Showing posts with label Stodden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stodden. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Courtney Stodden Posts Makeup-Free Selfie, Praises Self for Bravery

Courtney Stodden is putting her hard-earned image as porn star Barbie aside to commit a truly commendable act of courage.

WOW, what did she do, you ask?

Run into a burning building to save a stray kitten? Well… no.

Stand up against rebel fighters threatening to silence women’s rights activists? Um, not exactly.

What, then? What exquisite gesture was proffered by the underage bride that is garnering such applause?

She posted a photo of herself to Instagram without ANY MAKEUP on.

“NO MAKEUP … NO HAIRSPRAY… NO FANCY CLOTHES… NO FILTER ‼️ just me. #BeingBrave,” she wrote in the caption.

While it’s true that we normally see Courtney with a fully painted face, we can’t help but feel chagrined at the reminder that sexism is not only alive but kicking when the world thinks a #NoMakeup selfie constitutes an act of bravery for women.

But then again, who’s actually looking at her face in the pic above? Egads, it’s like she’s got three heads.

Courtney and her mom Krista Keller have emerged as the breakout trainwreck team on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition this season – which is saying a lot given that Heidi Montag and Kim Richards also star in the show.

First, Courtney accused Krista of trying to steal her husband Doug Hutchison, the 55-year-old actor the young blonde married when she was just 16.

Then Krista defended herself by turning the tables and revealing that it was Doug who made the moves by coming to her for emotional support and expressing fantasies of a mother/daughter threesome with the pair.

It’s not tough to see why Courtney’s values may just be a teensy bit out of whack.

We think Courtney looks great without the glam, but can’t wait for the day when makeup isn’t regarded as a basic requirement for women – even moderately famous ones.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Courtney Stodden: I Was "Half a Virgin" When I Married Doug Hutchison!

Clinically-speaking, what constitutes "half a virgin?"

I don"t watch full episodes of Lifetime"s The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, but I do enjoy the clips.  There"s just enough for me to soak in before I realize I"m watching garbage.

In a sneak peak of March 25th"s episode, Courtney Stodden had a glass of wine – enough to make her black out – and immediately felt right at home with her co-stars.

Stodden teetered into a room with Bad Girls Club"s Natalie Nunn to gossip.

"I really don"t know the story about Courtney," Nunn said in her one-on-one. "During cocktail hour, she seems like a lost child with two big balloons leading her."

Nunn asked Stodden, 21, if her sex life with husband Doug Hutchison was going well.

"It"s really good," Stodden said.

Talk naturally went to her virginity prior to tying the knot with Hutchison in 2011. 

"I was half a virgin," a tipsy Stodden joked.

Heidi Montag jumped in and joked to Nunn, "I say, "Did someone half stick it in?""

What a lark!

Stodden and her mother, Krista Keller have gotten a lot of airtime on the series; Keller revealed that she developed feelings for Hutchison.

"I admitted that I told your husband that I loved him," Keller told her daughter.

"She fell in love with my husband," Courtney told cameras during their interview. "A mom isn"t supposed to do that."

Courtney stodden i half a virgin when i married doug hutchison

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Courtney Stodden: My Mom Used to Hit On Teenagers in Front of Me!!!

Courtney Stodden and her mom, Krista Keller, are currently starring in the trainwreck-tastic Lifetime series The Mother/Daughter Experiment. To say that the show has exposed a dark side of Krista would be putting it very, very lightly.

Krista’s already been accused of trying to steal her daughter’s husband, and now it seems her pervy tendencies began well before Courtney was married off at the age of 16:

If you don’t have time to watch the clip, or you recently ate lunch and you’re hoping to keep it down, allow us to offer you brief, disgusting synopsis:

Courtney claims that she was 12 years old, Krista invited a 17-year-old grocery store clerk over to their house by implying that she would hook him up with Courtney.

As though that’s not gross enough, Courtney says she believes Krista actually wanted the teen for herself.

