Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bristol Palin to Join "Teen Mom OG" Cast

The folks who produce ‘Teen Mom’ know what sells … because TMZ has learned Bristol Palin is joining “Teen Mom OG.” Production sources tell us, Sarah Palin’s daughter has signed on as a regular on the show. It appears she’s following in the…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Sarah Palin Compares Sacha Baron Cohen Duping Politicians to #MeToo

Sarah Palin says politicians falling victim to Sacha Baron Cohen’s pranks is kinda like the new #MeToo. Seriously.  Palin’s still railing at Sacha for duping her — pretending to be a disabled veteran to interview her — and says she’s…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Fires Back at Sarah Palin and President Trump

Sarah Palin is totally wrong about what happened when Sacha Baron Cohen interviewed her — at least according to Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick … the character Sacha was playing at the time. Cohen just released a letter addressed to “Vice-President…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sarah Palin: EVIL Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Me Into an Interview!

Sacha Baron Cohen is the man behind Borat and therefore the man responsible for the catchphrases of all of your most annoying friends over the past decade.

This time, he staged a satirical interview with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Palin, who’s been in enough disastrous interviews to recognize them, caught on, and unleashed a scathing attack on Cohen’s “evil” humor.

“Yup – we were duped,” Palin’s post begins. “Ya’ got me, Sacha. Feel better now?”

Sarah announces: “I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick ‘humor’ of the British ‘comedian’ Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.”

Wait, she’s really going with evil for this? This isn’t just a matter of people in glass houses — most people wouldn’t say that a fake interview deserves that label.

“This ‘legit opportunity’ to honor American Vets and contribute to a ‘legit Showtime historical documentary’ was requested of me via a speakers bureau,” Palin says.

Some would suggest that, had the offer been truly legitimate, no one would have asked Sarah Palin to make an appearance.

“For my interview,” Palin explains. “My daughter and I were asked to travel across the country where Cohen (I presume) had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all.”

Cohen’s taste has always been questionable, as we’ll explain.

“Out of respect for what I was led to believe would be a thoughtful discussion with someone who had served in uniform,” Palin continues.

“I sat through a long “interview” full of Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm,” Palin says.

We don’t know what a Hollywoodism is supposed to mean in this context, but we imagine that whatever fans she still has will love the term.

“But finally had enough and literally, physically removed my mic and walked out,” Palin describes. “Much to Cohen’s chagrin.”

Palin writes: “The disrespect of our US military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse.”

“Here is my challenge, shallow Sacha boy,” Palin suggests. “Go ahead – air the footage. Experience tells us it will be heavily edited, not pretty, and intended to humiliate.”

His whole schtick is seeing what people will say and how they will react, so, yeah, of course it’s intended to humiliate.

“The challenge is to Cohen, CBS, and Showtime,” Palin says. “Donate all proceeds to a charitable group that actually respects and supports American Vets.”

We’re not sure how one gauges proceeds from a Showtime series.

“Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night,” Palin allows.

Interesting that Sarah Palin considers either herself or her daughter to be innocent public personalities.

“But HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country?!” Palin asks.

She then says that this was: “Truly sick.”

“And as an aside,” Palin notes. “For further insight into the wealthy corporate enablers of this kind of ‘joke."”

“The Cohen/CBS/Showtime production team purposefully dropped my daughter and me off at the wrong Washington, DC airport after the fake interview,” Palin claims. “Knowing we’d miss all flights back home to Alaska.”

That’s quite the accusation — of downright maliciousness.

“After refusing to take our calls to help get us out of the bind they’d put us in for three days,” Palin describes. “I wrote this off as yet another example of the sick nature that is media-slash-entertainment today.”

Palin has been frustrated with media and entertainment ever since they asked her questions about government policies in interviews while she was McCain’s running mate.

“Feel good and manly about your M.O., Sacha?” Palin asks.

In Palin’s world, of course, demonstrating masculinity is prized, so she assumes that Sacha Baron Cohen is preoccupied with a desire to feel manly.

“By the way, my daughter thinks you’re a piece of ****, Sacha.” Palin says.

Her daughter, Bristol, thinks a lot of things about a lot of people. She also blogs about it.

“Every honorable American Vet should feel the same.”

Note that by saying every honorable American vet, she brings the No True Scottsman paradox into play.

