens to be the step-niece of Brown’s fourth/newest spouse Robyn.

Ironic, since Kody is only banging Robyn, leaving the others jealous. Guess she’s about to see how the other half (three-quarters?) lives.

Robyn “can’t believe he would betray her like that,” a source told the magazine, adding that needless to say, the other wives are pissed too.

Brown’s brazen decision reportedly caused them to walk out when broke the news … but are the Sister Wives leaving Kody for good?

“The fight over wife number five got so bad and the four wives were so disgusted by the idea they just left,” another insider revealed.

So why do it if you’re the Kode-Man?

A couple of reasons, apparently:

  1. Ratings

  2. Boning

Makes sense if you think about it.

“He’s doing whatever it takes to save the show,” a family friend says. “He wants a younger female with a hot little body, which Robyn was.”

“At first. Now she believes, ‘Oh maybe I am replaceable. Maybe I have gained some weight.’ She’s refusing to do this anymore.”

“She can’t believe this.”

No? Kody’s deception (if you can call it that), or pursuit of new wives isn’t really news to his other wives, who felt the same about Robyn.

“The problem is when Kody gets tired of you, he’s done,” the source said of Brown’s lifestyle. “He just kind of moves onto the next thing.”

Just kind of.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sister Wives Stunner: Who Left Kody?!?

Sister Wives may be running into a pretty major problem.

And that problem is this: there may be no more Sister Wives!

According to the latest issue of Life & Style (WARNING: never trust any sentence that starts with those words), Kody Brown has selected his new wife.

She will be the fifth one in his controversial brood and this isn’t the first time we’ve heard Brown was planning to marry again.

But while the name of the next woman to bear Kody’s kids has not yet been released, the tabloid claims this reality star’s first quartet of wives are releasing their wrath on their shared husband.

Big time.

The FOUR WIVES WALK OUT is the headline that is plastered across the above cover, with editors also alleging none of the women can “stand each other.”

Those who watch Sister Wives online likely feel duped if this is the case because there are always a few disagreements on this TLC series, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

With the exception that four women are married to the same man, that us.

The cover also teases an “ultimate betrayal” and how Robyn and Kody recently engaged in a “final blowup.”

Consider us intrigued, but also skeptical.

It will be difficult for the series to ever top Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal.

It will also be difficult for us to comprehend what one woman sees in Kody Brown, let alone FOUR women.

Or five, if this story is to be believed.

Sister Wives airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on TLC. It’s a very weird show.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Kody Brown: In Search of a Fifth Wife!

Kody Brown is reportedly in the market for a fifth wife.

Now, we know what you’re thinking:

Isn’t four wives enough?!?

For most men, it most likely would be.

But Kody is dealing with a lot these days – most notably a catfishing scandal involving of of his wives, Meri – when it comes to his current quartet of other halves and, as a result, is looking to branch out.

He’s actually been on the hunt for awhile.

“He’s definitely seeking another wife,” Robyn Brown’s friend, Kendra Pollard, tells Life & Style, while another insider adds:

“He’s been looking for more than a year. He’s wanted someone really young, like 19 or 20. And she has to be attractive and thin.”

Well, sure. What guy would not want his fifth wife to be young, attractive and thin?!?

According to this same publication, current wives Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn have been “miserable” for a long time now, with their frustration bound to intensify if another woman enters the picture.

“There isn’t enough love to go around,” the tabloid writes.

(Seriously, forget all the money and the houses it takes for Kody to afford his ongoing lifestyle. Where does he find the energy?!?)

Sister Wives Season 6 is airing on Sunday nights on TLC at the moment, with the main focus thus far on the fallout from Meri’s catfishing scandal.

Last year, the 45-year-old had an emotional affair (via phone calls and text messages) with a man she believed was named Sam Cooper.

However, it ended up up being a scam, as con artist Jackie Overton was actually the one behind the messages. Talk about awkward!

The incident has continued to be a source of drama within the family, as you can see when you watch Sister Wives online or on television.

For Kody, though, everything comes down to the bottom line.

“He knows that teasing the intro of a hot new wife at the end of this season would give people a reason to tune in,” Life & Style’s source explains.

“And for the network to renew the series.” 

If you’re interested in being Kody Brown’s next wife, you can send an application to… actually… nevermind.