“I think you were attracted to him,” she accuses at one point.

Astonishingly, Krista doesn’t deny it and instead chalks her nasty behavior up to her “emotionally empty” marriage.

Where do you send our Mom of the Year ballots? 

Oh, and by the way – Krista’s explanation for the sexual tension between herself and Hutchison?

Yeah, she claims Hutchison tried to arrange a mother-daughter threesome, and she turned him down.

Needless to say, Courtney is surrounded with some real winners.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Courtney Stodden Gives "Bernie Sanders" a Lap Dance in Hilarious Instagram Video

He may be struggling with minorities and establishment voters, but Bernie Sanders has the "Internet-famous women who are mostly known for their giant boobs" vote wrapped up.

First Emily Ratajkowski endorsed Sanders and began actively singing the candidate"s praises on her Instagram page.

Now, Courtney Stodden has taken things a step further with her Weird Al-esque song parody, "Talk Bernie to Me."

Thankfully, Courtney doesn"t do too much singing in this one. (Remember when Courtney wanted to be a singer? It"s probably better if you forget that.)

What she does instead is rub her cartoonishly ginormous boobs over a facsimile of Senator Sanders.

Say what you will about Ms. Stodden, the woman knows how to use her assets to send a message.

Earlier this week, Courtney got naked in honor of Kim Kardashian, and now she"s using her boobs to let us know she"s feeling the Bern.

Yes, it"s breasts, politics, and social media all in one video. This thing couldn"t be anymore American if Courtney were juggling apple pies and rocking an Uncle Sam beard.

Come to think of it, we imagine Sanders is actually quite popular amongst strippers.

He"s all about free state and community college, and anyone who"s been to a gentleman"s club knows those girls are all paying their way through school.

Courtney stodden gives bernie sanders a lap dance in hilarious i

Courtney Stodden Gives "Bernie Sanders" a Lap Dance in Hilarious Instagram Video

He may be struggling with minorities and establishment voters, but Bernie Sanders has the "Internet-famous women who are mostly known for their giant boobs" vote wrapped up.

First Emily Ratajkowski endorsed Sanders and began actively singing the candidate"s praises on her Instagram page.

Now, Courtney Stodden has taken things a step further with her Weird Al-esque song parody, "Talk Bernie to Me."

Thankfully, Courtney doesn"t do too much singing in this one. (Remember when Courtney wanted to be a singer? It"s probably better if you forget that.)

What she does instead is rub her cartoonishly ginormous boobs over a facsimile of Senator Sanders.

Say what you will about Ms. Stodden, the woman knows how to use her assets to send a message.

Earlier this week, Courtney got naked in honor of Kim Kardashian, and now she"s using her boobs to let us know she"s feeling the Bern.

Yes, it"s breasts, politics, and social media all in one video. This thing couldn"t be anymore American if Courtney were juggling apple pies and rocking an Uncle Sam beard.

Come to think of it, we imagine Sanders is actually quite popular amongst strippers.

He"s all about free state and community college, and anyone who"s been to a gentleman"s club knows those girls are all paying their way through school.

Courtney stodden gives bernie sanders a lap dance in hilarious i

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Courtney Stodden Goes Nude in Honor of Kim Kardashian

If you’ve been anywhere near the Internet in the past two days, you know that Kim Kardashian posted a nude photo which for some reason has launched the weirdest debate since Donald Trump defended his penis size to Marco Rubio.

In the 48 hours since she posted the pic, Kim has been attacked as a bad role model, and accused of sending a negative message to her youngest fans. Fortunately, she’s got at least one fellow selfie-obsessed Instagram queen in her corner.

Yes, that’s Courtney Stodden doing her best interpretation of Kim’s now-famous masterpiece “Naked in the Bathroom Mirror #27.”

“Working on a new single! It’s coming out soon… Oh & I can’t find anything to wear either, Kim! #girlproblems #kimkardashian,” Courtney captioned the pic.