So the inevitable I’m a vet and I’m thrilled that she got played responses can be countered with ah, then you’re not an honorable one.

Sarah Palin is no one’s favorite person, but Sacha Baron Cohen can be controversial himself.

The arguments to defend him are that he does what he does to elicit genuine responses from people, to see what they will say with the right prompting.

But his work often relies upon shock value, the perpetuation of horrific racist stereotypes, and crude jokes.

That said, whatever you think of either of them, there’s one thing about which we can all agree:

Sarah Palin just gave Cohen’s work, which includes a series of interviews with some very famous politicians on both sides of the aisle, better publicity than anyone could have imagined.

We don’t normally advocate doing nice things for Sarah Palin, but perhaps Showtime should send her a fruit basket.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer: It"s Over!

It appears to all be over for Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer.

The couple, who are parents to a pair of young children and who have been married for fewer than two years, are going their separate ways, according to various media outlets.

Neither side has spoken publicly about the split, but insiders tell People Magazine that Meyer moved out of the family’s Austin, Texas home around Christmas and filed for divorce about two weeks ago.

The sweet photo above, which was also shared around Christmas late last year, is the last social media image we can find of the stars together.

Despite no confirmation from either half of this estranged twosome regarding the alleged break-up, Meyer and Palin have stopped following each other on Instagram.

That says it all these days, doesn’t it?

Meyer did share a video of himself and his children just yesterday, however, making us believe there may not be much bad blood between the ex-spouses.

They share a nine-month daughter named Atlee Bay and a two-year old named Sailor Grace.

Bristol, of course, is also the mother of a nine-year old boy named Tripp.

She sky-rocketed into the spotlight back in 2008 as a result of getting pregnant with him because she was only a teenager at the time… she wasn’t married… and her mother was running for Vice President.

After giving birth to her first child, Bristol eventually ended her relationship with his father, some dude named Levi Johnston.

She became a spokesperson for various conservative causes over the years and even appeared on Dancing with the Stars.

Palin’s romance with Meyer, meanwhile, has been up and down from the beginning. 

They got engaged in March of 2015, only for Bristol to then call off the wedding just days before it was scheduled to take place in May of that year.

Just a few weeks later, however, Bristol announced she was pregnant once again. And she didn’t sound particularly happy about it.

“Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one,” Palin wrote at the time, adding:

“When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.”

After she reunited with Meyer, many assumed that he was the child’s father and that Bristol wasn’t aware she was pregnant until AFTER she had called off the wedding.

Hence her less-than-enthusiastic attitude while confirming the news.

But it all seemed to work out for the pair after they got back together, got married and even had another child together.

That was just nine months ago.

“Life is full of ups and downs but in the end, you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be,” Bristol and Dakota gushed after tying the knot, telling Entertainment Tonight:

“We are so happy to share with loved ones the wonderful news that we got married!

Hard work and God’s grace are the foundation of our new life together. With the love and support of our family, we know we can get through anything.”

Well, maybe not anything, as it turns out.

We do wish both Palin, Meyer and their kids the best of luck, though.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bristol Palin and Husband Dakota Meyer Split

Bristol Palin and husband Dakota Meyer have called it quits … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the pair — who married in 2016 and have two daughters together — tell us the two no longer live under the same roof. We’ve done some checking and…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Track Palin Allegedly Assaulted His Father, Sarah Palin Called Cops

Sarah Palin’s oldest son allegedly broke into his parents’ house and beat his dad bloody until cops showed up and busted him … TMZ has learned. According to an affidavit by the arresting officer, Sarah called police in Wasilla, Alaska Saturday…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Track Palin: Sarah"s Son Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges AGAIN!

If every election were decided by a studio audience from The Jerry Springer show, every political family would look like the Palins.

Sarah Palin stepped down from her role as governor of Alaska back in … and she’s been fading into obscurity ever since.

But while Palin remains desperate for fame (as evidenced by her desire to buddy up to Kid Rock and Ted Nugent) she probably wishes her delinquent kids would stop making headlines with their criminal behavior.

Several media outlets are reporting today that Palin’s oldest son, Track, was arrested over the weekend on charges of felony burglary, assault in the fourth degree and criminal mischief for causing property damage of between $ 250 and $ 999.

NBC News has confirmed that the assault charge stems from a domestic violence incident.

