Showing posts with label Naked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naked. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2016

Blac Chyna: Naked, Reminscent Prior to Giving Birth

Blac Chyna will soon be mostly naked in front of a doctor who is helping her welcome a child into the world.

First, however, the reality star has gotten entirely naked for her fans on Instagram.

Mere weeks, if not days, before she and Rob Kardashian expand their controversial family by one precious member, Blac Chyna went ahead and shared a throwback photo on her social media account.

And it’s one we’re guessing she hopes her daughter never comes across on the Internet.

In the revealing photo, Black Chyna is sitting on a bed in her birthday suit, angling her nude body to keep from exposing her private parts.

“Soon,” she wrote as a caption to the NSFW picture.

It’s unclear exactly when this photo was originally taken, but it couldn’t have been any time in the recent past.

As a caption to the first image posted above, Chyna wrote that she has gained 72 pounds during this pregnancy. That’s a lot!

We don’t know the exact due date for Chyna, but we do know that she and Kardashian will become the parents to a little girl some time this month.

At least we think she and Kardashian will become the parents to a little girl some time this month.

There’s been chatter over the past few weeks that Chyna actually got impregnated by some dude named Pilot Jones that he’s the biological father of her baby.

Chyna has VERY STRONGLY denied this rumor, ranting online recently that Jones is actually gay and that, yes, she once made out with him, but this is why:

“The only reason we took those pictures other than me trying to be a good friend was so he could send it to his boyfriend to make him like jealous & say that he’s going back to girls!”

Jones has said very little on the topic himself.

But Chyna has made it clear that she’s sick and tired of being pregnant, regardless of whether Rob or Pilot fertilized her egg with his sperm.

She shared the following meme on her Instagram account last week:

monkey pic

HA! We can only imagine what it must be like to have a person growing inside of us.

We can’t fault Chyna for feeling this way.

As for what Chyna and Rob will name their baby, we’ve heard some rumors. But we don’t feel comfortable taking any guesses until the bundle of joy has arrived.

Until then, we’ll just hope Rob and Chyna have worked out their issues and are prepared to be mature, adult parents to this girl.

She deserves as much, don’t you think?

Return to The Hollywood Gossip over the next several days for all things Chyna, Rob and baby related.

This really is all happening, people. And it’s happening soon!


Friday, November 4, 2016

Renee Oteri SLAMMED for Posting Naked Child "Porn"

Quick PSA? 

People are disgusting and deplorable, and when a lady can’t share a picture of an adorable baby (baby!) tush, it’s a sad, sad world indeed. 

Renee Oteri, former Bachelor contestant, found herself in the middle of a hornet’s nest of trouble after sharing a photo of her infant son, baby AJ, ying face-down, and not wearing a diaper. 

Read? You couldn’t see anything but his two cute little cheeks.  

Oteri, after facing huge backlash, pulled the photo down and replaced it with a pic where her son’s modesty was preserved. 

She captioned the pic, “So let me vent real quick. Last night, I posted a photo of AJ’s adorable little bum.”

“A baby bum,” Renee continued.

“We have all seen a bum.”

“A cushy, dimply, wrinkly little bum,” she reiterated.

“After reading some disturbing comments referencing ‘child pornography’ and ‘pedophile material,’ I regrettably decided to delete the photo.”

“Super unfortunate, upsetting, and incredibly disappointing,” she blasted.

“I mean, I get it: you cannot please everyone, but child porn? Really? C’mon.”

“If you’ve followed my account for quite some time now, you know photography and creative content is my jam,” Oteri defended.

“I would never, ever post something inappropriate or distasteful, especially of my babies.”

“I hate that most of my photos need a disclaimer, like ‘Car selfie! NOT DRIVING!’ or ‘Best wine ever! PUMPED + DUMPED!"” referencing the the fact that she does, indeed, breastfeed and drink wine. Just not simultaneously.

“Super annoying,” she continued.

“IG trolls will not be welcome here, and comments such as those will not be approved on my page.”

“I choose to share my life with all of you, and I’d like it to be a positive place for people to connect with me, and with each other,” she said.

“Keep the comments light and positive, or simply unfollow,” Oteri concluded. 