We don’t want to weigh in on the Kim issue, but we will say this  – Courtney is really setting a terrible and doing herself a tremendous disservice here.

Seriously – releasing a new single? What is the thinking?!

We’re just now getting over Courtney’s first single, which makes Rebecca Black’s “Friday” sound like a Mozart concerto.

We fully of approve of Courtney getting naked, but her attempts at starting a music career have got to stop.

Courtney, it’s 2016. We might be on the verge of our first female president. You don’t need to “sing” to get attention.

Courtney Stodden Consoled by Heidi Montag After Mom"s Gross Confession

Blonds hugging blonds after moms make creepy confessions.  That is what Lifetime brings us every Tuesday on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition.

Last night, Courtney Stodden and her mother, Krista couldn"t get through an interview because Courtney was so upset by Krista"s admission.

You see, children.  When a mom allows her 16-year-old daughter to marry a 51-year-old, it"s a sign that mom may not be playing with a full deck of cards.

And when mom admits to kinda/sorta falling in love with her daughter"s husband at some point, that"s something everyone else saw coming.

Fishwrapper shared a clip in which Krista stood up and started to remove her mic, telling the camera that she was "emotionally attached to [Courtney"s] husband."

Errr, que?

"I admitted that I told your husband that I loved him," Krista said to Courtney.

"That"s the first time I heard her say that," Courtney told whatever producer drew the short straw and had to sit in on their interview.

"I"ve been saying it on my interviews!" Krista insisted.

"Why don"t you ask your husband what his fantasy was," Krista then asked her daughter, something I hope to never, ever hear again. Ever.

"She fell in love with my husband," Courtney told the cameras.  "A mom isn"t supposed to do that."

This is like the time Jackie Taylor got too coked up to function at a high school fashion show on Beverly Hills, 90210…BUT WORSE.

After their sex talk ended, Courtney stormed out of the room with a glass of wine and her hair bun head piece (we won"t address the contrast of her bun"s color against her real hair).    Heidi Montag went into her room and tried to calm the child bride down.

Watch the clip below to see it all unfold.

Courtney stodden consoled by heidi montag after moms gross confe

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Doug Hutchison Wanted THREESOME With Wife Courtney Stodden & Her Mom!

This effing FAMILY!

Earlier this week, Courtney Stodden accused her mom Krista Keller of trying to steal her husband Doug Hutchison.

Keller has denied the accusation and now claims that the 55-year-old actor is the one who came on to her, and even said he dreamed of a good old fashioned mother-daughter three-way.

“He was asking me to stay there with him and saying that he’s had fantasies of having both Courtney and me,” Keller told Us Weekly.

Sorry, we should’ve warned you to have a barf bag at the ready.

As we know, Stodden married Hutchison, who is 34 years her senior, at the tender age of 16 – and Keller approved.

Many have pegged Keller as a fame-hungry stage mom who encouraged the union in order to secure a place in the spotlight.

Keller reveals that three months after the wedding, Stodden wanted out of the marriage.

“She goes, ‘He’s mean, he’s crabby, he’s old, he’s disgusting,” Keller said of Stodden. “‘And I want to be with people my own age."”

“And this was a hard time for Doug, so Doug was reaching out to me because I was right next door, and I was there for him emotionally,” she continued.

“You know, it looked like every time [there were issues with Courtney], Doug wanted to talk with me — I don’t know if Courtney much liked it, but I was there for him when she wasn’t.”

Keller admits that while she and the former Lost actor “bonded emotionally,” she decided to take a step back when he brought up the threesome.

“I thought, ‘Oh, my God — this is headed in not a good direction,"” she said. “So I’m the one that actually decided to step away and encourage Doug to find help somewhere else.”

Incredibly, Stodden recently said that her marriage was going strong, but we wonder if she’ll change her mind after hearing her mom’s new accusations.

