Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2018

James Franco Accused of Sexual Misconduct By 5 Women; Actor Continues to Make Media Rounds

At this point, we’re sadly unsurprised when one of Hollywood’s most influential men is accused of some form of sexual misconduct.

The cycle of accusation, apology, and fallout has become all too familiar and, for the most part, fairly easy to predict.

But as award season kicks into high gear, James Franco is defying convention by refusing to step away from the spotlight or even apologize for his alleged past behavior.

On Sunday night, Franco won a Golden Globe for his performance in The Disaster Artist, a film that he also wrote and directed.

His celebration was short-lived, however, due number of tweets posted by actress Ally Sheedy that hinted at sexual misconduct on Franco’s part.

Shortly thereafter, a woman named Violet Paley came forward with allegations that Franco had sexually assaulted her when she was just 17 years old.

In the 48 hours that followed, four other women came forward 

“I was talking to him, all of a sudden his penis was out,” Paley said. 

“I got really nervous, and I said, ‘Can we do this later?’ He was kind of nudging my head down, and I just didn’t want him to hate me, so I did it.”

Paley went on to date Franco, but says when she reflects on the incident, she feels she was coerced into performing oral sex despite feeling uncomfortable about it.

“I would say, ‘No, stop, get out of my car.’ The power dynamic was really off,” she tells the

Paley says she emailed Franco after the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals surfaced to make him aware that she felt she had been mistreated.

She says he didn’t respond right away, but eventually called to try and make amends.

Sarah Tither-Kaplan, an acting student at Franco’s Studio 4 film school, also elaborated on allegations against the 39-year-old today.

Tither-Kaplan claims that whle shooting the 2014 film The Long Home, Franco removed protective plastic guards that covered actresses’ vaginas while he simulated oral sex.

“I got it in my head pretty quickly that, okay, you don’t say ‘no’ to this guy,” Tither-Kaplan said.

Hilary Dusome and Natalie Chmiel, two other students of Franco’s, detailed an incident in which the actor allegedly got angry when no actresses would agree to go topless while filming a scene in a strip club.

“I felt like I was selected for something based on my hard work and my merit, and when I realized it was because I have nice [breasts], it was pretty clear that was not the case,” Dusome said.

“I don’t think he started teaching with bad intentions, but he went down a bad path and damaged a lot of people in the process.”

In the wake of the allegations, Franco has continued to make talk show and other media appearances in hopes of improving his film’s chances of securing several possible Oscar nominations.

On Tuesday night, Franco denied responsibility in an interview with Stephen Colbert.

Wednesday, he appeared on Seth Meyers’ show, where he again declined to admit to any wrongdoing, but stated that he supports the rights of women to come forward with such accusations.

“This is a conversation that obviously needs to be had,” he told Meyers.

“There are people, women and others, who have not been a part of this conversation and I truly believe that they need to be. So I support that.”

Asked if he had contacted Sheedy to ask why she felt compelled to publicly call him out, Franco became visibly uncomfortable.

“I don’t know. I … It was so shocking. I don’t know. I just … I guess I’m just letting it be,” he said.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Stan Lee: Comics Legend Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Unless you’re a film buff or actually work in the entertainment industry, a few of the sex monsters named in #MeToo stories probably prompted some googling. Even of the names you recognized, you probably only liked a couple.

But sometimes, even the most beloved figures are accused of doing heinous, inexcusable things.

Stan Lee, the comics legends who is almost synonymous with superheroes, has been accused of sexual misconduct.

Stan Lee was the editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics for many years. He’s credited with having created Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Incredible Hulk amoung countless other superheroes.

He has one of, and perhaps the, most recognizable names in the entire comics industry.

His cameos in most live-action Marvel properties are beloved by fans.

For years, when the 95-year-old Stan Lee’s name has trended on Twitter, fans have tensed and then breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that he’s still alive. A lot of celebrity deaths get “announced” on Twitter.

This time, though he’s still very much alive, fans didn’t get to breathe a sign of relief. This news might be worse than fans had feared.

The Daily Mail reports that Stan Lee is accused of multiple forms of sexual misconduct directs towards much younger women at his L.A. mansion.

A nursing company that was providing at-home care for him (he is, again, 95 years old) reportedly stopped working with him after receiving a series of complaints about his inappropriate behavior.

Young female nurses alleged that he:

-groped them

-demanded oral sex from them in the shower and asked to be “pleasured” in the bedroom

-walked around his home naked while the nurses were present

According to The Daily Mail‘s source:

“Stan is an old man who has seemingly lost his way.”

That implies that he wasn’t always like this, which is great to hear.

“He doesn’t seem to care what people think of him, he’s lost his filter.”

Suggesting that this horrible behavior was brought about by dementia rather than the sort of power trip that accused monsters like Harvey Weinstein seemed to enjoy.