What a world we live in when we can’t even gush over adorable little baby bodies.  

What’s next – we can’t share pictures of puppies arses when they’re too young? 

Good grief, what a mess we’ve gotten ourselves, as a society, in lately, right? 

If you don’t like what she shares, go away, and don’t be freaking perverts and PC police about it. 

End of. 


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Sia -- "Naked and Afraid" Star Horsing Around for "Cheap Thrills" (VIDEO)

Sia and Halloween make grown men and mini horses do weird things.   “Naked and Afraid XL” star Jake Nodar recreated Sia’s “Cheap Thrills” video with his 6-year-old stallion, Tyrion, after seeing her in concert inspired him to dress…


Friday, August 19, 2016

Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough Post Naked Butt Photo, Instagram Rejoices

It seems like it was just last week that we were reporting on how quiet Nina Dobrev has been on social media lately.

In all likelihood, that’s because it was just last week. 

Fortunately, in the days since, Nina has taken action to prove that she’s just as engaged with fans (and just as selfie-happy) as ever.

First we were blessed with the truly epic Nina Dobrev bikini photo above.

Now, Nina has taken things a step further, and her legion of loyal fans have basically knelt before her in thanks.

No, we’re not saying Nina is returning to Vampire Diaries for Season 8.

(Although amazingly, that remains a possibility.)

We’re talking about something far more epic.

Nina and longtime friend Julianne Hough decided to drop trou for an Instagram belfie for the ages.

Yes, that’s Hough, Dobrev and an unnamed third butt on vacation in Idaho.

That’s right – Idaho.

The bikini pic above was taken in Ontario, and now Nina is stripping down and posting pics in the Land of the Potato.

She’s really performing a public service by bringing her hotness to the coldest parts of North America.

Many of Hough’s Instagram followers have joked that the girls are looking at a “full moon,” but we won’t bother to point out to you, the learned THG reader, that that’s clearly the sun.

We’re sure Neil deGrasse Tyson is headed to Hough’s page to set the record straight as we speak.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rio Olympics: NBC Makes Divers Look Naked, Internet Doesn"t Complain

On August 9th, the Men"s Diving Synchronised 3m Springboard Final took place, and Great Britain won gold.

Also, a strategically placed score bar made the competitors look naked.  And since they wore nothing more than a standard Speedo, it turned out to be quite the evening for viewers at home.

Naturally, the internet found the whole thing funny, and Twitter was chock full of with Naked Swimming comments.


1. Hello, Boys!

Naked diving twitter pic

Just watching a bit of competition. Certainly not oogling nearly naked bodies.

2. Must-See TV, Indeed

Naked diving

She’s not complaining.

3. Men’s Diving Is My New Favorite Sport

Italy diving team

This should be a nightly competition. Does the International Olympic Committee have a suggestion box?

4. Classic Caption, NBC

Us diving team

Yup, that’s his actual name.

5. Don’t Mind Us, Tom Daley

Tom daley pic

Carry on…

6. Are You Boys Wearing Anything Under That Bar?

Chinese diving team

Asking for a friend.

View Slideshow

Friday, August 5, 2016

Blac Chyna: NAKED in Bed With 3-Year-Old Son?!

Blac Chyna isn’t a regular mom.

Mean Girls fans will be tempted to follow that up with “she’s a cool mom!” but we’re not sure “cool” is the exact word we’d use to describe Blac’s parenting style.

The obvious obsession with fame aside, Blac clearly has her some serious issues to contend with.

We don’t want to rag on her too severely, and frankly, she could be the most attentive mom in the world for all we know.

That said, when getting arrested for drug possession and drunk and disorderly conduct at an airport is a story that’s quickly buried by all the other drama in your life, it’s hard to imagine that you’re creating the most stable environment in which to raise children. 

Blac has a 3-year-old son with ex-fiance Tyga (best known these days for his relationship with Kylie Jenner), and of course, she’s currently expecting a child with Rob Kardashian, Kylie’s brother.

Like, we said, not exactly the most stable environment.

Especially when you throw stuff like this into the mix:

Yes, that’s Blac.