You can watch Stodden and Keller hash out all their dysfunction on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, airing Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST on Lifetime.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Courtney Stodden Talks Marriage, Pregnancy Rumors in New Interview

Courtney Stodden has a new reality show to promote (the impressively hot messy-looking Mother/Daughter Experiment on Lifetime), which means she’s been making the media rounds to talk about everything from her relationship with her mom (it’s not good), to her marriage to Doug Hutchison (somehow, it’s still solid).

Last we checked in on her, Courtney was talking about how her mother tried to steal her husband, so you might think her entire life would have a similarly Jerry Springer-eque vibe, but remarkably, things seem pretty stable for the 21-year-old professional giant-boob-haver.

Though Courtney and Doug separated in 2013 (and Courtney admitted to banging other dudes while they were apart), they’re back together now and still making their early-May, late-December romance work. (He’s 34 years her senior, FYI.):

“Our relationship right now is really, really good,” Courtney recently told In Touch.

“We’re really strong and we’re very happy. We’re getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary and we’re absolutely going to renew our vows for our fifth wedding anniversary. So, yeah, we’re doing really, really well!”

Yes, Courtney married a 50-year-old when she was 16, and she’s somehow lasted 5 years, so the fact that she can’t fix her relationship with her mom really makes us think the mom is to blame:

“We’re still not completely close,” Court said when asked about the reality show that was supposed to help them them work things out .

“But we’re better off than where we were when we entered The Mother/Daughter Experiment.”

As for those rumors that Courtney is pregnant – Stodden says they’re bogus, and she and Hutchison are content with their twin pooches these days:

“I don’t know if we’re ready for a baby right now. We have two little fur babies, so those are kind of our babies right now. But, you never know!” 

So why was Courney spotted buying pregnancy tests back in October?

Well, sometimes you need a prop to get those paparazzi flashbulbs poppin’. Did we mention the girl is pretty much only famous for having big boobs and marrying an old dude?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Courtney Stodden: My Mom Tried to Steal My Husband!

The Lifetime celeb-reality series The Mother/Daughter Experiment doesn"t premiere until tonight, but it"s already provided us with plenty of discussion material.

A preview clip released last week featured the return of Kim Richards, who"s fresh from a year of multiple arrests, a stint in rehab and embarrassing, drunken toast at her own daughter"s wedding.

Needless to say, seeing the Richards gals share a roof for the first time in several years should be interesting.

But as dysfunctional as that relationship might get, we"re guessing it won"t hold a candle to the wildly to the intergenerational tension between Courtney Stodden and her wildly effed-up stage mom, Krista Keller.

Right off the bat, Courtney confirms what we"ve suspected for years: that her mother pushed her into the spotlight (and possibly into the arms of her decades-older acting-coach-turned-husband) in order to fulfill her own desire for public adulation.

"She"s crazy for fame," Stodden says of Krista. "She wants it, and she will stop at nothing to get it."

But the wild accusations don"t stop there.

No, just moments later, Courtney accuses her mother of trying to seduce Doug Hutchison, the 55-year-old actor who married Courtney in 2011 when she was just 16.

"She began trying to steal my husband away from me," Stodden says. "She took his hand and said, "I don"t know what to do, but I"m in love with you"."

Hilariously, Krista "quit" her job as her daughter"s manager last year after publicly declaring that she was disgusted by Courtney"s sex tape.

Several outlets reported that Krista was actually fired, and now it looks like we may have a good as to why!

Courtney stodden my mom tried to steal my husband

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Courtney Stodden Gets MORE Plastic Surgery, Allows Cameras Inside!

Courtney Stodden is no stranger to plastic surgery.

The 21-year-old has admitted to breast augmentation, temporarily lip fillers and porcelain veneers, but there was one more "flaw" that always bothered her: her nose.

"I"m not wild about my bump on the side of my nose," she told Entertainment Tonight. "In pictures or on red carpets I just feel really self-conscious about this bump."

So she decided to take the plunge and get a nose job.

Her husband, 55-year-old Doug Hutchison, was by her side for the procedure, which Courtney allowed to be documented by ET cameras.

