Showing posts with label Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Read. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Read About Malia Obama to Forget Your Disappearing Rights

Before we delve into the matter of an 18-year-old attending a party where other people might have possibly been consuming alcoholic beverages, let’s do a quick run-down of the week’s top news stories, shall we?

Vital government agencies are being silenced; women are being denied life-saving services; 20 million are soon to be stripped of their healthcare; the disastrous Dakota Access Pipeline project is a go; our soon-to-be secretary of state is besties with Vladimir Putin; and our president is about to sanction discrimination on the grounds of religious beliefs.

In short, we’re all f–ked.

But anyway, we came here to talk about a real scandal: a legal adult attending a film festival in that hotbed of salacious behavior, rural Utah!

Yes, according to Radar Online Malia Obama was at Sundance this week, and all eyes were on the former first daughter for signs of a slip-up that could be used to further enrage the millions of Americans who are still pissed about her father’s blackness.

Unfortunately, she didn’t morph into Lindsay Lohan the day her family moved out of the White House, so we’ll have go right on paying attention to the fact that our current president wants to turn out southern border a $ 25 billion border wall. Bummer.

So what sort of behavior did Malia engage in in Park City that might warrant the attention of the tabloid press?

Well apparently she attended a “controversial new film,” which wouldn’t even be newsworthy if this were the world’s slowest news week and Malia weren’t interning for a prominent indie film producer.

But as it happens, Malia is currently working for Harvey Weinstein and American democracy is dying a slow painful death as we speak, which means the fact that a single tabloid editor saw this story and said, “I want 1,000 words on my desk yesterday!” is evidence that we’re living in a dystopian nightmare dreamed up by the ghosts of Orwell and Philip K. Dick.

The messed up thing is, this story will gain traction, just like it did when Malia “partied” at a club last week.

The narrative began with images of Malia “smoking pot” at Lollapalooza over the summer, and it shows no signs of letting up, 

We understand the need to distract yourself from the real, terrifying political news of the moment, but there are easier ways to get outraged over nonsense.

Just check out Trump’s Twitter page.

Last we checked, he was still bitching about the size of his inauguration crowd, because we are truly living in the darkest timeline.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Olivia Munn Takes Shot at Aaron Rodgers" Family: Read Her Note!

To be clear, Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers did not lose the NFC Championship game to the Atlanta Falcons because the quarterback is feuding with his family.

They lost because Matt Ryan played one of the best games of his career… because the Green Bay defense isn’t very good… and because Jordy Nelson was playing with broken ribs, among other factors.

But the fact remains that Rodgers’s father chose to speak to the press about his relationship with his son just as Rodgers was trying to lead the Packers to the Super Bowl.

That ain’t exactly cool.

Earlier this month, Ed Rodgers opened up to The New York Times about Aaron, saying ominously that “fame can change things,” a strong implication that the All-Pro had chosen to distance himself from his loved ones after making it big.

This remark came several months after Aaron’s brother, Jordan Rodgers, actually won The Bachelorette, asking JoJo Fletcher to marry him on the show’s finale.

During one episode toward the end of that season, JoJo and Jordan visited the Rodgers family at home, with Jordan commenting at the time that Aaron and girlfriend Olivia Munn would not be present for dinner.

Rumors have run rampant that Aaron has barely talked to his parents and/or his sibling back in 2014, when he started to date Munn.

“Airing public laundry is not what I would have chosen,” Ed told the newspaper, adding that it was “hard to tell” at this point what kind of relationship he even has with his most famous son.

The former NFL MVP, for his part, has refused to get into any details about his relatives in the press.

“I just don’t think it’s appropriate talking about family stuff publicly,” he said at the Packers’ practice facility prior to Green Bay defeating the Dallas Cowboys in the playoffs.

But Munn has now taken it upon herself to do so.

In subtle, albeit pointed, fashion.

Several days after an insider alleged that Jordan and Aaron got into a huge fight over the latter’s assessment that Munn was simply using Rodgers for fame and fortune, the actress penned a note on Instagram.

It thanked Green Bay supporters who have cheered the team on since Day One this season, while very clearly calling out certain people who have made the last few weeks challenging.