Yes, she appears to be naked.

And yes, it looks her son, King Cairo, is in bed with her.

Look, we’re not here to judge.

Maybe in some households this is completely normal.

Those same households probably involve homeschooling and lots of denim, but we digress.

Anyway, the kid is obviously old enough to know what’s going, which makes this whole thing more than a little weird.

We won’t even get into Blac’s decision to share this bizarre moment publicly.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Orlando Bloom: Naked! Aiming Dong at Katy Perry!

Last week, rumors of a Katy Perry-Orlando Bloom romance were confirmed after the singer acknowledged that Bloom helped write her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

So now we know for certain that Perry and Bloom are an item.

But here’s another way we now know that Perry and Bloom are dating:

A photo has surfaced of the actor sticking his penis pretty much in Perry’s face.

Indeed, British tabloid The Daily Star has run an eye-catching cover picture of Bloom and Perry on a paddle board.

In the image, which has gone viral for understandable (read: NAKED) reasons, Perry is sitting and chilling, wearing a yellow and black bikini.

Bloom is behind his girlfriend, on his knees and in control of the water vehicle, oar in hand.

He’s also donning nothing but his birthday suit.

“Brit star’s naked beach rump with Katy Perry,” reads the newspaper’s headline, adding via parenthetical:

(Whose latest single – out today – is called Rise!)

That’s an erection joke, people.

Bloom and Perry made their relationship Instagram official back in May, but nothing screams “WE’RE DATING” like a paddle board romp in which one half of the couple is going full-on commando.

Is that why Bloom didn’t wear any clothing for this adventure?

To confirm his feelings for Perry in the most scantily-clad way possible?

We have no idea. And Twitter users who have seen the photo are equally flummoxed.

“Why is Orlando Bloom going paddleboarding naked? Like why?” one has asked.

Another, meanwhile, doesn’t care about Bloom’s motivations. Only about the impressive unit that he’s packing.

“Orlando Bloom could make world peace happen with this machine,” this person wrote, while another agreed, chiming in with:

“I’ll say it. Orlando Bloom has a massive penis.”

Here’s another theory:

In July of 2014, Bloom and Justin Bieber got into a reported fight after Bieber allegedly slept with Bloom’s ex, Miranda Kerr.

As you can see in the photo gallery above, Bieber is another celebrity who has been photographed naked and whose penis has blown away many on the Internet due to its girth.

Might Bloom be trying to show up his former rival with this nude excursion?

Might he be trying to say that anything Bieber can do, he can do better? Err… bigger?

We don’t know.

We do know, however, that many women out there are outraged over censorship in this case.

We’ll let the following critic speak for them all:

bloom tweet

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: Naked For Treats Magazine!

Looks like the folks at Treats magazine take the publication"s title very literally.

The editors posted a video on their website moments ago, and it looks like Halloween has come a couple months early, sans the tricks.

You see, Ireland Baldwin has been naked more than usual on social media lately.

And by "more than usual," we mean Baldwin might be topless more often than she"s fully clothed these days.

And now we know why. 

It seems all the racy Instagram shots that the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger has been posting lately have been part of a photoshoot for Treats.

Now, the whole thing has been unveiled in a video that was well worth the wait.

Sure it"s only 90 seconds long, and it has no dialogue and nothing resembling a narrative structure, but we"re pretty sure this thing has a chance at sweeping the Oscars.

Or at least some awards show where Best Nudity By Ireland Baldwin is the only category.

As for costume design, well, that"s where Ireland falters a bit.

You see, we somewhat misled you when we said Ireland is nude throughout the video.

All of the bits and pieces that you want to see are uncovered, but for some reason the photographer insisted on adding all these silly little flourishes.

Why is Ireland completely naked save for some sequined cuffs and collars?

We have no idea. Art, or something.

Anyway, let"s focus on what really matters here:

Boobs. Just so many shots of boobs.

Ireland baldwin naked for treats magazine

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ireland Baldwin Posts Naked Butt on Instagram; Alec Presumably Dead From Rage-Induced Heart Attack

After a brief respite from social media, Ireland Baldwin is back to getting naked on Instagram like it’s her job.