"I"m so nervous!" she wails while waiting to go into the operating room.

The reality TV personality says she vacillated a bit before making her final decision to go under the knife.

"I debated and kind of pulled out and got nervous," Stodden said from the operating room. "It took me a really long time to warm up to it."

She said the rhinoplasty will also correct some breathing problems she"s experienced.

When the bandages come off, Courtney is very pleased with the results.

"I"m very happy, my bump isn"t there anymore," she beams.

Courtney showed off her, um, nose in a naked Instagram photo earlier this week. She"s right. We don"t see a bump at all.

Check out Courtney"s latest plastic surgery journey in the video below:

Courtney stodden gets more plastic surgery allows cameras inside

Monday, February 22, 2016

Courtney Stodden Sticks Naked Butt in the Air, Acts Natural

Whew! For a minute there, we’d thought we’d lost naked Courtney Stodden.

First, she posts a makeup-free selfie, revealing a face (and just her face) that’s totally unrecognizable. Okay, she’s pretty much unrecognizable to most folks, anyway, but you know what I mean.

Then she posts a photo of herself in her version of a “classy” outfit: a skimpy leotard and a hoodie.

Geez, Courtney. You may as well be the next Sister Wife.

But nah, that was all just for funsies, because naked Courtney is back on Instagram, nuder than ever.

In this naked photo, she’s in bed, which we know because she captioned the photo with the hashtag “#bedbug.”

When I see a pic like this – you know, one that’s supposed to be “candid” but in reality is anything but – I always ponder the logistics that went into it.

For example:

  • How many shots did she take before getting a good one?

  • How many times did she have to move before getting the right lighting?

  • Who is actually taking the photo?

  • Is someone crouching down on the side of the bed or is Courtney doing a reach around with her right arm?  

  • How many times did she have to reposition her ass to get that curved look?

Any woman who’s ever tried to take sexy selfies like this (yep, I’m guilty) knows that it’s not like, “Oh, I’m just hanging around naked in bed in full hair and makeup with my ass thrust skyward and thought I’d capture the moment with a selfie.” 

Nah, girl, it takes time, effort and commitment.

But then again, this is kind of Courtney’s job.

However, believe it or not, she does have another job. She’s set to appear on Lifetime’s new reality show, The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with her mom Krista, plus Kim Richards and Heidi Pratt.

We’re positive it’ll be a doozy.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Courtney Stodden Posts Her Version of a "Classy" Outfit

The not-so-elusive wife of Doug Hutchison uses her Instagram account as a portfolio for anyone looking to sign a cheap-looking model.

Fishwrapper found a saucy image of the 21-year-old, posing as she does in front of a mirror.

“My outfit for the night. 1 piece + hoodie. #classy,” Courtney Stodden posted on January 23rd.


Anyway, if you spend some time pouring over her Instagram feed, you’ll notice that she does her damndest to evoke the style and spirit of Marilyn Monroe.

On January 21st, Stodden posed for a photo outside Hollygrove, an orphanage that closed its doors in 2005 after 125 years of business.  The organization house Marilyn Monroe, when she was Norma Jean Baker.

I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that Courtney Stodden thinks she really wants to be Marilyn Monroe, but hasn’t actually read anything about Marilyn Monroe.

Stodden likely draws comparisons to Monroe, since both blonds married at sixteen and use their bombshell image as their meal ticket.

Back in October, Stodden told Us Weekly that she and Hutchison will renew their vows.  

“I can finally [plan] it myself, you know, because I was 16 and I had to have it signed [by my parents], so I think finally not having any parents involved and just doing it myself is going to be great,” she said at a PETA event last September.

“I want to do a big thing, because, you know, our first time around we married in Las Vegas next to a Chevron — it was not that glamorous!

“So I really want to play it up. I want to do the whole Cinderella thing.”

Here are three things that are bound to happen at this vow renewal:

1) The dress will flammable and low-cut.

2) The ceremony and reception will be available to rent/buy via Pay-Per-View.