“So proud of this team,” Munn wrote. “They faced a lot of adversity on and off the field, but battled to get this far.”

“Thank you to those of you who encouraged and supported them by choosing to put out only positive energy.”

“It helped them get this far,” the X-Men star concluded, signing the note with green and yellow hearts.

Take a look at it here:

It’s true.

The team was 4-6 at one point, prior to Rodgers going on one of the hottest streaks of his career and leading the Packers to eight consecutive victories, along with an NFC North title.

But is there a deeper meaning behind this?

In his interview with The New York Times, Ed Rodgers didn’t dispute a Bleacher Report story from November that claimed Christmas presents Aaron’s parents sent him and Munn were returned unopened.

This scandalous report also said that family members weren’t welcome in Green Bay at games and that Aaron didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral.

And, look, we have no idea what has caused such tension between Aaron Rodgers, his brother and his parents.

Sure, perhaps the quarterback has let fame go to his head and distanced himself from his lowly relatives at home.

But Jordan is the one who went on the Bachelorette.

Ed is the one who talked to the media.

Might it be possible, if not downright plausible, that Aaron’s relatives have been the ones asking him for money? Or trying to use his status to benefit themselves in various ways?

And that Aaron finally got sick and tired of it?

Asked by Entertainment Tonight a little while ago about her boyfriend’s relationship with his parents, Munn refused to discuss any details.

She simply referred to it as “complicated.”

And we’re happy to leave it at that. How is this anyone’s business?

Can we just assess the offseason of Green Bay instead and wonder whether they have a Super Bowl 52 run in their future next season?

Because they ought to be among the NFC favorites, that’s for sure.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Derick Dillard Honors Father"s Death: Read His Tribute

Life is pretty good for Derick Dillard these days.

He and Jill Duggar are expecting their second child; the couple is already planning a second international missionary trip, and Derick recently embarked on a career as an educator.

But despite his current run of good luck, Derick’s life has not been without its share of grief, and the reality star took time out this week to honor a loss that he still mourns nearly a decade after it occurred:

Derick’s father, Rick Dillard, passed away nine years ago yesterday, and Derick paid loving tribute by posting the following photo, along with a caption reading:

“Nine years ago today I said goodbye to the greatest man I knew. The greatest, namely, because he taught me in word and deed about Jesus Christ.

“He protected and served the public as a police officer, and he loved God and his family. His time came sooner than expected, but I know he would have loved being grandpa Dillard to little Israel too.

“He is my dad, and I look forward to seeing him again on the other side of eternity. Rick W. Dillard (1957-2008).”

Derick doesn’t frequently talk about the loss of his father, but he pays tribute to the man whenever the occasion arises.

At Jill and Derick’s wedding back in 2014, 

“I’m so sorry for your loss. My father had been gone almost six years and I miss him every day,” one fan commented.

“He was my world. We never get over it. Only used to it. God helps us understand.”

Another follower observed a similarity between Risk Dillard and Derick’s young son, Israel Dillard, writing:

“Your little man looks like your dad. I wondered were the blonde hair came from. Your dad sees him and watched over you all.”

In the past, Derick has spoken about the profound impact his father had in shaping his spiritual beliefs.

It’s not yet known where the Dillards will be headed in their next missionary journey, but wherever their travels might take them, it’s safe to say that Rick Dillard will be at the forefront of Derick’s mind.

Watch Counting On online to keep up with the Dillards and Derick’s many, many in-laws.


George H.W. Bush Pens Apology Letter to Donald Trump: Read It Here!

George H.W. Bush does not owe anyone any kind of apology, that much is certain.

The former President of the United States was admitted to the intensive care unit at Houston Methodist Hospital this week to address “an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia,” according to his spokesman, Jim McGrath.

He is currently in stable condition.

“Doctors performed a procedure to protect and clear his airway that required sedation,” McGrath added said in a statement on Wednesday, although Bush is now awake and alert.

The ex-Commander-in-Chief is so awake and alert, in fact, that he actually penned a note to Donald Trump from the hospital in order to explain his absence from tomorrow’s inauguration in Washington, D.C.