Which, come to think of it, it might be.

Does she have a job? Eh, who cares?

Normally we’re critical of spoiled children of celebrities who don’t even pretend to have aspirations toward acting, or singing, or some other form of cushy employment, but we’re gonna let this one slide.

This is a post-Kardashian world we’re living in, and if Ireland’s boobs can earn her a living, we say go for it.

And no, it’s not just because we enjoy the view.

We just reject the notion that talent is the only way for a celebrity kid to earn a living without resorting to the drudgery of actual employment.

If Evel Knievel and Johnny Knoxville made careers out of their willingness to risk their lives, why can’t Ireland make one out of her willingness to get naked?

Yes, we just compared Ireland Baldwin to Evel Knievel, and yes, we’re as confused by it as you are.

We’re also a little baffled by the origins of Ms. Baldwin’s latest artsy nude pic.

Apparently it’s from a series entitled My Hotel Room by a photographer named Aladdin Ishmael.

The dude literally invites models up to his hotel room so he can photograph them naked.

And here’s the really insane part – they do it!

He’s either the greatest genius or the biggest perv that ever lived. Or both.

Hopefully Ireland didn’t share this story at the dinner table:

Alec: So how was your weekend, honey?

Ireland: Some guy named Aladdin asked me to go up to his hotel room and get naked, so I did.

*family holds up protective garbage bags like they’re in the front row of a Gallagher show as Alec’s head literally explodes, covering the room with gray matter and jowls*

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Woman Shares Naked Facebook Photo, Takes Aim at Dani Mathers

Christine Blackmon has a message for Dani Mathers.

You remember Dani Mathers, right?

A Playboy centerfold, Mathers made headlines this month when she body-shamed a woman at the gym.

Upon seeing this woman naked in the locker room, Mathers took a picture, shared it on social media and wrote as a caption:

“If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.”

It was a rather heinous action for Mathers to take

Mathers pic

And the repercussions were fierce, first in the form of backlash online and then in Mathers getting fired.

She was also banned from every single LA Fitness location, which is pretty awesome.

Now, Blackmon has taken her own form of revenge against the 2015 Playmate of the Year.

“About a month ago, I was changing to work out. I caught my husband taking my picture so I posed playfully due to the obvious absurdity of it all,” she wrote on Facebook.

She penned the message alongside with the image in a post addressed to Mathers.

“Later, I saw the picture and begged him to delete it. I hated it – all I saw were lumps and bumps. He simply smiled and softly said, ‘I think it’s beautiful.’

“So I let him keep it.”

This is Blackmon’s photo:

naked woman

“Not all of us work out to be ‘hot,’ ” she continued.

“Some of us work out simply to honor the bodies we were given. That’s all that woman was trying to do and you violated her. Shame on you.”

Mathers has apologized for her inappropriate Snapchat post with an apology video on the media-sharing platform.

“That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” she said. “I know that body shaming is wrong. That is not the type of person I am.”

Obviously it is the kind of person Mathers is, or at least the kind of person Mathers was.

Concluded Blackmon is our new favorite Facebook post of all-time:

I bet I could get 100s of women to post their beautiful bodies and regardless of size, shape or color, they will ALL be more beautiful than the ugliness you showed in that post.

So, #‎DaniMathers, I’d like to introduce you to my 5’10”, 194lb lumpy, bumpy glory.

#‎UnSeeTHIS #‎AllBodiesAreBeautiful

Woman Shares Naked Facebook Photo, Takes Aim at Dani Mathers

Christine Blackmon has a message for Dani Mathers.

You remember Dani Mathers, right?

A Playboy centerfold, Mathers made headlines this month when she body-shamed a woman at the gym.

Upon seeing this woman naked in the locker room, Mathers took a picture, shared it on social media and wrote as a caption:

“If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.”

It was a rather heinous action for Mathers to take

Mathers pic

And the repercussions were fierce, first in the form of backlash online and then in Mathers getting fired.

She was also banned from every single LA Fitness location, which is pretty awesome.

Now, Blackmon has taken her own form of revenge against the 2015 Playmate of the Year.