3) The theme will be Marilyn Monroe.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Courtney Stodden Wishes You A Sexy Christmas

The spirit of Christmas has Courtney Stodden all hot and bothered.

Courtney Stodden: Santa Baby

I’m almost ashamed to admit that I took 3 minutes this morning to read Stodden’s Instagram captions, and aside from the usual gratuitous shots, the 21-year-old appears to be a bit melancholy.

What ails you, Stodden!

One photo has her “emotionally spent” in a bubble bath, while another shows off her ample cleave and this: “Missing my family but managing to stay strong!”

Last August, Radar Online spoke to Stodden’s mom, Krista about the mother-daughter rift and how Stodden’s husband, Dough Hutchison, 55, may have something to do with it.

“Things are still very icy between us and I have not talked to her since she and I went our separate ways,” Krista told the publication.

“I believe there are external influences without any names being said.

“I do not believe mothers and daughters should be separated.”

“I think that if a husband can see that there are problems between his wife and her mother I believe he should stay out of the situation.  There are some really horrible things that he has done to me since she and I have not been speaking that will be very hard to ever forget about.”

Krista admitted regret over allowing a then-16-year-old Stodden to marry Hutchinson in 2011, whom she met online.

“I do take full responsibility, however because I am the one that did sign the paper for her to marry this man,” Krista said. “If I had to do it all over again I cannot tell you if I would be signing that paper.”

Things may be turning around for the family.  Four days ago, Stodden posted a photo of herself holding a glass of champagne and looking middle-age buzzed.

Courtney Stodden Gets Ready To Celebrate Christmas With Family

“Ready to get back home to celebrate Christmas with my family,” she wrote.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Courtney Stodden Protests Wool, Looks Freezing

She is doing the Lord’s work.

PETA convinced Courtney Stodden to take a stand against wool and encourage others to “save sheep” yesterday in Los Angeles.

Posing as a hooker-ish version of Little Bo Peep, Stodden staged her protest at the very busy, very campy Hollywood & Highland Center.

There, the 21-year-old bride of Dough Hutchison had a gay old time on her makeshift farm, posing with stuffed sheep atop a hay stack as a white picket fence protected them from the scary costumed vagabonds of Hollywood Boulevard.

“Every wool sweater or scarf means a lifetime of suffering for a beautiful, gentle sheep,” Stodden declared. “My friends at PETA and I urge everyone to leave wool on the rack this winter!”

Too Fab went over to the protest to soak in the splendor of the moment, and asked to ask Stodden about her latest cause.

“People don’t realize how severely wounded these sheeps are when they are sheared,” Stodden said.

Sheeps have feelings, too.  All sheeps. 

“They do it really quickly and, in doing so, they don’t care about cutting the sheep,” she continued. “It’s heartbreaking — they cut them, they bleed, you know even down to the point where some of their penises are cut off!”

Save the sheeps.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Courtney Stodden Halloween Costume: NOT What We Expected!

October 31 has come and gone, and as usual, this year’s celebrity Halloween costumes did not disappoint.

We had Heidi Klum as Jessica Rabbit. Emily Ratajkowski somehow managed to make Marge Simpson sexy. But perhaps our favorite getup of the year was from a woman who usually shows a lot of skin…and decided to go in the opposite direction for All Hallows’ Eve.

Believe it or not, that fella with the epic ‘stache and the obvious love of all things denim is Courtney Stodden.

Yes, Courtney Stodden and her giant boobs somehow managed to invoke the spirit of that dude who lives on your street who spends most days soaking his feet in the kiddie pool on his front lawn and griping about his disability check is late again.

We’re assuming the Drunk Uncle-sized tumbler of Scotch is really just iced tea.

Not because of the (probably BS) rumors that Courtney is pregnant, but because even when she’s in character as Jack Auf (seriously his name), we doubt Courtney can put away the hard stuff like this:

Yes, Courtney it seems attempting to prove that she’s more than just a fame-hungry young blonde with cartoonish curves and an elderly husband.