“There has been a stream of young nurses coming to his house in West Hollywood and he has been sexually harassing them. He finds it funny.”

It’s not funny. We have a feeling that the Stan Lee 10 years ago, or 30, wouldn’t have found it funny.

“He walks around naked and is vulgar towards the women, he asks them for oral sex in the shower and wants to be pleasured in his bedroom. He uses the word p—y and f–k in their presence.”

The source continues:

“He’s also very handsy and has groped some of the women, it’s unacceptable behavior, especially from an icon like Stan.”

No one should be groped without their consent, by anyone.

“The owner at the nursing company has openly said to people that Stan has sexually harassed every single nurse that has been to the house.”

It sounds like she was warning people.

“That got back to Lee and sparked this whole thing.”

There’s a cease-and-desist letter that the nursing company has received, and we’ll get to that in a moment.

“It appears the owner, who has nursed Stan herself, eventually decided enough was enough.”

Stan Lee now has nurses provided by a new nursing company; these nurses are tasks with taking his blood pressure, bringing him food and drinks, and ensuring that he takes his medication.

Stan Lee’s attorney Tom Lallas, who has sent a cease-and-desist letter to the nursing company from which these claims originate, says:

“Mr. Lee categorically denies these false and despicable allegations and he fully intends to fight to protect his stellar good name and impeccable character.”

So, in other words, Tom Lallas is doing his job.

“We are not aware of anyone filing a civil action, or reporting these issues to the police, which for any genuine claim would be the more appropriate way for it to be handled.”

Not everyone goes to police. Or wants to go public. Did you know that one of Roy Moore’s accusers had her house burned down? Stan Lee is a very popular man with a lot of passionate fans.

“Instead, Mr. Lee has received demands to pay money and threats that if he does not do so, the accuser will go to the media.”

That’s … something that we’d like to hear more of. Who allegedly tried to blackmail him, exactly? Which of the many, many nurses?

“Mr Lee will not be extorted or blackmailed, and will pay no money to anyone because he has done absolutely nothing wrong.”

Stan Lee’s wife Joan Lee passed away just last summer at 93.

Stan Lee and the media empire that he helped to create — remember, the Marvel movie franchise is the most financially successful film franchise in history — has a lot of passionate fans who are going to have strong opinions.

To us, based upon these allegations, this sounds like a sad story. Not a story of a monster, though we’ve heard so many of those recently, but a man who has literally lost his self-control.

And if someone really did try to shake him down? That would be terrible and cruel.

No matter what, this is an awful story.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Paul Haggis Accused of Rape by 2 Women, 2 More Claim Sexual Misconduct

Paul Haggis — the Oscar-winning director and writer of “Crash” — is being accused of sexual misconduct by 4 different women … including 2 rapes. Haggis was sued in December for allegedly raping film publicist Haleigh Breest in 2013 at his…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sarah Michelle Gellar Accused of "Abuse" by Trolliest of Trolls

To quote Jerry Seinfeld from an episode of his beloved sitcom:

People. They"re the worst.

At least some people on some occasions, that is.

Sarah Michelle Gellar recently found this out the unfortunate way after sharing what seemed like a cute and harmless photo of her son on Instagram.

As you"re about to find out below, however, this is not how some social media trolls interpreted the picture…

1. The Actress Has Two Children

The actress has two children

Sarah Michelle Gellar has two kids with husband Freddie Prince Jr., a daughter named Charlotte and a son named Rocky. This sad story centers on the latter five-year old.

2. How Dare She?!?

How dare she

Gellar shared some images on Snapchat of Rocky getting his nails done. What a fun thing to do with his mother, right?!? Wrong, according to Internet critics.

3. They Match!

They match

The former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star and her son got a matching color. But these trolls weren’t exactly focused on that cute fact.

4. Look at Me!

Look at me

Rocky seemed pretty happy about his nails. But, again, certain sections of the Internet do not care about a child’s happiness, only about their warped ideas of right and wrong.

5. Here Comes the Hate…

Here comes the hate

Yup, Gellar was totally “brainwashing” her son. This was part of a larger, evil plan; not simply a fun mother/son outing.

6. Yes, Outlawed

Yes outlawed

This individual wants to make it ILLEGAL for a mother to take her son to the nail salon. THIS, of all things, is apparently “child abuse.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Minnesota Twins All-Star Miguel Sano Accused of Assaulting Female Photog

A female photographer who covers the Minnesota Twins claims she was assaulted by All-Star Miguel Sano after an autograph signing in 2015 … when he allegedly tried to drag her into a bathroom to hook up against her will.  Important to note ……


Dr. Phil Accused of Prividing Alcohol, Drugs to Addict Guests

Plenty of people aren’t surprised to hear that accusations are coming out about Dr. Phil. He’s been slammed with lawsuits and allegations before.