“About a month ago, I was changing to work out. I caught my husband taking my picture so I posed playfully due to the obvious absurdity of it all,” she wrote on Facebook.

She penned the message alongside with the image in a post addressed to Mathers.

“Later, I saw the picture and begged him to delete it. I hated it – all I saw were lumps and bumps. He simply smiled and softly said, ‘I think it’s beautiful.’

“So I let him keep it.”

This is Blackmon’s photo:

naked woman

“Not all of us work out to be ‘hot,’ ” she continued.

“Some of us work out simply to honor the bodies we were given. That’s all that woman was trying to do and you violated her. Shame on you.”

Mathers has apologized for her inappropriate Snapchat post with an apology video on the media-sharing platform.

“That was absolutely wrong and not what I meant to do,” she said. “I know that body shaming is wrong. That is not the type of person I am.”

Obviously it is the kind of person Mathers is, or at least the kind of person Mathers was.

Concluded Blackmon is our new favorite Facebook post of all-time:

I bet I could get 100s of women to post their beautiful bodies and regardless of size, shape or color, they will ALL be more beautiful than the ugliness you showed in that post.

So, #‎DaniMathers, I’d like to introduce you to my 5’10”, 194lb lumpy, bumpy glory.

#‎UnSeeTHIS #‎AllBodiesAreBeautiful

Friday, July 15, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: COMPLETELY Naked on Instagram!

We don’t know much about what Ireland Baldwin’s been up to since leaving rehab back in May of 2015.

In fact, the formerly attention-loving daughter of rage-fueled actor Alec Baldwin has even made her Instagram private – but somehow, pics like this one keeping making their way to the public:

Yes, last month gave us Ireland topless, this month she’s completely naked.

Clearly, the pic is from a professional photoshoot, but Baldwin didn’t offer any hints as to the nature of the project she’s working on.

Whatever the case, the girl clearly hasn’t slacked in her fitness regimen.

Like we said, details of her personal life are tough to find these days, but accounts concur that after that rough patch last year, Ireland is happy, healthy, and working steadily.

Yes, there’s a member of the Baldwin family who doesn’t live a steady diet of violent insanity.

Good to know.

Back when she was briefly a tabloid staple, Ireland was dating Angel Haze, but that relationship appears to have fizzled.

As far as we can tell she’s single these days, but we wouldn’t want you to go and get your hopes up.

Ireland is notoriously picky about who she allows to follow her on social media, so we can’t imagine how hard it is to get her number.

Plus what if her dad reads one of your texts and Hulks out.

You don’t want your last words to be “u up?”

Ireland Baldwin: COMPLETELY Naked on Instagram!

We don’t know much about what Ireland Baldwin’s been up to since leaving rehab back in May of 2015.

In fact, the formerly attention-loving daughter of rage-fueled actor Alec Baldwin has even made her Instagram private – but somehow, pics like this one keeping making their way to the public:

Yes, last month gave us Ireland topless, this month she’s completely naked.

Clearly, the pic is from a professional photoshoot, but Baldwin didn’t offer any hints as to the nature of the project she’s working on.

Whatever the case, the girl clearly hasn’t slacked in her fitness regimen.

Like we said, details of her personal life are tough to find these days, but accounts concur that after that rough patch last year, Ireland is happy, healthy, and working steadily.

Yes, there’s a member of the Baldwin family who doesn’t live a steady diet of violent insanity.

Good to know.

Back when she was briefly a tabloid staple, Ireland was dating Angel Haze, but that relationship appears to have fizzled.

As far as we can tell she’s single these days, but we wouldn’t want you to go and get your hopes up.

Ireland is notoriously picky about who she allows to follow her on social media, so we can’t imagine how hard it is to get her number.

Plus what if her dad reads one of your texts and Hulks out.

You don’t want your last words to be “u up?”

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Rachel Lehnardt Gets Probation After Throwing Teenagers" Naked Twister Party, Joining In

A mom who allowed her teen daughter and friends to drink alcohol, smoke weed and play naked Twister has been sentenced to probation.

According to WJBF-TV, mother of five Rachel Lehnardt of Evans, Georgia, was sentenced to six years probation and $ 600 in fines.