Just go book a therapy appointment now.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Meri Brown Breaks Down to Kody Over Catfishing Scandal: I Was Angry at You!

In a preview clip for the season premiere of Sister Wives, Kody Brown confronts Meri Brown on why she engaged in an online affair last year.

If you recall, Meri was the victim of a catfishing scandal in which she had a relationship with a woman named Jackie Overton who had been posing as a man.

In the clip, Kody accuses Meri of wanting out of their relationship.

"You didn"t want to be out of the family, you just wanted to be out of your relationship with me," he tells her.

A contemplative Meri finally opens up.

"Kody, this person got so far into my head that I didn"t know what end was up sometimes," she reveals. "And I"m still trying to get her out of there."

But Kody still prods her.

"You seemed so angry, I didn"t feel like I could get to you," he says. "I didn"t feel like we could talk."

Meri finally breaks down and admits that she did harbor animosity toward him.

"There were times I was angry at you, Kody. I"m not going to lie," she confesses.

"Because, if you and I had taken better care of our relationship, then I wouldn"t have been in such a vulnerable place and I would have been open to other friendships that wouldn"t lead to this kind of deception and evil," she continues.

"So I was angry at you for not being there for me."

While Meri may want to put this humiliation behind her, Overton revealed earlier this year that she would be releasing "sexually graphic" voicemails and photos from their relationship.

Meri first opened up about the affair to her family last year on the Sister Wives reunion.

“At the time it seemed so vague," Kody said at the time. "I didn’t want to push her … she hasn’t felt well, hasn’t seemed like herself for a long time,” he lamented.

Sister Wives premieres Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

Meri brown breaks down to kody over catfishing scandal i was ang

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kody Brown: Sister Wives Star Facing JAIL TIME After Crushing Legal Defeat?!

It probably wasn’t a good idea for Kody Brown and his four wives to venture into the world of reality television.

Sure, it brought them fame and fortune, but it also brought them the attention of Utah law enforcement officials, who launched an investigation into the Browns’ polygamous lifestyle not long after the first episode of Sister Wives aired back in 2010.

The Browns have avoided prosecution thus far, in part by relocating to Nevada.

In 2011, the family filed a lawsuit claiming that Utah’s laws against polygamy were a violation of their constitutional rights.

Today, however, that suit was rejected by the Tenth Circuit Court, a move that could have devastating legal consequences for the Browns.

Interestingly, the Browns have yet to be charged with a crime, despite more than 100 hours of televised evidence.

This despite a recent statement from Utah State Police confirming that an investigation into the Browns possible criminal activities began “the day after the first episode aired.”

It’s possible that the DA didn’t want to go ahead with the charges due to the unclear nature of the state’s anti-polygamy statutes.

Now that a separate legal body has confirmed that the Browns are not protected by the constitution, however, law enforcement could decide to strike.

In all likelihood, however, Kody and company will never be prosecuted.

For starters, they’re protected by a stipulation that law enforcement in Utah would only pursue charges against polygamists in cases where the parties “(1) induce a partner to marry through misrepresentation or (2) are suspected of committing a collateral crime such as fraud or abuse.”

Additionally, by most accounts their run from the law was dramatized for the sake of television.

The Browns have been accused of faking much of the drama on Sister Wives, and that may end up helping them in this case.

Basically, if everything portrayed on the series was accurate, they’d be vulnerable to prosecution, but because many involved with production have confirmed that the show is largely scripted, they may be in the clear.

Watch Sister Wives online at TV Fanatic to decide for yourselves if the Browns are lawbreakers or just eccentrics.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kody Brown: Accused of FAKING Sister Wives Drama For Ratings!

Krysten Decker, the aunt of Sister Wives star Christine Brown, has been speaking to the press all week, and it seems Kody Brown and company are not happy about it.

Yesterday, Decker claimed that Christine is “miserable” in her polygamous lifestyle and is in no way in love with Kody.

Now, in an interview that could be even more damaging to the family and its reputation, Decker has claimed that the drama fans of the show have enjoyed for the past six seasons is almost entirely fake.

The series’ central storylines often focus on the dubious legality of their lifestyle and their efforts to stay one step ahead of the authorities.