But this report, the published results an an investigation by The Boston Globe and STAT, allege something very different that goes right to the heart of the “treatments” that Dr. Phil claims to provide.

Dr. Phil’s show is accused of, among other things, providing addicts who are seeking treatment with the substances that they crave.

As we all know, Dr. Phil was made famous by Danielle Bregoli … with a little help from Oprah a couple of decades earlier.

He purportedly helps people with their problems, be it behavior or substance abuse issues using the sort of folksy “wisdom” that you’d expect from a towering Texan walrus in human form.

But does his show really help people … or does he march people out in front of the cameras, let his audience ogle that person’s problems, and then make a show of setting their life on track without really helping?

Does Dr. Phil actually make things worse, endangering guests for the sake of good ratings?

Todd Herzog won his season of Survivor: China in 2008. But in 2013, it seemed like he wasn’t going to survive much longer.

When he appeared on Dr. Phil’s show, he was so wildly intoxicated that he literally had to be carried out to his chair.

According to the investigation by STAT and The Boston Globe, the audience never knew the whole story.

“Herzog, who was battling alcoholism, told STAT and the Boston Globe that he was not intoxicated when he arrived at the Los Angeles studio.”

You’d think that, even if he had shown up drunk, they would have worked to sober him up, right?

“In his dressing room, he said he found a bottle of Smirnoff vodka. He drank all of it. Then someone handed him a Xanax, he said, telling him it would ‘calm his nerves."”

Oh. Wow.

That’s just one allegation.

“Guests have been left without medical help as they face withdrawal from drugs.”

And there’s a very disturbing allegation included in the report of, well, another variety.

“One person said she was directed by a show staff member to an open-air drug market to find heroin for her detoxing niece.”

Neither of those should happen for someone who is seeking treatment for addiction issues.

A representative for the show, Martin Greenberg, denied the accusations about Herzog, the bottle of vodka, and the Xanax.

“We do not do that with this guest or any other.”

He goes on to refer to the allegations as “absolutely, unequivocally untrue.”

We think that it’s possible for a single isolated incident to be the actions of a rogue producer who makes bad choices.

But we’re talking about an alleged pattern of behavior on the part of the series, here, not about one bottle in the wrong room.

It’s also worth noting, as the report does, that some of Dr. Phil’s own employees have spoken out before.

“Some of McGraw’s own employees have raised alarms about the treatment of guests.”

And about the treatment of employees.

“In one lawsuit filed last year against McGraw and his production company in Los Angeles Superior Court, a former segment director, Leah Rothman, accused McGraw of false imprisonment for trapping employees in a room to threaten them over leaks to the media.”

Yikes. And it sounds like guests fare even worse.

“Rothman also alleged that guests complained that their lives were ‘ruined.’ One guest attempted suicide after the show, according to a deposition with another staff member.”

This is hardly the first time that Dr. Phil has been accused of exploiting vulnerable people for entertainment purposes.

(Remember when his dubious interview with Shelly Duvall?)

But the accusation that Dr. Phil’s producers are directing addicts on where to buy drugs before filming is a little unsettling.

It’d be nice to believe that maybe producers just want to make sure that addicts buy drugs from safer dealers if they’re going to buy them somewhere.

But none of that would explain away that alleged vodka bottle. Or that Xanax.

And considering the massive profits that Dr. Phil — the show and the man — rakes in, you have to look if they have a motive to make things look worse and more sensational for the cameras.

And perhaps less of a motive to make sure that everybody gets helped.

These accusations are alarming. Will further accusations follow?


Mike Epps Accused of Stealing Idea for Social Media Awards TV Show

Mike Epps got the green light for a new TV show but now 3 producers are raging … claiming the comedian flagrantly stole their idea. Calvin Valrie, LaMichael Finney and Bervick J. Deculus have lawyered up and fired off a cease and desist…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ex-Bulls Player Marquis Teague Kicked Off Plane, Falsely Accused of Stealing Blanket

American Airlines has issued an apology to two professional basketball players — including ex-Chicago Bulls player Marquis Teague — after they were kicked off a plane by a flight attendant who accused them of stealing blankets.  Teague — the…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Danny Masterson Accused of "Repeated" Rape by Ex-Girlfriend

Danny Masterson is facing anohter accusation of sexual assault.

And this one comes from an ex-girlfriend.

The former That 70s Show actor, who was recently fired from The Ranch in the wake of other sexual assault allegations, has been accused of unwanted sexual advances against Bobette Riales.

More than that, even, he’s been accused of unwanted sexual actions.

Tweeted the actress last night:

“I stayed quiet long enough. Danny Masterson repeatedly raped me. All I seek is justice and to prevent this from ever happening to anyone else as it has for some time. My truth will be heard.”