The girl’s got more personality than people give her credit for. And did we mention the giant boobs? That’s a plus, too. Hell, Heidi Klum needed about 18 pounds of molded plastic to approximate a body like Courtney’s.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Courtney Stodden Displays Butt Amidst Pregnancy Rumors

Last week, we reported that Courtney Stodden might be pregnant.  This was not one of those cases where an anonymous source spilled the beans to a tabloid.

Courtney was papped while buying a pregnancy test at an LA convenient store during what we’re sure was a totally candid moment that was in no way orchestrated by her PR team. Now there’s this:

To the untrained eye that may seem to be nothing more than an innocent photo of Courtney Stodden’s butt

What’s interesting, however, is that we usually only see Courtney Stodden’s boobs. It makes sense, as Stodden has huge boobs and she didn’t pay good money for them just to hide them from the world.

Some fans believe that by turning her back to the camera (literally) Courtney is subtly hinting at a growing baby bump.

Frankly, we think just she felt like mixing things up, and she’s well aware that asses are in these days.

We’re not saying that Courtney is definitely not pregnant, but we are saying that’s easy to spoil a thing of beauty by overthinking it.

Would you look at the Mona Lisa and wonder is she recently got knocked up by her elderly acting-coach-turned-husband? If so, you really need to work on your art appreciation skills, bruh. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Courtney Stodden: PREGNANT With First Child?!

Against all odds (and despite their 34-year age difference), Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison are still married.

In fact, Courtney and Doug are planning to renew their vows in celebration of the fact that she’s now a full-blown grownup who can drink alcohol and everything!

Sadly, the plans for a champagne toast may have to be put on ice, as several media outlets are reporting that Courtney is pregnant, thanks to the above photo of the 21-year-old purchasing a pregnancy test.

Frankly, we have our doubts, as the whole situation has “publicity stunt” written all over it.

Courtney is rarely papped (she’s just not that famous these days), and it seems unlikely that she’d be caught off guard when she just happens to be purchasing a pregnancy test.

The photo comes on the heels of Courtney’s sex tape, her public feud with her mother, and her decision to get publicly wasted on her 21st birthday.

None of those things really generated much public interest in Courtney’s life, so a fake pregnancy would be the logical next step if she’s trying to make her way back into the tabloid headlines.

If she actually is pregnant, then she finally get the career boost she’s been looking for for years. After all, “washed-up elderly actor and his child bride raise a kid together” would make hell of a pitch for a reality show.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison to Renew Vows (Now That She"s an Adult)

In a recent interview, Courtney Stodden’s mother said that she regrets allowing her 16-year-old daughter to marry Doug Hutchison.

But despite some bumps in the road (including a period of separation, during which Courtney slept with other men), the 55-year-old actor and 21-year-old “solo sex tape” star are still going strong.

In fact, Courtney recently confirmed to Us Weekly that she and Doug are planning to renew their vows in a “glamorous” second wedding ceremony.

“We’re still in planning mode,” said Stodden at a recent PETA fundraiser.

“I can finally [plan] it myself, you know, because I was 16 and I had to have it signed [by my parents], so I think finally not having any parents involved and just doing it myself is going to be great.”

“I want to do a big thing, because, you know, our first time around we married in Las Vegas next to a Chevron — it was not that glamorous! So I really want to play it up. I want to do the whole Cinderella thing.”

Courtney added that she plans to wear a mermaid dress and that the ceremony will have “kind of an old Hollywood look.”

Yeesh, another Cinderella/mermaid/old Hollywood wedding? We kid.

C’mon Courtney – part of being an adult is picking one theme and sticking with it.

We know you weren’t on the prom planning committee because you were busy being married to your middle-aged acting coach, but you can’t make up for it now with some nutso Disney-under-the-sea-Bogey-and-Bacall custerf-ck!

Sorry. We’re sure it’ll be lovely. Enjoy.