Speaking with Radar Online, Decker says that’s all nonsense, and the Browns have never been forced to move in order to escape the law.

“They talked about moving to Vegas [to escape Utah’s anti-polygamy laws] long before they did,” she claims. “That was their plan and they used the State coming after them for ratings. That’s my strong opinion.”

Decker says she’s been ostracized by Christine and the rest of her Church of Latter-Day Saints community due to her decision to leave her husband and abandon the fundamentalist lifestyle, which she says subjugates and oppresses women.

“My leaving definitely had to do with [my husband’s behavior], but it was all the harms I saw around me,” she says. “I left polygamy before I left my husband.”

Decker says her appearance on the show was edited to turn her into a sort of antagonist, and she wishes she had vever become involved with Kody and his reality series:

“I really regret being on the show…[After] I was devastated, I cried. Christine tried to make me out to be a mean person who didn’t believe in choice, either traditional or religious.

“You can’t actually have a choice if you live under polygamy. If you chose not to do it, there is a penalty.”

Decker says Christine has cut off all her contact with her, and she often wonders if she’ll ever again have a chance to speak with her niece.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Christine Brown: Sister Wives Star "Miserable" With Kody, Polygamy!!!

Polygamy isn’t for everyone.

Just ask Sister Wives’ Christine Brown’s aunt, Kristyn Decker.

Decker defected from the Latter Day Saints polygamous sect, Apostolic United Brethren, which the Browns – Kody, Christine, Meri, Janelle and Robyn – happen to belong to.  According to Radar Online, Decker’s father, Owen Allred was once the leader of the sect.

Decker told Radar recently that she doesn’t “believe” Christine is happy, and it’s showing.

“I call it ‘miserable happiness.’ That truly describes those that were in polygamist marriages and those that left,” Decker said.

“I think they are just miserable and the show started showing it.”

From watching the TLC series, Decker notices a “lack of connection between the women.

“They don’t know where to stand when they’re talking about their relationship with the other women. They don’t get the quality time they want with their husband. Neither do the children. The spousal connection isn’t there.”

I’m no expert on the subject, but I can’t imagine polygamy makes it easy for a husband and wife to connect when there are at least two other women involved.

“They are happy because they believe they are serving God or their God. But it is miserable happiness,” Decker went on.

“I think the Browns are precious people. They are just misled like I was.

“They were born and raised with it. They are not representing the majority of polygamy.”

Decker didn’t elaborate on that last quote, which begs the question “What exactly does the majority of polygamy look like?’

Last year, Meri was caught up in a catfish hoax; she got involved in an online relationship with a woman from Oklahoma who pretended to be a man.

The woman then made threats to Meri, forcing the reality star to come clean on air.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kody Brown, Sister Wives to Be Prosecuted For Polygamy?

It has been a rough several months for the Brown family of TLC’s Sister Wives fame, but might there be a light at the end of the tunnel?

At least from a legal standpoint?

Given some of the events we’ve watched play out over the past six months, fans are wondering what more can go wrong for the family.

After patriarch Kody’s divorce and remarriage, wife Meri’s catfish-cheating scandal, and reports that three wives are dumping Brown?

They’re up against quite a bit.

One more straw could break the proverbial polygamous camel’s back, but family reportedly received good news from the justice system:

Bill HB281 was just passed by the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee in Utah and will soon be put up for a vote.

The bill would change bigamy from a felony to a misdemeanor, meaning their lifestyle is getting closer to being recognized as legal! 

Brown is legally married to and only banging Robyn these days, but he and his three other wives all fled Utah for Nevada a few years ago.

The move was prompted by Utah’s polygamy law, which they are suing over, and waiting for the 10th Circuit court to hear their case.

Under the new bill, the practice would not be legal, but the crime classification for having plural marriages would be drastically reduced.

It “redefines bigamy as purporting to marry ‘and’ cohabiting with another person while married to someone else or with someone else who is married.”

In a controversial move, Kody divorced Meri in 2014 and married Robyn that year, then adopted her children from a previous marriage.

Of course, whether polygamy is legal or not may not hold the family together if reports of Janelle and Meri leaving Kody are to be believed.