Riales then tagged Chrissie Carnell Bixler, one of the first women to come forward with rape allegations against Masterson, concluding as follows:

“I applaud her strength as well. @ChrissieBixler #metoo #sisters.”

Bixler was the first of four women (now five) to level this sort of charge against Masterson.

She told The Daily Beast last November that she even reported the alleged rape to The Church of Scientology, but that organization brushed her off.

The Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office have been conducting an investigation into these allegations for just under a year now.

Netflix had been facing mounting pressure to axe Masterson from The Ranch for months prior to finally taking this action a couple weeks ago.

The first four allegations against Masterson stem from incidents in the early 2000s.

At least three of the accusers, like Masterson, were Scientologists, according to The Huffington Post

In response to charges that it has helped cover up the actor’s supposed crimes, that religion has released the following statement:

“The Church adamantly denies that it ever ignores any allegations of criminal behavior, especially at the expense of alleged victims.

“What is being stated is utterly untrue. This has nothing to do with religion. This story is being manipulated to push a bigoted agenda.

“The Church follows all laws and cooperates with law enforcement. Any statement or implication to the contrary is false.”

Bixler, meanwhile, responded to Riales coming forward by Tweeting:

“You are amazing. I’m so proud of you. He will never do this to another human being ever again.

“He’s a thief in the night, but he overlooked some incredibly valuable things we still possess. Our voice.”

Neither Masterson nor a rep of the star’s has responded to this latest charge.

He has vehemently denied all previous allegations, however.

Here is what Masterson said upon being let go from The Ranch:

I am obviously very disappointed in Netflix’s decision to write my character off of The Ranch.

From day one, I have denied the outrageous allegations against me. Law enforcement investigated these claims more than 15 years ago and determined them to be without merit.

I have never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of one. In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused. I understand and look forward to clearing my name once and for all.

In the meantime, I want to express my gratitude to the cast and crew that I’ve worked so closely with over the past three seasons. I wish them nothing but success.

I am also so thankful to the fans that have supported me and continue to do so.

As you can see below, Masterson is just one of MANY male celebrities to have recently been accused of sexual harassment, misconduct or much worse:


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"Basketball Wives" Star Jennifer Williams Accused of Slashing Ex"s Tires

Ex-“Basketball Wives” star Jennifer Williams allegedly has it out for her ex-boyfriend, who claims she tried to run him down with her car once. James Norman filed for a restraining order against Jennifer, and in the docs says she’s taken rage out…


"Basketball Wives" Star Jennifer Williams Accused of Slashing Ex"s Tires

Ex-“Basketball Wives” star Jennifer Williams allegedly has it out for her ex-boyfriend, who claims she tried to run him down with her car once. James Norman filed for a restraining order against Jennifer, and in the docs says she’s taken rage out…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

T.J. Miller Accused of Sexual Assault; Actor Issues Firm Denial

Even if you don’t recognize the name T.J. Miller, you’re almost certainly familiar with the comic and actor’s work.

Star of the popular HBO sitcom Silicon Valley, Miller’s distinctive voice can be heard often, in everything from commercials to cartoons.

And now, his name has been added to the ever-growing list of powerful men in Hollywood who have been accused of sexual assault.

The Daily Beast has published an account by a woman whose name was not given due to fears of reprisal.

She says she dated Miller when they were both students at George Washington University in Washington.

The relationship reportedly ended following a violent sexual encounter that left the woman traumatized.

“He just tried a lot of things without asking me, and at no point asked me if I was all right,” she tells the outlet.

“He choke[d] me, and I kept staring at his face hoping he would see that I was afraid and [that he] would stop… I couldn’t say anything.”

The woman, who was referred to only as “Sarah” in the piece, says Miller punched her in the face during the encounter, bloodying her lip and breaking a tooth.

Others who attended GWU with Sarah and Miller have come forward to corroborate her account, revealing that the allegations against the actor were common knowledge on campus.

“I attended George Washington University for undergraduate studies from 2000 until December 2003… I had a romantic relationship with [this] woman, who spoke with me about T.J. Miller sexually assaulting her,” attorney Matt Lord wrote in a statement issued to The Daily Beast.

“At the time I believed the statements she made regarding the assault by Mr. Miller, and I continue to believe the statements she made are true.”

Lord added:

“She was engaged in student conduct proceedings regarding the sexual assault, and I remember the emotional toll that the assault and the subsequent conduct hearings placed on her.”

Anonymous sources who have worked with Miller claim the actor has a history of dismissing the allegations by making light of them.

Many believe that it’s for this reason that prominent female comics and actresses have declined to work with Miller.

T.J. and wife Kate Miller issued a statement today in which they denied the allegations and attempted to discredit the accuser.