The 36-year-old was sentenced under the First Offender Act and must comply with mandatory drug and alcohol testing and treatment.

In April 2015, ​Rachel Lehnardt received a text from her daughter asking if she could brings friends over “to party,” according to reports.

The former Mormon Sunday school teacher’s reply? “C’mon, let’s party.” 

Lehnardt then threw her daughter a naked twister party as requested.

A recovering alcoholic, she then confessed what happened to her sponsor, who then reported what Lehnardt told her to authorities.

So much for the concept of Alcoholic Anonymous, are we right?!

Too soon? Okay, anyway, the sponsor was probably doing her a favor in the big picture, because the story is even worse that you think.

The night of the party, Lehnardt allegedly provided weed and liquor for her 16-year-old daughter and her friends, obviously also minors.

Then stripping off her clothes and joining in a game of naked Twister with the crew, who we guarantee will never forget that experience.

Especially one 18-year-old male at the soiree of debauchery.

Rachel slipped into the bathroom at one point and proceeded to have sex with this young man, and then claimed she was still “horny.”

To remedy that situation, she pleasured herself with sex toys in the living room as the group watched on, per the official police report.

Capping off an epic night, Lehnardt passed out in bed, only to wake up and find her daughter’s 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her.

The sponsor told police deputies that Lehnardt has “stated in the [AA] group that she is a sexual deviant and addicted to pornography.”

Lehnardt lost custody of her children – ages 4, 6, 8, 10 and 16 – as a result of the party last April; It’s not clear to whom or for how long.

Her attorney, Shawn Hammond, called the allegations “exaggerated” and said that Lehnardt is “extremely remorseful for what she allowed.”

The obviously troubled mom is “obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure this conduct is never repeated,” Hammond said.

“Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family.”

“She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example,” he said, because, well, no one wants this.

Sadly for her kids, she showed them the hard way “just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.”

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ariel Winter: Nearly Naked In Bubble Bath, Totally Loves It

Sauxy minx!

With her high school career in the bag, and four years of college starting in September, Ariel Winter is having the time of her life.

The Modern Family star shared a photo from the set of her new movie, Dog Years, in which she’s soaking in a bubble bath, with what looks like a glass of red wine at her side.

“Today’s office…relax everyone it’s cranberry juice and I’m wearing lady bit pasties. #DogYears #set #movie,” Winter wrote.

According to IMDB, Dog Years (co-starring Burt Reynolds) tells the story of an “aging, former movie star” who is “forced to face the reality that his glory days are far behind him.”

Directed by Adam Rifkin, the film’s universal focus is on the difficulty of growing old.

Winter has shared Instagram’s from filming, which include her wearing crop tops, short shorts, tattoos and piercings.

Anway, Winter in a bubble bath!

You have to hand it to the star for owning her sexuality.  

Winter knows exactly the right buttons to push when she posts a provocative photo, completely aware that people are going to talk.

When Winter showed underboob at her high school graduation party, followers called her outfit “inappropriate.”

Winter shot back.

“Dear sorry body-shamers, I looked HOT in that dress,” she wrote.

“And if you hate it, don’t buy it. But please get a hobby. XOXO Ariel #EmbraceYourBody

“Embrace all that you are,” she continued.

“Don’t let those outside voices become your inner voice #mychoice #loveyourcurves.”

Several media outlets have speculated that Winter and her boyfriend, Laurent Claude Gaudette have broken up (they started dating in 2013 and briefly separated in 2015).

The last time they were spotted together was at Coachella in April.

Happy to put any confusion to rest, Winter posted this meme to Twitter over the weekend:

“Hi there press people!!!!!!,” she captioned the GIF on Instagram, mocking the very people who have been digging tirelessly into her personal life.

Singletons, hurrah!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kanye West "Famous" Video: Look Who"s Naked!

Kanye West has released a music video that features Kim Kardashian nude.

Okay, fair enough. This isn’t very ground breaking. But hear us out…

The rapper unveiled his “Famous” music video at a special event in Los Angeles on Friday night, but it wasn’t the people in attendance that have everyone’s attention today.

It’s the people in the video.