Not to mention rumors of Kody courting a secret lover on the side. Did we mention dude has 18 kids as well? There’s a lot on his plate.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sister Wives to Kody Brown: We"re OUTTA Here!

Kody Brown’s unhappy Sister Wives want out, according to a new report which comes on the heels of previous gossip of this nature.

Rocked by Meri Brown’s catfish scandal, not to mention other internal turmoil, the family has been on the brink of disaster for months.

Now, reports In Touch (via Radar), two wives are pretty much finished with Kody, the head of TLC’s most famous polygamous family.

“Janelle has told the family that she wants to focus full-time on her real estate career,” a source said of Brown’s 46-year-old spouse.

It’s not just a going-back-to-work-to-find-balance thing.

She plans to use that career path to become financially stable so she can leave her husband, says a source close to the reeling Janelle.

Sounds like she’s not the only one in that boat, either.

“The idea that the Browns are a polygamist family is laughable at this point. Janelle, Meri and Christine all have one foot out the door.”

Kody divorced Meri to marry Robyn in 2014, leaving him legally married to his fourth wife, with whom he welcomed a child a month ago.

That could be all he has left by the end of this year.

“It’s just Kody and Robyn who are together at this point,” the source claimed, reinforcing rumors of Kody being dumped by three Sister Wives.

After Meri’s emotional, online affair with a woman who claimed to be a dude and catfished her last fall, the Browns fell apart at the seams.

“Behind closed doors it’s miserable,” another insider tells the celebrity news magazine. “There’s a ton of tension and no one is happy.”

The TLC show is going to reflect this, as well.

“The upcoming season will focus on Kody, Robyn and Ariella,” the source said of the couple and their new baby (Kode-man’s 18th overall).

That, the theory goes, will quietly but obviously “allow for Janelle and Meri [who also wants off the program] to slowly begin their exit.”

Truth or speculation at this point? Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kody Brown: Only Banging Robyn, Sister Wives Catfisher Claims!

A explosive new report claims that Sister Wives star Cody Brown is only sleeping with one of his four wives and the lucky (?) lady is Robyn.

The other three wives, understandably, are pretty pissed off about it … and that’s not even all. You won’t believe the source of this intel:

In the wake of reports that Kody is cheating on the Sister Wives with a secret lover comes gossip from … Meri’s would-be catfish lover!

Oh yes, the woman who catfished Meri Brown (Kody’s wife thought she was a he) is ready to expose the Brown family in a new book.

According to Jackie Overton, a.k.a.  “Samuel Jacob Cooper,” a.k.a. the woman behind Meri’s big “emotional affair,” it’s about to get REAL.

Overton, who befriended and ultimately seduced Meri over the Internet, promises to reveal explosive details about Brown family life.

What’s it like to be married to a man who is also “spiritually married” to other two women and legally married to another? Meri told her.

For one, Kody is reportedly only sleeping with his legal wife Robyn, who he recently got hitched to so he could adopt her three children.

Kode Man spends the bulk of his nights with her, which has caused major jealousy among the other neglected, emotionally reeling wives.

Especially Meri, obviously.

She revealed these feelings and secrets to “Samuel” not just for the sake of venting, but ’cause she was gonna bounce, Overton says.

During her affair, Meri reportedly told the other wives that deep down, “she did not want to be there anymore,” according to the insider.

“That she loved the kids but the marriage was done and she was not wanting to fix it. She said the second sister wife [Janelle] was shocked.”

Clearly, she never would up leaving and starting a life of her own … and her affair was exposed to the entire world after she got played.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

While the gang tried to get in front of the story, as you know if you watch Sister Wives online, that united front may be just that. A front.

Are the Browns crumbling behind closed doors? Is Kody about to be dumped by three of them? If so, will Robyn actually be excited?

Stay tuned.

Kody Brown: Cheating on Sister Wives with New Lover?!

Kody Brown doesn’t seem to be satisfied with four women and 18 kids, according to a new tabloid report. There must ALWAYS be more.

According to insiders, the TLC reality star may have strayed from his polygamist marriage just weeks after welcoming his 18th child.

The latest cover of Life & Style reveals that there is a Sister Wives secret lover out there, one who is ready to tell all about the Browns.

Why would Kody need yet another woman? And how many more secrets can be exposed about the Browns at this stage of the game?