This is the couple’s statement (which was posted alongside the photo below on Kate’s Instagram page) in its entirety:

“We met this woman over a decade ago while studying together in college, she attempted to break us up back then by plotting for over a year before making contradictory claims and accusations.

“She attempted to discredit both of our voices and use us against one another by trying to portray Kate to be a continuous abuse victim of T.J. (further efforts to hurt the two of us).

“She was asked to leave our university comedy group because of worrisome and disturbing behavior, which angered her immensely, she then became fixated on our relationship, and began telling people around campus “I’m going to destroy them” & “I’m going to ruin him.

“We are confident that a full consideration of accounts from and since that time will shed light and clarity on the true nature of not only this person’s character, but also on the real facts of the matter. (See the e-mails referenced).

“We stand together in stating this is nothing more than an unfortunate resurgence of her lies designed to wreak havoc on two happily married people in the public eye.”

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Mario Batali: Celebrity Chef Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Steps Down

Mario Batali is famous for his work as a chef, for his television appearances, and for his signature look.

And now his name goes on the long, long list of powerful men accused of sexual misconduct.

Batali has issued an apology and announced that he is stepping back from his restaurants and television work.

You don’t have to be someone who cares about celebrity chefs to at least vaguely recognize the name Mario Batali.

He’s a chef, a restaurateur, and also a television personality.

He has the sort of classical culinary training that one would expect from a chef.

But he is also considered an expert on the history of Italian cuisine. 

Mario Batali owns or co-owns restaurants in major cities across the US and also spanning the globe.

He’s had a Food Network series and has also acted as a guest and cohost on other shows related to his area of expertise.

Batali is perhaps most recognizable for his signature look, which features a fleece vest, shorts, and then either orange crocs or, in more recent appearances, Adidas Yeezy footwear.

Unfortunately, you know the drill, folks: it sounds like there was a side of Batali that the public never saw.

Four women have come forward and accused him of sexual misconduct.

Eater New York reports that they interviewed dozens of people who’ve worked with Mario Batali over the years in order to confirm the accusations against him.

What they found does not paint a pretty picture.

One woman said that Batali “grabbed both of my breasts” while at a party.

Another accused the celebrity chef of “put his hand on half of my butt and he squeezed it.”

These examples are on top of a described pattern of inappropriate behavior, which included frequently using innuendo in the workplace.

The accusations include asking questions about the sex lives of his female employees and also asking about their underwear.


The list of jobs in which asking about a woman’s underwear or sex life are appropriate is very, very short.

It’s mostly just certain types of modeling and certain types of sex work.

The list of jobs in which it’s okay to grab a woman’s butt or breasts without her permission is even shorter, at exactly zero.

The public expects some bad behavior from chefs — prima donna nonsense, flaring tempers, storming out and breaking dishes. None of that’s acceptable, but some people think that they have to put up with it if they want a “genius” chef.

(Note: if an artistic genius of any kind is acting like that as an adult, they’re a genius and a dickbag; you don’t have to put up with nonsense to get fancy food)

The Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group has announced that Batali has agreed to step away from his businesses — including restaurants and TV appearances (though the TV part had already been decided by ABC and others).

Batali has issued an apology:

“I apologize to the people I have mistreated and hurt.”

That starts off vague, but he does more or less admit to the allegations.

“Although the identities of most of the individuals mentioned in these stories have not been revealed to me, much of the behavior described does, in fact, match up with ways I have acted.”

When you compare that to Al Franken’s resignation statement or Matt Lauer’s “apology,” Batali appears to be owning his behavior better than many of those who were named before him.

“That behavior was wrong and there are no excuses.”


“I take full responsibility and am deeply sorry for any pain, humiliation or discomfort I have caused to my peers, employees, customers, friends, and family.”

While no apology magically undoes wrongdoings as serious as Batali’s, a good apology is still nice to hear.

Eater New York reports that they interviewed dozens of people who’ve worked with Mario Batali over the years in order to confirm the accusations against him.

What they found does not paint a pretty picture.


Celebrity Chef Mario Batali Accused of Sexual Harassment, Stepping Away from Restaurant Biz

Mario Batali is accused of “inappropriate touching” by 4 women — 3 of them former employees — and the allegation is forcing the celebrity chef to step away from his restaurant empire. One of Batali’s accusers called him ”creepy” and said…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Melanie Martinez, Former The Voice Contestant, Accused of Rape

Melanie Martinez is the first woman to be ensnared in the ongoing Hollywood sex scandal.

A contestant on Season 3 of The Voice, Martinez has been accused by fellow musician Timothy Heller of committing sexual assault.

In a four-part tweet on Monday evening, Heller detailed a night during which she “repeatedly said no” to Martinez’s sexual advances.

However, Heller says Martinez ignored her very clear requests.