Aside from a naked Kim Kardashian, the footage features naked images of George W. Bush, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby.

And also of Taylor Swift.

Wait… what?!? How?!?

Clearly, most of these celebrities did not actually appear nude in the video.

But Kanye never comes out and tells us which parts of the video can be chalked up to computer graphics and which stars legitimately made a cameo in their birthday suits.

Click on the following photo for an uncensored look at the video:

According to Vanity Fair, the MSFW music video was “filmed over a period of three months and cycled through four different formats and several different collaborators until West felt he’d achieved the result he wanted.”

The magazine adds, via its website:

“[The video] leaves you guessing as to which of the celebrities are really playing themselves and which are presumably only there by the grace of some advanced prosthetic wizardry (will the real Taylor Swift please stand up?).”

The single itself is off Kanye’s “Life of Pablo” album and West says his wife gave him permission to pose in bed with so many other naked bodies.

“[I say] a lot of lines other wives would not allow a husband to say,” Kanye explained.

“But my wife also puts up photos that other husbands wouldn’t let them put up. One of the keys to happiness in our marriage is we’re allowed to be ourselves.”

It seems pretty clear that the artist was inspired by Vincent Desiderio’s “Sleep” painting, which also depicts a dozen people laying nude in bed together, covered only by white bedsheets.

The full “Famous” music video is available to stream on Tidal.

What do you think of Kanye pretending naked Taylor Swift is lying in his bed?

Too funny or a step too far?

Monday, June 13, 2016

Courtney Stodden: Naked and Pregnant on Instagram!

As you may have heard, Courtney Stodden is pregnant with her first child.

As you might also be aware, the girl loves getting naked on the internet, and she clearly has no intention of allowing impending motherhood get in the way of her one true passion.

Courtney posted the above photo yesterday because … Oh, like she needs a reason!

The sight of Courtney Stodden naked is nothing new, and in a way, it’s comforting to know some things will never change.

Court captioned the post simply “#VideoOfTheDay,” and she followed it up with this pic:

Which was captioned – you guessed it! – “#PicOfTheDay.”

We hate to let an a–hole with a gun affect our enjoyment of something as pure and natural as Courtney’s latest round of racy Instagram posts, but there’s an elephant in the room here that must be addressed:

Court posted these pics not long after the horrific news of the Orlando nightclub shooting spread across social media, and the comments reflect a deep confusion over her timing.

To be clear: we’re not accusing Courtney of being insensitive to tragedy.

In fact, she’s been an outspoken LGBT advocate throughout her career, and it’s entirely possible these pics were set to post well before she received word of the tragedy.

We’re just saying that Courtney – or whoever manages her social media account – might want to do more to ensure that her posts “#OfTheDay” aren’t confusingly inappropriate.

The comments on both of the above posts are mostly related to the Orlando shootings, and some of them give Courtney credit for spreading some joy on a day in which reasons to smile were in short supply.

“You’re adorable,” one fan wrote. “And make me smile even thought the world is a mess. Bless Orlando!”

Maybe that was Courtney’s intention.

Or maybe she takes a “set and forget” approach to her social media pages.

Whatever the case, she now has a pair of racy posts with comments about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history – and that’s just bizarre.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Can You Find the Naked Women in This Photo?


It is about to hit the floor. Hard.

A photo based on the creation of artist Johannes Stoetter has gone viral because it appears to depict a wolf.

Right? You can study the image in question above.

So, what’s the big deal?

Why is the Internet up in arms over this photo? Why have you probably seen it this week on your Facebook page, sort of like that blue or white dress that went viral last year?

Because this is not a photo of a wolf.

It is a photo of three naked women.

Yes, for real.

How is that possible? How did the artist use body paint and some unique poses to come up with this optical illusion?

Watch the following video and see for yourself:

The piece itself took eight hours to create.

It came after many days of sketching and positioning the women to find the ideal positions that suited the wolf’s posture.

Pretty amazing, huh?

“It was difficult because the wolf is a mammal and it has a fur coat, which is much more difficult to paint and to make seem realistic than the skin of an amphibian or a reptile,” Stoetter said.

We’d have to imagine so.

We also have to say: Job very well done!