“Dear Donald, Barbara and I are so sorry we can’t be there for your Inauguration on January 20th,” the father of George W. Bush wrote, explaining:

“My doctor says if I sit outside in January, it likely will put me six feet under. Same for Barbara. So I guess we’re stuck in Texas.

“But we will be with you and the country in spirit. I want you to know that I wish you the very best as you begin this incredible journey of leading out great country. If I can ever be of help, please let me know.”

It’s true: Barbara Bush is also in the hospital.

She admitted on Wednesday morning as a precaution after “experiencing fatigue and coughing,” McGrath said yesterday.

The former First Lady has a case of bronchitis and is being treated with antibiotics.

George H.W. Bush is 92 years old and his wife is 91 years old.

Despite his self-proclaimed hatred of Twitter, Trump responded to Bush’s kind letter with a message on the social media service that reads:

“Looking forward to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized. Thank you for your wonderful letter!”

According to NPR, the 41st President – for understandable reasons, of course – will be the only living ex-POTUS who will miss the ceremony on January 20.

His son and former first lady Laura Bush; Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton; and Jimmy Carter and former first lady Rosalynn Carter will all attend the inauguration.

bush letter

The elder Bush served a single term as President from 1989 to 1993. He was defeated for a second term by Bill Clinton, with whom Bush has since developed a close relationship.

“They have not only dedicated their lives to this country, they have been a constant source of friendship and support and good counsel” over the years, Barack Obama said on Wednesday of the Bushes, adding:

“They are as fine a couple as we know.”

We join everyone else who has wished both George and Barbara Bush a full recovery from their respective ailments.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Camila Cabello Fires Back at Fifth Harmony: Read Her Statement

As previously reported, the professional relationship between Camila Cabello and Fifth Harmony is over.

But the tension is clearly just beginning.

On Sunday, mere hours after performing in Florida with the group, Cabello decided to walk away. This much is not up for dispute.

She is no longer a member of the popular band.

But Fifth Harmony claimed over the weekend that Cabello never actually spoke to them about her departure.

Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane said that Cabello has a representative inform them of her career move, prompting a rather pointed statement in response.

It read as follows:

After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well.

You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you’ve supported us, you’ve rejoiced and cried with us, you’ve grown with us, and with your love and support, we will continue on.

We are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us – Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans. We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony, as well as our solo endeavors

We are excited for our future, and we can’t wait for what the new year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our hearts. Love Ally, Normani, Dinah and Lauren.

Not that bad, right?

No real shots are taken against Cabello here.

But the women are clearly miffed and a bit angry over her allegedly prompt choice to leave.

Cabello, however, broke her silence on the issue a day later.

Having read the above statement, this artist fired back on Instagram, sharing a lengthy statement of her own that took issue with how her former collaborators were portraying her in the media.

“I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing,” Cabello wrote.

“The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. Saying they were just informed through my representatives that I was ‘leaving the group’ is simply not true.”

She continued:

“Just like the other girls said in their statement about their plans, I had also planned to continue with my own solo endeavors in the new year, but I did not intend to end things with Fifth Harmony this way.

“As sad as it is to see this chapter ending this way, I will continue to root them all on as individuals and as a group, I wish nothing but the best for them, all the success in the world and true happiness.”

Cabello then went on to confirm future work on a solo album in 2017 and concluded:

“As scary as it is to take the leap, I am excited and full of joy because I know that no matter what happens, I am following my heart. I hope to see you on my journey.”

Read her full statement below:

Camila Cabello statement

In turn, Fifth Harmony then went ahead and responded to this response!

On Monday night, Jauregui, Hernandez, Jane and Kordei followed up their initial statement with another that reads:

To our Harmonizers – We know you are hurt and confused, we are too. We know you want answers. And you deserve them, as you are just as much a part of this group as the four of us are.

“The last thing we want to do is engage in a battle of we said, she said, but we’ve let our story play out in press and on social media for too long. So, to our Harmonizers, who we care so deeply about, we want you to hear everything from us, unedited, not manipulated, just us, to you.”

The remaining quartet went on to press the feud further, saying Cabello never had the sort of open conversation she impled in the message above.