She says Martinez proceeded to forcefully penetrate her with a sex toy, among other disturbing acts.

(Based on a deep dive into their respective social media pages, we can deduce that Martinez and Heller have been friends since 2015.)

In the first of her Tweets last night, Heller comes right out and says “my best friend raped me.”

“She took me in, which I was so grateful for. I felt like I owed her my life,” Heller writes, referring to Martinez as “perfect” and “different,” in a positive way at first.

The artist goes on to allege, however, that Martinez soon gained an unhealthy “power” and “control” over her.

For example, “I had to apologize for having an extreme panic attack… because it ruined her night.”

It was a “codependent” relationship, Heller Tweeted.

martinez accuse

“One night during a sleepover, she became increasingly interested in my sexual preferences,” Heller says, after admitting she had a difficult time “saying no” to this person.

Heller says she had previously been assailed and found the topic awkward, but the friend persisted.

“She began asking me while in bed if I would have sex with her… I repeatedly said no.”

The next night, after smoking marijuana, Heller said she hoped she’d be able to just fall asleep. But this friend brought up the sex question again, over and over and over again, even though Heller “said every form of no I could think of.”

The friend kept asking things such as “Can I just touch your boobs,” even “begging” to do so, in Heller’s recounting.

Finally, exhausted, Heller allowed for this one act. But “this led to her touching the rest of me,” as she “used her power over me and broke down.”

Heller insists she kept saying NO.

heller twete

“Just so there is no confusion,” she emphasized on Twitter. “I was molested by my best friend.”

She goes on to say she was later “penetrated by a sex toy without being asked” and that this individual performed oral sex on her.

Heller and the friend never discussed what happened after the night in question and Heller ended up in a kind of denial, her head “messed up” and confused over what transpired.

Due to “recent event,” a clear reference to many Hollywood stars being exposed these days as sexual predators, Heller hopes people will believe her story. But she’s “terrified” about the response.

But she does want everyone to know the following:

“Girls can rape girls. Best friends can rape best friends.”

Heller never names the friends in her array of Tweets, but then wrote the following after posting her troubling tale:

“When I wrote this story about my assault, I initially wasn’t going to make the abuser. But I think it’s important for you all to know this is about Melanie Martinez.”

In turn, the singer, who rose to fame on The Voice Season 3, has responded.

Seemingly admitting to a sexual interaction between the pair, Martinez Tweeted late Monday:

“I am horrified and saddened by the statements and story told by Timothy Heller.

“What she and I shared was a close friendship … We tried to help each other. We both had pain in dealing with our individual demons…

“She never said no to what we chose to do together. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always.”

We’ll update this story with further details if/when news breaks.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Duggar Family Accused of Faking Religious, Political Beliefs

For nearly a decade now, the Duggars have served as TV’s most high-profile representatives of a certain segment of the US population.

Television execs rarely seek out arch-conservative, evangelical middle Americans when they’re casting reality shows, but the Duggars found a way to secure a massive platform for their highly controversial views.

In a sense, they snuck their beliefs in through the backdoor.

At first, it wasn’t the Duggars extremist views that TLC was interested in, but rather their proclivity for breeding.

After a one-off documentary special generated controversy and attracted higher ratings than expected, the Duggars were contracted for a full series.

Originally entitled 17 Kids and Counting (the Duggar brood would eventually balloon to an astonishing 19 children), the show proved to be a surprise hit for the network, and it ran for 10 seasons before being canceled as a result of public outrage over the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

It’s a testament to the popularity of the show that TLC proved reluctant to cancel it amidst a child molestation scandal, and then gave the Duggars another shot with a spinoff series entitled Counting On.

Of course, from Octomom to the Bates family of Up TV’s Bringing Up Bates, large families are not in short supply, but none has captured viewers’ imaginations quite like the Duggars.

The reason for this seems to be that their shows are less about the size of the family, and more about the devoutly religious–some would say cult-like–way in which Jim Bob and Michelle raise their children.

It’s safe to assume that were it not for their ultra-conservative views, fans likely would have lost interest in the Duggars long ago.

Some “hate-watch” to gawk at bizarre dress codes and “courtship rules,” while others take copious notes in hopes of pursuing more godly lives.

But the head honchos at TLC likely aren’t interested in the reasons that viewers keep tuning in, so long as the ratings hold steady.

Of course, these days, most Americans are savvy enough to know that “reality TV” is a misnomer, and the events depicted in shows like Counting On are frequently scripted and staged.

It’s impossible to determine just how inaccurate our impression of the Duggars is, but it’s a certainty that not everything we’ve seen on their various series is true to life.

We at THG have conducted interviews with former associates of the Duggars who spoke of behind-the-scenes conflicts, compulsive spending, and other aspects of life on the Duggar conduct that are carefully hidden from public view.