Track was arrested in Wasilla, the town where his famous mother once served as mayor

It’s the 28-year-old’s second domestic violence arrest in less than two years.

In 2016, Track was arrested after his then-girlfriend, who was found hiding under her bed and crying, told police he repeatedly punched her in the face.

Those charges followed on the heels of another incident, in which Track was arrested for drunkenly brandishing a gun.

Track was able to plea down and avoid jail time in both incidents.

Those who are familiar with his family’s clout in Alaska say they’re not surprised that he seems to be above the law.

It’s unclear what sort of repercussions Track will face this time, but yet again, it seems unlikely that he’ll serve any time in prison.

Various media outlets have attempted to contact the Palin’s but the family has yet to return any calls.

They did, however, issue a vague press release through their attorney:

“Given the nature of actions addressed last night by law enforcement and the charges involved, the Palins are unable to comment further,” the statement reads.

“They ask that the family’s privacy is respected during this challenging situation just as others dealing with a struggling family member would also request.”

We’re sure the woman who was (allegedly) attacked by Track finds the situation “challenging,” as well.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Sarah Palin"s Oldest Son, Track Palin, Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

Sarah Palin’s oldest son has been arrested again on charges of domestic violence … the second time he’s been busted in 2 years. Track Palin was reportedly arrested Saturday in Wasilla, Alaska and arraigned on 3 separate charges — felony…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bristol Palin Puts Lipstick on Daughter, Internet Has a Conniption

Sarah Palin once asked supporters to name the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull.

Simple, the then-Vice Presidential candidate said during her stump speech, lipstick.

This line always drew a lot of applause and laughter.

Fast forward many years later, however, and critics on the Internet are not cheering on Palin’s daughter when it comes to her use of this makeup product.

Quite the opposite, actually.

Bristol Palin is under siege at the moment for a photo she recently shared on Instagram, one in which she’s applying lipstick to her young daughter, Sailor.

“Unboxing my @fabfitfun fall box YOU GUYS!! I love being a #fabfitfunpartner these boxes are INCREDIBLE!!” Bristol wrote as a caption to the following image, adding as part of her advertisement:

“As I’m sure you already know – it’s a seasonal subscription box filled to the brim with high end, sought after, full sized products! (ps: something you may NOT know.. I’m an esthetician & worked under a dermatologist for over 7 years, so I know beauty products!) & these products are truly AMAZING!!!

“MY FALL BOX FAV: dpHUE apple cider vinegar hair rinse, my hair has never felt smoother.

“I look forward to these boxes every season & they have allowed me to try new things that I normally would not!”

That’s a lot to digest.

But once you get past the product hawking Bristol is doing here, you’re left with a picture that depicts her putting some lipstick on her two-year old daughter.

And the Internet is simply NOT having this.

“Little girls should be be wearing makeup. Period,” wrote one follower, while another added:

“For shame! How dare you treat this little girl like a doll?!?”

Palin, of course, has been a subject of controversy ever since it was revealed during the 2008 Presidential election that she was pregnant with a child out of wedlock.

She has since gone on to give birth to two more children and to marry their father, Dakota Meyer.

We’ve given Palin a lot of flak over the years because she does sort of suck in many ways.

But come on now.

Can we stop with the mommy shaming?!?

It’s okay to give your child Nutella sometimes… it’s okay to dress up your five-year old like a mermaid… and it’s okay to put some makeup on your toddler.

This is all in good fun, it’s all harmless and, perhaps most importantly of all, this is all none of your business, annoying trolls on the World Wide Web.

There’s A LOT you can slam Bristol Palin for. But the photo above does not qualify.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bristol Palin Gives Birth to Baby #3#

Congratulations are in order for Bristol Palin.

The controversial former Dancing with the Stars contestant and daughter of Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin became a mother for the third time on Monday.

Bristol herself shared the exciting piece of news via the photo above, which included husband Dakota Meyer and the couple’s precious new bundle of joy.

Is it a boy? Is it a girl?

What is his or her name?

Palin answered all of those questions with a short and simple caption.

“welcome to the world Atlee Bay,” she wrote, confirming that she now has another daughter and her name is Atlee.

Meyer, meanwhile, also confirmed the birth as follows:

“Meet Atlee Bay!!! The newest edition of the Meyer family!! @bsmp2 #dadlife #ownthedash.”