Over the past several months, we have consistently made every effort to sit down and discuss the future of Fifth Harmony with Camila. After months of rejection from her and her team, these supposed lengthy conversations in fact never happened, although we pleaded.

We have tried with exhausted efforts and hearts to keep this group alive as the five of us, and we want it to be very clear that unfortunately those efforts were not mutual.

The group also wrote that they had hoped to record one final record together. But Cabello’s manager told them last month that the show in Florida on December 18 would be his client’s last as a member.

We were truly hurt. We’ve been together for almost five years, been through ups and downs…

To watch Camila walk away from this special world we’ve built with you is tough but we will move forward together. We are excited to continue to put positivity into the world and light into people’s lives.

The four of us recognize that we would be NOTHING without Fifth Harmony and we will continue to honor that.

The group concluded their statement by clarifying that they wish Cabello the best, “although [we’re] saddened by the way she and her team handled the situation.”

fifth h statement

In the end, Fifth Harmony writes…

Now that we’ve said our peace, we are done engaging in this back and forth,” they added. “We know our truth, we know the hard work we’ve put in and how we’ve tried time and time again to make this work for the five of us. We also know the love and devotion we will continue to put into this group all with the support of you, the loyal Harmonizers. We wish only good things for all.

Onward and upward.

Do you have a side to choose in this feud?

Or are you just said that it’s come to this between Cabello and Fifth Harmony?


Monday, November 14, 2016

President Obama -- Hillary Lost Because She Didn"t Read My Playbook! (VIDEO)

President Obama just did some hip-hop level trash-talking, and Hillary Clinton was his target. The Prez took the shot during a news conference from the White House … when he was asked what the Dems can learn from Donald Trump’s huge victory in…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Country Stars Read Mean Tweets, Crack Themselves Up

The world of Twitter can be so cruel.

It’s a good thing the world of country music doesn’t take itself so seriously.

Case in point: Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley once again cracking us up as hosts of the CMA Awards last night.

Another case in point: numerous country music stars coming together on Jimmy Kimmel Live to read mean Tweets about themselves.

This was the second time that such huge names as Miranda Lambert, Dolly Parton, Florida Georgia Line and Little Big Town appeared on the late-night talk show in order to see what social media users had to say about them.

And most of what they had to say was not very positive.

“In case of a national emergency, all air traffic will be redirected to Miranda Lambert’s forehead,” Lambert read out loud about herself.

“The guys from Florida Georgia Line were engineered in a douche factory,” to which the douches themselves replied:

“Right down the road from here, actually!”

Dolly Parton – a living,  breathing icon! – was compared to a street walker (“It’s not a hooker convention, it’s a Dolly Parton concert,” read the Tweet), although she laughed off the insults and responded thusly:

“I guess I should feel hurt, but I don’t because I patterned my look after a hooker!”

What did someone have to say about Kimberly Schlapman, a vocalist for Little Big Town?

“Why does the blonde in Little Big Town have hair like a ‘Zoolander’ villain?”

And Bonnie Raiit?

“Bonnie Raitt looks like the aunt who would have a few too many at your mom’s birthday party and try to fight with your dad.”

OUCH! These are legends, people!

Fortunately, they are legends who took every diss and slam in stride.

“Just because you have a beard, a ponytail, and a cowboy hat, doesn’t mean you can sing. You know how I know? Trace Adkins,” Adkins himself read on air.

Willie Nelson, meanwhile, cracked up over being referred to as “crusty.”

Probably because it’s true.

We love this segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live. We could watch it every single night.

Check out some of the mega stars who have read mean Tweets about themselves above and select your favorite!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Amy Schumer Mocks Tampa Crowd: Read Her Open Letter!

Okay, we admit it: we were wrong about Amy Schumer.

Earlier this week, the comedian put on a show in Tampa, stopping at one point to invite a Donald Trump supporter on stage.

Schumer wanted to hear some kind of reasonable and rational basis for why anyone would actually vote Donald Trump for President.

So she asked a man for his opinion… she listed while he basically said he was voting against Hillary Clinton more than for Donald Trump… and then she thanked him and asked him to sit back down.