With a few notable exceptions–the Josh scandals being the most obvious–the Duggars have done an impressive job of sweeping the more unsavory aspects of their lives under the carpet.

As their children grow up and leave the nest to start families of their own, however, new cracks seem to appear in the family’s carefully-constructed facade every day.

And the situation has left some fans wondering if the Duggars are really as conservative as they seem.

The questions began around the time that Jinger Duggar started wearing pants in photos posted to social media.

As fans of the family know, Duggar women are required to wear long skirts at all times, even when playing sports or engaged in other outdoor activities.

Jinger’s public act of defiance was seen by many as a brazen rejection of the values with which she was raised.

Seemingly inspired by her younger sister’s example, Jessa Duggar began wearing pants shortly thereafter.

Just last week, Jill Duggar mounted a minor rebellion of her own, sporting a small facial piercing on Instagram.

Obviously, these are all very tame and innocuous acts of disobedience, but coupled with other indications that the younger generation is more liberal than expected–Ben Seewald’s support of the Black Lives Matter movement being a prime example–the sisters’ public rejection of their well-known dress code raises a lot of questions about just what the Duggars believe.

Jim Bob Duggar has worn many hats over the years, but for the past decade, he’s been first and foremost a media mogul.

He has a keen sense of what sells and what viewers want from him.

He also knows that it’s his family’s extremist belief system that keeps viewers coming back, not the astonishing size of the Duggar clan.

To be clear, the Duggars are almost certainly far more conservative in their religious and political views than just about any other family on television.

But it seems more and more as though they’re concealing their more moderate views for the sake of preserving their public image.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Geraldo Rivera Defends Matt Lauer, Gets Accused of Groping Bette Midler

Yesterday, NBC announced to the world that Matt Lauer had been fired for sexual misconduct. As the day went on, we learned details of Lauer"s alleged sex toy "gifts," pants-dropping, and luring young NBC employees to his room on work trips.

Geraldo Rivera took to Twitter to leap to Lauer"s defense, calling the news a "flirty business" and questioning if the accusers were just vengeful.

He apologized … but not before video (below) resurfaced of Bette Midler describing Rivera drugging and groping her during the "70s.

Matt lauer geraldo rivera bette midler splitGeraldo rivera hair out of place

Matt Lauer has been a big name in television news for decades. He projected the image of being a fun and slightly awkward dad, which most people find disarming and even endearing.

Unfortunately, public image so often does not reflect who someone really is.

We heard stories about workplace harassment. Accusations that Lauer gave one female colleague the unsolicited "gift" of a sex toy, along with a note describing how he"d like to use it on her.

Allegations that he dropped his pants while alone with a woman, and later chastised her for being repulsed instead of performing a sex act with him.

We heard about his creepy desk button that remotely locks his door. If a stern "knock first" isn"t enough to keep your office as private as you"d like, you are doing things that are not work-related.

There were also stories of a pattern of harassing behavior, particularly on trips for NBC. Allegations that he would find ambitious young women who work for NBC and either invite or lure them to his hotel room.

And Matt Lauer has now been accused of rape. Every part of this is serious.

Geraldo Rivera, who surprises no one by defending creepiness, tweeted out his support for Lauer:

"Sad about @MLauer great guy, highly skilled & empathetic w guests & a real gentleman to my family & me. News is a flirty business & it seems like current epidemic of #SexHarassmentAllegations may be criminalizing courtship & conflating it w predation. What about #GarrisonKeillor?"

The "news is a flirty business" line raised a lot of people"s hackles.

And he refers to Garrison Keillor being fired for sexual misconduct. Interesting that Rivera seems willing to defend Keillor when Keillor himself isn"t arguing with his termination.

Geraldo rivera in sunglasses

In light of further details about Lauer that have come out, Geraldo"s tweet has not aged well.

And neither have the tweets that followed:

"A jerk"s a jerk in dating. #SexHarassment should be confined to situations where superior imposes himself on subordinate who feels unable to complain because of power of perp or feared consequences to victim"s employment. Shouldn"t be used to get even w bad bosses or hated ex"s."

We"re sure that a lot of men would love for sexual harassment to have a narrow definition. Similarly, thieves would love for stealing to stop being a crime on Tuesdays. That"s not how this works.

And, as you saw, he seems to be implying that Lauer"s accusers are just being vengeful.

"Heard well-regarded women in media today suggesting morning shows go to an all-female format. That should be as unacceptably retro as the other way around."

One, there have been countless all-male panels and all-male morning shows and all-male Supreme Courts and all-male Congresses. So no, suggesting that an all-woman one might be good is not sexist.

You"d need centuries or millennia of female supremacy for the books to even be balanced. That"s not what anyone wants — they just want a safe working environment.