It’s not clear at all, but the Brown wives have been at loggerheads with each other for years, particularly Janelle Brown and Meri Brown.

Both have admitted as much, and separately, Christine Brown has been on the outs with Kody Brown and Robyn Brown for an eternity.

Kody was actively pursuing and courting Robyn Brown the entire time Christine was pregnant with her sixth child, Truely, back in 2010.

That can’t go over well.

Nor can it be easy when the polygamist patriarch married a divorced mom of three just one month after little Truely entered the world.

Christine, naturally, would be jealous and harbor major resentment toward Robyn. Being a polygamist brings about these new dynamics.

However, if he’s cheating on ALL FOUR, that would take it to a new level entirely, and then there’s this tidbit from the celebrity magazine:

Allegedly, tensions have boiled over into physical abuse, as the Brown women have now added violence to their laundry list of secrets.

Without naming names, a source divulged that one of the Browns was punched in the stomach by one of the Sister Wives co-stars.

This comes on the heels of talk of Kody being dumped by three Sister Wives, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown, in January.

Take all this with a grain of salt, of course.

Just because you repeat a rumor over and other again doesn’t mean they are really planning to leave him. Still, things don’t look great.

Kody married Robyn Brown to adopt her kids and then just had a new one with her, so she’s likely in it for the foreseeable future.

The rest of them could potentially revolt – perhaps the Meri Brown catfish scandal was a harbinger of things to come – at any time.

Stay tuned to find out of this is pure tabloid conjecture or whether the long-reported internal crumbling of the Brown empire is real.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kody Brown: DUMPED By THREE Sister Wives?!

Affable, terribly-coiffed Sister Wives star Kody Brown may be down to a singular Sister Wife if this new tabloid report is to be believed.

The new issue of Life & Style claims that the father of 18 (yes, 18) has been dispatched by not one, not two, but three of his four wives!

Could this be the end of the polygamous family?

Kody fourth wife, Robyn Brown welcomed his 18th child last weekend, giving birth to a baby girl at the (huge) family’s Las Vegas home.

It was the second baby for Robyn and Kody; Robyn has three kids from a previous relationship, and those three were adopted by Kody.

If you watch Sister Wives online, you know Kody had to divorce his first (and legal) wife to marry Robyn and make that adoption happen.

Amazingly, it is neither that drama or the Meri Brown catfishing scandal which has three wives packing their bags – allegedly – this week.

The celebrity news (term used loosely) publication claims that there’s another woman involved, and she’s letting the cat out of the bag.

What proverbial cat would that be? And what bag?

Honestly, we have no clue, but with Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, Meri Brown and Robyn Brown, Kody has his polygamous hands full.

On his best day. On his worst? Look out.

The magazine cover above claims that this epic rift is already in progress, which we highly doubt. But it does beg one interesting question:

If there truly were an affair or a scandal that tore this family apart, would he even have a legal leg to stand on with the other three wives?

The Browns moved to Nevada because of the Silver State’s lax enforcement of marriage laws, but he can still only marry once legally.

In other words, his other three “spiritual” unions could simultaneously implode very, very quickly in some hypothetical scenario. 

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Robyn Brown and Kody Brown Welcome Baby Girl!

Prepare to see a new face the next time you watch Sister Wives online.

A tiny, adorable, precious new face, that is!

Indeed, Robyn Brown and Kody Brown welcomed a baby girl into the world on Sunday evening, though the reality stars tell People Magazine that they do not yet have a name for the bundle of miraculous joy.

“We have been searching for the right one for months, but nothing has felt right,” Robyn says. “We are just getting to know her now and waiting until she whispers it in our ear.”

We know this much at least:

The couple’s little girl was born at 10:10 p.m. and weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, measuring 21.5 inches in length.

That’s a large baby!

She was also born at home, with Robyn’s parents and a midwife all present at the time.

“We are happy and blessed to welcome the newest addition to the Brown family!” Robyn adds.

Kody Brown is the man at the center of this controversial TLC hit.

He has three wives and a combined 18 children overall. No, that is not a misprint.

Robyn is 37 years old and legally married Kody in 2014 following his divorce from Meri, is also the mother to three other children from a previous marriage.

We send our best wishes to Robyn, Kody and their newly-expanded family.