And then Schumer laid into Trump, referring to him as an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster.”

But this was said to an audience in Florida, a state Trump might actually win. (Although a collection of polls currently has Clinton winning Florida by 3.6 points at the moment.)

As a result, many attendees were turned off by Schumer’s Trump slamming

They booed and they actually got up to walk out.

See for yourself:

So… how were we wrong about Schumer?

She issued a brief response to these displeased fans yesterday, telling Entertainment Weekly:

“I loved the crowd and my show in Tampa last night!

“I want to thank the 8,400 people who stayed. We had a great time! We have always depended on comedians to make us laugh and tell the truth. I am proud to continue that tradition.”

We took these words as meaning that Schumer did not give a you-know-what about those who left her set early.

But we were mistaken. She clearly has a few f-cks to give about them.

During her stand-up show in New York City last night, Schumer read an open letter to critics in Tampa (and around the country, really).

It started as follows:

“Dearest Tampa, I’m sorry you didn’t want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now.

“How could I think it was OK to spend five minutes having a peaceful conversation with someone with different views?”

As the audience began laughing, Schumer continued:

“After the show, I want you to know that I will go straight to a rehab facility that will teach me how to make all people happy.

“Both the rich, entitled, white people who are gonna vote for him and the very poor people – who’ve been tricked into it!”

And then Schumer concluded:

“And Tampa, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that he was an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster. Shouldn’t have said that.

“I will never again say that he is an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster!”

Prior to this show, Schumer had taken to to Instagram, claiming that she would put on a “squeaky clean” performance in the aftermath of Florida’s performance.

She included the hashtag “#tampaapologytour” with this message.

Maybe Schumer has a different definition of “apology” than most people.

Or maybe she was preparing folks for the hilarious open letter to come.

In the video above, Schumer asks the Donald Trump supporter the following question:

“Do you get worried at all with how impulsive he is, that he gets so fired up from Saturday Night Live doing a skit on him? Do you worry he’ll be impulsive and get us in a lot of f-cking trouble we can’t get out of?”

This led her down the aforementioned, unpopular path.

But it seems like a fair question to pose, does it not?

(Please don’t get up and go read another celebrity gossip website! We love all of you!)


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rob Kardashian To Blac Chyna: Let Me Read Your Messages!

Rob & Chyna premieres in just a few days, and E! is ramping up their promotional efforts for the Keeping Up with the Kardashians spin-off. 

It’s the spin-off that no one really cares about.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’ll know that Rob was not the most interesting person on the show. 

It resulted in him taking a back seat from his duties due to him coming to the conclusion that the show ruined his family. 

That’s a perfectly plausible conclusion, but it does not explain why the heck he’s taking part in another show. 

There’s no denying Rob and Blac Chyna found love in a hopeless place.

Their relationship came out of nowhere and shocked the world. 

Blac has a son to Kylie Jenner’s ex, Tyga. 

That’s going to make for one messed up family tree. 

We know that this new series is going to focus on the ups and downs for both Rob and Chyna. 

Like most couples, they have their arguments, but they always seem to find a way to work through their issues. 

However, Blac is not amused with Rob in the slightest in a new sneak peek when he starts quizzing her about changing her password to her cell phone. 

“Who’s this hitting your phone over and over?” Kardashian, 29, asks. 

“And your password’s not the same as it was.”

Chyna made her feelings known to Rob when quizzed why he didn’t trust her. 

“It’s not about that — it’s just that I don’t get why you even care if I go through your phone.… I mean, don’t you think that’s shady?,” quipped Kardashian. 

It’s pretty evident that Rob is insecure about what Blac’s really up to and that could ultimately break their relationship. 

“I don’t even understand why Rob would even think that I’m doing anything wrong,” she tells the camera.

“I’m four months pregnant, I have two businesses that I’m running, I’m with King, and I literally don’t leave the house. So what could I possibly be doing?”

The good thing about Rob being with Blac, is that the cameras are never far behind them. 

There’s genuinely zero chance that Chyna could be stepping out on him. 

It would be all over the internet by now.

This is not the type of melodrama that will keep their show afloat. 

