Showing posts with label Proof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proof. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kate Middleton: Proof That She"s Giving Birth VERY Soon!

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

As is always the case with this sort of thing, speculation about Kate’s due date began within minutes of the announcement.

And as usual, Kate made no effort to mislead the public, but she also quite understandably feels that she should be allowed to keep certain details of her private life to herself.

So as the big day approaches, we still don’t know exactly when Kate’s third baby is scheduled to enter the world.

But if you thought the Royals’ desire for secrecy would stop the British tabloid press from prying, you don’t know the British tabloid press!

There have been several inaccurate predictions regarding Kate’s delivery already, but now, the UK media is certain they’ve got it right.

And to be fair, there’s actual evidence to support their claims this time:

We already know from Kate’s birth plan that she’s planning to give birth at the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

The Telegraph reports that earlier this week, hospital staff began preparing for the duchess’ arrival.

In other words, it’s a bad time to experience a medical emergency in London.

Crowd barriers have been erected to keep screaming hordes of fans and reporters at bay, and parking rules have been changed so that Kate and her army of attendants will not be left looking for spots.

Sources familiar with the facilities say the Lindo Wing is more like a luxury hotel than a hospital.

24-hour room service is available, and meals are freshly prepared by a gourmet chef.

Yes, the newest member of the royal family will enjoy the finest things beginning with his or her very first moments on Earth.

Kate hasn’t been spotted in public in over a week, and it’s believed she’s resting up at Kensington Palace in preparation for the birth.

These are heady times for the UK’s most famous family, as Kate is set to give birth just weeks before Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle.

Sure it’s nice being born into royalty, but soon the little prince or princess will have an aunt who was on Suits!

We don’t need to tell you which is cooler.


Tristan Thompson Says He Didn"t Cheat on Khloe Kardashian; Here"s Proof That He"s Lying

As you"ve likely heard by now, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on a 9-months-pregnant Khloe Kardashian this week.

Some details are still unclear, but everyone agrees that the thing for Tristan to do now is admit he was wrong, devote himself to changing his ways, and maybe even check into rehab.

Unfortunately, one person who doesn"t see the value in that agenda is Tristan himself.

Shockingly, Tristan still claims he did not cheat on Khloe.

We"re guessing she"s not buying it, considering there"s an ever-growing mountain of evidence indicating that Tristan has in fact been sleeping around.

Check out the full case against disgraced the Cleveland Cavs foward below…

1. An Ugly Pattern

Tristan thompson

Tristan doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to fidelity. In fact, he left his pregnant girlfriend, Jordan Craig, in order to hook up with Khloe. But sources say he went to great lengths to convince the Kardashians he’d changed his ways. We now know it was all BS…

2. Horrendous Timing

Khloe kardashian with the smooch

Yesterday, several reliable media outlets, including TMZ and People magazine, reported that Tristan cheated on Khloe at least twice in the past six months. The news comes as Khloe is preparing to welcome a chld with Thompson.

3. The Proof

Khloe kardashian and tristan thompson on snapchat

And how do we know Tristan has been unfaithful? Well, the outlets that made the original claims came bearing receipts, and it’s getting harder and harder for Thompson to play innocent.

4. The First Incident

Tristan thompson picture

The first evidence of Tristan’s infidelity is from back in October of 2017. Khloe would have been about three months pregnant at the time.

5. The Hookah Hookup

Tristan thompson bundles up

Video from the night in question shows Tristan getting intimate with two different women at a hookah lounge. One of the women puts her hand on Thompson’s crotch. He later places his face on the other one’s breasts.

6. And That’s Not All…

Tristan and khloe

We’re sure that probably would have been enough to prompt Khloe to kick her baby daddy to the curb. However, it wasn’t long before news of a second, more recent incident emerged…

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Friday, April 6, 2018

"Stranger Things" Duffer Brothers Have Proof They Didn"t Steal Show Idea

The Duffer Brothers have a smoking gun to prove they didn’t rip off “Stranger Things” … TMZ has learned. The brothers are being sued by Charlie Kessler, who produced a short film back in 2012 called “Montauk.” He claims he had a meeting with the…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kailyn Lowry and Leah Messer: PROOF They"re Dating?!