Geraldo gets even worse, and alleges that, basically, women should come forward immediately (and face retaliation, lawsuits, and ruined careers) or … just keep quiet, apparently.

"#SexHarassment allegations should require: 1-made in a timely fashion-say w/n 5 yrs. 2-some contemporaneous corroboration, like witnesses, electronic or written communications. W $ settlements in multi-millions slight chance exists some victims are motivated by more than justice."

The classic "financial gain" argument.

"This issue is so red hot right now there is no room for any thought or opinion but hang em high. If News wasn’t (formerly) a flirty biz then how do we explain so many newsroom courtships that have led to happy marriages?"

Ignoring for a moment how dumb that is, Matt Lauer was already married. How wives is one television host supposed to have?

Geraldo rivera picture

As you can imagine,t hat didn"t go over well.

Geraldo actually listened to the responses to his tweets, which was reflected in his apology:

"Reaction to my tweets today on #sexharassment makes clear I didn"t sufficiently explain that this is a horrendous problem, long hidden-Harassers are deviants who deserve what is coming, to them-Often victims are too frightened to come forward in a timely fashion-I humbly apologize."

And that"s honestly a good apology.

(It"s honestly better than Matt Lauer"s apology, which was intensely bland)

However, Geraldo"s apology came after an old video of Bette Midler being interviewed by Barbara Walters made the rounds on Twitter.

In it, Bette describes being drugged and groped by Geraldo Rivera during the 1970s.

Geraldo rivera image

Keep in mind that, way back in 1991, people talked about sexual assault very differently, unfortunately. And that even extended to the victims.

Bette describes:

"Geraldo and his producer came to do an interview with me, in the ‘70s, in the early ‘70s. This was when he was very hot. He and his producer left the crew in the other room, they pushed me into my bathroom, they pushed two poppers under my nose, and proceeded to grope me."

Though Bette doesn"t quite sound like she"s speaking of this as being as serious as it sounds, she does make it clear that this was not consensual:

"I did not offer myself up on the altar of Geraldo Rivera. He was unseemly."

That is a massive understatement.

Neither Bette nor Geraldo have tweeted about this video yet, but here it is. It"s tough to watch:

Geraldo rivera defends matt lauer gets accused of drugging and g

Matt Lauer Has Now Been Accused of Rape

The New York Times has published a new and explosive allegation against Matt Lauer.

According to this newspaper, the former Today Show anchor once sexually assaulted an NBC staffer in his office.

The report quotes two anonymous women who have come forward with accusations, just days after another woman and her lawyer approached NBC executives with details on how Lauer acted in an offensive manner toward her.

In response, NBC fired Lauer for what it referred to as “inappropriate sexual behavior.”

Via a statement from News Chairman Andrew Lack at the time, the network said it had reasons to believe what transpired between Lauer and this latter individual was NOT an “isolated incident.”

And the aforementioned New York Times report backs up this belief.

The most shocking, disturbing and damaging aspect of this report cites and alleged incident that took place in 2001.

The publication writes that it talked to an ex-NBC staffer – speaking on the condition of anonymity – who described the ways in which Lauer made “inappropriate comments” to her after she began working at the media company in the late 1990s.

In 2001, Lauer invited her into his office.

He used a button under his desk to lock the door remotely.

He’s then accused of asking the employee to unbutton her blouse, a request to which she acquiesced.

She claims Lauer then got up… pulled down her pants… bent her over a chair … and had intercourse with her.

She says she passed out halfway through the experience.

She says she later woke up on the floor and heard Lauer asking his assistant to take her to a nurse.

The alleged victim says she didn’t report the incident at the time because she feared she would lose her job, although she did leave NBC about a year later.

The New York Times says the woman’s ex-husband has confirmed she told him about the assault soon after it happened, while a friend says the woman shared her story with her five years ago.

Neither Lauer nor anyone representing him has responded to this latest allegation.

It comes on the heels of three women also speaking to Variety and detailing other heinous acts committed by Lauer.

One, who also worked for NBC, recounted how she was called into Lauer’s office “and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis.”

Lauer then allegedly “reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.”

Another woman says Lauer gifted her with a sex toy and grew irritated when he didn’t use it in front of her.

There’s also been talk that Lauer sexually assaulted someone while covering the Sochi Olympics in 2014.

Just horrible, gross stuff all around.

Lauer has been a co-anchor on Today since 1994. He was the highest paid employee at the company, based on yearly salary.

Upon announcing her colleague’s firing, a shaken up Savannah Guthrie said the following on air yesterday morning:

We are heartbroken. I’m heartbroken for Matt – he is my dear, dear friend and my partner, and he has been loved by many, many people here.

And I’m heartbroken for the brave colleague who came forward to tell her story, and any other women who have their own stories to tell.

We’ll continue to update this story as more news breaks.