We need to see how they function in their relationship. 

All of the convoluted stuff is not what viewers want to see.

That’s why viewers are fleeing Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 

What do you think about all of this?

Should Rob be dictating who she can talk to?

Hit the comments!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Shannen Doherty: Read Her Emotional Message To Mom Rosa

Like a lot of fans, I’m rooting for Shannen Doherty to win her battle against breast cancer.  One more who is rooting more than anyone, though, is her mom, Rosa.

“Sometimes there’s nothing like a mothers love to help get you thru,” Doherty captioned a black-and-white photo of herself in her mother’s arms.

“Thank you mom for always being there and being so strong for me. I love you.”

Doherty has been open with her battle in the hopes that it will offer comfort, inspiration and hope to others going through similar struggles

More than anything, it allows her fans to be with her every step of the way.

“Chemo day. A day many of us dread,” Doherty shared in another Instagram.

“Strength gets us thru but every once in awhile, you just want to hide in bed and let chemo day pass you by.”

Earlier this month, Doherty confirmed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes.  

The 90210 star was diagnosed in March 2015 after her former management company did not pay her health insurance premiums, resulting in a delayed diagnosis.

Last week, Doherty told Entertainment Tonight how she broke the news to her husband of five years, Kurt Iswarienko.

“I told him, ‘You need to enjoy every single second you have with me because I’m going to be dead in five years,’ and he just burst out in tears,” The Tennessee native recalled.

Doherty was in the car when she decided to tell her husband over the phone, because she couldn’t wait until she got hom.

“I called him, which was horrible of me,” she said. “I was in the car. I was with my mom, and the doctor called me and I’m, you know, ‘I’m going to wait until I see him,’ and I just couldn’t. So I picked up the phone and I called him and he was like, ‘Where are you?’”

Once Doherty pulled into her driveway, Iswarienko wrapped his wife in his arms and told her that they were going to get through it together.

“‘We are going to get through this, you’re strong and you’re powerful and you’re not going anywhere,” Doherty remembered the photographer saying.

“‘You have so much to do in your life. We are going to get through it as a family."”

Doherty has no doubt that the diagnosis has strengthened their bond.

“My marriage was always strong, but it’s made my marriage a thousand times stronger,” Doherty said.

“I could not have gotten through this without my husband.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Patton Oswalt Continues to Grieve Wife"s Death: Read His Message

Patton Oswalt remains in mourning.

Over four months have gone by since the comedian lost his wife in shocking, tragic fashion, as Michelle McNamara died in her sleep on April 21.

But that’s not nearly enough time for one to move on from the love of one’s life.

After bidding McNamara an emotional goodbye soon after her passing, Oswalt has once again taken to Facebook in order to express his grief.

“Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your head and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you,” he wrote.

“But grief? Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

That’s a unique way to put it.

But it does actually make a lot of sense.

“Grief makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick,” he added.

Oswalt shared this heartbreaking point of view 102 days after McNamara died.

He went on to reference that number.

“102 days at the mercy of grief and loss feels like 102 years and you have sh-t to show for it. You will not be physically healthier. You will not feel ‘wiser.’ You will not have ‘closure.’ You will not have ‘perspective’ or ‘resilience’ or ‘a new sense of self.’

“You WILL have solid knowledge of fear, exhaustion and a new appreciation for the randomness and horror of the universe.

“And you’ll also realize that 102 days is nothing but a warm-up for things to come.”

Oswalt and McNamara were married in 2005.

The two share a seven-year-old daughter, Alice.

“I was face-down and frozen for weeks,” Oswalt wrote of how he felt when he first lost his wife.

“It’s 102 days later and I can confidently say I have reached a point where I’m crawling. Which, objectively, is an improvement. Maybe 102 days later I’ll be walking.”

Despite the pain, Oswalt says he has been shown “new levels of humanity and grace and intelligence” by his family, friends and also by his fans.

“They will show up for you, physically and emotionally, in ways in which make you take careful note and say to yourself, ‘Make sure to try to do that for someone else someday,"” he wrote.

“Complete strangers will send you genuinely touching messages on Facebook and Twitter, or will somehow figure out your address to send you letters which you’ll keep and re-read ’cause you can’t believe how helpful they are.”