Kailyn Lowry and Leah Messer have a lot in common: they both have three children, they"re both on Teen Mom 2, they"re both single …

It makes sense that they"ve gotten closer recently.

But have they gotten so close that they"re actually no longer single?

Because they"re dating EACH OTHER?!

It"s a surprisingly popular theory making its way around the Teen Mom gossip circuit right now. Let"s get into why so many people are convinced that these two moms have found love, right in the cast of their own show!

1. Love in Hawaii

Kailyn lowry gives leah messer a piggyback

Earlier this month, Leah and Kailyn went on vacation together to Hawaii, along with some other friends. They stayed for quite a while and it looks like they bonded a lot during their trip.

2. Babes

Kailyn lowry and leah messer

They shared a lot of photos from their time in Hawaii on Instagram, and it was the captions they wrote about each other that really got people wondering what was going on between them.

3. Besties, OR MORE?

Kailyn and leah bff

For example, in every photo that Kailyn shared of Leah, or of herself with Leah, she referred to her as a “babe.”

4. Hmmm …

Kailyn lowry on the beach

And yes, there are some women who refer to their female friends as “babe,” that’s definitely true, but “babe” is also a common term of endearment for people in relationships, is it not?! Anyway, the “babe” business isn’t our key piece of evidence, we’re just getting started.

5. #LoveIsLove

Kailyn lowry and leah messer beach vacation 2018

Nope, Leah’s captions are much, much more interesting — for example, when she posted this picture, she wrote “Many have an image of us but few get the picture. ♥️ I get you and I love you @kaillowry !!” She added a couple of kissing emojis, as well as a “love is love” hashtag.

6. What’s Up, Leah?

Leah messer solo photo

“Love is love” is a beautiful sentiment, of course, but it’s very commonly used in the LGBT community. Perhaps Leah didn’t know that when she made her post, perhaps she just went to use some “love” hashtag and saw that was a popular one. Or maybe she’s trying to tell us something.

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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans: PROOF She"s Been Fired from Teen Mom 2?!

Jenelle Evans … well, she’s not doing so hot right now.

For those of us who have kept a close eye on her over the years, it’s pretty easy to see that she seems to be heading for a meltdown.

To be fair, a meltdown would be understandable — her life is falling apart in a major way right now.

She’s probably settling into the reality that she’ll likely never get custody of Jace, and her admission that she did drugs while pregnant with Ensley got a whole, whole lot of attention.

They way she worded it in that interview, it sounded like she thought she’d be praised for being honest, or like she’d get sympathy for her health problems.

Obviously, things didn’t turn out that way.

Let’s see, what else is going on with Jenelle … oh, right, that thing where she’s most likely going to be fired from Teen Mom 2.

If you follow all that delightful Teen Mom gossip, you probably know the story by now — David Eason shared a photo of Jenelle with a rifle just after the Parkland school shooting, and he reacted poorly when people suggested he take it down.

In the middle of all the debating about guns, he started making some homophobic and transphobic remarks.

The things he said were really disgusting and offensive, and the next day, MTV fired him.

Even though he was fired, sponsors still kept pulling ads set to air during the show, and there’s been serious talk that Jenelle will be fired, too.

We haven’t heard anything official one way or the other, but it’s not looking good.

Reports have claimed that filming was nearly done for the upcoming season anyway, and that the crew had gotten enough footage of Jenelle that they were able to wrap up completely.

Other sources have said that if MTV does make the decision to keep her on the show, certain crew members will refuse to work with her.

Meanwhile, Jenelle and David keep making things worse and worse.

They’ve been sharing photos of Kaiser and Ensley playing with toy guns, which is just remarkably poor timing — that, or just a pathetic attention grab.

And this morning, Jenelle’s been behaving pretty strangely on Twitter.

At around 7:30 AM, she tweeted “Ensley will not be appearing on #TeenMom2 after this season. Keep up with me on IG for updates of the gorgeous little babe.”

She added that Kaiser wouldn’t be appearing anymore either, and “maybe Jace but idk,” but for some reason she deleted that tweet.