This is the second child for the couple, who are also the parents of a girl named Sailor. (Palin is also the mom of an eight-year old son named Tripp with ex Levi Johnston.)

Palin announced she was pregnant in December, telling Entertainment Tonight that “God has blessed us so much; we are thankful for His grace and new beginnings” and adding:

“A springtime baby in the Meyer home and we can’t wait!”

This was a far different way of telling the world she was expecting than the first two times Palin created life in her womb.

First, it came to light that she was pregnant out of wedlock while her mother was running for Vice President of the United States in 2008.

She and Johnston attempted to maintain a relationship throughout that Presidential campaign, but eventually broke up and now share custody of little Tripp.

Then, after Palin went on a few speaking tours and appeared as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, she called off her 2015 wedding to Meyer, just two days prior to when they were scheduled to become husband a wife.

A few weeks later, she confessed she was pregnant.

“I don’t want any lectures,” Palin wrote online about two years ago, refusing to name Meyer as her baby’s father at the time and adding:

“Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one. When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.”

We don’t agree with a single political take that comes out of Bristol’s mouth, but we felt pretty terrible for her after this announcement.

You almost never see a celebrity admit they were going through an unwanted pregnancy.

But here she and Meyer are now, happily married with a brand new child to care for at home.

“The whole family couldn’t be more thrilled!” wrote Sarah Palin on her website yesterday.

Bristol and Dakota got married last year and we send them our wishes for a happy and healthy daughter.

Scroll through the following photo gallery to see which other celebrities became parents in 2017:


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin Hang With Trump, Mock Hillary

It’s a strange time to be an American.

We continue to provide the world with a number of crucial exports, such as Springsteen songs and Seinfeld reruns, but we’re in danger of losing our most cherished delusion and being forced to confront the reality that we don’t actually hold a position of respect and authority in the global community.

Part of the problem is that we went from a president who hangs with Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar to this guy:

Yes, that’s Donald Trump chillin’ with the biggest celebrities who will admit to voting for him. (Sorry, Scott Baio.)

The good news is that the phenomenon of aging, Trump-voting rockers in dumb hats seems to be mostly limited to the Detroit area.

The bad news is literally everything else about this photo.

Gaining the approval of celebrities might be the only thing more important to Donald Trump than convincing the world that his penis is actually quite adequate in size, so the fact that the best he can do in terms of famous friends is Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, and Sarah Palin means there’s probably a MOAB headed for Hollywood at this very moment.

Fortunately for Donnie, he was able to find playmates who share his obsession with his former rival:

Nugent uploaded the above photos to his Facebook page, along with captions such as this bonafide gem (*kisses finger tips like an Italian chef*):

“So today is the 242nd anniversary of The Shot Heard Round The World is it! Well well well looky looky here boogie chillin’, I got your Shot Heard Round The World right here in big ol greazyass Washington DC where your 1 & only MotorCity Madman WhackMaster StrapAssasin1 dined with President Donald J Trump at the WhiteHouse to Make America Great Again!”

He later added that the group dined on “incredible lobster salad & lampchops! UltraYUM!”

For our readers who aren’t fluent in Ted Talk, we think Nugent is trying to say that he got separated from his tour group and ate part of a lamp.

For some reason, he’s very excited about the whole thing.

We kid, of course.

Donnie is just enjoying having some friends over to his new place while his wife remains semi-permanently out of town, and we don’t blame him.

It gets lonely in the Oval Office.

Steve Bannon never wants to watch old DVDs of The Apprentice, and Jared Kushner always messes up the chorus of “Bawitdaba.”


Donald Trump Invites Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin to Oval Office (PHOTOS)

Donald Trump held a super-conservative celebrity summit Wednesday night, mugging with Kid Rock, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. The pic was snapped in the Oval office during a dinner visit. The trio plus Ted’s wife and Kid’s fiancee showed up and got…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Palin Removes Kaepernick Article from Website ... "Not Her Opinion"

Sarah Palin has removed an article from her website criticizing Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … and we’re told the post is NOT in line with the former governor’s beliefs. As we previously reported, a story went up on…


Sarah Palin Says Kaepernick"s Meals On Wheels Donation Is Shameless "Political Stunt"

Sarah Palin ain’t impressed with Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … labeling the move as a cheap “political stunt.” The former Alaska governor just put her seal of approval on an anti-Kaep article posted on her website,…


Sarah Palin Says Kaepernick"s Meals On Wheels Donation Is Shameless "Political Stunt"

Sarah Palin ain’t impressed with Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … labeling the move as a cheap “political stunt.” The former Alaska governor just put her seal of approval on an anti-Kaep article posted on her website,…


Friday, December 30, 2016

Bristol Palin SLAMS Stars for Snubbing Donald Trump: What Sissies!

After recently getting blasted in a sexual sense by husband Dakota Meyer, Bristol Palin announced that she is pregnant with her third child.

But this expecting state hasn’t stopped the former Dancing with the Stars contestant from putting some pretty big-time celebrities on blast.

In her latest Pathos blog entry, Palin has focused her ire on 11 artists who have refused to perform at the Presidential inauguration for Donald Trump on January 20.

She actually lists Elton John, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, The Chainsmokers, Garth Brooks, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Aretha Franklin, David Foster and KISS by name in the lengthy message, taking each performer to task for his or her refusal.

“Isn’t it amazing how ‘not cool’ it is to be conservative in the public eye?” Palin asks in the entry, adding:

“Either Hollywood is that far off — or we have so many sissies we have in the spot light too scared to stand for what they believe in!”

It could be either of those options, sure.

Or Hillary Clinton could have defeated Trump by millions of votes in California (which is where Hollywood is located, Bristol), so the views of these anti-Trump celebrities are actually right in line with their fellow Golden State residents.

Palin, whose famous mother supported Trump throughout his campaign, also complained about the “hypocrisy” of the circumstance.

“If Donald Trump were still just a regular old billionaire and threw in New York City, celebrities would be lined up out the door, and the most famous artists would be pining for a chance to perform,” she argued.

This point doesn’t seem to be backed up by many facts, which may help explain why Bristol is such a big Trump fan.

You don’t see A-list singers just showing up at parties thrown by billionaires, do you?

Moreover, Trump may have been considered egotistical and annoying when he was just a “regular old billionaire,” but he didn’t come across nearly as sexist, bitter, petty, dumb, bigoted and manipulative as he revealed himself to be throughout his Presidential campaign.

So, yes, perhaps in some universe some of these stars would have performed for “regular” Donald Trump.

But times have very sadly changed.

Trump, of course, has found it nearly impossible to line up any acts for his inauguration.

He has claimed on Twitter that he doesn’t care, although he also claimed that these A-listers want to be in attendance in D.C. on January 20.

“The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tickets to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary — NOTHING I want the PEOPLE!” he wrote earlier this month.

Chrissy Teigen openly scoffed at the notion that someone as thin-skinned as Trump is actually okay with being disliked by so much of Hollywood.

“We ALL know you are dying without the approval, dear,” Teigen Tweeted at Trump in response.

Palin, meanwhile, expressed support for 16-year-old Jackie Evancho, the former America’s Got Talent runner-up who was confirmed as performer at next month’s inaugural events.

She referred to the Evancho’s decision to take to this worldwide stage as the “best” one she has made “yet” in her career.

We’ll see if that holds true.

We’ll see if her career takes off after she sings in honor of the 45th President of the United States in a few weeks.

Until then, we’ll try to answer the question that we’re guessing is on the minds of most readers out there:

Who the heck is Jackie Evancho?!?

Click around below for the answer:


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bristol Palin Shares Pic of Toddler Son Shooting a Gun

For the second time this month, Bristol Palin is under fire for sharing a photo of one of her kids…

… and a gun.

A couple weeks ago, Palin posted a picture to Instagram of her baby daughter, Sailor, posing alongside her father, Dakota Meyer, and some sort of antique weapon.

The photo raised many concerns for parents across the Internet.

But, in fairness, it was an ancient gun that was no longer able to be fired, as you can see below:

The same, though, cannot be said of Bristol’s latest Instagram image.

In the first picture posted above, Bristol is standing with seven-year old Tripp, keeping an eye on the toddler as he shoots an actual weapon.

Wearing safety glasses and ear protection, just as her child is, Bristol captioned the photo as follows:

“#trapper #safetyfirst #teachingthemyoung.”

As you might expect, the picture has divided those on social media.

Some are aghast at the sight of a firearm in the hands of a young child.

What’s the point, they might ask? Why take any chance that this kid could get hurt? And why teach him about shooting a gun at such an early age?

Others, however, are standing up for the controversial daughter of Sarah Palin.

For example, @nattythorn78 wrote as a comment to the picture: “Good job! Teaching them to respect guns young is a great gift to children.”

And @adecoratingmom chimed in with the following:

“Great teaching your kids that guns need to be treated safely. Don’t let the wackos gun control haters deter you. Great job @bsmp2.”

We’d say that one can teach one’s child about gun safety while still pushing for reasonable gun control measures. But whatever.

Where do you stand on Palin’s latest scandal? Is it a scandal in your mind?

Should parents teach their kids how to handle weapons? Yes, but not at this young of an age? No, never?

There are many sides one can take in response to this photo.

Unlike Bristol’s response to this year’s Oscar race controversy, this isn’t the dumbest thing she has ever dumb or said.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Track Palin Avoids Jail Time After Domestic Assault Arrest

Track Palin was facing some pretty serious charges.

Sarah Palin’s 28-year-old son was arrested in January following an alcohol-induced fight with his girlfriend.

The charges, according to Radar Online, were “4th degree assault, interfering with a domestic violence charge, and possession of a weapon while intoxicated.”

At a July 11th hearing, the first two charges were dropped, and Palin pled guilty to the last.   The hearing was then moved to Anchorage Veterans Court, since Palin served as an army reservist in Iraq in 2008.

This particular court is specialized, in that it’s “designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of eligible veterans who are charged with criminal offenses.”

The aim is to keep the number of veteran offenders out of jail and get them the help they need to recover.

Palin’s next hearing is July 25th, and Anchorage District Attorney Clinton Champion told Radar that the court will let Palin know who sort of therapeutic program he’ll be required to follow.

“We’re assuming he’s going to agree [to the program],” Champion added.

“That program could take months. It depends on his needs.”

This kind of rehab is put on by Veterans Affairs, who assess the patient to determine what kind of treatment would be most effective.

“For some people, it’s addiction assistance,” Clinton said.

For some, it’s related to anger management or domestic violence. Most everyone does moral reconation therapy, which is a 12 Step program to deal with thinking errors, specifically.”

The details of Palin’s altercation with his girlfriend are upsetting.  Police reports state that he “struck her on the left side of her head near her eye with a close fist,” then “kicked [her] on the right knee.”

Sarah Palin blamed the arrest on both PTSD and President Obama (a notion that Donald Trump agrees with).

“My son like so many others, they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen and every other member of the military so sacrificially have given to this country,” she said.

“And that starts from the top. It’s a shame that our military personnel even have to wonder, if they have to question, if they’re respected anymore. It starts from the top.

“The question though that comes from our own president where they have to look at him and wonder, do you know what we go through?”

We hope that Track gets the help he needs.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bristol Palin Posts Photo of Baby With Gun, Draws MAJOR Criticism

Bristol Palin is no stranger to controversy.

The daughter of former Alaska governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin is still stirring the pot on a daily basis, but these days, the controversies have more to do with Palin’s personal life than her politics.

The latest rash of WTF? news to emerge from Wasilla involved Bristol’s surprise wedding to Dakota Meyer.

The nuptials came as a shock to many, as Bristol and Dakota had bitterly parted ways just a few months prior. 

But Bristol and her baby daddy became close during his visitations with their daughter, Sailor Grace.

(We call that a “Wasilla Courtship,” by the way.)

Now, they’re a full-blown, old-school nuclear family.

(Forget for a moment that her other kid is with a dude who posed nude for Playgirl.)

Anyway, these days, Bristol, Dakota and Sailor Grace can be spotted out and about doing all the things families do:

Taking strolls through the park, sporting genuinely bizarre names, posing with high-powered firearms…

In fairness, little SG is clearly having her picture taken with some sort of antique weaponry, and we’re sure it’s perfectly safe.

That said, you might have noticed that gun violence is something a hot-button issue these days.

So when Bristol posted the pic (and captioned it, “Future member of the NRA!!”), it’s not like she didn’t know what she was doing.

Predictably, her comments section exploded into an intense debate within minutes, with keyed-up Bristol Pistols easily outgunning the generally more level-headed “Whoa, maybe not the best time for this sort of thing, right?” crowd.

Of course, we’re pretty sure Bristol has reached the point where as long as people are talking about her, she doesn’t care what they’re saying.