Prior to her passing, McNamara was working on a book about a serial killer she dubbed The Golden State Killer.

Oswalt says it will be released at some point and is “amazing.”

The beloved actor also promised his fans he is going to get back into comedy, acting and writing.

At some point.

“I like and working with friends on projects and do all the stuff I was always so privileged to get to do before the air caught fire around me and the sun died,” he said.

“It’s all I knew how to do before I met Michelle. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do now without her.”

Patton Oswalt Continues to Grieve Wife"s Death: Read His Message

Patton Oswalt remains in mourning.

Over four months have gone by since the comedian lost his wife in shocking, tragic fashion, as Michelle McNamara died in her sleep on April 21.

But that’s not nearly enough time for one to move on from the love of one’s life.

After bidding McNamara an emotional goodbye soon after her passing, Oswalt has once again taken to Facebook in order to express his grief.

“Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your head and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you,” he wrote.

“But grief? Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

That’s a unique way to put it.

But it does actually make a lot of sense.

“Grief makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick,” he added.

Oswalt shared this heartbreaking point of view 102 days after McNamara died.

He went on to reference that number.

“102 days at the mercy of grief and loss feels like 102 years and you have sh-t to show for it. You will not be physically healthier. You will not feel ‘wiser.’ You will not have ‘closure.’ You will not have ‘perspective’ or ‘resilience’ or ‘a new sense of self.’

“You WILL have solid knowledge of fear, exhaustion and a new appreciation for the randomness and horror of the universe.

“And you’ll also realize that 102 days is nothing but a warm-up for things to come.”

Oswalt and McNamara were married in 2005.

The two share a seven-year-old daughter, Alice.

“I was face-down and frozen for weeks,” Oswalt wrote of how he felt when he first lost his wife.

“It’s 102 days later and I can confidently say I have reached a point where I’m crawling. Which, objectively, is an improvement. Maybe 102 days later I’ll be walking.”

Despite the pain, Oswalt says he has been shown “new levels of humanity and grace and intelligence” by his family, friends and also by his fans.

“They will show up for you, physically and emotionally, in ways in which make you take careful note and say to yourself, ‘Make sure to try to do that for someone else someday,"” he wrote.

“Complete strangers will send you genuinely touching messages on Facebook and Twitter, or will somehow figure out your address to send you letters which you’ll keep and re-read ’cause you can’t believe how helpful they are.”

Prior to her passing, McNamara was working on a book about a serial killer she dubbed The Golden State Killer.

Oswalt says it will be released at some point and is “amazing.”

The beloved actor also promised his fans he is going to get back into comedy, acting and writing.

At some point.

“I like and working with friends on projects and do all the stuff I was always so privileged to get to do before the air caught fire around me and the sun died,” he said.

“It’s all I knew how to do before I met Michelle. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do now without her.”

Monday, July 18, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: NOT Returning to U.S! Read Their Surprising Statement!

Last week, we reported that Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would be returning to the US following a year of missionary work in Central America.

Early rumors indicated that the couple would be coming home to Tontitown, Arkansas in order to more fully participate in Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2

Now, however, it looks as though while the Dillards will be participating in the show’s second, they’ll continue to do so primarily from their new home in El Salvador.

For weeks now, fans have been eagerly anticipating the announcement of Jill and Derick’s homecoming.

The couple finally shared the news of their return over the weekend, but it’s not quite what fans of expected:

“We are so excited to share that we will be returning in August for a short stateside term that will extend into the fall,” Jill wrote on her family’s official website yesterday.

Sources later elaborated that yes, the Duggars will be traveling back to Arkansas next month … but only for a few weeks.

“We are really looking forward to seeing our families after nearly 10 months on foreign soil, Jill continued.

“We plan on taking some Bible classes as we continue to work in ministry from the US. Serving in Central America has been an amazing experience so far for both of us (and Israel!).”

Many fans expressed their shock that Jill and Derick’s time in the States will be so brief, particularly as more time in Central America means less time spent procreating.