Someone replied that hopefully she won’t on the show as well, and she retweeted it, which is … od.

She actually retweeted a few similar messages, even one that read “Why just not cut Jenelle out all together and replace her with Barb! It would be so much more enjoyable to watch!!!”

Interestingly, one person told her “You bring the most ratings and the rest just live off your fame while you get bad press. If you leave them the rest of them will have to find jobs.”

“Well we shall see,” she responded.

OK, so there’s a lot going on here.

A popular theory is that she’s saying that she’s taking her kids off the show and being sassy about the people who think she should be fired because she actually already has been fired, but MTV hasn’t made a statement yet.

This way, she can make it seem like she’s quitting, or like she’s over everything anyway, because how embarrassing would it be if she sucked up to MTV and lost her job anyway?

Even if that’s not what she’s doing, she’s not making any sense anyway.

David’s not going to be on the show anymore, he won’t let her talk to Nathan directly, and she refuses to film with Barbara, so if she refuses to allow the kids to be filmed, what’s left?

Would we watch her try to convince producers that her life is going great? Would they film her getting on Twitter or just crying or … that’s it, we really can’t think of any other options.

Could this be proof that Jenelle is, by her own choice or not, officially done with Teen Mom 2?

Yes. Yes, it could.

And how upsetting/relieving/bizarre is that?


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rich Rodriguez to Accuser: I Didn"t Show You My Penis, And I Got Proof!

Rich Rodriguez is firing back at his ex-assistant accusing him of sexual harassment — saying her claim he grabbed his wiener in front of her is such complete bullcrap, he took a lie detector test to prove it. It’s all outlined in…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jessa Duggar: PROOF That Shes"s Pregnant With Baby #3!

Jessa Duggar has been keeping a low profile in recent weeks.

That can only mean one thing, of course.

Jessa is pregnant with her third child!

Okay, so it could mean many different things, but for obvious reasons, fans assume absentee Duggars are expecting.

And this time, they may have evidence to support their suspicions.

According to In Touch, an anonymous Duggar insider answered fan questions on Reddit this week.

In the past, these AMA (“ask me anything”) sessions have yielded some accurate and useful information.

So it stands to reason that Duggar fans take them as gospel.

“I have some insider news… Jessa is preggers!” the insider wrote.

The source went on to offer some credentials:

“I have evangelical family members who live near Fayetteville and they run with the same crowd as the Duggars, who they mingle with sometimes,” she claimed.

“I visited them last week/weekend and my cousin took me and my one-year-old with her and her kids to a group playdate thing at someone’s house, and Jessa was there with her boys.”

She added that Jessa, though not unfriendly, was a bit standoffish:

“Jessa didn’t say much to me and she — and a few other moms — kind of had an air around them that exuded exclusivity if you know what I mean?” she wrote.

“I got the vibe that she disliked outsiders so I didn’t try to talk to her.

“But she had a noticeable baby bump. Her shirt was somewhat tight so it was obvious that she was pregnant and definitely past the stage of eating too much for dinner the previous night. She appeared 3-4 months pregnant.”

Okay, so maybe it’s not the world’s most reliable account, but coming on the heels of recent reports about Jessa being pregnant, it sounds a bit more convincing.

For their part, Jessa and Ben have remained mum, but insiders say they talk about expanding their family almost constantly.

In other words, don’t be surprised to hear an official announcement in the very near future.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Chuck Liddell: I Got Proof UFC Docs Will Clear Me to Kick Tito Ortiz"s Ass Again

Chuck Liddell says he’s got legit evidence his health ain’t an issue, so if Tito wants it like he claims, he can absolutely get it!! The Iceman fired back at Ortiz when we got him out in Calabasas, telling TMZ Sports he’d be “shocked” if UFC…


Chuck Liddell: I Got Proof UFC Docs Will Clear Me to Kick Tito Ortiz"s Ass Again

Chuck Liddell says he’s got legit evidence his health ain’t an issue, so if Tito wants it like he claims, he can absolutely get it!! The Iceman fired back at Ortiz when we got him out in Calabasas, telling TMZ Sports he’d be “shocked” if UFC…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

LeBron James Says Racists Don"t Care About My Money, "N-Word" Graffiti Was Proof

LeBron James is letting the world know the disgusting, racist words spray painted on his home in 2017 were no fluke … ‘cause despite all his money and fame, he’s still a target for racists. We broke the story … LeBron’s old Brentwood home…


LeBron James Says Racists Don"t Care About My Money, "N-Word" Graffiti Was Proof

LeBron James is letting the world know the disgusting, racist words spray painted on his home in 2017 were no fluke … ‘cause despite all his money and fame, he’s still a target for racists. We broke the story … LeBron’s old Brentwood home…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"American Horror Story" Murder House Owners Have Video Proof of Fan Nightmares

The current owners of the Murder House from “American Horror Story” say these videos and photos of fans swarming around their home show exactly why they’re suing the previous owner. The videos are pretty insane — some fans climbed into a dumpster…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Lamar Odom: Caught Drinking on New Year"s Eve. Here"s the Sad Proof.

New year.

Same Lamar Odom.

This is what fans of the former basketball star and ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian now fear.

TMZ has shared a couple photos of Odom from New Year’s Eve, an occasion which he celebrated in the Dominican Republic.

The images depict Odom hanging out in a local hot spot called Club 59, chilling in a sweater and chatting with a woman who witnesses say he kissed at midnight.

That isn’t the issue, of course.

Odom is certainly allowed to smooch and flirt; he’s a single man likely anxious to mingle.

But the photos also capture Odom with a beer in his hand.

You can check them out HERE.

According to TMZ sources, the green bottle Odom has in hand is called Presidente, a Spanish beer featured in breweries around the Dominican Republic.

He was also seen throwing back some tequila shots.

At this point, the star’s substance abuse problem has been well-documented.

It caused him to be suspended by the NBA a few years ago and it’s the main reason his marriage to Khloe fell apart.

In October of 2015, Odom fell unconscious while spending time at a brothel in Nevada, barely clinging to life in a coma for several days.

You would think such an incident would serve as a turning point, but it’s not that easy to overcome one’s addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.

It has appear on multiple instances since then that Lamar recognized his demons and was prepared to get clean and sober… he’s simply been unable to successfully do so.

In early November, for example, Odom collapsed at a night club in Los Angeles.

A spokesperson for the ex-reality star claimed Lamar was simply dehydrated and tired, but almost no one out there bought that excuse.

Lamar is spiraling again. He’s out of control,” a source subsequently told People Magazine, adding about eight weeks ago:

“He was better this spring, but things got worse over the summer and everyone is worried things are going to get even worse and they’re scared for him.”

Moreover, it’s not hard to understand why Odom might be driven to drink these days.

While he has not spoken out directly on Khloe’s pregnancy, someone close to the situation say Lamar is crushed by the news.

He and Khloe talked openly about having children back during their relationship and it’s easy to see this exciting news not exactly being so exciting for Odom.

It’s easy to see it having the opposite effect, unfortunately.

As always, we wish the very best to Odom, who nearly everyone says is a caring, sensitive, outstanding individual.

He simply has an addiction.

We pray he overcomes it someday.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

David Eason: Is There PROOF That He"s Using Jenelle Evans For Fame?!

As we reported earlier this week, Jenelle Evans took legal action against several of her Teen Mom co-stars for reasons that remain unclear.

Evans and her husband, David Eason, had their attorneys send cease and desist letters to a handful of regulars on the MTV reality series, including Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska … and Jenelle"s mother, Barbara Evans.

The letters appear to have backfired as everyone on the cast responded by publicly clapping back at Jenelle, including Babs, who is now armed with evidence that everything in the Easons" relationship is not what it seems.

Buckle up, folks. 

The long-standing feud between Jenelle and Barbara is about to go nuclear:

1. Mother vs. Daughter

Jenelle evans with barbara evans

To hear them tell it, Jenelle and Barbara have NEVER gotten along. Their relationship has further deteriorated in recent years, of course, as the mother and daughter have fought for custody of Jenelle’s oldest son, Jace.

2. Jenelle Takes a Jab at Babs

Jenelle takes a jab at babs

Yesterday, Barbara posted a blurry selfie along with a caption revealing that she too had received a cease and desist from Jenelle and David.

3. Join the Club!

Barbara evans at the beach

“Well Girls I’m joining the group!!!!!! I also got my Cease and Desist Papers today,” Barbara wrote.

4. The Mystery Remains…

The teen mom 2 cast reunion pic

Babs has a lot in common with the other ladies of Teen Mom 2 these days. They’ve all received cease and desist documents from Jenelle, and none of them are at liberty to say why!

5. Jenelle’s Big Mistake

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

What Jenelle failed to consider is that she’s widely despised by the show’s fan base. If she was concerned about her public image, taking legal action is the last thing she should’ve done, as fans are now overwhelmingly siding with Babs and company.

6. New Evidence Against the Easons

Jenelle evans with david eason

Now, Jenelle may be soon to pay a major price for her misstep, as a Teen Mom Deepthroat has emerged (no, we’re not talking about Farrah), and the informant has some seriously damaging things to say about Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

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Jinger Duggar: PROOF of Pregnancy Posted on Instagram?!

Jinger Duggar is trolling us, y’all.

She knows that fans of her famous family want nothing more than to hear a pregnancy announcement in time for the holidays, but like Kylie Jenner, Jinger is playing this one close to the vest.

And yes, that’s the one and only time you’ll see a comparison between Jinger Duggar and Kylie Jenner.

Rumors about Jinger being pregnant began circulating the same week she exchanged vows with husband Jeremy Vuolo.

Of course, pregnancy rumors always make the rounds immediately after any Duggar pregnancy.

And in the vast majority of cases, they turn out to be accurate.

But Jinger is a rebel, and her defiance of her parents’ belief system goes well beyond her decision to wear pants.

Jinger recently became the first Duggar woman of her generation to be married for an entire year without announcing pregnancy,

But it looks like fans might soon receive the news they’ve been clamoring for.

“Sugar and spice. Think about it,” Jeremy captioned the above photo.

Naturally, fans of the couple immediately seized the opportunity to jump to conclusions:

“Girls are made of sugar and spice. You’re having a baby girl,” wrote one eager follower.

“It’s a girl!” commented another, who really cut right to the chase.

Other fans were more skeptical, and they make some pretty good arguments to the effect that Jinger is not, in fact, expecting:

“If it was a little girl, she certainly doesn’t look big enough to know yet even though I hope so.”

“Sugar = lollipops, Spice = Jinger,” wrote another, who may have just blown this case wide open.

We’re beginning to think this “pregnancy” announcement was actually just an attempt at humor of Jeremy’s fault.

So we wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, Jinger boosters.

But it’s worth noting that Jeremy’s comment definitely qualifies as … a dad joke.

So make of that what you will.

We’ll certainly keep an eye on the situation for you, but for now, it looks like Jinger and Jeremy are content to remain a family of two.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: PROOF of Shotgun Wedding Posted on Instagram?!

By now, you’ve likely heard that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

You may have also heard about the contoroversy surrounding Joy’s conception date.

According to her family, Joy got pregnant during her honeymoon, just days after she married Austin Forsyth,

But fans of the Duggars have come up with a timeline of their own.

It’s widely believed that Joy-Anna’s was a shotgun wedding, and that she and Austin actually conceived long before they said “I do.”

Obviously, this would create problems for her family, as the Duggars are almost as famous for their belief in premarital abstinence as for their love of procreation.

So Joy is sticking to her official story:

She continued to claim that she got pregnant in late May or early June, shortly after tying the know.

And fans continue to insist that photos like the one above are evidence that Joy is lying.

Joy and Austin posted the image to honor America’s service members on Veteran’s Day.

“We are so thankful for the men and women who have served to defend our freedom! Grateful we got to spend the day with my grandfather who is a Army veteran,” they captioned the pic.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. (Psalm 33:12)”

Not surprisingly, however, their Instagram followers were less concerned with the vet in the photo than with Joy-Anna’s bump.

In the past, doctors (who have not personally treated the mom-to-be) have analyzed her photos and come to the conclusion that it looks as though Joy-Anna got pregnant before marriage.

The consensus amongst professionals seems to be that Joy is about a month further along than she claims.

Of course, fans have been offering their own not-so-professional opinion for months, and it seems there are very few who buy into Joy’s version of events.

Some Duggar obsessives, however, are quick to point out that every pregnancy is different, and it’s impossible to tell from a photo when exactly Joy conceived:

“I’m 17 weeks along and look like I’m about 6 months along. People need to shut their mouths and realize that every person’s body handles pregnancy differently,” wrote one fan on the pic above.

“People need to leave it alone. Love you Joy and Austin congratulations,” commented another.

These folks are not wrong in their argument that it’s silly to try and pinpoint an exact date of conception based on a photo.

Frankly, we would draw such conclusions based on a few pics.

It’s all the other evidence that Joy and Austin broke her family’s courtship rules that has us convinced.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Proof That She"s FAKING Pregnancy Posted on Snapchat?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Or is that just what the lame-stream media wants you to believe?

Strap on your tinfoil hat, cue the X-Files theme music, and pop some of those herbal boner pills Alex Jones sells on his show, because it’s loony conspiracy theory time, folks!

Kylie has yet to confirm that she’s pregnant, but the consensus among fans has been that she’s simply waiting for the right time in order to ensure maximum publicity.

(She is Kris Jenner’s daughter, after all.)

But what if there’s a much simpler explanation?

What if Kylie hasn’t confirmed that she’s pregnant because she’s not actually pregnant?

We know. Your head is reeling, just like the first someone told you that Ted Cruz is both the Zodiac Killer and Lee Harvey Oswald, but hear us out.

First of all, we present you Exhibit A:

Kylie posted the above photo on Snapchat, with a caption that reads simply, “GIRLS TRIP!”

It seems innocent enough–until you realize that girls headed straight to the town of Fake Pregnancysburg in the state of Scandals-vania!

Please, look closely at the sundry snacks and assorted foodstuffs that Kylie and her compatriots are purchasing for their trip.

We’ll just be over here pausing menacingly with our hands clasped behind our backs like Law & Order prosecutors.

Notice anything unusual in the upper-right corner, near the Black and Mild flavored cigarillos?

That’s right–tampons, an item that’s generally not purchased by pregnant women!

Add that to the fact that Kylie wants us to believe she hasn’t gained an ounce in the past two months, and we think you’ll that there’s sufficient evidence that the young Ms. Jenner is not with child.

You might be saying to yourself, “But she clearly stated that she’s taking a trip with a group of her girlfriends. Maybe the tampons are for someone else.”

Or maybe you’re thinking, “Well, or course Kylie doesn’t want to admit to gaining any weight. She is a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, after all.”

And maybe you have a point, skeptical hypothetical reader.

But we say this to you: 

What’s more fun to believe: that Kylie is actually pregnant and just keeping an uncharacteristically low profile, or that this whole thing is an elaborate charade that’s soon to blow up in Kris Jenner’s face and bring the entire Kardashian empire crumbling down?

We’re following the first rule of celebrity gossip here, folks:

Drama is always more important than facts.

We rest our case.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

40 Glocc Says No Proof He"s a Pimp, Wants Case Dismissed

40 Glocc insists there was no reason for him to get busted in a prostitution sting because even the alleged hooker says he’s just a friend, and not a P-I-M-P. 40 got busted in February when cops in Minnesota spotted him fleeing the scene during a…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Jim Carrey Says He Has Proof Deceased Girlfriend Phonied Records to Extort Him

The woman who claimed she became suicidal after Jim Carrey gave her herpes created an elaborate extortion scheme with fake medical records to make it seem she was clean before she met Jim … this according to new legal docs. Carrey now claims…


Monday, October 16, 2017

Kathy Griffin Claims She Has Proof Hollywood"s Blacklisting Her

Kathy Griffin claims Hollywood’s giving her the shaft, and an email exchange about a speaking engagement she was initially offered proves it. Kathy says The Hollywood Reporter invited her to speak at its annual Women in…