Rumors that Jill is pregnant with her second child have been circulating for months, but it looks as though the couple has wisely decided to hold off, as they’re currently living in the heart of the Zika hot zone.

We imagine it wasn’t an easy decision for them.

After all, a Duggar without a ton of kids is like a Duggar who’s not wrapped up in some sort of scandal.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Kanye West Honors Late Mother on Her Birthday: Read His Message

Kanye West has given fans a look at his softer side.

The rapper has taken a break from ranting and raving and lying in bed with many naked celebrities to pay tribute to his late mother.

On Tuesday night, Mr. Kim Kardashian took to Twitter and shared a sweet message about his mom, Donda West, including a reference to daughter North West in it.

“Nori asked if the airplane could take her to heaven to see you for your birthday, I love you mom,” West wrote very simply and emotionally on the social media service.

He included with the message a throwback photo of himself and his mother.

Check out how young Kanye West looks here:

Donda West died in Novembe of 2007 due to complications from surgery.

An autopsy concluded the 58-year-old died of heart failure after she went in for what was supposed to be a simple procedure with Dr. Jan Adams.

Soon afterward, Adams was forced to give up his medical license after a series of complaints were filed against the physician.

He had a pair of DUI convictions and was behind on child support payments.

Moreover, his record showed at least four malpractice judgments against him between 2001 and 2007.

Kanye, meanwhile, most recently honored his mother at his Yeezy Season 3 fashion show in November.

During this event, he donned an gray t-shirt that featured the airbrushed pictures of his mother and his late father-in-law Robert Kardashian.

Above both photos were the words “in loving memory.”

In addition to the unique shirt, Donda West also inspired a new business endeavor for Kanye; a video game, Only One: The Game, depicts Donda riding a white pegasus into the gates of heaven.

Back in late 2015, West opened up to UK’s Q magazine, saying he feels extreme guilt over his parent’s passing.

“If I had never moved to LA, she’d be alive. I don’t want to go far into it because it will bring me to tears,” Kanye said at the time.

He added in a later interview, in regard to the aforementioned video game:

“The idea is that it’s my mother going through the gates of heaven. You’ve got to bring her to the highest gate of heaven by holding her to the light.”

We feel your pain, Kanye West.

We’re very sorry for your loss.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Carrie Underwood Really Loves Mike Fisher: Read Her Tribute!

Carrie Underwood is singing a very happy tune these days.

And she knows the exact person to thank for it.

The American Idol Season 4 winner spent the weekend in Mexico on vacation, celebrating their six-year anniversary at one point on the trip.

Underwood acknowledged the special occasion with a heartfelt Instagram post directed to her husband.

“Six years ago today, I said ‘I do’ to this handsome fella. I meant it then and I mean it now,” she wrote as a caption to the above image.

It features the singer and the hockey player holding hands at a very cool and gorgeous dinner spot.

“God put us together and continues to bless our marriage,” Underwood added.

For the past week or so, one of the most stable couples in Hollywood has been enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation in Cabo San Lucas.

Fisher is taking a rest from playing hockey for the Nashville Predators, as the NHL season came to an end this spring.

Underwood, meanwhile, is enjoying her own mini hiatus from the Storyteller Tour: Stories in the Round.

She’s coming off an amazing performance at the CMT Awards about a month ago.

Check it out here:

Continued Carrie in her post:

“I couldn’t imagine this life without you, @mfisher1212.

“I am thankful for these past six years together (and, of course, for our beautiful son, Isaiah) and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives in love.”

What has kept Underwood and Fisher going so strong after all this time?

“It helped that we were both established before we were married,” she told Cosmopolitan late last year. “Neither one of us could be like, ‘I didn’t know it would be like this!"”

Added Underwood in a subsequent chat with Extra:

“We just like to relax. Give us a beach somewhere, a lake – we’re good. We’re easy to pleas.

“I’m always looking up baby-friendly things to do in wherever we are…[Isaiah] loves being outside. I want him to have childhood normalcy…

“We take him down to the pools, and the hotels and let him splash around because a kid would do that.”

Of course, while Underwood counts herself as lucky for being with Fisher, it’s clear that he’s rather fortunate as well.

Consider the following photo as evidence why: